The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 12, 1927, Image 8

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1 : pom Mra ried | : rer I iy Sand a. a i wr = oo
rs SL \ bs aa aN Te =
the tomes Water wa | Young Folks Are |Court Matters ‘Picked From Our |Held For Court EAST PETERSBURG |; Gretna Case
Power Company, yesterday, made
3 : mon. : . . | ! iss Miriam Gochnauer enjoyec
formal vith Comers) Joined in Wedlock| Of Local Interest Weekly Card Basket In Fatal Crash's tw Naga mais. ¥2'vr. ~~ Heard By P. S.C.
for the formation of the Safe Har- , the week end.

bor Water Power Corporation and Mrs. D. H. Gochnauer spent a
(From Page One) (From Page One) few days at Lancaster, with her (From Page One)
the Chanceford Water Power Cor- (From Page One) 3 (From page one.)
+ a eal from the judgment of Alder- rag re In . 4 y ‘ :
poration, for the purpose of Duly the Rev. Gladstone P. Cooley, form- pos John F TA In favor of Ruth, and Mus. Mahlon Foreman time later in the hospital. He was Sanghisn Mrs. H. Gemperling, Jr. posal of sewage. The Chautauqua
ing a power dam from Safe Har OF, | erly of Reliance, Va. The ceremony | Gantz for $19 55 ? spent Saturday in Lancaster. | knocked from the team and several “iio °° H. Gochnauer, accom- entered into a contract
Lancaster county, to Lockport, was performed in St. Mark’s United On the Sand Gantz testified that Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckinger ties, ‘which were on the wagon, fell panied her son, D. E. Gochnauer with property owners of the Camp
county. Brethern church, the officiating Ke was entire ly off the highway and daughter, Helen, were Sunday, on him. (and family, of Lancaster, to Hazel Association, which provides
eel Cr + 2 was entirely 2 rot . : B.A ’
clergyman being the Rev, Dr. Groo- Y visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kessler. | The first witness was Perry Bates, | ton on Sunday. ' for doubling the former rate of $7
‘he Meld’s car a Pe,
A London housemaid made and | ver, of Reliance, Va., assisted by when E leld's i ams from the
presented to Queen Mary a picture | the Rev. H. S. Kiefer. pastor of Fear and Ne fae 1h Sop. I
from minute pieces of postage | St. Mark’s United Brethren church, : $ ALO 9nd then
stamps. It represented a bouquet of | of this place. Decorations were of Snel be gn RL
flowers and ferns, topped by a blue | fang ang potted plants Field's defense was tha rantz
b fly T ide > ; | pulled out from a mail box across IS i ;
utterfly. Ihe bride who was given in the highway without warning, mak- Carmel visited Rev. and Mrs. A. L.! which caused the accident, as
by ber father, was Te ft noee sary for him to pall io Barnhart on Sunday, Monday, and was compelled to care for the two
h of n a gown of crepe and net 3 ! ES essa ‘ on 8 Fn
ar | m carried a bouc or of hit hey ANG | the left in order to avoid a collision Tuesday. : = horses and two mules hitched to the Tatas of the Service !
assliic owmn and of hy ilar Th Tose | The result was that Field's car hit Messrs. Oliver A. Kepler and wagon. He testified there was ga charge of the services. The question concerns the pro-
WE TE Tg A C as Re the others Haves Confer, of Renovo, visited| light on the wagon. | Rev. Walter C. Pugh, U. O. Cake | nosed enlargement of the sewage
Miss | dre 2 2 2I'S. : . it | Wi . ig A roa 4
) ec yooey, 0 Tohn S. Hess, in front of whose at the home of Mrs. Maude REd-+ Earl Royer, of town, who was on Wilbur H. Nissley, H. 8, Horsheys plant, as recommended by the State
dence eo wards on Sunday. | the team with Cunningham and Trinity Reformed Sunday School Department of Health in 1925,
Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Barnhart' of this place, who was on one o Parent-Teachers’ meeting will be!, year for the service,
spent a few days visiting Mrs. the horses at the time of the crash held on Friday evening of this week The contract, which was signed a
Barnhart’s parents, at Mount Car- and was thrown to the ground. He Mm the school auditorium. An in ago, and which expires on
mel, Pa. became tangled up in the lines and teresting program is being arranged ‘Ap; 1, 1928, was offered in evi-
Mr. Wilson H. Ehret, of Mount! did not see who was in the auto Holy communion will be observed gence. A suit is also pending in
he in the Trinity Reformed church, on County court to compel
Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. ReV.|the property owners to fulfill their
Walter C. Pugh, will have] part of the contract.

FOR SALE — I have a quantity | Reliance, Va., a sister of the groom, |

Sie arg | WOTE 2 gown Ff blue affeta with | residence accide curred, tes- , :
of corn 800% 10 soll. Avy fo. apes Sacha aot a i RET the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Snyder and, Bates, gave similar testimony. Roy- and Mr. Byer, of Mechancisburg,| when an inspection of the sewage
Wagner, Phone 147R12. Oct-12. match. She carried a bouquet of | a I ae > 8 Tona Fry, of Orwin, were visitors er also said he saw the auto coming are attending the Pennsylvania, facilities showed that the plant is
¢t-12-2t1 Colonial flowers. The bridesmaids |° testified as to the at Mr. and Mus. Edgar Kessler’s| down the pike at a rapid rate of State Sunday School Convention ab overloaded. Engineers were consult-
: ALE ap ; were Marion Strayer, of Red Lion] Sor of the cars after “the co. over the week end. speed. When the accident occurred New Castle, this week. led, and plans were drawn up for
FOR SALE — 3-Pc. Brocaded Pa.; Sallie Beam, of Downingtown; ons hat h had heard Messrs. Claud Zeller and P. B. | Funk’s car was overturned, and he| Minor injuries and the damage of improvements, which it was esti-
Velour Living Soom Puree, Appl | Francis Grissinger, of this place, | ision and said Ya 2 ag SCT le Heilig arrived home from their| helped to right it. ) |two automobiles resulted from a mated, would cost $12,000.
fo Rev. C. E. one! Oct-12: 10nd and Isabelle Smith, of Harrisburg. | 19 nor say brates Me trip to Paris on Monday. They Leroy Bates, who owned the team collision When cars driven by Paul It was then mutually agreed, ac-
Two of the bridesmaids were report having had a wonderful time. | which figured in the accident, testi. Winters, Elizabethtown, and Eman| cording to testimony offered, that
at! at a rate of $10 be charged for the

tired in frocks of yellow taffeta and | The plaintiff was awarded a ver-
FOR RENT—An office building : : Ter: made in of 379.55. |
12x16 on East Main street. Svit-| onl Style. le carried | i ’ |of Cumberland, Md., spent the week | concerning the damages for the in-
able for business or storage. Apply Colonial bouquets. {end with Mrs. Heisey’s parents,| jured horses, one of which had to be :
to M. N. Brubaker, 220 East Main Rev. Cooley was attended by his| ANCIENT | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eshleman, on, killed. At that time, Bates said dered assistance to
St., Mt. Joy. oct12-tf brother, W. O. Cooley, of Washing-, NT TRY ny TY 0 | Donegal street. Funk admitted he was the driver of and children.
ton, D. C., as best man. The ushers) FOUND ON THE OHI
Professor and Mrs. Victor Heisey | fied he saw Funk the following day Eckenrode, Ephrata, collided at) ; 0 ha
| State and Main streets. Dr. William service, with jan additional charge
| Garretson was summoned and ren-| of $4 to be applied as a fund for
Mrs. Eckenrode| the improvements.
etl Ce.

The cornerstone of the building

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne | the auto which figured in the accis

ot Sop Fos as Ti bared were a of ia] rs land sons, Richard, Wilbur and | dent. A dog was sacrificed each year, housing the National Conservatory
which I sell reasonable at all times Richard Mueller, or Yarieits Walter! M Dite From the Ver | Robert, spent the week end as The charge was brought against by the Romans to Sirus, the dog |of Music in Mexico City was laid on
J. W. Kreider. Telephone 142R21 Brandt, of town, and Mr. Walter, May aie * > Y | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Charles] Funk by State Highway Patrolman Star, because they believed this |June 29, 1584, on the site of Mont-
Joy. Oct-12-4t | Cooley, of Strasburg, Va. Elsie Earliest Days. and family, at Lancaster. 3 iy ; star influenced by their herds and |ezuma’s palace.
Mt. ) M nd Mary Louise Longenecker UN cl Eb S Harry M. Myers. Cunningham’s Dajace, nL
May a Mary S s eam. Mr. Mrs. i 7s res Vows od crops.
FOR SALE Shoats, six weeks| cousins. of the bride, acted as] : = : Mr. anc Irs 3 inton ys r,| widow was at the hearing. p a a
A DaLS, Tolophone | fewer girls Dilles Bottom, Ohio.—Remains of {and son, Benjamin, and Mr. and re Ee mn In an old paper dated March 15,
old, 3 2: Koro a SiSphone | Tower i attended reception | five bodies, believed to be those of | Mrs. Raymond Eby and son, were . Bids opened for extending high-|1823, horses were appraised at
142R21 Mt. Joy, Pa. A largely attend > | icine : ; Rk Jt cit na + 4 . The various sections of America . . fi i : >
Oct-12-1t | followed at the home of the bride’s victims of an Indian massacre, un- |recent visitors at the home of Mr. 5 pressure re mains in Sepviva [from $15 to $40, cows from $2 to
8 iin 2 earthed here when excavation was |and Mrs. Abner Hershey. agree on almost everything except Street from Susquehanna Avenue |$7, sheep at $1 each, and hogs at
SHEEP SHEEP ii and Mrs. Cooley left Wed- being made on the shore of the Ohio Miss Lottie Eshleman spent the the proper thing to be ashamed of. ‘to Hagert Street. 50 cents a head.
We want some good breeding nesday night for the Catskill Moun- | river for towers to carry high tension | week end with her parents, Mr. and
Ewes or Lambs. Apr 2% 2 tains. They will be at home a wires from the Beech Bottom, W. Va., | Mrs. Samuel Eshleman. Miss Esh- 2000000000
Florin, Pa. Bloomsbury, N. J., where the bride. | brought the statement that early set- |leman is a member of the faculty
oy ; oroom is pastor of the First| tlers of the region south of Bellaire | ,f the Hatfield Public Schools.
a a A pe Presbyterian church, after Decem-| had a fort at that point. T. C. Gal Messrs. Jerry Leonard, Merl Hof- ®
pe Apply to Mrs & Nissley | ber 1. The bridegroom is ; a| laher, seventy-two, said he recalled fer, George Halbleib, Joseph Sheaf-
Gingrich. Phone 176R3, Florin, Pa.|is a graduate of Mt. Joy High hearing from his grandparents that 2 |fer and Richard Greenawalt attend
Oct-12-2t | School, and also a graduate of Leb-| number of settlers lost their lives | .q4 a corn roast on the Gamber
anon Valley College, class of ’24, while seeking shelter in the fort and farm near Fruitville, Friday evening
FOR SALE — Quatiered | Ost and for two years has been an in-! says that in his youth the ruins of Mr. and Mrs Charles
Diane Room Re structor in Social Science in the the Sie vise. Most and sons, Roy and Samuel, of near
’ . 3 S Cr 0, 0 ping X- a . ~ .
Foot Base, in good condition, Mrs. | Cape May N. J., High School. ui hg on e g Silver Spring; Mrs. George Eppley
el se 2 air. :
C. H. Zeller, Trolley Waiting Room Bose sel shells found about three feet and daughter, Martha, of Marietta;
joe b Mrs. Annie Lehman, and Balzer
Mt. Joy. Oct-12-1t
oy IRONVILLE above the bones gave rise to the the- Eppley, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs] ®
7 : 'y { po graves Pe] eco- .
FOR SALE—A Monitor furnace gry. that the gioves. kad bem @ M. O. Harner, of Harrisburg, spent:
with 20 inch fire pot. In good con- i 1% : Juin rated with shells. :
dition. Apply J. B. Hosteter, Flor- is Re ® esnfined, Another theory is that the mussel Sqnday He oa of he
in, Pa. oct5-tf to er home py. lioness. | shells may have marked the edge of ather, J. W. Cumberger, a
Many people from this place at- ojo river. This would mean the burg, Dauphin county.
STORE ROOM and DWELLING | tended the York fair last week. bones date from the days of the
on West Main St, Mount Joy, at Mr. and Mrs. Engle Forrey were) mound builders who erected the .
private sale. Good location and | visiting relatives at Philadelphia on which the city of Briefly Told

TWO FAMILY FRAME HOUSE, all conveniences, situate on Wood
Street, Florin, nearly new, small amount of cash down will buy. Price
per side, $3750.


$500 cash down payment will buy one-half of the two-story frame
buildings in good repair. Large 4-| Sunday. mound from
car frame stable, Call on Jno. E. Moundsville, W. Va., situated within
This evening prayer services will _ ,. oqo Sent burial ground, re- house, situate on Tarvia oiled street, Florin, with two car garage. Price

Schroll, Mt. Joy. octh-tf Lt
: be heid in the U. B. church by the ee g 3
: ceived its name. There are 202 letters in the Tar- 2500. Entire ho 5 : :
> loss leader fox | : . use
WANTED—Girl wants House- class leader, John Fox. : d There is no record of the river hav tar alphabet. $ © $ 000 You can buy all if you wish.
cleaning by day. Phone 134R12, Mrs. Abraham Kauffman = and... 4 ,weq in the immediate vicinity Even hot headed men occasional
Mt. Joy. Oct.5-tf | children, of Columbia, were visiting of the spot during the last century |]y get cold feet ! TWO F :
gens we ~~ | at the home of Mr. and Mrs’ Christ burial ground was un who declaves 15 O FAMILY HOUSE, with two car garage, situate on Main street,
WANT TO RENT—Couple Wwith-| Kauffman on Sunday. earthed years ago on a near-by hill | has none Flori i i :
out children. Possession immediate-! Roy Fornoff, William Mellinger, esis nan found br 12% hone, orin, Pa. Price for entire house $3600. Will be liberally financed
ly or near future. State location| nr iin Hetrick and John Thumm top. Quarrymen, years ago, a The Russian Government made s
and rent. Write C. M., c-o Bulle-|_ A TION AN aly UMM pulls and skeletons of seven persons. jeojns of platinum in 1828,
: ? 5 went to New York City on Saturday, ...cumably Indians, on a hillside a .
tin. "=r Sd places: of interest presumably indians, A grafter by any other name Two story. £ build . .
and visited places oi inieres. quarter of a mile away. It was be |W nq till be a thief. y frame building situate along Main street, Florin, Pa.,

d and
iad been entombed while Alig -
ont ad I entomenw If a man feels it in ‘his bones, it
beneath a ledge. Both |. 04 +5 he rheumatism.
Sometimes a wife can read her
husband like a blank book.
Most people wouldn't want their
own way if they could have it.
If a penniless man has nowhere
else to go, he should go to work.
The palmist has no use for the
man who is afraid to show his hand.
FOR RENT—A 50-Acre farm| Mr. and Mrs. Epraim Ba:
along concrete highway, 2% miles daughters, Marie Anna and
east of Mounnt Joy. Want a good | and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ulrich and
farmer and will give an extra good | daughter, Betty, were vi er rela-
bargain. Apply to H. Vineent| {ives at Manheim on Su:
Hamilton, Salunga, Pa. sept28-tf Mr. and Mis. George


with store room approximately one hundred feet long, would make an

ideal place for business. Price $3500. Easy payments if desired.

WANTED— Sewing machine op- | and son, Ammon, Charles G I have houses for sale from $2000 to $17,000, and in most cases, a
erators on dress work. Beginners and John Kauffman were ent
paid while learning, Very sanitary | ed at the home of Mr. and
working conditions. The work is| Bender at Landisville on Sui
easily learned. The LeBlanc Co This evening the young pe
small payment will start you to buy and own your home.


1D, : 2 ie A ment of Lucien Lelong, The . 6. zis ay
Mount Joy, Pa. April 13-tf | of District No. 3, will hold Parts d and Princess Nath- as man w Ho is neg
3 . it oy Ll 4 gs ead > 3 wer as ed TOW
i Sy. their monthly meeting in Mountville ihe Russian ncver has need to
FOR SALE—Grey enamel Colum- ? ial Paley. of the any
: y. T 3 chure A rogram The i » married early
bia range, used only few years, hot U. B. church. A Speeia. IY wh family. They will be married early Nine times out of ten, a proud! @ ®
1 : 34 1 : bee arrance +» the last meet- < X L ten, 8 I
water back. Good as new. Price $65. | has been arranged for the last mee in August. In 2 Worn Is mistalion for a) iS RTD
2 2 ) 0 : : Gis : § § sta Yo raps
Apply to H. S. Risser, 158 North |ing of the year. Lelong met the nin n-year-old | ee ton ® Ls EE
1: " . 11 . 4 : a4 SC S S1T . st : :
Market street, Elizabethtown, Pa. The following were entertained at , i. .ess only a few months ago when B I bo 2 ib £ 1 :
Phone 135R4 Aug. 24-tf | the f Mr. and M William tht Hr a rat gi : Love 1s responsible or a good
. . & the home of Mr, and Mrs. ina ioined his staff as first saleswom- | Bell Phone 176R3
3 1 xT 1 i ey = any frosts i summer & for N
Hartman on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. s perfumery department, {nany frosts in summe and for a| FLORIN, PENNA.
A BARGAIN— Who wants a| william Grove, Mrs. Mary Weid- Nathalle is the second { few hot waves in winter.
tract of land fronting 100 feet or Ry 1s yy. Freid: £ Lan ea iD 7 Dns Education must seem less wonder-' (G
the highway between here and Flor- man and daughter, Freida, o +8 daughter of Grand Duke Paul of Rus- | | 1 ¢ I : |
1 caster; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloss-' i, and of Princess Olga Pa The |{ful to a boy whose educated dad

in and 540 feet deep? The price is
very reasonable if sold soon. J. E.|er : 3
Schroll, Mt. Joy. mar 2-tf| and Gloria,- and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
FOR SALE Himilright, of York; Mr. and Mrs.
0 Steven Edwards and children, Bea-
92 RE SPEE N ~
ey SE ASO cab trice and Margaret, of Ephrata, and
pannel body.
Maytown, Pa. -
can’t help him in the eighth grade.
A summer school is conducted
each year in the National Univer-
sity ¢f Mexico, the oldest educa
tional rr titution in the New World,
The man who lives by ms wife
is not always a high liver.
for a man and landed him she does
not know how to get him off the
The weekly pay check, because
of higher wages and steadies em-
and children, Charles, Beatrice, Czar Nicholas II was her father’s
he war Nathalie, with her
ken inte

ws Irene, was tal
After her father w

S aSsas-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clepper, of .iputed in 1919 her mother was
out of Russia by a count
a peasant, After the moth
amily in Finland they
and became socially

Columbia. sn
ere et) A ee

The man who thought a buggy was

TN OTT ny Dr. J. 8S. Kendig and son, Willis Princess Irene Pauley recently mar- i 1
EAU UL BoM you, Sale spent Friday in Philadelphia ® a 1 Prince Theodore, |Ployment, will buy one-third more
ween | Joy a Tr Bi Ze : a es han it did i 914. in spite in-
ft. Front ae ond ae is Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Weidman Son of the czar’s sister, Princess a 29 I ah of in } 200d enough
> modern, has all i y announce the birth of a son, Arthur ole y. {
very mode rn, has all improvements ; ou 1€ Birth of a son, Arthur Lizzie Shelton, died recently !
tile bath, sun parlor, beautiful lawn | James, recently. near Lexington. Kentucky, was th
ete.; priced to sell. Don’t overlook E. G. Myers and granddaughiers only N : 0 rif ne wt id 1d IN THE old d lid i
i Se 2 I Se : : 4 : . y Aegr oman 11 fl JOT iti i :
this. J. E. Schroll, phone 41-2, Mt | Gladys and Catherine, spent a day Shocking Machine ligible vormbershin. § cl : 9 ays, a solid, conservative citizen might sniff and tell
Joy. Penna. mar.9-tf { i (he York fair t 3 eligible to membership in the daugh- he didn’ ly
at the York fair the past week. tors of American Revolution. you he didn’t read advertising.


M, 3. Schaeffer and family,
nerville, spent Sunday even-
1 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby.
To the destruction of the city of
London by fire in 1666 may be
m of fire in-
re insurance
FOR SALE CHEAP— In order tc
move them, the price on the finc
houses of the late J
on South Barbar:
; been greatly re
He didn’t think so much of the horseless carriage, either. The
telephone was newfangled, and an insult to the United States mails.

traced the present sj
surance. The first f

d Mrs. Oscar Weidman,

:lphia, s t the week end . .
odes ee J. FB oe 5 sip ain, pont “es Woon end company was formed at that time. Ast :
oe Jay | 0 Us paren, Mr. and Mrs. O. In Holstein, a state in. northern} s for radio, aeroplanes, wireless photography—if they had been
s. B. Weidman. Germany, there is said to be ¢ bor
ee : Y | Germany, tl s said to be not a orn then, he probably would have thougt it i
— I> mua] Thy Trine pa A b ¥ ht them a bit i
NOTICE > Amu ! Eby, M: S. Jonas { bobl ed head among the native 2 t immoral.
m. late 1» and Miss Harriet Rettew vis- | women. The . up to the

; : :
But he’s changed. He’s been educated. His point of view has
3 :
been made broader and more modern. He has been civilized—by
% : .
the automobile, the telephone, radio, advertising.
in other f: ns but are
of their long
village of Uyeno on the out-
the largest
the world. It
: ec with the face
measuring twer feet from
the tip of the chin to the top of
the head.
Kate Stanter at Kissel Hill

- | T'he weekly prayer service of the
Tn :

on Thurs-
» of Mr. and

Every single one has opened up new paths for him, taught him
new things. Advertising, especially. Advertising tells him the new-
est things to wear, the best things to eat. Advertising tells his wife

son, Wil-
Dyer, of
week end

delay for


signed, re f2 } rince f Wales a is | (®) a : : » .
Signed, olin, : The Py ee a Ya an 3 ©) how to make a Bowe up to date and attractive. Advertising tells him
Ee A het nels and RCo = e prices to pay for things h 3 i 3
iF spent Sunday with I equal claim to the honor of 3 f doi pe . ie buys, saves him from the old-fashioned
M1 er’s parents, Mr. and One of machines used in the best dancers in the royal ways of doing business—helps him live well, keeps him modern.
Mr d, at Billmyer. horatories for |Family. The Duke of York excels
. x Xt Ct Tr 9 av Hove acl 1 . at tennis, while Prince Henry is
RESOLUTION OF RESPECT John G nilton, an aged resi- vy of telephone 5 : x Advertisi .
: eh i ADT : 25 . ad sasiiv ‘the Bast. ovickoter vertising can hel . :
Whereas God in his infinit s- | dent of place, was knocked Tel ne receivers of tne best erickete > hes n y P you.. The advertisements in this paper are
dom has seen fit to remove from | down by an automobile, driven hy « ent compositions are here being | be favorite cat of 1ere to tell you many things that make life more comfortable, more
our midst our sister Mary L. Klugh! Re n Nolt at his home : bicoted he ~ “dr » {Surakarta, a wealthy Japanese int 1 : .
uben Nolt at his home at Chiques subjected to th dropping test : : 3 interestin
1 me Hques ob Ry > |prince, died recently, It was buried 2 ppier. Read them faithfully. They'll keep you

similar to
to the St. Joseph’s which produces i
The 8 costly casket, borne to the
: y ” hospital. Lancaster. where he is suf those received in actual service
he Toss of our fellow member, we) Lancaster, where he is suf t v ce. ore by twentv tons ole a
Fhe in humble Poi "to His | fering from an injured foot and the most serviceable receiver is then dhe i Seley ae
will, knowing that while our lose | shock, selected for manufacture. : wit roam $n cliawed by
eT ee the Sowers an escort of lancers on horseback.
of a useful life spent in well doing Ballooning is the method of mi
Resolved, That a copy of the a : = o - i i
resolutions be sent to the family | gration used by many species of ee Lo Ge on Re ii Boris von)
s 18 S 0 1y in h : Marietta boro council granted A fine home with all convenienc-
that they be printed in the Mount spiders. Standing in an open space permission to the Elizabethtown | eS» such as light, heat and bath.
Joy Bulletin, and that same be with the body elevated, the spider ,,q Marietta Gas Co to lay its Property is in excellent condition
upon the minutes of the projects from the spinnerets a line pains in that bore and a and nicely located. Possession
ary. : : is of silk which continues until the y T wl 0.82% | April 1st. This is a corner pro-,
American Legion Anxiliarv spider feels the pull of th ind. 1 to consumers there. It will be piped perty on Mt Joy twp. side. Price
i Walter S. Ebersole Unit No. 185° p e wind. It from Elizabethtown to the river $5550.00. Call or phone Joo. E.
: . . ©
Oct-12-1¢ | releases its hold as it is borne away. pero, Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf

therefore be it. He was removed
Resolved. Thut while we depl I abreast of the times. They'll prevent you from becoming the type of
old fogy—who—sniff—doesn’t read advertising.
[Mount Joy Bulletin
Advertising is the key to modernity


bn AE A ESR os a
’ r

Cah ie Pub ab Sl
PU eR AN se A ee eb ee
CF hd Lt PLA EA PAD Pe by
en 48s
Pore pd
ot hed AN ad + re LY BND
at Ph Dak pa of