PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1928 MOUNT JOY, PA. Six Months ..... 75 Cents Three Months ...40 Cents Single Copies ....3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE a8 second-class mail matter, The date of the expiration of your sub money received. that you are given proper month, MT. JOY BULLETIN J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr. Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Entered at the post office at Mount Joy seription follows your name on the label. e do not send receipts for subscription Whenever you remit, see credit. We eredit all subscriptions on the first of each MASTERSONVILLE daughter, Ethel, spent three at Mt. Pocono. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heisey, of Cornwall, Elsie and Webb of John Haldeman, Sunday with their daughter, Mrs, Willis Hackman of Milport. Alvin Shenk, Isaac Witmer, Anne Grube and Laura Risser motored .| to Washington, D. C. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heller and days Eshleman were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Ginder, of near Chiques spent Sunday in the home H. Shenk. Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Walter a wedding recept Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Geib spent | Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Lloyd Metz ried. Mr. and Mrs, SPORTING HILL Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shenk, of near! SALUNGA Mr. and Mrs. Amos announce the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fromm, o Longenecker IRONVILLE Janet Fornoff, while playing, | tramped on a nail. It was necessary | : | tendance. £ When ah automobile door was shut Church of the Brethren held the | plant beds are Sunday, June RHEEMS | week has handicapped the tobacco farmers. Early in the season 5 plants were scarce. At present, covered with an | sgl : oul regular Sunday morning service at 1 ettin rather Misses Mary a 4 yeu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blessing an- to San a physician 3 [ Rheems after Ar Sehool ir iene a Landis, o anheim, spent Sunday pounce the birth of a laughter, | aul Musser is suffering with a SED : : ak ug ' in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 'Ajjce Margaret. tg fractured - finger which happened Sunday with an’ unusually large Y| bumper crop, if the weather per 24th, iS its the crop to be gathered. Bi : | known as Educational day. Rev. Mummau Brothers, successors to Eli Gibble and Mr. Atglen, were week-end guests of On it. | Hottenstein, - of East Petersburg|j ¢. Smith, the Rheems wheel- Gibble attended Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hardy, at, Next week a number of DeODIS | trict handled the theme in a ypight and h y flat builder, are ion at the home of | Chiques, from the Christian Endeavor of | 7 | wright and hay ? Heisey, near Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lincoln, given in honor of Mr. and near Mountville, . and Mr. and Mrs. at Mount mar-| Harry Seaman and Columbia. Samuel Erb, daughter, o visited Mr, ler, recently Jacob Henny and Dr. J. S. Kendig and son, Willis, | Mrs. Martin Strickler, of near Oy- attending the | chapter of Gretna ] conference of Revs. Kaylor, £ Christian Endeavor and Mrs, [the East Pennsylvania churches. her. ; : Funeral services for Mrs. On Saturday evening Mr. .and Tre the U. B. church will spend a week | Pleasing manner using the second | prepared to build a hay flat to or- rages Titus, assisted by the| der in 48 hours. Shearer and Brubak- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cope are making daily shipments by express Wea-| of large boxes of beautiful flowers lond, the widow of Isaac Wealand, | {, Pittsburgh, where they find a a most have thelr wo. Mr and Wie Clon children, Ellen and Roy; Mr. and ined Thursday from a visit to |Ster Point, entertained the follow-|deceased, was held at the home of | ready demand on the early market. Monday. Telephone news of . importance | , on Mh i lar Mrs. Henry Shenk and children, | p 0 where they were guests of [ing guests at a strawberry supper: |her daughter, Mrs. Alida Greider, | Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Hollinger oc- between that tame and 12 o'clock noon Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert of Lester and Martha; John Kendig's daughter, Mrs, Frank |M:. and Mrs, Harry Greiner and |at Rheems Sunday afternoon at 2} their new semi-bungalow at De iver reach this Be gh i Quentin iv i "| tzer, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Eichelber- | prin children, Henry, Nancy and Helen, [o'clock. Interment took place inl st ohd of Rheems. The cellar than Monday night. New advertisements Mr aid Mrs. Elmer Zug and ger and daughter, Emma Ruth, Rev. Marburger, pastor of the |Mr. and Mrs. John Showalter and | the Green Tree cemetery. | wall was started March 18th, and Eee Te er assay sige daughter, Milired spent Sunday | re dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Rohrerstown Reformed church, Mrs, | daughter, Mary, Mr. and Mrs.| Miss Helen Shultz, of Quarry- | yas ready for occupants on June The subscription lists of the Landisville with Rev. and Mrs. Israel Graybill John K. Earhart, of near Hassler’s| Marburger, Mr. and Mrs. Elias|Harry Burkhart and daughter, ville, is spending the week end Risser Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy =n nth Ne gi o-d.nary weekly. Star and News, were merged with that of tne Mount Toy Bulletin, which makes this faper’s circulation about double that of the of Elm. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shelley and children, Elwood, Galen, Arlene, EDITORIAL tions for a change in the calendar. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Association and other similar or- ganizations have been appointed a special committee and it will not be surprising of a 13-month calendar will be put into effect in 1931. he, 3 A “GOOD” TOWN’S SPECIFICATIONS An industrial specialist in Detroit writes interestingly of the things required in a town that can be call- ed a “good” town: Land at fair prices; reasonable taxes; good shipping facilities and fair freight rates; conservative banking; good houses for workers and at reasonable rentals; pure water and lots of it; safe sewerage disposal; good schools and churches; dependable fire and police protec- tion; skilled medical service; ade- quate telephone service; progres- sive merchants; a community friendly to outside capital and in- dustrial development. There you are. After reading these requiremnts, it is easy fo see: The man must have been writing a- bout Mount Joy. BARKLESS DOGS - It was recently demonstrated at a meeting of the Massuchesutts Veterinary association, that the troublesome bark of a dog can be removed by a humane operation. This report may set many people who are annoyed by barking dogs, to petition for such relief. They may not be satisfied until those purps who punctuate the night sil- ences with salutes to Mr. Man-in- the-Moon are rendered voiceless. Some presistent barkers are of course a nuisance, and some neigh- borhoods would sleep better if such voices could be toned down. But as a usual thing, the bark of a dog is not an unpleasant sound. We should be no happier if every one of these loud speakers was silenced. The dog’s cheerful bark signifies courage, loyalty, watchful- ness. It has seared away many evil doers. neighbors should not be too about it. Let Towzer talk a little. It is his only way of speech. A REAL BEAST OF BURDEN A comparatively few years ago, before our mechanical giants came into being it was the custom to call the mule the beast of burden. He was regarded as the extreme of patient, working energy. Today the real beast of burden is made of steel instead of flesh and bone, motivated. by gasoline, in- stead of blood. It is the crawler- type of tractor. How to solve farm problems is being demonstrated on 3,000 acres of wheat land owned by Mr. J. R. Whithycombe, son of a former Gov- ernor of Oregon. He runs one tractor practically 24 hours daily to pull eight 14-inch plows, plowing to a depth of seven inches. The grade on which the work is being done runs as high as 60 per cent. And for six weeks the tractor has plowed on the: average 85 acres of ground daily, without having once cooled off. It is machine methods such as this that are revolutionizing agricultural efficiency. FILCHING RIDES Every mode of travel has its parasites, At sea it is the stowaway, and his tactics have remained the same from the era of sailing vessels down to the modern liner and the days of restricted imigration. On land there has been more variety. Thirty years ago the railroads were the main highways for the hobo, who was content to view the ecoun- try from a freight car door. Once those wanderers were numerous enough to be a pest to train crews. Now they are heard of occasionally, sometimes being listed as “un- knowns” among the victims of a freight wreck, but they have mostly disappeared, Have they taken to the auto- mobile? With their instinct for wandering, | they may have seen that the great state and national systems of highways offer them the best opporthmities. They depend on the good will of the autoist to “get 2 Lif! nfl on the long stretches, . | the populous districts, to the League of Nations proposi- | Mr. of American Bar | and pretty hold-up and should be stopp- ed. The hobo’s way of stealing a ride does not differ g rides is an im- fall from the more up-to-date meth- Ray and Marlyn, spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Snyder and children, Lee, May and Ralph, spent and Mrs. Harry Herneisen. Mr. and Mrs. David Gibble and chiliren, Mildred, Clarence, Roy Velma, spent Sunday in the home of Jacob Dupple, of Myers- town. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder and children, Anna, Grace, Mary, and Samuel, Jr., of Lancaster were en- tertained on Sunday by Mrs. Mal- inda Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grube en- tertained on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grube and children, Ruth and Wayne. and Leroy Stillinger, of Landisville. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Witmer and son, Mervin, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weaver, of Man- heim. motored to Conowingo. and the Du Pont Gardens, on Sunday. A sumptuous supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Gibble on Saturday evening, follow- ing the wedding of their daughter, Miss Mary Z. Gibble, and Clayton Gehman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brubaker entertained the following guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bru- baker and sons. James and Ray, Mr, and Mrs. Georoe Larah and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brubaker, of Mt. Joy. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibble enter- ‘ained the following guests on Sun- dav: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gibble and chil'ren. Alvin, Lerov, Ruth, Anna and Ella May, of near Man- heim; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder and children, Anna. Mary, Grace and Samuel, Jr, of Lancaster, Ivan Kreiner and Bertha Risser, of near Mt. Joy. The following Chiques folks have left for California to attend the conference of the Church of the Brethren: Rev. and Mrs. B. G. Stauffer, Rev. and Mrs, H. L. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ginder. Mrs. Sam Shelley, Mrs. Ephraim Geib, Miss Kathryn Zug, Henry Shearer. Mr, and Mrs. John Shank enter- tained guests on . Frank Lavser i and Mrs. 1 3 Nathan Zug on and Mrs. Henry Sh sons, Harry, Herman and § 2l, of Mt. Hope; Mr. and Mrs. John Gibble, Elmer Snyder, Paul Zug, Miss Miriam Bower, of Elizabethtown: Mrs. Elam Zug, of Manheim: Russel Hackman, of Rpistville: Miss Helen Ziegler, of Montgomery county; Miss Miriam Oellig, of Franklin county. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Phares Ginder entertained the following guests at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. John K. Miller, of Manheim: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gibble, of Elston- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Abram Shelley; and children, Esther, Graybill and Junior, of Mastersonville: Mrs. Sarah Hollinger and son, Benjamin, Paul Frev, Paul Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Stauffer, Misses Naomi, Esther and Dorothy Stauffer, of near Chiques, The guests were: Rev. R. W. Schlosser, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Gehman, Mr. and Mrs, Israel Gibble and children, Beulah, Homer, Ralph and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Geh- man and sons, Paul and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. David Gibble and chiliren, Mildred, Roy, Clarence and Velma, Mr, and Mrs. George Gibble and son, Junior, Mr. and Jacob Harnish, Mrs. Ellie M. Zug, Misses Helen Ziegler, Kathryn Zug, Mary Snyder, Miriam Oellig, Paul- ine Stauffer, Anna Ober and Grace Frantz. I cscs wo. Want a Cheap Farm? I have a 130-acre farm 11% miles from Middletown, 20 acres wood- land, buildings in good shape, pleasant place to live and will be sold for a quick sale. Price only Church, The following tained in the hon lene, of Hauser, of Manh paper or by green spears of | If paper is Miller on Sunday: Mr. and Addison Miller and Landisville; hoeing used Aungst were Sunday guests of Mr. |Jean, all of guests were Mrs. Irvin Newcomer. ne of Benjamin W.| The condition Mrs. man, daughter of Mr. daughter, Ar-| Harry Eshleman, who was Miss Susan|in an automobile eim; Mr. and Mpys;| morning is reported improved. and Mrs injurec every time [visited at her home in the’ grass appear. [county over the week-end. weight it down [returned leaving the grandparents. of Laura Eshle-|of Mt. accident Sunday | Dorothy Beckdoll, Franklin | Kathryn Eby, Mr d They | Eby, and Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Baer en children to [spent several days in their cabin on | with stones or other heavy objects spend an indefinite time with their | the mountain, near Belleville, Mif- | to prevent the wind blowing it off, Landisville; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sheaffer and son, James Joy; Mr. and Mrs. John Mr .J Musser and daughter, Edna, of 5 {Silver Spring; Misses Esther and of Mountville, | Man, Mr. and Strickler of Oyster | and Reuben FOR 13-MONTH CALENDAR (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phares | Cyrus Miller and children, Robert,| A Peace meeting will be held in Point. daughter, Amanda The National Committee on Cal- | Hollinger, of Lititz. Jean, Junior and Marion, and Miss-|the Church of the _ Brethren wil : endar Simplification looking to the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess and | es Mae Bires and Gertrude Findley, | Saturday Syening ag’ 0 ~lock A Mr. and rs, Howard Lengeneck- og institution of the 13-month ealen- | children, Roy, Paul and Robert | of Sporting Hill. "Program will he rendered and Rey, jer, Mr, and Dees, Jour Engle, Mr. Riess, Spent dar, George Eastman, chairman, is|were Sunday guests in the home of —_————— J. C. Baugher, of Elizabethtown, and Mrs. Levi Eby. Mr. and Mrs. |adelphia, making a nation-wide inquiry to as- | Frank Hershey of near Lititz. will deliver the address of the ev- Elias Lindemuth and daughter, | My ang certain the senti to. Aor; r. and Ms . c Kill Quack Grass ening. Esther, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Her- the sentiment of the Ameri- Mr. » Mrs. Herman Kopp and ot | : y Mr | Eby can people on the proposition. | sons, Delaney and Herman, Jr., of Small patches of quack grass can Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Diehl and |shey, 2 and Mrs. Samuel Eby, town, spent last Thirty-eight nations have submitted Alexander, Virginia, were guests of | Pe Killed by covering with roofing | children, Daniel, Alice and Grace, Myrtle Heistand, Mr, and Mrs. Henry flin county, |the home of Mr. and | K. Landis, here. | and Mrs. I. daughter, Laura, Mrs. man, of Mount Joy, spent last Sun- | {day at the home of H. H, Bard and’ Roy G. Heisey and children, Mrs. prominent farmers of near Rohrers-| Florence and home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Shank. Mrs. spent last Sunday visiting and relatives at Steelton. at| 18th, and Hollinger Murs. Harry | contractors. were { Daniel Wolgemuth, president of and | the Florin Trust Company, trans- Cyrus Fore-| gated business with the postmaster Henry Sump-| just Friday evening. etl em The Literary Digest presents | evidence that tigers can climb of | trees, which strengthens, if possible our previous resolve that somebody else is going to have to do all the tiger hunting. ee Sumpman Mrs. last Sunday at Phil- Milton Wissler, Sunday at the; North Dakota boasts of a horse without legs. Well, well! We've Wagner | pet on that scamp some one or friends more times in the past, but didn’t j know before that he lived in N. John The continuous rain for the past! Dakota. SCHROI 1.S REAL STATE BULLETIN | BELOW YOU WILL FIND LISTED ANYTHING FROM A BUILDIN OR BUSINESS. IF YOU DON'T SEE LISTED JUST WHAT YOU OTHERS. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN SMALL DWELLING HOUSES | can | remain. Possession at once. | No. 230—A beautiful frame | Will sell more land with property if | house on Marietta St., Mt. Joy. purchaser desires. Here’s a worth | corner property with all conveni | While proposition. No. 257—A lar | East Donegal, on | trolley stop. | on West Main St. heat, electric lights, gas, ete. Price $3,500.00. | garage. No. 308—A Marietta street, M to a quick buyer. electric property. lights, with garage, ete. and $25. Price is sell one side for side for $2,600. No. 322—A b very modern in West Donegal St., veniences and in trolley at Florin, veniences, Priced No. 342—A fine Will sell right on er’s ill health. No. 348—A 2 dwelling, 6 rooms lights, slate roof, for ft. on Marietta St. Donegal Springs New 8 room brick acre tract in rear. with new 5-room $3,600.00. $7,500. Can be earned in a few years with tobaceo crop. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Pa. Phone 41R2. 5 tf owners. Their real object, of course, is to save carfare home. The whole thing amounts to a so much after No. 855—A lot well of water, ete. od of begging a ride. ences, fine garage and price right, | | | Property in | good shape for $3,500. | | No. 284—A 9-room frame house] No. 365—Fine No. 314—A very good brick dwell! ing on New St., Mt. Joy, | ath, brick mansion dwelling in conveniences. Possession in 30 days. No. 337—A fine No. 339—A good 2% frame house on Main street, Florin best of shape, 2-var garage. No. 341—A fine home along the veniences. will sell wi Haven street, Mt. Joy. good home nicely located and cheap $5,500. No. 343—A beautiful brick dwelling on Donegal Springs!on New Haven street. Good con. | Road, house well built, garage, ete.|dition and priced to sell. : erty. Also lot la 8 bh | property in Mt. Joy at trolley, has jer Dope: Tio Both fee oy all conveniences and in A1 shape, No. 349—An 80 ft. front on No. ern improvements, Included is an No. 353—Lot 40x200 at Florin light and heat. Dandy home for hilly, large outside Mt. Joy Boro, new 7-room : i house never occupied, garage, good [good bank barn, fruit, running wa. Nos. 359-360—A ge brick house in | frame double ly 100 steps fairly | has garage, per month. house on Delta St., corner propert. » Mt. Joy, steam |and lot adjoining, at trolley lin New | house has all conveniences, large ( lawn, fine location. f i { to settle estate. rame ous { : ount Joy. isan] No. 367—A fine and modern | dwelling on West Donegal St., Mt. | Joy, all conveniences and quick possession. Price low. No. 368—A 7-room newly built and modern home on Marietta St. Mt. Joy. Corner property, modern etc., corner | No. 320—A fine frame double! in every way, 2-car garage, ver dwelling house in Florin, new 3 | reasonable in oe to on i y years ago. Modern in every way Rents for $20| No. 371—A newly built house only $5,600. Will | along trolley at Florin, all modern $3.000 or other | Conveniences and price only $3650. for a quick sale. 11-room No. 372—A newly built 6-room Florin, brick house, brick garage, all mod- ern conveniences, possession an every way. Al time. Priced to sell. Residential section—Donegal Springs road. No. 375—A b5-family apartment house on North Barbara St., Mt. Joy. Investment shows 209%. Must story | sell. No. 376—A fine modern dwelling on East Main St., Mt. Joy, all con- th or without | sl Modern €on-|a 20-car garage: in rear. | 0 58 > No. 878—A very modern and | dwelling on New newly built home at Manheim, up- | Here is a|to-date and nicely located for only eautiful new house on Mt. Joy, all con- best of condition modern] No. 380—A 7-room brick house | fccount of own ‘Nn, 382—A 2-story frame corner property at Florin, tin roof, cement % story frame|cellar, Florin water, ete. and bath, electric 2-car stable, cor- No. 385—A very modern corner Also garage. 386—A 21% -story Road, Mt. Joy.|house adjoining No. 385. house, all mod- | selling these two as a unit. Mt. Joy. frame Prefer TRUCK FARMS bungalow. Has No. 183—2 acres and, rather double house, fine for poultry. $650. No. 184—13 acres of sand and 650x200 ft. just : limestone in Rapho, frame house, very modern te | Mt. Joy, all conveniences, each side house, Property rents for $70 houses, etc. Want to sei. No. 196—A 2-acre tract in East No. Donegal near Maytown, 8-room Penn 333A twp., | house newly painted. No. 229—10 acres limestone land | in East Donegal, large frame | frame stable, 3 poultry | | few acres near Milton Grove, good house, barn, large shed, poultry | ‘houses, ete. for only $1,500. No. 138—An |. No. 275-—14acres, 2 miles from (room stone ‘barn, etc. A dandy Don’t miss this. truck farm. | can remain. over 2 acres at Florin. An ideal |ings in Al ‘place for trucking and poultry. | state 1 No. 338—aA 2 1-2 acre truck) farm near Hossler's Church, brick | does nol want house, slate roof, good water, abun-| No. 201—104 dance of fruit. Cheap. No. 352—A dandy truck, : and poultry farm of Jacob Stauffer, | obaco. This. is near Sunnyside School, in Rapho| No. 274—A township. Here's a snap for one, highway galow house, all modern conven-| better tobacco 9 poultry houses, abundance | county. of gon will sell with or without poultry equipment. Here’s a fine proposition, as a truck or poultry Joy twp., half a | farm. : Je: 25a MEDIUM SI of grave UM SIZED FARMS tobaces sued, ietta and Lancaster pike, good crop-| gple. per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco and truck farm. Only $4.000. No 260—A 38-acre farm at ings, railroad station 6 miles from York. 12 room brick house, bank barn, and 3-4 of tobacco shed, 2 lime kilnes, ete. | a dandy. An excellent proposition. Price $20,000. No. 384—A No. 278—30 acres of sand land Joy township, near Green Tree church, good soil, bank barn, good bank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- $120 per acre. ter, fruit, etc. All farm land. Price $9,500.00. No. 300--18 acres of best lime- stone land in heart of East Done. gal, extra fine buildings in Al 22-acre house and barn. years. Located on macadam high- way. Price only $8,500.00. No. 351—A 60-acre farm along state highway east of Middletown, |stand and in Dauphin Co. Here's a very cheap |St., Mount Joy, farm for some one. Let me show |gar, tobacco and you this bargain, session any time, Price very low. sand land near Chickies church, |trally located in shedding for 5 or 6 acres tobacco. | sell Half of money ter. Only $2,000. J. EE. SCHROL |. A good 1-man farm cheap. dwelling with all MO near 7 house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, house, barn, running water, pasture| nice electrical business. and woodland for only $3,800. LARGE FARMS | 130 acre farm, 20 land, good buildings, only 1% miles No. 270—A fine truck farm of a| from Middletown, priced very low for a quick sale, | limestone soil, in East Donegal, 11- ing lots. house. | Mt. Joy, gravel soil, frame house, |shed, 5 acres meadow, 3-4 of money| South side | Price. . . $2,200.00 | No. 144—A 125 | No. 308—Truck farm of slightly best land in Lane, Co. All shape, Don’t need the money but owner some best limestone soil, near Newtown, 14-acre meadow, good buildings, in- Mt. Joy and about 80 ft. deep. Cor- No. 864—Six acres 19 prs. land | cluding brick house, can hang 12 J on outskirts of Mt. Joy, semi-bun-|acres tobacco, best of water. Price. ..$135.00 Per Acre. No. 323—A 68-acre farm in Mt. Price very reasonable. soil, good house, barn, silo, runnin, ter, No. 210—381 acre-farm near Mar- 15 acres woodland, wr No. 381—A 124-acre best limestone soil, excellent build- meadow, gravel and limestone BUSINESS STANDS No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline ties that shape, best small farm I offered in| at Florin, together with all No. 334—A fine dwelling on East Main No. 329—A 35-acre farm of No. 376—A 20-car garage cen- with or without a modern G LOT TO A $25,000 MANSION, FARM WANT, CALL OR PHONE, AS I HAVE FARMS I HAVE EVER OFFERED. No. 374~—A 6-room house and now doing a Will 3 roperty, business, stock, ete. 0] De stable. Wonderful opportun- ity for young man. BUILDING LOTS No. b7—A b5-acre tract in the boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot and would be a money-maker for 8l-acre farm of all| trucking or speculating on builds 36-acre farm in Penryn, good| store room, owner acres wood- barn, tobacco Nos. 298-299—Two 50 ft. lots om of Columbia Avenue Me S06 Fi building lot front: 0. —Fine building lot fron fan uf ing 45 ft. on the east side of Lumber St., Mt. Joy. $500. No. 310—A 40-ft. lot on Walnut ., Mt. Joy. If you want a cheap Hoos lot get busy. responsibility, No. 335—Lot 100 ft. acres in the heart of | 540 ft. deep on acre Located on | and near a town. | front and concrete highway | East Donegal tobacco district, fine| between Mt, Joy and Florin. fruit | buildings, shedding for 12 acres of No. 347—One 60 ft. building los on west side of highway between Mt. Joy and Florin for $750. No. 366—A choice building lot, fronting 70 ft. on Marietta St., a real farm. 120-acre farm of No | er lot. Cheap. 2 No. 377—Four 50 ft. lots on the in the | ..t side of North Barbara St., Mt. Joy. yielder JUST LAND No. Sioa plot of bons an sure or more Oo ground in Mt. Jey, farm of 112 acres A good investment for someone. No. 387—A plot of about 2 1-2 Price reason. | acres of land along trolley at Flor- in, has a frontage of one block. Price reasonable. No. 358-2 plot of i con- taining about an acre at lorin. water at| priced to sell. Price $145 per FACTORY SITES money can remain. No. 10—A tract fronting 107 106-acre farm of it, on the P. BR. R. siding in Mb land in Mt.| Joy has many advantages and cen- stone house, big|trally located. One of the best water for only |ip the town. Nicely located. No. 279—A large tract covering one entire block along Penna. R. R, siding in Mount Joy. A wonder ful location at a right price. I also have a number of proper- owners do not care to stock, | have advertised. If you don’t find mile from Mt. Joy. farm of machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. | what you want in this list, call and see me. I have it. HUNTING CAMPS No. 262—A tract of 125 acres of farm and timber land, house, barn, ete. Half is farm land. Sev- eral bear pens on farm, Game such as bear, deer, pheasants, grey and black squirrel, porcupines, ete, brick business old established, ci- confectionery, pos Mount Joy, will conveniences. Ideal hunting camp, Price 32,500.00. ; .