PAGE TWO MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Per Subscription Price $1.50 Six Months ..... 75 Cents Three Months ...40 Cents Singie Copies ....3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE Entered at the post office at Mount as second-class mail matter. The date of the expiration of your s Advertising rates on application. The subscription lists of the Landisv Vigil, the Florin News and the Star and News, were merged with that the Mount Joy Bulletin, v makes t paper’s circulation about double that of ord.nary weekly. MT. JOY BULLETIN] Editor & Propr. Year | August 29 as the =. ' for his 100 acre farm which he has scription follows your name on the label. | Heisey, Clarence Kraybill, and Ja- fe do not send receipts for subscription |cob Heisey prominent nimrods, | Dairymen’s League Cooperative As- Yaad. You semi, We (Spent one day last week on the sociation, Inc., that it has not been credit all subscriptions on the first of each | Chesapeake Bay catching fifty | able to put into effect the price in- must hive thats com. | POURS of Sea Bass, the largest | crease on Class One Milk of 42 munications reach this office not later thas | Weighed two pounds. cents per 100 pounds announced Monday. Telephone news of importance | The Church of the Brethren held last week as effective August 15. ! Welnesday. Changes for | their regular Sunday morning serv-| Milk dealers buying from the must positively reach this office not later | 1C€S after Sunday School with Jacob League, says the statement, were than Monday night. New advertisements | Williams, Supt., the attendance was | willing to accept the increase, re- inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. FARMERS ARE LOSING $1,000,000 A MONTH RHEEMS The school directors of the West {Donegal township set the day of opening day for their school for the 1927 term. Abe Mummau, the Mt. Joy town- ship stockman, received two car loads of holstein cows and heifers Dairy farmers of the New York Milk Shed are sustaining a loss at the rate of $1,000,000 a month be- cause of the blocking by the Shef- field Farms Company of the attempt by the Dairymen’s League Coopera- tive Association, Inc., to raise milk prices 42 cents per 100 pounds. This was the trade conclusion to- day when it was revealed by the 5 | Joy converted into grazing land, | Messrs. Elmer R, Kraybill, Phares ub- | fair with the following ministers on cognizing that it was justified by This Greatest ESSEX Mount Joy |b i THEY LOOK AROUND TO SE No one has yet found out why t driver of a slow moving vehicle a country road will look back wh he hears a signal that there is AH YES, BUT WHEN? All lines of business will 1 efitted when people to save and invest the money now throw away on useless, WIFE to hav to 1 sald C is ident oolidge re help him over the places where a woman’s tact instinct are so helpful. Mrs. Coolidge would not conside her own personal burden in the president to retire. be game to stand it if he could. Bu a tical ambition. of her husband are given to keeping, and she feels that have a right to be protected. he YEAR'S HIGHWAY GROWTH TWENTY mileage in this country was in Board, it is that in surfaced roads, > the first half of the per- i0¢ most of the improvement in roadways consisted in grading them with sand, clay, gravel and water- bound macadam. In 1904, only 1.7 per cent. of the improved road- wa in that year had any kind i PATRONIZE HOME PEOPLE Some residents evi ently do not realize to hew great an extent they are hurting home trade by oceas- ionally ordering goods from mail- order houses. “What difference does it make?” one woman remarked, “if I send a few dollars to mail-order houses ev- ery now and then?” Were her particular case the only one of its nature ~in town it would pke but little difference, but in- idual cases in the aggregate do e a great deal of difference. is the small buyers that keep the il order houses going. While we ve no way of knowing what the EDITORIAL faster vehicle coming from the re: ve ben- man, from East Petersburg, generally begin' Mrs. Elam Stauffer from ne they ing foolish and daughter, Ruth from Mountain- lgences. For when a man learns fice at the close of!_. vening at 5:30 the his term, One can well see OF Soe S Division of District 1 vo, 3, > a hill > in th v she would feel that he would Vile ig £3 de service in the . 3 . ron 2 an ar 16 Dp: >y be wise not to undertake this tre- Was Joi po TR, I'he speaker : . vas John Fox onville m strain for four years more. Ww 0%, of lronville, must be a more onerous evening ai the Gk : : ta home of Mrs Bina Forrey the burden to be a president's wife '_ Tait i é } 1¢ ] Mrs. Coolilee Young ladies’ Sunday school class of People who have seen Mrs. Coolilge the U. B. church called 5c O HG ink Faw Fac 3 a - Bb, 11 2 ( > Orange recently think her face shows the Blossom class held a rage strain of it. She, too, must carry meeting : . 1 g. r shoulders the cares of the a a : - S 3 & Ap «© x on her shoulders t Mrs, Fannie Saddler and son, Bil ; ie i o . : son, Es nation. She must act as a kind of jjq and daughter, Elizabeth nd social guide to the president, and Mrs. Castle and childrer , many difficult pq Doug and visiting seve asking held in the She would day: Sunday School woman in her position consider: : something beside personal and poli- met on the Church | The life and health people had ch they | From 1904 to 1925 total highway | terville creased by 850,447 miles. From an at the home of Mr, and expenditure standpoint, says the |Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, National Industrial Conference even more significant he surfaced mileage which re- 3 . wit r 1s e X- profortionately larger e Prayer meeting will be held re per mile, was ine win g eld at 368,385 miles, showing that] ol Samuel Faus, on Wed- ; one-half the increase in mile- of | of H a raise would tend to increase pro-| Be {Pn aus, : ddl : duction so as to furnish adequate cn 3 > ato eld belonging to supplies to the cities during the arles Ricedorf is attracting the coming short production months. led 125 bushel certified tivated six times eliminating t grass. Potato stalks are thrifty indicatin vield for this section, Church of E he on en 4 School at Rhee Mr. and Mrs, Reuben G. ar Spor Hill, Mr. William view, N. J, Mr. and Mrs, to save, to accy to make Bard, and son Russel K. Bard spent [of National Dairy Products sensible investments, he soon comes last Monday afternoon at the home poration it might be possible for! 5 to have more o spend in all © Mr. and Mrs, Elias E. Risser, | to get supplies from other, $ worth whil (Notary Public at Lawn, Pa, divisions at lower prices. The ma is in- Quite a number of farmers who In refusing to raise the prices the | n't f every used certified seed wheat last fall pany has | Ei nd a ready sale for their w to al Iv price thereby Atla : § ancient 20 to 25 bus M H e ! Birdsboro. On Sunday Vernon las, of Baltimore, were ral days at the home of Mrs. William Miller. following services will be U. B. church on Sun- at 9:30. Christ- at 7:00. The topic nature so the society awn, The young of the services r and a special program was arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kreider. of Lancaster, R, D., Mr. and Mrs, C. K. Brooks and children, Ray ang Clara, of Lyndon, Mr, and Mrs, Al- bert Harman ang daughter, of Cen- and Mrs. Miller and daugh- - | ter, Merle, of Columbia, were en- | 3 {Mr. ang * The t ian Endeavor S was about arge SPORTING HILL —— evening, Lizzie Kauffman, Mrs. Thei- nesday Mrs, Sumn [da Mrs, Harvey and son, { Gordon, visited relatives at Allen. town, i Miss Rohrer entertained | Misses an Ella Metzler, { Kathryn °r, Esther Weidman, {Ellen Bucher and Emma Nissley, 01 near Manheim, 2 11 il § ace treatment, while in 1925, | Mr. and Riis . the proportion had risen to 10.2], _.. 32aD Mrs Ed. Grube and per cent, Ine. 5,0 Land , and Mr, and I Ee : LE Tr | MTs. Clarence Shellev and daughter lly no asphalt or cement [08 Zona el : aughter ro d been laid up until 1914 I hone iy ig Spent a day in the In year 500 miles of asphalt| yr. And a Baus Bo and over 2,000 miles of cemc Niortai A is_Gibble Sn. roads were built. By 1925, there |}, ABA da ht a Vic Ih Harry Gib- were 11,000 miles of asphalt and | 1. “ar i Ts fola, of Leban- 38,000 miles of cement-surfaced land A og Mrs. Charles Heller! highways po Sv, Walter, of Lancaster, Hard rfacing of roads is pro- | — gressing even more rapidly today. | A has been found that blight-kill Modern rogd building machinery | ©d chestnut is being largely replac the availability of bituminous ma- | d naturally by oak, req oak, white terials which give an enduring | 2K, chestnut oak, black oak, op! waterproof surface, means the im. 1 scarlet oak ae provement of thousands of miles of $a ae ; re feeder road the paving of which | 21 10use, vet 1t is safe to say that was not even considered a few the sum is only a few dollars. vears ago. The $2.98 you send away today is not much in itself, but when it is pooled with hundreds of other like amounts it makes a substantial sum. That $2.98 or 69 cents, or however small the amount may be, is a very important matter in every mail-or- der house. The small sums form by $2.98 here you will stand a chance of getting a part of it back some day, but if you send it away the entire sum is taken out of local lle |the bench, Kaylor, Shearer, Butter augh, Eshelman, Brubaker, Weaver [farmers from a distance, he plant- Russett |seed potatoes sprayed six times, cul- green and g a record breaking the Brethren Sunday ms held their annual Kauff- Mr. and Brubaker AS, method county will get a $350,000 hosiery | high production costs and that such To the surprise of all branches of the industry in New York City, in- he | cluding the consumers, Sheffield It 5 Sasa fat Four Company, a unit of Nation-! Jver ai 4) oth- The | Dairy Products Corporation, re- rise bosons rc lett in a y or 2 ’ | the blood systefh and cause fused to raise the price. Therefore despondency, indigestion, it became necessary for the Dairy- headaches and@onstipation. men’s League to postpone the date! ter 2% Children's day = exerciscs last Sun-|©on which such raise in price should $1 DO desiring to pass. One explanation day afternoon with an interesting [Pe made, as, of course, dealers 14 ouncd® bottle Was made the other day, the man program consisting of buying from the League could not! T explaining that “perhaps the driver and music; Mrs. Elmer Hoover con-|be asked to pay 42 cents per 100, expected to see an elephant riding ducted the song service, Revs. [pounds more for milk than does! E. Ww. $a RBER T a velocipede when he looked! Weaver and Haus entertained the [their principal competitor. around. Children, and the large audience| Sheffield Farms Company has| ——— for thirty minutes. urged expansion of the New York! Milk Shed, insisting that there would not be enough milk to supply t- [the needs this fall. In some quarters the view is held that the refusal to raise prices now may be a move to] force such expansion. As a division] E. B. Essex Super-Six was long = series of individual supremacies By leadership towered mountain high ab knock motor that, using ordinary gasoline, turns waste heat to pow inch of piston displacement, within our knowledge. 2-passenger Speedabout $700 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927 oreshadowed ESSEX achievements ttained in this Greatest geshadowed in the » oday’s Essex, like Hudson, has an exclusive high-compressio hese motors are the most powerful and efficient in the world per 4-passenger Speedster $835 Coach $735 Coupe %735 Sedan $835 All prices f. o. b. Detroit, plus war excise tax ROHRER, Mt. Joy, Pa. > SPECIAL THRO Rive TRAIN Via Delaware Bridge F Sta Joy 7 blocking place of use has practically doubled | in the United States in 10 years, ac-| cording to the Forest Service, Unit-| ed States Department of Agricul-| Nery Yel ture. Estimates for 1924 placed it| at 725 miles, whereas in 1914 esti- mate put it at only 360 miles. Inbound lumber to the Northeas- tern States travels an average dis- Rotary Sewing Machines | pl I's Toh I Dillon, 1 Leaves Mt. Dt l ron La] 1&8 Returning, leaves Atlan a City © _ ee ation, appeared before the 5, Cordinn Ate) Cu © We supply CLARK JEWEL {he NEW PROCESS and The reported, and stated that here CHAMBERS GAS RANGES. . ot Detar ree Also REX WATER HEATERS, Instantaneous and AVERAGE HAUL OF Storage. : LUMBER INRA! © A The average 2 werd of FULL LINE OF OTHER GAS APPLIA from place of manufacture to the| 3 DONEGAL GAS COMPAN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. tance over the railroad of 840 miles] All styles, including Elec- i trics, Oil, Needles, Repairing BLIC SALE leading from Manheim to Mt. Joy D PROPOSALS will be re- to the Lake States, 910 miles; to ’ 2 : P IE eading fro 3 fhe Ceonira) Swiss, 380 wiles; * ana 0d parce for SU aes : EE 2 [oan iy un Phe oo $0 Cert ot to the Prairie States, 1,515 miles. | A. H. BAKER S gh d will = t pub- miles west of Manheim, adjoining nsylvania, for the Boro This does not take into account the! : . The und ergg@ned will sell at p i rill Gibble, Mrs. Her- oy, Lancaster County, i 133 E. King St., lic sale on tH premises near Hoss- lands of William Gibble, Mr id farge amaums of lumber tak come) LANCASTER, PENNA. ler’s Church, #8 Rapho township, man Shelly, H. W. Metzler and oth- RE aturday, Sop. by water through the Panama Canal! I Ph 116Y A ’ he | ers. The improvements thereon 20} 7, at o'clock 2 ugk vie 1 an bel nd. Phone three miles nh of Mount Joy, the! Ye 4 250 Hite Teen noon, for@terations to the Friend. from Be Pacific Northwest to the following descigled Real Estate and 283305 Ye ih ship Fire Smpeny No. 1 Buildmg Atlantic Coast. Personal to wit: and a one 8 ‘brick addition to The Northeastern, Central, and Black Horse, 18 vears old, single | 11 rooms and bath. A 45 25 i ks x itch- ith furnace for X Lake States were once great lum-| . A KESSLER line leader, works hitch-|room wit 1. Contract ek 3 ah | dg ed; Good Butter and Calf, 10 butchering and wood-shop, 2 Ha C wk 3 rp n't ron un head Poland Two Po-|attached. Steam heat, electric light, 5 PI aac Dome ony : Sha sen ti lit Green Grocer land China Hogs, 200 lbs. two motor pumps, and a well of ex- 4. Wiring Contract their lumber _ needs, necessitating y y each; 175 Mixed Hghs and Pullets, | cellent water, with pump therein,| plang and oe ifications for the the bringing in of lumber from E OUNT JOY, PA. |14 Muscovie Ducks. & at the house. Large rain water cis-|various contrac may be procured great distances. Better and more . St. MOUNT JOY, PA. 1-horse Wagon, wigh bed; Tobac-, tern in the ‘house and water tank the office of Henry Y, Shaub, widespread practice of forestry on| Il Phone 43R3 co and Hay Lad@@rs, Blane, ihe bor with pipes leading to the ArcBBect, No. 20-14 farm woodlands and the reforestra- anes Planks, Buck-board, Buggies, garden. orth Queen eet, Lancaster, tion and protection of idle cron Fresh Fr and Vegetables| Market Wagon, Single Row Corn| A LARGE BARN Penna, on or afr August 25, oa, [ . Planter, Hay Rake Single; with tobacco shed and corn crib at- 1927, er and burned-over lands in these] ed Daily er, y zl ; 2 7 : 3 OE rt All Walking Cultivators, &gike Harrow, ached with tobacco cellar and strip- Bids received willbe opened and States, says the Forest Service, w Land Drag, Two er Chilled ping room. Can hang seven acres read before the Bor ouncil, Mon- reduce this Necessity In fine, ae Plows, Corn Sheller, innich of tobacco. day evening, Septem 12, 1927. they are still potentially large lum Cantaloupes Water bacco Press, Tobacco @@ellar Stove,| Water bowls in the stables. A| A certified five per ber producers. irindstone, Potato Pl4 Scalding foundation in the barn for a silo. | cent (5%) of the tof amount of I G y € EE 7 Trough, 3-barrel Gal ized Tank, ' Large hog sty with room to store alt/bid, or a i Lond sha accompany RD : : - 1800 Tobacco Lath, Fighing Mill, | the baled straw; large chicken|eac proposal, the same@o be made CRUE ak ER AZAD Also nice line of Candigg and all two 2-horse Harrows, Wheelbarrow,'houses. a two room garage. payable to the Boro & Joy, RE kinds of Soft Drinks on Ideal Forks, Lawn Mower, Huon Spray-| Fruit trees on the premises are | Lancaster County, Penna I any of s dairy herds to |Ice*Cream and Milk for sale: 3 er, No. 2 Sharpless S@Barator, 2 apple, peach, pear, apricot and _ The right to reject or all h many el our dairy fends : new Milk Cans, Creang@Can and cherry, also grape vines and rasp-|bids is reserved. day culling should begin with the a Creamer, Milk Bucket, @bver Seed berries. A large fine garden. Two (Signed) elimination of the sire, says Dr. J. Sower, set Plow Harne@g Yankee brooder houses. BORO OF MT. C. McDowell, of the Bureau of Harness, Buggy Harnes Halters,” Persons wishing to view the pro- Jacob H. Zeller % lerk. Dairy Industry, United States De-| Bridles, Four Acres of n, Poko perty will be shown same by calling AUG. "1 artmen = Acric reed-! es by , Meat Be , 10-gal. {on the premises partment of Agriculture. Breed-| toes by Bushel i . SOLUTION NOTICE » ing inferior bulls may pull pro- | Copper Kettle, Iron Kettlg Baskets,| Sale to commence at 2:00P, M.| CE 0- i tenor i me iy eis Berry Crates, Tubs, 8 pegOak Bed when conditions will be made os i i Ta ae oo he uctio Wn as fast as t : el oom Suite, Odd Bureaug®nd Bed; known by J vy, A.D. 327, the of low-producing hid hiilds it up. | fs, Coa nel Couch, JOHN S. ROHRER East egal Township Water Com- Doctor McDowell tells of one | Porch Swing and three Rockers; H. H. Snavely, Auct. pry n the Court of Common herd in which a scrub cow produced { Library Table, Benches, Rugs = Aug. 24-3t-pd tas Roaster opty Is pe 16.8 po sof L rfat in a year. ilts, Books, Mirrors, L s, Jars ai 1] RIO © cree of disso- 336 a er a Yall. df dll [Sous ys, 1 Eo: 'lution, and t a hearing upon said produced 126.3 pounds and the] i Aluminum Ware, and a riety of PUBLIC SARE REAL ESTATE ovoliestion has been or sire , same| E. Main St. MOUNT JO A. [other articles not mentio ll. i 1Xed by sald urt for the 24th PER, eed 13 mini Ladies’ aud Children's Ho | Also oi ihe sawn tore Bd vlace] 24. 1027 | day of Septemb yA. D. 1927, at scrub 1, yduced 99. ) adies’ an ildren’s Ha i 5 | : os x 3 Yelock A, M. en and where hardly as much as the world’s re Cutting a Specialty. a Th OF CRAVERFLAND Lip 0g Sheri § wy atin all persons interest DY ae ord for a goat, sold #Containing 18 acres and Perches Grove, Pa., thet described gd ii Re aa t Ene grant- The owner finally woke up, seld | Situated as above and Real Estate: [ticner, if aye desir sald peti- the scrub bull to the butcher, and EE {adjoining lands of Mrs. Kite Christ A TRACT OFSSAND LAND | WILLIAM are purchased a good registered bull. Harvey Becker, Paul Riser and Containing 3 80 Perches! Sim . -e | Elam Shearer. The imp@vements Situated a the ge of Milton| . oO : 3 A Ye Tot iy ¥ 3t On July 1 a total of 17,600,380 thereon are a 214 Sto Frame Grove, adjoining of George attle in the Unite States wer J P 1. ROOM | House, Wash House, $1 urnace Mumper on the East@nd North, and case the Unite eS ea: | House, Bank Barn, Pig St Chick- Mrs. John Kauffmarng@®nd Christian ge I Be des this and | en House, 2-car Garage a sizer Horst Estate on the SW est. 01 bovine tubEreu 031, Sider | outbuildings. There is a abun- The improvements ¥&ereon erect- number, considerably more than REST RANT dance of fruit on the prenfes and ed consist of a 21, ry FRAME 4,000,000 cattle are on waiting lists | | land is in a high state of | ultiva- HOUSE, Coflaining Six and will be tested as soon as the | ‘tion, A well of wa-| Roonie wid Sommer Federal, State, and county veterin-| Basement Mount Hall {ter. There is an acre of eadows. Mouse FRAME tv ; ary inspectors complete other work] with running water. ha oo STABLE, n House you Wa the highest for those owners who sign Coolest Pl Persons wishing to view pri- | market prices Ee 2 ors ooles ace up ! jor to day of sale will please § and Hog Sty Co E-your calves Jier . sreuli sti > 3% | : A : call far the greatest part of the millions| earlier for tuberculin testing in Town | the undersigned, residing theron. | This property is in ex ent re- $i 7 of dollars of mail order business : Sale to commence at 1:30 harp pair. There is fruit on tHER premis- A. R. MUMN done in this country every year. Florin Community Sale ! . A The farm will be sold first. erms es such as, Cherries, Apple Pears So spend your $2.98’s with locall The next Community Sale at the eam, Groceries and made known by and Grapes. Also a well ofg never 111R16 merchants. If v a ¥ ; il Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., will be | . RAYMOND G. HIESTAND failing water with pump thef@in. : merehants. that you wil held Friday, September 2, at 6:30 ; ections {C. S. Frank, Auct. Also a cistern at the hous not only be helping them but your- ‘dock P YM They will sell live J. H. Zeller & Son, Clerks. ! Any person wishing to lew self by keeping more money in cir- es imple nite Household goods | Aug. 24-1t same prior to day of re. y TD ho lease call on the undersigne@re-, HOUSE F culation here. If you spend your etc. Don’t forget the time and date. BRANDT | please call o sig Aug, 24- PUBLIC SALE 2t | Mount Joy Street I a —ee Sjs) : TUESDAY, SEPT. 13 Denver, in the east end of the | Read the Bulletin. | | pil orders average in any particu- circulation. Advertise in The Bulletin. 2 'lic sale, his farm of 24 Our classified ads bring results. land nicely located along cll 1» ke in operation by Nov. 1st. | The undersigned will sell at pub- will be made known by OR SALE—A practie- om house, Florin, all s iences and in Al gs | very reasonable to a snap €: | siding thereon. | ally new 6-ro Sale to commence at 1:00 ley at | P. M., when terms and along trol- modern conven- hape. I will sel] py buyer — y 1927 of HARVEY L. FIS road F. B., Aldinger, Auct. acres hs | Read the Bulletin.