EXECUTORS 2 NOTICE fa DIUM ° Estate of Henrietta Shimp, late of Boro of Mt. Joy, Pa., deceased. i Letters of testamentary on said es- Front state having been granted to the g FOR Furnished Front all persons indebted Room. Appl 124 East Main St, thereto are requested to make im- Mount J TZU. payment, and those having } ——————————————="""""" (claims or demands against the same, i RAW FURS WANTED—Highest will present them without delay for : ! M. M. settlement to the undersigned, re- cash, prices paid by MM. ke 9.9t siding at 29 W. Donegal St., Mt. : > oq ov: P& \ ARY HERMAN a : up 1 M 'OR SALE—Police dog, 1 year AUSTIN N. HERMAN 4 “@pply phone Mt. Joy 140R5. Executors ¥ dk deeldzat- £4 Frank S. Groff, Atty. nov28- 6t 3 i. MN A a 5 I ANTED—Washing to do at my EXE CUT 'OR’S NOTICE & ax ix B Welsh, 24 W. Estate of Annie S. Eshelman, ¥ Sn ie yo ate of Mount Joy Township, dec’d. hy Letters testamentary on said es- > oan refinishing tate having been granted to the I Repairing yan Benn res. undersigned, all persons indebted ¥ of Anti: Ryne St Mt. Joy. thereto are requested to make im- See 1 hic y wn. Jec19-4t mediate payment, and those hav- Agios H. Shickle en emer ing claims or demands against the FR . 1 . PF ANTED—— liable ne, will present, them without HEP, W ANTED > A lelay for settlement to the under: edly a ir ta ght party signed, residing at Mount Joy, R. work. 100d hd right 4 *'¥. PD, No. 3. Phone 979 M. LancaStéitey, ot HIRAM S. ESHELMAN, eerie Executor FOR SALE—A Troup piano in ei an, Myers & Breads os music cabinet ALL good condition with es “Tne and music. Army 2% 3 al Springs Roa oy. 3] Springs dec20- 2t-pd TICE—My Shoe Shine Stand o the public every Saturday A lBs---Oranges BE evening. Also the oh ht before hristmas, at the Just regeived a large lot of “Cap” Williams oY. Sweet Florida Oranges George C. Cator. GRUEN WATCH AGENCY ON W. GORRECHT MT. JOY, PA.| abbage, Etc. RRR HR ER TE nT Eee rr RE er IE E'town.! gt Watch for ou Joy every Mumma. Phone Mt. Joy R3. AY IT WITH FLOWERS CD une Wrest, a) kindy Sotied ral desi RREN] KAMP'S STORE ENHOUSE, ' 12- 2t Apples for sale our resi- dence at all times. low. CHOICE APPLES—Grown by ti Paragon Nut & Fruit Co. Stayman Wi Rome, Delicious, Paragon Also some cheap baking at Kraybill's Bell phone 129R12 C.S. FRANK 8 B and cookin ples Pils Bie = lar Street at a Te Don’t forget our Christmas Com= S. S. KRAYBILL, Phone munity sale, Saturday afternoon, got Deggmber 22. AUTO SALESMAN WANTED: Owing to the enthusiasm and inter- est ov he announcement of the r Chevrolet we will an to take care ond eh Mt. | 28: tf 4 When in LaXgcaster stop at ‘our Restaurant new 6 cy need another of the tremendous must follow. P. Frank Joy, Pa. r= i. rr = cn { | | | Greyhound Auto Acting Electric Iron now on sale at Sam Miller's appetite satisfie with the | Electric Store. best Salt Wat Oysters dec19-tf grown. | Ask your dealer fett’s famous Virginia N } sad, but loving, remembrance of © Son, Norman W. Henry, assed away four years Mettfett & : ago today, 19 1924 Flowers laid upOw Will wither and But the love of him who“sleeps | Beneath will never fade y. FATHER and MOTHER F L CTION orice The ann meeting of the stoc holders of th lorin Trust Com- youh hair pany, Florin, will be held in ’ banking room on Wednesday, Jan- How leng is it? uary, 2nd, 1929, ween 10 and How m y days 11 o’clock A. M., for th@gurpose of since. it s Gut? : electing directors and théfransac- \ f tion of such other business may 10 IS RIGH Haircut properly come before it. a | WAYNE AUNGST, Treasurer. every 10 days. 1 decl2- 3t \ { Go Now, to ELECTION NOTICE | Notieg, is hereby given that the Hershey’ S Barber hop annual e n will be held at the | Union Nation Bank, Mount Joy, Agent for Manhattan Laundry Pa., on Tuesda January 8th, |g. 1929, between the ho® M. and 2 P. M. for the alg thirteen directors. H. N. Cashier. ELECTION Order Your CHICKENS and in time for CHRISTMAS | NOTICE By ; given that be held at the | the Spareribs, 20c d have your AS SE SATE sw OUR CHRISTMAS —BY— 2 iS [2 REV'D. WILLIAM DUMVILL A 8 RECTOR ST. LUKE’S CHURCH : wn 0 Goodwill, Centiment, Friendship, Affection, Joy, 3 Glee, Fun and lots of it! It is everything embodied in " the enumeration of these intangible substances. We ii shall be quite as happy on an empty stomach as with a full dinner pail. We emphasize one no more than we do the other; we are not concerned a wit about either— “For man shall not live by bread alone”. Our Christ mas Pudding may be ‘sweet as honey and the honey comb;” it may be as bitter as gall and vinegar mingled, depending on the amount of room we have in our hearts and houses for the Son of God made flesh and here in our midst. We would laugh, we would dance, if the canon were not on the statute book, for we realize that the world is lonesome. Our young people are imbittered, our mid- dle-aged folk soured, too much weeping and not enough laughing. An honest accusation against organized Christianity. If our Saviour were here in person today we’d attend the “Wedding at Canaan of Galilee.” We’d be the biggest toads in the puddle. We’d pat the Gov- ernor of the Feast on the back. We'd pay our respects in homage to the Guest of Honor, the Mother of our Lord, and quarrel with Mary Magdalen for the right to kiss His feet first. We'd enjoy the Feast as He enjoyed the occasion. We’d feel so much at home in the pres- ence of our Saviour, that we’d light our pipes with leaves from the book of Etiquette we read and pon- dered over before going to the Wedding, forgetting on arrival that we had it in our pocket. Christmas would be more than a Holy Day, it would be a happy day. We'd forget that we were grown folks and once again be children, laughing at nothing, and amused at everything. We'd all play with Tinker- toys. We’d build a house and watch Santa Claus come down the chimney. We'd run and seize him by the boots and laugh and cry, depending wholly on the tem- perament of the child. We’d just be natural once again, and thank God for the Feast of the Nativity and the sanctity in the annual celebration. We need the medicinal property in laughter. We long for merriment: there is altogether too much static. We forget about summer and lament too much over winter. With the exception of our school children, we haven’t heard a hearty laugh in town for well nigh un- to a century. I’m sure our Christmas gift will not be in a little trinket though it be set in diamonds and wrapped in a fleece of gold. It is in the birth of a Child, the coun- terpart of God, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and ly« ing in a Manger.” SO MOTE IT BE! A MERRY CHRISTMAS. a We Wish All Our PATRONS and FRIENDS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS doy YEAR J. B. Hostetter Yom Mount Joy, Pa. annua First Natio Mount Joy, | Roasting, 30c Pa. on Tuesday: nuary 8th, 1929, Cho 30c 4 between the hours A. M. and 6 PS, ow P. M., for the election oy, thirteen | Boiling, 15¢ up directors. R. FELI LENBAU ME 1SN- jer. NNUAL MEETING Pudding, 28e al meeting of the stock- Shoulders, First National Bank, Leave your order wi , for the purpose er or at the shop and it electing direc- livered Monday afternoon. ar and the | % Krall’s Meat Mark be-| West Main St. MOUNT ams, 26¢ . Sausage, 30c of Landisville, of nominating an tors for the ensuing transaction of other be held at the banking Tuesday, January 8th, 1! tween the hours of 9 A. M. M. J. N. SUMMY, Cashier I wi the line 0 Top repairs Harness or part Bridles Collars, Ham H. M. FRANTZ, 332 Elizabethtown, Pa. Second-hand | Clean mall Electrigp new water-' less cooker; carpet sweeper. 0. K. S DER 1-12 Gauge erless shot gun, as good as new, for cash. | Write G. D. B. Genera t. Joy, Pa. Mount Joy, Phone 57R4 state § Simon R. or Tote] y of Mount JoYwlLancaster Co., Pa.,| For a Good Clean | | | I | t deceased. : Letters of administhation on sid VE and HAIR CUT estate having been grant® undersigned, all , persons Sh i at's right price go to thereto are requested to make BUY A HOUSE--PAY AS RENT Instead of throwing rent money away, as that is practically what the renter does as he never has anything to show for money spent, let it apply on the purchase price of a home. I Have 2 6-ROOM HOUSE AT FLORIN ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES WILL SELL AT ACTUAL COST Will accept very small down payment and balance in month- ly installments, same as rent. If interested, call or phone Jno. E: Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. tf mediate payment. and those havin? claims or demands against the same | will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re siding at Bethlehem, Pa. FRANK B. SNYDER. Administrator | Harnish & Harnish, Attorneys. dec19- 6t | “Gap” Williams E. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting a Specialty. { 4 A BARGAIN— Who wants a tract of the highway between here and Flor- in and 540 feet deep? The price if will sell for only $3,650 for a quick very reasonable if sold soon. J. Schroll, Mt. Joy. NEW House HEAP] have fronting 100 feet or| 2 6-room House along the trolley land fronting Seu 9 at Florin that I want to sell before April 1st. Has all conveniences and | sale. This is No. 371 in my list. mar 2-tf | Jno. BE. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. RARE SOTERA RET ETE SA ETE SS SO TR ST TT A SR RA TS TS SA RA RAR SS A RAR Se See SA Ta oa Shar So . B. BRUBAK \BUSY STORE AROUND THE CORNE IR IR Only, Four Wore Shopping SAVE YOUR STAMPS IT PAYS Best Baking Mglasses . quart 28¢ Swans Down Flour ....... pack 34¢ Cocoanut, fine % shredded ... Ib 28¢ Calumet Baking Powder . 1b size 31¢ Pecan Meats .. %......... Ib $1.25 Market Day Special Raisins 4 lbs 35¢ Walnut Meats . %.... -.... Ib 69¢ AX Sugar... aves pound 9¢ English Walnuts .. lb 35 and 40¢ Granulated Sugar ........ 5 lbs 29¢ High Art Flour ...% ..... 12-1b 49¢ Lavoe Buz pack 21¢ FOR THE WEN FOR THE WOMEN Silk and Wool Hose .. %....... 50¢ Umbrellas, All Colors $2.95 to 4.95 Fancy Silk Hose ...... . 85 and 50¢ Silk Hose, in Gift Boxes ......... $1 Broadcloth Shirts ....... Bur oes $1 Silk. Vests and Bloomers ........ $1 Fancy China and Glassware Revchdels ... inh, ison 25¢ 25¢ to $1.95 Oxfords ............ $3.94 and $5 Serving $1 Bath Robes ................ A $5.95 Linen Breakfast Sets ........ $1.25 Sweaters ....... $1.95, $3.50. $5 Gloves rt. vasa $1 Toilet Sets—Face Lotion, Talcum, Kerchiefs ........ box 25, 50, 75¢ Soap and Shaving Cream ..... Silver Bread Trays .......... $1.95 Cigars, in Gift Boxes Bill Folds, large asst. $1.25 to $3. Electric Irons, Heaters, Toasters, Percolators, Heating Pads $4.95 TOYS TOYS TOYS DON'T FORGET THE CANDIES Cocoanut Bon Bons ...... Hard Candies, Mixed .... ... Ib 25¢ .. 20-25¢ Hess Home Made Candy, in Gift Boxes SWEETS THE AUTOMATIC, A USEFUL GIFT When Sardines Simmer ARDINES really like to be canned, judging from the way they have been rushing into the fish nets off the coast of Maine all last summer. And the desire of the sardines to be canned is little greater than the housewife’s liking to see them canned. Everyone knows the sardine in its sandwich aspect, for what would the average fall picnic be without the silvery little fish? But that there are many other ways in which to use them is, perhaps, not so well known. Tomato, Mustard or Oil From their very nature they ex- cel in canapés—those little strips or circles of thin toast which are spread with all kinds of delicious surprises and are served in place of the well-known cocktail or soup. Salads, too, welcome the sardine as a real friend, for the rich flavor lends a touch of substantiality to the ephemeral atmosphere surrounding a leaf of lettuce. But sandwiches, canapés and salads do not comprise the list. It is possible to use sar- dines with main course dishes and also in cocktails. For each dish there is a way of canning the little fish that is most appropriate—whether fried in oil or put up in tomato or mustard sauce. The choice of dressing depends en- tirelv on what use is to be made of them. In the following new re- cipes the type of dressing that is most appropriate is noted: Sardine Cocktail: Skin and bone a small tin of sardines and separate in small pieces. Mix one-half cup catsup, one teaspoon Worcester- shire sauce, one-half teaspoon Ta- basco, two tablespoons lemon juice, malt and paprika to taste. Arrange the sardines in cocktail glasses and pour the sauce over them. Chill Sardine Sandwiches: Spread bread with softened butter then with a very thin coating of prepared mus- tard. Arrange several bomed sar- dines on each slice, cover with thinly sliced beet pickles and top with slice of buttered bread. \ Sundry Savories Sardine Camapé: Toast a round slice of bread, butter it and place on it a slice of tomato. Crush a sardine, mix with mayonnaise and spread on the tomato. Sprinkle with grated American cheese. Garnish with a dab of mayonnaise and a strip. of pimiento. Sardine Savories: Dice three hard boiled eggs. Mash contents of a can of sardines and mix with the eggs; thei add ten sliced, stuffed olives and mix with mayonnaise to bind. Put a heaping tablespoon on stuffed olive on top. alad. French Sardime Sandwiches: Take slices of bread, cut off crusts and soak in milk. Mash a can of sar- dines canned in tomato sauce and mix with a slightly beaten egg yolk and season to taste. Spread between slices of the bread; then dip the sandwiches in slightly beaten whole eggs and fry in deep fat to a golden brown. Serve at once with currant jelly or tomato sauce. This can be used at breakfast, luncheon or sup- per. sale Salad: Mix two cups of boiled and cooled spaghetti with one cup of diced celery. To one and one-half cups of stiff, boiled Serve with salad dressing add two diced, hard- boiled eggs, six diced sour pickles, | a crisp cracker and garnish with a; one can of sardines im mustard sauce, mashed, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix the salad and serve in lettuce cups, garnishing with thin slices of cucumber and nlain dressing. gr A Sardine Salad : Heat two allen of olive oil and the oil from two cans of sardines in a frying pan. When hot put the sardines in it and sauté gently until they are hot. Remove and put them on individual servings of shredded lettuce. To the fat add an equal rig of vinegar and a dash of : 14 and pep- per; heat and pour over the sar- dines and lettuce. Serve as a salad with an accompaniment of sweet pickles and slices of lemon. Splendid Stuffings Sardine Stuffed Eggs: Boil eight eggs, remove shells, and cut in two. Remove the yolks and mash them with ten sardines, four tab] ns of minced water-cress, pe and salt, and enough mayonnfai w moisten. Beat with a fork to make the filling fluffy, and then stuff the eggs with the filling. Any excess can be saved and mixed with may- onnaise to be used the mext day om a salad. Stuffed Greem Peppers: Prepare peppers by cutting a slice from the stem end, then removing the seeds and parboiling for fifteen minutes in well salted water. Drain. Mix two cups hot, boiled rice with one- half cup canned tomato pureé and add one can of diced sardines, canned in tomato sauce. Season to taste. Stuff the peppers with the mixture, arrange in a pan, sprinkle tops with buttered bread crumbs and hake until crumbs are brown. Serve : with tomato pureé as a sauce.