The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 10, 1927, Image 4

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Religious News i From Que Dron! General News for | Local Doings yy

Wednesday, Aug:
mn Our Churches, In the 10 years from 1918 to Weekly Card Basket! All important roads leading out | Quick Reading Around Florin un the tos oe on
1925 the number of farmers’ mar- jof the Japanese beetle quarantine tery, community sale of everything }
| keting and purchasing associations, {area in southeastern Pennsylvania and anything at 6:45 P. M. C5: {

NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE Soobstated, sted by he (Prom Page ( One) jars Jetng ig an (From Page One) (From Page Ons) | Frank & Bro.
: 3 CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY : ed ates epar men o g : family and Elsie Dillinger spent made of vehicles to check spread of John’s Lutheran church, at Colum- family spent Sunday at Carson. Saturday, August 13—Public sale
Th BORO AND THE ENTIRE culture; practically doubled, and ab Long's Park, [the beetle jn farm Droducts and cut; bia, was laid on Sunday. Park, at Readi | d goods on the premises
Ah their aggregate membership increas- Miss Mary L. Diller, of Pitts- flowers. The patrol work started! The barn of John Huss, of near, a Fy 8 gadms. 1 of househol gooGs on p I
SURROUNDING COM- sd. bv 315 Der ceil £ : > eat woul : : a Ee On Ye | Messrs. Merl and Cloy Hoffer on the road leading from the Back {
ied by 315 per cent. The amount of | burgh is the guest of Mrs. McAllis- last month and will continue until; Geyer’s, was destroyed by fire. All i 04 after a week's visit to BR kor's Bridge, 2% miles
: MUNITY business handled by the associa-|ter and Miss Watson. | October 15. the contents were burned. friends at Pittsburgh Run to Balers i i Bache wi :
: P byron church | tions reporting in 1925 was 277 per| Mrs. Fred Shaeffer and children,| The road inspectors are on the' Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Collins of = pp. ah of ‘Harsis. o it oes pas P-» {
Be Feshyterian Laure cent greater than that handled by| Dorothy and Freddie, of Lancaster, job 24 hours a day and will be Dike, Iowa are spending several po shent Friday wi or saris Dy lsasc Cooves Ei
3 Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D,, Pastor reporting in 1915. Although| visited here several days ¥ ane days with M nd Mrs. Benj. Groff. 08 spent Friday with his father, Saturday, Ang. 27—Public sale on
: s p 5... 2 gh | visited here several days. | kept busy seven days a week. They days wi ra J. Mr. Henry Musselman, [ ) le aR
Church School 9:30 A. M. not all the active associations in the M i i 2 road leadi
: § 2 rs. D. F. Gable, Miss Eleanor have been given orders to intercept’ Willis J. Reapsome, of this place, npg Francis Dyer left Friday the ‘read lending :
H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent | country make reports to the depart-| Gable and Mr. Earl Lyons motored any vehicle passing out of the quar- and Mary E. Brackbill, of Salunga, f,. South Dakota where she will Church Io fhe Malone ig
ment, those who do not are few and| to Sunbury on Sunday antine area that is ecarryin were granted a marrige license, : 1 . abl three miles north o oun oy,
. $ ur) lay. ying any : : 3 spend a few weeks with relatives. A
AD sel small, Mr. Christ Walters, of Chicago, product, enumerated in the regula- Francis Baum, aged 14, of Phila, = np victor Haldeman and daugh- tract of land eonsining 180 pores,
Chureh School at 9:30. Mr. D. C ~The department had 10,803 a few days in town with Mr. tions, which has not been certified had his head crushed flat when a to. Katherine returned to Collins- More OF less, live stock, me wi
y Witmer. Su erintendent. * | ciations listed on its books at the!John Roth and family. as free of beetles. 350 pound cake of ice fell upon it. ville, N. J. after a two weeks vaca- and household goods, by aymon
? p . close of 1925. These associations Mrs. John Tryon and son, Bram- { Louis F. Foernsler, aged 53, of top. G. Heistand. Frank, auct. Sale
: : “1” The State and Federal overn- . i stogs .
had an aggregate membership of 2,-1ell, returned home after spending as in the past, will pe) Lancaster, fell into the Conestoga py J. WM. Sharnas, one of the starts 1.30 o’clock.
700,000. Many farmers, however,! some time at Atlantic City. persons Who violated the 00): % Eden Saturday and Was fice men with the Peris Mfg. Co.,
belonged to more than one associa- Mr. and Mrs Herman Hartman i drowned. 2 is sporting a fine new Pontiac
: i oe Last year rty PVC A : = ontiac | AY, AUGUST 15, 1927
tion so that the total number of and family attended the Mummert ast Year, 076 party was fired $100, A merry-go-round will locate on yoadster. MONDAY,

Methodist Episcopal Church !
Rev. C. E. Wonderley, Pastor
No services until Sunday, Aug.


: i 3 for grossly disregardin la- ais iorner Mai ’ :
28th farmers served by cooperative asso-|reunion at York, on Saturday. is £ y isreg ung hie gd, Ream’s lot, corner Maid and Mrs. Elizabeth Werner and Miss °
ciations in the United States is esti-! Mr. and Mrs. William Braim he it Barbara streets, starting next Wed- Dora Kraybill left for Baltimore | rivate a
ini fg BE eo oR ing the danger spreading the ih 2 53) 2 A
Ronit iCherch mated at 1,900,000. | Harrisburg, spent part of Sunday a has oh pri Yo 3h 3 where Miss Kraybill will spend a
Sunday School 9:30 A. M The associations from which the; with Emlin Buller and family. Lo vats and in only i few cases has Harold’s Furniture Company, of few weeks.
Morning worship 10:45 A. M. department has obtained records | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berkhart, porated wi ases has Alientown, Reading, and Lancaster, Mrs. Thomas McElroy and daugh-' COMMENCING MONDAY
it it been necessary to resort to legal: yeld its : al 3 ri
Ss <i 3 095 3 Yo J risife J : held its annual outing for its em-
No church services in the evening | tran weted business in 1925 to the of Perth Amboy, N. J. visited NCO,
J Servic i oni transacted business 92! 4 y, N. J. deny 3 ters will leave Thursday for Atlan- |
until the month of September. amount of $2,400,000,000, probably friends in town on Wednesday. , ols pioyes at Hershey Inst i Ca for the balanse "AUG. 15, 1927



hence nine-tenths of which amount tepre-' Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop spent In addition to the’ road p trols, | Mrs. Lillian Reed, of Milroy, Pa., the week.
Reformed Mennonite sented sales of farm products, while Sunday at Lancaster with Mr. and offices toy is Sporn ove wife of a restaurant pr pri etor, is an, Arthur ny and two UNTIL os
rn \ eo . yee sstablishe aster eh i . ease sh 1 auchters ‘ i od yoy
Rev. Christ S. Nolt, pastor i the rest represented purchases of Mrs. Elmer Barnes and family. deen a 1 r, Leb- in jail becaus he refused to pay ¢ ao nmgron, D. ( ne At Our Stock Yards, Mt. Joy
There will be services in the Re-! farm supplies. Seventy per cent of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walters and anon, Harrisburg, Allentown, Ham- her school tax amounting to $5.00. are = ding a few weeks here with |
formed Mennonite church on West! the total was handled by coopera- children, Harry and Barbara Ann, burg, Oxford (Chester County), and Wilscn Ackerman, age 10, fell the Shires fam |
Main street, next Sunday morning | tives in 15 states constituting the Sunday Middletown Norristown. These supervisors will off a swing a distance of 50 feet at Mrs Dic! Te sumed her duties in
at 10.00 o'clock | north central and Paci ont 1 | son. Wm., certify products for transportation Columbia and fractured his skull the office of the Peris r. Co ai- |
groups. The ren i 0 per cel t 1 where from the beetle area. He was unsconscious ever since and iter a wo weeks vacation which was |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church { was | by associations scatter-'w spend a week visiting friends. J. K. Gould, who has been asso-|MaV not recover. £5 isi Th : analy ishi |
: { ¢ 99 ofl Ruth. one Rather Navi. nds vit] the At ne 1a Mavis Conor. o Mr. Jacob Landvator was fishing |
el 1 ed tl 33 st gq A nuth anda i 1€ nau 1¢ witn the Japanese beetle maris Gainer, superintender ol | 3 :
Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A, Rector | 5 1K : : : IRE rs a ro: SE god Te; i I oa Saturday at Conewago and caught !
9:15 A. M. Sunday School | volume of business man, of Manheim, spent a few days work in Pennsylvania and New Temperance, gave an informative : on De
9:15 A. M. Sunday School. { eM m Q fy St A Vicari oncorning the Flohtee {the biggest fish in the Conewago |
Thos. J. Brown, superinte nt 0 ith M1 1 Sprou y Ior the past five years, 1s in cussion concerning the Eighteen- . “mo 2 i
os. J. Brown, superintendent, To 1 Lo : : | Ary 1 te 3 ID 1. Creek. The monster measured 18%
|: Lieberher and son charge of the quarantine enforce-|th Amendment in the U. B. Sunday inche =
| He |
10.30 A. M. Morning service. jo
Monday, 7.30 P. M., Choir prac-| in 1 ta. California
tice | with $223,960,000 wortl
ness done through 350
[uesday with Mr. ment work in this State. He is sta-| School on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Geary an i THREE CARLOADS OF
; ; : : | i pS A S. n. rear) and ut’
f near town. tioned at Norristown. Isn't it a good time to op the |My and Mrs. John Hastings ad |
amer and The area quarantined in Pennsyl- practice of motorists stopping infy M, Raymond and family last Cows and Heifers
Saturday as they toured from Phil- |
vania because of the Japanese beet- the middle of the block to their
adelphia to Altoona. i All Tested, Coming from

third, Towa
St. Mark’s United Brethren Church |
| h, Ohio sixth,
Tt 5 \ weer and the danger : i
Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor le includes the following: Counties OWn danger and the danger and in-
convenience of other motorists.



Sunday School at 9.00 A. M. Kansas of Philadelphia, Bucks, Berks, Mont Mr. Harry S. Stoll, retired rail- '
H. N. Nissly, Superintendent is gomery, Northampton, Lehigh, Ches The Boyer family are holding | road foreman for the past years ERIE, CRAWFORD COUNTIES
Worship and sermon at 10.15 A. | 0 ter, Delaware, Lancaster, and Leb-|their family reunion at Hershey {was placed on Roll of Honor. Mr. |
M. and 7.30 P. M n I Sel : anon; the townships of Conewago,|Park today. Last Thursday the|Stoll has served 57 years and four and OHIO
You are most cordially invited to | ss of the country. = : 9 £8 Don ek Lane ne Londonderry, Derry, South Hanov- Shoemaker family and also the Al- {months on the Penna, R. R. { Will be shipped in disinfected
all these services. pur qa M Ty Tosa or! West Hanover, Kast Hanover, bi family held their respective| Mp ang Mrs. Daniel Warner and cars and handled in thoroughly dis-
States Wir. and AS. JAMES Swatara, Lower Swatara, Lower family reunions at Hershey Park. two children, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice infected stables and yards
Florin U. B. Church in Christ | Wise ; Paxton, and Susquehanna, and the YY Te Ebersole and daughter, Mrs Wit c ro re ire if ; ;
Rev. J. C. Deitzler, pastor 1 ( Kar Ry a ‘He ry City of Harrisburg, in Dauphin coun| The philosophers urge us to step|mer and Mr. and Mrs. Abram '. gone he : Sia ; you ean
Bible School 9:30 A. M. New York, and Michigan—consti- '“*» Sa ia fi Bin ay Be 747 ty, and, the townships of East onward and upward, but the mod-| Young were pleasantly entertained not come in ihe daytime,
Morning worship at 10.30 A. M. | U ed 63 per cent of all the active : Mr. and Mrs, Paul papnshoro and Lower Allen in Cum-|ern world is mostly interested in|in the family of Mr. and Mrs, Al- 3. B. KELLER & BRO.
Intermediate Society 5.45 P. M. | cooperatives in the country for the berland County. stepping out. mos Earhart on Sunday.
Christian Endeavor Society atl 10-3 cal period. Membership in- Hendri: TT a T TT 2 ali J RE et erie
6:30 P, M. ’ creases of 1,000 per cent or more I spend Ry -
Teachers’ Training class on Tues- in Missouri, Oklahoma, week, visit ¥ 7
day at 7.15 P. M. Geo Indiana, North Car Lage i re" 2
Chorus rehearsal Tuesday at 7.15. and ssippi. Six states— rs. Benjamin en
Prayer Service Thursday at 7.30.| ington, Delaware, New Jersey, Ida- Ron pe Me nea ve #
lays with Mr. Jno.

You are cordially invited to these | ho, Nevada, and Rhode Island—had

1 (A (SE O(a 4%
(A -
services, fewer cooperative association mem- 4s bt . . :
. bers in 1925 than in 1915. Only ii an ii he Yer
i Church of God one state, however, Nevada, hand- Sonic homes, Spon E Mai & Wa iet St MOUNT J JY PENNA
Rev. 3. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor | led a smaller volume of cooperative Jovem) days with Mr. and Mos. | s ai i arie ta S. { ‘ Ji, VA.
| vi ostetter
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. | business in 1925 than in 1915. Irvin Shel : 3,
Mrs. Ream has gone to OT) DD A CUD (ED) a -—l

J. S. Hamaker, Superintendent. | : é
J., where she 1s spend-
Sermon 10.30 A. M. DOG CWNERS MAY MAKE : Ly slr > pe
CE TPM i1 some time with he daughter,
a: lode : * MORE REGULATIONS Mrs. Wm. Miller. iy
Leader, Mrs. Edward Shires. I “re William Hendely and’
Sermon 7.45 P. M. vt 1 ole am ndrix and chil
Junior C. E. Wednesday 6.30. Continted abuse of i dren and Mrs. Stokes and
Mid-week service Wednesday, 7.45
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 8.30.!
You are cordially invited to wor-
ship with us.

the present dog law by
is slowly bringing about a

rs | children, of Lancaster, visited at
slowly bis out a change) Elizabethtown on Friday, | Makes Our Store an Interesting Place These Days
of sentiment In regard to tolerating Mrs. George drown, Mrs. riah
Hoffer and Miss Esther Henry spent 8
In-| Saturday at York witnessing the

the dog nuisance, officials of the
Pennsylvania Bureau of Anima


de : dustry state. This sentiment, if ac-| American Legion parade there. {
T. U. Evangelical Church tively aroused, will undoubtedly re-! Mrs. R. R. Lauer and children re- | | Se ail
R A. L. Bernhart, Pastor It} ¥ 1 1 : so en
Rev. A. L. n ’ 0] sult in a demand for more regula-|{turned to their home at Harrisburg, | Se rval : ® ir 7
Mid-week prayer service will be} jong, they believe. | after spending a three weeks’ vaca- Vo | los rv rr)
held Wednesday, 7.30 P. M. “A dog properly trained and tak-! tion. at Cr | Springs, near town. | Ti is Ser-val socks OIL Y .
pi > slay 2 2 nd nr \ ye |
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 8.30. | on care of is an asset and the eva Mr. and Mrs. M: Winters, Guy | = cry) i

Rible School, Sunday, 9.30 A. of such a dog may well feel Winters, Mr. and Mus. Fred Lieber- |
Preaching, Sunday, 10.30 A. M. | proud of his possession while uncon- | her and sons, Fred, Kenneth and
Christian Endeavor, Sunday 6.45. |! :

are the Darning?
way you like
rolled dogs are a menace to Robert, spent Sunday at Gettys-!

Topic: “Modern Prejudices to be | ory and wild life in the country burg. 3 .
Overcome.” Leader, Mrs. Calvin : nd a nuisance and menace in boros | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foreman | SEE = hi These Youngsters’ Stockings A.
Kramer. | and cities,” it is explained. { and two daughters, Orrie and Naomi | Cee" | ___3] t 1M. Have the Wear Built In. x
Preaching, Sunday 7.30. “No one will dispute that a pro-|of Reading, spent the nd here | . ol i te \
Come. You are welcome. perly controlled dog is one of the|with Mrs. Foreman’s Mus. | Good-looking ? Yes, and built to wear, tow. Every de- Ns
= | best of pets and companions while Susan Derr. | tail, from the twist of the thread to the kind of stitch, Woven right into Ser-val children’s stockings are .
EXCELLENT MARKETING | the neglected dog is a discredit to| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stokes is designed for extra service. 4] months of extra service. The number of twists to the
HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES its owner and a trouble maker in the | chil ren, Bary Cath a A new distributing plan, the result of a three-year thread, the stitch of the fabric itself—every detail is
| community. Owners who pay no old, of Lancaster, spent seseral d designed with just this long wear in mind. Bess
| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hendrix = : -
study by nine big hosiery distributors,
values that are truly startling. 3!
Ser val also cores in women’s and chiidren’sy
The special Ser-val Multiple Guarantee with every
The homegrown early apple sea- | attention to the care or control of | with
son is nearing its height, according | their dogs are unfair to the dog and | and family.
to the Pennsylvania and Federal | and lack respect for the rights of) Mr. and Mrs. I. Sumpman
Bureau of Markets, although the of- | others. {daughter, Laura, Mr. Salem Gam-
ficial estimates indicate a consider- “Uncontrolled dogs destroy more ber, Howard Gamber, Minnie Gam- |
ably lighter crop than last year. wild life many times over than all tber and Dorothy Boyce spent
rats +13 : i 31) | qu ¢ dhiladelphia Zoo
Williams Early Red is the most] the illegal hunting and kill and in-| Thursday at Philadelphia Zoo.
{ Irvin Kaylor, Chief Engineer
Also in men’s and women’s styles—exceptional values.
The new Ser-val Multiple Guarantee with every pair.


August Sales affect the price of our CHOICE UNDER-
An August Clean-up of fancy fast color

important variety on the Philadel-| jure annually in this state cattle,]| ns
phia market at this time. It is me-| hogs, thousands of sheep and poul- | the Friendship Fire Company of PRINTED CREPES, all at ............. 48¢ per yard Pajama Check, yard wide, ................ vard 19¢
dium to large in size and is valued | try. Hundreds of persons are bit-| place, left on Monday to deliver an : 3 Cotton Crepes Tv -d >
by many as an eating variety. Deal- | te n while engaged in peaceful pur-| Be rcan La France apparatus to These Crepes sold as high as 75c early in the seasons; i n vu vines sis yard go
ers state that the quality of the | suits. Thousands of complaints e|th ie borough of Cunni a. but we cut the price for a quick clean-up. Good pat- 3% Slimmerette, non clinging ................ yard 4%¢
Williams Early Red is excellent this made about dogs running over| ch i Space Dex Iolo Mab: hen terns are still to be found. : Surl Satin, for slipy io... LL vard $1.15
1 ouplie, Miss Mabel dSIrick- x
year. The favorable season is part- wns destroying flowers, shrubbery, |
ly responsible for this while the fact gardens and committing other nuis-
that homegrown fruit is tree-ripen-' ances. Practically all of these dam-

and Samuel Lindemuth, all of
| near Mt. Joy, and Harry Moore, of
| Ohio, spent Thursday at Atlantic

ed makes it better flavored. | ages and complaints are due to the IT’S TIME TO THINK OF SCHOOL TOGS
The Wealthy is also appearing on | neglect and carelessness of the dog | ig 1M To} C ol
g ; a 1 0 i r. and Mrs. John onner, and ii ‘ o ian
the market and will reach its height | owner. What would be the attitude] "WT oy oe ooo] With school only a few weeks away. one’s thoughts the question “What to wear?” You will find our
this month. This is a striped fruit: of these same owners and others if}; VIS. and 1am-
of some tartness and suited particu- | sheep or hogs were permitted to ily motored to Bainbridge on San. | store crowded with s re useful merchandise ready for the opening day. It is not to soon to get ready now.

{ }
1 day where they spent the day with
run uncontrolled on their propert vl 4 fo . 3 al y w gl
| th ormers son, rrankK onner and
or on the streets and public high-| he A
larly for sauce and pies. The
Gravenstine which will come on the

market in the near future is anoth- ways? | family. | 5a;
: : vays: RY r ap OL Ine OQ , x rard OX 29 a C
er desirable variety, being suited | “Pennsylvania doe laws in the | 1 Gil Nagel and | 30 inch Fast Color Dress Prints ........... yard 25¢ 32 incl Kiddie doth ou vous, on yard 2: A¢ »
ins ¥ cooks i 2 Se { children, John, Anna, Jacob Jr. | i: te : J
for both eating and sooking. Litho past have been drawn with the ia ne aes Nir Neat floral designs and print work make this cloth a Dark tripe styles for suits and blouses. Will wash
ne very popular variety is the thought of sgislating rai ul1zz , also Mr. and Mrs. ’ ;
Starr . This apple is generally large a Ey hiding i Henry Fisher, attended the Mum- | desirable one for school dresses. and launder like new
. 2 =. glo 2 ally against the dog or 2... OWn- {
mert reunion held at East Berlin,
r | |
York Co., on Saturday.

and green in color with a mellow ers. The present Dog Law cannot
flavor. This apple is particularly | yo considered drastic but continued
suited for baking since its firm tex-| jpuse of the laxity of this law by


: oR ate . Brown, Mrs, Clyde Eshleman, Mrs. A : 79 ;
Sure Sables = TE : yi oz OWHSHS may Tosuli In a demand ee Mrs Mary ny ro. Two of the finest prints on the market are found in 344 length Hoge i in a big variety at ....... a pair.
ractive appearance alter COOKINg. | for more legislation. Dog owners,| 1. 1 7 Tare af Ci . rs Dh To 1k h
if 2 * ! 1€TS, | Zellers attended the State our wash goods department. We cannot ta enoug or J ie na
Ibis kg Js Bow plenty] from the standpoint of the rights of | of the Tied the he aa The Ge ply har diss vo we want vouto New stoc King, for school. People tell us we have the
and w e votect : Sw Lor thei ALO fe 4 an Leg > vy ; fn
middle ‘of the month. enon or for thelr hi at York from Wednesday till Sat- come in and see the patterns for yourself Strictly fast hey ine of in town. Beautiful patterns to
rotection, ¢ ast but not leas : :
toll ; : urday. beautiful finish. choose from. Wy
\ Supplies of Yellow Transparents the protection and welfare of the Mrs. Elvin Baker and daughters, toler, 2nd A
\ are less plentiful as the season is| dog should give more thought andlp 100 2nd Dorothy, who have been
A practically over. These are recom-| attention to the control of their spending some time at Martinsburg,
mended 88 2 ian gol ii oe dog”? W. Va., returned home on Sunday. SHOP IN OUR PURE FOOD GROCERY DEPARTMENT "AND GET THE BE ST
2704 ie firs, early appe Lo Miss Esther Baker also spent a
oft the market in the spring. Inspections Heavier _ |short time there and returned home ON THE MARKET AT LESS THAN THE LOWEST PRICE ELSEWHERE. |
sam Wile Soft winter wheat inspections in| jth them. i
Save Sour Cream Philadelphia increased sharply to| pr and Mrs. Peter Hendrix, son, A Comparison of Prices Will Show You That We Can Save You Timekgnd Money and Give
throw away sour cream. 108 cars and the most noticeable|peter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Dick and | You Satisfaction. |
simply clabbered for des- | feature was the larger percentage|g on and Mr. David Rosenfeldt, of | ot EY
py f N 9 hes ” wy
powdered sugar, honey, of No. 2 wheat. There were 17 his place, and a large number of | i

bp, strawberry or other carloads of No. 2 Red Winter|¢, ks from E. Petersburg spent |
: 3 ream. | wheat, 10 of No. 2 Red Winter te 3 Sunday at Hershey | i 3 TC ; . :
8 little sweet C1 k and Sunday Xf Ley Big Cans Hawaiian Pineapples, can ........ cove DBE The New Kansas Cleanser
2 cans 9¢



dle cakes, waflles, gaslicky aug 13 + No. 2 ih Win- visiting relatives and friends. | 2%
cookies, or cake. iter sarlicky Smutty. Excessive| pyof, T. C. Knowles, principal of Choic i Salmon, Can vii te sie ie 1 Z ’S |
essing, or use | moisture cgntinues to be responsible | th. Pottsville High School, Mrs. T. | Choice Pink Sa ’ o¢ Kellogg’s Pep ...... re ate Ee package 11¢
d, with chop for the loj oe = gars, al- C. Knowles, and daughter, of Poste Fancy Dried Lima Beans. ou. 2 pounds 15¢ New Pack Peas
h, ral gt per bushel is becom ville, Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin American Beauty Baked Beans .......... 3 cans 25¢ Sis
ing mre important. Knowles, of Philadelphia, spent! Red Ripe Tomat
pun- fos tu Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. | P&C Sop... Sih ies weil A 4 bars 15¢ MD 08 rifle il,
gwal- he summer girl who used to|D. ¥. Gable. The: sts were all | re or Jor i icq
For ar out the hammock is now wear-|:tudents of the one-time Soldiers’ | Del Monte PenchieS i... ulate win can 21¢ Waldorf Toilet Tissue ...... is
shoes on the tennis|Orphan School,’ with the exception |
f Knowles,
