The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 14, 1928, Image 8

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CASTER CO., PA. \ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14th, 199g










Class sified Column | Whole Family Likes This Basement T sos ci RT Eon or peril] 4
: John Wagner and Amos G.| 44 as te Sen Winesap,
BF ENT—Garage. Apply to Brandt spent last Tuesday evening | cing your order oo Golde ‘Smokehouse, and i
19 West oe Espenshade, P. R. R | = = il elsewhgre, See us, | others. Apples Wgld in any quan
To . . 4S > . . . | EE er ee - | Lity.
FO Milton Player tract foreman, spent Tuesday after- | : Crushed manulac hy. 11 from our Mand along the ys a year |
‘Piano with Rolls. on at Lancaster turers of Con®gete Blocks, Ai ve se * ra 1
#9 + i . . . a
Main St. Mt. Jov. RO" BF covered with] Sills and Lintels. ignway. or At our i
3 licht snow on Monday, the first 0 ie £
| HOUSE ALE —Frame 2 lig 0 y, the — I
HOUSE 6 Jos = garage. 129 | for this season. It soon vanished. | Fairview Orchar 0. K. DER §
Now Hoven St, Mt. Joy septl2tf| Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bard spent J N STAUFFER RO FLORIN, PA. tf Jo :
locke Big at the home of Mr. and | jo V8 ¢ Mount oy, i
yo ipger Electric | py, J. K. Bard at Buffalo, N. Y. MOUNT JOY, PA. FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you
Sewing Machine, oon pace! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heisey Pent] ’ desire a fine home on West Donegal Phone 57R4 | A
$125.00. Phone 5 Sige Ay Sunday at the home of Mr. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE | 3t., Mt. Joy. in first-class condition, i
-— —~"|and William Garman, at East —Brick, location, done, ag all | has all nes 50s Want a Cheap Farm? i
Turn useless articles about your Petersburg. : conveniences. Garage, fruit, shrub- sme, call or phone Ung ge I have a 130-acre farm 1% mile
home into cash. Advertise them in John Koser, tenant on the Nissley | Dery. foes, shade, newly painted. | for further particulars. dec14-tf from Middletown, 20 acres es ;
our classified column. tf | farm adjoining Rheems, has several | n Th one Son EH Boole USE. CHEAP—TI h land, buildings in good shape,
{acres of potatoes to dig up at the Sze ore e 2088 To 3 ' NEW HOUS 4 —1 have] place to live and will be
— - - - 2 D Des onegal Spring St. Mt. Joy, Pa.| a 6-room House along the trolley | jek sal Pri
E—Get the highest prices time of this writing. june13-t SO or a quick sale. ce only
3 | > it : tf | at Florin that I want to sell before| er 500. Can be earned i
for ca hides. Reist Katie Evans who resides at the April 1st. Has all conveniences and $7, oan be Bed in Co few
: I . ears a
Mumma. Phone Sti a Mr. “0 Mss: gti There is no better way to boost | will sell for only $3,650 for a quick re Th a Mt. ww
Mt. Joy R3. spent the past week a e your business than by local news- | gale. This is No. 871 in my list.| pa, Phone 41R2. HA
Tet home of her brother at Steelton. paper advertising. tf ' Jno. B. Schroll, Realtor. Mt. Joy.
Ul small green De Church of the Brethren held their i
ok, containing some Im ‘| annual Lovefeast at their church Br a CTR 1
i { A N WITH THE DANCE!” is the order of the evening in the home that
Please Yeturh to Miss ey ere Tuesday and Wedne sday with O hag a music room all fitted up in the basement. No rugs have to be
Newtown, — 2 ate manos. Jute a MUM- | up nor furniture moved, nor are the more serious members of the fam- ” u i
of git], highiber of sirange ministers were Pre- | po gisturbed In their reading or serious conversations upstairs. But every SER | FE; D i i
oh ethane for cler-|sent from adjoining districts. one who knows the latest steps or wants to hear the most pepful jazz or see EX N ven 1S I 1 on
jeal position. Ask for uf-{ Farmers in the Sa 4 oF the latest movie finds his way down to the dance room and home theater == S Prove Value
dent Oil a county are conten 2 e| that was once just a cluttered half of the basement. | 2
for, ohne e novl4-tf | pleasant autumn wen hey 2% them Not every basement lends itself to such an arrangement but many of them NONWrAp A ~ 0 t he
an opportunity to gather in bumper | 4, and thoughtful builders are making provision for this in new homes. SPREADER A 2 3
HOUSE FOR RENT—No. 343 crops of yellow corn and put out| mpe plan shown here is taken from an actual house and is practicable In Te C4 2 b S FAR U HAR
West Donegal St., Mount Joy. has|the seeding in a perfect manner | gary respect. phe 1 \
2ll conveniences. Vacant Nov. 1.|with certified seed. Wheat fields are The heating plant, of course, has right of way in every basement, as ) * 99
Apply to Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. | covered with the wheat stolled for | uno this depends the comfort and health of the entire family. The Holland
oct24-t1 the winter. warm air heating system should be placed as near to the center of the house
( a as possible and close to the fuel room, which, in turn, 1s located with a view M °
EARN $12.00 TO $10,000 b SPORTING HILL to being filled conveniently from the outside. Then economy demands that % anul e
toe Prog. Sov Tob ls See Se TL tn we chen or buon ot | Sab ==== Spreader
3, '. 3 Ee nd = ; - i’
\ i in 5 supply pipes and waste stack may be tapped at a minimum of cost. The rest P
pans. 3 ve ae Your Mr. and Mrs. Phares Strickler| of the basement may be partitioned off for storage and recreational purposes. :
TRI-CITY BARBER SCHOOLS [spent the week end at Wilmington, The dance room shown here is kept warm and dry by the furnace. The EVEN DISTRIB TION is possible only EDGE MOUNT GUERNSEY FARM
232 N. 9th St, Philadelphia, Pa. | pe], coal bin is large enough to contain a winter's supply of fuel at a single filling, when beaters deliver even stream to the
nov7-4t-pd | Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paige, of| for the Holland brig 72:80 Spey distributor. ; Ls . York, Fa, 2 F. D. No. 3,
3 : Wrightsville, spent Sunday with| ates 80 efficiently that it requires a mini- a, i . B. Farquhar Co., Limited,
NOTICE_The insurance in the| bigger ‘Mrs. rs Foose. mum of coal. This furnace will bring a THEATRE The positive bars place the York, Pa.
Compan a due and payable to | Mr. and Mrs. William Seitz| nose up 3 To or 72 Je 5 12x30 pulverizing teeth in such posifjons, as the beaters Be Wea! as buen
cal agent arry Miller, | . 0. Sel t| grees of warmth on a midwinter morte ; revolve, so that they break? and tear the i
Ig st, Mt. un: | 204 Mr Su ps 3 i ie after the draft has been open less than apart and at Toe same ne clean them- i ri pe. i lh We
i olicy is su Saturday wit bang SIS Y| an hour, That is, it requires a minimum ne § conditions a e
paid Nov. 15 your p y . Fu fact that the beat d Kk
oct31-3t | Seitz. of forcing—and it is forcing rather than RCOM selves and the teeth by centrifugd] force. These OP BR ha wear males
: Mr .and Mrs. Jacob S. Henry| steady moderate combustion which eats NA beaters cannot wrap and must deli the manure oa, BL Rr, Th
WOOD FOR SALE—I have a|and Mrs. Lizzie Kauffman were the| nto the coal pile. wan to the distributor in an even strea in order that | might have a Farquhar
Jot of cord wood sawed stove length guests of Mrs. Kate Zug, of Man- Not only the basement, but the en- : Mey Spreader with patented “Non-Wrap”
which I sell reasonable at all Himes, heim, on Sunday. tire house, profits from the fact that the The 16 point distributor furthel, reduces Beaters.,
Jon t Telephone Joa Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shelly| Holland heating plant holds its heat for § the manure and spreads it evenly ovég every J. A. POORBAUGH.
ount Joy. |and daughter, Blanche, of Lancas-| hours. This makes for real comfort, and Hus square inch of ground. Therefore the Fahguhar- Thi Beaters cannot when, dogg; of choke, the
A Wh od one ater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Be he STII het : Ca “Non-Wrap” Spreader uniformly Bester awd Disibior shots, opirate in
f land frontmg eet OP |r. p contributes to 20 in; : : 7 gs. ated, wide face rear
Emel of hing hel Mee Pho: Ranta Shearer| he new type no: difier. which Is an integral part of the vapor-air plant. fertility thereby assuring maximum crops. Wests track,” Therefore lightest draft consistent with
d 540 feet deep? The price 18 ¥. ang Lol Whereas the water-pan in the ordinary warm air furnace evaporates a gallon
in an : daugh El d Ruth, of
very reasonable if sold soon. J. daug ters, Elsie an uth, ol} 0 water a day, the humidifier in this heater consumes from three to twenty-
Schroll, Mt. Joy. mar 2-t Sg Shen Sey with Mr.| goo a day, maintaining a relative humidity of 40 per cent, which x 29
and Mrs. M. H. Kauffman. olentists and heating and ventilating authorities agree is ideal for the [ sr
HOUSE FOR SALE—A practic: Mr dM S 1 H. Shell sc a A
saz tool r. an rs. Samuel H. elly | famiiy’s health. ?
ily OW Eu po entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A small platform is built at one end of the room, for amateur dramatics
Lacs and in Al shape. 1 wil! sell | Knier and daughter, June, and Mr.| or the home orchestra. A floor should be laid for dancing, and this may be
nable to a snappy buyer | ang Mrs. William Shank and son,| done inexpensively with battleship linoleum surfaced with varnish. ;
Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar.9-tf| "yd Mrs. Daniel Shank and An All Steel Frame with Heavy Changel Sides
. children, Anna, Mabel and Daniel, > pepe
All exchange anything DOT, | pent Sunday in the home of Mrs Basement Is Place for Sewing Room Great Flexibility of Front Axle ~— Auto GuNe Front Wheels,
Top repairs seond Bend Team hank’s brother, Clayton Grombling, Direct Draft through Draft Rods which pull from Ognter of Bed
Harness or D of York.
Bridles Collars, Ha Bits, et. | 70 4 vrs. Walter Gi Ee Ee si!
St. Mr. an rs. Walter Gibble, of = wo mE I AIL] A .
BE | Sporting Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. <i ply UL i - Let us show you how the Farquhar ‘“Non-Wrap’’ Spreadyr makes more
~~ ? aug22- d Hahn, of Landisville, motor- ST money, does the work better and lasts longer. Write todayNfor complete of
VOTE. OF THANKS 1 wish Lol od 10 CoNONIngD 00 al ol information and prove these statements to your entire Sqtisfaction. oe
thank all neighbors and friends , 4 "Ruth Clarence and Ralph



gisted In any “my |of Sporting Hill, and Mrs. Samuel
{| Pfautz, of Manheim, spent the |
MRS. EMMA E MAN ; week end with Rev. and Mrs. Hor-
be . lace Mathis, of New Jersey.
FOR SALE—Good Second-ha Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Hoffer,
Bleaner, Small Electric new water: | vy .and Mrs. Allen H. Hoffer and
and carpet sweeper. ; :
Hammerless shot gun, | children. Almedo, May and Blaine,
cheap for cash.!Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffer and 3 Jk
Delivery, | children, were guests of Miss Anna i m1 - i BAB i i
| Hershey, of Manheim. di i il) Sr ha
A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Limited, York, Pa.
Largest Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery in the East

Barrow Rollers
Lime Sowers
Hay Balers
Cider Presses

Write G. D. B.
Mt. Joy, Pa.
themums, large or small,


. oct24-
ii Grain Drills
Traction Engines
i] Corn Planters



Ch: |
1 colors calendulas, pansies, 9 0, 0, bs Os 0s abs abs 0a Ba 80 BL 0. 0 OO OO bbb SO Ob © i
al ile So HY PAY RENT $ Fd dtd tld id dd ddd
All kinds of pot fants, Special rent is spending CU :
on funeral designs. H. D. BY'S | monky for which you never AZ ING ROOM in the basement is an ideal arrangement because it | ¢ :
S STORE and Z et Sy returns. You can use does not take up valuable space upstairs and is, if anything, even 3 T
GREENHOUSE, Mt. Joy, Pa. [1 get exon o fetdicr than a ton. Gute Ye made light, wi
ul novi XE that Same rent money in buy- handier than a second-floor location. Such a room may be made light, warm, oe
— ing a\home and eventually attractive and convenient. Also, it is close to the laundry where the iron-
R SALE—1 set Drawing In- | you will own a property. ing board and iron may be kept ready for pressing without interruption of
ound Volumes-Build-| Isn’t that much better? the seamstress’ work.
hts, 4B An excellent basement layout, conforming to an actual house plan, is


0, $0599


i lumes, Indus- |
tel Ary ? Bom Se SF! ts fori shown here. The Holland warm air furnace is placed near the center of oe
Builders’, thur's New Building | the house. The coal bins are close th it and on the driveway side, conven- oe oe
Estimator, [der’s Architects and | ient for filling. The laundry tubs are beneath the plumbing upstairs. Note & 3
Builders’ Hand ok, Sheet Metal! the amount of storage space for wood, garden tools and preserves. &
All these several features are possible in the average basement if a
warm air heating plant of modern type is installed. The latest model of
Holland furnace is one which embodies a new invention, a fan unit which
in Wood Turn-!
Hand BookmLouys
ing, Mechanich, Dra g and Prac-
tical Drafting, any er Books, |

oe 3
relating to the trades 4 Voca- moves the air at a much higher velocity than the force of gravity, which is o 3
the propelling force in the old-style heater.
This style of heating plant is designed attractively and finished in red
und black—a far cry from the unsightly appearance of the ordinary dwelling.
house heater. Furthermore, its over-all
tional Education, Sparton
©. K. SNYDER. 3.251





er GO) te of Annie S. Eshelman,| 3 Join the Mount} Joy Build- dimensions are less than the space occu- 4
fate Joy Township, dec’d.! § Ing and Loan Assigiation and nied by the ordinary warm air furnace oe
LetterWgtestamentary on said es-, it will help you gel§ a home. and its intake pipe. For this reason, & °°
tate havin en granted to the | Since the first Sgock was such a plant will allow ample room for WORKSHOP 3
undersigned, persons indebted | offered five months Ago, over all the basement accommodations shown 3
04 7
ghereto are requied to make im-j§ 400 shares were sold. here without any difficulty,

mediate payment. 2 those hav-, | Tre a 3 woes Ti Tartit :
3 4 fas 1 Se a s partitioned off oe
ng claims or demands gains the JOIN NOW | with either matched lumber or wallboard SEWING ROOM $
same, will present the without i = A ioe Lf 6 WSO 156" X 153 oe 3
lav for settlement to § Mount Joy Building nd" will he move attractive (11g NASM 4
ind vegiding at Mount Jo WE y gd walls are painted and for joints 5 &
BS 3 . . are covered with wallboard. ne oo
. . No. 3. 116 covered :
= ¥ D HIRAM S. ESHELMAN, "™. Loan Association treatment for the floor would be battle SHELVES & 4
Executor H. H. ENGLE, Pres. } <bip linoleum. cemented down and var 4 :
> ishe a thick a mizl oe i
Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, E. M. BOMBERGER, a ge Or 2a. di rg be bos LAUNDRY :
down. ut ese Ings are YQ" ’ . . .
nov14-6t ight be well to use inexpensive rag fi oo Whatever your job printing Way be, Ye fan take Soe of
Ta A mORE NOTI Bd ® iv ier ’ Tor . . .
ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE \ rugs of attractive light colors. A heat os them and turn out a job that will be a delight to the ove, The
Estate of Jacob G. Brown, late OURT PROCLAMATION lead from the furnace to the sewing
of Mount Joy Borough, County of | Wheréys, the Hon. Charles I. Landis, | $room will supply ample heat to keep it comfortable, and in the summer it | ¢% importance of good printing cannot be overestimated
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, deceased. Pres, 2 w Judge of the Court of Common robably will be one of the coolest rooms in the house. kA o
It increases the value of your advertising matter
d for th y .ancas 3
pd 87 the coups of Lavon ter Py all means build in a set of shelves to hold the boxes and baskets of
erminer and General Jail De-
Letters of administration on said | 4 £40
estate having been granted to the|oyer and
undersigned, all persons indebted [livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace
| sewing materials. An old chest of drawers, enameled in an attractive color.
thereto are requested to make im-|in and for County of Lancaster, have
makes a splendid plece of sewing room furniture, tenfold. We can take care of both big and

small jobs at exceptionally low prices.
a : issued their ecept to me directed, re-
mediate payment and those having quiring me, a ng other things, to make
elaims or demands against the same | public proclam#Mjon throu A FARIA. og
ghout balli- Vv
will present them without delay for wick, that a Cogget of SE IRON ILLE
gettlement to the undersigned, | and General Jail
General Quarter S
Work turned out promptly — no
0. 0,

elivery, also a Court of
sions of the Peace and
Wheat, per bushel ......... $1.25



whose post office address is Mount | 755; 00 A On Tuesd oni ors 3
ov, Pa. Jail ‘Delivery, ‘will in the Court| Of evening, Ho Moreh, | Corn, per bushel ........... $1.18 | & waiting, Come. in and consult. us
ster, the | A. of the Silver Spring U y
I 3 2 pring U. B. church
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Commonwealth of Pégnsylvania, met at th h if N Lard, per ID. 15 | oe foil bl 1
MARTIN B. BROWN ON THE THIRK, MONDAY IN|pect at the home of Mrs Samat Butter, per Ib. .....- rast on your printing problems!
; WN ent, Jane No - 1
mM Hollowiush Administrators NO EE 19%) 1928 presiding, Sivteen Were present per dozen Coin: 50-35 io Estimates cheerfully ‘
'm. M. Hollowbush, Att'y. nov7-6t|; nar Ewha orth. : : n Sunday evening at 7:30 | ;
. Pe fh 3 gt Fai Alder. o’clock in the Silerv Spring U. B. “How d’ya like my baby?” ss furnished!
In order that a nubile sale, festi- {man of the City of Land§ster, in said | church a Teacher Trainin 1 “Sweet, looks just like you. 9,
supper, musical or anv like ev- Sn gud sl Justices he Peace | of 13 members win : in “How dare you!” &
’ 4 e oroner and onstahles t sai ad-
be a success, it must he thoro- [City and County of Lancaster, t they be |uated. They have taken the Oliver | “Dare what?” SLs Sa &
vertised. Try the Bulletin. Sos A their ie recor al ore course. The minister, Rev. J. L.| “1 Wags erely jesting, ive my 3
tf |inations, and ‘inquisitions, and thi other |J. L. Smoker, preached a special neighbor's, y
S, ings Cc o 3 |
— Gi ore office ome sermon for the occasion. The fol- ! E °°
it's job printing you peed, be. done and to” those who wil se. |lowing were graduated: Mr. and |, PouLTRY Fam JOB SAL oa Ge
wi ins e prisoners who are o i -
a card to a book, vs eo on the Il of he srl. County yr Ne oti, Edwin Musser, modern conveniences, 6 acres land, | ¢%
Lancaster, ,are to be then and there elen, blanche and Carrie Fisher, | 9 poultry houses ranging in size 3
hom ay suoll be juss Malus Ditslen, Mildred Gumber, | trom 10x10 to 16x100. Will sell
he | day, November 18, 1 9 28 a., ues- Sladve Robinson, Irene Livingood, ; with or without poultry and equip.
A who | aay, . ary Frey, Mrs. Gabriel Miller nd | ment. Call, phone or write . E. oe 6% CORK) O00 0 Fo 9 4% 2% o% 2% 0% 2% 2%
Li P. P. DATTISMAN, Sheriff John Bor ¢ | SCHROLL, Phon 41R2, Mount Joy, aged ofp eto odio idol :
1 3 {

: “yg
; { /