PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY bo Fs BUL TIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Classified Column { | FOR RENT—Garage. Apply to 19 West Main Street. nov28-2t-pd | FOR SALE—White Enameled] Crib. Apply 213 E. Main St., Mt Joy, Pa. dech-tf LOST—Beagle Hound mixed with blue tick, about one year old, lost a few weeks ago. Call to William 8. Longenecker, Mt, Joy, Pa., R.D. 3. Phone No. 142R3. Reward. decb-lt Advertise them in tf home into cash. our classified column. GRUEN WATCH AGENCY DON W. GORRECHT JEWELER NOTICE—Get the highest prices for calf furs and hides. Reist Mumma. Phone 111R16, E’town. Mt. Joy R3. nov14-8t LOST—Gold breast pin green stone, between Shank’s vice Station and Reuben Mt. Joy. Finder please return to this office. dec5-1t-pd with Ser- FOR SALE—3-4 Ton Dodge Truck, Screen body, 1926 model, in good condition. H. E. Hauer, dech-tf Mt. Joy, Pa. WANTED TO RENT-—Location on Main Street for .Garage and Automobile Sales Room. Inquire Bulletin. dec4-1t-pd WANTED—White woman to as- sist in caring for two children. Ap- ply Mrs. Gerald Heistand, Mariet- ta, Pa. dech-1t FOR SALE—Home raised tur- keys, live or dressed. Phone Harry Flory, R1, Mt. Joy, Pa. dec5-1t-pd PROPERTY FOR SALE—Fine Brick House, on corner, well builf, very modern, all conveniences. Will be sold reasonable. Harry B. Hossler. Mount Joy. nov19-tf SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Cut Flowers, all kinds of potted lants. Special on funeral designs. . A. DARRENKAMP'S STORE end ZERPHEY’S GREENHOUSE, Mt. Joy, Pa. nov28-tf NOTICE—Received another load of apples. York imperial $1.10, Black Twig, Roman Beauty and oth- er varieties from $1.00 to $1.50. A. H, Metzler. nov28-2t-pd WANTED—To hear of widow woman who will exchange house- keeping for a permanent Lancaster county middle aged widowers Christian home. Address Box 30, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. dech-2t-pd Please your friends by giving them a year’s subscription to their favorite Magazine, Farm Journal or local Paper as a Christmas Gift. Attractive cards will be mailed at Christmas time Rotting recipients of gift and giver. abel E. Grosh, Magazine Agency, 139 N. Hanover St., Elizabethtown. Phone 153R4. nov28-3t AUTO SALESMAN WANTED: Owing to the enthusiasm and inter- est over the announcement of the new 6 cylinder Chevrolet we will need another salesman to take care of the tremendous demand which must follow. P. Frank Schock, Mt. Joy, Pa. nov28-tf ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual election will be held at the Union National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa., on Tuesday, January 8th, 1929, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. for the election of thirteen directors. H. N. NISSLY, Cashier. SHOOTING MATCH for Rifle and Shot Guns will be held at the Rheems Fire Engine House on Saturday, December 15th, 1928, for Turkeys, Geese and Ducks. Come rain or shine as you will be in the dry and be warm. Match to start at 12.30. 32-inch barrels used. dech-2t IR hn NOTICE—I hereby notify all parents of our borough to not allow their children or adults to use fire- arms inside of the borough limits. We have an ordinance prohibiting the use of firearms in the borough. Unless this ordinance is obeyed, will enforce the ordinance accord- ingly. H. H. ENGLE, Burgess. nov28-2t I will exchange anything new in the line of Harness goods or auto Top repairs for Second Hand Team Harness or parts thereof. Also Bridles Collars, Hames, Bits, ete. H. M. FRANTZ, 332 W. High St.. Elizabethtown, Pa. aug8-tf aug22-tf FOR SALE—Good Second-hand Cleaner, Small Electric new water- less cooker, and carpet sweeper. 1-12 Gauge Hammerless shot gun, as good as new, cheap for cash. Write G. D. B. General Delivery, Mt. Joy, Pa. land shot himself with his rifle. MT. JOY, PA. Meyers, | Ti novi4-6t General News for Quick Reading | Go-| | | | (from page one) While out trapping George shert, aged 12, of Hershey, At a stormy meeting five West Chester, resigned. Truck and Trust Co. Keystone modern fire engine Day. The Ministerial at the Presbyterian Manse at 3 P.M. Rev. the address. The Ladies Aid Society of the U. 'B. church met at the home of Mrs. 'Anng Hendrix on Monday evening, lon South Barbara St. | A contractor from Alo., was the lowest of three bidders on Lancaster’s post office building. His bid | $359,900. For the first time in 19 years, Congressman W. W. Griest will not be present at the opening ses- sion of Congress at Washington. He is ill at his home at Lancaster. Association Montgomery, twenty- new was The Mount Joy Borough Board of Health has under way a new hygienic restaurant, hotel and boarding house survey, the author- ities at Harrisburg having request- ed it. esl A MAYTOWN Mrs. Annie L. Hicks her 77th birthday anniversary Sunday. William G. Hoffman, York City, is visiting his Helen Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Fackler, of Reading, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Johnstin on Sunday. George Drabenstadt, of Phila- delphia, spent the week end® with iis sister, Sue Drabenstadt. The ‘second number of the Lyce- um course will be given by Loring Campbell on Thursday evening in the Maytown High School auditor- ium. celebrated on of New sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hoffman left on Saturday evening for Dallas, Texas, where they will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hoffman. — ew ge | The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Maytown Fire Company held their monthly meeting on Monday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Ray Fry- berger. An election of officers re- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. Ray Fryberger; vice-president, Eth- el Culp; secretary, Mrs. Herman Shue; treasurer, Alberta Boll. re ret OD By subscribing for the Mount Joy Bulletin you can get all the local news for less than three cents a week. tf EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Henrietta Shimp, late of Boro of Mt. Joy, Pa., deceased. Letters of testamentary on said es- state having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding at 29 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. MARY HERMAN AUSTIN N. HERMAN Executors Frank S. Groff, Att'y. nov28-6t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Annie S. Eshelman, late of Mount Joy Township, dec’d. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those hav- ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the under- signed, residing at Mount Joy. R. P. D. No. 3. HIRAM S. ESHELMAN, i Executor Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Attys. | { ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Estate of Jacob G. Brown, late of Mount Joy Borough, County of | Lancaster, Pennsylvania, deceased. | Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted (thereto are requested to make im- | mediate payment. and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, whose post office address is Joy, Pa, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MARTIN B. BROWN ANDREW B. BROWN ! Administrators | oct24-tf Wm. M. Hollowbush, Att'y. nov7-6t|y .} 1 Nisley, and prizes ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that annual election will be held at First National Bank, Mount . Pa. on Tuesday, January 8th, 1929, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M.. for the election of thirteen directors. R. FELLENBAUM, Casn- jer. the ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the First National Bank, of Landisville, Pa., for the purpose of nominating and electing tors for the ensuing year and transaction of other . be held at the banking house Tuesday, January Sth. 1929, be- tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 12 M. J. N. SUMMY, Cashier deeb-5t This is to inform my patrons and friends that T DO handle the Lan- caster and Philadelphia papers by guhseription in the country Many of my patrons have beev annoved bv men from other com- nities who claimed I no longer died them. I wish to thank my friends for their patronage and loy-/ alty. Mabel E. Grosh, Magazine Agency. 139 N. Hanover St., Eliza-| bethtown. Phone 153R4. nov28-3t . decb-5t | { direc-! the | business. will| 'st of cord wood sawed stove length | on which I sell reasonable at all times. | Telephone 142-! to decl-pd | NEW HOUSE. CHEAP—T have | ally new 6-reom house, —Brick, location, none {Tn A number one condition, a goo Chemical | ed on rates | Co. at Columbia, housed a new and !and presented rates as charged Turn useless articles about your, Thanksgiving | Elizabethtown and Columbia boros. met | an ordinance for rates to be Monday | in the Thompson gave | Committee. Mount | Council Convened | Monday Evening (From page 1) ! After a lengthy discussion on the | fell | Ream bill to the amount of $32.83 |#ons of state | per rata share of laying the pave- direc- | ment, Mr. Arntz moved the bill be tors of the Farmers and Mechanics paid. | The Ordinance Committee report- for opening streets, by Mr. Witmer moved the preparing of left hands of the Ordinance Mr. Geo. Althouse moved that the Ordinance Committee be in- structed to draw up an ordinance, prohibiting dumping of all gar- bage and rubbish in our alleys and streets and provide for the collect- ing of same. Mr. Miller, in the absence of the report of the treasurer, proceeded with the regular routine of busi- ness. Pumping Engineer, George W. Schatz, reported having pumped 4,800,000 gallons of water during November as follows: 104 hours by steam, 3,120,000 gallons; 168 hours by water, 1,680,000 gallons. Chief Pennell, of the Fire De- partment, reported apparatus in working order and ready for ser- vice, also two fires during mouth. M. M. Leib, secretary of Board of Health, reported one case of Pulmonary T. B. Chief Zerphy reported nine traf- fic arrests, one drunken disorderly, and twenty-five night lodgers. Al- so asked for better telephone ser- vice which was left in charge of the Burgess, and that he covered 530 miles during the month. Mr. Albert Hershey asked for a light at the rear of Dr. W. D. Chandler’s property on W. Main street. Same ‘was reported to the Light Committee. Treasurer’s Report: Boro account $741.48; Water, $10.85, and the Strickler Coal Fund, $12.50, a to- tal of $764.83. Bills were paid and journed. Ba council ad- Piano Playing Calls for Punching Power Few rightly estimate the amount of force espended upon the piano by a player in making a note sound. If the pianist is playing fortissimo, at times the force of six pounds thrown upon a single key to produce a solitary effect. With chords the force is generally spread over the va rious notes sounded simultaneously though a greater output of force is undoubtedly expended. This is what sives pianists the wonderful strengih in their fingers. is A story used to be told of Pauderew 0 SCO Shoe Peg can q ™, © cans CORN 17 3 50c P. &. G. Nap. SELOX Camay SOAP Speed Soap Toilet Soap 5 cakes 19¢|big pkg 15¢|3 cakes 20¢ 22c can DRANO and Both for 19 12c can DAWN CLEANSER C ASCO Mayonnaise COCOA FARINA jar 10c, 20c| 1b can 15¢ | 3 pkgs 25¢ ASCO Dutch Cocoa ..... “... 4 1bcan 20¢ Hom-de-Lite Princess ASCO Quick Made Tapioca ............ pkg T¢ PrimRice ,................ pkg Te, 3 for 20¢ ASCO Corn Starch ............... a0... pkg T¢ ASCO Gelating 5.0002 15¢ NM 4 Cranberry Sauce jor 15¢ Princess Jellies ............. .. 3 tumblers 25¢ Seedless Raisins ......... os as oon 2 pkgs 15¢ ASCO or Ritter’s Beans (with pork) ..3 cans 25¢ Ritter’s Cooked Spaghetti ....... .. 3 cans 25¢ . Campbell’s Pork and Beans ........... can 10¢ ; ASCO Tomato Soup ............... 3 cans 25¢ ASCO Tomato Catsup ................ bot ASCO Chili Sauce bot % ASCO ASCO TEAS | COFFEE Orange Pekoe Old Country Always Style, India Ceylon Delicious 39¢ 1 1b pkg 17¢ pound @5¢ Victor Mixed or Black Coffee Ib 35¢C Fresh-baked Bread No Far- ther than your Asco Store 1 1b pkg A Standard Product of Excellence Bread wed, 4 supreme "21 8€ | Louella her = 5c | BUTTER! | These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE Economical Evaporated Milk HEN 151,250,000 pounds of a [milk are: certain food are exported yearly from this country it | certainly behooves the practical | housewife to investigate and see if | she js realizing the full possibilities of that food in her own home. In |unti i irri 3 this case, the chances are that she SRY thick, Stine psa. Ady isn’t—for the food is canned milk, | Tabasco and a few ir Se 2 which is not used in as many ways |enne. Broil two i ol jo ji as it might well be. dines (18 sardines) and plac > Evaporated milk is simply milk strips of toast. Pour the h i which has had a large amount of |over them and serve O} Suce the water evaporated out. The Devils Food Cake: Crea method used insures absolutely pure [third cup butter and one c DR ar milk of a consistent quality. Be- | together. Add two haga cause the percentage of fat and |eggs and mix. Cook rH on other solids is so much greater in [evaporated milk, two tables — evaporated milk than in fresh milk, water and three squares of pn i ls often possilie to = Sous on (unsweetened chocolate ET os of fat used in coaking. |a slow irri And of course there is the til the ovine sonst, SY oF always having milk on |the first mixture. Add one and Rd and without having to depend on | half cups flour, two and one-half the milkman. [teaspoons baking powder and one- Sardine Rarebit: Add one-half cup grated cheese to three-fourths cup evaporated milk and cook until the cheese is melted. Add three beaten egg yolks and cook over hot water half teaspoon salt sifted togeth er. Add one and one-half ops : vanilla Some recipes which show some |in a et Bake of the possibilities of evaporated | (3750 F.) about 45 minutes, New Ways to Use It