PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ’28 MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. Six Months ..... 75 Cents Three Months ...40 Cents Single Copies ....3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. The date of the expiration of your sub- scription follows your name on the label. We do not send receipts for subscription money received. Whenever you remit, see that you are given proper credit. * We eredit all subscriptions on the first of each month. All correspondents must have their com- munications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Changes fur advertisements must positively réach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates on application. The subscription lists of the Landisville Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy Star and News, were merged with that o the Mount Joy Bulletin, which makes this paper’s circulation about double that of the yrd.nary weekly. DITORIAL NOT SO CRAZY EAST PETERSBURG E. M. Stehman is erecting a double house on East Broad street. Henry Wisegarber visited An- drew Burke, at Chestnut Hill, Sun- day. Mrs, Henry Wisegarber spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Deinner, Lancaster. Miss Marion Charles spent Sun- day with Miss Kathryn Wenger, near Bareville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ernest and sons, Ralph and Charles, visited friends in Reading Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkhart of Landisville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Baer Dietrich, Sunday. A successful clam soup supper was held by the Ladies’ Aid Society in the fire hall here Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Eichelberger attended the Bible conference, held at Elizabethtown, Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs Henry Wisegarber land Mrs. Mary Deinner attended the funeral of Leonard Gehring Tuesday. Miss Lillie Charles of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. More crazy people are showing | willis Kelhefner and Mr. and Mrs up, after having killed someone. |B. I. Charles. Nobody knew they were crazy be- Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Andes fore that. They at least have sense | and danghter, Joanna visited Mr. enough to keep out of the asylum. [and Ms. Wayne Stauffer, near They certainly have sense enough |Neffsville, Monday. to abstain from taking human life. Mrs. Monroe Miller and daugh- They are bright enough to try to (ter, Betty Jane, of Lancaster, spent avoid detection and arrest. They | Tuesday with the former's parents, should all be punished. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spade and daughters, Dorothy and Gladys | AFTER MANY YEARS visited Mrs. Spade’s parents, Mr. | By a vote of 55 to 6 the Senate and Mis. Schowier. wear) for the fourth time, endorsed the Sundav. Norris resolution to submit a ay i a Sind stitutional amendment proposing to |, I be presented in the do away with the session of Con- |. i here by the Christian | gress starting in December and | jety, of the Lutheran] moving inauguration day forward |church, le | to January 15 instead of March 4. | Mrs. William Gerlach) This would do,away with the “lame | duck” Congress : in November would take ts in January instead of a year after | election. Three times this bill has | been pigeonholed in the House of | Representatives in Committee but | it is believed Congress now realizes | that it is a wise governmental re-| form demanded by the people and will permit it to go before the 48 states for ratification. session, men elected | their seats A STEP FORWARD What better could have been done in Mount Joy than to organize a Building and Loan Association? That is something our town needed twenty-five years ago and at last it will be a reality. Thru it people will be given an opportunity to start a small savings account. As soon as they have saved a few hundred dollars, they have the “‘where-with-all” toward the purchase of a home. They can pay that home in the same manner as they at present pay rent and in eight or ten years they own that| home, When a man becomes a property owner he invariably remains a per- | manent resident of that town. Property owners are as a rule, the | better class of workmen as they try to give their employer their best. They boost their town instead of knocking it. Show me a town in which the majority of the people own their homes and you’ve got a growing, thrifty industrious com- munity. TRIPARTITE INTEREST IN TARIFF Agitators have claimed there is a confiict of interests between capital, labor and the tariff. The mythical barrier between capital and labor has been exploded, The public now realizes that neither labor nor cap- ital can exist alone. ' But there is still a tendency to pit the farmer against the manufac- turer on the tariff question, when the farmer’s best market is labor- ing men in industries. Many of our farm erops and in- dustries could not exist under our present wage and hour system in competition with cheap labor for- eign competition, without tariff pro- tection equalizing prices. For instance, one little beet sug- ar company in Utah paid $2,250,- 000 for labor and nearly $4,000,- 000 to the farmers for sugar beets, in 1927. Without a reasonable sugar tar- iff this beet sugar factory would not have existed with resulting hen- efit to labor and agriculture. With- out this domestic supply of sugar, our nation would be wholly at the mercy of foreign producers. The tariff is a business and not a political issue. It should be treated as such in considering best interests of American labor, agriculture and manufacturing. IF YOU WON'T SIGN, DON’T SAY IT ; A great many of us have acquir- ed the unfortunate faculty of talk- ing too much. We purport to know too much about the other fellow and his personal business affairs. ‘Without making sure of our facts we proceed to collect and pass out gossip. A great many persons, as soon as they see or hear of some- thing a little suspicious, proceed to make it the shaky foundation for their conversation. One of the very best methods to jursue in ing to break ourselves this Be habit of peddling idle gossip is to adopt and live up to the following rule: ~ Whenever you are Zempted_ to "a bit of gossip you have heard, fu ny you Do something that ou do not understand, give it this it: i Mrs. their | f their ente at a reception in honor son-in-law, vers, who were marri e The following officers were in- stalled by Rev. C. E. R pastor Zion Lutheran church here Sun- day: Martin Heisler, Nelson Groff, deacons; Walter Emmest and Fred Landis trustees. Rev. Abram Rineer, of Hernley’s church, Rev. John’ Snavely of Gantz and Deacon Landis Huber, of Hammer Creek, attended the ser- vices in the Mennonite church here Sunday. David High, of Willow Street was the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hollinger entertained the following guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Forrey, Mr. and Mrs. John Forry and daughter, Erma, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mylin and family, of Byerland and Mr. and Mrs. David High and family, of near Strasburg. The guests included: Mr. and Leroy Myers, Miss Leah Myers, of near Witmer; Earl Gray- bill, of near Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Myer and children, Earl, Mary, Sarah, Emma, Margaret, Raymond and Ralph, of near Witmer; Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Greider, of Fruitville; Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gerlach and son, Richard, of Creswell. SALUNGA Mrs, Joseph Staley and Mrs. Walter Staley visited the former's mother, Mrs. Neiman, at Lancaster, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Raffensper- ger entertained at dinner Sunday. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. David Young and sons, of near Silver Springs. heard or the suspicions which have been aroused in you by what you 00000000 In Addition Your Sale Will Be Entered In Our © THE SEASON OF PUBLIC SALES : IS AGAIN AT HAND HAVE YOUR SALE BILLS OR SALE CARDS : PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE Many Attractive Sizes to Select From at Reasonable Prices © SALE REGISTER FREE S © © © © Q @ © © @ : © © © @ © © CREE CEREE © 6 PEE @@© OPPO — ROLLS ESTATE BULLETIN DWELLING HOUSES No. 230—A beautiful frame house on Marietta St., Mt. Joy- corner property with all conveni ences, fine garage and price right No. 257—A large brick house in East Donegal, only trolley stop. Property in good shape for $3,500, No. 263—A large frame corner ideal business place. Priced to sell. No. 284—A 9-room frame house have seen or heard? Could you honestly say that about to say or repeat lished over your signature? WORLD’S GREATEST ROAD BUILDING PROGRAM Thomas H. MacDonald, Chief of | United States Bureau of Public Roads, addressing Sixth Annual As- phalt Paving Conference, emphasiz- ed need for good roads and said: “The program of this nation in building highways has had no par- allel in all past history. The cumu- lative loss to nation now from inad- equate highways is prohibitive.” He then went on to show that there are over they will consume 000,000 gallons of gasoline in a year. At 20 cents a gallon, fuel would cast $2,144,000,000. necessity for improving as rapidly as possible the great road mileages that are necessary to connect up our rural districts. This will ne- cessitate doing away with much road following section lines, substituting roads of shorter tances and better surfaces between | important points. He pointed out the tremendous | mileage of roads initially improved with rock and gravel which can be! surfaced with a waterproof cover- | ing of asphaltic character, thereby salvaging old road investments and providing thousands of miles of new hard-surfaced highways suitab- | minimum cost to taxpayers. vhat you are West Main St., Mt. Joy, would be | right, and that by repeating it you | would not be injuring anyone and | Marietta street, Mount Joy. would not object to having it pub- [to a quick buyer. If what you might otherwise say |02 on New 23,000,000 motor | NO: 330—A 6-room frame cars traveling on our roads and that ! some 10,720, | the | Using these figures, he shows the | and | Haven street, Mt, Joy. dis- | 890d home nicely located and cheap | No. steam heat, electric lights, gas, ete. New Price $3,500.00. 308—A frame | garage. No. house on Cheap No. 314—A very good brick dwel} Haven St., Mt. Joy, will not bear this test, let it alone. hii lights, bath, etc. corner Let the subject drop right there. | No. 320—A fine frame double If you won’t sign it, you are suspic- | dwelling house in Florin, new 3 ious of it, so—DON’T SAY IT. years ago. Modern in every way with garage, ete. Rents for $20 {and $25. Price is only $5,600. Will ! Mt. Joy. Price reasonable and pos- session given in 30 days. No. 322—A beautiful brick mansion dwelling in Florin, very modern in every way. All conveniences. Possession in 30 days. 1l-room with all conveniences, at Pequea. Also garage 16x21. Fine location. Ideal for club. Only $3,500. ( house 206 East Donegal St., Mount Joy. slate roof, electric lights, etc., ifor only $2,600.00 | West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, all con- veniences and in best of condition No. 3839—A good 2% story | frame house on Main street, Florin best of shape, 2-car garage. No. 841—A fine home along the trolley at Florin, all modern con- veniences. Priced to sell. No. 342—A fine dwelling on New Here is a 348—A 21% story frame dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, electric lights, slate roof, 2-car stable, cor- ner property. Also lot large enough for double house. Both front on 175 ft. on Marietta St. Mt. Joy. No. 349—An 80 ft. front on Donegal Springs Road, Mt. ew 8 room brick house, all mod- ern improvements. Included is an acre tract in rear. No. 353—Lot 40x200 =zt Florin] 100 steps to] property in Mount Joy, This is an | NO. 327—A T7-room frame house! No. 337—A fine new house on] Joy. | light and heat. | $3,600.00. No. 355—A lot 50x200 ft. just outside Mt. Joy Boro, new 7-room house never occupied, garage, good | well of water, ete. Half of money remain. Possession at once. Dandy home for | can fairly | Will sell more land with property if | over | purchaser desires. Here’s a worth | while proposition. | ing and store room on | street, Mt. Joy, large frame stable for at least 4 cars. Good | and property in good repair. No. 358—A good brick house on No. 3856—An 8-room Irame dwell-| location | house, barn, large shed, houses, ete. for only $1,500. ! No. 275-—14acres, 2 miles | Mt. Joy, gravel soil, frame house, barn, etc. A dandy truck farm. | Don’t miss this. Price. 2 acres at Florin. place for trucking and poultry. { No. 338—A 2 1-2 acre farm near Hossler’s Church, { dance of fruit. Cheap. No. 362—A dandy truck, from poultry ( | diana Co., 756 acres farm land, bal- No. 303—Truck farm of slightly | An ideal | gal, good buildings, running water, | neadow, ample shedding for tobacco. truck | brick | East West Main | house, slate roof, good water, abun. (buildings, shedding for 12 acres of | obaco. fruit | No. 161—A 235-acre farm in In- ance timber, good buildings, young orchard, fine water and close to mar- kets, schools and churches. No. 179—A farm of 107 acres of best limestone land in East Done- No. 201—104 acres in the heart of Donegal tobacco district, fine This is a rea! farm. No. 233—A 65-acre farm in the (and poultry farm of Jacob Stauffer, | heart of East Donegal, good build- Sunnyside township. Here's a near snap for | West Main St., Mount Joy. Large enough for two families. | one. Nos. 359-8360—A very modern, { frame double house on i Mt. Joy, all conveniences, each side | has garage. | per month. i No. 365—Fine corner proper. | "and lot adjoining, at trolley li | rhouse has all conveniences, large | lawn, fine location. Want to se. | to settle estate. | sell one side for $3,000 or other | No. 367A fine and odors Sig Tor 2:00: fine . new. ‘Gir { dwelling on West Donegal St., Mt. belch ; | Joy, all conveniences and quick brick house on West Donegal St.,| Possession: Price low No. 368—A T7-room newly built and modern home on Marietta St. Mt. Joy. Corner property, modern in every way, 2-car garage, very reasonable in order to sell. No. 369—Corner property in Mt. Joy, frame house, 6 rooms and i bath, all conveniences, vapor heat 3-car garage, Good reason for sell- ing, Here's a snap, don’t wait too long. No. 370—A 13-4 acre plot in Mt. Joy with a good house, all mod- ern conveniences, hot water heat 3-car modern garage. Possession any time. Price about two-thirds of present day construction. TRUCK FARMS No. 107—An 8% acre tract of land in East Donegal, near Reich's church, frame house, tobacco shed, barn, ete. $4,000.00. No. 183—2 acres and, rather hilly, large double house, fine for poultry. $650. No. 184. acres of sand and limestone in Rapho, frame house, good bank barn, fruit, running wa- ter. Only $2,000. No. 196—A 2-acre tract in East Donegal near Maytown, 8-room house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, house newly painted. No. 229—10 acres limestone land in East Donegal, large frame house, frame stable, 3 poultry houses, ete, No. 270-—A fine truck farm of a le for modern automobile traffic, at with new b-room bungalow. Has few acres near Milton Grove, good i The United States has hundreds of thousands of miles ' of road to : build. It must save money by util- izing to fullest extent road invest- ments already made. | . Ie galow house, all modern of fruit, will sell with or poultry equipment. proposition, as a farm. MEDIUM SIZED FARMS No. 210-—31 acre-farm near Mar- ietta and Lancaster pike, good crop- per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco and truck farm. Only $4,000. No 260—A 38-acre farm at railroad station 6 miles from York. Here's a fine 12 room brick house, bank barn, tobacco shed, 2 lime kilnes, ete. An excellent proposition. Price $20,000. No. 277—25 Acres gravel and sand land near Sunnyside School, 7 room frame house, barn, tobacco shedling. Gool water. For a quick sale will take......$4,000.00 No. 278—30 acres of sand land near Green Tree church, good soil, bank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- ter, fruit, ete. All farm land. Price $9,500.00. No. 300--18 acres of best lime- stone land in heart of East Done.- gal, extra fine buildings in Al shape, best small farf I offered in years. Located on macadam hjgh- way. Price only. $8,500.00. No. 351—A 60-acre farm along state highway east of Middletown, in Dauphin Co, Here’s a very cheap farm for some one. Let me show you this bargain. LARGE FARMS . No. 138—An 81-acre farm of all limestone soil, in East Donegal, 11- room stone house, barn, tobacco | shed, 5 acres meadow, 3-4 of money can remain. No. 144—A 125 acre farm of best land in Lane. Co. All build- ings in Al shape. Located on state highway and near a town. Don’t need the money but owner does not want responsibility. School, in Rapho | ings and land. some | Price right. No. 274—A 120-acre farm of | best limestone soil, near Newtown, No. 364—Six acres 19 prs. land | 14-acre meadow, good buildings, in- Delta St.,| on outskirts of Mt. Joy, semi-bun-|cluding brick house, can hang 12 conven- | acres tobacco, best of water. No Property rents for $70|iences, 9 poultry houses, abundance | better without | county. tobacco yielder in the Price...$135.00 Per Acre. No. 294—An 85-acre farm of truck or poultry | gravel land, barn and tobacco shed | BELOW YOU WILL FIND LISTED ANYTHING FROM A BUILDING LOT TO A $25,000 MANSION, FARM OR BUSINESS. IF YOU DON'T SEE LISTED JUST WHAT YOU WANT, CALL OR PHONE, AS I HAVE OTHERS. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN SMALL FARMS I EAVE EVER OFFERED. BUILDING LOTS No. 57—A b-acre tract in the boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot and would be a money-maker for trucking or speculating on build- ing lots. No. 163—A fine building lot on East Main street. Price right. No. 171—Large number of build- ing lots between Mt. Joy and Flor- in. I can give you any number, of lots at any location, at almost any price, No. 297—A 50 ft. corner lot on Columbia Ave., Mt. Joy. Price $350. . No. 306—Fine building lot front. ing 45 ft. on the east side of Lumber St., Mt. Joy. $500. No. 310—A 40-ft. lot on Walnut St., Mt. Joy. If you want a cheap | lot get busy. | _ No. 335—Lot 100 ft. front and | 540 ft. deep on concrete highway { between Mt. Joy and Florin. No. 347—One 60 ft. building lot | like new, brick house, new silo, new | on west side of highway between | Mt, Joy on hard road. Price $9,500. | | | | | | | poultry house, 2% miles north of No. 323—A 68-acre farm in Mt. Joy twp., half a mile from Mt. Joy. Price very reasonable. No. 357—A farm of 112 acres of gravel tobacco shed, 15 acres woodland, able, Price reason- BUSINESS STANDS No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. Price very low. NO. 324—A good general store stand located on the square in a good country town. Excellent pat- ronage. About a $15,000 stock. Rent is $30 with a long lease. NO. 325—A good garage, dwell- ing, gas station and a car agency at Marietta. Only $3,000.00. Don’t delay. NO. 326—A General Store, post office, dwelling, etc. Only store in a country town. Here's a good go- ing proposition. No. 332—A large limestone quar- ry now in operation including 6% acres land, house, barn, crusher, horses, 2 trucks, all tools, orders, etc. Better grab this quick as its a money maker. No. 334—A fine brick business stand and dwelling on East Main St., Mount Joy, old established, ci- gar, tobacco and confectionery, pos- session any time No. 362—A fine large brick warehouse with elevator, electric lights, steam heat and R. R. siding. { soil, good house, barn, | silo, running water," | Mt. Joy and Florin for $750. No. 366—A choice building lot, fronting 70 ft. on Marietta St., Mt. Joy and about 80 ft. deep. Cor- ner lot. Cheap. JUST LAND No. 169—A 15-acre tract be- tween Mt. Joy and Florin. A real |investment to some speculator. No. 319—A plot of about an acre tor more of ground in Mt. Jey A good investment for someone. No. 363—A 13-acre tract of woodland in West Hempfield twp. Very low price for a quick sale. FACTORY SITES . No. 10—A tract fronting 107 it. on the P. R. R. siding in Mt. Joy has many advantages and cen- trally located. One of the best in the town. No. 279—A large tract covering one entire block along Penna. R. R. siding in Mount Joy. A wonder ful location at a right price. No. 3456—A plot of ground along the’ railroad with concrete building 16x26 ft. Fine for storage or small business. No further use. . I also have a number of proper- ties that owners do not care to have advertised. If you don’t find what you want in this list, call and see me. I have it. HUNTING CAMPS No. 262—A tract of 125 : acres of farm and timber land, house, barn, ete. Half is farm land, Sev- eral bear pens on farm. Game such as bear, deer, pheasants and black squirrel, Pore rs Lot adjoining included. Price low. Ideal hunting camp, Price $2,500.0p- MOUNT JOY Ai aN adh 2h an , ! | y | | 1