PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7th, 1927 - [GIGANTIC : UNDER THESE TRYING CONDITIONS MAKES THE x + Boys’ 4-Piece School Suits Including Vest, one pair Knickers and 1 pr. Long Pants made of Flannels, Scotch Weaves, Fancy & Plain patterns, well tail- ored and good strong ma- terial. Sizes range from 6 Ed to 18. Values to $19.50 ~~ — FHS Purchase after purchase of brand new merchandise is now on dis- play and priced at great savings. Men’s Fall Suits With 2 pair pants. All wool, in Fancy Serges and Worsteds, fine tailor- ing and well made, no 2 suits alike. You can save at least $10.00 on each Fe Be suit. Sizes from 36 to 44. ; ~ Women’s Dresses Of Fancy Print Silk, Flat Crepe, and Silk Jersey, new fall models well tail- ored, and designed after M FE N the new fashions, only ® our quantity buying en- ables us to sell them at this figure. Sizes 36 to 46. 6595 119129 || | ALL WOOL LUMBER § GIRLS’ SCHOOL DRESSES § JACKETS $1.95 Girls’ School Dresses § $4.00 Boys’ and Girly’ All made of Fancy Ginghams and § Wool Lumber Jackets, many well tailored. An exceptional new patterns. Sizes 8 to 14. buy. Sizes 6 to 16. $2.95 $1.16 To appreciate the values, you must see them. Your co-operation on a cash basis enables us to undersell. Women’s Dresses | Of Satin Crepe, in the Surprised are the many who have attended our sales of the past, and it is our aim to give our friends and patrons the best values ob- tainable at the lowest possible price. : very newest shades with long sleeves and very handsomely designed, and well tailored. Sizes 36 to § $9.95 It is very seldom that we can offer such a wonderful buy in Men’s Suits with 2 pair pants, in Flannels and Worsteds, many new designs. Sizes range from 36 to 42. . $9.95 LEATHERETTE LUMBER JACKETS $5.00 Little Boys’ Leatherette Lumber Jackets, strongly made for hard wear. Just the thing for school. Sizes 6 to 16. $2.95 Our Price 31.95 BOYS’ & GIRLS’ SWEATERS § Just received a brand new lot of Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters, many patterns to choose from. All Sizes. $1.86 WOMEN’S PRINCESS SLIPS Boys’ 3-Piece Suits $4.95 $3.00 Women’s Fancy Silk Princess Slips. A very rare $1.95 BOYS’ SCHOOL BLOUSES & SHIRTS Just received a new ship- ment of © Boys’ School Blouses and Shirts made of English Broadcloth. Many new patterns and well made. Sizes 8 to 14. 79c Ee Dr shi A LUCKY PURCHASE Of high grade Women’s Fancy Pumps in the latest fashions and de- signs in Patent Colt Skin, Fancy Colored Kid Skin, and pretty combin- ations with high and low heels. Sizes range from 214 to 8, and values up to $8.00. Special purchase price Men's Overalls $1.50 values. 88c Women’s Fall Coats $22.50 Women’s Fall Coats, Work Pants of good strong material © RN A Many patterns to choose from in Wyandotte fabric, trimmed with fur collar and cuffs, well tailored. All sizes. WOMEN’S SILK HOSE Just received a new fall stock of Women’s Full Fashioned Silk Hose, all the very latest shades, in fact the largest selection of colors ever arranged. All sizes. GIRLS’ RAINCOATS $4.50 Girls’ Fancy Col- ored Raincoats with hats to match, the very latest on the market. Sizes 8 to 14. . $2.95 CHILDREN’S SHOES $3.00 to $3.50 Children’s Shoes in Patent Colt Skin, Black and Brown Calf- skin, Goodyear welts. Siz- es 6 to 8 $1.65 ioce 814 tn 11 One Lot Boys’ Knee Pants. Sizes 8 to 18. 88¢c One Lot Boys’ Crash Knee Pants. 40¢ and well made, French Forks, Cottonades. These pants are wonderful val- ues and you can’t go wrong. Sizes 30 to 44. 95¢ $1.95 $1.69 B MEN’S DRESS CAPS MEN’S OVERALLS $1 to $1.95 Men's New § 51.95 Men's HiGrade “all Dress Caps. arge Overalls made of 220 : . | assortment of fancy pat Grey Back Denim, triple S50 Men's Pioces-tined terns of suiting material, sewed with one-piece Shirts and Drawers. Sizes and well made. Sizes 634 back strap. Sizes 36 to 32 to 46. 95¢$1.35 || $1.29 SKEWIT] SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Men’s Shoes & Oxfords Of Black and Brown Calf Skin. Many, new pat- terns to choose from, Goodyear welt vith rub- ber heels. Sizes 6 to 11. Values upito $5.50. $3.95 /Men’s Dress Panis In Serges, Flannels, and Worsteds, Checks, Plaids, and Pin Stripes; Fancy, Plain and Con- servative patterns, well tailored. Sizes 29 waist to 44. Values range to $5.00. $2.95" $3.95 69c EXTRA SPECIAL © One lot of Men’s 95¢ Work Shirts, Full Cut and well made. Sizes 14% to 17. ARCH SUPPORT” Dr. Shibe’s Arch Support Oxfords and Pumps. Eight Styles. $4.95 55 Cc FROM STORE OPEN 6:30 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. MOUNT JOY, PA. ig. TO 10:00 P. M.