THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. By F. O. Alexander © br Western Newspaper Union.) Now JUST A MINUTE, SERGEANT My ATTENTIONS TOWARD YOUR DAUGHTER ARE HONORABLE. — My METHOD OF SELLING MYSELF MAY BE NOVEL, BUT THAT \S AN ADVANTAGE THAT FRESH YOUNG CLOSE YER EYES | WHOS BEEN FOLLOWING-/ PEG, AN' COUNT UP IS OUTSIDE: AGAIN = T SEEM To LOSE To A HUNDERD ~AN' THEN IF YEZ KIN FOIND HIM BUY YEZ A NEW SUMMER OUTFIT If BY THE WAY; ASA PosSIBLE SQN IN - LAW I Tink IM ENTITLED To Know w UM tne q1-9%- 44, ag ~ 96-9, fl Try and Find Him & 7. =———— OLDEST HAT STORE IN | | 7 WAN HUNDERD 'v %. LANCASTER ALL ROIGHT, PEG- CoME AN' SEEK. Now na = = = Fo © a= KNOCKING 3 ON - wOOD. ye 4 a. CLARENCE SCHOCK | MOUNT JOY, PA ASK | ALU . LUMBER i > BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARS BUILT . . . BUICK. WILL BUILD THEM You Need Never Change Your Oil if You Own ak Last yea: Buick said: ““Chafjge your oil only four at that time had shown that oil changes wodld never be necessary, with the Oil Filter to remove impurities, and the Crankcase Ventilator to oil dilution. Now, more than a year and Buick owners in every section ofgthe world—under every climatic condition—hfive also proved that | youneverneed change Buick —replenishment and of the Buick Oil Filter only are required. ; $1195 to $1995 times a year.” Buick tes Coupes #1195 to #1850 Sport Models $1195%0 #1525 Tl 1. 0. b. Flint, government tax to be added. The GBM. A. C. financing plan, the most desir- able, is available. The model illustrated above is tie 5-Passger, 4-Door Sedan, Series 115, $1293 BUICK#1028 S. F. ULRICH ELIZABETHTOW The importance of correct niture and furnishing in the modern home cannot ibe over emphasized, if you wish to entertain your Educating The Motoring Public VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR MOTORISTS FURNISHED THE BULLETIN BY LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB In a statement issued today, S. Lancaster Automobile Club, stress- ed the importance of the personal element in the driving of an auto- mobile. “A man may be driving fast yet carefully,” said Mr. Gable, | State planted in various sections. Edward Gable, president of the | “while another who is driving slowly may be reckless and cause accelerator, who is responsible for the careless or reckless movements of the car. “We cannot penalize the car, educated to take precautionary measures, and who must be penal- ized if he fails to observe them.” Henry, president of the American Automobile Assocation, with which is for safety first, last and at all times, There is no royal road to and certainly no panacea has 1ade its appearance. But one thine is certain, the foot on the accelerator and the brain behind it since one man can drive more safely at 50 miles an hour than another can drive at 30, and there certainly is no regulation, no matter in what form, that can replace personal accountability for conduct. Let us not lose sight of the fundamental character of these factors.” Suggestion is made by the Lanec- aster Automobile Club |that the various organizations of this section take up the matter of highway safety and make an effort to instill the habitual practice of courtesy and caution in all motor car drivers and others who use the streets and highways. Laws regulate traffic, but in addition to legal restrictions there must be a realization on the part of every individual of the dangers that lurk in carelessness on the part of both driver and pedestrian. “Failure on the part of drivers and pedestrians to practice courtesy and to exhort care on streets and highways,” by the Automobile Club, “results in many serious and fatal accidents.” Most, if not all, of these could be averted if everyone were courteous that will do The best way to insure proper furn yourself and your; here to make your selections. H. C. BRUNN Wast Main Street, MOUNT JOY," PENNA. GOODRICH TIRES Prest-0-Lite Batteries » «Gas, Oi! and Accessories IRE AND BATTERY REPAIRING rr —————— | JOHN W. DILLINGER MOUNT JOY E. Main St. and careful. Many people, however, { fail to grasp the importance of [this great problem and as a result carelessness and recklessness ‘pre- { vail, | “If various organizations would make a point of calling to the attention of their members the pressing need for courtesy and | caution on streets and on highways this would go a long way towards | bringing the general public to a full realization of the seriousness of the problem. An average of 70 lives are lost and 2,000 people injured daily throughout the nation through motor accidents, most of them caused by carelessness on the part of car drivers or pedestrians. It is the duty of us all to try to bring {about a reduction in this shocking | toll.” Hunting! by Airplane Twenty-two perkons have been apprehended and prosecuted for hunting or killing migratory water- i fowl with the use of airplanes since | the Federal migratory-bird treaty lact became effective, in 1918, {under the administeration of the | Biological Survey of the United | States Diepartment of Agriculture. | Violations of this character have loccurred in 11 States. In 11 cases {the defendants were convicted and | fines totaling $240 imposed, | ranging from $10 to $50 each. In — art 8 Cee itwo cases the grand jury failed to return a true bill, and the remain- jing nine cases were dismissed. { Meteorite Causes Fire A flaming meteorite, 25 pounds in weight, is reputed to have caused recent forest fire in the Walla Walla section of’ the Umatilla Nationai Forest in Oregon. The meteorite, according to reports to ithe Forest Service, broke off a 28 inch tree 20 feet from the ground and lodged in the stump. ren MAG Creme Furniture wood at the time of j manufacture should have a, moisture icontent of about 6 per cent. This is {about the average of the moisture it will contain during its life although this fluctuates with the seasons and with the humidity in the atmosphere, accidents, It is the person behind | the wheel, with the foot on the! | . : 3 | selves . nor can we educate it,” said Mr. | es beautiful Gable. “It is the driver who must be | ; ! {| bv pedestrians of Paris at chaffemrs! In this. commection Mr. Gable] #277 8 hoor, called attention to and endorsed the! recent statement of Thomas P.| ; { tnon the streets during the welcome! the Lancaster Automobile Club is | affiliated. Mr. Henry said, ‘The | American Automobile, Aksociation will always be the fundamental factor in sane and safe driving. | Briefly Told Cottonseed meal should not be Mi fed to voung calves. 13,000,000 trees furnished by If knighthood were yet in flower, certain young men : would check their shoes before dancing. The raccoon is sometimes known as the ‘wash bear,” because he wash- es his food before eating it. The meanest trick a woman plays on her husband is to increase his | stock of family connections. \ Keep vour eyes on the humble | man. Perhaps he is lying low for] the purpose of humbling you. Rice constitutes the principal! food in the diet of at least one- | third of the world’s inhabitants. | Five million dollars a day is ex-! pended by the woman of the United | States in the effort to keep them. | | ‘Assassin’ is the pet name hissed who just miss them. They believe | the chauffeur misses because his The cleaning up of the 1800 ous] of waste paper and confetti thrown, of Colonel Lindbergh cost New York City $16.000. Seeing New York by air is cheap- er than by taxi. The same route covered by an airplane at a cost of $5 will run up a taxi cab bill of $6.10, it is reported. Lighting an American match in Peru may be cause for a twenty dollar fine. A Swedish match com- pany has a monopoly on the sale of | matches in that country, which, ©00 @ . ~~ FOR SALE FAMILY FRAME HOUSE, all conveniences, situate on Wood Street; Florin, nearly new, small amount of cash down will buy. Price per side, $3750. $500 cas Se payment will buy one-half of the two-story frame house, situate $2500. Entire ©) Tarvia oiled street, Florin, with two car garage. Price e $5000. You can buy all if you wish. , with two car garage, situate on Main street, TWO FAMILY HOUS Florin, Pa. Price for entire house $3600. Will be liberally financed. Two story frame building “Hituate along Main street, Florin, Pa., with store room approximately one, hundred feet long, would make an ideal place for business. Price $3500. Easy payments if desired. I have houses for sale from $2000 to 7,000, and in most cases, a small payment will start you to buy and ow your home. 48 cn oy There is no rule that can be substi- | tuted for the personal equation, | makes all others highly dutiable. | Since a family of fourteen Alas-| kan blue fox cubs requires more | © attention than one mother can gives: the manager of a fox farm at Anti- | go, Wisconsin, has drafted threa! house cats to act as foster mothers. | Chicago is spending $1,700,000 to build a bridge where there is, as| © | OOOO © @e© 7 S. Nissley Gingrich Bell Phone 176R3 FLOR, PENNA. cy Io) says a statement issued | { now are only railroad tra-ks. An intoxicated violinist in an Argentine lumber camp is credited with the idea of extracting music from an ordinary steel saw, thus or- iginating the ‘musical saw’ which is now so popular with jazz orches- tras. One in each four farms in the United States now uses the radio for business and recreation, an- nounces the Department of Agricul- ture. The number of sets has in- creased from 145,350 in 1922 to 1,- 251,186 at the present time. The most northern radio station in the world is that just planted by the Soviet government on Cape De- sire, which cuts into the Arctic Zone just west of Archangel, Si- beria. It will be used to communi- cate with aerial Arctic explorers. After a two months’ trial at Ste- phens Junior College for Girls, Co- lumbus, Missouri, the midday siesta has been adjudged a success and put into effect permanently. The coeds are not compelled to sleep, but most of them do, while all find relaxation. Owning an auto in China is dis- tinetly a luxury. The license fee in one city costs $37.50 a month and when gasoline is cheap it is 81.50 a gallon. In addition, a jaunt off the main thoroughfare requires the services of at least four at- tendants. Wool is being made from pine needles by a process recently per- fected in Germany. In addi*:on to yielding fine strong fibers, the resin extracted from the needles can be made into briquettes giving a high hezt valuable in the manufacture of illuminating gas . The crown worn by King George on state occasions has two officially appointed guardians. When it is housed in the Tower of London with the other crown jewels, the lieutenant of the Tower is respon- sible for its safety, but whenever it is removed the King’s bargemaster must attend and guard it. Platinum, employed by jewelers for about thirty years only, is now so popular in this country that it was found necessary to import more than $10,000,000 worth last year. *The most surprising thing about this metal is its weight. A bar of platinum four inches wide, one-half inch thick and a foot long weighs 30 pounds and is worth about $30.- 000. Post-Mortem examination of Ida, famed ostrich at the London Zoolo- oical Gardens, disclosed the follow- ing articles in her gizzard: Three gloves, a handkerchief, cord, an empty film spool, two large and sev- eral small nails, a pencil, four half- pennies, two farthings, a French coin, parts of a comb and a gold necklace, a collar button, bicycle tire valves, ‘a clock key, a dozen short bits of wire, metal stanles, serews, rivets, a glove fastener and a piece of wood four inches long. the Chicago River will flow where! Channel will be dug beneath Tt and 0000000000000 aS % The Smooth and Mighty Power of the Steam Engine n Performance pe High ® a ® with any Gasoline In converting waste heat to power, tile new companion invention to the Super-Six principle agcomplishes the ideal performance of the high-compress type motor that is sought through the use of special and costly fuels. (118-tnuch wheelbase) Standard Models (127-inch wheelbase) " 3 Coach $1175 + Sedan $1285 Coach $1285 + Sedan $1385 9% a . 2K Ins GT ot ¥ 7 « BMea2ls (127-m. Brougham $1575 + 7-Pass. Phaeton $1000 + 7-Fass. Sedan $1859 Ali prices f. 0. b. Detroit, plus toar excise tax E. B. ROHRER, Mt. Joy, Pa. $399 wv 4 a Time of Maturity is Reduced in Class “C” From 165 Months to 163 Months. ime of Maturity is Reduced in Class “D” From 144 Months to 139 Months. MONEY TO LOAN SHARES MATURE ON FIRST MORTGAGES, J 3 ES, General Agent . MONTHLY, MORTGAGE CANCELLED % SERIES OPEN IN CASE OF DEATH The Bon Ton Bldg. West Broad Street EVERY MONTH HAZELTON, PENN! Series No. 440th Will Be Ope: 3 sept28-4t.