9 ; THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. - for your old car; Right now —this week—we can give it to you. Later on, in another week or two, we can’t. If you act now—you will have two things to be thankful for. You will own a new Super-Six, the six that leads all othersiin popularity, in volume of sales. And you will have boughtit at a real bargain. Leadership in guality has for years given Hudson-Essex outstanding public favor. And the growing volume has permitted economies passed on to buyers in price, far below any rival. More than 1,000,000 Hudson-Essex cars in service, and this year the greatest sales in our history are simply the results of giving greater value than was ever offered at this price. HUDSON ESSEX E. B. ROHRER, Mt. Joy, Pa. There can be no proof so convincing as the praise bestowed by Hudson- Essex owners, and the fact that these cars con= tinue, as for years, the outstanding sales success of motordom. Here is a chance to turn in your present car for more than it will ever be worth again. And — more important still ~to own one of the first choice ‘ ‘Sixes,”’ as proved by their sales leadership. OWL-LAFFS WRITTEN BY DR. THEODORE B. APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH | { | | | Health Talk | “In certain parts of Africa the | i natives celebrate { which assume all | tics of gastronomical fact they are feast seasons the characteris-| orgies. In| literally gorging | parties where the participants eat] {and drink themselves into a stup-| lor, repeating the process until na-| | ture revolts,” said Dr. Theodore B.| | Appel, Secretary of Health, today. | “While there may be some ex- {cuse for ignorant natives thus to| conduct themselves, it is very ques- {tionable whether Americans can | justify their excessive and some- | times painful eating proclivities on! {feast days as Thanksgiving and] Now that you folks have aall had Christmas. However were the | plenty (7) of that 60 cents a citizen to limit himself to pound turkey food over Thanksgiv- | holidays and banquets for his ov-| ing, I guess most of you are get-| or indulgences the situation would | ting over the shock of the price. | little else than a display of | | temporary injudiciousness. Unfor- Of course it’s generally known | tunately, such is not the case. (or at least should be) that folks | “To many people, excessive eat- like myself can’t eat turkey at any [ing is a dail yhabit. It may be such prices—BUT, how I did pun- gqiq that except for foolish maidens ish chicken. with a slenderizing complex Amer-| lica’s most general offense against boy | itself is its unreasonable attitude TAT MJ ee - RO] o i oe O. WwW. (On With Laughter) Printers are about like the who was 16 years old before he towards its stomach. knew that chickens had anything “With the approach of Thanks- else but wings and neeks. {giving it would be wise for people We Deven: know what tO Yeason that the day means more turkey tastes like until along about than over-taxing the body with the age of 40 and then only if food. Indeed, 8 splendidly practic- some good kind friend invites us al method of giving thanks would oul {intake not only on that day but on The tonchor Tr one of the lower the days to follow. Lif will be grades back at school told a pupil | longer and happier if this advice is that if the earth travels about the heeded.” sun, what travels about the earth. | The pupil said: “Tramps.” Promoted Copyright Law When you watch the many cars| or was the tirst that pass up and down Main street, | by the copyright laws. In 1783 Web. is it any wonder that instead of| ster published “A Grammatical (nsti- boys learning to nail shoes on hors-| tute of the English Language.” He es they learn to put fenders on cars| described it as “an elementary book | for facilitating the acquisition of our A certain chap here is up-to-date | vernacular fougue. and for correcting Vig, To all labor there is a dignity if a stout heart accompany it. We all must serve and he is doubly blessed who serves with a smile. Friendly Thoughts By P B. Beck. RE JAVA NO NT The relatives, friends and ac- quaintances of those who have employed us speak with admiration for our respectful administration of the service, and with earnest praise for our fairness. BECK BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MANHEIM & LITITZ PHONE._MANHEIM 52 R.3 PHONE LITITZ 317 2 ELE Ll SANS) Voy 4 i i of Ls bk a - hd | Peal i111 | - | | 4 | { 1} | 1 | 7d OTT lS TY | THI A Place your order Now- Ore anding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History ~ a Six in the price range of the four | Since the announcement of The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chev- rolet History, tens of thousands of people have already placed their orders for this sensational new car! Never before has any Chevrolet ever won such tremendous public acceptance in so short a period of time! The great new six-cylinder valve-in-head motor is an engineering masterpiece. Not only does it develop 32% more power than any previous Chevrolet motor ... not only does it offer a sensation- ally increased speed and faster acceleration—but it provides this amazing performance with such outstanding economy that it delivers an average of better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline! This spectacular performance and economy have been achieved as a result of the greatest group of engine advancements that Chevrolet has ever announced —typified by a new and The sg heavier crankshaft... new carburetor, with coach cesses s 95 venturi choke and automatic accelerating COUPE. ssssss. 595 ~ ¢ 1 The $ pump... new camshaft... automatic rocker 4444. arm lubrication . .. new gasoline pump and The Sport 5665 filter .. . semi-automatic spark control...and CABRIOLET i 43+ The Convertible $ 25 hot spot manifold. LANDAY rn 8 ~ SEDAN DELIVERY O93 LIGH’ DELIVERY cHAssts 400 $ 1% TON CHASSIS . . 545 1% TON CHASSIS $¢ =) WITHCAB ...... All prices {. o. b. Flint, Mich. ROADSTER ebb 525 ’5 25 The marvelous new bodies by Fisher are designed for distinctive beauty and style as well as exceptional comfort and safety. Come in and learn the full and significant story of this greatest of all Chevrolets! Reinoehl Chevrolet Co, 2 Market Street Mt. Joy P. FRANCK SCHOCK Marietta ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. |dictating a letter. on table etiquette. At a local a vicious pronunciation which pre restaurant he poured the coffee vated among the common people. into the saucer but instead of | Ibe first part was known as “Web be to determine upon a logical food | Quartet. Religious News in Our Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALU THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School 9:30. D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo, A. Kercher, Pastor Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning service 10:45 A. M. Evening service 7 P. M. 219 West Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. All who want something better than they can get in the under world come to the Bible Pentecostal day and night Mission, on Saturday at, 219 W, Main St. Church of the Brethren Salunga, Pa. The" semi-annual Love Feast will be held in the Church of the Breth- ren in Salunga on Saturday, Dec. 8th, beginning at 1:30. Sporting Hill Church Special services will be held on Sunday afternoon, December 9, at the Sporting Hill Church. Sunday Song service at 2.00 P. M. by the School at 1:00 P. M. Elizabethtown Mixed Everybody The First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segclken, D.D., Pastor Church Schooi A. M. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent Chorus welcome, 10:30. Theme: “What the coming Noah Webster, the dictionary mak- | Christ Means to Children.” American to benefit | Evening worship and sermon at of the Better Experience.” Wednesday evening at Prayer and Praise Service, 7:30 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev'd. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector Sunday Services blowing to cool it, he fanned it! st¢r’s Spelling Book.” it is still ip! | print and bas sold over 60,000,066 | with his hat. { : yey { copies. Shortly after the publication | : | of this book Wehster made a tour of I met a couple, he was 60 and] : 2 the southern states in the interests of she was 18. She called him sweet- 3 | #2 copyright taw The federal copy | but she really meant Santa; ion; jaw was passed in 1790 It was | laus. especially appropriate that the tirs: | author to take advantage of this law | should have been ote who lahored to | promote it.—Mentor Magazine Woudn’t this be a very time to think of making the com- ing Christmas a real one? We think there should be more forgiv- ing and less giving. good Police Woman in Society | The police force in a New York sub- } arb includes a woman, whose modest home is filling up with bridge prizes. ; She is playing bridge somewhere al- | most every day. All she has to do. ordinarily, is to report by telephone every few hours. That's irksome and interrupts the game. but she does it. “This 18 Louise,’ she says to the oft- ficer on desk duty. “I'm down at Mrs. Cadwallader Smith’s Nothing doing, I hope.” “All right, honey,” answers the ta. therly voice from the other end. *“On with your play. Hope you win the mother-of-pearl blackjack” — Kansas City Times. “Have you ever driven a car?” a Mount Joy lady applicant for a license was asked. “One hundred and twenty thous- and miles,” put in her husband, who was standing near by, “and never had a hand on the wheel.” Now if any of you birds have a wife who helps you drive, don’t go and tell her this one. Don’t forget they offer mighty good suggestions ~—-occasionally. Down at Smith's restaurant the {other evening a fellow claimed he 2 could speak seven languages. When Good Bargain | they asked him to say ‘good morn-| *“Isn’t that a new coat, Mandy?” in Italian he said: ““Gooda | asked the clerk in a small town store | mornin.” { of a seemingly happy customer, a | large, good-natured colored woman { ee en | A Manheim street joke. One| Who recently bad been married for the : third time, man asked another how his wife shi : a : was and the colored fellow remark-| Yes = isle x Bow, cam, This ody “Well 1 “fours Lk she's jou is a present to me from my new man, | » admifted Mandy | about washed out. “And what. did yon | usked the curious one. “Me? What did | give him?” i give himY | One of our fellows was pinched | jo Lancaster for parking too near| sive nim nothin’ ‘cept just me, I just {a plug. As a bluff he said to the give him me." | officer: “Wait a minute, Mr. Of-} | ficer. Didn’t I meet you at the | it; | policemen’s ball last night?” | Composition of Marl { The term “marl is used in a gen- vou dia! al sense for any soft, earthy and . wi » | erumbling strata o POSitS ain’t till tomorrow night.” | “TY bling _ strata or deposits. in a more speciiic sensi. however, the term | iis applied to an earthy, ¢rumbling { : deposit consisting of lime. clay and | caster who has a pair of bird dogs in . = 2s 2 pa b d 8S perhaps sand Ch efly it consists of (that are hard to beat. He was out! clay mixed with esicium carbonate in | | in ther dov £ : : | hunting the other day and A Man proportions. It is used as a i in the crowd shot’ a quail. One gertitizer on soils deficient in lime.—- dog retrieved it and the other, hav- | pxehance {ing nothing to retrieve, picked up| a very small pig and carried it. | a | 4 3 pig & 2 | Cells U. 8. Sleep Walker lay is near nighty { a : y The officer said: “No, not. It I know a certain chap at Lan- A certain local business man when America, witn p ‘ ts resources an said to his stenographer: “How fraly PONS 3 format : . . ain ower, wi actually {about going on a business trip with Yes 3 0 om actually | 257 be done with intellectual sleep walk (me next week?’ ing American A 1zine { She said: “Say, I may be yowr| aan | stenographer but I'm not port-| | able.” | and soul Males as Loud Speakers | 1 5 | Ask a man for information says =a i | les x { “Heaven will protect the work | woman critic in the American Maga | ALEC ern Willi J tect 2 - 1 A hy ) | «ine, and no matter what the subject | | Ing girl,” the old song says, 'but| ”. : i : . . bine out of ten of them will have a what we want to know is who 3 | roing to protect the poor fish the g I | > Lt : rs = i | working girl is working. lare you going, little Miss?” weston | She replied: “You ought to A fellow went up to Rohrer’s know: you're taking me.” | {to swap cars. He told Enos he had A te, { this car for years and never had a | wreck. ler’s drug store and said to the { Enos said: “You mean you had| jerk: “Give me a nickel’s worth of | { this wreck for years and never had asafetida.” | |a car.” | The clerk wrapped it up and | i a | passed it over. { First smart alex: “I hear that «Charge it,” said the boy. | you herd sheep.” “What name?” queried the clerk | Second smart “Hunnyfunkle.” | herd.” “Take it for nothing,” —— lthe clerk. “I wouldnt write asa-| Talk absent-mindedness, | fetida ang Hunnyfunkle for no! { here’s one has ’em stopped. A cer- nickel.” | | tain business man here went heme, | -— his wife then beantiful time enlightening you on it A small boy strolled into Chand- | alex: “Yeh, that’s| wha 1 | what 1 retorted | about | kissed and started | At the dance the other night | | George Halbleib said to his lady: | “My shoes are just killing my! | feet.” . couple were strolling up! She nearly killed him. A young She said: “They’re killing mine, JOHN LIBHART Main street when he said: “Where too.” A WISE OWL | remarkable! Holy communion the first Sunday of each month 10:30 A. M. Sunday School 9:15 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 10:- 30 A, M. Even-song and address 7:30 P. M. Choir Rehearsal Wednesday even- ing 7:30. Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. A. Lee Barnhart, Pastor Prayer services Wednesday 7:30 Py, Choir rehearsal Friday 7:30 P.M. Sabbath School Sunday 9:30 A.M Yoming worship Sunday 10:30 K. L. C. E. Sunday 6:45 P. M. Topic: How Should a Christian’s Christmas be Different? Leader: Mildred Kaylor. Evening worship Sunday 7:30 P.M Come and Worship with us. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. Pastor will preach 10:30 A. M; 7:30 P. M. Epworth League 6:30 P.M. Junior League Wednesday 4 P.M. Mrs. Diffenderfer, supt. Wednesday 7:30 P.M., E. Church’ of Lancaster, Stanley Jones will speak. Thursday 7:30 P.M. Prayer and Missionary service. Christmas Hymns in Sunday School and preaching services. A cordial welcome, Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D., Minister Sunday School 9.30 A. M. J. S. Hamaker Superintendent. Sermon 10.30 A. M. C. E. 6.30 P. M. Leader, Joseph Moore. Sermon, 7.30 P. M. Junior choir Wednesday 4 P. M. Midweek service Wednesday 7:45 P.M Men’s Chorus, Wednesday, 8.30. Choir rehearsal Friday 7.00 P. M. You ave cordially invited to wor- in 1st M. Dr. E ship with us. St. Mark’s Church of The United Brethren in Christ Rev. H. S. Keifer, Pastor Sunday School and Church Ser- vice will be combined and Decision | Day will be observed at 9:15 A. M. Service in charge of the tendent H. Thompson. Superin- Jr. and Senior Christian Endeav- | or at 6:30 P. M. | Evangelistic services ot 7.30. You are most cordially invited to all these services. The special services in charge of Rev. and Mrs. Thompson will con- tinue every night except Monday until December 16th. Florin U. B. Church in Christ Rev. J. C. Deitzler, M. A., Pastor Bible school at 9:30 A. M. Morning worship a “A Call Sleepers.” Junior society at 5:15 P. M. Miss Elverta Buller will address Juniors, at All r Theme: he it service. cordially invited. Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M. The attendance of this society is the this little 'e Its life is indeed like and its words as ‘thunder.’ Friends | and strangers are always welcome! Senior Society at 6:30 P. M. There is still room for a more’ Gideons. Evening worship at 7:15 P. M. Theme: “The Golden Calf.” Senior Teacher Training Monday at 7:30 P.M. - -~ ‘few “le and | PAGE THREE ) Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:80. Prayer Service Thulsday at 7:80 P. M. Junior Teacher at 7:30 P. M. You are cordially invited to these uplifting and inspiring services. Training Friday “WHITE” SEWING MACHINE ALL STYLES Needles—Oil—Repairing Parts for all Machines A. H. Baker Phone 5304-J 133 E. King St, LANCASTER, PA. I AM NOW OFFERING Old Chests Chairs, of All Kinds Dressers, of All Kinds Old Bureaus Corner Cupboards Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites Tables All Kinds of Glassware Morning worship and sermon at | 7:30. Theme: “The Transformation | N. Nissly and C. S.| Old Clocks Old Guns & Pistols '® Old Clock, with Wooden Works, Running Happy Darrenkamp 231 Mt. Joy St. MOUNT JOY, PA. mari4-tf OYSTERS | I handle only the best Salt Water Oysters. Come in and taste them. Home Made Ice Cream Sold in bulk or brick or by the plate at our restaurant. Also all kinds Sandwiches, Sgds Drinks, Ete. H. HARTMAN Opp. Post Office Mount Joy, Pa. oct10-tf Our Latest Pork Prices rd Spareribs, 20c Roasting, 30c Chops, 30c Boiling, 15¢ up Fresh Skinned Hams, 28c Pudding, 25c Sausage, 30c Krall’s Meat Market West Main St., MOUNT JOY FEEL your hair How long is it? How many days since it was cut? 10 IS RIGHT. every 10 days. Haircut Go Now, to Rershiey’s Barker Shop Agent for Manhattan Laundry = LEE ELLIS POOL ROOM and RESTAURANT Basement Mount Joy Hall Foot Ball Headquarters We Call Them Cheap CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET TOURING It is self-advertising. | FORD COUPE ‘lightning,’ | STAR 4 COUPE STUDEBAKER TOURING 1; TON FORD TRUCKS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN Strickler’s Chevrolet Home MAYTOWN, PA.