cE EIGHT PA MARKETS ard, per lb. { Butter, per Ib. Eggs, per doz, Wheat, per bu. Old Wheat, per bu, ........ $1. 35 orn, per bu. $1.10 | Read the Bulletin. (Classified Column WANTED—Cook for plain cook- | House, | 8-tf. | ¥ ashington Apply June Joy, ing. Mount FOR cycle, street, Pa. SALE—1923 Ace motor- Apply M. H, Barnhart, Mount Joy, Pa. Aug. FOR 188R3. M. SALE B. —Celery plants, Phone Hossler, Mt, Joy, Aug. 3-1t-pd — Hair work done corner Delta St. Mt. Joy. Aug. NOTICE Sallie Hershey, Lolumbia Avenue, 3-1t-pd FOR less furnace be sold very Henry Evans, Joy. SALE—A large in good condition, reasonable. Call N. Barbara St., July size pipe- Will on Mt. ‘A CHEVROLET SALESMAN WANTED—Apply at once to P. Franck Schock, Mount Joy, Pa. July 13-tf PR South rooms Apply OPERTY FOR SALE—No. Barbara Street, Mt. y bath, good conditic Fannie Runk. July and Mrs. FOR SALE—A practic: 6-reom house, along trol ley at Florin, all modern conven- jences and in Al shape. I will sell very reasonable to a snappy buyer Come and see it. Jno. E. Schroll Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar HOUSE ally new FOR SALE—A 10-room House, Frame Stable, 2 acres near Mt. Mt. E. Schroll. Joy, Pa. WANTED— Sewing machine op- Beginners Very sanitary work is LéBlanc Co. April 13-tf erators on dress work. paid while learning, working conditions, easily learned. The Mount Joy, Pa. FOR formerly Can ment. Apply one of the Pa. The SALE—Tenement . known as Shirk’s David | 3-1t | Pa. by | and | 29-2t-pd | 9-tf Frame land Pleasant Church, north of Mt. Joy for only $2,000.00. See Jno. Phone 41R2 house Row. show a big return on invest- H. G. Longenecker, committee, Mount Joy, Sept. 22-1tf Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket | (From Page C One) Mrs. I. Smith spent Friday at Lancaster. | Mrs. Harry Walters was a Satur- | day visitor at Lancaster. | Peter Krall on Sunday i Mr, and Mrs. Shoop and Mac, returned from a two vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kinsey | son are spending some time at Gretna. ! Mr. A. Kover, of Berwyn, spent ! the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Lieberher. | Mrs. Margaret McAllister left on | Thursday for Atlantic City, where ! she will spend some time. Miss Mary Myers is spending | some time at Iron Springs, attend- ing a tent meeting there. Mrs. Grace Shoemaker, of caster, is spending some time | her brother, Mr. I. Smith. | Mr. Christ Grosh is spending some time here with his father, Mr. Henry Grosh, on W. Donegal St. Misses Jean and Josephine Bundel spent a few days at Elizabethtown with Mr. Roy Loraw and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kline and | daughter, Anna, spent several days + | at Conestoga Center, visiting his father. Mr. { family, father, Sunday. Miss Eleanor Pa., is spending the home of her Shires. Miss Sarah B. Whitehill, of Phil- adelphia is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stoll, on West Donegal street. Mrs. Frank Bryan and son, Wil- liam, and Miss Arlene Evans are spending the day at Lititz attending a picnic. Mr. and daughter, Mary, of Ohio, where they the future. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bundel and daughter, Anna, spent seeeral days at Mt. Gretna with Mr. Christ Kin- sey and family. Miss Eliza Myers, on Marietta street, left Monday for Philadelphia where she is spending the week. afternoon. son, weeks’ and Mt. Lan- with Allan Brubaker and visited her here on and Mrs. near town, John Garber, of Mr. Shickley, of Moore, her vacation at aunt, Mrs. Edwin Schroll and the state reside in Charles left for will Mrs. WANTED—Man wanted by line to farm trade on territory, earnings the right man. & Paint Co., Ohio. position for Lennox Oil Sales, Cleveland, uly 27-3t-pd old established company selling quality easy credit terms with trial privilege, Exclusive unlimited and weekly drawing account. Right pro- The Dept. She is 87 years old. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Longenecker, daughter, Alice, and son, Oliver, and Miss Anna Mumma left Thurs- day on a camping trip. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Tryon and son, Bramel, left Monday for At- antic City, where Mrs. Tryon and her son will spend some time. Misses Frances Foltz and Pearl FOR SALE 1924 REO SPEEDWAGON, and straight body, “rebuilt.” 1923 FORD body. FORD HALF TON DELIVERY pannel body. FORD ONE TON CHASSIS. FORD TOURINGS, OVERLAND TOURINGS. 3024 JEWETT TOURING. use, STRICKLER’'S GARAGE Maytown, Pa. July 27- idl EXECUTRIX NOTICE Estate of John C. Dyer, Florin, Lancaster county, ceased. Letters on said estate granted to the undersigned, persons indebted thereto - are quested to make immediate ment, and those having demands against same, them without delay for to the undersigned, Florin, Pa. Pa. al will MRS. FRANCES July cab ROADSTER and TRUCK SAFE, suitable for office tf late of de- have been 3 Mr, re- pay- claims o1 present | settlement | © residing at | DYER Executrix 13-6t-pd | Foltz and Mr. Ralph Thompson, of Middletown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Houser, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little and Miss Au- gusta Little of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilbert Baker. Mrs. H. G. Walters and children, Junior and Barbara Anne and Sa- bina Johnson visited relatives in Harrisburg and Paxtang, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Baker and daughter, Kathryn, of Elizabeth- town, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillinger and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith, Mrs. T. Shoemaker, Irvin, Jr. Beulah, Christine and Caroline Smith spent | Sunday at Hoffer’'s Park, Middle- town. Wiens left Saturday { morning for New York City where | he will reside in the future. His mother and sister left sometime New York also. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, son | Joe, and granddaughter, Doris Hendrix, spent Thursday at Carson- ia Park, Reading, at the Lancaster Automobile Club pienie, Henry ao £0 for ADMINISTRATORS of El H. un r Borough, deceased. Letter administration on saic g¢ been granted to gned all persons indebtec are "requested to payment, and those demands against present them NOTICE Engle Lane aste r under thereto mediate claims or same, will lay for ed, the CLAYTON HOFFMAN, Mount Joy, C. EUGENE LONG, Li Pa. itz, Administrators. | Arnold, Attorney. july 2 ADMINISTR! ATOR te of Fanny ’S NOTICE i. Rasp County iate Lancaster, Letters said estate the undersi ed thereto imme ing claims or same will present th lay for settlement to signed, ation having bee granted t« payr BLAINE O R. D. No. 3, Mt WM, HOLLOWBUSH, Attorney. Sealed proposals will by the Supervisors of gal Township. Lancaster Joi the Mayvtown National May town, Pa.. until four o'clock P. M., August 25, :1927, for the buildir of a bridge located on the Donega Creek at the David er farn on the Witmer road. Plans, specifications. and forms may be obtained Rov *Nissly. Florin, Pa. Each proposal must be panide bv cash or tified cheel for five-hundred dollars (3500 00) payable to H G. Hauenstein, Treas urer of the Board of Supervisors) All proposals must he upon the blank forms fernished by the nnd: signed. The Supervisors reserve the right to reiect anv or all proposals. H. ROY NISSLY, Secretary of Board Aug. 2-8t Jank. Ww H from cert * E late of Co., | { the | make im- having without de- settlement to the undersign- | Pa. 27-61 of | ¢ on ng proposal Messrs. Hiram and Charles Derr. {Jr., Bert and John West, and Charles Nedro, of Wilmington, Del- vare, spent Sunday with the form- i ers’ grandmother, Mrs. Susan Derr. Mr. A. E, Shonk, wife and two 1| daughters, Mary and Julia, of Washington, D. C., spent the week- end in town with their respective parents, David Shonk’s and E. W. | Bentzel’s. Mr. and Mrs. Garlin, of Glenold- { en, who have been on an auto trip {to Niagara Falls, Watkins Glen and the Poconos, spent Tuesday night | with Rev.,and Mrs. I. A, MacDan- Rev. and Mrs. iH. S. Kiefer are on their vacation, part of which will spend at Mt. Gretna » Camp meeting and Bible A new feature at this t vear’s conference is Prof. R. P. Dougherty, Ph. D., who lect ures | on Biblical Archaeology each after- | noon at 1:30, | Mr. and Mrs. Earl ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Martin time they W. Myers, Strickler, Mr. Strickler, Misses Strickler, of and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strickler, of Elizabethtown, will leave this week on a motor trip to Thousand Islands. They will camp along the way and expect to be about a week. | | | i i) "| Laura and Margaret oo this place, gone was served July 30, in Mark Win- recently married: Winters and Miss I A wedding dinner the following Sunday, honor of Mr. and Mrs. ters, who were Mr. and Mrs. C. 1| Guy of Manheim; Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winters Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gamber and children, Salem, Howard, Minnie, Carl, Ray, John and Grace, and Mrs. Fred Lieberher. a --... to son, ouise As a result of 30 years’ effort by the simplified spelling board of America, 12 the 30,000 respell- ed words contained in the handbook of this society have been entered in some English dictionaries. are: tho, altho, thru, thruout, thoro, thorofare, thoroly, program, catalog, decalog, pedagog and prolog. ol THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. OUR SALE REGISTER Fridays, Aug. 5, Aug. 19, and September 2—At the Florin Hall Florin, Pa., at 6:30 P. M., anything and everything by the Community Sales Company. Frank & Vogle, aucts. Wednesday, Aug. 10—On the premises on the road leading from the boro limits to the Mt, Joy ceme- tery, community sale of everything and anything at 6:45 P. M. 0.8. Frank & Bro. Saturday, August 13—Public sale of household goods on the premises jon the road leading from the Back "Run to Baker’ s Bridge, miles northeast of Mt. Joy in Rapho twp., by Isaac Coover. Vogle, auct. Saturday, Aug. 27—Public sale on the road leading from Hossler’s Church to the Mastersonville road, three miles north of Mount Joy, tract of land containing 18 acres, more or less, live stock, implements and household goods, by Raymond G. Heistand. Frank, auct, Sale starts 1.30 o’clock. emma meme The British consul general at Seoul reports that American sewing machines are found in the humblest cottages of the most remote Korean villages, 2 GET ACQUAINTED. We got ac- quainted with a man from Mt, Joy the other day who informed us that he had made $40 at a pie eating contest last week, when we asked him whether he took first or second prize he exclaimed: “Neither, I'm a doctor.” We want you to get ac- quainted with our DAYTON tires. Equip your car with them and your | tire bills will be slashed in two. In-} creased mileage and longer service] is what they are built for. | Young's Tire Stores 130 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. North Prince Street LANCASTER, PA. 11 Rotary Sewing Machines All styles, including Elec- trics, Oil, Needles, Repairing and parts for all machines at A. H.-BAKER’S 133 E. King St., LANCASTER, PENNA. Ind. Phone 116Y REE HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? DON’T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN City Shoe Repairing Company 50-52 S. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. The trunk of a single walnut tree six feet in diameter, grown in Ken- tucky, recently sold for $65. | E. Main St., For a Good Clean SHE and HAIR CUT at a right price go to “Ca” Williams MOUNT JOY, PA. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting a Specialty. FOR A GOOD CLEAN SHAVE OR HAIR CUT STOP AT THE W. F. Conrad BARBER SHOP OPEN EVENINGS AND SATUR- DAY AFTERNOON GIFT SHOP Parker Fountain Pens eee Don. W. Gorrecht Summer Wood FOR SALE A large truck load of Kind- ling Wood for $2.50, deliv- ered to your home. H, S. Newcomer & Son July 13-4t: No. 11 Lumber St, MT. JOY, PA.| Permanent Waving Genuine Edmond Process $10 EXPERT OPERATORS Milady Beauty Shoppe: 70 Main St., E. MT. JOY, PA. The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs only JEWELER Mt. Joy, Pa. $1.60 per year. COME IN EARLY WHILE SELECTIONS ARE LARGEST BRENEMAN’S GREATEST August SALE (F FURNITURE STARTED SATURDAY, JULY 30th OFFERING GREATER AND BETTER VALUES THAN EVER BEFORE. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE FURNITURE AND RUGS ARE SELLING AT SACRIFICE PRICES. DON'T WAIT! ARMSTRONG'S These are no seconds. Every Rug guaranteed first quality. LINOLEUM For Every Floor in the House Genuine Armstrong 9x12 Rugs at the exceptionally low price of $7.49 Our High Grade 9x12 Seamless Axminister Rugs at ...... RUGS Tapestry, at Sale Prices. + $29.75 All other grades, including Meadow Brooks and REFRIGERATORS WINDUP REFRIGERATORS The Famous GIBSON Line TOP ICERS — $15.00 value at SIDE ICERS— $22.00 value at Many other styles and PRICES ON ALL $9.95 . $16.95 CLOSE-OUT PRICES ON ALL PORCH SETS and ROCKERS BUY NOW FOR NEXT SUMMER Gliders LIVING ROOM SUITES that are actually guaranteed. Built at the J. P. Horn factory. 3 pc. Suites at $97. 50 and upwards In All The Latest Designs And Patterns. While They Last. All Our 27x54 AXMINISTER RUGS AT $1 R9 GRASS RUGS AT WAY BELOW COST 4x7 at $1 29 COUCH HAMMOCKS and GLIDERS AT AUGUST SALE PRICES as low as All sizes. For instance ~ FURNITURE THIS SALE CHEERFULLY HELD UNTIL WANTED. BUY NOW! 6x9 at $1.89 PURCHASED DURING These Suites consist of Dresser, Vanity, 325.00 Value—6 piece Sherry Maple Suite, 4 poster Bed at .. All Other Bed Room Suites On Sale. "OUTSTANDING VALUES IN BED ROOM SUITES We list a few real offerings: $125.00 Value—4 pec. Suite, Walnut Veneered at .............. $95. 00 $155.00 Value—4 pe, Suite, Walnut Veneered at ............. $135. 00 Chifferobe and Bed. - $275.00 two super values: They | A 10 PC, WALNUT VENEERED SUITE ASI39.00 VALUE AT . ................ a. ANOTHER QUEEN ANNE SUITE 169.00 VALUE AT .. DINING ROOM SUITES that reflect Style and Quality ALL AT AUGUST SALE PRICES. We mention $95.00 $137.00 Sheets at ....... Two pairs to a cust Dozens of beautiful Two to a Customer. O-Cedar Mops at Two to a customer. Cushions at ......... A FEW BANNER SPECIALS Full Size 81x90 Mohawk 35¢ each KITCHEN CABINETS An offer that you cannot afford to miss $29.75 These are Genuine Sellers Cabinets at 50 lb. Pure Felt at .. Best Felt—3$21.00 Value at ........... $14.50 Beauty Rost ...... .. MATTRESSES at prices you had better take advantage of Roll Edge, Cotton at ....: ii... $5.75 hE ANE 3 $9.75 REEL $34.50 BELL PHONE 84R4 © Geo. R. 206 South Market St. FREE DELIVERY STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING BY APPOINTMENT Brenneman & Son, Inc. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 0000000000000 BRITA ioe ro Bons