N= 7 a soi Sob id CRANK J o> 0% be? % ode 3000 ofr odes ES © . The Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. XXVIII, No. 15 MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1928 $1 .50 A YEAR IN When a Merchant Loses His Faith in Newspaper Advertising, Spiders Commence Weaving Webs Across the Shelves of His. Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Dinner MR. AND MRS. HENRY H. LIN- DEMUTH, OF YORK, WILL EN- TERTAIN AT THE WASHING- TON HOUSE A dinner will be given at the ‘Washington House, here on Satur- day evening, September 22nd by Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Lindemuth, York, Pa., to about forty persons on the occasion of their fiftieth wedd- ing anniversary. In this group will be the three bridesmaids, Mrs. Annie Brown, Mt. Joy, Pa., Mrs. Annie Haines, Lancaster, Pa., and Mrs. Annie Williams, Philadel- phia, Pa., and two of the three groomsmen, Mr. John Miller and Mr. Sam Henry, both of Mt. Joy, Pa. The third groomsman, Mr. John B. Zellers, Jr., has recently died. (Turn to Page 4) nr street Ere wi U. B. USHERS’ LEAGUE HELD GOOD MEETING The regular meeting of the Ush- ers’ League of St. Mark’s United Brethren church was held on Thurs- day evening in the basement of the Sunday School room. The meeting, was opened with a song by the Lea- gue and Scripture reading by How- ard Rehrer. Prayer was offered by Warren Bentzel, followed by a sel- ection by the male quartet. The question “Is the Church performing her work as given by Christ,” was discussed by Lloyd Kline. “Doing what you can with what you have,” was discussed by John Shank. The business session was held following the selection by the quartet. Those present were: Rev. H. S. Kiefer, William Weldon, Joseph Witmer, Christ Herr, Howard Rehrer, A. N. Stauffer, John Brubaker, Curtis Reisch, Lloyd Hertzler, Frank Muss- er, Maris Gainor, Charles Derr, Nor- man Sprecher, and Warren Bentzel. Visitors were E. W. Bentzel, Walter Greiner, Albert Mumma and John Shank. It was decided to have the Ladies’ Bible class serve the annual banquet of the League this year. A social hour was spent at Sternber- ger’s restaurant. ——— GE Revoke 26 Licenses Twenty-six automobile licenses were revoked and the names of three persons added to the prohibitory list by the Depart- ment of Highways during the past week. drivers’ — eee General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Russell Shaub, aged 24, a line- man of Lancaster, was electrocut- ed at Camden, N. J. Henry Bowman, aged 51, of E. Earl R. 1, was injured at a saw mill and died at the General hos- pital. The water consumers at Palmyra won their fight against the water company for a reduction of its water rates. By the arrest of two colored men at Coatesville, it is believed the ‘“dope’ source for Laneaster will be shut off. (Turn to page 8) Spoke to Rotarians One of the best addresses list- ened to by the members of our lo- cal Rotary Club for some time was delivered at the regular week- ly luncheon meeting yesterday by one of its members, Rev. George A. Kercher, pastor of the Luther- an church. While he was to speak en his vocation, the Reverend gave a “man to man” talk which seem- ingly touched the heart of all present. eee) Ei ——— Treasury Balance The Commonwealth began the present month with a treasury bal- ance of $68,486,025. Due to the heavy payments to schools, the balance was approximately $7,- 000,000 under that of the record high total at the beginning of August. tr ll eres Two New Cars Mr. Jacob H. Shenk, of Shenk’s Oil Co., is sporting a new 62 Chry- sler Coupe and his son Stanley re- ceived a new Dodge Convertible Coupe. Both were delivered last week, ie A One In Ten Marriages Wrecked One of every ten marriages sol- emmnized in Lancaster County ends in divorce. Records show that 1325 marriages were contracted here Jast year and that 141 divorces were granted. Only One Violator Hugo Koppehele, 221 N. Lime street, Lancaster, was tile only per- son arrested by Zerphey for violat- ing traffic laws here during the past week, | | Talli } "Nissly farm, near Kin@erhook, has GIRL ON A TRICYCLE HIT BY A MOTORIST wv Doris Jane Eshleman, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman, West Donegal street, is a patient at the General hospital where she suffers a possible frac- ture of the thigh and other injuries as the result of having been struck by a machine here on Friday. The child had been riding a tri- cycle on the pavement along South Market street, near the Methodist parsonage, and was . struck by a car driven by Roy Bates, of Mount Joy, when she attempted to cross an in- tersecting alley, known as Henry street. Bates removed the girl to the home of her parents and Dr. A. F. Snyder was summoned. Later she was taken to the hospital. ms eel QI nt Joint Sessions of D. A. R. Chapters TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MEMBERS ATTENDED MEET- ING AT DONEGAL SPRINGS WEDNESDAY Two hundred and fifty D. A. R. members attended the joint meet- ing of four D. A. R. chapters at the old Donegal church, Donegal, Wed- nesday afternoon. Representatives were present from the Donegal chapter, Lancaster; the Witness Tree chapter, Marietta; and Colum- bia; the Yorktowne chapter, York; and the Lebanon chapter, Lebanon. Rev. W. N. Yates, pastor of ihe | First Church of God, Lancaster, was the speaker of the afternoon, and gave a patriotic address on “Child- ren of the Constitution.” He urged ! WILL HOLD MEETING Reunions of Pupils, Teachers & Patrons PLEASANT PLACE SCHOOL WILL MEET NEXT SATURDAY FAIRVIEW MET LAST SATURDAY Reunions of pupils, patrons and teachers thruout this section seem in order at this season as a number are being held. Fairview School Eight teachers and twenty-two pupils of fifty years ago attended a reunion Saturday, held in the Fair- view school, Rapho township. Devotionals were conducted by Rev. H. L. Hess, of Union Square, and an address of welcome was de- livered by Rev. Irvin M. Wenger, Mount Hope. (Turn to page 5) A LOCAL DISPLAY OF GAS RANGES SATURDAY The Donegal Gas Co. will conduct an all-day showing of the latest model Clark Jewel gas ranges in their office and salesroom, 38 West Main Street, on Saturday, Septem- ber 22nd, the affair being in charge of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ennis, factory representatives. The visitors will see ranges in the modern trend of attractive colors and no less interesting will be the operation of the famous Lorain oven heat regulator, the mark of modernism on today’s gas range. The public is invited to attend the demonstration. SD Ge HERE FOR POULTRYMEN the importance of every citizen up- holding the principles of the Con- stitution. The Donegal chapter embodied in ; this meeting its annual observance | of Constitution Day which falls in | September. {Turn to Page 4) re eel Pre A COMMUNITY BOOTH AT COMMUNITY EXHIBIT Officers and chairmen of the various committees of the Com- munity exhibit to be held on Octo- ber 18, 19 and 20 met on Friuay evening in the council chamber. BE. G. Whitmer, of Lititz, will act as judge. . It was decided to con- duct a community products booth. Five townships will be represented. The booth will be erected in the market house. S. B. Mason, of Rheems, was appointed judge of rabbits and guinea pigs. The Boy Scouts will occupy a booth in the market house and all intending to display products are asked to com- municate with Mr. Lenhard, West Main street. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, Septem- ber 28, at 8 o'clock in the council room. rm lA Wrst THE AMERICAN LEGION ELECTS ITS OFFICERS A meeting of U. S. Ebersole Post No. 185 was held in the Post Head~ quarters on Thursday evening. Of- ficers were elected as follows: Com- mander, Earl B. Miller; first vice commander, Warren Greenawalt; second vice commander, Albert My- ers; adjutant, B. A. Schupp; finan- ce officer, Paul Hipple; chaplain, Lloyd Kline; historian, B. F. Groff; sergeant at arms, James Hilt; ath- letic officer, Lee Ellis; executive committee, C. A. Coen, Frank Ger- mer, Clyde F. Eshleman, H. Ross Eshleman and H. A. Mitchell; tees, John GG. Longenecker, Keller and J. Statler Kuhns re et A reer MR. CYRUS LONG IS FOUND NOT GUILTY Cyrus Long, of Mt. Joy township, who was alleged to have entered the chicken coop of Henry Ginder, of Mount Joy township, and stole 16 chickens and a hog, was found not guilty ‘on a charge of felonious entry and larceny, The value of the stolen property was placed at $75. Long maintained that he had no- thing to do with the robbery but accompanied several other persons whom he later left on the night of the robbery. BR trus- Ray Two Dandy Crops E. T. Maxwell, tenant on the nine acres of tobacco. The leaves are 19 inches in width and 33 in. long with from 18 to 22 leaves to the stalk. He also has 14 acres of corn, the ears measuring 18 to 22 inches. Mr. Maxwell and son raised the crops and have to be complimented, as they are two of the finest crops in the county. Mail School Checks Checks tataling $4,015,459.06 ar: being mailed this week by State Treasurer Samuel 8. Lewis to more than 300 school distyicts of the second and third classes. re nn License Receipts Receipts of the bureau of mo- tor vehicles during August were $827,372, am increase of 12.5 over J Friday evening September 21, ! furnished for There will be a in the old High poultry meeting School Building, at 8 o’clock. Prof. C. O. Dossin, Poultry Speci- alist from State College will discuss housing of pullets, fall feeding and management of the laying flocks. New poultry record books will be those interested in keeping a record of their flocks. The meeting is open for everybody interested in poultry. Chickies Home Robbed Some time Tuesday afternoon a thief gained entrance to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waters, at Chickies, and after ransacking the premises escaped with a quantity of butter, lard and soap. Recent Local Real Estate Matters On Saturday evening at the Bul- letin Office Mr. Wilhelm Walters of- fered his 2% story frame dwelling on Marietta street at public sale. The property is located at the cor- ner of Marietta and Lumber streets. It was withdrawn at $3,500.00 and will now be sold privately. The fine farm of Mr. John W. Newcomer, containing 102 acres, located 1 1-2 miles east of Rheems! in Mount Joy township, was of- | fered at public sale last Wednes- day afternoon. It was withdrawn at $143.00 per acre. C. S. Frank]; was the auetioneer. rel AR re me Patrick Conway at Stevens Patrick Conway 2nd his world famous band of New York has been | engaged by the Stevens Fire Com- pany for their last outdoor carnival of the season on Saturday, Sept- ember 22nd afternoon and evening. The first concert will open at 4 p.m. ! at which time the free bus service from Ephrata will begin. Damm Bros. & LaBelle acrobats will give a dazzling anc dt | sensational exhibition of acrobatic feets, full of comedy and dexterity, in three acts. LaBelle is the young- | est performing acrobat in the world, | ar ee eG OB = Called On The Editor Mr. Roy XK. Hoober, District | Game Protector of Larcaster Coun- | ty, of New Holland, and Wilbur M. Cramer, Division Supervisor of the Penna. State Game Commissioners, | of Reading, called on the editor | Saturday. Both report excellent | prospects for a successful game hunting seasen this Fall. eee tl Ge. Will Be Continued The furniture and undertaking business, for many years -conduct- ed by the late H. C. Brunner, will be continued by his estate. Ar- rangements have been made to give the business prompt and careful attention. ere Geer A New Advertiser Messrs. Hassinger & Risser, ex- tensive auto dealers and repair men at Elizabethtown, are new ad- vertisers in this issue of the Bulle- tin. i AR ie It Won't Get Old Mrs. Fred Lieberher, om Marietta stieet, has a snow white cat and al- though the feline is eighteen years old, it is as playful as a kitten. mr eee tll QI ens Marriage Licenses Paw M. Wolgemuth and Alice M. the same month in 1927. / 5 2) | 4, who was 3RD ANNUAL REUNION AT FAIRVIEW SCHOOL Former teachers, pupils and friends of the Old Fairview school house, held thier third annual re- union on Saturday, at the ‘Little Red Schoolhouse” between Master- sonville and Elizabethtown. About 150 persons attended. Following is the program: Devo- tions, Rev. Henry Hess; Address of Welcome, Rev. Irvin M. Wenger; solo, Amos - Stauffer; Recitation, Emelia Hossler; Reading, Barbara Heisey, of Landisville; Address, Mrs. Sue Brandt, of Lancastery Music by “The Dourte Family”; Reading, Mrs. Esther Wittle Hall- gren, of Mt. Joy; Address, Rev. Monroe B. Miller, Elizabethtown; Music, Reminiscences of Old Time Schooldays, by David Shenk, Mt. Joy; Mrs. Benjamin Brubaker, Grantham; Allen Hollinger, Mt. Joy and Mrs. Fannie Risser, Campbell- town; short addresses by former teachers. Were Tendered a Kitchen Shower THE EVENT WAS HELD SATUR- DAY EVENING IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. CHRISTIAN MARTIN A kitchen shower was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Martin on Saturday evening. The guests present were from Mt. Joy, Lititz, Ephrata, Millersville, Browns- town, New Holland, Bareville, Man- heim, Reamstown, Strasburg, Good- ville and Groffdale, and were the following: Esther Beck, Mrs. Noah Sensenig, Mrs. Irvin Weaver, Mrs. John Beck, Margurete Weaver, Mrs. Aaron Hess, Mrs. Reno Weaver, Alice Martin, Kathryn Weaver, Mrs. Galen Mohler, Mrs. John Burkhart, Anna Weaver, * Mrs. Willis Weaver, Margaret Whiteroft, Mrs. Elmer Whitcroft, Mrs, Christian Martin, { (Turn to page 4.) mmm Qe. REDUCES SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES Connection Charges, which apply when an extension telephone or a private branch ex- change is connected or when there is a change in the type of instru- ment, have been reduced by the Columbia Telephone Company. The new charges become effective Oct- ober 1st. The charge for installing an ex- tension telephone or private branch station has been $3.00, the new charge will be $2.00. Changing from one type of instrument to an- other will be reduced from $3.00 to $2.00. Moving or changing the lo- cation of a telephone within the same building will be reduced from $3.00 to $2.00. The charge for re- connecting the telephone service that has been ordered disconnected Service iby the subscriber will be reduced from $3.00 to $2.00. toed A LOCAL CASE IS SETTLED AT COURT The following is Lancaster New Era: Mr. E. A. Kessler, was heard on three passing fradulent Landis’ court. John Lively, of Columbia, a produce dealer who alleged that he had sol three bills of goods to Kessler and taken from the of this place, indictments of checks in Judge that ke had given bad checks in payment. Kessler’s defense was that he gave checks dated ahead with the consent of the man who haled him into court. Mr. Kessler was found not guilty and the jury directed the costs be divided be- | tween the two parties. aE E'TOWN GIRL HURT AT WERNERSVILLE William Eby, of Elizabethtown, collided with a parked automobile lat Wernersville near Reading yes- terday, when a suitcase in his car fell upon his shoulder and distract- ed his attention. Miss Anna daughter of Mr. Jane Espenshade, and Mrs. John Es- penshade, of Elizabethtown, BR. D. riding with the Eby family, was cut about the head and face from flying glass resulting from a broken windshield. In Business for Himself Mr. Joseph Heisey, of Florin, has been employed by Messrs. H. S. Newcomer & Son here for a number of years, resigned and has gone into the plumbing and heat- ing business for himself. He is located at Florin. Joe has many friends in wishing him success in his business venture. Distributed Ringnecks 1 Mr. Jno. E. Schroll distributed a number of Ringneck pheasants in this locality last week. The birds were half grown, ang as ‘many males as females were liberated. The former will’ make’ fine shooting this Fall. Entertaghed Guests Miss Clare had a social gathering at hfy home on Marietta street Friday fafternoon when she Miller, East Denegal tewmnship. | entertained a fhumber of guests. The prosecutor was | their services here Local Doings Around Florin BIRTHDAY PARTY IN HONOR OF MISS RUTH BAKER—PERSON- AL AND OTHER NOTES ABOUT TOWN Mr. Wesley Wittle spent Sunday at Bethlehem. Harry B. Wittel has purchased a Zenith Radio from Mr. McElroy. Mr. A. W. Mummau received a carload of steers here Saturday. Mr. John Cosgrove and wife and Mr. Jacob Rider were at Lancaster Saturday. Mr. Ezra Hess and family visited friends at Erisman’s Church last ‘Sunday. Mr. Elmer Schlegelmilch spent last Thursday in the City of Broth- erly Love. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Malehorn and children spent Thursday at Lancaster. Mr. Joseph Eshleman and family spent a few days in New Jersey vis- iting friends. (Turn to Page 5) Ed ed PASTORS AID SOCIETY HELD MEETING AT ROWENNA The pastor's aid society of the Ludwig Methodist Church held their regular monthly meeting on Tues- day evening, at the home of Mr. Hassinger Smith and family, at Rowenna. The trip was made in automobiles. The meeting was in charge of the vice-president, Mrs. Andrew Bore- man. Plans were discussed for holding a food sale on Saturday, October 6th. A program was then rerdered: Joyce Hawthorne, Janet Fitzkee, Mildred Miller, and Mrs. Hassinger Smith gave readings. An interest- ing talk was given by the pastor, Rev. E. L. Eberhart, old familiar songs were sung by all and the hos- tess Mrs. Smith served delicious re- freshments. Among those present were: Rev. E. L. Eberhart, Mr. and Mrs. Paris Engle, Mrs. Walter Hawthorne and daughter, Joyce, Mrs. Ervin Miller and son, Jimmie, Mrs. Grace Bach- man, Mrs. Samuel Marshall, Mrs. George Bachman, Mrs. J. C. Stever, Mrs. Andrew Boreman and daugh- ter, Esther, Mrs. William Brene- man and daughter, Jean, Mrs. Sarah Kuntzelman, Misses Bertha Chappel, Mildred Miller, Janet Fitzkee, Dav- ida Snyder, Dorothy Smith, Jane Hawthorne, Edward Fitzkee and Mr. Hassinger and family. Young Folks Are Joined in Wedlock NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Bernard—Tressler New York, Sept. 16—Mrs. Em- ma Tressler, of East Donegal, and Francis Bernard, of 2201 Se. Tlst Street, Philadelphia, obtained a li- cense to wed here yesterday morn- ing and said they would be mar- ried today at Holy Trinity church, West 161st street, this city. Mrs. 1 B. F. GREENAWALT IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT Mr. and de. Benj. F. Greena- walt, on Old Market street, while on a visit to points in Virginia, met with an automobile accident whereby the former sustained a double fracture of the right arm. They were riding with Mr. G. A. Runkel, of Lancaster, who ran his car over a bank rather than into a car that turned over in front of him suddenly. His car was upset. Mr. Greenawalt sustained a double fracture of the right arm while Mrs. Greenawalt received la- cerations on the right arm and a scratch on the face. Both were taken to King’s Daughters hospital at Staunton, Va. The accident occurred on the Lee Highway near the new Stone- wall Jackson golf course. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. Sam Conner was a York Co. visitor over the week end, Mrs. Lucy McDonald spent Thurs- day with Mrs. Fred Lieberher. Mr. John Bowman, of Philadel- phia, visited friends here last week. Mr. Grant Flory, of Palmyra vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Garber Saturday. Mrs. Elmira Diffenderfer and Miss Ella Shirk spent the week end at Newtown. Mrs. Emma Peiffer and Miss Mary S. Myers visited Mrs. Fred Lieberher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kegel, of Anchor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher, (Turn to page 5) — eG - A MUSICAL FEAST HERE SEPTEMBER 27 A Musical Feast is lovers of good music night, September offered to all on Thursday 27th at 7:45 at the Evangelical Congregational church. The well known and tal- ented orchestra of the Grace Evan- gelical Congregational church of Lancaster will serve the music. This feast is held under the aus- pices of the Men’s Bible Class. A silver offering will be received. You are invited to come and spend a pleasant evening with us. ee eet eer OFFER $50 REWARD FOR CHICKEN THIEVES Our readers will remember that last week the Bulletin contained an item relative to chicken thieves on the farm of Mr. Herman Hoss- ler, R 2, Manheim. Mr. Hossler tenants his father’s farm several miles northeast of here and this is the second time he was visited by poultry thieves within a year. Mr. Hossler now offers a reward of $50.00 for any information that will lead to the arrest and convie- tion of the thieves. re eee et I~ HOSE RELAYING TEST HELD LAST SATURDAY Linkey suffered injuries about the face and legs. Both were taken to St. Joseph’s hospital but Linkey was dismissed from the institution later. = a p»-yhrp »hH SW-@r. Ws-~s Don’t Miss This There will be a real game of base ball on the Recreation Grounds on Saturday between the regular team here and the Old Timers. The en- tire proceeds will be donated to Messrs. Shirk and Alwine, two de- serving players who volunteered the past season, ome out and see many of our old timers in action again. Will Settle The Estate Mr. Harry N. Nissley, eashier of the Union Natienal bank here, is the executor of the estate of Harry C. Brunner, late of this boro. Ea aad and BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bishop, Jr, on West Main street, anneunce the birth of an 8-1» daughter. Tressler was born in Blaine, Pa., ea the daughter of Samuel and Alice Fire engines representing Man- Snyder Tressler. Mr. Bernard was| heim, East Petersh Mount Joy, | born in Philadelphia, the son of} Noffsville and Landisville, hooked Lewis F. and Mary McGlynn Ber-!up by 5380 feet of hose, relayed nard. water from the spring on the Phares W. Baker farm to Main street, | Wo!gemuth—Miller Londisville, a di of. slightly | A pretty rose and blue lamplight | more than a mile, Saturday. | wedding was solemnized by Rev. L. The test as one of the most | (Tura to Page 8) successful conducted under the dir- | ome mie rains ection of the Lancaster County | TWO AUTOS COLLIDE, Ee AS TWO MEN INJURED |couNTY MAN SENTENCED ere 3 | ON FRAUDULENT CHECKS ! Lawrence Floyd, 19, Columbia | in B.D. 1, and David Ww. Linkey, of Tillman S. Smith, 4%, of Eliza- | near Columbia, were injured late | bothtown. who was found guilty on | Sunday night when an automobile! charees of foreery and passing | in which they were riding crashed| fraudulent checks, was sentenced | with a machine driven by Miss|to jail for six months by Judge C. Clara Roland, Ironville, on the|V. Henry, of the Lebanon county Marietta pike three miles east of |ecourt, Thomas Miller and A. S. Mountville. Floyd was hurled |Rover, both of Lebanon, were the from the machine and was badly | Prosecutors. injured about the head and body. STATE PAVES 24 MILES IN WEEK; 270 FOR YEAR A total of 24.90 miles of new pavement were construosed on Pen- nsylvania’s highway system during the last week, according to the weekly compilation of centractors’ construction progress by the de- partment of highways. The weekly figure brought the to- tal mileage built this year to 270. rere GE en i Food Sale The Mite Society of the Method- ist church will hold a food sale on *he church lawn on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, beginning at eleven o’clock. Vegetable soup, potato salad, croquettes, pies and eakes will be on sale, * BY i ie a Good Store News We want to call the attention of our readers to the spacious adver- tisement of Merchant Jehn M. Booth on page 8 of this issue. It contains interesting news for every family, | stretch could be { exhausted before one mile of A 4 Vo x Shenk’s School Bainbridge. | (Tu n to Page 2) ‘ A | THIEVES ENTERED HOME Road We Must Travel Son MANY WELL KNOWN FP! HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND of Wm. Wolf, of Columbia, found dead at Harrisburg, was 76 years old. Joseph Eshleman Joseph H. Eshleman, 73 old,” 134 East High Street, bethtown, a well known and educator of Lancaster cou died Sunday night in the 1 ter General hospital following operation for nephritis. Death believed to have been due to blood clot. 5 Daniel D. McCarthy Daniel D. McCarthy, a fo resident of Bainbridge, die Wednesday night at the home of daughter, Mrs. Harry Wi at Enola, in his leaves two sons, John, Bainb and Calvin, Harrisburg, | daughter at whose home he di Funeral was held Saturday goon at Bainbridge. Burial ood’s cemetery. (Turn to page 8) MT. JOY CHURCH GETS SEVERAL B Four charitable bequests made in the will of Harry Brunner, of this boro, filed day for probate with the of wills. The estate in the petiti for testamentary letters is estin as being in excess of $12,000. bequests are as follows: $200 to be added to the coal for the benefit of the poor fami! of Mt. Joy. $2,500 to the elders of the Chu of God of Mt. Joy; $52 of the in- come from this amount to be p annually to help pay the salary the minister and the remainder the income to be used for incident church expenses. $1,000 to the elders of Church of God of Mt. Joy to lish an epgan fund and tol paying the salary of the ore $1,000 to the Sunday 2 the Church of God, the income { the same to be used for pa bene of the school. . New Appropriation | For Road We ADDITIONAL MONEY MONEY RAN" AND THE BAINBRIDGE RO. WILL NOW BE COMPLETED An additional appropriatio: granted by the Pennsylvania Hig way Department for improving th road from Elizabethtown to BE bridge, according to announcemer? made today to representatives the department. Due to the lack of this app 0 tion the new road along the § “ Route No. 241, from Elizabethwssses to Bainbridge had been delayed siderably during the past ¢ weeks, since the former appre. tion was exhausted in makin new road comply with the start width of 18 feet, instead of 16 as was planned when the ap priation was first made. In widening this new road to 18-ft. span, the appropriation Wa completed. tarted again ye! distance below Road building terday from a SNYDER | OF MR. JOHN Yesterday afternoon Gant Elmer L. Zerphey arrested: Wi Thomas, Avon, N. J., and 1 Me Williams, Elmira, N. ¥ | they had forced an entrance to th | be ome of Mr. John Snyder at Florin and stole Mrs. Snyder’s purse anda pair of shoes belonging to Mr. Sny- der. They were taken before Alder- man Trapnell at Lancaster and com- mitted to the County jail for 30 days for vagrancy. ANNUAL MEETING OF CEMETERY ASSOCI The Mt. Joy ‘cemetery SS tion held their annual eleg] the First National Bank and] the following: R. Fellenbaum; Managers Hoffman, Milton Bow R. Heilig, Howard G. 3 Oscar M. Donovan and Stauffer. The managers will ganization at the Fi Bank tomorrow Twenty-Seven The Well Baby Cli tendance of twenty yesterday. New r