PAGE TWO THE MOUNT Joy BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1927 MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr. iption Price $1.50 Subse Per Year Six Months ..... 75 Cents Liaree Months ...40 Cents Single Copies ....3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE Entered at the post i t Mount Joy b- er edit the first of each } have their com- r+ than rtance noon tisements not later tisements y night. Landisville is f the BAINBRIDGE — — H. L. Kauffman is SALUNGA spending the spending the Miss Lena Way is week in Baltimore, week with Miss Verna Herr at Morris Wagner spent a day in Oyster Point. Harrisburg, in business, “Mrs. Harry Weadman visited Miss Olive Sheckard and Walter Mrs. Lizzie Geiss at the Neffsville Brenner spent Sunday at Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Demuth {visited their daughter, in York, re- Home, Sunday, : Master Donald MeClanigan spent the past week with his grandmother cently. at Elizabethtown. David and Robert Stehman, of Mr. and Mrs. Fromm of Atglen, (Red Lion, are visiting their uncle spent the week-end with Mr. and (Levi Brenner, * Mrs. Qwen Hardy. John Herchelroth, of York, spent Miller of Mr. and Mrs. William Sunday with his sister, Miss Emma Ironville, spent Sunday with Mr. | Herchelroth. and Mrs. H, C. Strickler. | Mrs. Amanda Sherbone, of May- Rev. and Mrs. Henry Longenec- town is visiting her daughter, Mrs. ker moved into their new home at | Shaffer Smith, Landisville, the past week. | Joseph of Santer, Gratz, Mr. Mrs. Frank Mumma and daugh- and Mrs. Wood Ashton, Columbia; ters of Lancaster, spent several and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ashton days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Coop- and son, Robert, of Harrisburg, are er. spending some time homestead, at the Ashton Mr. and Mrs, Currey and children, of Palmyra, spent Sunday The local fire company responded evening with Mr. and Mrs. N. N. [to a call at Rowenna the past week, Baer. ee == whon a stable and sarape wore de- Miss Hilda Monteuth of Lancas- EDITORIAL stroyed by fire. - Two automobiles ter, spent the past week with her = were consumed. The property was |oprandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. DOPE AND YOUTHFUI TLS Join Senter held af | : ! CRIMINALS 5 A of A ils eld a _ Mus, Wilburn of Charleston, Ww. vears ago the Boo Milan mith wi ve chief | virginia, returned home after : 8 Ls arshal. I'rapeze performances by spending some time with Miss Alice ry Brubaker and base-ball will | Strickler. Sow held in the afternoon. Plans are | Mrs, John Cooper of near Harris- re : emg made to male this day suc- | hur , visited his mother, Mrs. Eliza- f the cessful and many out of town guests |}, eth Cooper and Mr. and Mrs, Wal- we expected, ter Peifer, \ mong many reas 1€ Mr. and Mrs. William Stokes en- Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbel and \ _ looms. of | the following guests Sun-{ of Silver Springs, spent } mes by young m- and Mrs. Wm. John, Ply- | ay evening with Mr. and Mrs. s 1t 1 : e in- Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Frank |g es Metzler. ilnence of drugs gi necess- Stokes, Roysville; Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Lizzie Wav and daughters, ary temporary rec Dope Allen Baker and children, NeW iFva and Lenz motored with some 1s one of the foundation stones of York; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith | friends to New Germantown, Perry modern crime; the man who pedd- an i fren, Maytown; Ellwood [county, Sunday. les it is the lowest of the low; and im; and Grace Johns of{ WM» and Mrs William Bowers his extermination would aid mater- l.inglestown. {and children of Oyster Point spent ially in the war against crime. The local fire company are ar- Saturday evening with the latter's STALLING ON THE CROSSING ranging plans for Labor Day cele- | havents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shert- In many cases where automobiles bration. At a meeting the past week | jap. are hit by railroad trains, the ve- W m Morganthal, G. W. Mohr, | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiestand, port tells how the car stalled on VY v Hoffman, Joseph Tanner, | 11. = and motorcd rere fron the crossings, Why is it that cars ! h, North Heisey and Monroe Kansas and will spend some time seem so much more likely to stall ganthal were appointed a comm- (ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. there than anywhere else? tiee to be in general charge. Other John Hertzler and Mrs. Henry The answer, no doubt, is in most are; Northwest section, | Sr. cases, that the driver slowed down Charles Hartz, northeast Seetion, | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Newcomer a good deal to listen for trains, and Uriah Verde 2 section, at dinner Tuesday in so lost his momentum that the car at ots 'N ape Region rural honor of the latter's brother, D. S. unfortunately stopped right on the dian i tn i TTR, 10 | Aungst, of Pittsburgh, who cele- tracks. Some will say it is better \ tiles Diels ICING, ) brated his birthday anniversary. ttl offman, refreshments: Is- Mr. Aungst and to keep going at full speed and get . over as soon as possible. If such a driver had gone down into a lower speed, his chances of + stalling would have been very much less. It only takes a minute to use proper care in going over a crossing and that minute may save your life and the lives of your passengers. DOES “CAL” MEAN WHAT HE SAYS? not choose to run for pres- 1928.” With this brief ex- ion, President Coolidge stunned the party leaders and them in a quandary. . There has been a great deal of talk about a “third term” and much speculation as what would happen in the next national convention of the Republican party, but it seemed to be generally undestood that President Coolidge not only could have the nomination but would have it without much doubt. There is a great deal of differ- ence between “I do not choose to run,” and “I would not accept re- nomination,” or if the President wanted to make it especially em- phatic, he might have said, “Under no circumstances will I consider the acceptance of nomination next year.” What is meant by the President’s brief statement? Opinions differ, but our guess is that the President means what he says, that he does not ‘choose to run”, but that if he finds sentiment favorable, he consent to run and will himself at the right time. If that guess is correct, then the statement may be regarded as a ‘“feeler” of the public pulse. The President is ‘lose observer and he understands thoroughly: we know he it when he says he does not “choose to run,” but that doesn’t mean that he will not accept the nomination if it is tendered. pre has left EXPLAINING EMPTY CHURCHES A song in the old school singing books wailed most dolefully about “parents don’t visit tthe schools.” Several verses were devoted to the fact that parents visited their neigh- bors, their relatives, went to mar- ket, but the eternal refrain moaned “but parents don’t visit the schools.” A companion song making its moan about people who don’t visit the churches should be written, cording to recent research on facts of church attendance. Church membership has so fallen off within a decade that the re- searchers are reluctant to issue ac- tual figures, believing they would ac- the be too alarming. They do, however, give causes. | They mention the economic bur- den of helping support the lowered moral tone of the na- tion following the World War, and the trouble of transferring church membership. That last cause it not elaborated upon, but there is more to it than appears on the surface. People do move these days. They do not live, marry, rear dren and die in the same ity as families did when this nation was an agricultural one. Industrial jobs send families flitting from one town another. The inevitable feeling that life in one place is a church, heads of that it is not worth while to become Mrs. E, F. Deichler gave a dinner ELIZABETHTOWN honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Win- in any sense an integral part of a party at River Hill Lodge, Wednes- —— ters oe recently married: . community and the church loses day evening to these guests: Miss Miss Elsie Snavely, of Elizabeth. Aides se Gamber and with the individual. Sone an Mis ele Sirous, town, is spending her vacation at Ray, Carl, Sot an a. rs aie RR ne Miss Gertrude /etzel, Harrisburg, Atlant : : 1 hay, Carl, . 8 TA bald-headed bachelor on the and Mrs. A. L. Glatshall, Middl \tlantic City and Philadelphia, Mrs. Norman I. Moyer and daugh- faculty of the Ohio State Univer- town. ter, Mable, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond sity buys 10,000 hairpins -every year, He uses them to attach labels to ears of corn in the laboratory. will announce their chil- week at his home here, is some lit- commun- tle improved since Wednesday night. to Cobaugh, Mr. and Mrs. is born and Miss Josephine Schlessing- so fleeting er, of Harrisburg. pole sit” if you get what we mean. : . family and sister, iiah Kuntzleman, Fred B. Smith; pigs Maude Aungst of Los Angeles, Ise! William Morganthal; | calif, are spending some time here. publicity, Wm. Mundorf; supplies,| A family reunion was held in D. D. Ruth and Monroe Morganthal, their honor at the home of the music, G. W. Mohr, former's father, Henry Hiestand, Sr. {Other guests were: Amos Hiestand MAYTOWN |and family of near Lebanon; Rev. |and Mrs. Sayre and son, Mrs. Rev. Charles Faust is visiting brother at Bethlehem. : amusements, . 'Ritner Mennaugh and daughter, of his wayne; S. H. Hiestand and family, Toh Yo ny ... + Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hiestand and _ John Killian, of Carlisle, visited and Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Hiest- his sister, Mrs. L. Derr. land of near Mt. Joy Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hoffman are Mp. ang Mrs, Elias Aungst cele- Visiting relatives in Ocean City, N. brated their golden wedding anni- J. {versary, at their home, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newcomer The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. are spending a few days in Atlantic 5 D. Fred Aungst and daughter, City. "Janet, of Bernardsville, New Jersey; Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Frey, of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel S, Aungst and McKeesport, are visiting friends children, Jean and Robert, of Pitts- here. Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Brack- Annie Blessing, of York, and sons, Hodge and Charles burgh; is spend- bill ing the week with F. A. Dehoff and Edward, of Rohrerstown; Miss family. Maude D. Aungst, Los Angeles, Mary Albright, of New Jersey, is Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin New visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Al- comer and son, Ross, of Salunga; bright. {Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Marburger, lev. C. H. Faust spent several Millersville; Ada Bard, Lancaster; days with Rev. and Mrs. Irving Samuel Aungst, Reinholds and Har- Faust, at Bethlehem. |ry Aungst of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks, of, Harrisburg, spent Thursday with! Mrs. Annie L. Hicks. RHEEMS “Mrs. Margaret Bishop, of Phila- - Se 3 delphia, is spending a few weeks Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Erb and with relatives and friends here. daughter, spent Monday afternoon Mrs. Davidson, of Newville, Cum- at Lancaster and Landisville, berland county, spent several days Lhe Four H, Club met at the with her sister, Mrs. Laura Derr. home of Miss Erb, near Rheems Paul Trone, of Fort Smith, Ark,,'last week with all members present spending some time with his par- but Wo, nts, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Trone. Miss Jean Rev. and Mrs. J. E. MacDannald teacher from are spending their vacation with 1°" the former’s parents at Pittsburgh. Mrs. Charles Faust and son, Charles, are spending some time with “the former's son, William Faust, of Butler. i Ethel Culp and Kathryn Eshle- man returned home after a week's visit with Rev. and Mrs. William J. M. Kraybill, music Rheems, spending summer vacation at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I, R. Kraybill, at Wyncote, Pa, Diussel K. Bard student at the Susauehanna College returned home last week to spend his summer va- cation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bard. Rheems has two vacant houses at is : 4 present, that will be offered for Lowe, of McConnelsburg. sale in the near future. The John Mr, and Mys. Harter, Cenier 1. Garher new brick house located County, and Mr. and Mrs. Harkle, along the Colebrook road is pre- of Bryan, Texas, spent a few days senting a fine appearance. with Dr. and Mrs. Harter. | Daniel Erb, a Mrs. Harry Frank and grandson, farmer has Miss Verna Peck, of this place, and Irish Cobbler Anna Williams, of Ventor, New Jer- sey, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Penrose Gilbert, at York. Marie Harter and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hostetter left on a motor trip to Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls and Canada. They will return by way of the Thousand Isles. prominent potato placed an 18 ounce potato in the show window at the E. R. Kraybill store at Rheems, with the A. S. Bard tuber that weighed 17 ounces. Church of the Brethren will hold their regular morning services at Rheems after Sunday school next Sunday, In the afternoon at two o'clock, they will hold Children’s Rev, Frank Faust and son, Paul, Day at Rheems, when Superinten- of Hazelton, and Rev. and Mrs, dent Williams will announce a Lawrence S. Faust and daughter, special program, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, visited here re- Messrs. Elmer Groff, John Mell- cently. | Inger and Raymond Heisey, from i Rheems; E. Rutt and Norman Good {from Elizabethtown spent one day ‘fishing on the Chesapeak Bay last j week meeting with great success making the record catch for the 927 season by landing at the wharf with 225 fish. The largest one measured 26 inches in length. Penny’ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Longenecker berating and daughzer Miriam from near tte Tl. | t Dossler’s Church, Mr. nd Mrs. Julle € PaSt Prank Eshelman and daughter, Jean West Donegal, Mr. and Mrs. Earl : Soy Wittle, I s : Mrs. Amelia Minnich entertained Daa Jeon Maan, a Mos oo Miss Nora Prentess, Fannie Souders, of Elizabethtown, Columbus, io; Mr. and Mrs. spent last Sunday as guests of Mr. F. F. Os- and Mrs, Ezra Souders, at Rheems. -_—— ta FALMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Orendorf, William Myers and Mary © Myers motored to Conowingo and MecCall’s Ferry. G. W. Walton, a retired veteran in the telegraph service has been A West Virginia judge the other day halted his court until a wom present rolled up her —— — eee an The thermometer is trying a “flag vi pl w Jc de Di co M Ti de ur th ho th ge ler be air Gr en ho an iar Es th Su El fa Ww ch El B. Su of Nine Points. Mr. family, Henry Shank, and son tended the Young People’s Confer- ence at New Freedom, York county, on Saturday. j ichewing and son, Charles Ray, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Gibble, 3 ¢ stockings. Mrs. Fred Probably he is a pretty keen Judge. Grace Fellenbaum, the home of her daughter, Mrs. El- va Fry, Lititz. and of Lancaster are spending their vacation at the home of Mrs. John Roland. Miss Thelma Lewis. is spending some time at Atlantic City visiting her brother, Harry Campbell spent the week-end Miss Rebecca Fund on an Island in the Susquehanna river below Wash- ingtonboro, and Mr. and Mrs. delphia, spent the week end at home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schaf- fer. On Sunday evening at 5:30 the Young People’s Division of Dis- trict No, 3 held a hillside service at Kinderhook on the church lawn. The speaker for the evening was Rev. J. L. Smoker. Park, tar During the Chestnut Hill ball diamond on Sat- ne Long, Harry Enders, John Fox, 9000000000000 Christian Robert Bushong, B. G. Bushong, club leader. f On Monday evening the girls’ class of the U. B. Sunday School called the True Blue Class, held their monthly meeting at the home of their teacher, Mrs. John Fox, During the business meeting it was decided to go to orphanage, at Quincy, on Elizabeth Fornoff, Nellie Catherine Hertzog, Ruth and Grace Weller, Harriet Floyd and Anna and were Kauffman, Frances, Bertha, Carolyn and Gordon Mummaw, Musser, Mrs. Minnie Kemich and children, Donald and Pearl, Mrs. Moore and children, Violet, Hazel Agnes and Genevieve Entz and Mir- thy Recher, Emma and Earl Gerfin, Bertha and Leo Banner, Ella Heck- ert, Rita and Leo Keim and taught by Mrs. the U. B. Sunday pupils of her daughter, Elizabeth, a music teacher, the lawn at the Fornoff home. Re- freshments were served to the fol- lowing: Caroline Mummaw, Doro- Betty Loder, Dorothy Miller, Pearl Hubley, Erma Fornoff, Grace ger, Charlotte Fornoff, Hazel For- in noff, Miriam Boyes, Ruth Amand, Miriam Heagy, Gladys Diffenderfer, Janet Fornoff, Mrs. Anna Boyles, Mrs. Anna Mellinger, Mrs. George Fornoff, Mrs. Earl Albright and Elizabeth Fornoff. — _—— Faus. heim, spent a few days with Miss len Henry. The prayer meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henny was well Hummelstown spent Sunday in the | home of Ammon Simpson. and Mrs. tertained | Hahn, of Landisville. They attended | the camp meeting services also, Mrs. Harry visited in Shenk, Mrs. Fred Hahn, at served a dinner to the following in IRONVILLE Mrs. Eli Singer was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman children and John Kauffman sited in Philadelphia on Thursday. Misses Agnes and Genevieve Entz Lewis, who is aying with Sousa’s band, Misses Ruth Kauffman and Nellie with Mrs. Mae Forrey, of Lancaster, Smith, of Phila- the A reunion of the Mumma family ill be held Thursday at Williamson Lancaster. The officers are: W, Mumma, of York, presi- and Miss Esther Gish, secre- v, of Elizabethtown. The Young People’s hn nt Division of strict No. 3 held their monthly uncil meeting on the lawn of the ountville Reformed church lawn. ie president, Roy Hubley presided. business meeting it was cided to hold a field meet on the day August 27. The Hempfield Guernsey Club or e 4-H Club held a meeting at the me of Christian Greider. During e business session they decided to the 4-H caps and pins. The next reting will be held at the home of | Frank Enders on September 1. The! following i were Charles present: Through ESSEX thousands Jenow\ The Ride that is like flying with the exclusive high-compression anti- knock motor that turns waste heat to power All eyes turn to the new Essex Super-Six whose vivid brilliance of performance reveals in a single ride a smoothness and quiet, a road- skimming ease and soaring exhilaration that is actually like flying. Greater in power, more versatile in all performance, larger, roomier and more beautifully appointed, it gloriously earns its richer reward in even greater popularity than its predecessor. ESSEX Super-Six 2-Passenger Speedabout $700 4-Passenger Speedster $835 Coach $735 Coupe $735 Sedan $835 All prices f.o.b. Detroit, plus war excise tax E. B. ROHRER, Mt. Joy, Pa. 1 Bushong, Greider, Enders, Benjamin Greider, Frank the U. B. church Septem- The following were present: Campbell, and Lor- ne Kauffman, Reba Rettew, Edith Smith, Edna and Beatrice r 5. ace Fornoff. Miss Clara Roland, music teacher, tertained in the meadow near her me her pupils. The following present: Loraine and Janet Andrew d John, Emma and Mary Brooks, m Heagy, all of this place; Doro- © Mary hleger, all of Columbia. On Saturday afternoon the WHY NOT USE GAS? It's Inexpensive, Economic and Instantaneous We supply CLARK JEWEL, The NEW PROCESS and The CHAMBERS GAS RANGES. Also REX WATER HEATERS, both Instantaneous Storage. FULL LINE OF OTHER GAS APPLIANCES. DONEGAL GAS COMPANY MOUNT JOY, PENNA. and Jennie Fornoff in School and the were entertained on y Hertzog, Eva Jane Mummaw, Mell- SPORTING HILL Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Faus spent inday with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Miss Arlene Brehm, of near Man-' attended. { Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lefever, of | Mr, and Mrs,- Eli Gibble and Mr. Walter Gibble, were en- | by Mr. and Mrs. Fred] Mr. and Mrs. E. Hackman and | mily, Jacob Shenk and son | illiam, of Hopeland, and Mr. and | Gibble, of Manheim | the home of Henry S. Mr. and Mrs. Rolanda Gibble and ildren, William, Robert and Edna izabeth, accompanied by Mrs. M. Marrow, of Lancaster, spent nday in the home of Nelson Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Eichelberger, and Mrs, Jacob Henry and Mrs. Samuel Faus, Mrs. Lester, at- LANDISVILLE Landisville, Mr. and, Hahn, Jr.,, and Miss WANTED! More people to use the Bulletin’s Classified Col- umns when trying to dispose of any article for which they have no future use, for which some neighbor or someone. further distant would be glad to purchase. = “ As a selling agent along this line, the Bulletin has shown that it has no equal in the county. We have dozens of satisfied users who will tes- tify to the worth of this statement. Try a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT and reap the benefits. The cost is only 5 cents a line with a minimum of 25 cents. Sd