927 | 0. oO 0, ho? 00 9 * 0 o¥% a0 00 00 0. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 0 0 0 Dat 00 Vp 059 0500 0 09 09 050 059 059 059 059 9592, 0. 0, $050 06%, * ©, 02 00 0) 0 0. 0 a? Sot 0p 049009 00% 05 OP 00059099, COR) $0 COR) ho? 90% 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000.0 RENN aXe Na Ne Xa Xe) J * G0,06.00.90, 9 ot % 9, 0. 0. 0 Opt OP 090500590, 0 + WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1927 1-E © B Spreader 2—Nisco Spreaders 2—-Bemis Tobacco Overhauled, Good Condition 2—17 tooth Roller 1-4 H P Domestic 2—Perry Wood Frame USED FARM MACHINERY 1-16 tooth Comb. Harrow Few 24x16 Disc Harrows 1-15 Spring Harrow : 1-Good John Deere Cultivator with Hoer 1-Ohio with Hoer 1-2 Horse Wagon 1-7 ft. McCormick Binder 1-5 ft. Deering Mower Very Good Condition Good Condition Planters Harrows Engine On Truck. Also lot 1 H. P. Engines Harrows WE WILL GUARANTEE ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES ~TO GIVE SATISFACTION AS RECOMMENDED. H. S. Newcomer & Son MOUNT JOY, PENNA. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Cultivator 3—Ford Coupes 1924 and 1925, Best Mechan- ical Condition and Paint 1-1924 Touring Good Condition and Pant 1-Late Model Roadster With Slip on Body 1-1923 Touring Good Condition East Main St. 1—Fordson H. S. Newcomer & Son Ford Sales and Service 1-1920 Coupe Good Condition and Paint 1-1921 Touring Cheap; Good Running 1-1923 Chevrolet Light Delivery, Good Condition Tractor Best Condition, Fully Equipped MOUNT JOY, PA. |G 0 0000000000000000000000 ; Wheat, per bu. Si | “3PRIVATE SALE Newcomer's Used Car List Commencing Friday April 15th, 1927 Carload Union County Fresh Cows Springers and Backward Cows, con- sisting of Holsteins, Guernseys, Jerseys and Brindles, Mostly T. B. * * * * * * * 0) * * 0 0 * 3 * 0 Ls 0 £0) 0 % 0 *, x, 7 *, » *, * » *, hs J Ls 6 0 0) * *. 0 0 * * 0 * 0 * 0 *, £0 0 0 *, *, * * 0) Tested. J. B. Keller & Bro. MARKETS | Lard, per pound ............ 15¢ Eggs, per dozen ......... 21c¢-23¢ Butter, per Ib. .............. 40c Corn, per bu. vss 85¢ MRE A a $1.30 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 OOOOOOOOOOL OOOO QOOOO BARGAIN BARGAINS GALGRE PRE-FASTER BARGAINS SALE PRICES SMASHED SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE Come in and See Our New Stock in Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Etc. MEN'S BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS 49¢c MEN'S BROADCIL.OTH SHIRTS All Colors, $1.95 Value 99c¢ CHILDREN'S ROMPERS $1.25 Value 69c A LOT RUBBERS Per Pair 12¢ MEN'S MIXED WORK HOSE Per Pair 9¢ LADIES SILK HOSE All Shades Special Sale Price, Per Pair 29c¢ MEN'S JAZZ BOW TIES 9c MEN’S SILK HOSE Per Pair 19¢ MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS 49¢ MEN’S COTTON HOSE Per Pair ic MEN'S GAUZE UNION SUITS 69c A LOT MEN'S PALM BEACH SUITS Will Pay to Buy Now Values to $25.00 $9.95 LADIES’ OVERBLOUSLS Silk Pongee and Crepe de Chine 99c CHILDREN'S COATS Fur Trimmed, All Shades Sizes 6 to 14 $3.99 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES 69c CHILDREN'S HOSE 2 *Palr 23c LADIES’ SILK DRESSES Regular and Extra Sale Price $2.99 BOYS WASH SUITS Sizes 3 to 8 79c LADIES DRESS PUMPS 8 OXFORDS Latest Styles $2.95 4 $3.95 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Goodyear Welts, per pair $2.79 OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00 EXTRA! SPECIAL LADIES’ WOOL HOSE $1.25 to $1.69 Value, pair 19¢ MEN'S TOWERS VARSITY SLICKERS $7.50 Value, All Colors $4.99 BOY’S KNEE PANTS 79c EITTLE BOYS SPRING TOP COATS Sizes 3 to 8 £3.99 MEN'S GAUZE SHIRTS 8 DRAWERS A Piece 39c 5 MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S 8 BOYS OVERCOATS $15.00 Values $4.99 MEN'S OVERALLS To First Fifty Customers, Per Pair 99c¢ MEN'S SCOUT SHOES All Sizes, Per Pair $1.69 LADIES COATS Fur-trim’d, Val. to $19.95 Special Sale Price $4.99 MEN'S WORK TROUSERS Per Pair $1.29 NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY ALL SWEATERS Greatly Reduced LOT LADIES SHOES Per Pair 25¢ LADIES CREPE BLOOMERS © STEP-INS 39c : LADIES’ COTTON HOSE Per Pair 9¢ 1L.OT OF SPECIALS ON SALE 51d 10c¢ MEN'S AND BOYS DRESS CAPS $1.50 Value 89c HOME MADE BROOMS 1 to a customer, $1 Value 29c A LOT BLANKETS Value $5.00 $3.29 LADIES’ PRINCESS SLIPS $1.25 Value 79c HARRY LASKEWITZ MERCHANDISE STORE MOUNT JOY, PENNA. QOOOOQ OPEN EVENINGS GENERAL OPEN EVENINGS nS A Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENT ION ABOUT fHE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mrs. Amy Kramer at Philadelphia. Reuben Shellenberger was at Phil- adelphia Sunday. Mrs, John Siller was a Saturday visitor at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Horstick spent Saturday at Lancaster. Miss Ethel Smith visited at Lan- caster Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Caml Germer and Miss Edna Heilig spent Saturday at Lancaster. Mrs. Margaret McAllister is spend ing two weeks with friends at Pitts- burgh. Mrs. Zeager and daughter, Alice, of Rheems, were at Lancaster, Sat- urday, Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Snyder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stark, Mr, H. F. Hawthorne was at Oak- lyn, N. J., visiting his daughter and family, Mr. Carl Meshey, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with his friend, John Charles, Mrs. Frank Smeltzer and daugh- ter, Dorothy, were at Lancaster oa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Abram Rhinehart and children were Saturday at Lancaster. Mr. Ira V. Eby and Miss Bessie Rodgers spent Saturday and Sunday at Reading, Miss Martha Gamber spent Satur- day with her aunt, Elizabeth Camp- bell, at Lancaster. Mr, and Mrs. John Tryon and son, Bramell, are spending several days at Baltimore. Lester Evans of Lancaster is spending the week in town with his aunt, Mrs. John Roth, Miss Caroline Nissly visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly, over the week-end, Mrs. John Conner spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. H. O. Gutschall in East Donegal township. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family at Unicorn on Sun- day with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shires spent the week end at Moore, visiting her sister, Mrs. Nelson Shickley. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Tyson and children, of Milton Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Garber, Sunday. Mrs. Minie Ryan, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday evening with her sis- ter, Mrs, H. H. Zerphy and family. Mrs, Nelson Gingrich, Mrs. Paul Garber, Misses Ruth Wagner and Ruth Sentz spent Saturday at Lan- caster. Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Gottschall, son Paul, of Landisville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gibbons Tuzsday. Wilson Gutschall, Dave Hocken- berry and Gene Gutschall of East Donegal, spent the week-end in Per- ry County. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Stoner, of near town, visited at Elizabethtown, Sunday with the family of Mr. Wm. Deitrich, Mrs. Annie Schickley spent sev- eral days with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Barnhart and family, at Eliz- abethtown. Mrs. Charles Garber and daughter Charlotte Fay, spent several days with Mr. D. C. Witman and family at Manheim. Mr. Sherman Barnhart and: wife, of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. John Barnhart and family. Mr. Amos lege is spending his Easter vacation with his father, Mr. Reuben Nissly, on Donegal Springs Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ream, Mrs. Etta Bennett and Miss Mae Zeller, auto- ed to Fairmount, Md., on Sunday, where they visited with Mr. Kessel- ring, formerly of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amand and son, Henry, Jr., of Neffsville, spent Sunday with Mis. Amand’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smeltzer. Mr. Amos Wolgemuth and daugh- ters, Lois and Esther, and Miss Stella Heisey, attended the revival near Mountville Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ruhl and children, of Manheim; Mrs. Harry Wolgemuth and two daughters, of Manheim, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Young, North Bar- bara street. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ruhl and Mrs. Harry Wolgemuth, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of this place, attended the Church of the Breth- ren services at Harrisburg, Sunday evening, Mr. Oscar Ruhl sang in the Men's Chorus, of the Fairview District at the services. er erent) GP Auto Hit By Tram Driver Is Killed (From Page One) delphia. Engineer Mellinger tells of the accident as follows: “We were coming east at 70 miles an hour. Just as we neared the crossing, Ropka drove on the tracks, I applied the brakes. He apparently saw the train, his motor stalled and we hit the car.” The shock of the impact was not felt by the passengers but parts of the car were jammed on the cow catcher and had to be pried loose The engine was crippled and had to be replaced at Lancaster. The train stopped within 50 feet. Ebersole, after the crash sum- moned railroad foreman Eli Arndt who picked up the lifeless form and aided in carrying it into the tool- house mediately above the Florin staton. spent Sunday Undertaker H. C. Brunner of this place, then took charge of the re- mains, bringing them to his here. The one side of the n head was crushed and there were also two deep gashes in his scalp. His body was crushed and one leg broken. Death was instantaneous. Mr. Brunner prepared the body for burial and next day he took it by auto hearse to the home of the man’s parents at Port Deposit, Md. Ropka was a moldey in the Florin Foundry and Manufacturing com- pany. He has been employed there since moving from Maryland sever- al years ago. He is survived by his wife and three children, Earl, 8 and Hilda and Howard, twins, 5, Also these brothers and sisters Mrs. R. B. Steinherlber, Mrs. J. C. Snelling, Mrs, S. E. Spencer and R. W. Ropka, all of Port Deposit; Mrs. P. E. Diffenderfer, and L. E. Ropka of Florin. The funeral was held at Port De- posit yesterday afternoon. In‘er- ment was also made there. (Classified Column NOTICE—I will have all kinds of Easter Flowers for sale at the Ricksecker Bldg. Matilda Newpher, april 13-1t-pd FOR SALE—Reed Stroller, and Baby Walker. Apply to Mrs. C. K, Weaver, 67 West Main St., Mount Joy. April 1s 1t-pd. NOTICE—I take in washing, als so do housecleaning. Mrs. Welsh, 2 West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. April 13-2t-pdh FOR SALE—Easter Lilies, Hy- dranges, Hyacinths, Tulips. Also Cut Flowers for Easter at my Green house and H. A, Darrenkamp’s Store David Zerphey, Mount Joy, Pa. April 1304 BARBER SHOP—Mt. Joy, close to Lancaster. Established many years, Two chairs, modern equip- ment, price low easy terms, Ad- dress Mrs. W. B. Bender, 122 East Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Apr. 13-1t WANTED— Sewing machine op- erators on dress work. Beginners paid while learning, Very sanitary working conditions, The work is easily learned. The LeBlanc Co. Mount Joy, Pa. April 13-tf Nissly, of State Col-|* FOR SALE—AIl kinds of vege- table plants, cabbage, tomato, eggs, ete, also sweet potato plants in season. Lot of pansy plants, Jae- ob Gruber, 343 N. Barbara St, Mt Joy. April 6-4t-pd MAKE YOUR DISCOUNT — There is an abatement of five per- cent on 1927 County and Personal tax if paid on or before June 1, James H. Metzler, Collector. mar. 30-tf FOR SALE—A large home. built express wagon, very strong, suita- ble for use on a farm. Apply to this office. mar. 30-tf FOR SALE — Grey enameled kitchen cabinet, good as new. Used less than two ears. Also good used parlor on Myers Wenger, N. Barbara St., Mount Joy. March 16-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE—A practic- ally new 6-room house, along trol- ley at Florin, all modern conven- iences and in Al shape. I will sell very reasonable to a snappy buyer. Come and see it. Jno. E. Schrolk Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar 9-tf For SALE—Large size Othello range, only used a few. years, nick- le skirting with polished top, good condition, Apply to Mrs. Katie M. Heisey, R. 1, Mounte Joy, mar 2-tf SL SE A BARG AN Who wants a tract of land fronting 100 feet on the highway between here and Flor- in and 540 feet deep? The price is very reasonable if sold soon. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. mar 2-tf WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot of wood sawed to stove length which I sell reasonable at all times, J. W. Kreider. Telephone 142R21, Mt. Joy. mar. 2- 4mos.-pd FOR SALE house formerly known as Shirk’s Row. Can show a big return on invest- ment. Apply H. G. Longenecker, yne of the committee, Mount Joy, Pa. Sept. 22-1tf FOR SALE—Modern Home, New Two Story Brick House with all conveniences, garage, fruit trees, ete. Call on owner, Geo. Althouse, South Market Street, Mount Joy. Don’t miss this. Sept. 15-tf WANTED—Young man over 21 years to open office for Automaplle Insurance. Paul J. Arndt, 151C State St., Harrisburg, Pa. ‘Ber 7-2384R. feb, 9-tf WHY THROW MONEY AWAY? —Have your old shoes rebuilt to look like new and comfortable! I have the up-to-date Champion Machines. Here’s the place for good work. B. R. BISHOP Successor te H. M. Seaman 30 W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa mar 9-6t-pd FOR SALE— 2—1923 Ford Coupe Trucks 1924 Ford Coupe Truck, Hi-Deck One-Half Ton Ford Truck 3—Ford Tourings 1924 Overland Touring 1922 Overland Touring 1922 Chevrolet Coupe Truck 1925 Reo Speed Wagon with Cab 1924 Reo Speed Wagon and cab (rebuilt) perfectly. 1925 Chevrolet Touring No. 77 Safe STRICKLER'S GARAGE Maytown, Pa ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Estate of Phares B. Steh- man, late of East Hempfield Town- ship, Lancaster County, Pa., .de- ceared, Letters testmentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against same will present them without delay -for settlement to the undersigned. CHRIST B. BRUBAKER, R. 2. Manheim, Pa., JOS. M. NISSLEY. 2504-4th Ave.. Altoona, Pa. . Issac R. Herr, Atty. Administrators april 13-6t april 6-tf