The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 18, 1927, Image 1

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*he Mount Joy Bulletin

Merchants, If You Want to Brighten Up Your Business
The Anniversary
Services In The U. B.

The congregation of St. - Mark’s
Chtrch of the United Brethren in
Christ of this place celebrated their
third anniversary of the dedication
of their church auditorium last Sun-
day with appropriate services. The
attendance was fine at both morn-
ing and evening services. Dr. S. C.
Fnck, conference superintendent, of
Harrisburg, was present all day and
preached two inspiring sermous.
These services are growing in inter-
est and enthusiasm yearly. At this
service the congregation is respond-
ing to an gffort to reduce the in-
debtedness. The response this year
was beyond the expectations of the
Official Board, who had set the goal
for the day at $3500.00. At the
close of the evening service, the to-
tal for the day amounted to $3783.-
03. This is the only effort made and
has proven very successful. The
audtiorium was erected in 1923-24
at a cost of $5800.00 with a présent,
indebtedness reported last Sunday
at the opening of the service of
$23,200.00. Against this the cash
and subscriptions last Sunday which
amounted to $3783.03 and will be
paid during the year. At this rate
it will be but a few years until this
congregation will possess a proper-
ty valued at almost $100,090.00

frec of debt. The members of this |
congregation are to be congratulat- |
ed for their unity of effort and
their splendid spirit of loyalty and |
sacrifice they display. |
eet Ie
A birthday party was held at the |
home of Mrs. Helen Myers last eve- |
ning in honor of her birthday.
Those present were: Mrs. Harvey
Dillman, Mrs. Ed. Shiers, Mrs. Wm.
Conrad, Mrs. Frank Hershey, Mrs.
Vinnah Stohler, Mrs. H. M. Leib,
Mrs. John Horstick, Mrs, Sam Garb- | gyests at their
er, Mrs. Geo. Althouse, Mrs. Alvin
Seides, Mrs. John Barnhart, Mrs.
William Beamensderfer, Mrs. Eli
Smeltzer, Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Mrs.
A. B. Hoffer, Mrs. Harvey Haw-
thorne, Mrs. H. S. McDannald, Mrs.
Mary Spickler, Mrs. Demmy, John
Henry Demmy, Misses Minnie Kray
bill, Anna Hoffer, Linnie Greiner, !
and Edith Myers and Mrs. Helen
Myers. All had a delightful time.
Mrs. Myers received many nice |
gifts and also several beautiful |

bouguets of flowers. |
A Large Fund For |
Our County Roads
Under the State-aid appropria-
tions for road construction and up-
keep Lancaster county has been al-
located the sum of $170,558, the
largest sum of any county in the
State, the Secretary of High-
ways, announced Saturday. If
matched by the county $340,000 will
be available for county roads.
Under the provisions of a bill re-
cently approved by Governor Fish-
er appropriations are made from the
motor license fund in the sum of
$5,000,000 for State-aid construc-
tion This appropriation is alloca-
ted to the several counties of the
Commonwealth on a mileage basis.
The amounts allocated the coun-
ties from the State-aid appropria-
tion represent the State's money
and when matched by the local
authorities with a like amount will
permit of construction being under-
taken with a contract value of
twice the amount of the allocation
to each county.
The Lancaster county commis-
sioners failed to match the su al-
located in this manner by the State
for the past several years. The
money, if matched by the county.
will be available for use in 2,688
miles of highways in this county.
eee tl Eee

A proposed loan of $75,000 for
school purposes will be placed be-
fore the voters of East Donegal
township for approval or rejection
at a special election on Tuesday,
May 24.
If the loan will be used
for the purchase of ground and the
erection of a new school near May-
en let
Laying New Walks
Contractor Elmer Heisey is laying
concrete walks, curbs and gutters
on the Market and Detwiler Ave-
nue sides of the Wolgemuth pro-
perty on this corner.
rr etl Qe
Will Build a Porch
Mr. Joseph B. Hershey has let
spacious porch on the east side of
his Main street property. Jacob
Last Thursday afternoon, a
birthday surprise party was held in
East Donegal township at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Gutschall
in honor of their daughter, Ethel,
who was celebrating her eighth
birthday, Thursday. Quite a num-
ber of little friends gathered at
her home. Games were played on
the large lawn and all the tots were
yreatly enjoying themselves, when
they were called into the home
where they were greeted by a table
with a dainty luncheon. This was
little Miss Ethel’s first party and
she greatly enjoyed the event.
The following guests were pres-
ent: Misses Betty White, Helen San |
der, Dorothy Shope, Verna Eckert,
Ruth Eckert, Esther
Helen Gutsthall,
nard Hockenberry, Mr. and
Harry O. Gutshall,
David Hockenberry, Wilson and Al-
hert Gutshall, all of East Donegal;
Mr. Shank, of Elizabethtown; Doro-
thy Edwards and Mrs. John Con-
ner, of this place.
The little girl received quite a
large number of gifts and as the
time came to depart for their home,
they wished her many more birth-
The Entertainers
and Their Guests
With Edwin P. Eby’s
The following were entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Eby on
Sunday: Mrs. Amos Shonk, Mrs.
Lizzie Lawrence, Miss Myrtle Lawr-
ence, of Lebanon; Mr. Lester Gran-
ger, of Annville; Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Miller, Miss Lillian Miller, of
Penryn; Mr. and Mrs. Graybill
Miller and sons, Harland and Ar-
lington, of Elm; Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Miller and Miss Miriam Miller, of
With Fred Ibach’s
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach and
children entertained the following
home at Bender’s
Mill: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ibach, Miss
Irene Ibach, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hart-
man and sons, Clinton and Harold,
of Newmanstown; Mr. and Mrs. B.
Zug, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoffer
and sons, Arlin and Lester, and Mrs
Cora White, of Manheim; Mr. and
Mrs. John Zug, Mrs. Roy Oberlin
and daughter, Lorraine, Misses Fan-
nie Zug, Grace Zug, and Misses
Kauffman, of Lititz; Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Ibach and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Hostetter and family.
With Martin Gerber’s
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber
tertained a number of guests
Sunday dinner at their home
New Haven street. 'I'hese
were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner and
granddaughter, Mary; Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Jones and children, Dale
and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wolf and daughters, Dolores, of
York; Mr. James W. Gerber and
son, James, Jr., of Elizabethtown;
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bates and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Souders,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eby and son,
Benjamin, Mrs. Abner Hershey, Mr.
and Mrs. Quinton Amspacker, all
of this place.
4 BC


An Extensive Trip
Messrs. Joseph B. Hershey, Chas.
Bennett and Jno. E. Schroll of this
place and Peter Lehman and Frank
Groff, of Elizabethtown, returned
home Sunday from a 4,500 mile
trip thru 13 states. They were
thru the Mississippi flood district,
toured the Rio Grande Valley in
Southern Texas and made two trips
into Old Mexico. A complete story
of the trip, which was intensely
interesting, will appear in next
week’s Bulletin.
ree etl Re
Mothers’ and Daughters’ Service
A mothers’ and daughters’ service
was held last evening at 7.30 P. M.
in the Sunday School room of the
United Brethren church, under the
auspices of the Women’s Missionary
Society and the Otterbein Guild. A
short, but interesting program, was

eee lO.
Remodeling the Barn
The large barn on the M. K.
Brubaker estate farm, along the
Manheim road east of town, is. be-
ing remodeled. A number of work-
men are now engaged doing the
iru ie
Sues to Get $800 on Crops
John M. Groff, attorney for Jacob
Packmore, of East Petersburg, has
brought suit against Mrs. Carrie R.
Reinhold also of East Petersburg, to
recover $800 alleged to be due him
for crops which he raised.
I ee.
Deeds Recorded
John Hertzler, Charles F. Hager
and John A. Coyle, trustees in
bankruptcy of the estate of M. R.
Hoffman, to Phares R. Nissley,
farm in Rlapho township.
meme AB re.
Letters Granted
P. G. Shelly, Mt. Joy, administra-
tor of Henry G. Shelly, late of Mt.

Snyder has the contract.

Mabel Gutshall, | large number
Mary Gutshall, Ethel Gutshall, Ber-|Viously had passively
Mrs. | proceeding of the association as ob-
Mr. and Mrs. | servers that
Tobacco Growers
Held Meeting Here

The Lancaster County Tobacco
Growers’ Association plan to hold
meetings at various points about the
county won its first reward Thurs-
day night when the attendance at
the first of a series of such meetings
at Mount Joy found the largest at-
tendance in many years of activity
of the association.
Speakers so held forth the advan-
tages of the organization that a
of growers who pre-
watched the
night became active
Among speakers were: Prof, D. E.
Haley, State College; F. S. Bucher,
county agent; Lewis Creamer, pres-
ident of the organization; Otto OI-
sen, secretary, and Elmer Strickler,
Mount Joy.
For the first time in the years he
has been speaking to the growers
Prof. Haley absolutely declared that
night that carbonate of potash is
necessary in the leaf in order to
produce a good burning product. In
order to bring about that condition.
the speaker advised treating the soil
with sulphate of potash. Use of
museate of potash, he contended,
does not release the potash for the
growing plant.
Burning Quality Necessary
He explained that in speaking to
grower and buyer he found them in-|
terested not in yield or growth but
rather in burning quality and drew
from those observations that easy
burning quality was the demand in


The attention of the public is
called to the public events in con-
nection with the closing of our
school term.
Sunday, May 22, 1927, the an-
nual Baccalaureate sermon will be
delivered the graduating class. This
will be a union service in the audi-
torium of the U. B. church.
Wednesday, May 25, 8.00 o'clock,
promotion exercises for the Eighth
grade. This program will be ren-
dered in the Assembly room of the
Marietta Street Building.
Thursday, May 26, 8.00 o’clock,
Class day exercises the High
School auditorium.
Friday, May 27, 8 o’clock, Com-
mencement exercises for class of
1927 in the High School auditori-
Art exhibit. Specimens of the
work done in Art in our schools
during the present term, will be on
exhibition in the hall of the Mari-
etta Street Building from May 24
to May 27. The public is invited to
visit the exhibit.
Teachers Elect
Of Rural Schools

The following districts
elected their teachers for the com-
ing school term of 1927-28. The
complete list of teachers is append-
Rapho Township
The School Board of Rapho town-
ship elected these teachers for 1927
{1928 term beginning August 29th.
: Newtown, Alice’ Strickler, Lan-
A welcome to the Mount Joy dis-! gisville; Garfield, Ruth Charles,
trice was extended by Elmer Strick- | Rapho: Elm Tree, Kathryn Rettew
ler, who also told of the benefits | Rapho Lincoln, C. Emerson Rohrer
that were to be derived from the | Rapho; Sporting Hill, Secondary,
strengthening of the association. Viola Zimmerman, Manheim; Sport-
It was decided that another meet- 'ing Hill, Primary, Kathryn Zug,
ing will be held in Mount Joy on | Rapho; Pleasant Place, Anna Gibble
June 9, at which time F. S. Bucher | grypnerville; Back Run, Ethel Bak-
will show films on methods of mark- |. Neffevilio: Hosslor’s Frank
eting tobacco mn the south. | Mauss, Gettysburg; Sunnyside, Kath
Nissley, Rapho; Union Square,
EXPLOSION INJURIES TWO, [Edna Studenroth, Manheim; Chic-
ONE MAN DIES LATER | ges, Dorothy Siders, Elizabethtown
~ | Mastersonville, Mary Hershey, Lan-
present day tobacco.

George Sargent, aged 19, of Mar | disville; Fairview, Mary Ream, Pal-
ket street, Marietta, received injur- |
ies which later proved fatal and
Roy Tracy, aged 38, of 3 Furnace
Row, Marietta, received injuries of
a minor character at 2 o’clock Sat-
urday afternoon at the Lavino fur-
nace, Marietta, when the door on a
gas explosion blew out, knocking
them 25 feet to the ground.
Sargent sustained
the skull, besides
while Tracy’s injuries
burns and lacerations on
and body.
Opinion in Local Case
An opinion in a case of local in-
terest was handed down by our court
as follows:
In the estate of Jacob K. Miller,
late of East Donegal township, ex-
ceptions to the distribution, excep-
tions dismissed and adjudication
confirmed absolutely.
A ie
Poultry Association Met
The Manheim-Mount Joy Poultry
Record Association held their regu-
lar meeting on Tuesday evening, at
8 o'clock in the old high school
building here. Many interested in
poultry were present and the meet-
ing was quite interesting.
Symes if fms suse ames.
New Chevrolet Agent
Mr. P. Franck Schock, local auto
dealer, has taken the agency for
the Chevrolet line of automobile
for Mount Joy and community.
Don’t fail to read his spacious ad-
vertisement on another page.
"Lt dt
Fire Engine Subscribers
The subscriptions given for the
purchase of a new fire engine
should be paid to H. N. Nissly,
Treasurer, so that the funds will be
ready when the engine is delivered
which will be before long.
Class Day Exercises
The annual Class Day exercises
of the class of 1927, Mount Joy
High School, will be held in the
High school auditorium Thursday
evening, May 26, at 8 o’clock.
At the Hospital
Mr. Harry C. Brunner, one of
our local undertakers and furniture
dealers, was removed to St. Joseph's
hospital at Lancaster«Monday for
an operation by Dr. A. F. Snyder.
Elected Latin Teacher
Mr. D. Paul Sanders, of Lancas-
ter, was elected teacher of Latin in
our High School at a special meet-
in of the Board Saturday afternoon
rr AQ A
Abram Harner died at the
County hospital yesterday, aged 90
vears. Mrs. Frank E. Kieffer, of
Columbia, is : daughter.
cel A

Marriage License
Levi D. Stehman, Landisville
and Jennie M. Fouse, of Rohrers-

sale |
face |
i rich
{| Mrs.
(Turn to Page 4)

Given a Surprise
on 66th Birthday
Mr. C. S. Gingrich celebrated his
sixty-sixth birthday last Friday and
in the evening was given a surprise
party by his children and grand-
children Delicious refreshments
were served by Mrs. Gingrich and

all present had a most enjoyable
time. Mr. Gingrich received a num-|
ber of useful gifts. Those present |
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meyre, of |
Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ging-|
and daughter, Emily, Mr. and |
Russell Sumpman and child- |
Russell, Jr., Madalyn and Roy,
Wilbert Baker and daughter,
Louise, Jeanne Brandt, Cleon Sheaf
fer, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz and
sons, Gerald and Robert.
Mrs. Arntz’s Birthday.
Mrs. H. B. Arntz celebrated her
birthday anniversary on Monday
and that evening was given a party
by a number of relatives and
friends. The affair was a complete
surprise. A dainty luncheon was
served by Mrs. Arntz’s sister-in-law,
Mrs. H. G. Walters. Mrs. Arntz
received a large number of pretty
and useful gifts. Those present
were: Mrs. Chas. Johnson and
chilaren, Howard, Norman and Sa-
bina, of Lancaster; Mrs. E. M. Bar-
to, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. George
Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E.
Hendrix, Maude and Hilda Schneid-
er, Mrs. Earl B. Myers, Mrs. Albert
Myers, Mrs. Irvin Smith, Mrs. Jno.
Longenecker, Miss Minnie Heiser-
man, Miss Geneva Hernley, Mrs. G.
Heiserman, Fannie Kreider, Mrs. J
Barnhart, Mrs. C. S. Gingrich, Mrs.
Russell Sumpman and children, Rus
sell, Jr., Madalyn and Roy, Mrs.
Wilbert Baker and daughter, Louise
Misses Mary Snyder and Ellen Tele-
ky, Shando Teleky, Arthur Schnei-
der, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters
and children, Harry, Jr., and Bar-
bara Anne, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Arntz and sons, Gerald and Robert.
eee A A
Track Meet Postponed
The track meet by the Mount
Joy schools has been postponed
from today to the first suitable day,
either tomorrow or Friday.
The Rev. C. E. Knickle will be
the special preacher at the Wom-
an’s Auxiliary meeting of the Arch-
deaconery of Harrisburg at Ship-
pensburg on Tuesday.
A A An
Mrs. Simon R. Snyder, at the
18, 1927
This Summer, Wake Up and Advertise.
Road We Must All
Travel Sometime
Mrs. Elizabeth Strickler aged, 73
years, of Columbia, died from a
complication of diseases.
Mrs. Mary Meiskey died at Co-
lumtia, aged 74 years. Mrs. Philip
Bard, of Ironville, is a sister.

Kathryn Diffenbaugh
Kathryn Leone Diffenbaugh, four!
vear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs |
William Diffenbaugh, of West Done-
gal township, died Saturday night
at 7 o'clock of whooping cough. Be-
sides the parents, one brother, Clyde
and a sister, Erma at home, survive
Funeral services were held this
morning at 10 o’clock from the late
home with burial in the Mt. Tunnel |

John M. Bull
John M. Bull, 72, retired carpen-
ter, died at his home, 108 South
Sixth street, Columbia, from a!
complication of diseases. He was]
a member of the Mennonite |
church. One brother, Harry, of |
Landisville; one sister, Mrs. Jacob |
Musselman, of Landisville, and a;
niece, Mrs. Caleb Drenning, of!
Wrightsville, survive. |
Mrs. Frank Haberstroh |
Mrs. Rose Haberstroh, wife of]
Frank A. Haberstroh, of Columbia,
died at her home, 919 Blunston St.,
Tuesday morning about 5 o’clock,
from a complication, aged 24 years.
She is survived by her husband, her
father, Aaron Keperling, of this B (Charles of New Danville were spent Friday with her parents, Mr.
place; , one sister, Mary Alverna payried in Salem Reformed church, [and Mrs, Geo. A. Geyer.
Keperling, Austin, Texas, and two Rohrerstown. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schlegel-
brothers, Arthur, of New York, The ceremony was performed by! milch and Mrs. Frank Henderson
and Paul, of Pittsburgh. She was a Rey. W. D. Marburger, pastor of spent Monday at Lancaster.
meniber of Holy Trinity Catholic the church. Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond and
church. | Fouse daughter spent Sunday at Columbia
oe Levi Stehaan, son of Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. James Schlegel-
Mrs. Samuel Snavely
Mrs. Annie G. Snavely, 45, wife |yille,
of Samuel H. Snavely, of Mount Joy
township, died Sunday morning at
8:45 o’clock of heart trouble. She!
is survived by her husband, two
sons, Samuel H., Jr and Irwin at
home; also one daughter, Mabel at
home; her mother, Mrs. Samuel My-
ers, a brother, Norman Myers and
a sister, Mrs. Minnie Hess, all of
Elizabethtown. Funeral services
were held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30
o’clock from the late home with fur-
ther services at 2 o'clock in the
United Brethren church, Elizabeth- |
town. Burial was made in the
Milton Grove cemetery.
Elizabeth S. Rutt
Flizabeth S. Rutt, residing at the |
home of Paul Stehman, at Elizabeth-
town, died suddenly Sunday even-
ing at 7 o'clock while visiting at
the home of Clayton Sweigart,
Bainbridge street, Elizabethtown,
from acute indigestion, aged 65
vears. She was ‘the last member of
her family and is survived by only
nieces and nephews, of which there
are ten. Services were held on
Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'-
clock at the home of John Brinser,
Park street, Elizabethtown, and at
2 o'clock at Christ Reformed
church, of which she was a wmem-
ber. 3urial was made in Mt. Tun-!
nel cemetery.
Mrs. John Baughman
Annie, wife of Mr. John Baugh-
man, formerly of this place, died
Monday at her home at Lindale,
near Philadelphia, in her 45th year.
She was a daughter of the late
Lewis Grogg, of this place. Deceas-
ed was twice married. Two child-,
ren of her first marriage survive:
Mary, of Elizabethtown, and James,
of West Chester. Two children also
survive to her second marriage:
Sarak and Lewis, both at home.!
One sister, Mrs. Irvin Geistwite and
a brother, Jacob Grogg, of
also survive.
The body was brought here today |
and the funeral will be held from
the home of his parents; Mr. and |
Mrs. George Baughman Thursday
at 1.30 with further services in the
Lutheran church at 2 o'clock. Inter-,
ment will be made in the Mount]
Joy cemetery.

Millard Covle |
Millard Fillmore Coyle, life long
resident of Falmouth, died of a]
several months illness of a compli-
cation of diseases on Saturday at
his late home having only returned
from the General Hospital at Lan-
caster, Friday afternoon where he
was a patient the past ten days.
Mr. Coyle was a retired Pennsyl-
vania veteran, the past five years
having served in that capacity for
38 years, and was aged 70 years.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Emma
Blotcher Coyle the following chil-
lren survive. Miss Maud Coyle,
Falmouth; Harry Coyle, Charles
Coyle and Mrs. Jefferson Hemperly,
Royalton and George Coyle, Middle-
town; three grandchildren and one
areat grandchild also survive.
Public funeral services were held
from the late home Tuesday after-
with further services in the

eastern boro limits, is quite ill.
!by another machine

The following folks from this
place attended the forty-ninth an-
nual convention of the Women’s
Missionary Society of East Penn-
sylvania Conference which was held
in the Covenant United Brethren
church at Lancaster, May 10, 11
and 12: Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kiefer
Mrs. B. F. Greenawalt, Mrs. B. F.
Gerber, Mrs. Fannie Runk, Mrs. Eli
Ebersole, Mrs. H. N. Nissly, Mrs.
Walter Eshleman, Mrs. Mowery,
Misses Eunice Herr and Ethel New-
Five members of one family were
injured when the automobile in
which they were riding was struck
on the May-
town road on Sunday. Treated at
the office of Dr. John S. Simons,
Marietta, were: Albert Fitzkee, 58,
of near Elizabethtown, possible in-
ternal injuries; Martha Fitzkee, 12,
his granddaughter, fractured ribs;
John Fitzkee, a son, and Woodrow
and Ardella Fitzkee, grandchildren,
| cuts and bruises.

Young Folks Are
Joined in Wedlock
Miss Mabel Baker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker, of near
Landisville, and Mr. Raymond
Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos

Local Doings
Around Florin
Mr. Raymond Hilt
day at Lancaster,

spent Satur-
Mr. James Hockenberry spent
Tuesday at Harrisburg.
Mr. Howard Musselman spent
Monday at Philadelphia.
Mrs. D. Roy Moose and daughter
spent Thursday at Harrisburg.
* Mr. John Raffensperger, who was
ill the last week is improving.
Mr. Chase, of the D. & H. Ry.
Co. spent Tuesday in town on busi-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Peris spent the
week-end at Altoona visiting
Mrs. John Gingrich
day with her
Mrs. Levi Mummau’s brother and
wife of Iowa spent a few days in
Mr. Albert Booth accompanied
the excursion Sunday up the Hud-
son River. .
Mr. and Mrs. L, 'H. Walker and
family spent the week-end at
The Florin Juniors lost to May-
{town last Thursday evening on the
local diamond,
Mr. Joseph Dommel of Lancaster’
spent the week-end with his brother
William Dommel.
Mr. David Forney is having his
| house repainted. The work is being
| done by the Zerpheys.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Herr and son
Harry of Lancaster, spent Sunday
with C. 8S. Wachstetters.
Mrs. Ed. Stagerwald of Paoli
spent Tues-
parents at Middle-

ried at
ville, by
Mrs. John H. Stehman, of Landis- | Milch.
Te ; Lizzie Brubaker and Stella Wach-
and Miss Jennie Fouse, Be
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, Harry F. stetter attended the Missionary
were mar. | Convention at Lancaster last Wed-
Rev. W. D. Marburger. ' Miss Helen Stoll, a school teach-
They were attended by Joseph R. at Glen Olden, spent the week-
and Freda Kunkle, of end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rohrerstown. H. L. Stoll
of Rohrerstown,
the parsonage at

by automobile to points in western
Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Steh-
man will reside at the home of the
rican tl enn
The Well Baby Clinic was held on
Tuesday afternoon in the American
Legion Home.
Dr. Wm. Workman was present
with Miss Martha C. Hauck, R. N,,
in cherge assisted by Miss Gertrude
Brukaker, R. N.,, and Mrs. John
Newcomer, R. N.
Seventy-one babies, fifty nine
mothers and ten visitors were pres-

ent. Diphtheria toxin anti-toxin
given to thirty-three children.
Two new registrations were Ber-!
nice Fackler, 5 years; and Paul]
Thomas, 1 year.
Mrs. Robert Kling and Mrs. Sara
Jenkins,. R. N., of Lititz, visited the
The hostesses for the afternoon
were Miss Laura Harley
0. G. Longenecker.
oo A Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Engle, of
Elizabethtown, announce the birth
of a son,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Breneman,
east of town, announce the birth
of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loewen an-
nounce the birth of a son, Friedrich
Eugene, on May 10.

Mr. and Mrs. George Shickley, Praver. Rev. Geo. A. Kercher.
on Mount Joy street, announce Anthem. “Seek Ye the Lord,” J.
the birth of a daughter. V. Roberts, St. Luke's Episcopal
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner, of | Choir.
town, near town, announce the birth of a Hymn, 407.
son. Benediction, Rev, A. S. Bemhart.
RAW Organ Postlude.
A Columbian Spoke To
Mr. William Breneman, of Colum ON THE DIAMOND
bia, addressed the members of the The Mount Joy Base Ball Club
Mount Joy Rotary Club at their its new uniforms.
weekly luncheon yesterday.
at New Orleans and Baton Rouge
also Rio Grande Valley, in south
ern Texas, as well as Old Mexico.
Beauty Shop Closed
the residence of Mrs. H. K. Nissly
on East Main street, has
of business here and
shop located on Woodbine Street
ree lee
Attracted Many People
A broken engine
train west of Florin
tracted many people to
Sunday at

{ United Brethren church.
fourtk birthday this week.
After a wedding trip
and Mrs. |
Next Tuesday Jno. E. Schroll, of
this place, will speak on his recent
trip to the Mississippi flood district
Miss Rhoda Miller, of Harrisburg
who conducted a Beauty Shoppe at
gone out
will open a
on a Pennsy
the scene.
The train was delayed for some er meee
time “until the necessary repairs Frank's Community Sale 2
could be made. C. S. Frank & Bro., will hold
EE their next Community sale on Wed-
We Congratulate You nesday, May 25th, at 7.00 P. M.
Jean Schroll celebrated he

| There will be a game of ball
| Wednesday evening at 5:30 P. M.,
(between the married men and the
Florin Junior team on the Florin
| diamond.
| Mrs. Jacob Landvator was taken

to the Lancaster General Hospital
Saturday and was. operated on
| Monday. At this writing she is
| Miss Esther Mummau entertained
{at her home on Sunday, Misses
Martha Engle, Anna Weber, Dora
Kraybill, Edna Charles, Rhoda Eng-
le, Myra Herr, Anna Martha Wal-
ters, Edna Strickler and Alma Eng-
i en
The Baccalaure: exercises of
{the Mount Joy High school will be

in i
mie ES
held in St. Mark's U. B. church
{Sunday evening, May 22. Following
{is the order of the service:
| Organ Prelude.
I Gloria.
Seripture Lesson. Rev. I. A. Mae-
Hymn, 366.
Prayer (standing)
Rev. C. E. Wonder-
Rev.. C. B.
Anthem. “King of Kings”, Sim-
per. St. Luke’s Episconal Choir.
Baccalaureate sermon, Rev. C. E
On Saturday they will play the
Vietrix team of Lancaster, on the
local diamond at 2:45 o'clock.
Sunday, May 22, they will jour-
to Lebanon and play the West
-| Lebanon Nine, the best team in
Lebanon county.
The game scheduled with St.
Luke's of Lancaster, for last Sat-
urday was postponed until Satur-
day, June 18th. This game will be
played for the benefit of the Bene-
volent Society.
ee A Arms
Florin Community Sale
The next Community Sale at
Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., will be held
Friday, May 27th, at 630 o'clock
P. M. They will sell live stock. im-
- | plements, Lousehold goods, ete.
Don’t forget the time and place.

r| They will sell cows, chickens, shoats
merchandise, fruits, ete. :