The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 19, 1927, Image 8

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Keep Kidneys
Can’t Feel Well When Kidneys
Act Sluggishly.

O feel always tired, lame
and achy is too often a
n of improper kidney action.
en the kidneys act sluggish-

The Ober Reunion
Held On Sunday
(From Page One)

Ober and daughters, Edna, Dorothy
and Ruth, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Dost-
er, of Manheim, and daughters, Ha-


receive the reward
> nt in well doing.
That a. copy of these
be sent Yo, the family
printed in the Mount
_ is great, she
«of a useful
thev be

to recover $327 on a book account.
tl AIO
“.. Joy Bulletin, and that same be ches are now J rating in all but |instruction, and give boys and girls |ing as his family suspects foul play.
spread upon the minutes of the Absence makes the picture post | the lower end of the county, where | ideals of clean living and right
rican Legion Auxiliary cards accumulate. it is hoped to place a nurse with a [thinking which are invaluable to The estate of Elmira Stumpf,
Walter S. Ebersole Unit No. 185 car in the near future. At present|them and to the communities in|of Conoy township, was adjudicated
the county out of a total of 19,028,
and who
county every month, are the only | ion and
The collector of the wages of sin] field nurses
is never turned away empty handed. | care ‘in city or county. Their bran-
Community Chest |
Campaign In County

4 0
$5 esr | RE BB rE bak al
* ee *
Welcome! }
Lo ato

b>. 0. 90

00, 0,


The Boy Scouts, Young Women’s
Christian Association, John M. Harry, aged 51, of Chest-
nut Hill, was found dead Sunday
morning in an alley at Columbia.
The authorities are now investigat-
average 578 calls in the | and Recreat-
Playground Association,
are all character-building . agencies
doing actual bedside |
which pay great attention to health


Advertise in The Bulletin.
Miss Margie Rigle covers Columbia,
which they grow up. In this con-|and amounts to $407.64.












ly, Waste poisons remain in the zel and Marie, and son, Claude, M7. — > 3
loodyand a a Boone and Mrs. Milton Ober and daughter Information concerning the Wel- Mn 5 &
i, ei Ry Eva and Meada, all of Manheim; fare Federation of Lancaster which % oS e
SECs b : : - Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ober and child- | will inaugurate its Community 3
oftenn g kache. A com : wry . : : Ee 4 % ’ 0
mon warnig that the kidneys ren, Monroe, Pauline and Elizabeth, | Chest campaign for funds Novem- 3 ® $
are not actifg right is scanty Mr, and Mrs. Edward Ober, Mr. |ber 10 to 14th, in city and county s* oo
or burning segretions. Assist and Mrs. George Stoler, of Penryn The Bulletin is co-operating by €¢® 2 d 10 o&
yo ADoan iiss. Mr. and Mrs. Paul White, daughter, | furnishing the reading public with ¢% &
s. a : a : :
: Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin White | facts and figures concerning this 3
se kidney agtivity. Are y 1 { 5 In PACS .
endorsed from coast to coast. and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- | work, In order to further assist in & : AND Hear the Crosley Band *
Ask your man Ober and son, Wayne, Mr. and | the campaign this newspaper al- $ i
Mrs. Allen Ober and daughters, | so conducting a slogan contesi in 4 au-
9 Ble Betty and Arline, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- | which prizes will be given for the & The Royal Road to Pleasure Box. See the three be
DOAN S vin Ober and daughters, Margie, | best set of ten slogans or state- $ bi *
sther and Ruth, all of Pemyn;| ments suitable for use on posters tiful styles of Cabinets. oe
D to the Kidneys Esther an I . 3
Stimulant A Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ober, Jr., of | and banners and the like. After 5 Full Line to choose from mE pa oe
Posts Cem Ya Brunnerville; Mr. and Mrs. Sariwuel | reading these articles, write out o% Y This 18 truly the most
oe Frey and son, Paul, of Lititz; Mr. | your ten slogans and have them in & =o J J 2
Classified Column Charles White, Mr. and Mrs. Oliv- | this office by October 31st. The priz- Se Another crowning achievement has popular and biggest sell %
“ = er Ober, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. | es are ten dollars in gold, and the *s 2 ‘ 2 ; oe
i ~ | Philip Ober, of Deodate; Mr. and jchoice of the next four winners * been realized by the opening of The |. Radio on the market &
Ww ANTED-Sieno yrapher, experi- | nvr. paniel Ober, Mr. and Mrs. | among the following: camera, swea- bo : . ng adlio :
i Flor Mrs. I s * R M f *
ienced. S. Nissly ngrich, | a} Clayton Kaley and childrer, Naomi | ter, leather packetbook, electric be A oyal usic Box where the music ans 3 a
Pa. Phone a and Elvin, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ober |lamp. The contest is open to any- AND f th ’ d b bh at a»
WANTE need a lot of] and grandson, Chester, Mr. Phares | one regardless of age; residence, %* oO 1S community can see an ear the @
CLEAN RAGS, for washing presses. Shank, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shear- { must be in Lancaster county. latest and what is most up-to-date in 5
Deliver them to the Bulletin Office | o. and Grace Ober, Mr. Earl Bom- The Gift of Health &
and get Two Cents a Pound. tf berger, Mr. Elmer Sheneberger, Mr. EoD em cue] HH | . w tl : -
A = Claude Fail, Miss Dorothy Gibble, All social workers realize the im- the music world
WOQD! WOOD!—Dried Cord { ~~ "1 > Manheim: M portant part that health plays in the ¢% 3 .
Wood, saved stove length. Wili de- Mr. Omar wii, 8 of Yun) I es lives of the people whom they oe 4
liver. F. 8S. , Phone Fite i i serve. Behind nearly every story of oe : *
3R3, Mount Joy. ct. -2t | Mr. Francis eT, vi : . > :
Len wy Florry, and Mr. Phares Greiner. Setter ne ne ek Se BARGAINS 4 dll st
, : somewhere. Perhaps the father of (%
Good Breeding Ewes or Lambs. AD. | RALLY DAY RETHREN CHURCH [@ family lost his job because of : Yes, the finest selection to choose 2
ot Hi $-pd UNITED BRE health, became discouraged ’ o
ply Box Q,, Florin, Pa. Oct-19-2t-pd poor health, ged, 3
deserted, or hung on as a hopeless . oo
“FOR'SALE _ I have a quantity | On Sunday morning a very on ear ata ho a. from, electric or battery operated, hi .
Harry | program was rendere h th ‘her's bard £ house: 1 A 1 1sfv
- of corn cols Win ADR So hh 1] 2208 the mother's burden of houses] oy models and Consoles. A style to satisfy $
Be hone | United Brethren chure ere, a : tne £ fires = ) &
Phon which time Rally Day was observ- Beeping gn i og Jor oi ph Ya 2% bh 1 tl {ost 3
2 NENT ildi The entire Sunday School was | 100 grest lor her sifengh, anu the most selective taste. o&
FOR RR He ofice Duding ed. bi 2 on re Services. | An broke down in body or in mind,]| * ¥ -
12x16 on East Mim, street. Suit-{combined during the leaving little ones to be cared for, o% a
able for business or Su Apply orchestra of about fifteen pieces gt by others. - ell | 1) [|]
bo Me Sabai : pai, so added to the Progam, The Most criminals are under par $ 3 ©
tL, Nt Joy, speaker of the morning, rof. . ak 2 %
io Fiher of Lancaster, and prin- physically, or were not normally : \ del d tel 5
WANTED—Married man to work | VV. es Lol ¢ | nourished in their early years when <¢® 8 Table models moderately &
Reference | cipal of the Boys’ High School, o 3 A 3
on farm by the year. eiere ” : their characters were forming. And ¢% . 3
required. S. R. Snyder, Mount Joy. | that city, emphasized Rally Day as many little children today begin 3 P d at 90
Oct. 19-2t- thering together, and closed his |. : 4 oe ? rice 3
a gathering tog life with a wrong start through in- Com lete 5 oe
address with illustrations. The at- : : ® EEE C3 P X 2
FOR RENT—A {front room on|, 4 £0 was 284; on herited defects or crippled condi be . @
a encance one year ago ; tions which, if set right while they
second. fleo to 122 East : . ) which, ] ,
MAID A erent “@et=19sf | Sunday morning it was 331. The |... oil] in childhood, will change & be °°
: offering last Rally Day was $12.31; 1c whole course of their lives | $ % ®
WOOD FOR SALE — I have a| the offering Sunday $14.72. Visit- The Welfare Federation agencies %* d i 0 5 : &
lot of wood sawed stove length | ors 20. : which are supported wholly or in Hear the world’s famous artists— &
which I sell reasonable at Bll times The program is appended: part by the Community Chest cam- o% 5 3
J. W. Kreider. Telephone Opening songs by the school, | pajgn each November, can be divid-' & Complete stock to choose from-—a rec- ©
Mount Joy. “Can He Count On You?”, “Bring | ed into two classes as far as health [0S i S 3 oe
SHEEP SHEEP the Sunshine Inj” Scripture reading work is concerned—for they all * ord stock complete. &
We want some good breeding | by the superintendent, H. N. Nissly | work for better health in some way * % 0 Ko) e r 3
Ewes or Lambs. Apply Box Q |and the Sunday School; Prayer, by | or other in the course of their daily oS from . %
in Florin, Pa. Oct-12-2b-pd | py H. S. Kiefer; Solo by Mrs. |routine. They either correct ill 3 Featuring o Honolulu Moon : :
Ba ir) | Benedict, of Conestoga, accompan-| health in the community, or pre- 7% ° Six—Sevens—Eights o
f ng... Ag ho ied by her sister; Birthday Offerings | vent it by education, wholesome re- -
li Apply s S. Nissley | Song by the school, “He Calls You;” | creation and sanitation. ] 0 to On the \ Th Radi th h :
r 7 J i Pa. rt f violins, accompan- 10 wit the
| Oiagrics., Phos 17684, “Mig, Tu re Address, Prof. B. W. Lanhcast The ital nm 3 ROXY THEATRE ORGAN : :
Te or * | Fisher, of Lancaster; Young Men’s ds Beas ares bowls a i Complete master pick-up, featuring &
Fo nel iow In good con: Quartet, composed of Lloyd Myers, es Tor totr Oman ey “0 >
wi Y ar vd Kline and], on 3 xis . . .
dition. Apply J. B. Hot flor: Howard Nn ae a Even if there were no charity pa- <T with Power Tubes and a BRUNSWICK RECORD a power speaker built o
oc ‘re a zel, acc a h ia 5 % ol 3 ak os th. <%
I Miss Pearl Myers; Announcements; Ge a St en 4 . b ful le
STORE ROOM and DWELLING | songs by school, “Onward Chirs- eph’s Hospital, and Rossmore Some 3 $32 50 Farrand Speaker nh. 2 console %*
on West Main St., Mount Joy, at).i.n Soldiers,” “Sweeter as the >. ? Gira oe 1 ;
tia ) t 1d t be tained b
poe aie, God Tommi | Sel ye Sean ears ie cote be maivned by 9 WO black (rows wih 3
b di 1 repair. arge 4-| Ss Do RICE aymng patients at the rates r >
buy lings in goo oa on Jno. E.| Benediction, Rev. Kiefer. These Institutions ate of 4% ese modaels are (= 2
Schroll, Mt. Joy. octs-tf recognized importance to the com- o% 1926-1927. P tCelver.
| WOMAN SLIGHTLY HURT munity, as well as of very necessary art 3 and 4 COLUMBIA RECORD &
FOR RENT—A Tamm AT LANDISVILLE MONDAY | co to individuals. ** &
along concrete highway, 2% miles re Here are some figures of special
east of Mogani doy. Yam: 2 good One woman was slightly injured | interest to Lancaster county resi- % °
farmer and will give an extra go > orning shortly after 10 0’ { dents in this: co 1 3 oo
bargain. Apply to H. Vincent Monday m g C dents in this connection. RR . 3
Hamilton, Salunga, Pa. sept28-tf | clock in a collision 2 the Haris The General Hospital last year o he @
burg pike, near Landisville ie Wo- | cared for 4,301 patients, 1,957 of > . : d
WAN eam man is Mrs. Benjamin Bricker, of | whom were county residents, and All Radio Sets listed are On the &
erators on dress work. eginners | yn who suffered lacerations | half of whom were free or less thin oY 7 1 : \
paid while learning. Very sanitary; ."., one was treated in| cost patients. Almost $75,000 was 3 licensed by Radio Cor ROXY THEATRE ORGAN 5
I niin he ork Landisville by a physician. needed during that year from con- poration of America, e nn ®
easil; . ; The cars that figured in the col-| tributions, the remainder of the Ww :
Mount Joy, Pa. April 13-tf he cars that figured in the co ributions, the remainder of the .
/ y lision were operated by i cost of maintaining the institution og estinghouse Electric, BRUNSWICK RECORD A 3
NOTICE—The insurance in the | Bricker, of Landisville, and Galen | with its 85 nurses being made up o% . 2 i *
._ Donegal and Conoy Fire Insurance | fj Clark, of Northumberland coun- | from state appropriation, interest > General Electric and sub Amrad Elektric Radic on
- any is now due and payable tc ty. The wet highway is believed to | from the endowment fund, and the sidiar companies. CT \ $
the Mr. J. Harry Miller | ° : : ane o oe
East Donegal ®t, Joy. If un.|have caused the accident. State | paying patients. Of the $75,000 + Supreme has o equal.
paid Nov. 15 your pies sus- | Highway Patrolman Myers of the [ needed, about $45,000 was contri- = ¢% —Beware— E P PI 3
pa ancaster il was 1 to |buted by Lancaster city residents 11 R di S {
pended. 19=3t | Lancaster detail was summoned « y y S oF . as avment an on a adio vets
the scene of the accident by Benj. |and $30,000 by county residents. &o Do not buv »n nn-licens- y y Come and hear i : Beau
“=, FOR SALE G. Eynon, Registrar of Motor Ve-| Of the 64 towns outside of Lancas- . PL I 5 \
x. I) ’ A 9
1924 cab hicles at Harrisburg. ter from whom patients were admit- ¥® ed Radio Re Tver. and Phonographs tiful Console models. $
and straight bod¥™“rebuilt.” 0 —————— thie, : %*
FORD HALF T DELIVERY ted, Lititz had the greatest number, oe
» L < rate re > 3 CS
1 body, Rp JAIL E'TOWN MAN 137, and Ephrata was next with 133 90 6% o% LK , oo 8
Y FORD ANS FOR NON-SUPPORT | There were 209 Lancaster R. ED. a oF 960%! (oie Sages Jeg ide 204% 003003043
FORD TOURINGS. residents admitted.
STRICKLER’S GARAG Edward Kendig of Elizabethtown, St. Joseph’s hospital cared for ene
Maytown, Pa. committed to the Lancaster county |g 495 ,atients during the past 12 Marietta and Mountville; Mites the work of the newly or- AY
1 Jail Inst Wednesday, in default of | months, of whom 908 were county Myrtle Moyer has Elizabethtown, | ganized Colored Recreation Center
the payment of $340.00 back sup- residents. This hospital also renders Mount Joy and Manheim; Miss | is interesting; the colored people \
port money, alleged to have a large proportion if free and less Elizabeth Schriner is established in | have serious health problems, and \
Le due his former wife, a = than cost service, its children’s Lititz under the supervision of the | since they are apart, however small \
A ay oman for Gooking (Woodburn) Kendig of Elizabeth- ward, having been operated during Lancaster headquarters, and Miss | of this community, it is their duty,
and General House Work. 000 | town, the past year with 90 per cent of Myrna Mackley is supported byl: and that of those among whom the \ ’
pay for the right, person. Address y , de by Mrs : y
Post Office Box Joy. 25 Complaints were ma 4 t the | its patients free. St. Joseph’s hos- the community of Ephrata, affi- | live, to combat their tendencies |
“4 Oct.-19-tf Bertha Kendig, who alleges be e pital is able to keep down its main- liated with the Lancaster office and j toward tuberculosis and other dis-'
Sh of $340.00 Is 00% a 2 Yor tenance costs becatise of the. valk “veri Whaat, Denver, Akron | Sou new organization is
Ny e support o er .C by Xue able work rendere i: tcbare 200 ‘owngtown, under the supervisi f
her former husband, Edward Ken- able worl rendered by the : Sisters, Continued creation and pe vision 2 the Re
Fail. root. to the without charge. The hospital is a creation and Playground Associat-
hme, hn Se re ew bv new member of the Community The Community Service Aw [on Which has so done Some
: RCTUTOR'S NN. pum Ryn ~~ © | Chest, and its budget for 1928 has ociation includes health care in its y 5 uring the bast year i
Bu Norice of 0 —— not yet been announced by the Wel- daily advice, teaching Hy ian and = stands ready to assist the | THE CooL EVENINGS!
Moon Tou Be i i ony of {Rha fare Federation's Budget Commit- care, and by seeing that the nty towns in organizing play | 1
Lancaster, Pa., de cased, lS rp County's New Judge aap ren and others in its care receive ah of their own whenever the |
i Letters testamentary on said es- Colonel John J! 9 Groff, of Rossmere Sanitarium has a sim- the benefits of hospital, dora] Seat 1% ale, Note
aving been grant . | ter, was appointed judge o 0 for DE 13 pn ; cases— clinic, ¢ anatori ors whe wil ye e
tate Da ng all fran % fo oe i! of Common Pleas of Lancaster lar BF ony ane > : Rie 8 ae y hen subject of the next article in this WE CARRY THE FAMOUS
gon gned, al persons ind te id 4 last year there were 41 from the it is needed. This year 76 of its 825 series, and will 1 t 1 1
thereto are requested to make im-| county to fill the vacancy cause city and 31 from the county, and appeals came directly from county 5.2 take up next week } ] %
mediate | yen and 0 persons oy the dosh of Judge farm B. there are at the present time 18 residents and meant dealing with | the work oF 2 Su Se S O ~~ K N I !
1 ng Or ancs agans assler. The appomtment was ann- { . .. 1.cis eases i » county un- 980 county individuals. The 8 aygrbung Ass- %
1 the same will present them without nced at the Governor's on Mon- tubereulosis cases In the: ub 1c a individual The As: { ociation, Y. W, C. A., Free Kinder. 3
ounced at the ™ : is ; co- S s 8 ler
delay for settlement to he under-| 1 der the personal supervision of the oclation co-operates with Visiting gartens, Salvation Army. Shelter
0 ut : day Nes : . : ~ a8 Special. sunarvied S, Salve Army, She :
| signed, residing in Mount Joy, Pa. ay. Sanitarium field nurse, Miss{ Edna gn las special SUpErVISION | Howe. Association for the Blind
Wm. M. Hollowbush, Att'y. Hoffa. Miss Hoffa does an extensive of the Fund for Crippled ( hildren | © Community Service As inti Sy %
he 1 IRVIN W. WALTERS, oo bender Sentenced oh field work in Lancaster County, bs Lancaster city and county. The | unity e Association. IN TANS AND GREYS
, Executor A, S. Banmiller, o arrisburg, ticularly wit] derweight scho- Day Nursery, where 39 children | p
5 oct5-6t was sentenced to serve from 15 to gE bt Le a are kept while their mothers work, We'd Like To Know ,
oN 3 " 30 years in prison for his part in| f,. the dangerous tuberculosis attests the health care given its According to the newspaper re-
oN) RusoLytioN 0% TT the $700,000 embezzlement from | orm little ones by the appearance of the Ports, Henry Ford will soon visit this
God in his infinite wis-| Commonwealth Turst Company, in |" : . | children themselves, They , are Vicinity, being interested in Stiegel %
. dom has seen fit to remove from|, Loa Agencies Doing Health Work | 8 a . as A 3YR GUAR
that city. 8 3 : healthy, happy, clean little persons, | ware, made at Manheim many years . EE TH E
ols oe Sister Mary L. Kingh : Tree a busied with their small affairs, and | ago. We're rather anxious to know wi VERY COAT
i Resolved, That while we deplore Suit To Recover ik health work in. Lancaster city | happy and well-disciplined while | if he’s traveling in one of his new
the loss of fellow member, we Winfield Crawford, trustee in and county The Visiting Nurses their mothers must be away from | Fords. 2
Bi in hu submission to His | bankruptcy, has brought suit again- : iy tates tac them, nt erm §
knowing at while our loss|st [pq R "Kersey f Elizabetht n Who ast year made 4540 visite M Found Dead Eshleman Bros
, > Els Pa. R. rsey, 0 liz ow an Foun ea.