WEDNESDAY, sue 22, 1927 THE MOUNT JOY ‘BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. . 66 Shopping “Headquarter These conveniently located neighborhoo TS well stocked with every seasonable food mf extremely reasonable prices, will serve teously and quickly. It is well worth your while to make Store your Shopping “Headquarters;” he ways receive Full Value for Your ‘ Known Quality. Sandwich Spread Purest ingredients. Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise Our own make. appetizing. : : ty Asco or Campbell’s & ns BEANS WITH PORK 3 23c Lay in a supply. Very handy at meal time ASCO PEANUT BUTTER t@mb 15¢ ful sandwiches. and Butter Thins and Peanut Butter make deli ASCO Ginger Ale ..; bot 10c Schmidt’s Cereal Bevirage 3 bots 25c Smithfield’s Apple Saice ..can 1233c Princess Apple Butte 10c ASCO Tomato Catsuj 15¢ Heinz Tomato Catsy 16¢c Baker's Shredded Cg€onut pkg 7c, 14c ASCO Corn Flakes i... .. 3 pkgs 20c Shredded Wheat .... pkg llc Worcester Table S bot 15¢ Dawn (Coffee . pkg 23c ASCO Dutch 15 1b can 20c DOCOOOOOOOCO0 Regular 5c Lighthouse Cleanser 3>10c Lifebuoy Soap 3“ 19c¢ Reg. 15¢ Asco Pure 7 2 } g bots 25¢ Cider Vinegar or Asco White Dis. Vinegar DO00000OOQOOOOO0 The utmost care is used in making @ur bread. That’s the reason why it is so good and stays fré#h longer than just or- dinary bread. VICTOR BREAD { Pan Loaf 6¢ Bread Supreme ....... Wrapped Loaf Oc KS Asco 1b 25 TTERINE&IC ER 140 ASCO 19¢ California Reg 25c¢ Pure bot SALAD lc Heinz Baked Beans ..... cang®c, Wilbur’s Breakfast Cocoa can #0c, ht [3 LJ caf ASCO Sliced Bacon ....... fpkg 20c Peaches Light Meat Tuna Fish .. 14¢, 20c ASCO Sugar Corn ...... cans 25c¢ Red- Ripe Tomatoes ..... cans 25c¢ Del Monte ASCO Evap. Milk Ban 6c, 11c California Sealect Evap. Milk . oH can 1c Peaches Campbell’s Tomato Soup % .3 cans 25c There's a Diffed#nce and You'll Taste ft the Minute You Drink Your Easily wc Value! Why pay more? Delicious for § Asco Teas 1 Ib pk 1 1 Iced Tea! 4 Cc Always Bigger and Better Values in the ASCO Stores Where Quality Counts! ASCO Sliced Pineapple ® can 25c Big Can 20c¢ Kellogg’s Bran Flakes . pkg 10c 3ig Can ASCO Tomato Soup PF. 2 cans 15c¢ 2 1 C § First Cup] ASCO COFFE Ib 35¢ Orange Pekoe§ India Ceylon, Old Country Style. These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY Store A. Haircut Every 10 Days “Mg. a formula for good looks ’ Agent for Manhattan Laund Hershey’s Barber MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SUEY PAY MORE WHEN YOU OR at THE REXALL STORE | E. W. Garber Mount Joy, Pa. June 8-3t TE 3 I The Produce and | Live Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN MARKET: Extremely dull, me- dium grade light steers predomina- | ting, here. Beef compared kinds lower, no choice steers bidding with week ago about steady early top $11.75 paid for load 1250 pound averages, bulk to sell $9.50- $10.75. Bulls she stock and all cutters steady. Calves steady at weeks advance top vealers $15.25, few selects held higher. HOGS: Steady, no fresh receipts. RECEIPTS: For todays market, ‘cattle 3 cars, 2 St. Paul. 1 Ohio. containing 55 head, 424 head truck- ed in from nearby farms, total cat- tle, 479 head, 87 calves. Receipts for week ending June 18, 1927. Cattle 28 cars, 7 St. Paul; 6 Penna. 3 Chicago; 3 Ohio; 2 Virginia; 2 St. Louis; 2 Kentucky; 1 W. Vir- ginia; 1 Pittsburgh; 1 Texas; con- taining 706 head 1535 head trucked in total cattle 2263 head 474 calves Compared with previous week cat- tle 41 cars, containing 1097 head, 1611 head trucked in, total cattle 2708 head, 368 calves, 987 hogs, 517 sheep. Cooler weather during the past week has resulted in lighter re- ceipts of asparagus and this morn- ing prices were higher both in Phil- adelphia and New York. Pennsyl- vania stock sold at $2.25 per dozen bunches for small sized stock up to $5.00 for large on the Philadelphia market. New Jersey grass brought $1.25 on small up to $5.50 for ex- tra fancy. In New York Pennsyl- vania very large stock brought $4.50 to $5.50 with a few at $6.25, large $4.00 to $5.00 and medium $3.50 to $4.25, according to the Pennsylvania and Federal Bureau of Markets. Motor truck receipts of straw- berries were lighter and totaled about 3,000 crates. Jersey berries brought $3.00 to $5.00 per 32 quart crates with extra fancy up to $8.50 Sour cherries sold at $5.00 to $5- .50 per crate and gooseberries at $3.00. The Philadelphia potato market showed a weaker tendency. North Carolina cobblers brought $6.00 to $6.25 per barrel with a few sales at $6.50. The first New Jersey pota- toes of the season arrived on the market and sold at $1.00 per % basket. Red beets sold at 2c to 4c per bunch, carrots at 3¢ to 4c, red radishes at 1c to 2¢ and rhubarb at 1%ec-2%e. Homegrown spinach sold at 50c to 75c per bushel with some fancy stock bringing 75c¢ to 90c. Range Of Prices STEERS Choice Good Medium Common $10.50-12.00 9.50-10.50 8.50-9.50 7.50-8.50 7 se Choice Good Medium Common Qt 3 Ut DO Smo mt [moo 1 aS HEIFERS 9.00-10.00 8.00-9.00 7.00-8.00 6.00-7.00 Choice Good Medium Common Choice Good Medium Cutters & Common Low cutters CALVES Choice Medium Common HOGS $9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 Heavyweights Mediumweights Lightweights 10.00-10.50 Rough Stock 8.25-9.25 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market heat $1.37 bushel HAY (baled) Timothy Straw $16.00-317.00 ton 9.00-10.00 ton Selling Price of Feeds $41.00-42.00 42.00-43.00 ton 46.00-47.00 ton 48.00-49.00 ton $57.00-58.00 ton $46.00-47.00 ton Ground Oats 43.50-44.50 ton Alfalfa (regular) 41.00-42.00 ton (Cash at Warehouse) Cottonseed 41% $49.00-50.00 Dairy Feed 16% 36.00-37.00 Dairy Feed 18% $39.00-40.00 Dairy Feed 20% $43.00-44.00 Dairy Feed 24% 47.00-48.00 Dairy Feed 25% $51.00-52.00 Horse Feed 85% $47.00-48.00 Alfalfa (reground) $45.00-46.00 — z Bran Shorts Hominy Middlings Linseed Gluten ton ton ton ton ton ton ton ton Farm Hints by Radio The Pennsylvania State College radio station is continuing the broadcasting of programs during the summer months. Each Monday night at 8 o’clock agricultural fac- ulty and extension men give timely talks and hints for farmers, gar- deners and orchardists. The new wave length for WPSC is 299.9 meters. etl Cee Better Grab This If there is any one who wants a good paying business in this section, here it is. A large limestone quar- ry with house, barn, crusher, horses, trucks, all tools, etc., now in opera- tion to be sold. Possession any time. Don% fool around if you are interested, Call phone or write Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Phone 41R2. tf ——— Eee Thin for Quality Fruit Thin the heavily loaded apple tree. Trees with light crops and on fertile soils may not need thin- ning. Your county agent can tell you what to do. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week ‘empty stomach, Der onner owet wore ich drunna ons Hullerhecka in der baar-shtoop g’hucked. Es wore kold un der Hul- lerheck hut olla-ga-but en shtick hickory huls in si oldter Hathaway uffa g’shtecked far uns waurem holda. Um der uffa room wora about en dutzent fun da Hawsabar- ger g’hucked un g'wart far an kondadawt room cooma’s uffsetsa. De kondadawta missa oll om onera end fum county ga-operate hovva selly nocht wile kenner ni cooma is un en dorshtichere farsomling hed- sht du net wole finna kenna uff wide un b raid. Niava om uffa wore en grosse box mit sake-male g’- shtonna un der Mike Blotner hut usht en black Navy duwock room g’longed. Of course by uns Bar- rick is an grosser bluck du- wock sheer so feel aw-g’saena os en jigger ous der schwartza bud- dle, un wile en bluck duwock gons room gaid uns kusht usht tzae cent is es olsfart feel hendicher un wardt efter g'numma. Well mere hen g’wart un g'wart, un ivver a wile hen mere widder g’wart un duch is ken kondadawt room cooma Endlich hut der Sam Schnitzler aw fonga schwetza waega goode socha tsu essa. Are hut arlawbt dos en goode mess ebbei-dumblins we si fraw se mauched ware about es besht ding in der weldt. Der Mike Hovice hut eme tsu g’horriched a- wile un derna g’sawt won are nuch amohl en shtick fun da oldta sart leb koocha greega kent woo mer ols far oldters on da fendop gakawfed hut, don ware are reddy far en contract maucha druff tsu laeva. Der Sam Schnitzler hut arlawbt en goote wasser-milloon ware en ka- nich-essa un daid de shpots fun leb-koocha shloga. Ich hob se usht ae g’lust un hob derwedder ga nix g’sawt awver hob feel ga-denk- chawed on mime du-wock—hob ed. Endlich hut der ammy Sensa- wetzer g’sawt os en gooter mins- boy ware si choice un der Sam Seeshuls hut grawd ni ’shtimmed mit em Sammy provided es ware blendy whiskey im boy. Der Billy Bixler hut arlawbt es ware en sind whiskey so fardarva. Endlich hut der oldt Sammy Sendapetzer g’ sawt osen goote reeb daid eme about so goot shmocka os ebbes. Der Billy Bixler hut si aned awg tsu ga-dricked nuch mere un der kup g’nucked—so feel os tsu sawga os der reich old ketzer laebed uff reeva wile are blendy hut un con se net. farkawfa. Der Mike Du- brigel hut g’sawt mush un millich daid si obbadit dreffa, un der Frid- der Michelmoyer hut ga-picked uff de oldt sart sees-ebbel os ols tzeid- ich sin warra noach der arn ivver ern misht forra, un so hen se fardt ga-disbadeered un ich hob ols der- wedder gakowed. Endlich es room tsu mere cooma un der Jeck Koonrawd hut mich aw-gagooked un hut g'sawt: “Doh hucked is der Gottlieb, un sawgt ken wardt. Wos is di pick?” “Well, boova,” hov ich g’sawt, “jch bin net tzimberlich awver far dawg ni un dawg ous, for morga, middawg, un ovets, geb mere du- wock.” “Bully far der Boonastiel! Du bisht, by gosh, widder recht”! hut der Hullerheck g’sawt. ‘“Coomed uff, oll hands, un nembt en jigger ous der schwortza buddle uff my gredit!” Mere hen oll gadrunga un’s hut de schwortza buddle g’schweeped. Der Hullerheck hut in der keller missa far mae hulla awver are hut grawd en kivvel foll raega wasser un en poond rhoder peffer mit far si bar] widder uff filla. rn A lp AR MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY “THINGS YOU MEAN TO DQ” By FOSTER TEA FRYE, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania How many things you mean to do, That really are sub-lime; Al-though you are so Busy now, You hardly have the Time. But later on, you'll try your best, To Help some Friend in need; By Giv-ing them a Helping Hand, With some un-pleasant Deed. Then, too, you'll speak a word of Cheer, When out up-on your way; And write to all your Lovely friends, On Some near future day. You’ll send that gift to Mother dear Al-though it’s very late; And give to every Worthy Cause, At some Con-ven-ient Date. You'll also visit Sick and Poor, And give them re-lief; And send them many lovely things To aid them in their Grief. But, very sudden then one Day, You Die, and pass from View, And all, you ever leave behind, Are things you Meant to Do. A Perhaps one can think best on an but no one can think best on an empty head. Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER MODERN WOUNDS: A physician and surgeon from Wash- ington, D. C., came to see me re- cently and after an hour’s talk on various modern methods of medi- cal practice he declared that the entire practice of medicine had changed during the past ten years. famous ; He is well advanced in years and 1s gradually pulling out of practice and while he admits that the chang es In methods are far superior, he could not readily discard the pills and poisons which he had used for S0 many years, so he has decided to quit. He was familiar with my Home Health Club work and said it had been a powerful factor in bringing about these great changes. “But,” he said, “it is just . started and there will be a complete revolution in the entire practice of the healing art within the next ten years and changes that are not dreamed of by the dominant school at present, will become standard practice.” The big change coming will be, first, in diagnosis. The patient now demands’ that the doctor find the cause and remove that first. The second big change will do away with nearly all medicinal drugs. The elements of cure are in the patient. If they are not, then the patient cannot be cured. The third big change will be made in the mental and psychical attitde of the physician as well as the patient. The physician will no longer “lock wise and talk doubtful,” but he will frankly dis- cuss with the patient such vital subjects as an eliminative diet, a building diet, and the removal of fear. Also the cultivation of hap- piness, optimism, and a desire to do somethin for somebody who is do something for somebod ywho is much worse off. He discussed Autogenous and Auto Hemio Therapy as well as the reflex system of diagnosis, all of which I have been teaching to physicians for S0 many years, and he said that if these were generally known and used, there would be a most wonder- ful change for the better in all chronic diseases. Officially the attitude of the dominant medical school has made but few changes, but the attitude of the rank and file of physicians has made wonderful progress and every reader of this paper can help along the good work by a careful study of the effect of various foods The blood cannot be pure unless the food and drink are pure and wholesome. The food must con- tain the natural chemical elements of the body. These are found in their puerest, in fruits, nuts, vegetables, and tub- ers. Cereals, as produced by na- ture also supply these chemicals but very little value is” found in the white or starch portion of these splendid products. It is found that the freshly made juices of apples and of pears are the best detoxicating agents that can be used in cases of cancer. All readers of this publication are at liberty to write for informa- tion upon any subject pertaining to health. Address all communications to Dr. David H. Reeder, 3131 Main St., Kansas City, Missouri, giving full name and address and at least six cents in postage. Grrr. FOUR WEEDS BECCME MORE TROUBLESOME Winter cress, field pepper grass, mustard plants of various kinds, and wild flax are apparently becom ing more troublesome and more widespread in Pennsylvania, accord- ing to Dr. E. M. Gress, State Bo- tanist, who bases his statement on the increasing number of these weeds being sent in by farmers for identification and for suggestions as to control measures. “Most of these weeds have been introduced by sowing unclean seed tand are being spread. the same way,” Dr. Gress asserts. “There is no place where the old vention is cheaper than cure’ plies more directly than in Ww control, and the greatest factor im prevention is the sowing of clean seed.” Due to the State printery fire and the great demand for informa- tion on weed control, the supply of a recent bulletin prepared by Dr. Gress and issued by the State De- partment of Agriculture on the control and eradication of worst Pennsylvania weeds, has been ex- hausted. A revised bulletin on the same subject is now in the hands of the printer. This new publication will carry discussions on the control of wild carrot and ox-eye daisy, which were not included in the or- iginal bulletin. —— ee Did You Know That— Pennsylvania had fewer farm bankruptcies in 1925 than any of the important agricultural states of the middle west? Pennsylvania has the secor est number of cold storage c® He’s prosperous ..because he paints! VERY farmer knows that good paint costs less n repairs. He remembers that his buildings cost a hé@ip of mcney . . . and he paints them whenever they neéit. That's why he’s p @sperous . . . he protects his investment! 3 Give gour buildings tH du Pont Paint , . . it will you ever made! Here at the du Pont agency 5 ke have many a helpful painting hint that will save y@8@ money . . . next time you drive into town, stop in andsee us. J. B. Hostetter & Sow Mt. Joy Authorized Sh - 1 a every Surface dependable protection of $e the best paint investment 4 As quick % our machines driven electrically, equal to th& power of 55 sturdy draught horses, can tub When Your La it out. d is Off, Your Grist is Ready CHICKEN CORN We make steel cut corn for your chickens, three different sizes. It is much better than ordinary crack- ed corn. MIXING SERVICE § $1.00 thoroughl W will 1 mix 2000 lbs. of feed; any formula you desire. Fresh Lancaster County 9 heat Bran {heat Shorts beat Middlings % =» Bright Heavy Oats, Free Ffom Weeds Weighs 40 Ibs. per Bishel Fresh Lancaster County Fresh Lancaster County V Cot pnseed Meal eat Meal Linseed Oil Meal Corn Gluten Reist Seed SNYDER MILL PROPERTY Special Sale On Box Paper Sale Only 39¢ Four Colors—White, Blue, Gray, Oxgchid, Deckled and Bordered. ™ This is a Bargain You Should Not Miss. The Rexall Store E. W. Garber Mount Joy, Pa. cerns and ranks fifth in cold ta age space? Pennsylvania produces more than 85 per cent of nation’s mushroom supply? Pennsylvania produces more to- bacco per acre than any other state For Sale in Florin A fine home with all convenienc- es, such as light, heat and bath. Property is in excellent condition and nicely located. Possession April 1st. This is a corner pro- perty on Mt. Joy twp. side. Price, $5,550.00. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy ti or a Good CI SHAVE™aad HAIR at a right price go to “bap” E. Main St., MOUNT JO Ladies’ and Children’s Hai Cutting a Specialty. sewhere, see us. Crushed S turers of Concre and Lintels. J. N. STAUFFER & MOUNT JOY, PA. 3 5 3 LS 03 ES » x » »* fa Bo » - * » £3 * * * * * eS £0) 3 » * * Ls “ * »* * »- 3 * 3 * * * 5 Le * » 5 * 5 » * » bs * 0 0S £3 5 * 0 5 5 »* »* * * 0 * * * 3 5 bs * * * * * » * LS 5 he £3 » * * » * fore placing ‘your order Also manufac«