The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 25, 1928, Image 7

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a lll IL
a Riri

‘WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1928
consistent with High Quality.
It Pays to Buy All Your Table Needs in the Asco Stores—
Where Quality Counts Your Money
‘Goes Furthest
Reg. 9c ASCO
the Price of Three.
Reg. 8c Choice
Reg. 10c Fancy
Large California
Prunes Prunes
4 1bs 25¢ | 3 lbs 25¢
Sn Canon PrUMES 2 Ibs 25¢

Evaporated Milk o <= 25¢
Absolutely pure. The Highest Quality Milk packed.
P. & G.

Reg. 29¢c Corned Beef Hash can 25¢
Asco Sour Krout ...... 2 cans 19¢
h h Asco Cooked Pumpkin ..2 cans 19¢
Nap i d Asco Mixed Vegetables .. can 12¢
Joan of Arc Kidney Beans can 10c
Soa Red Ripe Tomatoes ....2 cans 15c
Pp Asco Fancy Tomatoes ..2 cans 19c
Campbell’s Spaghetti ..... can 10c
Asco Calif. Peaches ... big can 19¢
Del Monte Peaches ... big can 19¢
{ cakes 25¢
Asco Cooked Spinach . big can 19c¢
13e 1 bh 45c
120 17e 2 Ih 68¢
Orange Pekoe

Reg. 25¢ Cked Corned Beef can 21c
Reg. 15¢ Asco Catsup .. 2 bots 25¢ Blue Ribbon
Sunrise Catsup ........ 3 bots 25¢
Asco Beans with Pork . 3 cans 25¢ Malt
Pure Vanilla Extract .bot 13¢c, 25¢
Asco Ground Spices ...... can 7c Extract
Asco Corn Starch ....... pkg 7c
Fine Table Salt ......... bag 5c :
Asco Bread Crumbs ..... pkg 5c Ib
Asco Prepared Mustard ... jar 12¢ can
Delicious Calif. Apricots big can 22¢

Farm Dale
Strawberry Preserves 2s 200
Just selected berries and sugar. D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s.

Leads in Popularity Because of its Quality!

Real Economy Is--
shopping where you can buy the most of the highest grade
goods for the least money—Every ASCO Store is an Econ-
omy Centre. Highest Quality is the first requirement of ev-
ery commodity we sell. And our Prices are the very lowest and moderate

Gelatine Desserts 4 pkgs 25¢
A delightful, easily prepared dessert. Four Packages for

Common & medium
Low cutter & cutter
Victor Bread =: 5¢

I ,
Reg. 15¢ ASCO
Bread Supreme vm 8c
Good to the last slice.

New Texas Reg. 12¢
Cooked Sweet
Good and choice
Good and choice
: 7 siffer mit der huffnung os du
Common & medium oa reforma consht. Sel is shunt 20th Avenue,
6.25-8.50 | WaIrra, awver wen en yunger mon
: net ganunk leeb far dich hut far
Good and choice
Common & medium

Jellies (Onions(Potatoes
2 wmbiers 250(3 [hs 256/12 He 19¢

This breeding farm specializes in sup- ; -
plying Baby Chicks from only the most
carefully selected matings, free range,
and standard bred Leghorns, now under
official trap nest supervision.
All males and females have been ap-
proved and leg banded by an inspector
of Pennsylvania Department of Agricul-
ture for two successive years.
Buy “Supervised” chicks that produce
big, beautiful Standard S. C. White Leg-
horns that you will be proud of. Place
your orders early as all orders will be fill-
ed in rotation.
Phone Call 63R3
1001 1 LT
Local and Long Distance Hauling
Movings:—None too Short, None too Long
See me for prices before engaging your truck.
44 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
E marl4-tf »

Read The Tt. J

Packing Sows
These Prices Effective in Our Pray
Bran 46.50-47.50 ton
Shorts 46.00-47.00 ton
Bran $46.50-47.50 ton
Shorts 46.00-47.00 ton
Hominy $48.50-49.50 ton
Middlings 49.50-50.50 ton
Linseed $64.50-65.50 ton
Gluten 50.00-51.00 ton
Ground Oats
Alfrlfa (regular) 44.00-45.00 ton
Cottonseed 41% $67.00-68.00 ton
Dairy Feed 16% $46.50-47.50 ton
Dairy Feed 18% $49.00-$50.00 ton
Dairy Feed 20% $53.00-54.00 ton
Dairy Feed 24% $56.50-57.50 ton
Dairy Feed 25% $59.50-60.50 ton
Horse Feed 85% $55.50-56.50 ton
Alfalfa (reground) 47.00-48.00 ton
— | Works Hard, Dances,
Gains 3 Lbs. a Week | We see upon the tree-tops a sure

The Produce and

eral Bureau of Markets,
bunch, rhubarb at 4c and 6c and
scallions at 75¢ to $1.25 per 100
The sweet potato market was
draggy with prices ranging from
$1.10 to $1.50 per 5-8 basket. Ap-
ples met a good demand with the
best Romes, Staymen and Paragon
selling at 32.75 to $3.25.
MARKET: Beef steers, fairly ac-
tive, early week’s decline fully ab-
1310, 1270 pound averages $13.25,
bulk of sales $11.50-12.50. Bulls,
she stock and all cutters steady,
steady. Calves steady at week’s de-
cline, top vealers $16.00.
HOGS: Strong to 60c higher,
top locals $10.50, no westerns on!
RECEIPTS: For today’s market,
cattle 3 cars, 1 St. Paul; 1 Chicago;
1 Penna.; containing 91 head, 515
head trucked in from local feed,
lots, total cattle 606 head, 27 calv-|
es, 202 hogs, 12 sheep. Receipts
for week ending April 21, 1928,

St. Paul; 1 Chicago; 1 Buffalo, con-|
total cattle 1839 head, 425 calves,
corresponding week last year, cattle
21 cars, 17 Penna.; 2 St. . Paul; 1}
Chicago; 1 Tenn.; containing 46
cattle 1394 head, 167 calves, 239]
Range Of Prices
Feeder and Stocker Cattle

Selling Price of Feeds
$55.00-56.00 ton
“I work hard, dance and have

gained 3 pounds a week since tak-
i ing Vinol. My nervousness is al-
{ most gone.”—Mrs. F. Lang.
| cod liver peptone, iron, ete., Nerv-
| ous, easily tired anemic people are
| surprised how Vinol gives new pep
| sound sleep and a BIG appetite. |.
| The very FIRST Boils Site page
eral pounds weight to thin child- :
| a Da Mastes delicious. E |up as thoroughly as the movies have
W. Garber, Druggist. (5) | under his control.
cll i thomson

oy Bulletin
Vinol is a delicious compound of

In a London theater the experi-
ment has been tried of placing |raging in Arabia and parts adjac-
loud-speakers all over the auditor-
iium. Usually they are seated just

Live Stock Market
The Philadelphia potato market
LJ | Was steady with a limited demand
supplies. Pennsyl-
vania round whites sold at $2.65 to
$3.00 per 120 pound sack while
| Maine Green Mountains sold at $3
[MW |to $3.15. Idaho Russets sold at
Wd | $2.76 per 100 pound sack, aceord-
ing to the Pennsylvania and Fed-
Dandelion greens were in lighter
supply and sold at 65c to $1.00 per
L]| bushel while kale brought 50c to
AM | 75c. Homegrown carrots
stronger and sold at 76c to $1.25 tsu sellem
5-8 basket. Kale sold at 50¢ {frogt hut wos farich maidel os are
[Bi to T5c per bushel while the
44 | spinach brought 75¢ to $1.25,
The mushroom market was slight-| now hetta mere maid garn os du
ly weaker with prices ranging from ons sawga daidst wos far boova 08
40c to $1.15 per 3 pound basket. |
Pennsylvania parsley sold at 8e al
best | picka sull

sorbed, closing steady with week |
ago, top -13.50, average weight! far en parfecter mon soocha un hut
bulk medium bulls $8.50-9.75.
Heifers $10.00-11.00, butcher COWS I
$7.50-8.50, cutters $4.50-5.50. | shtarva—era gootichkeit hut se
Stockers and feeders slow, tally |
cattle 25 cars, 20 Penna; 2 Del; 1 mon bragged wos en gooter mon o:
schmarter boo, os si fodder un C i” Cite :
Good $12.50-13.75 | mudder ared un fulgt, is mae wardt! B i City National
$8.25-10.50 [er farshtond os we grosser
Cutters, common & med. 5.75-8.25 |dumm.
un leeb is mae wardt os en palace }
8.75-11.00 |foll reichdum un hoss. Hire ken|Warded for construction of apart-
$8.75-11. ene| Ment building at Luzerne Street
00-10.75 | 42 di glade noach eme shodda fun
$10.00-10. dime mon sime geld-sock. Shtae|trees from State Forest Tree Nur-
by eme woo are recht is, un fullick
028 eme woo are farshtond used, awver
$ 3.00-10. luss ene net uff dich draida. Won|%$250,000 new First Evangelical
ed, forlase es net bis es shtinked os]. —
we en farshimmelder millich-hoffa. I Broad Street between Cal-
Do en tzaum on di tzoong un hold
dich ous shtride mit da nuchbera;
si uff-ga-labed un fri, un won de
socha dere ken gooter mon maucha
don fehondel ene uff en hounse un
derno sheese der hounse.
C. Wilbur Groff, Elizabethtown, Pa.
He came to us so sudden with a
Hays, seems to have been cleaned

en bully gooter advise fun dere, un
mere hira sulla.
—De Kassy
| Well, Kassy, ich hob ken brief
mae g'shriva tsu ma maidel sidder
os ich un de Polly ols mit-anonner
in de school gonga sin om oldta
‘rhoda school-house on der grick,
| aver wile du mich so en wichtiche
i question frogsht, will ich dere en

| farshtenich ondwart gevva.
Amohl es arsht, Kassy, broveer
net far en parfecter m<n finns, Ns
wore nawma Diogenese os gonse
yohre tsu ga-brucht hut uff der
shtrose room lawfa mitera loddam,
derno kenner g’foona. Sheer oll de
menner es gor net shlecht wore sin
dode un im graub—du konsht era
laves-lawf finna in da Soondawg
shool bicher—se sin gons yung g’-
dote g’mauched. De pawr os nuch
bi uns sin, sin ous huls g’mauched
un shtaena fonna on glaeder shorta.
En monskarl os ken faler hut hut
aw ken force, un are greeked net
mae gootes ous dara weldt os en
oldte glook os uff ma welshkarn- |
grootsa breed. Farshtae mich awver
net os ich fahler gleich im ma
mensch, awver ich bin en menscha |
freind, un era fahler cooma mit we | structec
de knucha mit em flaish.
Dale fahler muss mer sich awver |
heeda derfun. Won en yunger |
is es g’farlich os si mawga graeser |
4 is os si dorsht graeser os si farsh- |
1241 hogs, 47 sheep. Receipts for) nd.
En boo os nix hut far ene recom- |
owl tsu shoffa—is en g’farlich
En arlicher, uffrichticher, sobera

Good 12.50-13.75 | 0s en tzae ocker feld foll frotsicha|
Good 12.25-13.50 [dudes un mashers. |
Medium 11.25-12.50 | Won du derno en boo finsht
Common 8.00-11.25 dich soot shtick tsu eme we en!
: HEIFERS |shilgrut tsu ma naeger sinera lefts. |
Choice $10.00-11.25 | Broveer net we feel onera os dul
Good 9.00-10.00 |awtzeega consht, odder es gade
Medium 8.00-9.00 | dere we em hoond wo ivver der)
Common 6.75-8.00 shtaega bluk is mit ma shtick flaish
COWS im mowl, woo noach em shodda im 0
Choice $8.25- wosser ga-bissa hut uns shtick flaish |
Good =
7.00-8.25 | farlora. Es is usht ae ga-deer os| for construction of new ar
5.00-7.00 |shlechter is os en dude un sell is
8.50-5.00 | flirt. En arlich awk is mae wards]
BULLS os en gulniche watch-ket, un goot-| Club install automobile headlight
reich-| reflector at intersection of Canaan
En bluck-heisly foll ormoot|and Belmont Streets.
VEALERS . : . $376,055.
Good and Choice 14.50-16.00 on #1 8 ire i i Meadville — Construction of Vis-
Medium $12.25-14.50 | Y ene oe ST ar Company’s plant here will
Cull and Common 6.50-12.50 | SOW Wwarra noch em hira, start immediately,
Shtreck di feese nuch der deck
Lancaster Grain and Feed Market (are ebbes hovva will tsu kicka kawf Church. 3
Wheat $1.50 en gailer hoond. Won du net P Prilagelibis — Improvements for
Corn $1.10 bu.|goot kucha consht don broveer tsu a yoni Railroad passenger
HAY (baled) 12.00-16.00 ton | 3a. Hold dich sawver un hibsh, Pride, Sense
Timoth .00-16. on 1 bbl Wo — Reading Company
Steer 10.0013.00 on [7] To don amoh) es bubbly sooml ip onan ng Oo ERY
rt A Qn
We have a bit of pleasure, glad be constructed in Wayne County,
pleasure I'll repeat, southern part and other in northern.
To welcome a glad commer that
all are glad to meet;
message here to bring,
) y i :
‘I guess you wonder what can be? [Pay mines here resume operations.
Well it’s “Welcome good old

old sign of Spring,
The robins too have come again
to welcome us and sing;
We all enjoy the pleasures that
these old seasons bring,
There’s nothing like a winter
without a coming SPRING,

The oil business. or such part of
t as came under the ken of Mr.
A Holy war is reported to be

What Shwilkey Bumblesosk Has To
Say This Week
De woch hov ich en greeked fum
| ma maidel un des is was se swagt:
Liever Shinkley: Ich bob de on-
were ‘ner woch di breif g’laesa in answer
yunga mon wo dich g’-
for an fraw. Es worse
Penna, Weekly
building here,
Girls at Newtown Square,
State will ship 103,300 trees to
34 landowners in Montgomery Co.
Hatfield — Site selected for com-
struction of playground here.
Pottstown -— Old Perkiomen
Bridge will be widened at cost of
approximately $65,000.
Additional appropriation of $4,-
238,264 approved by Bell Tele-
phone Company of Pennsylvania
for new construction work for
this year.
Northampton — National Pro-
vision Company opens new mead
market at 2018 Main Street.
Reading Company plans outlay
of nearly $1,000,000 for motor-
busses and garage facilities at
Pottsville and Doylestown.
Mount Carmel — General Cigar
Company factory here again operat
ing on full-time basis,
Harrisburg — Bids received re-
cently for construction of 29 miles
of highway in 9 Pennsylvania
Kimberton — Contracts awarded
for construction of new consolidat-
ed school here.
Philadelphia — Contract awarded
for completion of St. Simeon’s Lue
theran Church at 8th and Luzerne
Perkasie — Ground broken for
new annex to Grand View Hospital.
Kingston —Contract awarded for
erecting Sprague Memorial on
Market Street opposite Wyoming
Elizabethtown — 2-acre site for
erection of manufacturing plant
here offered by local Chamber of
Middletown — Rebuilding of
Marietta Pike on north side of
Chickies Hill in progress.
Coatesville — Keystone Automo-
bile Club erects numerous direc-

construction of new Elks’ building
on site of present home.
[used for storage of water for fire
| protection here,
bray | stalled in “Journal” plant.
are is bi der amount beer os are |
taining 604 head, 1235 trucked in, | sawfa con oona g’suffa wara, don | Bank will consturet
in near future.
[for construction of steel-concrete
| | m- | grandstand and locker room at
menda os der reichdum fun seim | Graham Field.
fodder—tsu dum tsu larna us tsu |
head, 928 head trucked in, total £ |
improved and repaired.
|vestment, un won du ene in sidal
hiresht farlusht du ene in kardoo. for construction of airport will be
voted on here, April 24th.
National Bank.
S| for construction of new stadium
Temple University.
{ated cost of new city library build-
| construction of $400,000 new Mon-
en at Memorial Park.
sued here during March totaled
ests and Waters will ship 12,000,000
series to landowners during April,
road will be constructed from this
place to Bainbridge,
and Dairy Company proposes to
build $40,000 modern
and egg storage room here,
issue will be voted
mary election.
“News Journal” of this pl
> s place merg.
bany will plant 40,000 tree seed-
lings this year.
store opened recently.
fighting equipment for
Le pumper
truck purchased by local fire de-
Lewistown —_ Grandstand erected
at Y. M. C. A. field on South Dor
cas Street,
& Loan Association
Sensing capital stock to $6,000,-
stream-line silhoasette will bri
ent. As we understand it, a holy | cheer to the a
war is about as holy as a civil war
dieting women
is civil.
tion and warning signs in southern
Chester County,
Lewistown — Bids opened for
St. Thomas — Reservior con-
1 in public square to be
Mercersburg — Autocaster in-
Lewistown — Reedsville National
new building
Wilkinsburg — Plans approved
Weatherly — Borough streets
Hazelton — $100,000 bond issue
ank takes over interest of First
Philadelphia — Plans completed
Ambridge — $122,000 is estim-
Brownville — Work started on
ngahela Railway station here.
Lansdale — Contract awarded
Carbondale — Lackawanna Motor
Scranton — $20,000 contract a-
Scranton — Building permits is-
Pennsylvania Department of For-
Sunbury — Cornerstone laid for
lll and Noble Streets.
Elizabethtown Hardsurfaced
Brookville— Brookville Ice Cream
milk plant
Granville —. $65,000 school bond
on here at pri.
Honesdale — Two new roads will
Lancaster —. “Intelligencer” and
Curtisville—Forq Collieries Com-
Nemacolin — Buckeye Coal Com-
Wellsboro — Finkelstein’s new
Greensboro — Purchase of fire-
this place
Lewistown — New fire
Lansdale — North Penn Building
considers in-
ee eee.
The passing of the feminine
farmers who blame
for the farm crop
Industrial Notes
Langhorne — Bucks Co. Trust
Company will erect new office
of the
Philadelphia — Plans making for
enlargement of Ellis College for

Furniture Needs
The importance of correct furniture and furnish-
ing in the modern home cannot be over epmhasiz-
ed, if you wish to entertain your friends in a
manner that will do yourself and your husband

Noted Star of the
Pittsburgh Pirates, writes:
“When I arrived at the Pitts-
burgh training camp I
noticed my brother Paul
smoked Lucky Strikes exclu-
sively, and heexplained why.
You will agree that we were
in a close and exciting Pen-
nant race and it certainly
called for splendid physical
condition to withstand the
tax and strain upon one’s
nerves and wind. Like Paul,
my favoriteCigaretteis Lucky
“It’s toasted”
No Throat Irritation -No Cough.
©1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc.

credit. The best way to insure proper furniture
is to come here to make your selections.
West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA.


When in need of anything in our line, we will be pleased tq
We have secured the services of a first-class Plumber and are
prepared to do only the best of work. We are prompt and will
cheerfully furnish estimates. Give us a call.

Brown Bros.
West Main Street