The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 18, 1927, Image 4

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ys = pa age TRE iH TT EE rma ro ST of
Ls = Ee... Te eo RA POA, BT it: I Sr TT Ho oe Bo 5 Te
\ { 1 : i
; \
. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mowrer, of]
Picked From Our ilershey, spent the week-end with Teachers Elect Making a Thorough Job . fter Easter
Ir. John Fennypacker, the latter's “Dear Harold,” wrote his ex-sweet-
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Sheaffer and |
heart, “as you are probably aware, I
am to be married to Mr. Blank tke
Weekly Card Basket| Of Rural Schools
coming month, I shall, therefore, ap |
daughters of Salunga, spent Sunday |
preciate it if you will burn all the
with Mrs. Sheaffer’s mother, Mrs.

Clearing Sale

OT a (ae

VARIOUS CONGREGATIONS IN AND AROUND PENAL ABOUT | ol Shrite. (From Page One) little notes I sent you. assuring you 7
MOUNT JOY ERS AND Miss Martha Gamber of Man-|myra; McKinley, J. Elmer Eichel-} of reciprocity with regard to those you
GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY reim, spent the week-end with her East Petersburg; Chestnut| sent me."
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gamber Grove, E. E. Kready, North Main “Dear Dorothy,” he replied prompt
Vernon, Emma] ly, “I shall certainly comply with your
Mechanicsburg; Midway. | request at once. And, incidentally. as
3 your fiance holds a few notes of mine,
of near town. St., Manheim; Mt.
Miss Margaret Trout a former Brubaker, ad
teacher here, spent the week-end in Edna Mohler, Lititz,
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor
Church School at 9:30, Mr. D. C.
Bessie Rodgers spent Sunday in
Miss Ella and Lizzie Graham were
World Always Good
to Man Who Laughs ;
# must go regardless of prica.

Witmer, Superintendent. i 1» | to Lancaster on Saturday. town visiting among friends. She] West Donegal Township I-shall- deem it a great favor if vou Th
in > Janghinp Beart Mr. Clarence Stoll, of Hawthorne now teaches in Ardmore. At a’ special meeting of the; West | ‘will induce ‘him to burn them with the Mice” At
Reformed Mennonite seem a kindly piace and it draws one | lll, spent several days in town. Howard and Norman Johnson of | Donegal township school board, on} rest”
Rev. Christ S. Nolt, pastor closer to one's fellows. To be entire Mr. Samuel Goodman of Royal |Lancaster, are spending some time Saturday in Rutt’s schoolhouse at i B W if St
There will be services in the Re-|,c in Bhd One's prob | ton, visited Frank Stark Saturday. |here with their aunts Mrs, Harry | Elizabethtown, the various teachers! Our classified ads bring results. 1 Ds gena a S ore
fornied Mennonite church on West| jos induces a morbid state of mind | Mr. Levi Sheetz of near town | Walters and Mrs. Howard Arnts. in the township were elected for the|{ Consistent advertising always MT. JOY, PA
Main street, next Sunday mOrRIng| yu a3 jong as one can laugh with oth | Was a Sunday guest to Mr. Frank| Messrs. Walter “Jerry” Barto ensuing year. pays. : > *
at 10.00 o’clock. ers and thus blow away the cobwebs | Stark. and George Zink, Jr., left Monday| The newly elected teachers for se At
rs from one's brain, one is safe trom the | Mr. Wm, Kuhn, of St. Louis, Mo. | for Fhiladelphia, where they have: the different schools are: Rheems’
Trinity Lutheran Church Isolation of despair and egotism. Ot | called to see his sister, Miss Mary, | enrolled at Williamson Trade School Grammar School, Anna Mason, of WERY PARLOR
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor course I mean laughing that is free | Who is quite ill Sunday with Mr. Smith's sister at | Elizabethtown; Rheems’ Primary, 0 0 oun 35 S. Market St, Elizabethtown, Pa.
Sunday School 9:30 A. M | Cora Kraybill, of Elizabethtown; :
Morning worship 10.45 A. M.

from either superiority or bitterness |
which is certainly a tonic to the whol.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller enjoyed
an auto trip to Watkins Glen, N. Y.
A number of spent | Washington School,
Boy Scouts
John R. Kray-

Your chance to ve

money on
Evening orks ‘ P. LT qv | SPiritual system. Laughter clears +» | over the week-end. Saturday and Sunday with their bill, of West Donegal township; 100; 40 millinery.
ST Sat oe hos of Mire. ora] oi ua she whey fue bie fn wn | Mies Lows 1. Wioats spans Blood sess Junie Boel, Benes He 00x540 Feet
Sire a igh heartily is a sign not atone | week-end with her sister Mrs, Geo |Baker’s Bridge. e scouts were: | ; s , Edn:
13] ETS. e can enjoy life but that he is oo | Platy in Middletown. Fred Leiberher, Charles Webb, Ross R. Gochenauer, of Strasburg; New- Ji
———— sense of proportion about lif I | ee Her New Phi Barto, Charles Buller, Edward Hen- ville School, Beulah H. Zercher.
T. U. Evangelical Church capacity to laugh is much more than a | 0 her of 4 i Robert Metzler, Irid Grove, of Mt. Joy; Cedar Hill School, M.|Along Concrete Highway between
Rev. A. S. Bernhart, Pastor capicity to see the funny side of 1 & nay Ta aunt Mrs. John Charies Schroll, Joseph Schroll, W. lH. Zercher, of Mt. Joy; and Union | pit Joy and Florin, is offered for [ BI
Mid-week prayer service will bel things. It is really a sizn of sanity | or Of Saturday. Gibbons, John Fellenbaum, and J. School, Dorothy R. Garber, of Mt.| ~~ ? 3 ’
held Wednesday, 7.30 P. M. People who take tl too seri- | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder, of Rinehart. | Joy. d I sale cheap for an immediate sale 35 S. Market Stree

Bible School, Sunday, 9.30 A. M.
Preaching, Sunday, 10.30 A. M.
No evening services on Sunday. |
Choir rehearsal Friday, 7.30.
Come and worship with us.

kon. of tion. is Soa cent work on animal life, =
Bec Sos x Jin of a simple Smpgen, is thorough { Mr, and Mrs. Russel Myers and ——--—————— | Russel Kramer broke his nose 2
rethren in rist, ewtown ly i y and sound. t is the out hildre rial By Wn A i | . S : 1
Elder Eli M. Engle, Past cote oF » Seis of amor, and tease | of Lancaster, spent Sunday! Ritenen aprons, raincoats, bags] While playing ball Wh
or, 1 My unge, ras'or ai 5 Re with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry {for schoolbooks beach slippers, | no . Tr
Elder Abner H. Martin, of Eliza-| of humor primarily lrow da | Myers. a BoA | ® ® is
o 1 “wr
bethtown, will preach in the U. B.
church at Newtown Sunday evening
{ not to be callous, it is to be ba

ously cannot laug
who are too overwl!
augh naturally
ed by existence
To inugh is |

And true the

laughter, being

sense of values.—Exchange, |
i daughters,

the Back Run spent Saturday with
Frank Stark and family,
Mr. James Cassel, formerly of
this place, now of Roanoke, Va., is|
spending several days here.
Mr. and Mys. 1.
W. Smith and
and Caroline,
It was decided that the
: schools of
The John Burroaugs Memoria 0 .
£ emarial ould open on the 29th of
medal this year will be awarded to for th tt £ school
Ernest Thompson Seton for his re- °F han, Io sehen a
| :
tl An

iradio covers and many other artic- |
les are made of waterproof paper. proving.
tO eee |

Mrs. Harry Walters is slowly im-
various | Land is nicely located, not low anc
West Donegal township
August |
will be a fine place for
[hems garage, road house, ete.
| PY to

‘Phone 41R2

Mount Joy

May 22. #4 Marv ia >
. : A Mary Louise and son Irwin spen i ti rertise i > ti
Song and praise, 7.00 P. M. Monarch Mixture of ; : i pent Subscribe for The Bulletin. Advertise in The Bulletin. i
Sermon, 7.30 P. M. Courtier and Buff} | i$
4h eg] : GPSS RE 20620-0520 620-020-620 6% 4% 6% 625.6% 4% 6% 0% +% 620-9%06%0-6%0-6%6% 6% 656-620-6206 6% 0% 4% 6% 6% 0% 6% 6% +2 6% 55-62% 62-6 2-02-02 6% 6% + % +2 2
All are invited fo enjoy services.| Of the famous manners of Geo SPOTS AAI US SGI SSIS SII III TP eff Seale ale feria ate dle fo fale ae sl *
Church of God i
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.
| IV of

lingland many stories are tofgh
when riding Le happened upd
a man pilloried for issuing a lib
against the ruler and wrote an apol--
> 0% 0%
J. S. Hamaker, Superintendent. ogy “for the seeming indelicacy” of EC oo
Sermon 10.30 A. M. taking advantage to view him. Again lg
No evening services on account be took the old Lady Clermont to her x
of Baccalaureate sermon. calriage und begged her to take her jo oo
Junior C. E. Wednesday, 6.30] time and not hurry, for gallantly said oo
P. M. he, “If you tumble, I shall tumble with oe
Mid-week service Wednesday, 7.45
Choir rehearsal Friday, 7.30.
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor
The ruler, who achieved more
by charm than character, in the es-

mimicking the old Stadtholder during
his visit to Carlton house. The “Gran- i

The Marvel Of The Industry
You are cordially invited to wor-| linate of Shune Leslie, a recent bi- 1% oe
ship with us. ogrupher, also was a famous mimic. | NCS
On a journey to Hanover he convulsed | o
: he sovereig the Netherlands by Kd
Presbyterian Church the sovereign of the Netherlands by | 8%
3 90
Church School 9:30 A. M.
H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent
Morning worship and sermon at
ville Papers” give a peep behind the
scenes of 1805 when he was prince of |
Wales; “Lord Abercorn is furious with

Greatest Washer Value Ever Offered
10.30. Subject, “Christian Content- the prince. The prince takes him off |
ment. remarkably welt lying along the bench 3
E 7 i AT hi « 7 30 U : x : x | 9° oe
ening worship at 1. ion | with his arm across looking very fierce | $
‘Service in the United Brethren| ang stretching out his legs as though T oo
church when the Baccalaureate ser-| pe was trying to kick Lord Granville.” | #3¢ 2
mon will be preached to the gradu- | 8
ating class of the High School. J : i 3
Wednesday evening at 7.30. Pray- One Thing to Live For Bef on
er and praise service, Mrs. Nagger had married a wealth, ' oe >
husband and as a consequence had -
Florin U. B. Church ia Christ spent much of her married life in o
Rev. J. C. Deitzler, pastor travel. adi isi She hag iad hey (4 > 2
Bible School 9:30 A. M. ery hoi gratified a oy instantly. ii 4
ni rorshi fact nothing interested her any more
Morning worship 10.30 A. M. nl | og
Theme: “The Unconscious Loses "=~ "°° ow : o
£ Life” “Sometimes,’' she said one after- | &
° 3 ite Society at 5.15'P. M noon to Mrs. Holland, who had ee 5
pio} Soclely at 9 ak dropped in for tea, “sometimes I feel &
Intermediate Society at 5.45. I have nathing in the world for which | ‘ oe
C. E. Society at 6.30 P. M.
Evening worship 7.15 A. M.
to live.” |
Mrs. ‘Holland shook her head sadlv. |


Theme: “The Problem of Evil”. | yon suddenly brightened. { 3
‘Teachers’ Training class on Tues-| «yell, there's spite, my dear, there's Bd >
day at 7.15 P. M. spite.” 4 &
Prayer Service Thursday at 7.30. oe THE CASH PRICE OF ONLY 3
You are cordially invited to these
St. Mark’s United Brethren Church
Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor
Value oF Courtesy
Courtesy is the one wedium of ex-
change that is always accepted at par
by) the people of every country on the |
Ca XaXa)>

bo? 06% 0%,
Qe ; 3 glohe. Courtesy radiates a spirit of |
Sunday School at 9.00 A. M. ig feeling and that we are | oe Sold On EASY PAYMENT TERMS o>
H. N. Nissly, Superintendent.
not working entirely for the material |

Worship and sermon by the pas- A oe
tor at 10.15 A. M returns of work, but for the friendly | 5»
No Christian Endeavor service | Muman associations as well. Life is | %* 0S
at A.50 P. M not too short, and we are never too | oe
Ci . AFL.
Baccalaureate seruion to the Sen- busy to be ‘courteous. a 5
jor class of our High School at 7.30! Is the outward expression 3
i rg 1 i % ind an inward consideration for othe > *9e
by Rev. C. E. Knickle. This will ors [aT AIwivE HE lubricant.) 3%
be a Union service, all ministers] > 1° y F. <
that smoothes business and social re- |

participating, under the auspices of rations ae &
) : ps. eliminating friction.—Phil-
the Episcopal church, but held in adelphia Public Ledger. *» o
this church. oF 3
You are most cordially invited : : - ow»
to all these services. Spiders Love Music? : oe
The Sunday School Association Do spiders enjoy music? A London | 3
of the U. B. Church will meet Wed-| organist has noticed that every time | ¢% 3
nesday evening after prayer meet-| he starts to play the organ a spider o
swings down aver the keyboard by a 2

Methodist Episcopal Church
single thread of its web.
As soon as the music stops he dis-

Jo dled


> 000509,
Rev. C. E. Wonderley, Pastor appears, Either very soft or very loud oo
Wednesday, Junior League 4.00. | music also causes the spider to dis- |, 2
Wednesday evening, prayer serv-| appear. | IT HAS SPEED SAFETY. oh
ice. During a concert at Leipzig, a | 0 3
Friday evening choir rehearsal. spider seemed to like violin music. | LC
9.15 A. M. Church School. During two violin solos, he dropped on No fi hi a. om ro lt i
Dr. E. W. Garber. Superintendent. | down from a chandelier by its wet, , o hner washin rinciples were ever invented than the -D oo
10:30 A. M. Morning worship and | hut went back up again when the vio- Lo g p p ydro method. For
Treme: “The Changless Christ.”
6:30 P. M. Epworth League.
Topic: “Keeping Faith with our
r ter Brubaker.
Pisiges Luadel, Re owing ber of American visitors endeavored | %*
to Baccalaureate services " being | to smuggle -dogs into England when |e of women. 2
, v ; |
held in the U. B. church. A union they landed at Southampton, remarks 1% 2
service will be held in this church.

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A, Rector
9:15 A. M. Sunday School.
Thos. J. Brown, superintendent,
10.30 A. M. Morning worship.
3.45 P. M. Lenten Offering serv-
jee at St. James Episcopal church,
7.30 P. M. United service at the
United Brethren church. The choir

will render the music and the Ree-!. Noite on Berlin do World in Washer Value. oo
tor will deliver the Baccalaureate] they.spean a number | J :
” of foreign languages, among them 4
sermon. : : ;
Monday, 7.30 P. M. Choir Prac- belie French and English snd, 2 i
tice. The Bulletin’ is always prompt in | TR or
Tuesday. All day Archdeaconry the delivery. vf il SR p |e
meeting at Shippensburg. 4
St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke’s|eq to be standing committee of the | 0% x
Episcopal church will meet Thurs- | diocese. | K 5
day evening at the residence of Mr. Benjamin Brown and Rev. ! 3 oe
the Rector. _|C. E. Knickle were elected dele- 5
Friday, 7.30 P. M. Junior Guild |gates to the provincial synod which ' 4g & @ 9 % & 3
at the home of Miss Irene Smeltzer. | meets in Roanoke, Virginia, in Oc- > 5»
The Episcopal convention met| tober. Mr. Benjamin Brown is al- > *
last week at Sunbury. so elected a member of the finance 5
Mr, Thos. J. B. Brown was elect-| committee of the diocese. foals ets Sood
lin musie stopped.
oe odes

Tale of a Tail
During the summer a certain num- |
the London Post.
One day an official encountered a
lady whom he had every reason to
suppose was Infringing the law.
“Madame,” he told her, “it is con-
trary to the regulation to bring dogs
fnto this country.® The lady protested
that she had no dog. “Then, madame,”
said ‘the official coldly, “I am to un-
derstand that the tall hanging down
below your coat is your own!”

O00 4,
9. 0 7
ho? 90%,
tion—practically indestructible.

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