9 2¢ eider Zer- 75 4d. t R, Dill- 13. "Ell 15. New- cker Zel- - ence 171; Her- Toff- «42. lew cker Zel- ider 293 ; ear as of ata Ney. ul vn VOL. XXVII, No. 25 HGR HPI NE es The Mount Joy B MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1927 Sr PR TT BP IR dd lleti ENR $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE You Can Not Stimulate Your Business This Fall Without Advertising. Just Try These Columns M. R. Hollman Held For Court $5,000 BAIL SUPPLIED ON CHARGE OF FALSIFYING STATEMENT TO BANK Michael R. Hoffman, of Maytown, former head of the Hoffman Leaf Tobacco Company, was heard Tues- day morning by Alderman Doebler on a charge of making a false state- ment to John Hertzler, president of the Lancaster Trust Company, on, hereby he secured $150,000. The «Ase was returned to court, and Hoffman furnished $5,000 bail for trial next week. His brother-in-law W. B. Detwiler of this piace, sup- plied the bond. The first witness was John Hertz- ler, who told how Hoffman went to him on December 17, 1925, and se- cured a loan of $50, 000 and, on January 6, 1926, procured $100,000 on the strength statement which showed his assets and liabilities. In this statement, Hoffman alleged his assets were (Turn to Page 8.) HOME DESTROYED AT BAINBRIDGE The home of Clarence Niblock, Bainbridge, was completely destroy- ed Monday morning about 9 o’clock when an oil stove. in the summer kitchen exploded, setting fire to the building. The loss, which is estim- ated at $1,200, is partly covered by insurance. of a typewritten ! LEE ELLIS’ RESTAURANT WAS ENTERED BY THIEVES State police and officers here are working on valuable clues which «pointed to an early solut- ion of the robbery of about $40 in merchandise from the billiard parlor of Lee Ellis, this place, early Friday morning. The Ellis restaurant was entered Friday morning about 3 o’clock, it is thought. Ellis had closed and left less than an hour before. Iron bars in the front of the store were broken and the win- dow jimmied open. The entire stock of cigarettes, said to am- ount to about 3,000 and 200 cigars were taken in addition to a small amount’ of candy. The cash register was also opened but there was no money in it. Constable Zerphy is working on the case with the state police in Manheim. Several suspects are | under surveilance, Young Folks Are Joined in Wedlock NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Witman—Reppert W. Witman, of Narvon, and Miss Sadie S. Reppert, were married Saturday Amos Route 2, of Manheim, Rushing into the flames to secure a purse which contained a eonsider- able sum of money, Mrs. Niblock | was severely burned about the face and arms. She was removed to the home of William R. Smith, where | Dr. treatment was rendered by J. C. Stever, of Bainbridge. A| daughter, Dorothy, aged 17, was | asleep on the second floor when the fire started. She escaped from the building unhurt. The Bainbridge Fire Company | was immediately summoned. All the furniture from the first floor and several pieces from the second were saved with the help of neigh- bors. Due to the lack of water firemen were forced to form a bucket brig- | | | | ade, carrying water from a nearby cistern. Mr. Niblock, who is work- ing in Germantown, Maryland, was not at home at the time. re A Qe FARMERS WILL HOLD A BIG MEETING TONIGHT An effort is being made by the farmers thruout this section, to or- ganize and ship their milk direct te New York City, where, it is claimed they will receive a price much bet- ter than is paid them by local con- cerns. A meeting with that purpose in view will be held in the Pike School house, one mile east of Mount Joy this evening at 7:30 when at least one New York representative will be oresent. The local committee has procured (Bacon’s) at Chickies, where they contemplate erecting a station. Tonight’s meeting will, in all probability, be largely attended. A ree, WOMAN’S DAY SERVICE IN U. B. CHURCH A Woman’s Day Service was rendered in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening. Miss Rhoda Shank the following was in charge while program was render- ed: Hymn; Scripture, Rev. H. S. Prayer; ‘Selection by quartette; Exercise, “What Shall I Render,” given by both the members of the Otterbein Guild and Womans’ Miss- ionary Society; Anthem by Choir; Address, Rev. J. F. Musselman, missionary from Africa, here on a furlough and was formerly from Florin; Announcements by Pastor; Hymn, and Benediction, by Rev Musselman. BR Saw Naked Man # ant Fritzgerald, of the Lancaster Pennsylvania Railroad police, was informed that a man without clothes was standing on a bridge east of Landisvillee He was notified by the conductor on Train 25, westbound, due in Lancaster at 12 o’clock. Lieuten A A “Ab” Shot Turkey Mr. Abner Weaver, of Newtown, arrived home from a week’s hunting trip to Franklin county, on Satur- day. Aside from a number of rab- bits and squirrels he shot a fine wild turkey. EO - ) Elected Veterans At Marietta last Thursday Alonzo Fibby, a Civil War veteran, *was re- elected high constable, a position he has held for more than twenty- five years while John W. Piff, past 80, was elected to council, ~~ seca Schools Are Closed This is institute week in the county and all the schools are closed in order that the teachers can attend the sessions while the scholars are on vacation. ee len Fancy Work & Food Sale The Needle Guild of the Trinity Lutheran Church will hold their annual Christmas Fancy Work and Food sale in the Ricksecker Build- ing on Saturday, December 3rd. Brethren parsonage, Manheim, by the pastor, Rev. I. D. Lowery. The ring ceremony was used and the | couple was unattended. They will reside in Manheim. Strickler—Wertz A marriage license was issued | i York | farmer, night at 7 o'clock in the United 1 E'town College Gets Large Sum MONEY LEFT FOR EXPANSION WORK — THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MUST MATCH MONEY BEFORE DECEMBER, At the recent meeting of the Elizabethtown College Bhbard of Trustees, it was announced that a donation of $25,000 has been offer- ed the Institution by a friend of the College, whose name is withheld at his request. The .provision stipulated in the bequest of $25,000 which was con- tracted by the doner with the Board of Trustees about one year ago, is that this sum of $25,000 must be matched before. December 1st of 1927. The Board was advised by the doner of the sum, that during the past year the total amount set a- side for this purpose has increased, through accumulating interest, to the sum of $27,000 which sum must be matched before December 1st 1927 in order that the Elizabethtown College to obtain the bequest. "at the Municipal Building in New | City to Kraybill Strickler, a widower, and Miss Bertha W. Wertz, both of this place. The couple left the marriage bureau to be married in the Little Church Around the Corner, 1 East 29th street, by Rev. Randolph Ray, the pastor. Mr. Strickler was born in Mt. Joy, the son of William H. and Mary He was previously married and his former wite died in 1915. Miss Wertz who is the daughter of Amos R. and Eleanora Wertz, was born in Trimberville, Pa. MANHEIM MAN AGED 70 \ "WAS SENTENCED TO JAIL avid E. Walters, aged 70 years, of Manheim, pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to defraud insurance companies of money, and he was sentenced to jail for one year, and a fine of $100 and the costs were imposed. Walters kept a small store at the Manheim trolley station. Several weeks ago there was a fire at the place, and it was alleged he set fire to the store for the purpose of securing the insurance. The charge of arson was dropped by the Com- monwealth. It was stated in defense that Walters did not know why he committed the act and that he had an excellent reputation in the community, ee re et EA Eee Special Thanksgiving Service The Otterbein Guild will have charge of the Prayer Service to be held in the United Brethern Church on Wednesday night, November 16. At this service the following Thanksgiving program will be giv- en: Song; Scripture Reading, Edna Pennell; Prayer, Mrs. H. S. Keifer; President’s Proclamation, ' Nelson Newcomer; Piano solo, Edna Char- les; Reading, Martha Engle; Talk, Rev. H. S. Kiefer; Sentence pray- ers; Vocal duet, Florence Heisey and Fern Burrell; Song and Offer- ing; Benediction. ee eee et Eee. ws: Wild Ducks Scarce | Hunters report a scarcity of wild ducks on the river at Columbia anc, Washington Boro, the past few days They attribute this to the warm weather. The hunters hope that with cooler weather and a light rain that the ducks will again make their appearance. The early part of the season was good and many of the hunters secured big bags. ————— i Ale es With H. N. Nisslew’s Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissley on North Rarbara street, entertained the following guests on. Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, George Musselman. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bomberger and daughter, and Mr. Michael Nolt, all of New Holland; B. F. Garber, of this place. pi REE a Florin Cammunity Sale The next Community Sale at the Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., will be held Friday evenings, November 25, at Florin Hall, 6:30 o'clock P. M. They will sell live stock, implements household goods, etc. Don’t forget the time and the dates. t \ Rapho Farm Solid The farm of Mrs. Annie Sheetz, containing 15 acres, located in Ra- pho township, was sold to Mr. Ben; Bradley and was later sold to Os- ly | REAL ESTATE SALE’ IN MOUNT JOY HALL Local Doings Around Flonn MR. AND MRS. JAS. HOCKEN- BERRY GAVE A PARTY IN HONOR OF THEIR SON— FORMER RESIDENT ELECTED PASTOR AT PLEASANT One of the largest sales of real estate for any one individual in the borough of Mount Joy will be held in the Mount Joy Hall on Tuesday, November 22nd at half past one o’clock by the Executors of the Gabriel Moyer Estate. A very diversified class of property will be offered, including a tobac- co warehouse, industrial site, and dwellings, some with mercantile VIEW possibilities. Due to a large am- ount of property to be offered and Mr. Irvin Kraybill enjoyed a va- the great number of people who | cation last week. 2 ; will be interested, the sale will be Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Sheaffer held in the auditorium of the] of near Butler, are visiting here. Mount Joy Hall Mrs. John Gingrich spent Thurs Great intorest is being shown in day at Middletown, with her par- : ents. the sale of the Tobacco Ware- Miss Elizabeth Hostetter, of Lan- house, which could readily be con- : : or verted for industrial purposes, and goster, spent Sunday with her par Se I A loth ot ih Miss Dortha Leister spent the yon I as By erty with | Weekend at her home at Juniata P Ne 12, Rail Yor ic . | County. Fennsyvaiia val Jovaiities Is Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ebersole in this com- very seldom available and daughter Esther, spent Sunday munity. at Columbia. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Groff and R d Ww M All son, spent Sunday with Michael Od e ust Wagenbach. Mr. John Berrier and Wm; Mump- spent the week-end hunting in Travel Sometime |, rene te Nov-16-3t car Sheetz, on private terms ith TY dr SEVENTY BABIES V ATTENDED CLINIC The Well: Baby Clinic met at the American Legion Home Tues- day afternoon. There were seventy babies present with forty-five mothers. The total registration is 403. The new registrations were Arthur Ganse, 1% years; Rach- ael Keener, 4 years; and Nancy Forney, 1 year, from Elizabeth town. The hostesses were Mrs. W. R. Heilig, Mrs. E. W. Parker and Mrs. O. G. Longenecker. The visitors were, Miss Lou Kuhns, Mrs. Schwenker, Miss Fanny Mum- ma, and Mrs. James R. Kreider, of Annville, Pa. Miss Martha Hau- ck, State Nurse, was in charge of the clinic with Dr. Workman. Mrs. C. E. Knickle is secretary. The clin- ic is held every Tuesday afternoon and all are welcome. Diphtheria toxin-anti-toxin was given to many and will be continued next week. A Youth Killed By Motonst LAD STRUCK WHILE WALKING ALONG HIGHWAY—DIES Picked From Our i Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL ION ABOUT fHE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Miss Hazel at Columbia, Mrs. Annie Good of Reading, vis- ited here Sunday. Miss Dorothy Webb is spending several days at Reading. Mr. and Mrs, William spent Sunday at Reading, Miss Anna Sload is spending the week here with friends, Charles and Bruce Pennell, are having their tonsils and adnoids re- moved, Mrs. L. Hawthorne, of Maytown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hawthorne. Messrs. Harvey Hawthorne and Gibney Diffenderfer spent Tuesday at Lancaster. Mrs. Allan Dalttisman daughter Ellen, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dyers. Miss Ethel Smith, of Millersville (Turn to page 8) eet sees Webb spent Sunday Hendrix Every possible effort is being made at the present time to match 7 ae Pastano UNDER ANESTHETIC CHICKIES “HOLD UP" the sum of 327 000 and the Board ea Mr. Abram Hershey of Paxtang, rd LEADS TO ARREST of Trustees of the Elin ont MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Seg Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Beaklen, wi 16, Yo 2 College instructed President H. K. HAVE PASSED TO THE Pr Hie Sy will and Mize Rie wor ed on a | arm for 3 an Stoll, A “hold up” presumably a joke, Ober to trv to comply with this pro- GREAT BEYOND re ae aR ener Tham LoWA, We struck by an auto resulted in the arrest of Clrist vision in the Donation be. 1 oy oe . 2 a a § last V ednesday evening and died at | Waters, employed on the construe- fore December 1st, 1927 Mra. TF A. Mil institute at Lancaster. | the St. Joseph Hospital. tion work of the new bridge at Shore and mo " Mes iller, aged 58, Miss Ruth Nissly had her tonsils! While the youth was conscious | Chickies, as nightwatchman. As d § sSub- | died m re a > a s - i 0 \ ie a porters of the local college will be i luton oe ie St Joon Fos joy a short time before he died the prosecutor, Mrs. William Beck- received by the Board of Trustees| Mrs, Mary A. Johns, wife of i an Mi ander anesthetic and there 1s not|line would not appear against Mr. it was ¢ . oth LT = si Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hostetter of known to have been any actua! eye |W t It was announced, or by the Presi-! Henry F. Johns, died at Columbia, Chicgo, Ill., spent Sunday with Mr. witnesses he accide I aters at Squire Samuel dent of the College for the purpose aged 68 years yh : = Mr. witnesses to the accident, it is 1B. Gramm dismissed that portion of matcHine this o on % : Bo and Mrs. Elam Hostetter. i lieved by the State Highway 5 a of matching this sum of $27,000 be- | 4 Mrs. Thomas McElroy and daugh : thot ; of the charge, and collected a fore December. | Mrs. Mary Frey died at Washing- | { rs. ; ig Mc ry and aaug ¥ rolmen investigating, that Bankler!fine and costs for disorderly con- Wi Mrs, Mar) A a as rg Miss Jane Zeller are spend- ros Tp y in . ila Should the College be successful ton, D. C., aged 71 years. She was fers ye fos RRS € ES are spend- was run down by an automobile op-' qyct. in obtaining this s iE ow end rr, 3 is Ing the day in Lancaster. erated by William E. Dernert, of | N > n obtaining this sum, it would pro- 4 native of Marietta. Mr i MN vide Irs. William Beckline and daugh- Si vis i Mr. anc Irs. Christ Seiders of 19712 Mulberry street, Harrisburg g de the institution with a total sum | SS Canada, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bank] 1 ht ¢ S i ter, Mis. Carrie Derr, were on of $54.000, which would mean a ! Mrs. Elizabeth Troyer D. M. Wolgemuth on Monday. ot on Te Ls oll ok as their way to visit a relative at his Dogan of expansion at tne | Mys. Elizabeth Troyer, widow of Mr. D M Wolgemuth is beaut: Se Ro 2 oo ro ey ee Chickies when Mr. Waters stopped : ores : rr Yar : : 3 7 Yo »dnesday night a 8 at > : le fos Road o | George Troyer, died at Pottsville, | fying his residence by laying con- the Harrisburg man told attend- them gnd pointed a loaded revols vst | [Re aged 90 years. Pe Jona crete curbing and side walks. ! ants that he an down. the: veuth or The screams of Mrs. Derr 2. Terry, of Maytown, is a daughter. Mrs. Chas, Lawrence and Mrs. 13. oo elm : : ' evidently frightened Waters, and {3 oy A 4 3, as. 48 a A S. hev sa 7. | i y DR. EDGE ADDRESSED { The funeral was held at Lancaster |J H. Dukeman spent Sunday at they SY en u 'he awoke to his senses. He claims MEN'S FEDERATION | Saturday an J The police released Dernert, | , : . es N | Saturday. Lancaster, visiting Mr. and Mrs} Trexler, of Laneaster that he knew nothing of the inecid- i mee mre ! — - Robert Lawrence. TR bi Yontl fae 0 4 ih ent as it is alleged he was under The folks who attended the first | Mrs. Mary Kimmey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth and son’ due 10 the influence lof meeting of the Men’s Christian Fed-| Mrs. Mary Kimmey, widow of | john, Mr. J. M Roth hi Ty in and concussion. iy eration in the Methodist church | Henry Kimmey, Past. Master of the | Rytt spent Sunday at Little Britain, The State Police and also De-! BRICK TOSSED THROUGH here Sunday afternoon were more Philadelphia Lodge, | No. 380, died | pg. ani Conowingo Dam | puty Coroner IL. 0, 0 Neill, of} WINDOW AT E'TOWN than repaid for there coming, Dr. | Thursday in the Philadelphia Mem- Misses Esther and Ania Garber: this place, are now making an in-| : \ Edge of the First Presbyterian |orial hospital, at Elizabethtown. Mrs. AD. Garber and Marv Eshle. | vestigation in an effort to deter- Early Monday morning a brick® Church of Lancaster spoke on what | (Turn to Page 5) man, and Paul Diffenderfer, motor- he the responsibility, i ‘was thrown through the front win- might be called “Forgetting Got” | ed to Piladelphia on Saturday. | ere held from gow of the Abram E. Witmer resid- and a truly wonderful and modern | Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Guhl and daugh- | the home of She lad s mother, Mrs. | ence in Elizabethtown, by some one topic it was. Dr. Edge showed how | enera ews for ter Miriam, Mr. and Mrs. John Fer: Thomas 3ankler, at Florin, Satur- whom the Witmer family believes the People of other nations disre- | ry and daughter Katherine, Mr. and 92Y Interment was made intended to rob their home. carded the teachings of God with di Mrs. Enos Hess and childre in the Florin cemetery. They ticed ri edt o : ‘ n, spent ori) y noticed that the window i vite result; 2 Sah nat- | Quick Rea mg Sunda ay with Mr. and Mrs. Osean) SOCIETY OLDE had es broken, and a brick was n. His talk was particularly ap- | erry. tossed through, which struck and plicable to our present age when | MEETING AT LANDISVILLE damaged a phonagraph and a table he spoke on some of the “modern- | INTERESTING HAPPENINGS LUTHER LEAGUE CON Sr lamp. The damage was estimated ja 2" : : : . wt - 2 . = ism” which is being taught in our! FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. VENES AT COATSVILLE , Lhe second monthly meeting of somewhere at $50.00. colleges today and which our child- | TRY FOR THE BENEFIT the Franklin Literary Society of Five suspicious characters were ren are given as a part of their OF BUSY PEOPLE The 33rd annual convention of the Landisville High School was called ordered to leave Elizabethtown by study. The great pity of it all, that | Lancaster District Luther League to order by the president, Richard Chief of Police R. H. Pastorious, oo ra POW . ir Baker : Pe was not crowded to the! nu. Samuel Meckley, of near | Was held at Coatsville on Armistice Baye) a | all dor | after being in that town for a doors. There were three of our town, is ill at her home with pnue- Day. A very interesting programme! ollowing to the call to order short while. Three of the men who local ministers prese + whie ras eartled o were several selections rendered by were Knights ¢ 20] p nt for hich | monia. was carried out. The theme of the Se Y were Knights of the Road were col- we are glad, let us come out clergy | Three men, fake magazine solizi- Convention was ‘“God’s Plan.” Rev. the high school orchestra and the ored, anl the Temaining two ap- 8% wal) 20 loys and we believe { tors wara in the county |M. J. Hoeppner. pastor of the St. reading of the minutes by the sec- “peared to be fereigne the Federation will be a great bless- | Just weex. " | Mark’s Lutheran Church, Lancaster Veron Swarr, 1 Te ie ee ing. te all. : he | Mrs. John Darrenkamp, on Mt. [had charge of the devotional ser-| 1 Re ELECTRICAL COMPANY e next meeting wi e helt m 7 etree ai SE) af is | ices. After a memorial service at © i Lio 2 2 the Church of God the hens Swe Joy street, is improving at this oor. yan 8 Bt solo. Muster: veading RECEIVED CHARTER J the second Sun | writing. eleven o'clock in charge of Rev. | q T ’ Whi h y of a i is Deine | 7 os nt “How Sawyer was ; gay SD her Ti effort is | Mrs. Clarence Grissinger, on North John F Fox, Trinity Lutheran, | ~~ ne be gil Bros ed The charter for the R. and R. i ig cure the services of Mrs. Barbara street, who has been ill, is | Coatsville, an address by Rev. W. B. |" sind 2 1 : H. Ni 1 Electrical Company, of this place, John Y. Boyd, of Harrisburg, as | now about again. Smith, Ph. D. of Reading, on “God’s Signe Story Written oy Cle arrived at the office of the Recorder speaker. The speaker will be defin-| Mys. Emma J. Thompson, aged | Plan, The Immovability of It,” was Muching; a saxophone solo, Cletus op" “Monday morning. The ‘tely announced in a later issue of | ma Ti : 2 ya verv ably: delivered Fenttvos Raffensberger; a stunt by Mildred reas ad : : ol oo y : ssue | 73, of Nine Points, fell against a|Vvery ably delivered. eatures of Yoh eng Else Pleffer: at company will operate in this place 5. Paper. stove and died from her injuries. |fhe afternoon were two pageants: ae 3 i oo b ir, - Loa and manufacture, buy and sell elge- The barn on the farm of John | ‘Luther's Coat of Arms” presented oe Co see Ys ore Te, | trical appliances, BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR i Olmstead, near Kirkwood, was des- by Coatsville Junior League and Lit i ec JR 92 Ae p1ano played| mhe jncorporators are: M. A. MISS EMILY GINGRICH by fire entangling a $12,000 | “The Church Year” by the Reams-|": rtle Landi Rollman, John H, Rollman, E. E. los town Junior League. Then followed | Next was an interesting dialogue Roll w | loss. : lowed | led “The Red Headed Many of town, and Barbara E. A birthday party was held at | A. B. Hollinger, aged 83, of Lin- 2 Very interesting address on “God’s which Walter L 9 ore ja Chicago. E. E. Rollman the home of Mr. and Mrs. CS |coln, this county, shot the limit of | Plan. the Challange of Youth to! In Ter andis represented | jo Gingrich on Thursday evening, | rabbits, five in six hours one day Further It.” hy Rev. L. C Manges, | She? ack Isimer, zd Ross New. 4 for thelr daughter Miss Emily | last ak Is I. of Thy em cd 3 represented Ihe Red Head- | Will Hold B Gingrich. The tables were beauti-| Mrs. David Gable, on North Bar-|Dersors attended the Convention) © Man, This was Soir by nef The Latics 1 Q f Zions fully decorated with pink chrysan-|bara street, who was unfortunate fro 1 Mount Joy: Mrs. George A tha en oY OO i T.uther ‘Che ; Re : Lang le themums and candles, and the, enough to fall and injure her knee | ercher. Mrs George H. Brown, | © Miri: M. UME; ro ad by 1d Bi i place cards and favors were also is better at this writing. Mrs, W. R. Heilig. Messrs. David > iam an : us ples al Wednesd av : So on of pink. A chicken corn soup sup- | Sernard, the young son of Mr. [Lutz and James Metzler. J 2 3 wile i ane critic remarks | 2 5 J; 23rd. Fr hl : > | y allace reider e . AV. iressed per was served to the following: and Mrs. David Hockenberry, of | 3 I Tee cakes sandwi es Mr, and Mrs. Howard Harner, M: st Donegal township, who wus| ENTERTAINED AT \ de — rE Frank Engle, of Maytown; Miss |auite ill with convulsions is improv- MASQUERADE PARTY | CHANGE PLACE FOR i : tancy yore A of (Hay na ee AUTO DRIVER EXAMS | n sale will be a Ruth Brill, Miss Lillian Marley, In. A masquerade party waz held azl { for the children. A soeial Leroy, Carl, and Harry Ma Dorothy, the six year old daugh-|,, ° of M hig a ry } i 0. hare Mr. Charles Gochenaur, of Mar-i fer of Mrs. Maude Edwards, on|p or a rd: ince | Dn ar pe ; i jetta; Miss Elizabeth Smith, of | North Barbara street, who has been | Peat Te Me A onal ua i ; a Columbia: Mr. and Mrs E. | quite sick the past week is some- Li, present 3 ? a an PS. J in Lancaster was w th Irvin S raneer Meyre, of Lancaster; Miss Emily i what improved at this writing. ih es Sone Ty x and Mi narrow 0 give ppli- 1 Mr Irvin Swan er en- Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. HH : Mu a Cc TT 3 ; aT oh. "> any I. sser, Mrs se | S State i 1 Vi ittisman, Arntz and sons, Mrs. Wilbert! With William Gotshall’s : hiliven. Bos ee 3 isan, Baker and daughter, Louise, Mr. | Roy Gotshall entertained at the| Miss Mae Waitz I Rote. Fil ‘ : 1 ) and Mrs. Russell Sumpman, Mr. | home of his parents the Sunday| Miss Miriam Pfenn Mrs. Dull th ee = Q and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich, Jeanne | School class of the Methodist Epis-|:1l T ister. Jahn Tver Mis : Brandt and Cleon Sheaffer. Miss | copal Church, of this place, taught|! s7zie ¥ tor 19 Ae and Yc Ho bure Gingrich received many gifts. by Lester Brubaker, the followingi Clvde, Jr, all af Mount Joy. Prize ests Vv il] be eT Br were present: Catherine Shirk, | were awarded for the nre | from 11 A : ip : ‘ Celel : - 3 : li ro We € € MASQUERADE SURPRISE ay sens Martha College, origin il and most comical co Y Mond Spl Ave PARTY HELD WEDNESDAY | Gibony iffender fer, James Flete-| Games were plaved and refresh- | rg rail brat h te wedding her, Roy Gotshall, Lester Bru- | ments served bv the host nd | ail Harris} ¢ a ay 1 3 en o} : I. : : baker, Rev. and Mrs Wonderley, | hostess of : 0 entertaining the. fol: A masquerade surprise party was > i one hostess. d t Mary k 11 rests: Mr. and Mrs. Henry held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. he and Mes, Willian and : he pm al and children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Myers, of this place, for children, Elnora, Floyd, William, Public Schools Closed Fe el Cr an children. and Mr Mrs. Myers’ mother, Mrs. Daisy Ir. ard Boernied. oo “ok The annual institute of the T.an- ST TY {and Mrs. Daniel Schroll and chil- Mowerer, Wednesday night. caster County school teachers open- We Congratulate You dren. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, | ELECTS DIRECTOR ed in Lancaster. On account of this Pauline Ed elebrated her mmf lf pm Abe Byerly, Mrs. Charles Zercher, TO FILL VACANCY | meeting public schools’ of the bor-|third birthday : { Card Partv Mrs. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. John A 3 a3 3 oughs are closed for the week. Dorothy Stauffer celebrated her| Walter Ebersole, Post No. 185 Rohinson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey At a Rr ha the direct- -_ se... third birthday Monday. American Legion, of this place, will Shissle#, Miss Jane Shissler, Mr. and ors of the 'irst National Bank, Preached At Mechanicsburg Mrs. Williar celebrated her|hold a card party at the Mrs. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Schock, Jenny Homing Mr. Benjamin W. Rev. George A. Kercher preached | birthday on Saturday. Home, on Tuesday evening, Nov, and son, Richard, Mrs. Daisy Mow- Te : Sota i, sermon at the re-dedication Helen Mecklev _ celebrated her | Pinochle and Five Hundred will 2 erer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Myers. | Gabriel Rrra eet v the death of services of St. Mark's Lutheran |third birthday Mondav playe!. Prizes will be given. Ad- The guests provided elaborate re- Church. Mechanicsburg, Cumber-| Miss Florence Heisevs celebrated |ission a* the door. Refreshments. freshments. The party was planned Shout M land county, last evening. her 7th birthdav on Sunday 13th. — ele — ——— ee by Mrs, John Robinson. The ggg atch With M. H. Wagenbach’s hE Rare C match _ Served Luncheon Match On Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wagenbach Marriage Licinsc Bt Be Nh 5 ian. The ~ Woman's Auxiliary of the A shooting match will be held at|entertained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Pott Barer Wal re ay, November 19th, for | Lancaster General Hospital, served | Newtown, on Thanksgiving Day, for| Andrew Wagenbach, Mrs. Anna Te es eng a im a) See s, and geese. Alla luncheon yesterday. at the home [turkeys and geese. All factory | Smith, Miss Elizabeth Hauser, all of West Hemphield ’ oN ih gauge os must be of Mrs. J. H. Stoll, on Donegal{loa’ed shells must be used. Shoot|Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel p. use othing over 32 inch barrel. | street. will be held rain or shine. Groff and son Omar of Florin.