rn he Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. XXVII No. 9 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1927 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE If You Want fo “Pep Up” Business During the Dull Summer Months, Palronize the Bulletin’s Advertising Columns Consistently Brandt Family Holds Its Reunion FOUR HUNDRED THE CLAN MET IN THIRD Ww ANNUAL EVENT AT ELIZABETHTOWN MEMBERS OF Four hundred members of the Brandt clan held the _ third annual reunion on the Elizabethtown Col- lege campus. vA list of those who registered at the reunion follows: Joseph R. Goed, Florin; Anna M. Brandt, Lebanon; Verna Mae Brandt, Ethel Brandt and Fannie Brandt, Elizabethtown; Mrs, Aman- da Martin, Bachmansville; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ebersole, Mt. Joy; Na- omi Diffenderfer, Mrs, A. T. Dffen- derfer, Elizabethtown; Mrs. A. B. Drace, A. B. Drace, Mary Smith, dlizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt, Mrs. Annie L. Brandt, John M. Brandt, Ruth Brandt, Fredericksburg; Ardella Brandt Hunt, Samuel M. Hunt, Harold Hunt, Red Lion; Mrs. Joseph Good, Florin; George S. Boyer, Kathryn Boyer, Carrie Boyer, Swatara; Lay- cene R. Brandt, Elizabethtown { Mrs. David G. Brandt, Minnie A. Will, Elizabethtown; Mrs. Norman R. Nissley, Salunga; Mrs. Elizabeth Brandt, Grissinger Lane; Sue H. Brandt, Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Issac M. Brandt, Campbelltown; P. R. Grissinger, Lancaster; Raymond Smith, Hettie Smith, Stauffer Smith, Fredericksburg; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Guntryman, Ida B. Wolfersburger, Verna Mae Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Phares Brandt, John S. Hauenstein, Elizabethtown. Alice Ebersole, Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brandt, Gerald and Richard Brandt, Dorris L. Brandt, D. G. Brandt, Annville; Mrs. C. G. Lehman, Wilbur Lehman, Manheim; Alvin Koser, Florin; Mrs. Martha Brubaker, Norman G. Brubaker, Elizabethtown; Mrs. Leonard Dague, Clifford Dague, Garfield, N. J.; Mrs. Mrs. Lizzie Will, Bainbridge; Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Brandt, Elizabeth Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt, Harry K. Brandt, Lancaster; Mrs. Rhine Smith, Mrs. Samuel Lessley, (Turn to page 4.) A iiss Deeds To Be Recorded Levi H. Martin to the trustees of Mount Pleasant Brethren in Christ church, Mt. Joy township tract of land in Mount Joy township, $1. Jennie B. Snavely to William W. Faus, property in Rapho township, $8,900, Allen L. Shaffer and Elmer S. Shaffer to Minnie G. Shaffer, prop- erty in Rapho township, $1. S. Nissly Gingrich and the First National Bank, of Mount Joy, to Milton N. Miller, lot in Mount Joy $150. Benjamin H, Shenk to Phares R. Moyer and Corra M. Moyer, prop- erty in Rapho township $10,500. BR REAL WORK ON BRIDGE IS NOW IN PROGRESS Contractor Paul Sheirich, began the erection of the new bridge over Chickies creek, between Columbia and Marietta, At present workmen are engaged in filling up a portion of the Chickies creek so as to change its course to the Donegal creek. The road will be relocated, a portion of a hill about 100 feet south of the present road is being taken away. The new bridge when erected will take the place of two wooden bridges over the stream at this place, the work being done by the State Highway Department. rtd Gi reer BROWN’S EMPLOYES HELD SUCCESSFUL PICNIC The employees of the mills of G. Brown’s Sons, Inc.. of this place, held a picnic at Accomae, opposite Marietta, on Saturday. Music was furnished by an orchestra for danc- ing, and refreshments were served. There were various contests in which young and old participated, and the outing was a success in ev- ery way. ee Released In Larency Case Clayton Funkhouser, 15, Eliza- bethtown, has been released on the charge of larency of money from the clothing of bathers at the Meadowbrook swimming pool, that upon the agreement of his father to refund all money stolen. Funk- houser was arrested by Chief of Police R. H. Pastorious. YG Ere. Moyer—Stoner * Raymond H. Moyer, son of Mr. 21. Phares R. Moyer, of near Manheim, and Miss Mabel K. Ston- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elam H. Stoner, of E. Petersburg, were married on Saturday morning at the home of Bishop Isaac Brubaker, near Erisman’s church. —————- Eee Kauffman—Derstler Harry B. Kauffman and Miss Minnie Derstler, both of Ironville, were married Saturday by Rev. J. L. Smoker at the parsonage in Iron- ville. Had Hand Injured Frank Zimmerman, an employe of Geo. Brown’s Sons, had his hand padly hurt on Friday. Mr. Zimmer- man fell, and a Jor pierced his hand. FLORIN MAN GETS INTO TROUBLE AND IS ARRESTED John Soren at the Florin Foundry, got into a peck of trouble at the home of Frank Gantz, colored, on Man- heim street. Berrier damaged a shutter, broke a door and smashed a number of window panes. Constables Zerphey and Schroll were cailed out and placed Berrier in the boro lockup after some dif- ficulty. He will be given a hearing before Alderman Burkhart, at Lancaster, of Florin, a molder on next Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock on charges of drunkeness, disorderly conduct and = maliscious mischief. Road We Must All MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Henry Shoff, Mountville, aged 65, of near died last Wednesday. Erna, wife of Harry L. Diffen- derfer. of Neffsville, died at the General Hospital. Rev. Charles C. Madeira Rev. Charles Calvin Madeira, aged 59 years, died at his home, 1947 Swatara street, Harrisburg, on Thursday. He was a minister of the Church of the Brethren for 40 years, having lived formerly at Manheim and Elizabethtown, where he was actively engaged in church. work. Henry Plasterer Henry Plasterer died suddenly at his home in Manheim from heart trouble aged 75 years. He is sur- vived by 3 daughters, Mrs. Alice Ober and Mrs. John Pickel. of Pen- ryn, and Mrs, George Lorah, of Mt. (Turn to Page 4) eel) Geer LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS MET AT MOUNT GRETNA The Ladies’ Bible Class of Trin- ity Lutheran church held their monthly meeting at the summer home of P. Franck Schock and fam- ily at Mt. Gretna, on ‘Monday even- ing. Three machines conveyed the members and their friends to the cottage. The following folks were present: Rev. and Mrs. Geo. A. Kercher, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Whis- tler, Mrs. W. R. Heilig, Mrs. How- ard Bortzfield, Mrs. Edgar Kessler, Mrs. Clyde Fenstermacher, Mrs. H. Brown, Misses Beatrice Pennpacker, Elsie Lefevere, Bernice Myers, Dor- othy Schock, Messrs. Robert Heilig, David Lutz, Charles Siller, Mrs. P. Franck Schock and daughters, Lou- ise and Jean, Mrs. Schlegelmilch The class held their regular busi- ness meeting after which games were played. Refreshments were served by the hostess . mn Wp = CLASS OF 1926 PLANS TO HOLD A REUNION The Class of 1926 held a meeting at the home of Mr, Lester Brubaker on North Barbara street, on Mon- day evening. The purpose of the meeting was to plan for a reunion which will be held Thursday, Aug- ust 11, at Long’s Park. All members who plan to go will meet at the home of Miss Ethel Newcomet, be- tween 1.00 and 1.30 Thursday noon August 11, 1927. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MISS HELEN SHEAFFER A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheaffer on Saturday afternoon in honor of their daughter, Helen, who celebrated her sixteenth birth- day anniversary. Games were played and delicious refreshments were served to a large number of her school mates. Helen received many beautiful gifts. I Good Yield of Wheat Mr. Irvin Gruber, tenant on the Joseph Hostetter farm, northeast of town, threshed -a ten-acre field of wheat which yielded 350 bushels, an average of 35 bushels to the acre, ——————- OE Clyde Was His Sub. Mr. Clyde Fenstermacher, of town, substituted for Frank J. Kipphorn, baggage man at the Pennsy station at Lancaster last week while the latter enjoyed his vacation. RE Se HG Letters Granted Letters were granted at the court house yesterday to the following: Christian Brandt East Donegal township, executor of Amanda Sterner, late of East Donegal town- ship. Edgar L. Eshleman, Lancaster, and Walter L. Eshleman, Mount Jov, executors of John W. Eshle- man, Mount Joy. A Musical Program The Geiss Trio will render a mus- ical program n the High school auditorium at Landisville, Thursday evening, July 28. An excellent pro- gram has been arranged for the occasion. he himself Travel Sometime | Philadelphia. Camprmeetings Will Soon Begin | LANDISVILLE WIL OPEN SERVICES / TOMORROW, THURSDAY AND STOV- ERDALE THE DAY FOLLOWING Camp meeting sessions at Lan- disville and Stoverdale will open for the season, the former on July, 28, and the latter Friday evening, July 29. The Landisville sessions will be held every day for a per- iod of fourteen days and the Stov- erdale Memorial camp meeting, which closes on August 7, a period of nine days. The music at Landisville will be in charge of J. Lincoln Hall, of the Irvin H. Mack and Company, Prof. Gilbert Gilmour will act as leader of the song serv- ice. The principal speakers will be Rev. Dr. C. W. Kitte, of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Potts- ville, on Sunday, July 31, and Rev. Dr. W. E. P. Haas, district super- intendent of the West District of the Philadelphia conference, Sunday August 7. Meditation and Bible study hour will be in charge of Rev. Levi H. (Turn to Page 4) et Qe STATE HICHWAY DEPT. WILL COMPLETE THE ROAD The Elizabethtown Chamber of Commerce for the last month were in communication with the State Highway Department relative to one mile of road from the borough limits to the macadam road built by West Donegal township, which is in a poor condition, asking that the State build and finance this mile of road. A communication re- ceived by the secretary of the chamber, D. L. Landis, states that the road project has been consider- ed favorably and the road will be built and financed by the State. The Elizabethtown Borough Coun- cil will be asked by the chamber to lay a macadam surface on May- town avenue, leading to the maca- dam road to be built by the State Highway Department, and the West Donegal township road, thus form- ing a continuous macadam road to Maytown and Marietta. Indications are that the Elizabethtown Borough Council will also reply favorably to the Chamber of Commerce. General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN.- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT _OF BUSY PEOPLE ~~ Lancaster County had a hay crop this year. The little village of Cornwall will erect a $275,000 school building. Everett Moore, of York, had both wrists broken while playing hand ball. J. A. Logan, of Enola, landed a 27-inch salmon in the river at Har- risburg. Miss Dorothy Smeltzer accepted a position last week at the LeBlanc Company. Miss Ella Gochenauer position at the yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith cele- brated their nineteenth wedding an- niversary on Monday. A soldier at Carlisle barracks took a drink of moonshine and has been blind ever since. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Amand and son, of Mechanicsville, are moving to Salunga this week. A army aviator got way from Pittsburgh to and landed at Terre Hill. Mr. Earl Balmer, who has been a-patient at a hospital near Philadel- phia, returned home yesterday. Chas. J. Smith, aged 26, of Mar- ietta, was hurt when he fell from the top of a pole on which he was working. Bobbie, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arntz, on Mount Joy | street, who has been ill at his home, | is somewhat improved. Mr. Howard Stark, of this place, and Miss Romaine Rutherford, of Elizabethtown, were united In marriage on Sunday. A potato stalk of Irish Cobbler variety yielded 28 good sized tub- ers. It was grown by E. M. Strick- ler, of Hallam, York Co. ‘When his gun caught in the branch of a tree and discharged, a load of shot lodged in the right arm of Clayton Derstler, R 1, Columbia. Miss Katie Taylor, of this place, last Friday celebrated the twelfth vear, as a house-keeper for Mr. John Lawrence, retired P. R. R. Co. employe, at Hopewell St., Mt. record accepted a LeBlane Company lost on his New York Joy. rant Injured at Quarries Alexander Stewart, of Marietta, was injured on Wednesday morning at the quarries of J. E. Baker, at Billmeyer, that may cause him to lose the sight of his left eye. Mr. Stewart, in company with a number of men, were engaged in quarrying stone, when one of the missiles THE LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS HELD THEIR PICNIC The Ladies’ Bible Class of the Church of God held their picnic on Saturday on the lawn at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lehman Swarr, east of town. Automobiles took the picnickers to Swarr’s. Games were played during the afternoon and a fine picnic lunch was partaken of. The following attended: Mrs. Abe Hoffer, Mrs. John Barnhart and son, Harold, and daughter, Mary, Mrs. Annie Schickley, Mrs. Christ Charles Mrs. Sam Garber, Mrs. Frank Her- shey, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shires, Mr. and Mrs. William Beamesder- fer and children, Mrs. Harvey Dillman, Mrs. John Horstick, Mrs. Elizabeth Mateer, Mrs. Harry Geib, Mrs. Harry Leib, Mrs. William Con- rad, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman and son, Robert, Misses Anna Hoffer and Minnie Kraybill, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stoner and children, Myr. and Mrs. George Althouse, Misses Ada and Alberta Sprout, Mrs, Herbert MacDannald and children, Mrs. I. A MacDannald and Mr. and Mrs. Leh- man Swarr and family. Everyone reported a fine outing. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. Daniel Stark and family spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna. Miss Maggie Haines returned from spending a week at Altoona. Mr. Charles Morton made a business trip to Reading on Satur- day. Mr. Arthur Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bentzel motored to Hershey on Sunday. Mrs. Martin Metzler and chil- dren returned home from a visit at Lancaster. Wm. H. Kuhn, of St. Louis, Mo., is the executor of Mary Kuhns, late of this boro. Anna Webb and daughter, Betty Ann, returned home after a visit at West Chester. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Jr. and children were at Washington Boro on Sunday. Walter Givens started '' work on (Turn to Page 5) rt Gees MOUNT JOY NIGHT OBSERVED AT NEFFSVILLE Mount Joy night, at Tent services which were held at Neffsville for several weeks, was observed last Thursday night. Four women preachers, who are from a mission in Baltimore, Md. conducted the services. Besides be- ing fine evangelists, they were also wonderfully accomplished musicians and also singers, playing seven or eight instruments during the servie- es. These meetings day night. The Mount Joy United Brethren delegation met at the church and were conveyed to Neffsville in auto- mobiles. The following people attended the services: Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kiefer, Margaret Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bentzel, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kline and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sprecher and sons, Norman and Arthur, Mrs. N. Harmon, Mrs. Christ Herr, Eunice Herr, Harriet Casey, Mrs. Martin Strickler, Abr. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Childs, Miss Naomi Snyder, Mr. and Mus. C. A. Wealand, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lines and daughter, Elva, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Nye, George Schatz, Aaron Rye and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. John Shank and son, Charles, Mrs. Anna Hendrix, Mrs. Fannie Runk, Mr. Maris Gainer, Lloyd Myers, Mrs. Michael Stoner, Mrs. Edna Witmer, all of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Aston and daughter, Clara, of Florin. closed on Sun- We Congratulate You Mrs. John Barnhart celebrated her birthday anniversary on Sun- day. Mr. Levi Dillinger also celebrates his birthday today. Roy Sumpman had his first birth- day on Friday. Ex-Burgess John A. Bachman, on Donegal Springs Road, quietly celebrated his birthday. Mrs. James Garber, on W. Done- gal street, celebrated her nine- teenth birthday, Monday. Ex-councilman, Fred W. Schaub, of Marietta, attained his fiftieth milestone in life. Mr. Schaub is superintendent of Brown's silk mill, here. Births Mr. anl Mrs. Roscoe Hassinger announce the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hollister announce the birth of a son, on Friday. Mr. and announce the on Tuesday. ttre etl “eee Gerberich daughter, Mrs, Clyde birth of a Donegal Picnic The Donegal picnic will be held Thursday, August 4th, at Donegal struck him in the face. { od Springs. Everyone invited. The Kreider Clan Holds Its Reunion A VERY SUCCESSFUL MEETING WAS HELD AT LITITZ SPRINGS PARK—LO- CAL MAN SECRE- TARY A meeting of the Kreider clan was held at Lititz Springs park last Tuesday, between 300 and 400 re- presentatives of the family being present from Lancaster and Leb- anon counties. This was practically the first reunion. About fifteen years ago a reunion was held on a farm in Lebanon county. The sec- ond was held the year after at Lit- itz, and there it stopped. The family organized on Tues- day by electing the following offi- cers: President Abram R. Kreider, Lancaster, R. D.; vice president, B. Frank Kreider, Mt. Joy; secre ary, MT. JOY MAN WHEN INJURED HIT BY MACHINE Run down by an automobile as he stepped from a trolley car at Comfort and Main streets, here Saturday afternoon at 3:15 o’clock, John Stetter 60, of West Donegal street, is confined to his home with ugly bruises and cuts over his body. His condition is not serious, Stetter stepped from the car when an automobile operated by a Mr. Singer, of Lancaster, struck him, The car threw him aside. Dr. D. C. Stoner, who treated Stetter, stated last night that his patient had suffered no fractures. ell OC Local Doings Around Florin ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN- INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Miss Barbara Kreider, Mt. Joy; as- sistant, Miss Anna Mae Greider; |! treasurer, C. C. Greider; historian, | Major Emig, Washington, D. Cj The president appointed the follow- | ing committees: Arrangement, P. (Turn to Page 4) THE PAST WEEK Mr. David Lutz { Hershey, Mrs. John Roth was at Lancaster on Saturday. spent Sunday at he — MOUNT JOY TEAM TO HAVE NEW MANAGER en The Mount Joy A. A. base ball team will be under the reign of al new manager for the remainder of the season. At a meeting Wednes- | day night their manager resigned, and Mike Showalter was elected tol succeed him. There are a few remaining open dates on the schedule of the club, | and Showalter is desirous of filling out the card for the season. Mana- gers can get in touch with him by | addressing his mail to Mount Joy. | SD ese Was Elected Treasurer Mr. Norman Sprecher, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sprecher, just west of town, was honored by receiving: the office of treasurer of the Saint iMark’s United Brethren 8. S. which was made vacant recently by! the death of the late John W. Eshleman. Mr. Sprecher is a teller at the Un- ion National Mount Joy Bank. ee a Marriage Licenses Roy Shoalts, East Donegal town- ship, and Ruth Sentz, East Donegal township. Season’s Wheat Crop Is Moving, VARIOUS AUTHORITIES URGE EARLY THRESHING TO HALT RAVAGES OF ANGUMOIS MOTH Lancaster County farmers have| begun to market their $2,800,000: wheat crop. They are receiving around for their wheat at the mill. Wheat harvest this year is than usual. Slightly more half the wheat has been housed. Much of it is very ripe. The season was so backward that, the wheat not only ripened late but} the farmers were so far back with! their other work that they just] could not get around to the wheat] crop. A feature of wheat harvest this year is a general use of tractors to pull the binders. Farm Agent Bucher said that, (Turn to page 5) | MAJORITY ‘FAVOR THE | BESHLER PROPERTY SITE $1.28 later | than | There was a special meeting of the school board and citizens of East Donegal township as to where the new school house at Maytown was to be erected. Five sites had been selected and the most favor- able location was on the Beshler property, just west of the present Maytown high school and a tract of five acres will be occupied. Plans are under way, and before long building will start, de A Croquet Party Mr. Benjamin Dillinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Dillinger, enter- tained to a croquet party at his home on East Main street, Friday evening. Refreshments were serv- ed and all present had a most en- joyable evening, including the fol- lowing: Anna Bundel, Ethel Moore, Martha Engle, Irene Smeltzer, Jas. Beamenderfer, Harvey Hawthorne, Lloyd Garber, and inger, —————— His Auto Was Damaged Ephraim G. Bard, of Ironville, while returning from Hershey had his automobile damaged. He was hit on the Elizabethtown and Hershey road by another machine, crowding him off the road, badly damaging his machine. aT Prof. Knight Spoke At the regular weekly luncheon of the Mt. Joy Rotary Club yester day, Prof. Knight, a teacher at Elizabethtown College, made an ex- cellent address on his to Alaska, The talk was interesting and enjoyed by all. Benjamin Dill-| recent trip | Miss Ruth Wittel was at Lancas- iter, Friday. Miss Lillian Olweiler spent Mon- jday at Philadelphia. Mr. Sponcler, of Harrisburg, {spent Sunday with friends. John Anderson and James Oweil- er spent Sunday at Hershey. Mr. Paris Shonk and Mary Keen- ier spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna. Mrs. Gertrude Schadt is remov- ling her household goods to Lancas- ter. Misses Kathryn Kline and Mary Keener were at Lancaster, Satur- day. Mr. Henry Becker and lady friend spent Sunday at Atlantic City. Mrs. Thomas McElroy and daugh- (Turn to Page 5) EE Health Center The Well Baby Clinic was held at the American Legion Home on Tuesday, May 26. There was an ex- cellent attendance of 58 babies, 43 mothers and 6 visitors, The new registrations were Jean Elizabeth Eberly, two months; Rus- sel Joseph Cooper, six weeks. The hostesses were: Miss Ger- itrude Brubaker, R. N.; Mrs. John Newcomer, R. N.; Miss Fanny Mumma, Mrs. E. W. Garber, All the mothers are attend these Baby Clinics which are held every Tuesday. (Miss) Martha C. Hauck, R. N., in charge. ———- Eee. LEGION STAND EAST OF TOWN, ROBBED AGAIN Annie Brubaker, Mrs. invited to A second attempt was made to rob the American Legion refresh- ment stand along the highway east of town Monday night. This time the culprit was frazhtened before he gained admission. Scotty Quinn, who sleeps in school building nearby, heard the noise, investigated, saw the thief and gave chase but was outwinded. the {| Nothing was stolen this time. eee MR. AND MRS. E. W. MYERS ENTERTAIN THEIR GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Myers en- tertained the following guests on Sunday at the Oaklyn Tea House at a chicken and waffle dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Amos S. Myers, of Phila- delphia; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strick- ler, of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Elam S. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Strickler, all of town. om Shoalts—Sentz A pretty wedding was solemnized near Mt. Joy on Thursday after- noon at 4 o’elock, July 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sentz when their daughter Ruth, became the bride of Roy Shoalts of Canada. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend L. O. Musser, of Mt. Joy who was assisted by the father of the groom, The bride and groom are spend- ing a few weeks in Canada. —— Ee Collar Bone Fractured Dervey Burkett, 8 year ol of Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz tenants on the William's farm in East Donegal, had the misfortune to have his collar bone broken on Thursday. A Williams boy and young Burkett were playing when the latter fell. ————— —— Purchased Properties Mr. William Dillinger, on i Barbara street, purchased at pri- {vate sale and on private terms two {frame houses from Mr. . Eli Eber- {sole. They were the former Shaffner property and the one joining on the east. | ep mr | Keller & Bro. Private Sale South ad- J. B. Keller and Bro. will hold private sale of a carlcad of Erie {and Crawiord County Cows, com- | mencing Tuesday, 3 | their stock yards. ric Msn August 2nd, at The Brubaker Reunion The annual reunion of the Bru- baker clan will be held at Martins- | burg, Blair Co., on Saturday, Aug. 27. | vy { Heisey Mrs. | The Entertainers and Their Guests VISITORS WHO CALLED ON THEIR FRIENDS IN THIS LOCALITY AND WERE PLEASANTLY EN. TERTAINED With Misses Witmer The Misses Lizzie and Sue Wit- home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Grove and daughter, of Bast Donegal township; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grove, of East Donegal; Mr. and Mrs. Maytown; Mr. West Virginia. With Mrs. Martin Brubaker Mrs. Martin Brubaker entertain- ed at a family dinner on Sunday on N. Barbara street to the following: Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Brubaker and son, Herbert, of near town; Mr, and. Mrs. Ed. Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grissinger and son, Bar- nard, and Nathan and Ruth Brubak- er, all of this place. With Chas. Webb's Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb and. family entertained on Sunday on S. Barbara street, the following folks: Mr. I. W. Landis, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Kate Cooper, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Givens and daughter, Margaret, of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn, of Lancaster; Mrs. Annie Good, of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Kline and children, of Lan- disville. With Mrs. Alice Brandt Ebersole Mrs. Alice Brandt Ebersole enter- tained these guests at dinne | at her home on West Main street: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Longenecker, of Middletown; her daughter, Mrs. R. Nissley, Miss Ethel Risser, Elizabethtown; her nephew, David E. Brandt, wife and son, David, of Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs. Shepp, of Lebanon. Henry Kraybill, of With Joseph Hostetter’s Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hostetter gave a dinner on Sunday at their home in Florin, with the following guests: Mrs. Allan Ruhl, daughter, Ada, and son, Jacob, of near town; Mr. Clayton Hollinger and family, of Bellaire; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holl- inger, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Dohner, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hostetter and son, Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hostetter, daughter, Dorothy, and son, Jay Joseph, and Arthur Hostetter, all of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hollinger, of near Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Witmer, of Eliza- bethtown. MISS MAE Ef 'LEMAN TEND A SHOWER On Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshelman, on W. Donegal street, a shower was given in honor of their daughter, Mae, who will be married next month. The following were present: Rev. and Mrs. W. 8S. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falck, Miss Ida Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoo- ver, Mrs, Lydia Mumma, Misses Rachael and Ruth Mumma, Miss Anna Weber, Mrs. Quinton Ams- packer, Miss Mary Brubaker, Mr. Menaugh, Mrs. Nancy Engle, Mrs. Wm. Wintermyer, Mrs. Chas. Sheaf- fer, Mrs. George Heiserman, Mrs. C. Morton, Mrs. Earl Myers, Mrs. Al- bert Myers, Mrs. George Myers, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. D. Markley, Mr. and Mrs. P. Myers and son, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz, and sons, Gerald and Bobbie Arntz, Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Bernice Geistweit, Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. E. Kaylor, Mrs. Sarah Bachman, Mrs. Paul Peifer and son, Donald, Misses Ella and Katie Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Eshleman, Mrs. Ella Herr and daughter, Beryl Amanda, Miss Matil- da Myers, all or this place; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falck, of New Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markley, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of be thtown; Rev. and Mrs. S. A. and son, of Lititz i ee WON THIRTEEN STRAIGHT HAVEN'T WON SINCE oli team Evidently our base ball struck a jinx as they are skidding about like Mack's Athleties. Christ- iana must be on hoodo as that team {came here Saturday and for the fourth time this season defeated the locals, on this occasion shutting us out 10 to 0. On Sunday our team went to Cornwall and defeated there 12 to 3. The locals won thirteen in a row and since that haven't won a game, We tH A nn > was The Gibble Reunion if The thirteenth annual Gibble 1 ily reunion will be held at Church of the Brethren, at Ri land, Lebanon Co., on Saturds August 6. A morning and afte, noon program has been arranged. % Eel Will Return Thursday The fresh air kiddies will to their home in New York" on Thursday morning, after two weeks here. They will le the hi A. M. train. mer had the following folks at their ; Frank Kraybill, of of return eg