AL a 2 LISTEN FOLKS! OUR STORE IS OPEN FROM 6.30 A. M. TO 10.00 P. M. BD . DO00000000000000000000000 EVERY DAY. ATTENTION! SALE STARTS—THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. SALE ENDS—SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927. g NO CONTINUANCE AT THESE PRICES. DN SALE COC AT THE LASKEWITZ STORE, MOUNT JOY, PA. 2000000000 200000000000000000000000000000C00000000000000000000000000000 THE POWER OF THE LOW PRICE 25 to 35¢ Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose, good first quality 16¢ per pair 25¢ to 35c¢ Children’s Hose In Black and Brown, 16¢ first qual., sizes 6 to 10. One lot Turkish Bath Towels Large size regular 16¢c price 28c, now 25¢ to 40c Children’s Socks All fancy patterns in 16¢ Cotton Lisle finish. 25¢ to 50c Men's Work 16¢ Straw Hats 25¢ to 35¢c Ladies’ Vests Fine gauze, first qual- 16¢ ity, now at Men’s Dress Ties, Bows and Four-in Hands, Fancy 16¢ and Plain patterns. Val. range to 85c. 25¢ to 50c Men’s and Boys’ Dress Belts, to close 16¢ out now at One lot of Ladies’ Brassiers Values range up to 16¢ 98¢, clean them out at One lot of Men’s Silk Hose Fancy patterns, slight imper- fects, values range to 16¢ 65¢, must go at One lot of Babies’ Cassimere Hose, pink and blue 16¢ toes, 25¢ values, now 4 Piece Suits Former Prices range to $11.95. Clean out at 36.16 Sizes up to 17 CRASH PANTS Values to 98¢ Sizes 8 to 17 REIGNS SUPREME AT The LASKEWITZ STORE M Ek N a NONECOMPARABLE — INCON- i. 8 CEIVABLE. 16 YEARS OF UNDER- 2 SELLING, AND NOW COMES THIS GREAT GIGANTIC MASTER STROKE “ITS ALMOST IMPROBABLE, STARTLING SENSATIONS AWAIT WOMEN’S Sample Dresses in Satins, Flat Crepes and Printed Silks A rare bargain for the small women. Values range up to $10.00. Sizes to 38, only Only 50 Men's Dress Suits One and 2 Pair Pants. Brok- en sizes from 34 to 42. Shoes and Oxfords $3 TO $5 MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS IN BLACK, BROWN, CALF- SKIN, RUBBER HEELS AND GOODYEAR WELTS. ALL BROKEN SIZES, BUT ALL SIZES IN THE LOT FROM 6 TO 11, AT THE FABULOUS Low PRICE NOW $2. 1 6 LADIES’. DRESSES Oxfords & Pumps ONE LOT OF LADIES SILK DRESSES IN 52 vs 82 WOMEN'S ARD MISE FANCY PRINT SILK RAYONS, SHORT I OXFORDS AND: PUMBE. AND LONG SLEEVES} SIZES RANGE § § ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF FROM 16 TO 48. Togo at $3.16 TOES AND HEELS. PRETTY i COMBINATIONS IN CHAM- COOPERATION OF, MANUFACTURERS § § pacNE, GREY, TAN, BLACK, ENABLES US TO GIVE YOU.SUCH A PATENT, AND SA- $2. 16 BARGAIN. : TIN, ALL GO AT BS CLEAN OUT -- SELL OUT Of Every Department--Prices That Are Sensational--No Mislead- ing--Facts-But The Truth--Seeing Is Believing--Surprised You Will Be. Do Not Be Confused, We Are Not Going Qut of Business But We Are Giving You Folks A WONDERFUL DEMONSTRATION OfffThe Greatest Underselling Event Ever Attempted By The KING OF THE LOW PRICES ONE LOT MEN’S WORK PANTS Values range up to In Blue and Khaki. § $1.95, Made of WORKING MEN’S SPECIAL One lot Men’s $2.20 Denim Overalls of good, sturdy mater- ; ial, and made for Good and sturdy & good, strong mater- rough $1.16 wade for $1.16 ial. Sizes $1.16 hard wear 33. to 42. One Lot BOYS’ OVERALLS CHILDREN’S DRESSES Former prices up to Good, Heavy § $3. Values in Silk, Material. Sizes § Rayon, Broadcloth, 740 14. Two Voile, and Gingham. iv Sizes 7 to 14. Clean rair $1.16 them out now $ 1 1 6 LADIES’ HQUSE DRESSES © YP Values up to $3.00 in Fancy Ginghdims and Percales, patterns, and fancy prints, all $1. 16 to go at $1.48 BOYS UNION ALLS Anniver- sary special OOOO I LC We want to Thank our Many Friends and Customers for their past business and in con- sideration of your co-operation for the past 16 years. We have no alibis to offer, for our prices were always lower than the lowest. We have no high overhead expenses, no high salaried clerks and no fancy fixtures, and what you buy here at this GREAT GIGANTIC MASTERFUL--STUPENDOUS 16th Anniversary Sale means savings to you from 1-3 to 1-2 of the original pricess. WE CHALLENGE ANYONE TO UNDERSELL US. One lot Fancy Dress Ribbons former prices to 69c¢ 16¢ per yd., to close out at 8c Men’s Handkerchiefs Red, White and Blue 16¢ 4 for Men’s 25¢ Hose Sup- 16¢ porters, per pair Men’s 25¢ Dress 16¢ Hose, per pair Men’s 28¢ Silk Dress 16¢ Hose, slight imperfects. Men’s 15¢ Work 16¢ Handkerchiefs, 2 for Men’s E. & W. Soft Collars Large and small sizes, 16¢ only—one dozen Men’s 15¢ Work 16¢ Hose, 2 pair for 25¢ Ladies’ Fancy 16¢ Garters, per pair One lot of Raincoats, to clean out at ONE-HALF price. Cassimeres, Serges, Tweeds, made for service and ear. Sizes 32 to 42. Values up to $4.50. Now 0 0 bs 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 7 %. * 0 %. % 0 0 0 0 0 0 *. 0 0 0 %. * 0 0 0 %. 0 0 0 0 0 £ 0 %. * 0 0 0 £2 *, 0 *. 0 0 *, 0 0 % %, 0 a 4 % H. Laskewitz, Mount Joy - %