PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1927 MT. JOY BULLETIN of expense, by protecting the old MOUNT JOY, PA. base with a waterproof surface. Thus farm land is made scumoiL, Editor & Propr. available for use, which would otherwise be isolated due tance from schools and and prohibitive cost of standard types of state pavements. The modern tract machinery plus the water quali asphalt are hundreds communities mud. roads Subscription Price $1. 50 Per Year Six Months ..... Cents Three Months .40 Cents S nts Single . FREE to dis- markets building highway Copies ....3 Ce Sample Copies or and road Mount Joy ies of of the enabling to colle out of Good impo rtance te ing our next in unity- are probably first of each newspapers in people. com- han RE cc TAX REDUCTION DEPENDS MANAGEMENT Objectives of taxpayers’ ts tions, revealed by a 2 “ taxpayers’ associations of Landisville United States by the National dustrial Conference Board, may (a) the prevention ravagances in ap- ations of public funds or in- stances of faulty financing, and (b) general impr of of taxation. [ MeCli Resear whose wr country, ON associa- as survey of the In- be s distin ke guished as that of the of 0 current opri = mre PY ovement the system Director of Hary Un- takes all who city > statements ard him has a halls, iment vernment nore upon the kind of 1 onents « kind has the interest and to demand. intock ss and said is no longer made up pital and Labor. A new group come into industry known as Management group which per- form for both Capital and Labor. These duties have become more and more a profession. Had it not been industry would never have reached its present 15 state. Stockh ercise any clared, and teach us licence likened govern- that of on- in- J dus the consumer. lv has the t d buys only on formation. It trav knows where to go, 1at i how much it will cost. It because it how other build and live and enjoy. It es in new fabric because come to its reading eyes. many times cheaper to get information by reading than other way. The world would down into a jumble of igno unkept, leave-me-alone provincial yhant gs units, but for what ‘t reads in the ment after all, isn’t a matter of advertising columns. politics, he continued, but a matter complicated business. Business substantial effect can see, builds people dress- the It all this in any settle rant, duties reads SO, 'ders (owners) rarel all ex- he de- that not govern- discretion at “Does about asks, something well?” Municipal oovern- 01 PATRIOTISM i like Memorial are used times Ve are s having a upon Holidays nmonly patriotism. superb example rifice, and told ship. so Spirit. li But i think patriotic on Memoris for patri and the way our best to m There are mz: Voting at all : tions is one. Reading and st ing the newspapers, to find what parties and candidates give service, is a way. children to just as long we possibly they will make good citizens, excellent way. Obeying the of the land is a good patriotism. We do to France or the show patriotism. It fested just as well Mt. Joy. day governmend. Just as the management modern industry is a thing apart from mere must management . become a thing apart government and teach- the for CO? ing the separ- owners- of ate and of pub- there is mere is to be me politics if st efficient, reduced to a minimum. ee aD Qe RHEEMS Mrs. S. J. Lansdowne, inday al the home of 2, G. Heisey, at Rheems. Will Tt > 1 . i he Rheems base ball nine cross- s with the Bainbridge nine nbridge grounds with a score to 5, in of that we are taxes Mr. and children, Q King and spent las Mee, Susan elec- udy- out and of the best Send £00 school can, ing as So of 17 is an _. nine. laws Mr. of James, favor the Rheems Mr§ J. K. Bard and go of Bethlehem, spent week end at the home of his ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bard, Rheems. Church their method and not have to Philippines to can mani- right here in - ww son, the par- be at of regular CAPTAIN CHARLES LINDBERGH their Rhecias A tall, loose-jointed, raw-boned after Sunday youngster, his sheer daring and attendance. stark nonchalance made, him the! Mr. and Mrs. “choice” over the older and proba- Mr. and Mrs. Roy bly better aviators from the very Rheems, spent last first. They had elaborate equip- home of Mr. and ment, a flock of mechanicians, com- | at Silver Spring. plicated plans and elaborate organ-| Mr. and Mrs. R. izations. Lindbergh had no more, daughters, Jean and plans, equipment organization Rheems, attended the than a chicken hawk. Not Captain commencement at New Lindbergh. He ran his own show. Friday evening. A man and a compass and a bottle| Phares W. of water, a sandwich or two and Espenshade, his own confidence, and he was on Roy Leedom, Victor Shank and his way to win. And he won. { Robert B. Kready, of Rheeis, His face on the front page of a spent Memorial Day at Philadelghia thousand newspapers has been the ai Shibe Park where they witness- magnet for genuine and devoted | od two games of ball. et ls, is Jans, bis _ The Mennonite congregation held ye ’ So. rad, i tnenr semi-annual | his very airplane had won their at Mount Joy last ay way into everybody's heart. He The following aged Mem. was, all of a moment, the country’s articinvated: Marti Kid. God bless Him. he atin ih ¢ participated: Martin Brubaker, ¥ ’ mg a of Mount Joy, aged 91 years; H. H. fool, but he was a gorgeous fool I ery 0 3: A > orgeous ol, | Bard, rears Rheems and everybody loves him. | years, fron ems: It is more than Captain Lind-|. Horry t Hebert Recady, bergh's adventure and triumph: jt {2 2a Lather Grave, of file of man urcovered Le spent Ascension Thursday reveal = Wdden Bontity and through the following coun- strength which for all the futilities | 4%: Lancaster, Dauphin, Perry, | remains a perpetual hope. | der, U Lycoming | [a and Northumberland, passing tha | | | the Brathren held morning ices at rho iih Sanday arge Jory last with Andrew Heisey G. Heisey, of Sunday at the Mrs. John Gibble, E. Kraybill and Evelyn, of High School Holland last or Heisey, Elmer R. Miss Laura Kraybili, Le- Sun | morning has | bers aged 85 Heiser, Floyd Rheems, | touring is nioin, a hail st near Williamsport, | where were able to shovel the | os good large hail stones. to! The third meeting the four market | hundred club was held at the cheaply and without incon. home of Miss Lillie Zcager, atl venience. The farmer's crops are Rheems, Wednesday evering with] his stock in trade. If he can mar-|2l! members in attendance but one, ket them without delay when th) tees transacting important busi-| price is up, he is the gainer; Miss Fannie Ruth Heisey, | because of bad roads, he is | president, called upon Miss Lillie] rm OUT OF THE the chief farmer derives from roads is that of being move his farm products to quickly, COMING One of MUD benefits the | they aly able ol to get his products to ‘market who responded with ax m- | after the price has declined, ne teresting recitation, followed w ith loses. music by ail the members singing In the old days when roads were | Miss Forbes, the captain, delivered good only in good weather, the? short address, comemndiis the] farmer could do little satisfactory |Mmembers for the interest manifost- marketing. He was forced to take |€d in the work. . = Eee a chance on getting his products to the buyer on a rising market. One' decided advantage in good roads is that they encourage” the use of motor vehicles by the farm- er, effecting a saving in time and worry in moving his crops, and in getting his family to church and children to school. Thousands of miles of poor roads which act as feeders for main ways are being made practical at a minimum A Cleveland man has invented a device that controls traffic signals by sound and by the mere shriek | of the fire engine’s siren will] change signals and halt all vehicles. | A railroad will be built loan] ia by the men of Albania below the' age of fifty years. They will work six days in the year for the state. Albania is the only nation in Europe without a railroad. node proofing i that once you used to say and garden broadcasting vania State College each Monday evening at 8 relall Tung the latest inforn MAYTOWN wearing | zel and daughter, Joan. Not Just What She Wanted They had been married for over two years and were beginning to miss the bliss and ecstasy of their courtship. “John,” she sighed, “you have i changed so. Don’t you remember such sweet would sing songs, but things to me? Often you snatches of popular love now you never do.” Her husband looked up from his paper. “Oh, how He that so?’ he cried. “Then on about this? stood up and sang loudly: is ‘I don’t care what you used to be, I kr what you are today!’ "—Mon- treal Star, Wasps That Eat Metal An insect known as the steel wood wasp can do considerable damage to lead. A piece of pine wood infested with larvae of this wasp had been used as a core on which to roll some sheet lead When, on reaching maturity. they attempted to escape, they cut hrough the lead instead of lengthwise through the wood traveling Each sheet of metal was one-tenth f an inch thick, and the insects pene- trated 15 thicknesses of lead before escaping Information Mother was asking her son about the fine points of hockey. Question ifter question she asked him, and he inswered glibly, for like all youths, ie was well versed in sports at least Me small youngster was listening ‘ound-eyed to all these questions, Fi lly she said in amazement: “Why lo you ask brother all these ques ions? You're older than he ig and von must know more than he does “ides I thought yon knew everything thyw = "—Springfield Union. Tune in on Far Program Are you listening in on the farm programs of WPSC station at Pennsyl- sion The Nicely Bobbed Miss Minnie Sterner spent Sun- 13 day with her mother, Mrs. Amanda Barbara Bobbs Sterner, ce Miss Louise Ulrich, of Elizabeth- By DOROTHY DOUGLAS town, spent Sunday with Miss Lil- lian Sload. Miss Dorothy Mayer is visiting (Copyright) Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, at As- ENRY VYNER rumpled his fair bury Park, New Jersey. hair in vain. No hint of an in- Miss Grace Albright, of Lancas-! gpiration came to his brain—it seemed ter, spent the week-end with her temporarily drained of all plots and sister, Mrs. Joseph Heuuerson. he was under contract to the Argus Mr. and Mrs. Paris Shelly, of] to turn out another mystery story be- Mt. Joy, visited Misses Annie and | fore another sun had set over his at- Mildred Garber, Tuesday evening. | tic window. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frysinger, Henry began to wish he had taken of- Mt. Joy, spent Sunday with up brick laying as a profession. Per- their daughter, Mrs. George Sloal.| haps it tired the muscles but certainly Samuel Johnstin, of Hershey, | there would be none of that devastat- spent the week-end with his par-|ing brain fag that besets the over ents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. John-| worked writer of fiction. And, not stin. least in consideration, there would be Miss Helen Barnhart, of Harris-| the regular weekly check of goodly burg, spent the week-end with her | proportions coming in to help pay for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles| having old suits pressed and shabby Barnhart. hats reblocked. D. A Workman, a member of| Then, out of that fog-bound intel- the Soldiers’ Home, Virginia, is| lect Henry found himself looking at visiting his daughter, Mrs. George | a girl's face—a face so contorted by Huntzberger. he frantic effort she was making to Rev. P. H. R. Mullen, of Jun find a vital spot in her throat with a vale, Pa., a former pastor of this| Der of ghasily. hop Sse on place, spent several days with) Henry wasn’t sure whet or oe Bo! me friends oe | was even good-looking. The face was na 5 | reflected in a small mirror that hung NE nd Mrs. Bayard Brandt and in the light of his window for the pur Mies Annie Lichtenberger, of "0c" the daily shave. caster, visited Mr. and Mrs. James]|'’ Henry took a Swift sarvey of the , Johnstin, Sunday. windows of the flats opposite and yes Lt Straley and Miss Martha | in the window just across the Epp] Gettysburg, spent the| court he could see th irl in her aw- week-end with the former's par-| gy rt to stab herself successfully ent Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Straley. | with those murderous scissors. Ir. 8 George Shill Would he be in time? Columbia; Mrs Henry Henry sprinted down the stairs, Miss Verna Peck nd Miss dashed to the apartment door round Hicks, of town, spent Sunday at! the corner, flung himself up the four Caledonia Park. { flights of stairs and rang the bell with Mr. and Mrs. Kline Henderson, | @ loud peal that might have awakened of Lancaster; Mrs. Jarbara Wel-| the fire brigade itself. chans, Miss Gertrude McCowan and He stood waiting then with his Lewis Henderson, of Coatesville, | heart pounding. visited friends here Sunda He breathed a sigh of.relief, for Memorial Dax was observed at within the apartment he heard foot- this place Monday afternoon, be- Joes approaching the a id ginning at 5 o'clock, with a parade, now vivid jm ge pi e led by chief marshal, Amos Shenk | fancied the footsteps gragired ne 3 with the American Legion of Mari- | the girl were as to Whothey etta; soldiers and sailors of the | she would answer fae LO; world war: veterans of Civil and | her determination to end it a Y joss gp Sei eral Henry braced himself as he hears children. Services were held in el the door being opened. The gn Union cemetery. Praver was riven might, in her fevered, unstrung state by Rev. C. A Faust flag drill, by | of mind attempt to bury those blades girls and songs by school children: in his own flesh Py cornet duet, by "Frank and Carl| She opened the door and Stony Shenk; address, by Harold J. Budd gazing. widewved al her of Franklin and Marshall college. | hinge: Cortaitiy she fouled Lancaster. After the exercises the | distraught and she still clutched the parade moved to the Square and) scissors in her right hand while with dismissed. Music was furnished by | the other she endeavored to push a local band “| back the half head of long hair that 2 Vis he hung across her shoulder. ' “What is it? Is the house on fire SALUNGA or something?’ she swiftly inquired of the troubled looking young man at At the ome of Myr. and Mrs. | her door. Faclkle o1 Wednesday evening. “No—er—nothing like that— I sim the ers and daughters of the! ply thought you were trying to do Salunga M. E. Sunday School were | @wvay with yourself with those seis: given a banquet by the men of the sors. 1 saw you from my window school. Those present were: Mrs. | making such frantie efforts to find John Peifer, Mr. and Mrs. Levi] Your jugular vein or whatever vein it Peifer, Mr. and Mrs. EE. G Myers, | is that runs through the throat that— Miss Gladys Myers, Mr. and Mrs. | I dashed across to save you.” Henry Samuel Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Ben] stood gazing at the girl who now— Kendig, Betty Jane Kendig, Mr. | With her face set into normal lines and Mrs. John Kendig, Mrs. Phares | gave him a great sense of pleasure. Sethman, Mrs. Harry Stehman, Mr. “Me—why that’s the very last thing and Mrs. N. N| Baer, Mr. and Mrs. | In the world I'd think of doing. It's Howard Peifer, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.| a pretty jolly old world to be alive Myers and daughters, Katherine, | and kicking In, I think.” Then she Mildred and Edith, Mz. and Mrs. burst Into laughter so merry that William Fackler, Mary Fackler, | Henry was forced to join her. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr, Mrs. Jac- “Then why the awful efforts with ob Minnich and daughter, Miss those?” he indicated the scissors. Klem Sue Fackler, Miss Heimes, She stopped laughing long enough Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hardy and son, | to answer him, *I was merely bob- Nelson; Esther Kendig, Anna Fac-| bing my hear-or rather trying to, and kler, Margaret Schaeffer, Mary | I have made pretty much of a mess of Kendig, Anna Hall, Ellen Nissley,| {t—T've been hacking away trying to Eleanor Fackler, Daniel Fackler, see the back of my head for nearly Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer, Mar-| half an hour. I loathe going to hair- tha Cooper, George Shenck, Wil- dressers—that’'s the reason I've put liam Fackler, Jr., Mrs. Q. O. Reit-| up with long hair when nearly the en- tire world is bobbed.” Heury gazed at the hair in question and a smile grew in his eyes. “You certainly are making rather 2 mess of it—looks a bit choppy—I have a hunch I could improve on your work so you would be at least presentable.” Joyce stood doubtfully gazing at Henry, needing his proffered assist- ance badly and realizing in her heart that since he had made such a frantic effort to save the life of a complete stranger—he mnst he a right sort of chap. Besides, Joyce had a queer little feeling that she would grow to like Henry Vyner—his eyes were 80 blue and honest and mirth- ful. She opened the door wider and Henry stepped inside her dainty little flat. Once inside they looked at each other and burst into laughter. Cer- tainly they presented a funny picture. If there is one emotion that sends two persons straightway into the bonds of friendship it’s wholesome laughter, and Joyce and Henry suredly entered by that door, “And now to work,” sald Henry taking the great scissors from her hands, “you can’t go about half shorn any longer. Sit in that chair in ga good light, and if you are satisfied with the bob TI give you you are going to sign a contract to let me do it al- ways. In the meantime I have found an idea for a story which I shall call ‘Barbara Bobs,” and when I've sent it away this afternoon you must meet me and have dinner—somewhere.” “If you bob me nicely—I will,” Joyce smiled sweetly up at Henry. “You will be bobbed more than nice- ly,” said Henry, and kmew that the ttle God of inspiration had come to him in love, I —_ A... Better Grab This If there is any one who wants a good paying business in this section, here it is. A large limestone quar- ry with house, barn, crusher, horses, trucks, all tools, etc., now in opera- tion to be sold. Possession any time. Don fool around if you are interested, Call phone or write Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Phone 41R2. tf rr eat eee as- on There seven are between fifty and -five thousand deaf children United States. ae Don’t think of us as people from whom merely buy lumber. Our service is broad, help- ful = covers all your building problems. We show you plans and samples of materials— help you 4 costs down— put you in touch with hardwood floors You can’t realize how much hardwood floors will improve your house—until they’re actually laid. They’re attractive and they make housework so much easier. We can show you how you can have hard- wood floors with the minimum expense. Our service gives you the benefit of our long ex- perience in handling materials and dealing with contractors. Let us give you an estimate. For a 100% roof call our ROOFING SERVICE DEPARTMENT We carry the genuine Barrett Asphalt Shingles contractors we know are reliable CLARENC OR CH orm CK, Mount Joy PHONE 29 PCRRREE® WHY NOT Uf E GAS ~~ on it's Inexpensive, Economic and Instantaneous We supply Clark Jewel, The New Process and The Chambers Gas Ranges. Also Rex Water eous and Storage. Full Line of { Heaters, both Instantan Other Gas Appliances DONEGAL GAS COMPANY MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Se © © © © ® © LHI OOOO OOOO OOOO OO OO OOO OOOO WANTH J More people to use the Bulletins Classified Col- umns when trying to dispose of any article for which they have no neighbor or someone to purchase. As a selling agent future use, for which some further distant would be glad along this line, the Bulletin has shown that it has no equal in the county. We have dozens of satisfied users who will tes- tify to the worth of this statement. Try a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT and reap the benefits. The cost is only 5 of 25 cents. cents a line with a minimum