VOL. XXVII, No. 22 Prize Awards At 2 i Community Show LIST OF“ SUCCESSFUL ' ONES AT OUR SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBIT WHICH CILCSED SATURDAY NICHT Following is a complete list of all the awards made at the Sixth Annu- al Community Exhibit held here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of 1% week: gi. Fancy Work Braided Rugs: Mrs. Allen Coble, 1st; Mrs. C. J. Musser, 2nd; Mrs. D. C. Felker, 3rd. Hooked Rugs: Mrs. Amanda Binkley, 1st; Mrs. Walter Brosey, 2nd; Mrs. Elias Bradley, 3rd. Towels: Barbara Nissley ,1st; Mrs. D. C. Felker, 2nd; Esther Roh- rer, 3rd. Pillow Cuses: Barbara Nissley, 1st; Mrs. D. C. Felker, 2nd; Mrs. Richard Zool:;, 8rd. Table Scarf Mrs. Geo. Brown, 1st; Mrs. Richard Zook, 2nd; Mrs. Arthur Mummau, q 3rd. Doily Crocheted edge: Mus. 3 Richard Zook, 1st; Mrs. George i Brown, 2nd; Mrs. Ralph Whye, 3rd. Pillow Cases: Mrs. P. S. Brubaker, 1st; Mrs. D. C. Felker, 2nd; Mrs. Norman Nissley, 3rd. House Dress: Mrs. D. C. Felker, 1st; Mrs. Clar- ence Garber, 2nd. Luncheon Sets ] Barbara Nissley, first; Esther : Rohrer, second; Mrs. Wm. Diffen- derfer, third; colored vanity set, A. Mary Stoner, first; Mrs. R. Whye, second; Mrs. D. C. Felker, third; colored buffet set, A. Mary Stoner, first; Edna Young, second. Em- broidered doily, Ellen Longenecker, first; Mrs. Ellen Rider, second; A. Mary Stoner, third. Nightgown, Mrs A. E. Felker, first; Mrs. D. C. Felk- (Turn to Page Two) ett eee = THE TRAINING CAMP AT MT. GRETNA WILL REMAIN All talk of removing the National Guard Training Camp at Mount Gretna was quieted when bids were called by the State Arsenal Depart- ment for the erection of 29 com- bination mess halls and kitchens and extra target ranges at Mount Gretna. These bids ember 3. ¥ re eet A) OR een are to be in by Nov- Marriage Licenses Jacob S. Geltmacher, of Newton, and Beulah I. Mumma, of this boro, were granted a marriage license at Harrisburg Saturday. Road We Must All Travel Sometime ———— MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND John K. Myres, aged 81, died at tle Oreville Mennonite Home. Eva, wife of Leonard Birk, died at Mountville Saturday night aged 42 years. Christian C. aged Mary, widow of Kraft, died at Columbia, 72 years. Thomas E. Richards, aged 35, died at Columbia. He was operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. Charles E. Murray, formerly of Columbia, died at Harrisburg aged 82 years. Robert Boone Robert Boone, of the Masonic Bomes, Elizabethtown, died on Fri- day afternoon at the Lancaster General Hospital of a complication of diseases, aged 81 years. Services were held Tuesday at the Homes, with interment in the Masonic cem- etery. Miss Anna F. Ruhl Miss Ann F. Ruhl, daughter of Mrs. Sara Ruhl, died on Friday (Turn to page 5) wr —— 4 tf Postmaster Examination The U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion will hold an examination of applicants for the position of Post- master at Bainbridge, such persons to appear at the Marietta Post of- fice. The receipt of application blanks will close November 23. The office pays $1,085 yearly. Blanks may be secured at the Bainbridge office, ree eet Qe Good Quartette Coming Mr. I. G. Snyder and male quar- tette, of Altoona, will be with the Church of God on Saturday even- ing, November 12, and all day on fabbath, November 13. Be sure and hear them. BE \ Farm Was Withdrawn v The Benjamin F. Gerber farm, south of town, was offered at public sale last week and was withdrawn at $180 per acre. Election Officer Appointed A. S. Hoffman was appointed as judge of election in Elizaebthtown, = 1 MORE OF THE HOFFMAN PROPERTIES ARE SOLD Saturday afternoon several more properties of Norman R. Hoffman were sold at public sale by I. Scott Smith, trustee in bankruptcy. Four lots of ground in Bainbridge were sold to John Orth, chairman of the Creditors’ Protective Committee for $375. A 50 foot lot in Bainbridge was bought by Monroe Smith for $300. Three lots in Bainbridge were bought by W. G. Hawthorne for $313. The one story frame ware- house in Bainbridge was bought by Henry Hawthorne for $800. A warehouse, known as the ‘Tan House,” was bought by the Credit- ors’ Protective Committee for $655 and also a 200 foot lot in Bain- bridge for $651. Four lots were bought by Monroe Smith for $71. John E. Malone was the attorney for the trustee and C. S. Frank was the auctioneer. me reste mest Amante Celebrate Golden Anniversary MR, AND MRS. W. BIGLER DET- WILER, ON WEST MAIN ST, MARRIED FIFTY YEARS ! On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Detwiler quietly celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home here. Mr. W. Bigler Detwiler, the son of Joseph Detwiler, and Miss Em- ma Hoffman, the daughter of Ben- jamin and Elizabeth Rhodes Hoff- man, were united in marriage by the Rev. Shoop on the Hoffman honfestead in Conoy township. Four children were born to this union, all of whom are living: Mrs. Parthene Wright, of Harrisburg; Joseph Detwiler, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Mabel Rohrer, of New York City, and Mrs. Beulah Rohrer, of this placc There are also the fol- lowing grandchildren: Burchard E. Wright, Helen D. Wright, Benjamin Rohrer, Mary Elizabeth Rohrer, Mabel Detwiler and Gloria May Rohrer. A splendid dinner was enjoyed by the following guests: Mrs. Par- thene D. Wright and children, Bur- chard E., and Helen D., of Harris- burg; Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Rohrer, of New York City, N. J.; Mr. and (Turn to page Four.) Bs MAIL APPLICATIONS 1928 AUTO LICENSES The bureau of motor vehicles of the State Highway Department on Thursday began the task of mailing application forms. of the 1,500,000 motor car owners of Pennsylvania for their 1928 license plates. A booklet of sixty-four pages containing the new motor vehicle law, which is a modification of the State’s motor laws, will be received by each motorist. RE. A SALES OF HOFFMAN PROPERTIES SHOW PROFIT The creditors’ protective commit- tee of the M. R. Hoffman Leaf To- bacco Co. and the members in- dividually, met Wednesday at the court house to hear a report of the committee on the sale of the pro- perties. All the properties dispos- ed of brought more than the ap- praised value, which will show pro- fit for the banks who entered into the agreement for the sales. em AD We Congratulate You Richard Latchford had his first birthday recently. Winifred Latchford also had her birthday recently. Harold Schatz, Jr., had his second birthday on Sunday. Mr. Frank Shatto celebrated his birthday last Thursday. Mr. Walter Derr is celebrating his birthday this week. Miss Pauline Henry celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. Harry Weidman, Sr., ‘celebrated his birthday last Monday. RE Injured by Fall Vv Thrown from his bicycle when struck by an automobile while re- turning from the Union school on Thursday evening, Lewis Diller, agé 12 years, residing at the home of Clarence Greider, of Mount Joy, R. D., was slightly injured. The boy suffers minor cuts and bruises about the body. A Children’s Meeting The Church of Brethren at Flor- in will hold a Children’s Day pro- gram on Sunday at 2 o'clock. The Rev. B. W. S. Ebersole will be present. ——— > —— Spoke at Paradise Rev. C. E. Knickle, rector of the Episcopal church here, spoke at the Sunday morning service and con- ducted the Holy Communion at All Saints Episcopal church, Paradise. a EEE Now Selling Chryslers Mr. C. N. Mumma, who was a member of E. B, Rohrer’s sales "force, resigned and has accepted a similar position with Mr. John Lon- MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, County Teachers In- stitute Nov. 14-18 THE SEVENTY-FIFTTH SESSION WILL . BE HEID IN ST. PAUL'S REFORMED CHURCH, LAN- CASTER. The 75th session of the Lancaster County Teachers’ Institute will be held in St. Paul’s Reformed church, Lancaster, November 14-18. The speakers so far announced include: Dr. E. E. Kresge of Franklin and Marshall College, whose address will mark the open- ing of the institute; Dr. Charles H.! Gordinier, principal of Millersville | Normal school; Dr. Paul G. Chand- | ler, professor of Jducation at! Millersville Normal school; Hon. | A. G. Seyfret, . Lancaster; Dr. J.! Linwood Eisenberger, principal of Slippery Rock Normal school; Dr. Frank D. Slutz, principal of Morr- aine Park school; Dayton, Ohio; Dr. Robert C. Shaw, Deputy super- intendent of Public Institution, Harrisburg; Mrs. Jesse B. Dotter- er, director of elemantary educa- tion of Cheltenham township, pub-| lic schools; Dr. Martin D. Witmer, | professor of English at Ursinus | College; Dr. Hilton Ira Jones! noted scientist teacher, Chicago; | Jesse Pugh, noted humorist; Har- | old D. (Private Peat) World War Veteran in the Canadian army. : Special music will be __ furnished ; by the Elizabethtown Righ School, | under direction of Earl B. Landis, | music supervisor. A combined chorus of the Ak- ron, Strasburg and Marietta high schools, under direction of C. N. | McHose, music supervisor, will also furnish music. Mrs. Elsa Meiskey, Lancaster, soprano solist, will sing several | several numbers. i The program for the institute is now being worked out and will | he announced within two weeks. | ——— Eee Keller's Private Sale J. B. Keller & Brother, will have a carload of Ohio cows, at private sale, on: Friday, October 28, con- sisting of Jersey, Holsteins, Brind- les, and some very Guern- seys, among them. choice Poultry Meeting Today The Poultry Record Association | will hold its final meeting for the season in the Marietta street school building here today. Ceneral News for Quick Reading x | INTERESTING HAPPENINGS | FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Harrisburg had 28 burglaries within a week. Choice local grown potatoes are being sold at $1.10 per bushel. George Young, aged 81, a Civil War veteran, died at Wrightsville. John M. Dellinger, of Lancaster was granted two patents on um- brella handles. There was a $5,000 fire at the Long Park tea house caused by a gasoline stove. George E. Price, of Seitzland, York county, grew a head of cab- bage that weighs 19 3/4 pounds. Six boys at Derry. Pa., killed 22 rattle snakes in two hours. They had from two to nine rattles each. (Turn fo Page 4) re nH EAST DONEGAL SCHOOL V BOARD BUYS BUILDING LOT A five-acre plot, adjoining the present high school building at Maytown, was purchased Tuesday afternoon by the East Donegal township school board as a building «ite for a contemplated new school. The property was one of the four parcels of the Anna L. Rhoads estate, which was sold at auction. Other purchasers were John Shenk, buvor of the for 8&2 454- Hiram Engle, a T-acre lot, $1,635; and Rassinger Smith, a 3b-acre farm at $87.50 per acre. A home Birth Announcements Councilman and Mrs. Murphy, of town, announce birth of a son in St. Joseph’s pital. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamparter, of Lancaster, announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Lamparter was formerly Miss Beatrice Shaeffer of this place. 0 John the hos- Convention Meets Saturday The Lancaster County Sunday School Association Convention, vocational school, will be held at Lampeter Saturday, October 29, with three sessions. A/ very good program has been arranged. eel) Qe ec. \ Right Thing To Do . +Elizabethtown’s boro council is considering a public comfort station for its square and is also making an effort to secure a silk mill and shoe to succeed E. L. Ream, resigned. genecker, local Chrysler distributor. LYCEUM COURSE FOR MAYTOWN SCHOOLS The pupils of the Maytown High School are having a successful cam- paign of ticket selling for the Lyceum Course - to be given under the auspices of the High School. The season tickets are going fast and the house will be filled every night. There are five numbers in the course which opens on Monday. October 31, with the Frazers. The Deitric Company will be the second attraction on Saturday, December 10. The third number is Robert O. Briggs, lecturer and cartoonist. He ; Tollowed by The Brownie Trio on Wednesday, February 22, a music- al company. The last number is Saturday, March 17, when the Slout Players will bring their play en- titled “Sally From Our Alley.” A'l season tickets are reserved for the entire course. The Entertainers and Their Guests VISITORS WHO CALLED ON THEIR FRIENDS IN THIS LOCALITY AND WERE PLEASANTLY EN- TERTAINED At John Newcomer’s Bank Director and Mrs. John W. Newcomer entertained a number of guests at dinner at their home on West Main Street Sunday. With Eli Bentzel’s Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bentzel, on New Haven street, entertained the fol- lowing on Sundav: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rice, of Washington, D. C.: Mrs Wade Butler and son, of Baltimore, Md.: Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Bentzel and son, Robert of this place With John Pennypacker’s Mr. John Pennynacker and daughters had a number of guests over the week end which included: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mowery, of Hershey; Mr. and Mys. Blottenber- and daughters. of FElizabeth- (Turn to page 5) A Ie ger SCHOQLS HERE ORGANIZE A LITERARY SOCIETY The annual Literagy Society of the schools has bden reorganiz- ed for another year, and the follow- ing persons have beén elected to The Mount Joy Bulletin 1927 $200 Reward For | Hit and Run Drivers LANCASTER AUTO CLUB WILL! START DRIVE TO ELIMINATE THIS MENACE TO TRAFFIC VV” NEW MEMBERS At the October meeting of the] Lancaster Automobile Club, held! Friday night in the High school building at White Horse, it was cided to offer a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of hit-| and-run drivers in this county. The Pennsylvania Motor Federation has also offered a similar sum for the same purpose, making the amount $200, which should spur officials to break un this practice. The club went on record as favor- ing the construction of a hard sur- face road from the Old Philadelphia pike to New Holland where it joins the Horseshoe pike, or Sproul High- (Turn to Page 4) | re ere Rr ee HORSE AND WAGON STOLEN \ “NEAR ELIZABETHTOWN) The Amos R. Herr farm near Elizabethtown was robbed Friday | night of a horse and spring wagon a pair of hogs and 15 bushels of potatoes. | It is apparent that two or more! men assisted in the robbery. The barn. the hog pen and another building were broken open. Neichbors reported having a wagon go down the road two o’clock. The horse was traced to Campbellstown by State Police and there the trail was lost The total loss is about $250. ree lA CR FLORIN MAN GETS DAMAGE FOR KILLING OF HIS MULE heard about The jury in the case of John Rice- dorf, of near Florin, against Nelson S. Sentz, returned a verdict in fav- or of the defendant. Ricedorf sought $175 damages, from Sentz for the killing of a mule | on the Harrisburg pike, at the | Ricedorfe home on January 30. Sentz was alleged to have s ] the animal while driving his auto Ky a reckless rate of speed on the] highway. etl Bibi New Licenses December 15 The 1928 motor plates may be used December 15, the Bur Vehicles, announced vehicle license | on and after u of Motor | Thursday. | . 1 . | the respective offices: President, | No exten be made f Robert = Schroll; secretary, Edna of 1927 e ter m fi Charles, and editor, Anna Weber. Decemboar 31, Benjamin ( During the past week the first! state registrar. sais. eee session of the local Literary society was held, which proved to be one of exceptional merit. A program committee was ap- pointed for the purpose of arrang- ing the various programs of the so- ciety throughout the year. Other committees have also heen appointed to execute other portions of work, which is required by the local Literary Society. — ee eet CR eee: DIVORCED AND MARRIED AGAIN IN EIGHT DAYS Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Flora Metzger Villee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Metzger, of Columbia, and Carl G. Orthwein, of Philadelphia. The cereomny was performed by Rev. Dr. A. M. Mehrkam, of St, John’s Lutheran church Columbia, at the home of the bride’s parents. After a wedding trip to Lynchburg, Virginia, and other places they will reside at Philadelphia. Just eight days before the wedding, the bride was divorced from Edgar R. Villee, a leading business man of Marietta. eee eel Reet 2 vv They Were Lucky During the Community Exhibit here last week our local merchants gave away a number of prizes as follows: Bernhart’s ing, Blarket, Mrs. Ada North Barbara Street, this place; Friday evening, Roast Pan, Mrs. R. Kretzing, East Main Street, this place and Saturday evening, Um- brella, Marie Forry, R. D. Lititz, Miller, Prize at Store: Thursday oven- Koser, S. B. exhibit Saturday evening, = electric Waffle Iron to Edward Weaver, West Main Street, this place. ———— Letters Granted Letters were granted at the court house as follows: Adelaide Kline, administratrix of Carrie Druckenmiller, late of Mt. Joy. Harry H. Grosh and Anna H. Buller, administrators of Henry W. Grosh, late of Mt. Joy. eee tt QA Banking Course A banking course through which the students of the Mt. Joy Junior High school are taugh to save a per- centage of their earnings each week, is being conducted by the faculty members of the Junior high school. srs A A Wn Fancy Work & Food Sale The Needle Guild of the Trinity Lutheran Church will hold their annual Christmas Fancy Work and Food sale in the Ricksecker Build- ing on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. factory for that boro. oct26-5t Young Folks Are Joined in Wedlock NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Musser—Reed Elias Z. Musser, son of Rev. Mrs. I. W. Musser, of near Mount Joy, and Viola Reed, f and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reed, of near Elizabethtown, were married Thurs- day afternoon at 4 o’clock, by Bish- op L. O. Musser, at his home, assist- ed by the father of the bridegroom, Rev. I. W. Musser. The couple left on a trip to Wash- ington, D. C., and other points of interest, and on their return, will be at home on the farm adjoining that of Rev. I. W. Musser. Starliper—Krall Miss, Margaret Krall, jaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Krall, of town, and J. Cameron Starliper, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Starliper, of Chambersburg,” were united in marriage at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in the Lutheran church, the Rev. George A preforming the ceremoi; were unattended. After a trip tc New Orleans, Y visit relatives they will resid in Philadelphia. Building an Addition ¥ The Bachman Choc Manu- facturing Company is erecting addition to its more room for the m business. This our best industries and is st vy growing. eee net A AE Suit For $1,000 Suit has been entered in the Common Pleas Court by Charles W. Eaby, attorney, for Daniel E. Bru- baker, of Ephrata, against William A. Miller, Mount Joy, to recover $1,000 damages as the result of an automobile accident. 1te factory to provide ilk chocolate yf i§ one Property Withdrawn Mr. Albert Strickler offered his property at Florin, at public sale at the office of Henry G. Carpenter last Tuesday evening. No one at- {tended the sale. Sunday. i spent The bride is a gr Mount Joy High school ind € le Un | rersity, Philadelphia. She was phy-| directress in High school at B Chambersburg for tl past two vears. The bridegroom is employe in the offices of the West Philadel phia Railroad Company. ——— DO A $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE You Can Not Stimulate Your Business This Fall Without Advertising. Just Try These Columns DAIRYMAN A. R. MARTIN MAKES AN ASSIGNMENT Dairyman A. R. Martin, on Don- egal street, who has had financial difficulties for some time, very suddenly and unexpectedly moved his household effects to Harrisburg last Wednesday. His store, milk and Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT fHE MANY COMERS AND ice cream business which he was GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY conducting, was abandoned. —— On Friday Mr. Martin and his Mrs. James Garber spent Friday wife, Lillian M. Martin, enter-|at Lancaster. ed a deed of assicnment for the Miss Martha Gibbons spent Sun- benefit of the creditors, in the|day at Manheim with friends, recorders office, It is in favor of Christian E. Charles, The property mentioned in the deed consists of a frame dwelling and shop on the south side of West Donegal street, Mr. Harry Grosh spent a few days here as the guest of friends. Miss Anna Webb and daughter, Betty Anne, visited at Lancaster on Sunday. Mount Joy situated on a lot 75 by Miss Black, of Elizabethtown, 203 feet in size. visited Mr. and Mrs, Allen Schatz The assignee will arrange to|over the week end. continue the business in near future for the benefit creditors, we understand. cen Morr ns ein Local Doings Around Flonn Mr. and Mrs. John Conner spent Sunday with M. Lyle Hornberger and family at Manheim. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Grosh and son, Howard, of Chicago, spent several days with Mrs, Ella Royer. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brown returned from Roanoke, Va., where they attended the Synod. the very of the 3 Mr. Earl Good and Mr. Arthur ; rr me Nyer, of Manheim, visited friends ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. |in town Monday evening INGS FROM THAT THRIVING Mr. Charles M. Webb and AND BUSY VILLAGE family spent Sunday at Lancaster THE PAST WEEK (Turn to Page 5) A nn ROTARY CLUB WILL HOLD Mr, J. Ditzler and Sunday with friends at family spent Lebanon. Mr. Benjamin Brubaker began LADIES’ NIGHT TUESDAY his duty as mail carrier, on Sat- urday. Dr. H. M. Kline, one of the in- Mrs.. Henry Wittel and daughter. structors at F. & M., made an ex- Miss Clara, spent Saturday at Lan. address before the members jof the Mount Joy Rotary Club here caster. 1 | yesterday at the Mr. A. Peris and J. D. Easton] regular weekly motored to Penn Yan, N. Y. over {luncheon at Stumpf’s restaurant. the week end. The club decided to celebrate Rev. Brubaker preached the | Hallowe’en next Tuesday evening sermon at the United Brethern |PY holding Ladies’ Night at the Church on Sunday. | Oaklyn Tea House, west of Eliza~ Mr. W. H. Walker, of Downing- | bethtown. : town, spent the week end with his| As a spekial attraction the club son, L. H. Walker. {has engaged the services of Charles Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Roth and, Moore Cassell’s Chanters. Mr. Cas- son John and Alvin Rutt, spent Sel is now locaed at Hagerstown, Sunday at Mount Alto. Md., and has one of the best male Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schlegel- | quartets appearing before the pub milch, returned home after spend- |lic thruout his and adjoining states. ing eral davs at Charter Oak. |We predict a banner attendance. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Forney and | A . and Mrs. Clarence Nissley | Maytown Entertainment Monday evening, October 31, the Clavton Breneman jars of a series of entertainments Elizabethtovn as VA be given at Maytown by the High school, when “The Frazers” sited friends at Shiremanstown on | i Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at guests of her mother, Mrs. S. Witmer. | will appear in recital. They are a Miss Lillian Olweiler, a teacher company of musicians and character in the public schools at Hummels. | Portrayers, and come highly recom- town, spent the week end with her mended. parents. | There will be a meeting of the irectors of the Florin Hall Assoc- | R i L ] Re | iation in the hall on Thursday even- | ecen Oca €a ine at 8 o'clock. | Mr and Mrs. H G. Mussleman | E tat M tt ] ind Mrs ‘ ussleman | and children, of Lemoyne, spent | Sia € da €rs Sunday with his father, Mr. H. S Mussleman. \ I aM i Howe 3 Realtor John E. Schroll on Mon- r. and Mrs. L. H. alker : lav oh VREr andl day consummated a local transact- children and Mr. and Mrs. N. H.;; eS Walker 1 : 5 WN. hijon whereby Mr. Harry E Smith Valker nmptored to DowningMown, |, .....} : ; sail : | purchased at private sale and on on Sunday. . oo | private toms the three story brick building and the one story frame THE REGULAR MEETING | annex, corner of Marietta and Wal. OF THE WELL BABY CLINIC | nut streets, from the owner Mg. | Benjamin Groff. Mr. Smith at pres- The Well B: by Clinic held its | nt conducts a restaurant and pool usual meeting Fuesday afternoon )room in the brick building while Mr. at Ae legion Om is Seder | Frank Yost occupies the frame i WR “io oS I Tosons | building as a garage, The transfer an den TS... =e WwW regis- | will be made at once. trations were two in number, viz rere Paul Thomas Buller, aged 2 1-2 years; Harold William Miller, 10 FARM WOMEN ELECT months, of Florin Miss Martha OFFICERS FCR TERM Hauck. state nurse, was in charge. ~~. Dr. Workman was present with Farm Women’s Society, No. 8, Mrs. C. E. Knickle as secretary. held their regular meeting at the The hostesses were Mrs. J. D [home of Mrs. J. Clarence Reist Newcomer and Mrs. E. W. Garber. | near Mt. Joy, on Saturday. Miss total regis ion at the clinic | Agnes Ferriter, police woman of is 393. Lancaster, gave an address. The Diphtheria Toxin - anti - toxin | following officers were elected: will be started next Tuesday. Par-|President, Miss Anna Kellar, FEliza- ents can bring their children for |bethtown; vice president, Mrs. D. Z. first treatment. Witmer; recording secretary, Mrs. bine Clarence Reist; correspond tary, Miss Mabel Heisey; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Forney, Elizabethtown. ———— ee 1g Secre 3RD ANNUAL MASQUERADE BY KNIGHTS OF MALTAS Boosters Held Banquet | The the members Boos + ers and ty-nine to be exact, held * the members and their |at Chef's Place, 1 a Annville, o A three-piece or- Lancaster, near Monday night. from chestra the music success, and the affair was a he NA, ,Bh”ihndi Hi astumes There vw Pé ll costumes. 1 y hin A New Dairv sie Messrs. Irvin and Elwoos in, two well known place, They serve and will b share of vou 1 their ad on another page. oe Ae i Gives $1,000 Rail Samuel Kline, of Marietta, arrested Monday charged with fe- lonious assault and battery with intent to kill in connection with the shooting of Mrs. Earl B. Hertzler, at Harrisburg. He was released on $1,000 bail. Qe ind door priz free. eet eee —— Manheim Girl YVircinia Dov ] have here = : | daily DOSS] when strv leaving school. was Coming Next Wednesday Rubin & Rubin, evesight special- ists of Harrisburg, will be at Chand- ler’s Drug Store, Wednesday, Nov 2 from 9:00 A. M, to 5 P. M. Don’t forget the date. een Florin Community Sale The next Community Sale at the Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., will be held Friday evenings, Oct. 28, Nov. 11, 25 at Florin Hall, 6:30 o’clock P. M. They will sell live stock, implements household geods, ete. Don’t forget the time and the dates, Oct-5-2¢ Frank & Bros.” Next Sale C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their next Community sale at their yards near Mount Joy on Friday evening. Nov. 4th, when they will sell the usual big lot of anything and every- thing.