The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 20, 1927, Image 3

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This Week All Roads Lead to
Sales Event
Lancaster’s Great Annual
: =

And Continues 10 Days Including Saturday April 30
This is an event that thousands of people of Lancaster County and vicinity look for-
ward to every year. They come to the Hager Store—by Auto, by Train, by Trolley—
to share in its notable savings.
For many months we have been laying plans to make this the greatest Anniversary ®
Sale in our history. 9
Our many friends and patrons will find thousands of dollars worth of new seasonable @
merchandise in wanted styles—of Hager Quality—at savings to be had at no other ©)
time of the year. Every department features many unusual offerings.
In this brief announcement, we cannot even hint at the hundreds of special Anniver-
sary offerings. Read the Lancaster News Jcurnal, Intelligenceer, and New Era daily
for full details of the big Sale. —something ‘different every day.
A Sale for all Eastern Pennsyivania---For Old Friends and New

Something new
3200600 OBO!

oC ICTY 900000000000

©: ame Be BEE
= $7 5 Round SPE CIAL
©, {
8 ol
®) | a
8 OJ :
S or



For a Good C
Full Line of Uther
Read The Mij\ joy Bulletin

at a right price go to

E. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA.
Ladies’ and Children’s Hair
Cutting a Specialty.

SHAVE and NR Hi)
“Cap” Williams

= =
| y
| The “best sellers” among apples
aE :
| produced in Pennsylvania are the
r—— 3% | Stayman, Jonathan, Delicious, Bald-
[= : .
1 | win and Rome, according to a sur-
vey of 291 retail stores in 10 cities
by the State Bureau of Mar-
during February and March.
These five varieties were handled
by more than three-fourths of the |
stores. This fact prompts the bur-


N= eau to say that ‘the apple grower
ho] who has most of his apple acreage
Dang ¢
planted to one or more of these var-
a} Thi ieties is indeed fortunate because
he is assured of a good market at
home.” i
The survey revealed other im-
o. L. portant facts regarding the market-
ing of Pennsylvania-grown winter |
(On With Laughter) apples.
| The most popular grade of east-
ern fruit was the U, S. No. 1. Near-
ly every store that sold eastern ap-
ples reported that it handled some
of this grade,
Most of the
the display of

A man on West Main street came
down town the other morning with
a shave, hair cut and wearing a
clean shirt. Really I wouldn’t have
known him if he hadn't had my
umbrella which he borrowed about
a month ago.
dealers stated that
apples in their win-
dows decidedly increased the vol-
ume of their apple sales.
Because of more bruising, diffi-
culty in handling and greater dan-
ger of misrepresentation, the barrel
pack is plainly losing favor among
buyers. Although out of 291 stores
153 reported that they bought bar-
A Marietta street woman tells me
that people who have no rheuma-
tism in their bones are at a disad-
vantage. They must depend entire-
ly on the newspapers for weather

Professor Kip speaks
am and have alway

recommend Pratts White I iarrhea
Tablets for baby chicks. T. ey have
saved me many chicks.” Prof. Kip, 4
Irvington, N. J.
And Mrs. Gossard of Cologne, N D.,
se send White Diarrhea
3 soon as possible. ave been
using the tablets and haven't los ta
chick. I am certainly very pleased
with same.’
Bowel trouble used to be the blight
of poultry raising. Now thousar nds sing
ply put Pratts White Diarrhea Tablet ta
in the drinking water with the first
drink the chicks get.
pra White
To Our Customers: #7 stand behind Prats
White Diarrhea Tablets unconditionally. We
guarantee that they prevent this disrase or your
money is returned,
Sold and Guaranteed by
| Mt. Joy, Pa.


reled apples, many of these did so

D ts 41 is tl only because good bushel apples
atvin's is the Nn came 0
2 ILS. [ncory. is vay men came | not be obtained in the mar-
from Rikers bv we Baye Soe ket.
girls in town who reverse the the- fpr Gp fl Syl
ry. They make monkeys out of A total of 273 stores.or 84 Der
Fe : cent of those surveyed, reported
Some men. . >
that they were selling Pennsylvania
; to Tat tl Yio £ : apples, and that the general quality
want to let the radio fans : el
he id et ma and pack of the eastern apples was
te. t. ietl s t 1 Sale rom ek
. + 5 etter than a year ago.
loud speaker for this community “Howev +l Nore Uotits in
Weve )
and it doesn't cost business men nN : rez
Sancho tute 1a packing eastern apples is certainly
h to e in. , 3
needed,” the report states: “Every
retailer who handles western box
Whe It A Difference i apples buys them with complete
n = i" Ie Ba er ap | confidence because he knows how
use his 2 anc > exch . Toe
tolls Sr i on buss De ange many apples are in the package that
he buys and also because he knows |
Y + lis Se . : Ps :
| much displeased. from experience that the fruit is|
{ he went out for
On Friday when
trout John New-

com i Jake h Lo uniform from top to bottom. East-|
| comer said Jak ras happiest whe : oo
30 Sac i AS happic 1€N | ern grown apples because of their
| his line was busy.
» 83 busy excellent flavor would command |
—— . . . . |
i : much higher prices in leading mar-
A salegms ag ‘ arietts > Cin
| A salesman called at a Marietta | | ooo they more uniformly pack- |
| street home Saturday and asked a ee ise
eile x ed. A package containing
| boy if his mother was home. The |, : a
i 1 lied: “D 1 think 1 ly sized, colored and graded fruit
yoy 1eplied: 0 you < 8
Ee y in AN | Could soon createsan excellent mar-
mowing this yard because the grass a ’
| 3 91 ket for eastern apples.
| 18 long a —_
£ cottage rayer meeting ¢ ~ x
Sopage Prayer a CLUB FOR THIS YEAR|
few weeks ago I heard a woman
ke ine raver but whe — :
make a fine prayer 1 ut when I Arrangements are now being
| heard her abuse her hired girl 1 ah To .
helices 3 Hh me | made for the organization of a sec-
couldn relieve it was 1e same y cM
| ond Lancaster County Beef Club,
erson. ey / .
| similar to the f ie which so success-
fully sold and showed their animals |
| I heard a young lady say to an- att State Show: in Janaarv
» . . . “al ne Lc » 1 Ja “A .
ther: “You didn’t tell him straight |. % : .
Oo b ll hi Every effort will be made to pur-
| out that you loved him? * os : :
| 1: “ry chase and deliver the animals into |
She replied: “Goodness, no. He Pade Ap ;
had 9 i ent OF Wel” the hands of the future owners be-
SIMply hac 0 Squeeze ou 0 e. 7
| ig fore the first of May. Any farm
a = : bov + oir] in he countv betw
| Fellows did you ever notice that | POY 01 girl in the county between
it takes a lover two hours to kiss | the ages of 10 and 16 years of age
| his girl good night and it takes a | Py the first of June will be eligible
i hushand about half a second to membership, The membership,
im is however, for this county will be
A certain family here bought | limited to not over about 125 on
their son a present for Easter and | account of the lack of space avail-
the father said: ‘“Where would be | able for the sale of the animals at
j the safest place to hide it until | the next State Show at Harrisburg.
Easter?” In getting the club under way,
Mother replied: “In the bath | much the same plan will be follow-
room. He'll never find it there.” ed as last year. In each community
that has asked for this work, a lo-
A man on Manheim street thinks | ca] unit of the club will be formed.



Rotary Sewing Machines
All styles,
including Elec-
trics, Oil, Needles, Repairing
and parts for all machines at
133 E. King St.,
Ind. Phone 116Y
3 |
uniform- | ENR

24 East Main Street

Bell Phone No. 159

Donegal Mill Hatchery
Custom Hatching
Chicks for sale each week
as follows:

the Savital of Ireland be 0 each unit to be supervised by White Leghorns
wealthiest place on ear because it | 1ocal leader. The leader for the A ;
has been Dublin for many years. Mount Joy section of the county Barred and White Rocks
“That's : iar py Hiram Nissly, Mt. Joy, Pa. Any Rhode Island Reds
hats a how one on me" sald or girl of the above age who . oS
the monkey as he began scratching. | 1 5. (0 feed a baby beef this Newtown Brooder Stoves.
Eons his ro ghia Yen should call or write to either Tioga Poultry and Dairy Feed
Very man may have nis price ; 3, Nissly or to the County Agent, :
but remember too that every { wo, Building. Lancaster, Pa., Eizht Weeks Old Pullets
woman has her i > A + =
i an nas Nerd fore April 15th.
| — - er ree tT @ eee
A+ 1 ; y hat 1 or
Joon nay. {| CONTROL OF STATE'S | h
j oF _ cheese ot ona worst WEEDS DEscrIBED | Wo omy
| I t wasn’t composes 1
| 1 en —
| t decomposed. Among the most troubles » and ! i] 140R6 kt. Joy, Pa.
A 1 Ef hs 1 1 true Wee prevale nt . Yok rf — mma
| to n he meaning of will n accordil oD nr a {i 6 ow
Toh ® Bo st, ar nia poet \ goer
| power : a Kear. aloe i ssler’ Q regi if
iH 1: “My brother William Hh Eo A
| went out in the counrty with his |! pepper grass, horse h Fresh F “ruit and
. 31 1 winter cress cockle |
| F ran. out of ‘gos, snd had te] 10, Wintel, Cress, Lf i
! pu the machine back home by |or fu ld sow tl €, quack grass, | V egetables in
ill power. lover dodder, morning glory, Season
A man Fis ving on East Main /ith many | Also Fish, Oysters and
street has a son w Bh he claims is é
the laziest fellow on earth. His jel acre of 0 Clams
latest thought is to start an ice faec- | land,” Dr, Gress asserts. PRICES ARE RIGHT
tory in Alaska. “Farmers are doing myeh and | Orders taken here for RUHL’S
can do ore to eliminate this loss | QU ALITY CUT FLOWERS and
: v a waiter song | by lean seed, by allowing {| P LANTS.
vet I w asl I said: “No € 1
h 1 8:4 22 > 11d: “Show ever ~ | 18 OY
B) me the Waiter Go Home.’ Sp A KES SLER
ms — -~ io ®
No. 4 East Main Stree
F i 1 . > ag i in reet
ww 1 1 i i
uw oll Ke
Ks I rr
| W: { 1A SE
NE ot ve 9
E {
E farm iL ghting
hae rg
i 3 d
\ |
1 h
1 ( I
T id 3 i
i ther day a drunk dropped N ws a
in the pay phone the post uent ut I
e The exchange said: “Num- :
ber, please The man said: “Gim-{ ed
me my chewing gum.” 3 ‘iia WE SPECI. ALIZE
mj Z | Something Missing in all styles of
i et ed ta ross the railroad thdck s o
A certain man asked me if I He ied by We Faliren
thought girls should wear skirts any fore. a fran; LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S
tne i : Ths . | They put the pieces in a sack,
onger. I asked him what the deuce Bird the bra Ww H ~BOBBING
they would wear in place of them. But could'nt fin 2 Drain. AiR
a = 3 70 E. Main
\ “Guess Ill get drunk said the A WISE OWL Milady pliopre 4 Street
bo al