J ; : Sil ( / ‘WEDNESDAY, axed 14th, 1928 [ALA Big Tc:17c:27¢ Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest! REG. 23c GALVANIZED 1 7 C BUCKETS Buy now for your Spring Housecleaning. GOLD SEAL REG. 10c FINE MACARONI TABLE SALT rie 7c bee Yc Reg. 15¢ =" What 7c Will Buy! ASCO ASCO Tomato Soup ........... can 7c Tomato Hershey’s €ocoa ......... 1-4 1b can 7c ASCO Corn Starch ............ pkg 7c Reg. 9c ASCO Noodles pkg 7c Catsup Safety Malghes ............... pkg 7c Wrapping Twine .............. ball 7¢ ASCO Elbew Macaroni ........ pkg 7c 9? bots 27c Reg. 10c Vanilla Substitute ..... bot 7¢ All 5c Caddies .............. 2 for 7c Finest Made. 5c Chocolate Eggs ............ 2 for GOLD SEAL ROLLED pkgs WHITE OATS 2°=17c Your choice of either Quick Cook or Regular. REG. 15¢ ASCO 2 tumblers 274 Cc PURE JELLIES Made as carefully as Mother Used to make it. CAMPBELL’S cans TOMATO SOUP 1c Ad Se . It pays to trade Where Quality Counts! ud LJ Rd 7 Big 17c and 27c¢ Values! Reg. 20c PS ASCO @ Reg. 15¢ ASCO Honey ...... 2 jars 27c Bd Reg. 15c India Relish ...... 2 bots 27c BAKING Reg. 15¢c ASCO Gelatine ... 2 pkgs 27c {1 N Sealect Evap. Milk .......... 3 cans 27¢ POWDER © Reg. 29c¢ ASCO Apricots ..... can 27c . Reg. 21c ASCO Asparagus .... can 17c¢ 1b 17 ° Writing Paper ...............; pkg 17c¢ can 0 a) Parlor Matches ........... 4 boxes 17c ° ASCO Bread Crumbs ...... 2 pkgs 17c Absolutely Reg. 25¢ ASCO Ammonia ....qt bot 17¢ Pure ASCO DUTCH REG. 5¢ FINE COCOA SALT 17c : y Ail PRIM WHOLE GRAIN 3 pkgs 1 7 C RICE Good served many different ways. CRC IE PREY © 0 0°00 0 0 0: 00 0 gL] A REG. 10c CALIFORNIA pkg 7 Cc A SEEDLESS RAISINS Tg Delightful for Pies, Puddings nd Cookies. i. a ® pe Particular Folks ASCO WM Peter Our Bread. | Coffe 1b OG 4C pry Quality Counts! Rich, Full, Heavy Bodied. Victor Pan High Art ll Bread Loat Sc C ig ce Sells 19e¢ [ J Bread Big Victor Blend Surpreme Wipe 8c Coffee Ib 3lc These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE MELHORN’S FRUIT and POULTRY FARM “PENNA. SUPERVISED CHICKS” This breeding farm specializé8 in sup- plying Baby Chicks from only the most carefully selected matings, free range, and standard bred Leghorns, now under official trap nest supervision. i All males and females have been ap- proved and leg banded by an inspector of Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture for two successive years. Buy “Supervised” chicks that produce = big, beautiful Standard S. C. White Leg- horns that you will be proud of. Place your orders early as all orders will be fill- ed in rotation. WE AIM TO PLEASE J. E. MELHORN, Phone Call 63R3 MOUNT JOY, PA. Se RENCE SCHOCK ‘MOUNT Ria Ci SA SO (&10).N Bi) Ti 3S Na LET VT LN! {0 (=) dal Store a Soda Mint Tablets A giant package of these reliable Soda Mint Tablets) They promptly relieve indi- gestion, gas, heartburn, ete. Keep a bottle home or in your pocket. handy at - Bottle of 140 25c E. W. GARBER The Jexall Sore The Produce and Live Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. | NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF | MARKETS FOR THE | BULLETIN Receipts of | Pennsylvania mush- {rooms were moderate in Philadel- {phia and prices held firm under a fair demand. Most sales ranged from .50 to $1.25 per 8 pound basket with extra fancy stock bringing $1.25 to $1.40 per 8 pound basket, browns and creams at $1.00 to $1.15 and buttons at .75 to .90, according to the Pennsyl- vania and Federal Bureau of Markets, The apple market was steady with a fairly active demand, Truck receipts of nearby Romes sold at $2.25 to $3.00 per bushel, Stayman at $2.50 to $3.25, Yorks at $2.50 to $2.75 and Delicious at $3.00 to $3.50. Florida strawberries were weaker and sold at .30 to .40 per quart, Potato prices were generally firm in Eastern markets today. Trad- ing was moderate and supplies al- so moderate to liberal. Pennsyl- vania round whites sold at $3.00 to $3.15 per 120 pound sack in Phila- delphia with a few sales to $3.25. The Pittsburgh market was firm with Pennsylvania stock bringing $3.75 to $4.15, while Washington, D. C. quoted $3.85 to $4.00. The MOUNT JOY. PA. Yout Calendar should tell you: “Every 10. Days you need a haircut” Cultivate this fine personal habit—it makes a man look his best always. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting. Agent for Manhattan Laundry Always Go To Hershey's Barber Shop SHOE REPAIR SHOP Will Move On and After March 1, 1928 I will be located in the Baker pro- perty, next to the Amiérican Store, where I will be prepafed to do SHOE REPAIRING Of All Kinds At Reasonable Prices VINCENT TRINCHI Mount Joy feb22-tf H. H. KRALL [ always have on hand anything in the line o SMOKED MEATS, HAM, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Mutton Krall’s Meat Market West Main St.. MOUNT JOY STONE - Before placing ybur order elsewhere, see us. Crushed Stone. Also manufac turers of Concrete Blocks, Sills and Lintels. J. N. STAUFFER & BRO. MOUNT JOY, PA. LEE ELLIS POOL ROOM and RESTAURANT Basement Mount Joy Hall FOOT BALL—BASKET BALL HEADQUARTERS For a Good Clean SHAVE and HAIR CUT at a right price go to “Cap” Williams “E. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting a Specialty. HAROLD W. BULLER House Painter And Paper Hanger Contractor een Estimates cheerfully given. Prices reasonable. Florin, Pa. market at Maine shipping points intendent. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Religious News in Our Churches Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School at 9:30 A. M. D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. Evening worship and sermon at 7:30 P. M. The pastor will preach. Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor Church School 9:30 A. M. H. 8. Newcomer, Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at 10:30 A, M. Theme: Sin.” Wednesday evening 7:30 P. M. Prayer and Praise Service. “The Forgiveness of St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Sunday school at 9:00 A. M. H. N. Nissly, superintendent. Morning worship and sermon 10:15 A. M. Junior and Senior Christian En- deavor at 6:30 P. M. Preaching at 7:30 P. M. ‘You are most cordially invited to all these services, at Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. E. Wonderley, Pastor Wednesday, 4:00 P. M. Junier League. Mrs. Diffenderfer, Super- Prayer service 7:30 P. M. 9:15 A. M. Sabbath School. Dr. E. W. Garber, superintendent was strong with bulk Green Mts. bringing $2.35 to $2.40 per hun- dred weight f. o. b. New York state reported a strong market with ronud whites selling at $3.55 to $3.70 per 150 pound sack f. o. b. Shipments for the entire coun- try totaled 959 cars, of which Pennsylvania supplied 16, New York 21 and Maine 154, according to the Pennsylvania and Federal Bureau of Markets. Beets continued firm brought .75 to $1.00 per 5-8 basket, carrots .50 to .65, parsnips .35 to .65, rutabagas .30 to .60 and white turnips .30 to .50. The first ex- press receipts of Georgia asparagus were received and sold at $12.00 per crate of a dozen bunches. The potato market was firm with a slow demand and moderate offer- Jersey redskins basket. MARKET: Extremely dull, little action thruout week, compared with week ago beef steers weak to .25 lower, all grades showing decline, early top $13., average weight 1260 pounds, bulk of sales $11.50- 12.50. Bulls, she stock and all cutters about steady. Stockers and feeders inactive. bulls $8.50-9.25, 10.75, butcher cows $7.50-8.75, cutters $4.25-5.50. Calves choice vealers $17.75. HOGS: No action tendency, RECEIPTS: cattle 1 car from St. Paul; contain- ing 35 head, 259 trucked in from nearby farms, total cattle 294 head, 24 calves, 300 hogs. Receipts for week ending March 10, 1928, cattle 26 cars, 11 Pa; 7 Chicago; 4 St. .50 to .65 per 5-8 heifers $10.00- taining 716 head, 824 trucked in, |“ total cattle 1540 head, 442 calves, 1195 hogs, 106 sheep. Receipts for corresponding week last year, cattle 34 cars, 12 Pa; 6 Va; 5 Tenn; 4 St. Paul; 2 Chicago; 1 Canada; 1 Towa; 1 Ind; 1 Md; con-|7 taining 854 head, 774 trucked in, total cattle 1628 head, 78 calves, |7 1615 hogs, 123 sheep. Range Of Prices STEERS Choice $13.75-15.25 Good 12.50-18.75 Good 12.50-13.75 Good 12.25-13.5¢ Medium 11.00-12.50 Common 8.00-11.00 HEIFERS Choice 10 Good 9.25-10.25 Medium 8.00-9.25 Common 6.75-8.00 |W COWS Choice - Good : n Common & medium Low cutter & cutter ULLS 3 8.25-10.00 | S 5.75-8.25 | Feeder and Stocker Cattle Good & choice 8.75-11.25 | Common & medium 6.50-8.75 Good & choice Common & medium Good & choice Cutters, common & med. VEALERS Good & choice 15.75-17.75 Medium 13.50-15.75 Cull and common 6.00-13.50 HOGS Heavyweights 9.00-9.50 Mediumweights 9.25-9.75 Lightweights 9.00-9.75 Rough Stock 7.50-9.00 and | day, 7:45 P. M. Midweek. P. M ings. , Pennsylvania round whites| Christian Endeavor, Sunday at ranged from $3.00 to $3.15 per 120 6:45 P. M. pound sack. Idaho Russets brought| Topic: What are the real values $3.25 per 110 pound sack and New |of Church Membership. P. M. at the home of Harry Bishop. Thos. J. Brown, superintendent, Bulk butcher | the sermon on Lent, steady, | tice. early, steady |service. for today’s market, | Guild at the rectory. Paul; 2 Va. 1 Buffalo; 1 Md; con- [sermons on the Lords 95.11.50 | Will be a prayer service. 1 Wednesday night, crook, Mr. and Mrs. Eppley of New Cumberland and a town will sing. Dr. Yates of Lancaster will preach. will sing. 8.50-11.00 | singer of 6.25-8.50 | and hear the Gospel in Song. continue indefinitely. WOMAN, 61, INJURED old, matron of the Neffsville Breth- ren Home, was injured in an auto- J.ancaster Grain and Feed Market |mobile accident Wednesday night Wheat $1.35 bu. | ong is a patient in the General Jay [aed 12.00-16.00 ton | NOSPital. She has a laceration on Straw 10.00-13.00 ton hee on the: nose Selling Price of Feeds Mrs. Hoffer was hurt while rid- Bran 48.00-49.50 ton ing in a car driven by her husband, Shorts 47.00-48.00 ten | A p, Hoffer. They were on the Hominy 47.00-48.00 ton Harrisburg pike near the East Middlings 48.50-49.50 ton Petersburg road and attempted to Linseed 61.00-62.00 ton turn off to the left, when they col- Gluten Bn hiv lided with a car driven by Earl Ad ae aie) Fn Metzler, of Manheim. Both Cottonseed 41% 59.50-60.50 ton | Vere damaged. A passing motorist Dairy feed 16% 43.50-44.50 ton [removed Mrs. Hoffer to the hos- Dairy feed 18% 46.50-47.50 ton |Pital. State Patrolman Robert Mar- Dairy feed 20% 51.00-52.00 ton shall, of the local detail, is investi- Dairy feed 24% 55.50-56.50 ton |2ating. Dairy feed 25% 58.50-59.50 ton Ym Horse feed 85% 50.00-51.00 ton Trotzky’s demotion seems to be Alfalfa (reground) 45.00-46.00 ton [steppe by steppe. 10:30 A. M. Morning worship. 6:30 P. M. Epworth League. Leader: Mrs. Wm. Diffenderfer. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Bible school 9:30 A. M, Morning service 10:45 A. M, Evening service 7 P. M. Junior Catechetical Class 2.30. Adult Catechetical Class on Mon- Lenten services Wednesday, 7:45 "Light Brigade, Saturday 3 P. M. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. A. L. Bernhart, Pastor Prayer service Wednesday 7:30. Sabbath school, Sunday 9:30. Preaching, Sunday, 10.30 A. M. Leader: Dorothy Kaylor, Preaching Sunday 7:30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:00 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A., Rector 9:15 A. M. Sunaay School. 10:30 A. M. Morning service with 7:30 P. M. Evening service. Monday, 7:30 P. M. Choir prac- Wednesday, 7.30 P. M. Evening Wednesday 8:00 P. M. St. Mary's Florin U. B. Church in Christ Rev. J. C. Deitzler, pastor Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship at 10:30 A. M. |e The fourth theme in the series of Prayer is: Our Father's Will.” Junior society at 5:15 P. M. Intermediate society at 5:45. Christian endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Evening worship at 7:15 P. M. Catechetical class Monday at BOP M. Teachers training Tuesday at 15 P. M, Prayer service Thursday at 7:30 You are always welcome. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Minister Sunday School 9.30 A. M. J. S. Hamaker, Supt. Sermon 10:30 A. M. C.E 6:30 P. M. Leader: Hazel Hoffman. This Evangelistic Service 7: 80. Special service each night this reek. Visiting ministers each night. Rev. J. C. Forn- will sing. Thursday ight, Rev. E. F. Yoder will preach Quartette from Elizabeth~ Friday night Rev. aturday night, Rev. E. F. Berger, f Harrisburg will preach. From Friday night until Monday ight Mr. E. G. Figard, of Altoona, Mr. Figard is a Gospel splendid ability. Come The will Evangelistic services You are invited to these services. esses. IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffer, 61 years ELIZABETHTOWN. -. :- ne will cars | reasonable. Telephone 5R5 Vey “BUICK Outsell; any other 3 cars in Buicks field Motorists like you invest almost as many dollars in Buick motor cars as in any other THREE CARS in Buick’ field - - - ‘Taith means something when itis backed by dollars SEDANS $1195 to $1995 ’ $1195 to $1850 v SPORT MODELS $1195 to $1525 dUlpricesf. o. b Flint, Mich., government tax to be added. The G.M.A.C. finance phan, fe the mast desirable, is available S. F. ULRICH PENNA, SCHELL’S SEEDS THE SEEDS THAT GROW McCormick-Deering Farm Equipment Good Equipment Makes a Good Farmer Better. COLUMBIAN STOVES Sold Exclusively in Mount Joy and vicinity by J.B. Hostetter & Son MOUNT JOY, PA. Saving is Constructive Saving now means satisfaction, comfort and happiness in the future. It will afford training and education for your child- ren. We offer every advantage to encourage systematic saving. Ask for a Money Barrel at our savings window ————— First National Bank MOUNT JOY, PA. Surplus $229,000 Capital §125,000 A CRE BN iw i oe FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL You want coal that burns and is free from stone, t clinkers, ete. A trial readily convince you that it pays to bay good coal. Prices very ZF] GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS HARRY LEEDOM MOUNT JOX, PENNA. nov80tf +