— CN PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26th, 192 A sated Column FOR A Furnished Front oom. Apply East Main St., ount Joy. 1 RAW FUR NTED—Highest cash prices paid by M. wWeOonl= er, Salunga, Pa. decT9-9t FOR SALE—Police dog, 1 year old. Apply phone Mt. Joy 140R5. dec19-2t-pd NOTICE—I will not be respon- sible for any bills contracted for by my wife. Clarence Dolby, Florin y dec26-1t-pd Refinishing resi- I do~ iringe and of Antique Furnr dence, 120 E. Main Amos H. Shickley. NS AEE FOUND—A Duck. Owner may dave same by paying for this ad and describing same. Jno. M. Kulp, 424 Columbia Ave. Mt. Joy. dec26-1t-pd WANTED—A reliable ady for general house party. St. Mt [. decl19-4t — HELP middle aged work. Good home to right Phone 979 M. Lancaster. dec19-2t FOR SALE—A Troup piano in good condition with music cabinet and music. Apply at 382 Done- gal Springs Road, Mt. Joy. dec20-2t-pd GRUEN WAT GENCY DON W. GORR JEWELER MT. JOY, NOTICE-—Get the highest prices foes and hides. Reist Mumma. Phone E’town. Mt. Joy R3. OBQICE APPLES—Grown by the Parago t & Fruit Co. Stayman Winesap, Romag. Delicious, Paragon and Yorks. cheap baking | and- cooking Kraybill's Store at Rheems and a®wny home 101 Poplar Street, Mt. Jog, Pa, 8: S. KRAYBILL, Phone LL ec. 12 0 SALESMAN WANTED: | he enthusiasm and inter-| nouncement of the | 3 vrolet we will need another salesm take care | of the tremendous dem ich | must follow. P. Frank Schock, od] nov28-tf | | i Acting Electric at Sam Miller's | | decl9-tf Iron now on si Electric Store. | | A BARGAIN— Who wants a! tract of land fronting 100 feet or| the highway between here and Flor-! in and 540 feet deep? The price is] ery reasonable if sold soon. J. E.| mar HOME FOR SALE | — Brick, location one better, all | conveniences. Garag ruit, shrub-| bery, flowers, shade, new painted. | In A number one good | size porch. See owner, H gl 40 Donegal Spring St., M ECTION NOTICE! ] meeting of the stock lorin Trust Com- will be held in esday, Jan- 10 and e of The an holders of t pany, Florin, banking room on W uary, 2nd, 1929, betv 11 o’clock A. M., for the pu electing directors and the tra tion of such other business as ma properly come before it. J. WAYNE AUNGST, Treasurer. dec12-3t LECTION NOTICE is hereby given that the annual will be held at the Union Nationa ank, Mount Joy, Pa., on Tuesday, 1929, between the hours M. and 2 P. M. for the thirteen directors. H. N. NI Cashier. decb-5¢t Notie CTION NOTICE Notice is reby given that annual election Wi] be held at the First National Bans Mount Joy, Pa. on Tuesday, Januar¥swgth, 1929, between the hours of 9 A. ; P. M., for the election of directors. R. FELLENBAUM, Casn~ decbh-5t the WY UAL MEETING meeting of the stock- ‘irst National Bank, for the purpose lecting diree- and the ess, will holders of the of Landisville, of nominating and tors for the ensuing ¥ transaction of other big be held at the banking h 3 Tuesday, January 8th, 192¢ tween the hours of 9 A M M. J. N. SUMMY, Cashier dee5-5t > anything new in s goods or auto 7 ange the line of Top repairs for Se Harness or parts thereof: Bridles, Collars, Hames, Bits, ete H. M. FRANTZ, 332 W. High 8t., Eliabethtown, Pa. aug8-tf Second-hand less cooker, and c as good as new, cheap Write G. D. B. General Mt. Joy, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE f administration on said been granted to the all persons indebted! uested to make im-| , and those havinz; against the same ithout delay for mediate payvme claims or deman will present them siding at Bethlehem, i - FRANK B. A Harmish & Harnish, Atto Subseribe for The Bulletin. re those caused by in of repair and cleaning. | Bulletin you i week. Modern Telepho ne Contains Gold, Silver, and Platinum Twenty Materials Used in its Production; Bell Telephone Company Maintains “Hospitals’’ to Repair Damaged Instruments A typical scene in a telephone “hospital” is shown in this picture. The work. man standing behind the bench is readjusting defectve receivers, while his co-worker is testing the re have been restored Despite its external simplicity, the interior of the telephone is probably more complex than that of any de- vice in everyday use. Specifically, there are 201. parts in each telephone. Damage to any one of these delicate | interior units means that the instru- ment will function imperfectly, if it continues to function at all. Hence it pitals,” or larger cities and towns in this State. In these hospitals specially trained | interior | workmen replace defective units and test the repaired telephones to make certain that they have been restored to perfect condition. is that telephone “hos- | repair shops, are main- | tained by the Bell Telephone Com- | pany of Pennsylvania in all of the] paired parts to make sure they to perfect condition | Microscopic particles of platinum, {gold and silver, as well as bits of iron, lead, copper, zine, nickel, alumi- num, mica, antimony and tin form part of the complicated inner mech- anism to be found in every telephone. | In addition to these metals, the fol- lowing other materials go into the | making of each instrument: rubber, silk, cotton, flax, wool, coal, hemp and asphaltum. Coal is represented in the composition of the telephone by the numerous carbon granules placed {in the mouthpiece behind the dia- phragm. Two points on upright springs within the telephone are made from an alloy of gold, silver and platinum, This alloy resists core i rosion. Is | Home Disasters That Needn’t Qccur EATING &/ a. 8, \ 10 00 4) wr / “ud MATCHES AND SMOKING ~ 2 5% { rerotsun-R ome ET i) An ng o HOLLAND INSTITUTE OF THERMOLOGY minutes throughout the vear somewhere in the United States a home catches fire, and there is loss of property, if not of life. This makes a total of 131,400 residential fires every year, the Holland Institute of Thermology of Holland, Mich., or the conflagration of as many houses as there are in Buffalo, N. Y, with a population exceeding half a million. At least three-quarters of these fires may be classed as preventable, and chief among the preventable fires by heating plants De- fective chimneys and flues are the third greatest cause of the total fire loss in this country. fur- naces, boilers and their pipes take fonrth place and fires originat- ing from sparks on the roof come eighth. Angther significant Every four [ays Stoves, fact is that in 22 states greater loss resulted from one of these three preventable causes than from any other single cause. The national annual fire-loss from these three causes combined is $59,- 261,679, according to the latest fig- ures available, A thorough cleaning out of the fur- nace, pipes and chimneys every year will tend in a large measure to re duce these losses, says the Institute, and is, therefore, a civic responsibil- ity on every householder. By the modern giant power suction vacuum cleaner, all the dirt is removed from the heating system, and the removal of carbon from the chimney ellm- inates the possibility of sparks fall- ing on the roof. At the same time, the whole heat- ing and smoke-pipe system is inspect- ed for defects, which, when discoy- ered, may be repaired before they result in disaster. ~ Canned Foods On The Farm fT MMERCIAL canned foods| a on the farm have more than an academic interest to many | farm housewives. Some foods, | such as pineapples and fish, cannot be canned on the ordinary farm. Some farmers do not plant kitchen gardens, so the staple fruits and wyegetables have to be bought. But| pe let a farm woman, Mrs. Gertrude M. Elliott of New Paltz, New York, | tell her story: Real Farmers She says, “Our farm, comprising] one hundred fifteen acres, embraces dairying, poultry raising, fruit grow-| ing and forage crops. I say this in introduction to prove we are farm- ers. Since we have no garden, we find it advisable to buy canned foods in quantity, | canned shortening. soups, “7 In the vegetable line for winter's use we stock up with cases of peas, corn, string beans, beets, tomatoes, asparagus and pumpkin (for pies). “As for fruit, we preserve plt 's because we have are available pra Hey i The other fruits J , pineapple, grapefruit huckleberries, we buy bv the case “We x Ye ae a fv We : 1ys have a supply of pork and and pe and appl all the | beans, and salmon on hand. “With such a supply of canned foods, together with our home can- ning, we are prepared for unexnected callers at a minnte’s notice. Then too, we are always sure that our canned foods won't spoil as home canning often does, and it is just as cheap ultimately, since it saves time, energy and a great deal of | unnecessary fatigue.” By subseribing for the Mount Joy Consistent and NOT spasmodic { 4 can get all the local | davertising always pays best. Each 9- *| news for less than three cents a |time you stop advertising, the pub- tf | lic thinks you quit business, > The ideas that a venomous snake can strike its full length or more, and that it can not strike except from a coiled position, are popu- lar but erroneous beliefs, biologists | of the U. S. Department of Agri- | culture state. Most of our poisonous | snakes, when irritated, can strike from any position, and the great- | est length of stroke is about three- | fourths their own length. | A smile from a boss who knows | good workmanship is worth more | than a medal from a committee of impractical experts, Consistent and NOT spasmodic time you stop advertising, the pub- lic thinks you quit business, tf Order DUCKS Your CHICKENS and | in time for CHRISTMAS | Spareribs, 20c¢ Roasting, 30c Chops, 30c¢ EN 2 \ Ls } Fresh Skinned, Hams, 26¢ Pudding, 25c¢ Sausage, 30c | Shoulders, %20c { Leave your order wi the driv- | er or at the shop and if will be de- | livered Monday afternoo Krall’s Meat Market West Main St., MOUNT JOY Boiling, 15¢ up Xa Xa X advertising always pays best. Bach | oo oof 20 «Too tee Sir : OR * 9 * 20 o% e030 ede] 2% % 20% > COR) rN ho? % 9, $0 £2 9 * 9, 9 90 of, sired * 0 ot 4 os “Sas oe Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 57R4 0, 9. SAS FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you | desire a fine home on West Donegal | 3t., Mt. Joy., in first-class condition, | nas all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy tor further particulars. decl4-tf | EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Henrietta Shimp, late | of Boro of Mt. Joy, Pa., deceased. | Letters of testamentary on said es- state having been granted to the | undersigned, all persons thereto are requested to make im- | land, and those having | pleasant place to live and will mediate payment, claims or demands against the same, | sold for a quick sale. will present them without delay for | $7,500. settlement to the undersigned, re-| years with tobacco crop. siding at 29 W. Donegal St., Mt. | phone Jno. E. Pa. Joy, Pa. MARY HERMAN AUSTIN N. HERMAN Executors | Frank S. Groff, Atty. Ry Jo 4 + 9, > * 9, + * + * 0, 02 00 00 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 6% 0% 6% 6% 6% 6% 0% 6% 2% 6% 0% o% 0. 0. 0 Faq 000, P0000 COO 0S 04 059 049 00 04% 00 00 0° Oo? OP 059 969 00 000009 0,0-0,0 050-4, La’ aa Xa Xs I have a 130-acre farm 1% miles indebted | from Middletown, 20 acres The nov28-6t the delivery of all printing. PRINTING Whatever your job printing needs may be, we can take care of them and turn out a job that will be a delight to the eye. The importance of good printing cannot be overestimated. It increases the value of yo tenfold. We can take care small jobs Work turned out waiting. at exceptionally ur advertising matter of both big and low prices. promptly — no Come in and consult us on your printing problems! Estimates cheerfully furnished! THE BULLETIN § > Want a Cheap Farm? Consistent and NOT advertising always pays wood- shape, be Price only Can be earned in a few Call or Mt. Joy. tf lic thinks you quit busi ——— ell GCP buildings in good Schroll, are at your service. Phone 41R2. SS anything from a card to Bulletin is always prompt in are at your service. in our Sho; Today you can see the most sensational auto- mobile ever introduced—The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History, a Six in the price range of the four! This new car is now on display in our show- rooms and we cordially invite you to come in for a personal inspection! When you lift the hood and see the new six- cylinder valve-in-head engin you will realize that a new era has dawned for the buyers of low-priced automobiles. Repre- senting four years development and testing, this new power plant is a marvel of advanced design. It develops appgoximately 329, more power than any previous Chevrolet engine. It displays sensationally greater speed and faster acceleration. And vet, despite this brilliantly improved performance, it main- tains Chevrolet’s worldwide reputation for economy—averaging better "than twenty miles to the gallon of gasoline! Great Array of New Features Matching this spectacular advance in per. formance is the greatest array of new features Chevrolet has ever announced. The new four-wheel brakes not only assure positive safety, but are exceedingly quiet in operation. The new two-beam, head- lamps with foot control dimming device were never before available in Chevrolet’s price class. And so on throughout the entire chassis, you will find feature after feature demanded in the finest automobiles and now offered on the Outstanding Chevrolet. Distinctive New Beauty But, however impressed you may be by the mechanical superiority of the Outstanding Chevrolet, your admiration will reach even greater heights when you study the car’s distinctive beauty. The marvelous new Fisher bodies represent a masterful example of artistic coachwork. Never in Fisher’s long and illustrous service to the automotive industry has Fisher style supremacy been more clearly revealed! 4 A = To . $675 A . LJ time you stop advertising, the pub- When it's job printing you need, | anything from a card to a book, we | A rn When it's job printing you need, ve spasmodic best. Each PROPERTY FOR Brick House, on corner, very modern, all ness. tf [Will be sold - B. Hossler. Mount Joy. tf bY i i i 5 8) © reasonab@ NEW HOUSE CHEA a 6-room House along th at Florin that I want to April 1st. Has all conveni a book, we tf sale. This is No. Ino. FE. Schroll, Realtor, Ca 7 g05 The Convertible $725 Soden Delivery . Light Delivery Chassis $400 134 Ton Chassis . . -%545 134 Ton Chassis with Cab #65 All prices f. 0. b. Flint, Mich. Come in and see these Beautiful New Cars on display in our shov Reinoehl Chevrolet Co, 233 South Market Street aytown ELMER G. STRICKLER Mt. Joy P. FRANCK SCHOCK ELIZABETHTOWN, Pp Marietta JOHN LIBHA will sell for only $3,650 f 371 in (poi poof Je Se 4, 0 (a 2s ¢% 4