RR Br 2 Fg mat IR ese a Rg ry - PAGE FOUR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1927 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket | IN OUR CHURCHES RELIGIOUS MATTERS REPORTED BY THE PASTORS OF THE VARIOUS CONGREGATIONS IN AND AROUND MOUNT JOY (From Page One) i son, of Atlantic City, N. J., spent ; the Easter holidays in town. Miss Erla Baer, of Norristown, , spent several days in town, with her mother. Miss Louise day and 14 NEW MEMBERS IN THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH Donegal Presbyterian Church | Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor | FORMERLY SEAMAN'S Rhoads spent Satur- Sunday with her sister, Church School at 9:30, Mr. D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. Easter Sunday brought the total cordially —— accessions for the year to fourteen | Mr. George Plott, Middletown. St. Mark’s United Brethren Church|in number. During the past two Mr. and Mrs. E. Ream and Miss Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor [weeks there were 5 conversions, | Mae Zeller spent the week-end with Sunday School at 9.00 A. M. land 6 accessions on Easter morn- Mrs. William Miller at Trenton, N H. N. Nissly, Superintendent. |ing. At this service, Helen Mar-|-cIsey. ; ; Worship and sermon at 10.15. garet Hockenberry, child of Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller and : Christian Endeavor at 6.30 P. M./and Mrs. James Hockenberry re- family called on her sisters Sunday. - Worship and sermon 7.30 P. M. |ceived the rite of infant baptism, The Misses Ella Lizzie and Sue ih You are most invited [and the Lord’s Supper was celebra- Grosh. i doy CO Soi Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne and sons to all these services. ted. At the evening service the 4 whl hf |third Teacher Training Class of the | Robert, Richard and Wilbur spent ’ Trinity Lutheran Church church was graduated. Those grad- Sunday with friends in Elizabeth- | own. uating were: Mrs. Calvin Kramer { Miss Julia Fair, and Miss Amanda Wittle. Each of the members of the class read an Essay prepared by Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. No services Sunday Apr. 24. Ladies’ Aid Society on Thursday | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shires spent the week-end with Mrs. Shireman’s sister, Mrs. Nelson Shickley, at Moore, Pa, a Marginal Life.” | School scholars were converted son, Bernard, of Lancaster, Wednesday evening at 7.30. Pray- Ee il ete converte) Our lohan The Baer of Men. Come early. Get your share of these wonderful values, 4 Lotte ¥ine the same iced | Grissinger’s home. x er and praise service, trang the Same period retin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garber and and a pair of or n . ‘ ht The + ne sf Thus far during the present pas- daughter, Chairlotte Fae, spent Sun B evening at the home of Mrs. H. S.| themselves relative to the Sunday Stambaugh. { School work and preparation for it. De. nd HY Seaman #1 Needle Guild meets Tuesday, Apr.! The records for the year have 8 ith M > { Mrs, Pert 26th. > jbeen closed, preparatory to Annual rg With Mir. ang TS, ran | | Conference, and show the total re- Ave. i ° : [ ceipts for the year amounting to Miss Dorothy Lonegnecker, of | 2 2 W Rev. ii Chad Pastor | $3,138.52. The church contributed New Jersey, spent sever! | days | APRIL 1st, 19 7 at 30 Main Church School 9:30 A. M. | $296.69 toward Missions; $538.03 wa her Stents: Mr. and Mrs. it FS New er. S rintendent | toward other benevolent purposes] !-Ongenecker. in eo SS evinende Md $2006 11 was used on the field. | Mrs Sybilla ster, rs Alex 10:00 A M Mount Joy 10.30. Subject, “Springtime Reas- The Sunday school received 37 Harvey : awihorne and ® ® ® ons for Faith.” | new scholars since Januarv of the sleeper spent Sumn- Evening worship and sermon 7.30 Present year, and raised $616.33 ay n ie Grisal = 5 i Es Subject, “The Necessity of Living 0! the vear. Ten of the Sunday WT. and MIs, Linronce. i { 1 | Luke’s Episcopal Church Q Q Q Q (oe) Q Q Q Q Q Q Q St. + : 7 ATE ave day with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wit-; Archdeaconry meeting at St. of hres years, here have i iy rs. D.C. W | 8 Luke's Episcopal = church on Tuer | OS a 35 Rev. 0. M. Kraybill, of Altoona, day, April 26, beginning at 9.30 Alpe officiated during the was a week-end visitor in the home Q M. Dinner will be served at the _ = Dd ot 11 marriages. 21|©f his mother, Mrs. L. A. Kraybill, v —~ Q American Restaurant and supper at yoo. Ft eo ct AL pres. | on East Main street. To the First Purchaser Thursday A. M. & the parishioners. Ny font the prayer Testing oom off Mrs. Harriss Balser and daugh- O The evening service wi © eon] 1. Ge +o | ter Irene, of Salunga, and Albert . . 4 vs ducted at Lin Py at which Hime BS ero Sore Rogge of fon, oem Saturday Our store has been closed to prepare for this great, phenominal event which starts Thursday, Oo he Rev. Pau tkins, o OTE! tres of 2 ht. is blessed wi and Sunday in Reading. 1051 Rev. Philip Dales, of Harrisburg, ee ot Soh; snd 35 swith Mr. Harry Bear, Mr. John Roll- 10 A. M. Be there for your share. and Rev. Coates, of Manheim, will BS man, and Howard Lindemuth are & be the speakers. 3 home spending there Easter vaca- : y nt i | The Mesting [tion with there parents. Methodist Episcopal Church | Young Ladies’ Bible Ts 1a Rothew, Mr ond Mrs 9 QQ Rev. C. E. Wonderley, Pastor | Lutheran Church was held Tt Philip Staley of Marietta, Mrs. Ray- 9 Fv oO Wednesday, Junior League 4.00. [home of Mrs. Lestor Hohorts. ii mond Blowing of Mayan eilled omen by : en S Wednesday evening, prayer Serv-\ During the business pills on Me John Grosh Sunday. O jce. “A Study in the 23rd Psalm.” |yere ordered paid and old to rr: and Ms Harry Geibe and O Thursday, Pastor's reception at was settled. After the business Jed spent Sunday 7.30 P. M. Members and friends of meeting a social hour was enjoyed M Io Sones as, WE ad e 8 the church are invited. { Refreshments were served to the hs ¥ 7 Sime a Bheems Friday evening choir rehearsal. |fllowing: Mrs. Harry Brown Mrs oa; win es, Nae Stor oud Q 9.15 A. M. Church School. |G A Kercher, Mrs, Ressler Vo 0 ang Miss Clara ) Dr. E. W. Garber, Superintendent. | Mys, 10:30 A. M. Morning worship and Roberts, Misses sermon. Theme: “The Elder Brother.” 6:30 P. M. Epworth League. ; | Dorcas Society Met and Mrs. Elmer Barnes. : ancas- Sna Styles Leader, Miss Mary Diffenderfer. | On Tires voor rs or he Roi 2 Mrs. met arnes, at Lancas PPY y : Topic, Standard of the Christian] ¢ Mrs. Howard Garber, on Done.| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garber and Values to $5.00 pair THEY WON'T Life. : corship and sermon 2 Springs Road, the Dorcas children, of Stauffertown, spent Priced to ® LAST LONG AT 7.30 Evening worship a ety of the United Brethren in{the Easter holidays at Marietta M ick at Theme, “Rest.” Christ Church : sl a cn 5 EA gins 25 ove Quick a : hurch met and held a very Mrs. Garber’s sister, Mr. and 11.00 A. M., Saturday, 1st Quar-|interesting meeting. terly conference at the church. American estaurant and will be served at the different | | ents © “FX & & : St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ! The next meeting wil’ ter, Mary, all of Chester spent a B ) d Y th M Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A., Rector |e held a the home of Miss Ida | few days with his parents, Mr. and 0y S all ou S Ld en S Q y Gi J Lo omen S reenaw: mn Marietta stree rs Cg i i i 9:15 A. M. Sunday School. Gres wall, ay street, on| Mrs. O. K. Greenawalt. oO Fine Calfskin O Mizses and IMIS Thos. J. Brown, superintendent. 3 wrsday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zerphey and X or S Oy oO OO Humps oy Devine With children, Gladys, Elizabeth and Oxfords oO A Easter music. W.C T U. Will Meet : Billie spent Sunday with Mrs P i d f nick Q 0eS OO T . . 3.00 P. M. Service at Masonic, The Mt. Joy W. C. T. U. will Zerphey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs rice or qui Q £ NOT every kind mn 2, > i ot wi iss Malinda Greiner: Willis of Tavs 5 Home. J ren. Greiner Witham of Blin, sale way down to § Val. to $6 are now © pair 2 every style, but a 7.30 P. M. Evening service, evening, Ap 26, 1927, a Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gingrich EH S30 4 Choir frac 7.20 o’clock. The Bible verse is to|and son, Sherwood, of Stauffertown ° Q . ® > 8 good assortment 1n tice { contain the word, “Pray.” spent the Easter holidays with the a Oo alr Sizes 8 1-2 to a % v ; . Tuesday April 26, the Archdea-! An Anti-Nareotic program will f rmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. p ir O ® 0 QO Si every Size. CONTY of Harrishure, will meet at De given and plans made for the|Herman Gingrich, of East Peters- & O Wo e're way below Fe St. Luke’s church beginning at 9.30 Group Institute to be held at Eliza-| burs. Wiss ii Mothers! Take ad- & This is Your O Cost on these. : 2M. Dinner will be served at the May 5. Mr. Mark Winters and Miss Mar) | oy oD palr nS | supper par- Harold Brown. Mrs. Leste: Bernice Myers, Dor- Musselman and Elsie Lefevere ——— Eee othy About twenty the meeting refreshments bs three anc guests were the hostess. enjoyed served nw Vy to get a new member or at t bring some one with you. Ev- ybody welcome. Mahargue of Oberlin, were Satur- day visitors with Rev. H, S. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop and daughter, Iva, were Easter guests at the home of their daughter, Mr Mrs. David Snyder. Mr. Clarence Greenawalt, and Mrs. Fred Mr. Straum and daugh- | tha Gamber of Manheim, Mr. and i Mrs. Harry Doutrich of Gravel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Walter 8 vantage of this. Pumps QQ Chance. Buy! Q COOOOOOOOOOCCOO0 SPECIAL LOT Stock up! The low cuts were good value when we sold them$4 and $5. OOCOOOOOOOOOO0 Oxfords In Black & Tan QOOO0 Has £ Flaharty of | . # Phy Fy Fo ishi Ss sy. Paul. Atkins, of 3 : 4 : | ry YF N 5 EM Rev. Paul Alkire, o ee [Band Me Water Flaharty of | oy noe en nn OOOO OOOO . a ev. S, ~ A nl and the Rev. Azaal Sow Some Alfalfa of Salunga, were Sunday visitors — Pl SRO hy 2 3 ne 4 Alfalfa seed is lower in price|to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher | ; @ [a 9 anheim, will be the ; i pric ’ | 7 : re Coates, of Manheir : than clover, so it is advisable to | Mrs. J. S. Brubaker and sons, spea cers, mix some with the clover this|Clarence and Charles, and daughte: 1% cy Ta tuild will meet at mix si with th cl ver thi “he 8, an daughnte . The Tuma gus Helen Snyder spring. Sow two-thirds of the reg-| Ruth, and Aldis Arment, of Encla: of the Tosi ence wn P M. jular rate of red clover with 8 to 15| Mr. James Gerber and son, James on Friday evening at 7.50 I. IM. pounds of alfalfa per acre. North-|Jr f FElizabet} x ay Mi YX St. Mary’s Guild of St. Luke’s oe Ox fn ber acre. © and Miss Tas Sal ob ch will meet Thurs western-grown seed is good for|Martha Trumpfelder, of Lancaster, Episcopal churc = most parts of the state, and Canad-| were week end guests at the at the residence This is the last Sunday of of the a short address by the pastor; vio- home good paying business in this section, QOOONOOOOOOOOOCO day evening ian Varigated is adaptable to the|{of Mr. and Mrs. Marti C yen LY on ar 1gated 1s adaptable to tk yf Mr. ¢ Mrs. Martin Gerber, on Mrs. Elmer Brown at 7.30 P. M. rthern sections. Be sure to in-|{New Haven Street. & ha Churci | oculate. These students were home for S 3 T. U. BE vangouen tar yr wei f Easter vacation: Misses Virginia C Rev. Ralp Soph A vill be! MARKETS | Newcomer, Jean Thome, and Doro- PUPOSITION S018 Midweek Ze er 50 P Lard, per pound ...........) Y 15¢|thy Schock; Messrs. John resumed on Wednesday 2 DN ver dozen ......... 21c-23c¢j John Brandt, Robert Brubaker, C. 1 T | M. After this Service Be a Butter, per lb. .............. 40c| Eby, Howard Lindemuth, Amos Niss | You : he gan Buy Tiss tee on the renovation o © prayeriCorn, per bu. .............. 85¢ |1ly, Leroy Herman and Harry Baer. | ordin 1 . y, 210) erme ant a ) aer. a + meeting room will meet and fhe Wheat, ver bu. ............81.30 Miss Margaret Krall, a toather ypy ¢ $3.00 Values At @ & Ladies’ Aid Society of the church. : = - {at Chambersburg, spent Easter va- | for. : Q Monthly W. M. S. meets on a reading by Dora Kraybill; a cation with her parents. i Q Tharsday evening at the home of tette; “Are Philippines boys nc| “0 TIGL | aoa 000000000000 Mrs. Charles Sheaffer. = really any differont from OUR SALE REGISTER ! > SO Weekly choir rehearsal, Friday white children?” by Paul Baker: + ® Q 7 P. M. in the church. “Does God feel any different {o- Saturday, April on thal IN Q ’ Q 0) Sabbath School Sunday at 9:30 wards them?” Pearl Buller; Instru- We natn Mount Tov ail : QO omen S Q SS Ub Mission band Saturday at 2.30. mental duet; a short address by tire of hats { Q OQ Worship 10.30 A. M. Pastor’s Clarence Nissley; Recitation; Read- ote. of a : hotel be M P x BE OQ BLACK & theme, “What does my religion ing, Felix Suilivan; “Glad chests Spickler Fant. auet oat 5 E tv Q 1 (4) snedan to me?” 7 and what they are for,” Blanche Friday, April 29__At Florin Hall. } ;