Your Nearest ASCO Store Is Your “Shopping Headquarters |” These onvenient Stores are the shopping Centers in every community. It has been proven that quality linked with a reasonable price is the strongest selling combination. We sell ydu the Highest Quality Merchandise at prices usu- ally less than you pay elsewhere—quality considered. Your Money Goes Furthest Where 5 Quality Counts! Cali i i 2 Ibs 15 LIMA ‘BEANS c Require ¥ very little soaking. Wholesome, Economical Food. Hom-de-Lite ASCO jar : Mayonnaise or Sandwich Spread 23c Entirely different from any you have ever tasted. Reg. 15¢ ASCO cans SLICED {PEACHES 2 25¢ Serve them for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. ASCO California big can 20 Cc YR PEACHES Extra fancy @olden Peaches with that “Fresh Picked” Flavor. 3 Reg. 9c Lux 3} cakes TOILET SOAP 3 ==20c Buy three cakes gnd save five cents. 4 f New Pack Sunbrite Teddy Bear Southern Cleanser Tender 2 cans 9c PEAS PEAS rusted loaves of Cake-like richness our own Bakeries. Delicious Big Brown- and goodness. Baked VICTOR BREAD ......... Pan Loaf 6¢C Bread Supreme § Wrapped Loaf 9c 3 0 Needs! doz 83c : ASCO Mason Quart Jars ......... Mason Pint Jars {i . doz 73c ASCO Jar Rings a doz 7c : Jelly Glasses (with lids) ....B doz 39¢ Pure Cider Genuine Parowax .......... b pkg 10c Vinegar Jar Tops (Porcelain Lined) 8 .doz 29c Certo (Sure Jall) ........ 3% %: bot 29¢ Powdered Sugar ..........% Ig pkg 10c 2 hots 250 ASCO Pure Spices .. 3 die roi RE Gold Seal FAMILY FLOUR Dependable for all 2 pkgs 9c Gold Seal 1 can Ksco for 20 Macaroni and Tomato Piece JC Rich Creamy Cheese ........! 5. For real coffee Satisfaction Blend—1Iced or Hot! ASCO COFFEE heavier Bodied "35¢ 29c¢c Victor Blend Coffee, pound ASCO © Nationally Known ASCO Best Honduras Rice ............... ¥ ah Ib pkg 13c ASCO Pure Vanilla Extract ............. . . . ] WE. . bot 25¢ ASCO or Campbell's Beans: ............... &8 cans 25c ASCO Tomato Soup: 1% cans 15c Campbell’s. Tomate Soup "®& cans 25c Prim Whole Grain Rice ............ J. 1 kgs 25¢ ASCO Fancy Sifted Peas ........,.... 18c, 23c Del Monte Peaches ................ ..... = b pcan 21c Mortons Salt ............ 0... 3 ‘pkg 10c Young's Pearl Borax Soap 10c Lifebuoy Health Soap 4, 3 cafes 19c These Prices Effective in Our | MOUNT Jov Store Consult Your Banker Before You Invest Steer clear of investment pit- falls that now confront the man or woman who has surplus funds. %, If you have no surplus funds “ or money to invest now, start a rings account and ask for a a Mot ey Barrel. Be worth a Bar- rel of ‘money. A blend of choice coffees. Remarkafly good. rr” The That for exan 200000002000000000000000 value. Pound of in Carton SAVE WITH EY a 2% XL 5 By the Pound Envelopes to Match is really the @@onomical way to @rsonal stationery. | N MOUNT JOY ~PA. INE—NO messy rags and even soil your hands! labor-saver bur- | fo a brilliant lustre | Chic: ld easy to clean. St. 7 Retter than hand 2 H. S. Newcomer & Son Phone 115 [la most buy ago $12. Bull slow | RI | | conta : oe p set over Cn nce Pie a - ir hae iy 51 > night and before throwing them into ar, to Ponca sans City: puny fel hit i gi turn foes Shaft with ® wrench to free feet Rheels [containing 4129 hat I 175 I ro) You asked how mnc ould ang possible gear breakage, Just 2 Shove for = ! ad, 75 head ou asked me how much I would ward by taking hold of the wheels may besal | eked An, total cattle 4304 head, | charge you for telling you how to ficient to avoid any damage. 3 [122 calves, 458 hogs, 778 sheep. [ make friends and money. Here is 9 | Compared with previous week, cattle [ the bill: Go to that old man, clean duly 20.84 {134 cars, containing 3941 head, 213 up his house, make his bed, give OO OOOO COO OOOO COO OOOO OOO OOO head trucked in, total cattle 4154 | tato and i have | Phila ginia Feder | ket, | to $4 The f | broug Nev or 12e( green 121% ¢ kinds of Soft E. A. KESSLER Quality Green Grocery |: 4 E. Main St. 100d Good MOUNT JOY, pa, | Comm Phone 43R3 ved Daily her Also nice line of andies and all » Drinks %n ice. Ideal \ Milady Beauty Shoppe Yo Main Street, E. MENTS, ETC. and Lintels. . Also manufac- crete Blocks, Sills J. N. STAUFFER & BRO NOTICE FARMERS If you market prices call A. R. 111R16 MOUNT JOY. MPA. ' want MUMMY Elizabethto June 15-3 the highest your calves Pa. 4 and Vegetables | qi, : { Choi HEIFERS 3 The corn crop in Lancaster coun- | , 2 o> ad “hoice 11.5 ty is about fifteen days later this | | Good season than last year, according to | | C mn Ag County Agent F. S. Bucher. The | | ommon COWS 6.50-7.50 acreage this time is about the same | i i ST TER as last year. th | Choice $7.50 9.00 a, | . VOR Corn is now beginning to tassel Good 6.25-7.50 Se} er Tal ‘ : 1: 1 ox | and some will be ready for market Common and medium 4.50-6.25 as 7 ; Sa =n { within the next two weeks, Mr. Low cutter and cutter 3.00-4.50 ; | | Bucher says. “We have some of | . BULLS 2 = | the best looking corn in the county | Horn the fap Good and choice i Ta Mohn ano ie nite 1arn e fur- 4 1 1 that IT have ever seen,” he says, | Containing e essentials ihe} ; 1 & D 1 1 x ace an The 0 Cutter, common and med. “But heenuse of the late season | : Tole. pert : nace and the he se. . 1 ; ) 200¢ afte | Feeder and Stocker Cattle there will have be excellent | = TR Ld Harmonv betwgen this wise Good and choice 8.00-9.25 | growing weathed tc a normal | Face Power, ilet Water or vores Common & Medium 6.50-8.00 | crop.” man and his because Good & Choice 7.75-9.00 Because of the lateness of the] and Rouge. y Comm Gluten Straw county Landis. | steady to strong, lat weeks advance, bulk {bulls $7.25-8.00, butcher cows $6.00 |$6.00-7.00, cutters $4.00-$5.50. |Stockers and feeders about steady, 5-8 bs: i Medium Good and choice Medium Cull and common Alfalfa (regular) Granite steps will be THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. The Produce and Live Stock Market B CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- yo DAVID il NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN MARKET: Showing usual week-end | to spank you. dullness, few sales early. Beef | thy young woman, and you steers steady, compared with week | long letter of complaint. fully steady, firmer ‘on better grades, weeks heavies $12.50, medium OF ions, Your letter made n weights | of your grumbling, Tr 2 with | 00, bulk of sales $10.50-11.50. Ee Yi] s and heifers steady, cows low cutters steady you is that you are just pa (¥ rs, none has met with more enthusiastic wel- write a come and heen adopted more extensively than the carbonate dust method of treating wheat tendency Let me tell you about the other] for stinking smut. top for |two and then you will be ashamed | I hake in connection with my up to-date medium You spend your time someone would do someth ou. You want every r movement, bulk of sales $7.00- y ant everybody $8.25. Calves steady, top [$15.50. HOGS: Tending stead weeks 25¢ advance, For toays [cattle 12 cars, 7 St. Paul | Louis; 1 Chicago; 1 Kans ) fed in from nearby farms 2 lishe. cattle 439 head, 15 ecalv No: oJ head, 15 calves 10 . 3 2 i / ovisner (for week ending Aug 6 1927. cattle | get out to do his chores, n {139 cars; 38 Va.; 35 St. 7 | oiler tribute to your happiness. Come, | when you come in the way of a bet- €alers | wake up. ter yield and top ces. 8 : ils Do something that will make | Give us a trial, caljus on the Bell phone 122R24 y wit 4 ona ales hs and we will be realy for vou when you come someone else happy. | with your wheat, and Wi jek sorvic 10 VC Vy at, Hd OPV market One of the other letters that | y R No you guich service : 3 St, | came with yours is from an old man | as City; that lives right near you. He 3 PETER H. RI R, MILLER ining 412 head, 27 head truck- | about eighty years old, sick, sure he total | is sick, and needs comfort. He fell | R. D. No. 3 Mount Joy, Pa. Receipts | and injured his foot so he cannot { aul; 21 go; 10 W, Va, 8 Canada; 8 | for his garden. wouis; 5 Okla; 3 Buffal MOUNT JOY head, 84 calves, 373 hog: (sheep. The wet weather has held digging in both New Virginia. As a result sh been lighter and price advanced sharply since the the week. The carlot may dealers were holding stock on hand in anticipation of higher Small lots of Eastern Shore of Vir- Funny thing about those Boy Scouts, as a matter of fact that tallest one who was so astonished stock yesterday when he saw you doing a basket, | practical and helpful deed, is really Cobblers sold at $2 to $2.50 per barrel, while on the jobbing market the best New Jersey brought 60c¢ to 70c per 5-8 according to the Pennsylvania and ‘al Bureau of Markets. New Jersey Starr apples steady at 75c¢ to $1.00 per 5-8 bas-| ning how to get him to take vou while Williams Early DEN The Boy Scouts have been doing drill and it is advisable, after drills ha him a bath, cook him a 200( S, 793 | and just tell him I paid you double for doing it . You will gc up po- | feeling like a million dollars and Jersey | the next day you will go b ipments | do it some more. s have The glad light of welcome in the first of | old man’s eyes will prove to you ket in| that you are no longer friendless, delphia was quiet with light When the Boy Scouts come to do offerings and limited trading. Most | the chores they will find something new in your face and you have prices. | some more friends. older than you are, and I were | ing. There now, don’t start Red’s | for a ride or to a party. | were quoted at 65¢ to $1.00. Black- yourself for six months and | berries met a steady demand at $3] every moment you can spare per 32 quart crate and huck- your bread and butter work | leberries sold mostly at $4 t0$6.00. something to make someone else irst New Jersey elderberries happy. At the end of the six ht 75¢ to $10.0 per 5:3. bas- months you will have friends v Jersey lima beans sc Cabbage was steady isket, while second i from T5¢ to $1.25. squash sold at 40c¢ to 6 5-8 basket. Beets sold at 2c per bunch and beets brought Range Of Prices STEERS | ket, and nearby Carman peaches | and yes, money too, more th | jobbed at 65c¢ to $1.25. have ever had before. ld at Oh, about that other case. $1.40 to $1.75 per 5-8 basket, with] an old widow. Her son was | green beans selling mostly at $1 to recently, and she’s so lonely. at 15c¢ | some flowers and take th 30c per 5-8 basket, while nearby | Take along a book of sugar corn jobbed at $1.00 to $1.25 cannot see to read but she { and yellow onions brought 75¢ to poetry, she told me so in a | 8Uc. Tomatoes were weaker with | a long time ago. She lives early’s selling at 10c to 60c per | little cottage which you pa early’s | twice daily when you go to Long | from your work. Frier Oc per |I won’t spank you unless you refuse 5-8 basket, with white squash job- | to be a friend. | bing at 10c to be. Peppers were The only people that are | slightly weaker at 75¢ to 90c ‘per | less are those that refuse to vou love f 7 you v loved and served, and every deed as well as ever; thought will come back to vo to 3c friend to others. 2¢ to ly ‘and serve fa $11.75-13.00 | tiplied a hundredfold. 11.00-12.50 SG $10.00-12.00 | CORN CROP LATE m & Medium 6.28 VEALERS HOGS ; Heavyweights $9.50- Mediumweights 11.00- Lightweights 11.25- Rough Stock 8.51 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market 9 wot) The Rexall Hore for good, clean bal 0 ton | crop insurance, just as we now can] Selling Price of Feeds Linseed $56.00 57.0 HAY (baled) Timothy (Cash at Warehouse) Cottonseed 41% $47.00- Dairy Feed 16% 36.00-37.0 Dairy Feed 18% $39.00-40.0( Dairy Feed 20% $43.00-44.0( Dairy Feed 24% 47.00-48.0( Dairy Feed 25% $51.00-52.0( commissioners, Archite Construction of the 9.50-11.00 $13.50-15.50 | variety this ye $10.50-13.50 | within 108 days after pla $6.00-10.50 | Most of the corn planted h 40.00-41.00 ton on 5.00-9.50 BUT LOOKS we hudson bitt ( season a large planted the Sure r, which will n fore required about 135 day 11.00 | mature, 12.00 TS 12.25 | CROP INSURANCE 1-93.50 FOR THE MANY GROWERS | Some day we may be able t Bran $38.00-39.0 Shorts 47.00-48.00 | get life insurance. That is the Wheat ............. $120 bushel Hominy 46.00- Middlings $51.50- 0 ton experiments are carried far enough, 0 ton ) ton | sure farmers that if they use ) ton | tain soil treatments they will ) ton | certain yields. Horse Feed 85% 48.00-49.00 Kill Mexican Beetle Alfalfa (reground) 44.00-45.00 ton Nearly all of the counties i southern half of the state Granite Steps for Court House been invaded by the Mexican placed in| peetle. Where only a few of front of the Court House when al- spotted beetles are found pul teration are made, it was decided on the vines and burn them, | Friday at a conference attended by careful that the bugs are dest ct C.l at the same time. If in Emlen Urban and Judge Charles I. about the identity of the insec addi- | when it is present in large numbers, Estimates cheerfully [tion to the Court House will begin notify the county agent who | shortly. suggest a means of control. Home Heslth Club Be xi CT WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. i PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETI Friendless and Moneyless: That Is a bad condition to be in, but I have just received two other letters about much worse condi-| A big, strong, heal- That is the cause of more unhap- piness, friendlessness, poverty, and | sickness than any other one cause. | A cow and feed the chickens, or care 8 Dry dust from the treated gra you that he is a friend worth hav- 1S. She + of farmers | ion of Sir John Russell, Director of |... TV ~ +n "+ 47.00 | the Rothamsted Experiment Station 52.50 | in England, the oldest agricultural H. H. KRAL experiment station in the world. His | FLORIN. PA. 43.50-44.50 ton | station has been carrying on fertil- ¥ Ground Oats 43.00-44.00 ton | jzer experiments continuously on \ b> i same land for 83 years. When such \ | T $ 12.00-15.00 ton | he said in a recent talk at the Unit- \ £ 'ELECTRIC MOTORS $8.00-9.00 ton {ed States Department of Agricul- I on hand anything io ture, it may be possible for an in- 48.00 | surance company or a fertilizer concert to safely guarantee or in- PREPARING WHEAT FOR SEEDING i EDER This has become a very important factor these in late years, if a marketable crop is desired when % grain is harvested. 3 Owing to stinking smut, which most every “ farmer has to contend with of late, if the seed is % not treated for this disease. Nl whi the newer methods of plant disease con- sure, 1 nt | y war ol which have come into use during the last few grading machinery, installed a perfect machine Yor treating wheat for stinking smut with in selfish | 2 copper dust. This places me in a posi- | ! tion where can now prepare the farmers seed wheat up togthe highest standard. This may be done anytime, harvest, then the seed will be & Y wishing | ing for | to con- ready by the e seeding time comes along. The charge * cleaning, grading and treating will be very ligh§ but the investment will pay big ; EXTRA ilk the sift into all parts of the mechanism the grain 1 meal, ) home ack and Specials at Darrenkamps 5 x 4 x 5 x A 4 4 J Cinco ndres, Havana Ribbon Londres, Bolds Perfecto, Rocky Ford, Henrietta Juniors, Summans, Wenesta, Shissler’s Merchant, Pu¥ Stock, Home Comforts, Wm. Penn, Square x Deal, Noble Kni Lew Morris, 6 for 25. Any of these, 50 in box for $2.00. % 4 3 4 5 4 > * 3 x x x x A x All 2 for 15c 4 for 25¢; all 10c Cigars, 3 for 28. Special price on box 1 : assure Camels, Piedmonts, and Lucky Strikes, two 15¢ packs for 25c. > plan- We have a fine assortment Pipes. Ask to see them. Forget All 10c Tobaceos, 3 packs foRi25c. All 15¢ Tobaccos, such spend as Red Man, Red Horse, Bag ete.,, 2 packs 25c. from Prince Albert, 2 cans 25c. wh , doing All Fruits in Season. We also carry a complete line of pen galore | § All flavors of Chiques Rock Soft Drinks an id A Candy. ice, 5c, It is| killed | Pick | to her. H. A. DARRENK MIP 1m Ta bis ET MN a “I DT Bat rere friend- | ( : ¢ be a | i { » free- | THERE WAS A MAN IN OUR TOWN vill be | { SO WISE THAT IN JULY ood] HE ORDERED WHEN THE PRICE loving WAS DOWN, , 3 WINTERS COAL SUPPLY u mui- § he’s had forethogght enough | A to put his coal in Barly. Crop | Bs : i ature | 1 7 50 With the Heat Milks look- nting. | : : : ing after his coalbin, he'll ereto- | x . never know whe winter E. W. GARBER Call the HEAT FOLKS y's To | [ | | | opin-| NN I — | Wolzemuth § Br 151R4 174R6 the line of Of All Kinds Repaired SMOKED MEATS, HAM, DRIED | 4% \ Call meé\when your system goes bad. No matter how small your | job, I will be Shere promptly, Market | CH MOUNT JOY! Trons. ge Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Mutton | Krall’s Me} n the | West Main St.. Washer Moye, Vacuum Moa have | # tors, Anything trical Re- bean HAROLD W. BAJLLER ar paired. these ro Paintg being RR Ada dl royed | doubt Paper Hanger ny A t and lectrical Repairing Phone 72R3 irview St. can | reasonablg