PAGE EIGHT (Classified Column WOOD FOR SALE — lot of wood sawed )V which I sell reasonable at all J. W. Kreider. Telephone Mount Joy. 0 I have FOR RENT — b5-ro apartment | in central part of 1 Joy children. $10 a month vy Appl M. M. Leib. nov to 9-t LOST—A Beagle Dog tan ears and tan spot on side tags on collar. Reward fio fo Frank H. Herzog, R1, Columbia. dec14-2t white FOR RENT—A fine property on West Donegal street, Mt. Joy. All conveniences. Rent $30 per month. Apply to J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. decl4-tf FOR SALE—Heywood & Wake- field Go-Cart, in good condition. Price $10.00. Apply to Mrs. Ira Hess, Main street, Landisville. Dec-14-2t FOR RENT—In Newtown, 9- room house, electric lights, 6 dollars a month. Apply John Haines, New- town, Pa. Dec-14-1t FOR SALE—Shoes, slightly dam- aged, sizes 9%, 10%. Gents ox- fords, sizes 11/2, 6 and 2 pairs of size 4. Edwin Walters, Mt. Joy. dec21-2: MALE BOARDERS WANTED— Board by the week. Rates very reasonable. Apply to 116 West decT-tf Main St., Mount Joy. FOR SALE—Jersey Giant Pullets and Cockerels. Phone 140R12. decT-tf HEAP—I have a FOR SALE C T OF WOODLAND 13-ACRE TRAC that I am going to sell cheap to a quick buyer. Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. nov30-tf Joy. DIVINE TREATMENT — Wed- nesday and Friday evenings, from 6 to 9 o'clock, 24 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. dec21-1t-pd WANTED— Sewing machine op- erators on dress work. Beginners peid while learning. Very sanitary working conditions. The work is easily ‘learned. The LeBlanc Co Mount Joy, Pa. April 13-tf FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you desire a fine home on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy., in first-class condition, has all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. dec14-tf EXTRA FANCY APPLES FOR SALE at my residence, 101 Poplar St., choice varieties, Banana, Stay- man, Rome Beauty, Smokehouse, Delicious, Yorks and Winesap. Or- der by phone 7T5R1 1. S. S. Kraybill. dec14-2t-pd | ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the | annual election will be held at the | First National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa. on Tuesday, January 10th, 1928, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., for the election of thirteen directors. R. FELLENBAUM, Cash- ier. dec7-5t A WONDERFUL GIFT—Ycu couldn’t make a better present to a friend anvwhere than a copy of the Bulletin for one year. It will remind that friend of you 52 times thruout the year and only cost $1.50. Let us start sending it from now to Jan. 1, 1929 for a year. nov30-4t HERE'S A SNAP—A cozy 6-room house on Church St., Florin, electric lights, water in house, concrete walks and porch, extra lot fruit Possession any time. Priced to sell See J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. nov.9-t{ our In loving remembrance of died dear son, Norman W. Henry, December 19, 1924. Dear is the grave Where our loved one is laid Weak is the memory That never shall fade. Roses may wither, fade; If others forget leaves may him, never shall we. Father and Mother dec21-1t-pd “AUTOMOBILE DEALER WANT- ED—Desirable franchise covering well known line of Passenger Cars and Trucks, is available for an energetic live wire dealer covering Manheim and vicinity. Must have desirable location. Give full partie- ulars as to location, ete. Address P. O. Box 394, Lancaster, Pa. Please your “riends by sending them a year’s subscription to their Favorite Magazine, Farm Journal or Local Paper. Cards will be mailed recipients at Christmas time notifying them of gift and giver. Send all subscriptions to MABEL E. GROSH, MAGAZINE AGENCY, or Phone E’town 153R4. Nov-30-4t NOTICE given that the held at the Mount Joy, 10th, 10 A. i ELECTION Notice is hereby annual election will be Union National Bank, Pa., on Tuesday, January 1928, between the hours of M. and 2 P. M. for the election of thirteen directors. H. N. NISSLY, Cashier. decT-5t MERRY CHRISTMAS to all— Artificial Christmas Wreaths for the cemetery, small wreaths for the house, small baskets with straw- flowers, and potted plants such as Cherrys, Ferns, Cyclamen, Primrose and Begonias. Also fresh cut flowers for sale at Harry Darrenkamp’s Store; and at my Greenhouse. DAVID ZERPHEY, Mt. Joy, Pa Dec- ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the First National Bank, of Landisville, Pa., for the purpose of nominating and electing directors for the ensuing year and the trans- action of other business, will ‘ t the banking house on Tues- held Ley 10th, 1928, between hours of 9 A. M. and 12 M. J. ‘N. SUMMY, Cashier. dee8-5t Fa Hong ol No | Char 7 uly y street, estate by C. || kisq., assignee of A. R. and wife, See advertisement. raegal Saturday, December 24—On the premises in Milton Grove, one acre of land with frame house, frame stable, ete. by Harry E. Derr. Vogle, auctioneer. Wednesday, Dec. 28—On the pre- mises in Mt. Joy township, near Elizabethtown, real estate by Cyrus H. Good, Trustee in Bankruptcy of Samuel D. Koser and Lizzie M. Koser. Frank, auct. Saturday, December 31—On the premises along the road leading from the Mount Joy and Manheim road to Union Square, one mile north of Erisman’s church, personal property by Annie K. Sheez. Frank, auctioneer. mm et Apes What becomes of your dismant- led Christmas tree after the holi- days? Don’t try to burn it in the fireplace, even if partially cut up. The dry, brittle evergreen will start a roaring fire and possibly set fire to the chimney, endangering the house. Have the tree dragged away to a safe place for a bonfire, and use it as a nucleus to get rid of any other rubbish that can be burned up. The same precautions apply to any sort of Christmas greens, / MARKETS V Wheat, per bushel ......... $1.28 Corn, per bushel .......... $1.00 Eggs, per dozen ......... 41c-43¢ Butter, per pound ........... 40c Lard, per pound ............ 13e ley at Florin, all modern conven: jences and in Al shape. I will sell very reasonable to a snappy buyer Come and see it, Jno. E. Schroll Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar.9-tf STORE ROOM and DWELLING on West Main St., Mount Joy, at private sale. Good location and buildings in good repair. Large 4- car frame stable. Call on Jno. E. | Schroll, Mt. Joy. octb-tf BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE between Mount Joy and Florin, 180 | ft. front on concerte road, house is very modern, has all improvements tile bath, sun parlor, beautiful lawn ete.; priced to sell. Don’t overlook | this. J. E. Schroll, phone 41-2. Mt Joy. Penna. mar.9-t¢ POULTRY FARM FOR SALE— A fine 7-room stucco house with all modern conveniences, 6 acres land, | 9 poultry houses ranging in size! from 10x10 to 16x100. Will sell with or without poultry and equip- | ment. Call, phone or write JNO. E. SCHROLL, Phone 41R2, Mount Joy, Pa. notv30-tf ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Estate of Jacob W. Grogg, late of Mt. Joy, Pa., deceased. estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding at 209 West Main St., Mt. Joy, Penna. Paul A. Mueller, Attorney, 53 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Henry W. Grosh, late of Mount Joy, Lancaster . County, Pa., deceased. estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons thereto are requested to make claims or demands against the same settlement to the undersigned, siding in Mount Joy, Pa. HARRY H. GROSH ANNIE H. BULLER oct26-6t Administrators Wm. M. Hollowbussh, Atty. re- | | PUBLIC SALE { items | FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, The undersigned by virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County will sell | iree and clear of and discharged | tate: All that certain with a two story house, creamery, and other provements thereon erected ed on the South side of West Don- egal street in the Borough of Mt. Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., contain- ing in Yront on the South side of West Donegal street seventy-five feet, more or less, and extending in depth of that width two hundred and three feet, more or Southerly direction to David St. And also at the place will be sold the following per- sonal property: Milk bottles and cases, Ice Cream Machine, Butter Filler, Pasteurizer and Cooler, Ice tract of frame Butter Machine, Salt and Pumps. on Friday, December 23, when terms and conditions will be made known by . C. E. CHARLES, Esq., _ Assignee of A. R. Marlin and wife. dec7-3t Chas. W. Eaby, Atty. dec14-6t ! indebted | Sale to commence at 2:00 P. M. | ornamental 1927, | see, but not too fast for the camera to snap. It cost me a wet and muddy day i {1 Oh pirate had evidently killed and eaten. trees, skimming like a gray shadow through the woods and, approaching the nest- ing hole, suddenly plunged into it, ap- parently without slackening its flight in the least, shot of it as it entered its nest and the camera showed something which our eyes were not quick enough to follow and gave the explanation of a tree at full speed without receiving sault and, reversing its wings, checked Letters of administration on said - JENNIE GROGG, ' Administratrix : | | | I ' dollar sign. Letters of Administration on said { im- | mediate payment, and those. having | will present them without delay for | 1927 | from all liens the following real es- land ! dwelling ! im- | situat- | less, in a same time and | Cream Cans, Scales, Milk Receiver, and water until we came to a couple of large hollow trees not 50 feet apart. In one was the nest of a barred owl containing two eggs in a hollow about twenty feet up, while in the other tree a barn owl had hole some fifteen feet from the ground and laid there six round white eggs about the size of a crow’s egg. nests contained dead field mice, while in the barred owl’s hole was the wing of a screech owl and the feathers of a Catch Bird’s Activity The barred owl turns a somersault in idair, too fast for the human eye to n a black-gum swamp to find out wow it is done, Samuel Scoville writes, n the Forum, We splashed our way through mud made its nest in a Both marsh hawk, which that fierce sky While we were staring up at the the female barred owl came One of my friends obtained a snap- how so large a bird could plunge into any injury. When the plate was de- veloped it showed that just as the owl reached the hole it turned a somer- its flight for an instant and slid in feet foremost, a bit of aeronautics which I fancy only the most skilled flyers among the bird folk can per- form. Sunlight’s Power Over Mind Is Great Factor Much has been written in the last year or two of the ultraviolet rays in sunlight and of their benefit to health. Undoubtedly these benefits are real, but they are not the only ones in sun- light. Science is not yet ready to certify just which rays of the many solar ones are beneficial. Possibly all are. Nor is it safe to be dog- matic in asserting that favors of the sun are bestowed altogether through the physical portals of blood or skin. There are links between sun and mind, too. It is hard to be cheerful in the dark, and cheerfulness grows ever more needful in this modern world which has cast loose so much of its intellectual ballast. A place in the sun, occupied occasionally by everybody, is a fine antidote to pes- simism. There is no need to be a sun worshiper, but it is a fine plan to be an occasional sun absorber. { of them WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, THE STATE AUTHORITIES INSPECT FOOD PRODUCTS Provide Perennials General News for . . ’ Quick Reading agents of the Bureau of Foods and | Chemistry are on the job some- ——— | where in Pennsylvania inspecting (From Page One) | food products to see that consumers restaurant at Columbia one night|get pure wholesome foods, These last week. | men have won the finest coopera- Fifty-six drivers’ licenses were | tion and goodwill of the thousands revoked last week and thirty-eight | of reputable food dealers and manu- were intoxicated, yet we | facturers because of their rigid en- have prohibition, { forcement of all food laws. Care- Our Fire Department was called | less or unscrupulous dealers, how- from which to make cuttings. ee ere rere sturdy root tor. eee etl Er Languages of all the the world are being preserved phonograph records at the Museum of Languages at the bonne in Paris. of on new Sor- races The Woolworth Building in York City houses more thousand persons during hours. CHRISTMAS JOYS out Sunday to extinguish a grass ever, are found here and there so plot fire near Shank’s oil station | that it has been necessary during west of town, the past 21 years to take 21,000 | By C. WILBUR GROFF Appilcation has been made for|legal actions. np Ri pr : 2 the organization of a bank at This vigorous and widespread law ing out “Joy Bells, Ring out “Joy Bells. Leola, this county, to be capital- | enforcement has resulted in the Again there is a joy that everyone tells. food supply for 9,000,000 consum- ers being made as pure and whole- some as it is humanly possible to Each year we meet with this “glad day.” And again have a “Glad Joy” to say. ized at $50,000. Charles Levenwood, aged 46, of Eizabethtown, was treated at the 3 ; : Lancaster General Hospital for a make it. Twenty-five years ago, it We think of this as a day of rest, badly sawed thumb. Le 2. per cont of hs Set aside for its origin to be blest: staple grocery products offered for . i vi cpus vu ote | S24, CEILS SITUA On this “lad day” we all wear smile : : adulterated or misbranded. Today Whose length would re i the First International Revenue wy. "1 per cent is in violation g ach for many miles. This day of rest is devoted to all, It stands outstretched and very tall, It comes to all to celebrate here, With A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. District on Thursday. Over at Hazleton last ek the admission to one of th [movies was four potatoes. The alvation Army got the tubers. The Parksburg man who was lost in the woods near Lewistown, has returned home. He lost his mind and wandered to Detroit, Mich. « ce eel Ere. of State laws, Consistent advertising always pays. New Barber Shop at Rheems INCREASED COMPENSATION FOR WORKERS AFTER JAN.1 ON AND AFTER Thursday, Dec. 1, 1927 I will be ready for business Hair Cut ........ 35¢ Compensation insurance payments to workmen injured or killed in Pennsylvania will increase appro- ximately 25 per cent, after January BARGAINS GALORE 1, 1928, by terms of amendments : to the Pennsylvania workmen's Shaving See 15¢ compensation law enacted by the : Do Y State Legislature. Hair Bobbing a Specialty our Because of the increased pay- ments for which the companies will become liable, rate increases of approximately 25 per cent will also become effective on compensation policies written at the same time. The principal charges effected by the amendments to the compensat- jon law are: Increase of the max- imum weekly payment from $12 to | 1 will appreciate your patronage. Irvin M. Baker RHEEMS, PA. Eleventh Hour Shopping Here nov30-4t | 4 $15; increase in the minimum weekly payment from $6 to $7; increase of the maximum amount for total disability from $5,000 to $6,500; increases in the basic week- ly wage used in computing pay- ments from $20 to $24 as the max- imum and from $10 to $12 as the minimum; increases in percentage of actual salaries, up to stated maximum, allowed in payments, The waiting period between time of accident and time compensation begins, is reduced from ten to seven days, and allowance for burial ex- Rotary Sewing Machines All styles, including Elec- trics, Oil, Needles, Repairing What She Wanted “Sylvia looks very sweet tonight, don’t you think?’ asked the fair haired girl at the dance. “positively stunning!” partner, and then realized had done. “Of course,” “she looks prettier at others.” The fair one melted slightly. “The real test of beauty,” she said, “is to look pretty alway s.” “you do,” declared her partner. declared her what he added, than he times so. But Sylvia is pretty.” “you are prettier,” declared her partner. «Don’t be absurd,” said the fair- haired girl; “but it's perfectly sweet of you to say so.” Alert and Cbserving Knowing therefore that you cannot be a good master unless you have a universal power of representing by your art all the various forms which nature produces—which indeed yeu will not know how to do unless you see them and retain them in your mind—look to it, O Painter, that when you go into the fields you give your attention to the various objects and look carefully in turn first at bne thing and then at another, making a bundle of different things selected and chosen from among those of less value—Leonardo Da Vinci's Note Books. Translated by Edward Mec: Curdy. Taste Not in Money Taste, runs the saying, flaunts no One can spend a millien dollars and have a hideous home, and vice versa, one can spend but a few dollars and achieve good taste in the home with simplicity. Taste is more than a question of education, it is more than a question of breeding. Some.few have ‘t to be- gin with, more achieve it and a great mass of people have it thrust upon them, fortunately. We say fortunate- ly for the majority of home owners are content to let those who have taste design and decorate their homes for them. Spenser Like most poets, he felt the im pulse of the day and hour. reflect the color of the sky over his head, blue and somber by turns. His piety, though at all times sincere, wag more or less apparent according to the seasons—more or less engrossing according he felt the blessing: or buffets of fortune. Yet above the span of his checkered career and al ternating quest after earthly joy and heavenly bliss. an indubitable idealisn is spread like the rainbow arching over a landscape beaten by the rain and illumined by the sun.—Imile Le gouis, in “Spenser.” as eet ere Shrubbery Is Protected People tempted to gather orna mental materials state law protects vines, than penalized. Leavenheath, a village in Suffolk England, has eighty bachelors out of a total population of about one hundred, “How perfectly sweet of you to say | His poems | along the high- | yj ways and in the forests for holi- | Ly day purposes should remember that all evergreens or deciduous trees, shrubbery, and Better be safe penses is increased from $100 tc {$150, | ————- BE mn = and parts for all machines at A. H. BAKER’S 133 E. King St. LANCASTER, PENNA. Ind. Phone 116Y Although appendicitis received its Mount Joy, Penna. name in 1886, medical authorities | have traced cases as far back as | 1684. | 2 ERR NR | FS FESPA HUNDREDS™F SILT SEE TET | | | | | | | % If you don’t know what to buy for Father, Mother, Sister or Brother, visit this store and you can readily choose that Gift. You will be surprised how inexpensive. Come, be convinced. 1927 Meesick, a rajah’s sacred cat, lowned by Dr. John A. O’Connell, Store some plants of common : perennials in a frame before the |Dorchester veterinarian, has never Every day of the year pure food |ground freezes to provide material |been seen to lie down or close an eye during the four months he has been in the possession of the doc- New than ten office - § HERE ARE A LOT OF SPECIALS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Lot Men's, Ladies’ and Boys’ Rubbers Men's Extra Heavy 4-buckle Red Sole Arctice Ladies’ Coats, with Fur Collars ........ $ 7.95 One lot $25 Sample Coats .............. $14.95 Ladies’ Dresses, Silk Crepe and Jersey § 4.88 Children’s Rain Coats, caps to match § 2.95 Children’s Rain Coats, caps to match . $2.95 [_adies’ and Men's Umbrellas, with Colored Handles ....................... $ 1.95 Men's Dress Welt Shoes © Oxfords, Tan and Black ann 3.95 3.95 Men's $25 Overcoats, Navy Blue and Assorted Plaids Men's $5 Dress Trousers $ 2.88 Men's White Broadcloth Shirts Q8¢c Men's Work Shirts ................. ....... 69¢ -50c¢ - $3.45 Misses’ © Children’s 4-buckle Arctics $1,98 Ladies’ Gray Mixed Rain Boots $1.95 Ladies’ 4-buckle 2 $2.29 Children’s Wool Lumber Jackets ...... $2.45 Ladies’ Flannellette Gowns .................... 98¢ ‘tice | Men's Flanellette Pajamas .................... . 98¢ | Men's’ Night Shirts ................5..0.. 000 98¢ Girls Silk Plaid Hose............2 0.50 48¢c .99¢ Babies’ $1 White Dresses ...................... 79¢c $14.95 Babies’ Sample Creepers, all shades A Lot of Things Too Numerous To Mention. arry Laskewitz OPEN EVENINGS | East Main Street MOUNT JOY, BOOO000G PR aa a a Se SR \ 4 AA ZA A COC I A { A