3 1 y b 1 bi 1 J hy | 9 & Yo NS WN p70? U0 06% 06% 06% 6% 0% Ye 26% 6° % NE Xa bo” Sv - > CHA. WL 9 V9.9 0 9 0 00 OY CY OV Economy real only when the Quality is there. oducts and those sold in American Stores are t of all genuinely Good Quality. Hundreds of ousands of Customers, increasing in numbers ily, find’ satisfaction in the excellence of the Quality and Attention they receive n the Stores Where Quality Counts and Their Money Goes Furthest! xcellent Brand of Peaches at a most attrac- price. Don’t miss this opportunity. Tall can 10c¢ dozen... hia $1.20 . 15¢ Value, Libby Packed California Fruits. Reg. 23c Pineapple big can 19¢ (Slices Slightly Broken) atoes .. med. can 10¢: doz $1.10 Tomatoes me. can 12¢: doz $1.35 8 iu med can 11¢: doz $1.30 atoes ... big can 15¢: doz $1.70 Crushed Sugar Corn . . can 10¢: doz $1.10 Farmdale Crushed Corn . can 121¢: doz $1.40 Asco Country Gentle. Corn .can 15¢: doz $1.70 “Delicious Succo! ish ...... can 15¢: doz $1.70 Asco Golden Pumpkin . big can 12¢: doz $1.35 Cut Stringless Beans ...... can 14¢: doz $1.60 Asco Large Lima Beans ... can 20¢: doz $2.25 Asco Small Lima Beans ... can 25¢: doz $2.85 Tender Cooked Spimach ... can 19¢: doz $2.20 Always sweet and fre h. Truly the Standard Butter. Louella Butter--Taste It! The Finest Butter in America! Res, 10¢ Kirkman’s Soap Chips i Asco Ammonia B pkgs 25¢ 3 quart bot 19¢ Good Quick Suds i Reg Price 25¢ * can DRANO 3 can DAWN CLEANSER \ both tor 23c¢ Red Pitted JASCO Toasted Cherries Bhead Crumbs can 20 29¢ pkg 5c Asco Gelatine Desserts .......... \ 3 pkgs 25¢ AscoGrape Juice ............. . \s bot 23¢ Extra Strength Schmidt’s Cereal Beverages ........ 3 bots 25¢ Sweet.Potatoes ..,............... . . can 15¢ Mixed Vegetables ............. ... can 12i¢ ASCO Ginger Ale bot 10¢ This Delicious beverage is meeting the needs§of Coffee Drinkers who are exacting about their daily up. Asco Coffee ~ Ib Victor Blend Coffee ....... . Ib B5¢ These Prices Effective in Our : MOUNT JOY STORE PETITE ELT FO 111 on JA’S EAST INDIA DOCTOR Removeda large Tape Worm, 41 feet long, heads in two hours and ten min- EY . Seipel, at 541 Manor 3 ering a utes, fro 1 Street, Pa, A i === ggg TTT Ty 1 OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 5 P. M. Also Evenings. MOUNT JOY, PA. i i FE 1 «F Ld C000 000 MILLINERY SALE FOR TEN DAYS I am giving the largést cut in® ices on all millinery. Large stock on hand. You ea make a good selection by coming early. 9 i OOOO . K. SHELLY RY SHOP MOUNT JOY. PA. DOE BOOOOOOE 4 | Medium & Common 3 | Choice 100 oa | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MO The Produce and . What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te Live Stock Market Say This Week CORRECT INFORMATION KUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY E PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN The potato market in Philadelphia was firm to slightly stronger, Pen- nsylvania stock in 120 pound sacks sold at $1.40 to $1.55 with a few fancy bringing $1.50 while 100 Ib. sacks sold at $1.15 to $1.30. Mushrooms were slightly weaker and sold at .40 to $1.00 per 3 pound basket. Wired celery met a good demand and sold at .10 to .20 per : bunch with a few fancy bringing | as high as .25. Nearby beets brought | Mer hen | | ollaweil gor .60 to .90 per 5-8 basket while car- 'Weeshter ufroor doh om Barrick. Es rots brought .90 to $1.25. {is en retsherei unner de weipsleit, Nearby savoy cabbage sold at .60 un es date mich gor net woonera to $1.50 per bushel. Rutabagas Won es om end nuch bisniss gebt far brought .50 to .65 per 5-8 basket de lawyer un der shreef un in der while parsnips sold at .60 to $1.00 court. and turnips brought .25 to .50. | Ich will dere de particklers now The movement in sweet potatoes 'gevva so goot os ich con. Es is was slow but prices were unchang- waega der Sally Ann Seimoyer, ed. Yellows brought $1.00 to $1.25 lanes fum oldta Bensh Seimoyer sina per 5-8 basket while Reds sold at maid, un anes fun denna Fildelfy $1.10 to $1.85, agets os so room dravela unner da Nearby apples continued to meet | shtore-keeper mit samples, un seller a slow demand and the market was ding sawga se is en g’hirer mon os generally dull. Delicious sold at |en fraw un dri kinner hut in Fil- $1.25 to $1.75, Romes $1.00 to | delfy. Wos de rale shtory is consht $1.76 and Stayman brought $1.00 | denka for dich selver. De Sally $1.75 per bushel, [Ann un era mommy hen era mind Cranberries met a slow demand | uff g’maucht far ous-finna ware de tho there was little change in prices. | shtory g’shtart hut. Se hen ous- Stock in quarter barrel crates rang- | g'finna 08 de Betz Miller es g'sawd ed from $3.00 to $4.50 while half hut, un se sin grawd tsu der Betz barrel crates sold at $6.00 to $9.00, (gonga un g’forgt we’s is un ware’s Florida strawberries were in |era g’sawd hut, un se hut g’sawd os more liberal supply and the market {de Marianda Schmidt es g’sawd hut, broke sharply and quarts sold at [un don sin se tsu der Mariana gonga, .65 to .70 while pints in poor condi- fun se hut g’saw os de Jemima Waf- tion sold at .25. flebach es g'sawd hut, un de Je- MARKET. Beef steers and year- |mima hut g’sawd de Anne Bensmill- ling steady, compared with week |er het’s g’sawd hut, un de Anne hut ago 25c to 50c higher, $13.50 paid |g’sawd se het em Sam Kissinger si for medium weights and yearlings, | fraw es hara sawga, un we se aw- bulk of sales $11.25-12.50. Bulls garoofa hen by der Kissingery hut scarce, firm, she stock slow about [es g’sawd se ware’s net sure awver steady, all cutters steady to weak, se glawbt se set de Polly Bixler hara bulk heifers $10.50-11.25, sausage |derfun schwetza. Don sin se tsu bulls $9.25-10.00, butcher cows 8.25 | der Polly un se hut widder en onery -9.00, cutters $4.75-6.00. Stockers g’nend os es g'sawd sull hovva un and feeders showing little action, |tsu letsht is es evva widder uff de about steady, most sales $9.25- | Kissingery cooma. Un now sawga 10.50. Calves steady to weak, few ise de Sally Ann Seimoyer het im in selected vealers $19.00 practical top de shtadt tsu gae un en lawyer din- $18.50. HOGS: Nominal. ga un de Kissingery shreefa far de RECEIPTS: For todays market, ' court un se es broofa moucha wae- cattle 7 cars; 6 Chicago; 1 Pa; con- |ga sellem agent fun Fildelfy. . taining 166 head, 234 trucked in, | Ich, far my pard, hob nix tsu total cattle 400 head, 83 calves, 65 sawga. Won de Sally Ann Seimoy- hogs, 3 sheep. Receipts for week er tsu feel fun dem Fildelfy agent ending Jan. 5, 1928, cattle 52 cars, gadenked hut don het se shmart ga- 18 Chicago; 15 Va; 6 Pa; 4 St, nunk si sulla far’s tsu sich selver Louis; 8 Tenn; 2 St, Paul; 2 W. Va; holda. De Tzaea Gabudda in der {1 Kansas City; 1 Buffalo; contain- | Shrift farbeeda olles os schlect is, {ing 1326 head, 552 trucked in, ‘otal awver ich claim os elf ga-budda si cattle 1878 head, 699 calves, 1807 hetta sulla. De elft het laesa sulla: hogs, 70 sheep. Receipts { responding week last year, _ cattle 53 cars, contaiffing 148 head, 797 head trucked in, tot cattle 2203 head, 145 calves, 100% Nogs. heitzadawgs nix ous we schlecht os en mon is—usht so os are shmart ganunk is es nemond | ous-finna lussa, De shtrose lawfed [full karls os hend hen so wise os |schnee un en hartz so schwartz os shonshta roos. De karrich hut blendy karls os en g’sicht hen os sich shtrecked Soondawgs we en oldter gum shoe, un Moondawgs dlaid ich ena net weider drowa uni- chera lot weipsleit os ich en elefont {om schwontz room shlaifa con. De Sally Ann Seimoyer hut far- leicht nix derby g’mained, un hut gadenked dare Fildelfy karl ware leddich—awver sell maucht nix ous. {Es wore era bisniss ous tsu finna. Es daid nemond si boweri aweck 7.25-8.75 'gevva tsu ma mon os are nix der- 6.00-7.25 fun wase—un en gooter nawma is 3.75-6.00 mae waerdt os feel ocker lond. De [weipsleit schwetza uftmohls tsu feel "awver luss mich dere sawga, won’s net far era tzoonga ware don daid {feel mae schlechtes aw-gadrivva | { wara os es so doot. We’s is is yader | 'weipsmensch en detective, un wile se anonner so goot kenna don wissa se gli won hoodlérei aw gait. Nuch ebbes will ich dere sawga. {De Sally Anne Seimoyer is grawd | we feel fun unsera onera maid om 16.25-19.00 Barrick n se kenna oll en lesson 14.00-16.25 |larna fun era experience. Won en | 7.50-14.00 | arlicher, uffrichticher, hardt-shof- | |ficher bowera boo cooma will anes | | | 1 1 Es. maucht | Good Good Medium Common i 22 IO 1D OS =I DN.Y Ut bt pd pd ed fd 1 © oto QO ~3 3 tO C1 Ot Ot © HEIFERS Choice Good COWS 8.75-10.00 ! Good | Common and medium Low cutter and cutter Good and choice 10.00-11.50 Cutter, common and med, 7.50-10.00 FEEDERS AND STOCKERS Good and choice 10.25-12.00 Common and medium 7.50-10.25 Good and choice 10.00-11.75 Common and medium 7.25-10.00 VEALERS Good and choice Medium Cull and common HOGS Heavyweights 10.00-10.50 {fun ena karraseera don shtaid are ken chance won se room shpotseera Mediumweights 10.00-10.50 , i a uff g’schmusta frotz- Lightweight a a : hontz fun der shtott. un won are en Packing sows (rough and smooth) fun ena maucht don is es era 7.50-9.75 |ageny shoold. En arliche hond os | Lancaster Grain and Feed Market row is fun arawet is mae waerdt os Selling Price of Feeds en wise, un-arliche hond mit kit ran 44.00-45.00 ton henching tzoo ga-decked. En mon horts 43.50-44.50 ton |os fun der city cooma. mus far en i nwo ominy 47.00-48.00 ton |fraw soocha is eider uff badroog ous | Middlings 47.50-48.50 ton odder hut en schlechter nawma da- inseed 67.560-68.50 ton hame. luten Not Quoted | Awver mer wella de socha lnssa | Ground oats 42.50-43.50 ton | w, es sin. Des o'schwetz waega dem Soy bean meal 62.00-63.00 ton | maidel hut farleicht en ursoch. | Cottonseed 41% 58.00-59.00 ton Shier oll de leit om Barrick hen Dairy feed 16% 38.00-89.00 ton maid os se garn farhondla daida uff Dairy feed 18% 41.560-42.50 ton coode menner, un wile de Anne Sei- Dairy feed 20% 49.00-50.00 ton | over en hisph, goot gookich friend- | | Ddiry feed 24% 54.50-55.50 ton |1ich maidel is wella se farleicht era ' Dairy feed 25% 57.00-58.00 ton |, wma fardarva so os era dechter | Hirse feed 85% 45.50-46.50 ton |. chance greega on der city karl. a alfa (regular) 44.50-45.50 ton | Des is en wake os bakont is mit oll { Alfalfa (reground) 47.50-48.50 ton | shtride shtifter. Un es seemed de woo de lengshter gabader maucha in Proper Treatment Brings Profits |der bade-shtoond un gaena es eftsht Tree planting on idle land and jin de karrich sin de shlimshta far de | wood-lot thinning of second growth recheri uff shtarta. Husht du di i : timber go hand in hand. Both prac- |laeva g’wist os en weipsmensch 0s tices aid in the development of the sich selver net drowa daid mit | greatest possible income and satis- | monsleit is de arsht os onery weips- faction from that part of the farm leit suspect fun schlechte socha? ‘on {Which they are applied and which Enmensch os en thine hartz hut nov is yielding little or no income. | denked yader ebber soonsht rhine, unware u-sowver is saed dreck uff Prepare Honey for Exhibit vader ebber soonsht. _Grishdendoom eekeepers who plan to exhibit | mocht der mensch rhine woo’s hut, honey at the State Farm Products un maucht farflompte rascals ous Shgw in Harrisburg this month are onery woo usht maena se hetta’s. : urd to give their produc: good | Dohare’ finsht du uftmohls de pr aration so the display will ar- | schlechta leit in der karrieh wile se rivd at the state capital in good con- i ditfhn for exhibition. A EI = oo | i orishdadoom bhe-kenna missa far era ; schlechte socha tsu derker. Sian Moral. Ware net drowd dem is fen it's job printing you need, | net tsu drowa. : anything from a card to a book, we eee eee Jour service. | Our classified ads bring results stharns , for cor- “Du solsht net ous g’funna wara.” { ing water. Let | half, strain out the I A small sponge | sooner removed. | if at all rule, one | tent of $2,000,000 a year. { mologists of the | of Agriculture, and pokeweed, Jer- { usalem | blackberry, wild geranium, and oth- { er weeds in and around cotton fields { should be destroyed now. Each fe- | plants, particularly the violet, also | act as hosts to the red | have been traced , a “rust” disease. JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER Night Sweats: I have recently had a number of inquiries regarding a cure for “night sweats,” and have promised that I would give a lecture on the subject, One of the hard things is to ex- plain the cause of such a thing as a night sweat without going into a scientific discussion, because the average person, and to many physi- cains, there is no apparent cause, and hence they doctor the disease by internal medication and let the leakage go on. Now, if, as I told you, eighty per- cent of the body is water, then He who created this wonderful struc- ture or case called the skin, knew | that so much water was necessary to the proper life and health of the being infolded within that skin, and (it was so constructed that when a certain degree of heat exists outside the body the nerves controlling the involuntary muscles surrounding the mouths or pores of the skin would cause them to open and a portion of the water is allowed to come out and cool the surface. On the other hand, when the body is placed in a certain degree of cold the nerves controlling these open- ings cause the muscles to contract, and the moisture is retained, the skin remains cold and the cold is not so penetrable. Any one can, therefore, readily understand why great activity which causes the fires within the body can, therefore, readily understand why great activi- ty which causes the fires within the body to burn more rapidly, at the same time starts the sweat out all over the body, or why the heat of a Turkish or other sweat bath causes profuse perspiration, but it does not explain why it is that a man or wo- man in great mental or physical ag- ony will sweat drops of water standing or lying perfectly still and in the cold. All of this, too I could explain to you, but time and space will not permit. I must take facts as I find them and teach you how to deal with conditions and not theories. When the entire system has been weakened, no matter whether it is | the dread disease called consump- i tion, by worry, by overwork, or any | other cause, the nerves controlling these little pores or mouths lose strength, and the muscles themsel- ves grow weak and patulous. ing the waking hours, ! any trouble from excessive leakage, but sleep resembles death in many respects, and the weakened nerves and tired muscles relax, letting a portion of the cape in night sweats. All, one would understand the matter in hand so far, In whatever way it is done, we must in such a case restore vitality and consequent activity to these or- | gans in the skin when untimely and unnatural sweatings come on. This can be done in a very direct and in- expensive way. ‘Take a tablespoon- ful of cayenne pepper, a pint of good white wine vinegar; mix these together and pour on a pint of boil- i it boil down one- pepper, and with this liquid, sponge the patient at bedtime all over the body from head to foot, as gently as possible, but so the liquid gets really through the sweatiness and effects the skin, or bit of soft rag will do very well for this purpose. The sponging may be done under the bed clothes so as to give the least possible disturbance or fatigue to the patient, I have seen the night sweats dis- appear on a single application of this remedy, but it is well to contin- ue it for three or four evenings, even when the cure is as rapid as this and to repeat it to five or six, if the relaxation of the skin is not Even if the case is one of the greatest weakness, this application will greatly refresh, and carefully done will cause not the slightest inconvenience. If it can be more easily procured, | a gill of acetic acid will do for the | vinegar—I might say that it will do { better than any vinegar which, as a can purchase, but good ordinary white or cider vinegar will i do. A —— a RS Weeds Harbor Red Spider The red spider is not particular about his menu, as he may satisfy his appetite on 183 different kinds of plants, among them cotton, which he sometimes damages to tion in winter is cure in summer, much better than as great expendi« | ture of time, labor, and materials is A | necessary to control the pests after |% they get into the cotton fields. Most of the red spiders pass the winter on wild plants, according to ento- U. S. Department oak, jimson weed, wild male spider killed now means some 300,000,000 potential offspring less next summer, Some cultivated spider, and infestation to near-by door- vards. This pest, which is not real- ly a spider but a mite, often at- tacks plants unnoticed, owing to its minute size and habit of living on the undersides of leaves. and the injury is likely to be mistaken for many cases of cotton eee GQ By subscribing for the Mount Joy Bulletin you can get all the local news for less than three cents a Dur- | { while the | | whole body is active, there is seldom precious vitality es- | think, may easily bank account, nour- deposits and Deposit in—-- * Mount Joy, Pa. Capital $125,000 BUY A HOUSE--PAY AS RENT Instead of throwing rent money away, as that is practically what the renter does as he never has anything to show for money spent, let it apply on the purchase price of a home. I Have a 6-ROOM HOUSE AT FLORIN ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES WILL SELL AT ACTUAL COST Will accept very small down payment and balance in month- ly installments, same as rent. If interested, call or phone Jno. E. Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. SC RR TER Te 58 This Week Only Ha x PRR TE RETR RTE IE TE TE ETE Bi We have a Special Price on AFFT'S BLUE BANNER CHOCOLATES STRICTLY FRESH “Supply of BACHMAN'S CHOCOLATES the ex- : Preven- | You want coal that byrng.and is fro will readily convince yng that it pays reasonable. - om stone, clinkers, ete. A buy good coal. &r] GIVE §. & H. GREEN TRA} week. [oa