BERR Aes = atin ‘WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28th, i Phone 44 1928 ay RADIO There is pleasure in knowing you have the best. There is satisfaction in know= ing that B-T Radio will cost you less in the end —it can’t help giving you greater enjoy= ment in the meantime. MODEL 7-71 has set a new style in radio design,—it has features found in no other Radio. Let us show you 346 Donegal Springs Road RICHARD M. ZOOK MOUNT JOY, PA. Vor QOOOO SON Q Your Christmas Saving Fund Check Will Buy More at THE GARVIN STORE We Will Gladly Cash It For Your Our five big floors are filled with thousands and thousands of useful gifts that will give satisfaction to the giver and the receiver. M. T. GARVIN & CO. Lancaster’s Big Cash Dept. Store Next Door to the Court House OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 EE — Sa MOUNT JOY, PA. Boo OCOD PRESCRIPTIONS | ACCURATELY EE 40-42 N. Queen St. During We will 'bé able to give . Prompt Service ‘as ate any Mail or bring your have up-to-date’ Opticians to your work. THE HOLIDAY RUSH vou the other Optieal repairs. take care of Let Us Take Care of Your Optical Work same season. We Phone 2413 Office Hrs.: 8.30 A.M. to 5 P. M. L. WEBER & SON DR. NEILSON W. PINKERTON, Optometrist LANCASTER, PA. = Kd THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. The Produce and Live Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN ~ The Eastern potato markets con- tinued dull with a slow demand and moderate supplies. Pennsylvania round whites sold at $1.50 to $1.55 per 150 pound sack in Philadelphia, at $1.75 to $1.90 in Washington, at $1.50 to $1.60 in Baltimore and at $1.50 to $1.85 in Pittsburgh. Bulk Pennslyvania potatoes were quoted at $1.80 to $2.00 per 180 pounds in New York City. The market was dull at New York State shipping points with round whites quoted at $1.40 per 150 pound sack f. o. b. Both nearby and Maryland spin- ach was in heavier supply and prices declined sharply. Nearby bushels sold at .30 to .75 but most of the stock sold at .50 or less, ac- cording to the Pennsylvania and Federal Bureau of Markets. Fancy apples met a good demand and the apple market was generally firm. Grimes Golden sold at $1.00 to $1.50, Stayman $1.25 to $1.85, Delicious $1.25 to $2.00 per bushel. Rome Beauty in 5-8 baskets sold at .65 to $1.00, Paragon .50 to .90, Ben Davis .35 to .45 while York Im- perial brought .40 to .60. On the carlot market Pennsylvania Gano brought $1.25, Delicious fair quality $1.50 white fancy Stayman 2 3-4 inch minimum sold at $1.75 to $2.00 per bushel. The mushroom market was steady with Pennsylvania 38 pound baskets bringing .50 to $1.25. Sweet pota- toes were about steady with yellows selling at .75 to $1.00 and Reds .85 to $1.00 per 5-8 basket. Pumpkins met a good demand and - sold at $3.00 to $3.50 per barrel. Beets brought .02 to .04 per bunch while carrots sold at .01 to .03. Parsnips brought .65 to $1.00 per 5-8 basket while parsley sold at $1.25 to $1.75 per bushel. Savoy cabbage brought .30 to .60 per bas- ket while Pennsylvania wired celery sold at .08 to .15 per bunch. The potato market was dull and Pennsyl- vania stock sold at $1.50 to $1.55 per 150 pound sack while 100 lbs. brought $1.00 to $1.10. MARKET: Slow, comparisons with week ago, beef steers .25 to .50 lower an about steady with Mon- days closing prices, in between grades showing most decline, top $13.50, average weight 1365 pounds bulk of sales $11-12.25. She stock sharing steer decline, bulls steady, all cutters about steady, hulk sau- sage bulls $8.75-10.00, heifers $10.25-11.50, butcher. cows $7.75. 9.60, cutters $5.07-6.00. Stockers and feeders slow, better grades steady, weaker tendency on com- mon and medium grades, most sales $9.25-11.00. Calves weak, .80 to .75 lower, top vealers $17.75. HOGS: .25 to .50 lower, top westerns $10.00. TURKEYS: Receipts one car from Virginia, active, fully steady, price range .47 to .50 per pound liveweight, RECEIPTS: For todays market, cattle 30 cars; 9 Chicago; 6 Va; 5 St. Paul; 5 Canada; 2 Md; 1 St. Louis: 1 Ohio; 1 N. C.; containing 819 head, 88 trucked in, total cattle 907 head, 716 hogs, 87 calves. Re- ceipts for week ending Nov. 24, 1928, cattle 164 cars, 53, Va; 32 St. Paul; 18 Chicago; 15 Canada; 14 W, Va; 9 Md; 6 Buffalo; 4 St. Louis; 4 Pa; 2 N., Y.; 2 Ky; 1 Tenn; 1 N.C;1 Ohio; 1 Pittsburgh; 1 Mich; containing 4682 head, 372 trucked in, total cattle 5054 head, 2619 hogs, 631 calves, 79 sheep. Re- ceipts for corresponding week last year, cattle 204 cars, containing 5959 head, 204 trucked in, total cattle 5163 head, 225 calves, 2129 hogs, 330 sheep. Range Of Prices STEERS Good 12.25-13.75 Good 12,25-13.75 Good 12.25-13.75 Medium 11.00-12.25 Common 9.00-11.00 HEIFERS Choice 11.25-12.00 Good 10.00 11.25 Medium 9.00-10.00 Common 7.50-9.00 COWS Choice 7.75-9.75 Good 6.50-7.75 Common and medium 5.25-6.50 Low cutter and cutter 4.00-5.25 BULLS Good and Choice 9.25-11.50 Cutter, common and med. 7.00-9.25 FEEDERS AND STOCKERS Good and choice 10.50-13.00 Common and medium 7.50-10.50 Good and choice 10.25-12.75 Common and medium 7.25-10.25 VEALERS Good and choice 15.25-17.75 Medium 12.75-15.25 Cull and common 7.50-12.75 HOGS Heayweights 9.50-10.00 Mediumweights 9.50-10.00 Lightweights 9.25-9.75 Packing sows 7.50-9.25 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Selling Price of Feeds Bran 45.00-46.00 ton {Shorts 45.00-46.00 ton { Hominy 47.00-48.00 ton Middlings 49.00-50.00 ton Linseed 68.00-69.00 ton | Gluten 51.00-52.00 ton | Ground oats 42.00-43.00 ton { Soy bean meal 62.00-63.00 ton | Cottonseed 41% 57.00-58.00 ton {Dairy feed 16% 38.50-39.50 ton | Dairy feed 18% 41.50-42.50 ton Dairy feed 20% 49.00-50.00 ton {Dairy feed 24% 54.50-55.50 ton Dairy feed 25% 57.00-58.00 ton Horse feed 85% 45.50-46.50 ton Alfalfa (Regular) 43.00-44.00 ton | Alfalfa (Reground) 46.00-47.00 ton PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te Say This Week Widder Uff Der Oldta Boweri Ich wore de ledsht woch uff der oldta boweri, un es hut mich wid- der yung feela maucha. Es lond un de ga-biar sin nuch dart, awber olles soonsht is fardt. De felder gooka usht nuch holver so grose os se ols hen won se ols full waet- za odder welshkarn wora un mer is ons ob maucha gonga. De hivla sin nimmy so noach, de dawla nim- my so nidder, un de doonkla ecka hen ken fooricht. Olla eck uff der boweri hut ebbes far em tsu arin- era. Doh is woo uns der oldt gowl dorrich gonga is, dart wore de gownsh; doh wora mere om shoffa we de nias cooma is os der brooder g’shussa is worra im greek; dart woo ich es arsht mohl ma shaena woo ich my arsht sock-messer far- madel era hand g’hova hob; doh brucha hob, un dart woo mere ols olsfart en hummel nesht g’funna hen won mere drows wora Soon- dawgs hoonich soocha. Dart wore de oldt flox-breech un doh de tzooker camp—olla cck, un hivvel un heck hut en history, un olla dinsht coomed tzurick we en long- fangessner drawm. Der oldt bawm- gorda is nuch dart, awver de bame sin oldt un fowl un de ebbel sin glae un sour. Dart wore der kar- absa obbel, dart der wise boy-ob- bel, dart der hoonich-obbel, dart der Pinnick, un doh sin nuch de wartzla fum oldta freea sees-obbel woo mere ols ivver em hoy-maucha derfun g’essa hen un de kullick greeked. Doh sin de oldta karsha bame—usht nuch shtoomba mit a pawr lavendiche nesht. Doh wore der oldt walniss bawm woo ols soomers de aich-hawsa era laeva druff arlora hen won ich boolfer un shroat g’hot hob far d oldt flindt lawda. Ich bin dorrich es oldt house. Doh is de kommer woo de kinner uff de weldtcoom a sin. Doh wore es bed-laedely g’shtonna wqo mere laerna hen unser ga-badelin sawga. Doh de kich woo mere ols de longa owet tsu ga-brucht hen far-shteck- wore der mommy éra shpin-rawd la un blinda-misely shpeela. Doh g’shtonna, dart de bock-moold. Uff sellem shelf de uhr un in sellem eck der shonk woo mere ols jam rous g’shneaked hen. Doh is de shpeicher-shtake nuff gonga, un doh is de shtoop woo mere ols seeser shlofe greeked hen won de dawg’s arawet ivver wore. Un doh warricklich, is der eversht shpeicher woo mere ols onna sin un de oshter oyer ba-gooked won gor ken onnerer blotz mae wore os uns hovva hut wella. Dart hin- na im eck hut ols de oldt week g’shtonna won se net in use wore— un sell wore net uftf. Unich den- na shporra hut’s ols full ga-grider g’hunka os goot wore far-bouch- wae un olla onera gronkheita: shofe ribba, oldter mon, maderly, solvic, rawda, gwindle, warmet, dorrich-wox, sossafrill, olond un scrwartz-wartzel. Dart sin nuch de locher woo mere ols de sichla nei g’hocked hen won de arn far- by wore, un dart drivva hut ols der oldt horich trunk g’shtonna os der grose-dawdy fun Deisclond ga- brucht hut. nuch de oldt bell woo uns ols ous Dart uff em wesh-house henked em feldt ga-roofa hut tzu'um essa. Now ich hob shunt feel goode moo- sic g’hared. Ich hob shunt bands g’hared os shpeela hen kenna bis es em in da tzaea ga-glingled hut; ich hob shunt weipsleit hara singa in der karrich bis yada ebber boll g’winshed hut se daida shtuppa od- der shtarava, awver in meim dawg- un-des-laeves hov ich ken so sa- liche yocht g’hared os cooma is fun selera oldta middawg’s-bell. Wos hut mer en obbadit g’hot, un wos hut’s brode-warsht, shoonka-flaish, ebbel-boy un leb-koocha ga-kusht! Un derno bin ich ons oldt shool- house, awver des is nimmy dart, un duch hov ich’s g’saena grawd os won es nuch dart shtae date. Ich hob de marika uff der wondt g’- saena; ich yore widder in der sh- pelling class g’shtonna woo es arsht madel os ich in meim laeva ga- glicha hob mere g’sawd hut se het g’hossed mich trappa wile se mich ga-glicha hut; ich hob de shooler haera es map singa, un de gram- ma class haera recita. Ich hob en drink rous em oldta wasser-kivvel g’numma, un hob yidder koldte lever-warsht un lod-warrick brode g’-essa uff em hinnera sitz. Es ich reecha hob kenna we ols de wore olles nuch so noddeerlich os oldta schmootzicha rechel-bicher g’- shtoonka hen. In fact, ich hob g’- maned ich ware yidder en boo un vare om eck-bolla shpeela mit da onera shooler. Oll de socha saena hen mich hardt denka maucha. Wos hut’s gevva mit da onera shooler? Dale sin dote un dale sin in wide len- ner. Dale sin hoach druvva in laerning, un dale sin nuch net ous e mshpellig booch. Dart wore der boo os mere ols es lowsich kolb Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER Goitre: An unusual demand for | a practical method of treatment for | goitre without surgery has caused | me to investigate the methods used | by some of the successful physi- | cians who have specialized along | that line. I think that of all the methods of treatment which I have investigated, that employed by Dr. David Grant Roy is the most prac- tical and successful. I have, in order to give gent and helpful suggestions, under observation a number of patients that have been success- fully treated by Dr. Roy, and in each case the result has been high- ly. satisfactory. Dr. Roy’s method is simplicity itself and ig thoroughly practical common sense. He uses a prepara- tion of stainless iodine in the form of an inunction, but he does not, as the practice has heretofore been simply apply the iodine to the skin over the gland. He first at my suggestion, by manipulation, raises the clavicles and relaxes the mus- cular tissues surrounding the gland, the patient prone upon the back. The inunction is then applied after which it is driven into the deeper tissues with the high frequency current. Treatment is applied daily with the result that in cases of young girls the enlargement gome- times disappears within a couple of weeks. In cases of older girls and young women four to six or even eight weeks may be required. In one case coming under my observation, a woman of perhaps forty-five years had a very troub- lesome goitre of twenty years’ standing, and symptoms of exoph- thalmic difficulties were beginning to manifest themselves in a very uncomfortable manner. After three months’ treatment the circumfer- ence of the neck and gland had been reduced from seventeen and three-fourths inches to thirteen and a half inches and although the enlargement was still vigible, the patient was so well satisfied that she stopped the treatment. At that time there were no symptoms of exophthalmic trouble. ¢ After observing this method for a long time, I worked out a simple and practical method of treatment which the patient could use in the | home without the high frequency | appliance. This, with a corrected | diet give the same result and is much more economical. | In his remarkable book,” Beauty | and Motherhood,” Dr. Ferdinand! Herb says that, “The thyroid gland | is one of the most important or-| gans of the body. ' The functions | of this gland are manifold. In| some ways it supports, in other! ways it antagonizes the ovaries. The intimate connection between | the thyroid gland enlarges at all of | those occasions that serve as mile- stones in woman’s sexual life; pu- berty, menstruation, pregnancy and change of life. This enlarge- ment is but the outward sign of the increased activity of the thy- roid gland during these periods. It is not desirable from a standpoint of beauty, and happily, disappears when the wave of disturbance has passed. Only in comparatively few instances does the enlargement be- come permanent and then, in a way, difigures the neck. The characteristic enlargement of the thyroid gland is not always so pronounced as to be visible to the eye. However, observing wom- en frequently notice it in the seem- ing tightening of their collars or neck bands at these specified times One of the most important func- tions of the thyroid gland is the destruction of poisonous substances intelli- kept Every member of the family . . short or tall, enjoys perfect driving comfort in Buick’s new adjustable front seat + 1 Simply turn the seat regulator and the entire seat moves to the exact position desired... “Made-to- Measure” driving position for every driver. : Uuicl N WITH MASTERPIECE BODIES BY FISHER \ S. F. ULRICH Nd Elizabethtown, Penna. . Whea Better Antomobiles Are Built... Baick Will Build Them Announcing R C A Radiola 60 Now with powerful AC Tubes No matter what set you now have you owe it to yourself to hear this new Radiola—one of the greatest advances made in radio to date. Come in today and let us demon- strate it to you—no obligation. H. S. Newcomer & Son Mount Joy, Pa. in the blood. The greatly increas- ed demand made upon it in that direction is probably the reason a why in the majority of instances ——— its enlargement is so conspievousy” = Mg during pregnancy. © en Blasted out of solid rock, a new “strong room” covering an area of two and a half acres has been constructed 150 feet below the Bank of France in Paris. ———— Eee Having no other instruments at hand Dr. W. W. Council removed | a patient’s tonsils with a jack knife at a remote settlement in Alaska. g’haessa hen. Are is now en Shtate Senator un der karl woo ene ols b’shimpt hut wile si fodder net ols huckel-beera ruppa un sheena-ba- vote hut, mauched si laeva mit nuch far der General Jackson ga- sum farkawfa, un oll sin tsufritta mit eram blotz. Aner sooched far ebbes tsu essa un der onner sooch- ed far en obbadit—un luss mich dere sawga, der mon woo goot g- satisfied is mit nix is ahead. De veldt is en mower; yada mensch is en shtae, un yadera hut si blotz. Dale sin de eck-shtae un wara uft fun der wond woo se es dawges- ba-gooked, un dale sin in der mit licrt net saena, un duch sin se notewennich far de mower uff haeva. ' Nuch anes is mere ei-cooma, un sell is os mer shtorrick oldt wara. | De menshta fun uns sin doh shunt | ivver middawg, un boll coomed de nocht. Mere shtarta nows morgets | un maena der dawg het ken end. Won der middawg is don coomds uns ei os des laeva duch net so long is os mere g'maned hen, un won owet coomed don sin mere oll ready far hame gae—in de rhue 7 FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL Fou want coal that burns and is free from stome, clinkers, ete. will reasonable. readily convince you that it pays to buy goed coal. A trial Prices very &F] GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH CASN SALES ONLY HARRY LEEDOM Telephone 5RS5 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. d HEATING Repair Work PRICES REASONABLE JOSEP Phone—179R5 . HEISEY FLORIN, PENNA. LT)