WEDNESDAY, JULY 13TH, 1927 Wy Rok, £ r THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOT NT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. | she can’t be filled.” ae | “This is the last straw,” said the |¢ OWL-LAFFS soda jerker. cold? Boy I'll say it was. Why, it] was so cold one day that the sun- | shine froze on the pavement and | ‘we had daylight all that night. | The reason there aren't any | angels with whiskers is that they | ‘have such a close shave getting to Heaven. i I asked a fellow on West Main | | street if his wife was a good cook and he replied, “IL should say 80, | you should come over some time! when she’s roasting the janitor.” One of our young park hounds told a sad story last evening. He went to Lancaster to et a marriage license yesterday, but had his pock- ets picked clean on the way. One A of the married men sighed and said, “Some people have all the luck.” woman from Marietta street went into “Doc” Snyder's office and asked him to cure her husband. Doc said he was sorry but he could | — why ates “I know I'm crazy, but you don’t |little they know. | I asked one of our teachers here they ‘call those exercises, ‘Commencement” and she said: “Because it's the time that gradu- ! office. commence to find out hew i . iy . Sod at ad Pp ” have to rub it in,” said the inmate Now, see here, young lady, “ tell vou, due.” he explained at the |as the nurse began to apply the Come back to your bowl of milk, 'came back the exasperated one, hospital “my throut hurts something : ; pits 3 i s 8 alcohol. wisecracker. you just get my number, and you awful 1 don't believe 1 better go to — ; — and I will play choo-choo some military for a day or two.” | I was talking to a tourist last | Last night when the park hounds other time.” on. willing outdoors now. are | week who told me that he just had their meeting one of the et Wise OWL you? the doctor inquired. ‘came from Canada. I asked him if | brothers scratched his head all ev- = iis Ne ip the stidem: admitted. it was cold and he replied, “Was it | ening. Finally” it got on the nerves In the French Nigerian court of “Well your throat won't interfere of one of the fellows and he asked, “Why do you sit there and scratch your head?” “Because, replied the brother, “I'm the only one that knows where it itches.” Use Your Head When you go upon a job, Always try to’ use your It will follow anywhere, Underground, or in the air— Sunday, Monday, every day, When you're sad or when you're gay, All it needs is frequent use— It will save you much abuse. knob. A. D. Garber, of Florin, after returning’ from that fishing trip down on the eastern shore of Maryland said that mosquitoes would live much longer if they is, | didn’t present their bills personally I want to introduce the new : : not cure her husband’s talking in edge Song,” Wedge You Get sleep. “You misunderstand,” she ose Eyes? ,said, “what I want to know can’t you give him something to: Fellows, we. can all envy Doc. yore "him talk more distinctly?” Heilig. You know his profession and a dentist is the only one man in this world who can get away with telling a woman to open or close her mouth, ! She was only an upholsterer’s daughter, but she knew her stuff. J’ever hear about the minded professor who fell in while boating and sank twice before he remembered he could swim? An applicant came to me the other day and asked for a job on the paper. “Have you ever read proof?” 1. asked.” ‘‘No,” he re- plied, “who wrote it?” Yesterday morning about eight o’clock I heard a terrible racket in the post office. I went up and asked what it was all about and one of the clerks said, “The Correspond- ence School was having Commence- ment exercises.” One of our young bloods was talking about his girl friend and he always addressed her as ‘“Vac- uum.” I asked him why he called her Vacuum and he said, “Because absent- salvation is free, we have a lot of stingy church members right here in town who {think that the preacher’s services ought to be too. Knowing that | They tell me potatoes grow wild in Chile. The only thing wild about I’em around here is the price. | I asked a certain lady on East Donegal street if she was ever gassed and she replied: “Yes, but I didn’t buv what the fellow was trying to sell me.” Never try to kiss a girl, fellows; either kiss her or don’t. 1 1 “Gimme twenty-two twenty-two! Student Knew 'Twas No Time to Linger ! He was a student at the University ot Missouri and “loved” military, as do all the students. shouted the prespiring gentleman in the telephone booth at the post “Two, two, two, two?” repeated the voice with the smile. Sultar Barmous, Mohammedan tra- tL vour going to indoor classes.” ditions are carefully preserved. Like I play in the band wit “tit you see. doe some Oriental despot of old, the | ,, , : | Suan has his , dinner served in “Oh tn thal ease it's different,” the solitary state under a great Mango | gq, 1 interrupted “1 don't want you tree, while the court musicians, | that throat in band practice whose duty it is to entertain him, | py... 1 excuse for three days” play with backs turned, since no one must see him eat. Three days later the student agalp puesented himself at the hospital. “Well how's the throat now?” the Scientists’ observations indicate | grin inguired that in 1922 the sun radiated 4 per! ‘Pretty good, I guess,” the student I cent less heat than normally, and | peplied. : that since then it has not been up “Think you can go back to band to par. There is no danger of sol practice now?” the doctor asked. burning out yet, however, as the “Guess 1 might just as well” life of a star such as the sum is es- “Say. by the way.” the doctor re timated ta be 30,000,000,000,000 | parked. “1 used to play in a band a years and the sun is still compara-| myself several years ago Toot tively young. a horn a little yet once in a while That's the reason 1 knew how hard It would go on your sore throat What do you play?” ‘One of the drums,” the student re For Sale in Florin A fine home with all conveniene- es, such as light, heat and bath. Property is in excellent condition | pied and slid hastily out of the door. and nicely located. Possession | __gansas City Times. April 1st. This is a corner pro- RC EEE, erty on Mt Joy twp. side. Price, $5,550.00. Call or phone Jno. E.| Every member of the family of Sehroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf | Herbert Asquith is a writer. As- A | quith. known as Lord Oxford has There are several countries of completed a novel and a volume of has ever been | essays; Princess Bibesco, their Persia, Afghanis- | daughter, is writing plays and a peninsula, novel; and Cyril Asquith, the son of South has written a book on trade union | Taw. which no census taken, They are tan, the Indo-Chinese half of Africa, parts America and most of China. AM Qn Cricket fighting is a sport in China. The place in a large earthen jar "fought to the finish. Er popular | Every bride in Mackenrode, Sax- combat takes ony, married in twelve months, with and is one exception, had the surname | Mueller. —y >. ROI. ESTATE N BULLETIN 1.5 BELOW YOU WILL FIND LISTED ANYTHING FROM A BUILDING LOT TO A $25,000 MANSION, FARM OR BUSINESS. IF YOU DON'T SEE LISTED JUST WHAT YOU WANT, CALL OR PHONE, AS I HAVE OTHERS. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN SMALL.FARMS I HAVE EVER OFFERED. DWELLING HOUSES { No. 340—Lot No. 230—A beautiful frame | crete highway house on Marietta St., Mt. Joy. and Florin on which is one of the corner property with all conveni |finest and most modern dwellings ences, fine garage and price right.|I have on my list. Must be seen. No. 257—A large brick house in| Price below present building cost. East Donegal, only 100 steps tc| No. 341—A fine home along the trolley stop. Property in fairly [trolley at Florin, all modern con- good shape for $3,500. veniences. Priced to sell. No. 263—A large frame corner No. 342—A fine dwelling on New property in Mount Joy. This is an Haven street, Mt. Joy. Here is a ideal business place. Priced to sell. good home nicely located and Nos. 265—66—A new frame cheap. : i double house on South Barbara St.,| No. 343—Beautiful brick man- Mount Joy, each side 6 rooms and sion dwelling on Donegal Springs bath, light, heat, etc. Possession Road, Mt. Joy, exceptionally well 180x185 on con- between Mt. Joy any time. Will sell one or both. hilt, Mus; be ih 10 be appre- No. 284---A 0: f h ciated. easonable price. ~3 Zoom house No. 344—Beautiful frame dwell- steam New on West Main St., Mt. Joy, heat, electric lights, gas, etc. ing on West Donegal St., up-to-the- garage. Price $3,500.00. minute in repair, all conveniences. No. 307—A fine and beautiful 8- Priced to sell. room dwelling on Main street, Flor- TRUCK FARMS in, east end. Extra large stable.’ This is a real good buy for some No. 107—An 8% acre tract of { land ~in East Donegal, near Reich's one. No. 308—A frame house on church, frame house, tobacco shed, Marietta street, Mount Joy. Cheap barn, etc. $4,000.00. to a quick buyer. | ‘No. 183—2 acres and, rather double house, fine for No. 314—A very good brick dwell hilly, large ing on New Haven St., Mt. Joy, poultry. $650. electric lights, bath, ete., corner No. 184—13 acres of sand and property. limestone in Rapho, frame house, No. 320—A fine frame double good bank barn, fruit, running wa- dwelling house in Florin, new 3 ter. Only $2,000. years ago. Modern in every way No. 196—A 2-acre tract in East with garage, ete. Rents for $20 Donegal near Maytown, 8-room house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, and $25. Price is only $5,600. Bet- house newly painted. ter grab this. 6-room No. 321—A fine new . No. 229—10 acres limestone land brick house on West Donegal St., in East Donegal, large frame Mt. Joy. Price reasonable and pos- house, frame stable, 3 poultry | houses, ete. No. session given in 30 days. No. 322—A beautiful 1l-room 2556—A farm of 123% acres brick mansion dwelling in Florin, of sand land, frame house, bank very modern in every way. All barn, chicken house, hog sty, run- conveniences. Possession in 30 days. ning water; an ideal truck and NO. 327—A T7-room frame house poultry farm. with all conveniences, at Pequea. | for quick sale. Also garage 16x21. Fine location. | Ideal for club. Only $3.500. No. 330—A 6-room frame No. 206 East Donegal Joy. slate roof, electric lights, ete., | for only $2,600.00 No. 337—A fine new West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, veniences and in best of condition No. 339—A good 2% story|land 1% frame house on Main street, Florin [frame house, pest of shape, 2-car garage. Price $2,000.00. J. ESCHRO house house, barn, large shed, St., Mount | houses, ete. for wh 18 $1,500. No. 275 —14acres, 2 miles from Mt. Joy, gravel soil, frame house, house on! barn, ete. A dandy truck farm. all con-| Don’t miss this. Price...$2,200.00 No. 302—A 6-acre tract of gravel Price only $1,800] No. 270—A fine truck farm of a| few acres near Milton Grove, good | poultry | miles from Mt. Joy, good |ance timber, good poultry house, ete. | orchard, fine water and close to mar- : { No. 303—Truck farm of slightly An ideal {over 2 acres at Florin. place for trucking and poultry. No. 333—A 2-acre tract Joy township, frame stable, ete., for only $2,000. No. 338—A 21% 2 miles north of Mt. house, stable, poultry house, fruit good water. Price $2,300. MEDIUM SIZED FARMS and truck farm. Only $4,000. Church, cropper land near Chickies good soil and an excellent A good 1-man farm. LARGE FARMS barn, room stone house, . acres a 3 se, bar rus | not can remain. iy ous, ba crusher: | have advertised. If you don’t find | No. 144—A 125 acre farm of ofc Better grab this quick as its | What you want in this list, call and best land in Lane. Co. All build- 5; money maker. t see me. I have it. lings in Al shape. Located on No. 334—A fine brick-business| HUNTING CAMPS | state highway and near a town. stand and dwelling on East Main! No. 262—A tract of 125 acres | | Don’t need the money but owner St, Mount Joy, old established, ci- of farm and timber land, house, | | does not want responsibility. gar, tobacco and confectionery, pos. barn, ete. Half is farm land. Sev- | No. 161—A 235-acre farm in In- session any time, | eral bear pens on farm. Game | diana Co., 75 acres farm land, bal | kets, schools and churches. = BELL PHONE 41R2 in Mt. 10-room frame house acre truck farm Joy, brick No. 210-—31 acre-farm near Mar- jetta and Lancaster pike, good crop- per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco bank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- All farm land. Price ter, fruit, ete. $9,500.00. No. 300--18 acres of best lime- stone land in heart of East Done- gal, extra fine buildings in Al [shape, best small farf I offered in | years. Located on macadam high- | way. - Price only $8,500.00. No. 316—A 29-acre farm of sand very No. 138—An 81-acre farm of all limestone soil, in East Donegal, 11- tobacco shed, 5 acres meadow, 3-4 of money buildings, young BUILDING LOTS No. 57—A b5-acre tract in the boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot and would be a money-maker for trucking or speculating on build- ing lots. No. 163—A fine building lot on East Main street. Price right. No. 171—Large number of build- No. 179—A farm of 107 acres of best limestone land in East Done- gal, good buildings, running water, meadow, ample shedding for tobacco. No. 201—104 acres in the heart of East Donegal tobacco district, fine buildings, shedding for 12 acres of tobaco. This is a real farm. No. 233—A 65-acre farm in the heart of East Donegal, good build- | ing lots between Mt. Joy and Flor- ings and land. Price right. in. I can give you any number No. 274—A 120-acre farm of | of lots at any location. at almost best limestone soil, near Newtown, | any price. 14-acre meadow, good buildings, in- No. 297—A 50 ft. corner lot on | cluding brick house, can hang 12|Columbia Avenue, Mt. Joy. acres tobacco, best of water. No [$350. Price | No 260—A 38-acre farm at better tobacco yielder in the No. 306—Fine building lot front. | railroad station 6 miles from York. county. Price...$135.00 Per Acre. [ing 45 ft. on the east side of | | 12 room brick house, bank barn, No. 294—An 85-acre farm of | Lumber St., Mt. Joy. $500. | tobacco shed, 2 lime kilnes, ete. gravel land, barn and tobacco shed No. 310—A 40-ft. lot on Walnut | An excellent proposition. Price like new, brick house, only 2% miles St., Mt. Joy. If you want a cheap | $20,000. north of Mt. Joy on hard road.|lot get busy. No. 277—25 Acres gravel and Price $8,000.00. _ No. 335—Lot 100 ft. front and sand land near Sunnyside School, No. 323—A 68-acre farm in Mt. | 540 ft. deep on . concrete highway [7 room frame house, barn, tobacco Joy twp., half a mile from Mt. Joy. between Mt. Joy and Florin. shedling. Gool water. For a Price very reasonable. 59 Just LAND ’ uick sale will take...... $4,000.00 A No. 169—!/ 15-acre tract be- | No. 278—30 acres of sand land BUSINESS STANDS tween Mt. Joy and Florin. A real | near Green Tree church, good soil, No. 63—The entire concrete block }investment to some speculator. | manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, | or machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. Price very low. No. 319—A plot of about an acre more of ground in Mt. Joy | A good investment for someone. FACTORY SITES NO. 324—A goodageneral store . V7 stand located on the square in al; No. Fo Jas lng 3 good country town. Excellent pat- Ye a vad Ih ot ronage. About a $15,000 stock. |; I many advantages and cen Rent is $30 with a long lease. Pally i One of the best 0. 395 town. NO. 325—A good garage, dwell No. 279—A large tract covering gas station and a car agency : ; > entire block along Penna. R. R Only $3,000700. Don’t) 2% Mt along Penna. R. y 2% 9D tl siding in Mount Joy. A wonder- on delay. y : ) : NO. 326—A General Store, post ful location at a right price. 2 y Dost No 345A plot of ground office, dwelling, etc. Only store in| a country town. Here's a good go- | the railroad with concrete bu ing proposition. | 16x26 ft. Fine for storage or No. 332—A large limestone quar- small business. No further use. ry now in operation including 61% . I also have a number of proper- 3 ties that owners do care to ing, at Marietta. along lding a No. 346—A fine, large 3-story such as bear, deer, pheasants, grey brick building in Mt. Joy, now used ' and black squirrel, porcupines, ete restaurant, apartments and An ideal hunting camp. Price Priced for a snappy sale. | $2,500.00. iS a garage. MOUNT JOY . . She Won in Spite of Lulu CAMARA AS By JANE OSBORN 9 FTER Eleanor Pickett had worked Doesnt m as stenographer in the insurance office ofs Mansard & Son she had to admit that she was in love with young G&orge Mansard, and she had, more- To acCo Gro over, to admit that she was jealous of Lulu Otis, the plump, strawberry- blonde: grass widow who sat at the telephone switchboard in the outer of- fice of the Granger establishment, and spoke of herself as Mr, Mansard’s private secretary. The fact that Eleanor took Mr. Mansard's dictation and had got so that she could attend to much of his correspondence alone made no difference to Lulu. Lulu in- sisted on taking charge of him. There was something unmistakably magnetic = about Lulu and Eleanor tried to stifle her jealous feelings when Mr. Man- sard loitered in the outer office ex- Hail Po changing slangy badinage with the Cy buxom Lulu. “You're terribly old-fashioned,” Lulu i had told her, on several occasions, and | You cannot afford to tale the risk. one day she added: “If you want to | The Hartford Fire Insuignce Com- get in right with the boss you've got pany can. Let us explai this hail to show more pep. Of course while I'm here all he expects of you is to policy and the record an Tesources take his dictation, but if I were toleave, | of the Company that gw tes it. why he'd want a private secretary. ° I'd like to see you get the job, but Widmyer-Pran vou've got to remember that a man like Mr. Mansard needs a private sec- - Agents retary with an awful lot of pep— 48 North Queen someone to kind of buck him up.” Lancaster. 3 “But you're not thinking of leav- gh ing? asked Eleanor timidly. H. H. KOSER, Landisvil “Well, you know, girlie—a girl like P. E. H. GISH, Elizabethtown, Pa. “= 1 D. L. LANDIS, Elizabethtown, Pa. “0 me doesn’t intend to work forever. June 29-Tt bt I've only just got my freedom—" BY i freedom Eleanor knew that Lulu re- ferred to her divorce papers which she had received only a few weeks before. “And I'm not going to be in too big a hurry this time.” Eleanor felt her cheeks burn with 4 suspicious jealousy. She had seen Bob Mansard talking for a full half hour with Lulu that very morning. “You know 1 always wear earrings to the office. Personally I think it's worth while to doll up a bit. The boss likes it and a lot of nice fellows 3 come in here all the time. Of course i you've got a nice complexion but just Wo. a bit of make-up does help a girl's ap- » He pearance an awful lot—" ~ The next morning Eleanor purposely AVOID LOOKING L¥KE THIS reached the office ten minutes ahead |Have Your Hair Cut ery Ten of her usual time of arrival so that Days at she could be seated at her desk before 2 Mr. Mansard or Lulu arrived. She Weaver S Barber hop didn’t vam to be too conspicuous in Cor W. Main & Manheim Jia her new earrings. But apparently the bit of makeup or the earrings did make a difference MAGAZINES because when Bob Mansard came into ¥ Of All Kinds the room he whistled. “Why the war paint?” he asked in a tone of unusual familiarity. “And CIGA ’ CIGARETTES, AND Front scot dingle-dangles on your ears ¥ TOBACCO yesides, “Don’t you lize m?”’ asked Elea NE nor putting her hands up to the ear ar § HOME-MADE SOUP “Oh, they're all right—only I think I like you better ‘au naturel.” Eleanor swiftly pulled off the ear rings and tucked them into the draw ICE C CAKES er of her desk. -_ “1 didn't think jy I th nn STUMPF qa Si ¢ Weeks and months went on and th situation so far as Eleanor and Bo E ¥ Mansard were concerned went i UR A without cha . It seemed, however . to Eleanor as if she noted signs of in 48 East Main Street creasing intimacy between him an rr Lulu. Doubtless now that she had % For a Good Clean really gained her “freedom” he wa: courting her in good earnest. Theil came one Saturday morning wher SHA and HAIR CUT Eleanor could not fail to see an un wonted brilliance in Lulu’s eyes. at a n “Heard the excitement?” Luiu aske« Eleanor and then went on to explain it 55 “I'm leaving for good in a few hours. d alms girlie. I just came around to sort of say good-by. I'm going to get married . Monday.” E. Main St., A “I—hope you'll be very happy—Oh Ladies’ and Children’s Hair . I'm sure you will,” stammered Eleanor Cutting a Specialty. and then dreading the answer to the hy guestion——**May T know the name of the lucky man?’ SPENCER CORSETS Lulu’s “You ask Mr. Mansard after We create a desiph espe for you I've gone,” left no doubt whatever 01 Le Eleanor's mind Of course Eleanor didn’t ask Mr MRS. CHAS. M. BARD Mansard anything about it but just 202 West Vine St, went to her desk and worked like a Phone 4160 Lancaster, Pa. Trojan all the morning. At half:past 3 mo.-pd. pleven Bob Mansard drew up a chair] side her desk and poe imply * hole tar lesk and dropped limy Ice Groceries and “She's gone at last,” he sighed Con e “Lord knows how I've been lookin. | forward to this moment.” { 4 “You mean Mrs. Otis— Lulu? | Gd wi Eleanor timidly. BRANDT BROS. = «Luli, indeed,” said Robert. “An |Momnt Joy Street Mount Joy, Pa. now Eleanor I'm going to make u | i | long story short. I've loved you from | Willard G. Swords 3 i the first day you came—but I've never 4 dared tell you until now.” ia “But why did you have to wait? | ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR she asked bewil ed. | : . De. 1 ith In't bear to be al Silver Spring, Pa. here with her—with Lulu. «| Phone 278x3 Mountville afraid she would never leave. | i no idea how she bossed me and | . . ered me before you came, and I didn’t General Electrical Repair 3 dare discha Work 3 “But I thought she thought you 3 were one of gs to her bow House Wiring a Specialty. Estimates “Maybe she di ied Bob Man Furnished. sard, taking E little hand in April 13-3mos. pd. his. "But I Ii 1 her to a sus ptible friend of mine with a log A GOOD CLEAN SHAVE OR 1 But don’t let's talk sbout UT STOP AT THE - { them- 1 wr--please tell me you ht.) rrr tl eee Tip Berry Canes Tip the new canes on the black raspberries and blackberries as soon as they reach the desired hei usually 28 to 36 inches, say horti- culturists of the Pennsylvania State College. een Dial numbers have been converted into raised characters to enable blind persons to tune-in different stations on the radio receiver. WwW. BAR OPEN EVENINGS AND, SA DAY AFTERNOON No. 11 Lumber St., MT. JOY, PA. ARE YOUR SHOES? Repairing Lom 50-52 S. Queen St., Lancaster,