YAGE EIGHT Classified Column | FOR SALE—One table and eight terra cotta pipes. Call at 237 Mari- etta street, Mt. Joy. mar. 30-1t-pd DISCOUNT t of five per- Personal There is an cent on 1927 Coun tax if paid on or before® James H. Metzler, mar. FOR SALE—A large home built express wagon, very strong suita- ble for use on a farm. Apply to this office. mar, 30-tf de age Woman cooking at eve e Joy. to do gener- Metz: mar. 1 wantED™ al house work. Appl} ler, Mount Joy, Pa. AQ ALE REASONABLE — A arley Davidson mo- r, just over- 's Garage two cV torcycle, hauled. Mt. Joy. n Apply to FOUND — Auto license number 281-307. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this ad. mar. 30-1t Dent 1925 germination, Moun! mar. 23-: ellow seed corn, 98 pes A. H Martin, R. 1, SALE—Heywood Wakefield a short time, in good COC HT; asonable. Apply condition. to Mrs, L. E. Rob®@ FOR SALE — Cabbage, tomato, cauliflower, pepper, and egg plants, also potted tomatoes. Apply J. H. hie. S. Hollinger, R. 3, Mt. Joy Pa. AR mar. 23-2t-pd Sewing machine op- Work. Beginners as CY sanitary Os 1s eTators on on paid while lear working conditions.™ easily learned. The Mount Joy, Pa. mar. 2 FOR SALE—Bed and spring, 2 bed room chairs and rocker, 2 porch rockers, 3 hot bed sash, Apply to 333 W. Donegal St. mar. 16-3t-pd Grey enameled as new. Used wo oe Wl good a BR tio heater Wenger, N, Barbara St., Mount: d Mar ch 16- or. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE between Mount Joy and Florin, 180 ft. front on concerte road, house is very modern, has all improvements tile bath, sun parlor, beautiful lawn etc.; priced to sell. Don’t overlook this, J. E. Schroll, phone 41-2, Mt Joy, Penna, mar. 9-tf HOUSE FOR SALE—A practic- ally new 6-reom house, along trol- ley at Florin, all modern conven- iences and in Al shape. I will sel very reasonable to a snappy buyer Come and see it. Jno. E. Schroll Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar 9-tf a o REWARD —Two hundred and fif- yagiellars ($250.00) reward will be paid mh information leadinggt arrest aff@mgonviction of the or persons, o broke into gy Mount Joy recent™ and destroyed prop® and stole a small sum of money. By order of the Board gs. EE. W, Newcomer, sec Direc- 2 ye. For SALE— i range, only used a fe le skirting with polished ™® " condition, Apply to Mrs. Katie Heisey, R. 1, Mount Joy. mar 2-tf A BARGAIN— Who wants a tract of land fronting 100 feet on the highway between here and Flor- in and 540 feet deep? The price is very [ragonsble x sold soon, J. E. Schroll, Mt. mar 2-tf WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot of wood sawed to stove length which I sell reasonable at all times. J. W. Kreider. Telephone 142R21, Mt. Joy. mar. 2-8t-pd Apply 10 oy, Pa, arload of kindling ood. LC Jan, _ Rhode Red single comb ro for hatching. Roy Linde Union School House. j FOR SALE—A 10-room Frame House, Frame Stable, 2 acres land near Mt. Pleasant Church, north of Mt. Joy for only $2,000.00. See Jno. E. Schroll. Mt. Joy, Pa. Phone 41R2 jan 5-tf BALE—Tenement house Wg. as Shirk’s Row. gon invest- Moun committee, Wa Sept. 22-1 pie of the FOR SALE adern Home, New Two Story Brick guse with all conveniences, garage, mit trees, etc. Call on owner, Geo. Mouse, South Market Street, Mount i Don’t miss this. __ Sept. 15- tf man over 21 Bama A utomobile J. R Pa., Bel fe b. hw tf WHY THROW MONEY AW WAY? —Have your old shoes rebuilt to look like new and oe I have the up-to-date Champion Machines. Here's the place for good work. B. R. BISHOP M. Seaman Mount Joy, Pa mar 9-6t-pd W ACTOR Qune years to open oy Insurance. State St., 7-2384R. Paul 2 Harrisburg, Successor to H. 80 W. Main St. FOR SALE— 926 New Ford Coupe 1922 Overland Chevrolet Coupe Tru 2 One-Half Ton Ford Trucks’ sg Also a No. 77 Safe for sale chea STRICKLER’S GARAGF feb. 16-tf Maytown, Pa Every reader should make use of the Classified advertisemen* section. way to dispose of what o If there is any one who wants a OUR SALE REGISTER Thursday, March 31—On premises along the road leading from Mount Joy to Mastersonville, near Baker’s Bridge, a farm of 66 acres by Aaron H. and Clayton H. Metzler. Frank, auct. Friday, April 1,—At Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., at 6:30 P. M., anything and everything by the community Sales Company. Frank & Vogle, aucts, Saturday, April 16—At the Hotel at Mastersonville, big sale by Charles H. Heller & Son Miller, auct. Florin, and everything by Sales Company. aucts, Pa., at 6:30 P. M., Pa., at 6:30 P. M., anything the community Frank & Vogle, Florin, and everything by Sales Company. aucts, el ee Want a Nice Business account: owner, I now have the fine brick property, confectionery and cigar and tobacco store of the late Harr: E. Klugh. on East Main St., Mount | Joy for sale. House has all con- veniences and will give any time. Call, phone or write E. Schroll, Mt, Joy, Pa. eee GE een. On Better Grab This good paying business in this section, here it is. A large limestone quar- ry with house, barn, crusher, horses, trucks, all tools, etc., now in opera- jon to be sold. Possession any time. Don% fool around if you are interested, Call phone or write Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Phone 41R2. tf a MARKETS saan ara 80c ..$1.30 Corn, per bu. Wheat, per bu. Butter, per 1b. Eggs, per dozen Lard, per pound reall 21c¢-23¢ 14¢ You may as well try to conduct your business without capital as to try and get along without advertis- ing. There’s no use, it won't go. nent Read the Bulletin. Subscribe for The Bulletin. _ Our classified ads bring r results. OATS— (New Victory) Bright seed, cleaned and thoroughly. the measured bushel | . up to 20 bushels, larg- at special prices. Reist, Phone, 124R3 mar. 23-2t | Call Alvin Receivers of OR. SALE— The 3 Manufacturing kn Apron Compan 5&8 fering for Street, all g00 clude piece goods various kinds. Also Aprons, and Corduroy I at very reasonable pric from 7:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. mar, 28 the plant on Park in hand which in- EXECUTOR’S NOTICE In the Estate of Salinda F. Hertz- ler late of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the undersigned, thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned resid- ing in Mount Joy, Pa. ANNIE H. YOUNG, LIZZIE H. ZERCHER, jan. 26-6t. Executors. Harnish & Harnish, Attys. THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LANCASTER Be COUNTY re Assigneed Estate of EZ- RA I ZERCHER AND WIFE, of Moun Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Trust Book No. 28, page 215. Ezra H. 'Wcher and wife, having by deed of guntary assignment dated Decembe 1, 1926, assigned and transferred Wl their estate and effects to the umi@ersigned, for the benefit of the said Ezra H. Zercher, notice hereby given o all creditors of said Ezra H Zercher to make f of their claims against said gned estate by affidavit, as providé@ by the Ac of Assembly of June # 1901, Sec 23, P. L. 416, within months from the date of this notile or to be debarred forever from in upen the funds of said asfigned es tate, and to all persons inffgbted tc said assignor to make pay@ent tc Lhe undersigned without deli. HENRY H. EBY, kignee Ae J. Myers & H. Edgar Sherfik mar.9-4t. & lugh & Ganiz CONTRACTORS a the sheepman as careless in Friday, April 15—At Florin Hall, to be regul anything ing the community cattle. Frank & Vogle, ample Friday, April 29—At Florin Hall, the stockman’s of ill health of the hile the old trees are Weighs 39% | Elizabethtown, are of-| d remnants of all persons indebted’ LL roe ii ul THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Dock the Young Lambs Long-tailed lambs brand the his meth- ods of handling his flocks. Our {has the Free Forestry Bulletins The Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters at Harrisburg following two interesting good shepherds dock the young gen- bulletins available for free distribu- eration of wool and mutton produc- ers early in life so they will not have to carry around a useless and unnecessary piece of anatomy. They also castrate the ram lambs in the mutton flock. er eel Cee = Feed Cattle Regularly Roll call at the stockyards will community soon sound for many steers now on feed. As other farming operations begin to press for time, do not fail ar and thorough in feed- the fattening quarters and the rainy dollars in and caring for Comfortable bedding during mean many pocketbook. season will Prune the Peach Trees As soon as severe cold weather is over the peach trees should be pruned. As a rule young peach trees receive too severe pruning not pruned severely enough. Use no wound dressing on peach tree cuts. tion to farmers and other interest- ed parties: Bulletin 37, The State Forests of Pennsylvania; and Bul- letin 42, Making Farm Woodlands Pay. eel Geen. Grow Variety of Vegetables Have the home garden large enough to produce a 12-month sup- ply of a great variety of vegetables, It should be conveniently located in relation to the farm home. A rec- tangular shape measuring at least 100 feet in length make it conven- ient for cultivating. nds ois Keep Beef Matrons Fit Beef cows which will have calves to raise this spring should go through the winter in a thrifty con- dition, They should maintain fair flesh and get ample exercise. If these conditions prevail there will be little cause for anxiety loss. Ee Consistent pays. advertising always ‘the sunlight after being washed. about* Y WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927 Keep Fit! Good HealthRequires Good Elimination Plan Changes Now If any changes are contemplated in the garden or anywhere else about the grounds it is high time to plan for these now, If it is put off much longer the chances are that it will not be done this year. tr A A tn After a mounted policeman was | run down by an automobile in Eng- land, a law was passed requiring night riders to equip their mounts with tail lights fixed to the harness. More than one-third the nation’s population spent their vacations touring in 1926, expending some $3,000,000,000 on camping, hotels, gasoline and other expenses. a O be well, you must keep the blood stream free from impur- jties. If the kidneys lag, allowing body poisons to accumulate, a toxic condition is created. One is apt to: feel dull, languid, tired and achy. | A nagging backache is sometimes a. symptom, with drowsy headaches and dizzy spells. That the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by burning or scanty passage of secretions. If you have reason to suspect improper kidney function- ing, try Doan’s Pills—a tested stimulant diuretic. Users praise them throughout the United States. Ask your neighbor! PILLS DOAN’ 60c Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem.. Buffalc. N. ¥. Prune Hardy Vines Go over the hardy vines now. All except the wistaria can be pruned at this time. Do not allow the vines | to become too thick. Also be sure; A fine home with all convenienc- that they are properly fastened to, es, such as light, heat and bath. supports. | Property is in excellent condition meen Mi es land nicely located. Possession April 1st. This is a corner pro- Use the Sunshine { perty on Mt. Joy twp. side. Price, Milk utensils will be much sweet- | Iss, 550.00. Call or phone Jno. E. er and cleaner if they are placed in |Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf A A Mr Sa For Sale in Florin BE YX nai. | When the Dutch settled on Man- | |hatten they liked the crabs that | were edible and were blue and | white in color. The British like the i because it turns red when boil- i €C Plant Quality Vegetables Only varieties of quality and the best strains of these varieties should be planted in the home garden. ——— ee i A bill pending in the New Sond In Denver, Colorado, when a shire legislature would require one thief was brought before the judge, of each twenty-five beds in hotels to he was wearing the teeth and shoes be seven feet in length. | of the victim, J Subscribe for The Bulletin. The Bulletin is always prompt in the delivery of all printing. 3 S000 0 OTD COOOOOO BARGAIN BARGAINS GALORE PRE-EASTER BARGAINS SALE PRICES SMASHED SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE STARTS WEDNESDAY EVE'G, MARCH 30, o P. M. PDARYS ONLY © 49c MEN'S BLUE . CHAMBRAY SHIRTS SHIRTS 99c MEN'S BROADCIL.OTH All Colors, $1.95 Value CHILDREN'S ROMPERS $1.25 Value 69c OOOOOOOOOOOOO0 OOOOOOOOOOC LADIES’ DRESS PUMPS © OXFORDS Latest Styles $2.95 nd $3.95 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Goodyear Welts, per pair $2.79 A LOT RUBBERS Per Pair 12¢ EXTRA! SPECIAL LADIES’ WOOL HOSE $1.25 to $1.69 Value, pair 19c¢ MEN'S TOWERS VARSITY SLICKERS $7.50 Value, All Colors $4.99 Per Pair 9c MEN'S MIXED WORK HOSE LADIES’ SILK HOSE All Shades Special Sale Price, Per Pair 29c LOT LADIES SHOES Per Pair 25c¢ LOT GALVANIZED BUCKETS AND PANS 5¢ MEN'S JAZZ TIES Oc BOW Per Pair 19¢ MEN'S SILK HOSE LADIES OVERBLOUSES Silk Pongee and Crepe de Chine 99c LADIES CREPE BLOOMERS STEP-INS 39c¢ LADIES’ LITTLE BOYS SPRING TOP COATS Sizes 3 to 8 $3.99 MEN'S GAUZE 49c MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS CHILDREN'S COATS Fur Trimmed, Sizes 6 to 14 $3.99 COTTON HOSE Per Pair 9c LOT OF SPECIALS ON SHIRTS ¥ DRAWERS A Piece 39¢c MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S All Shades \ 1 Per Pair 1c MEN'S COTTON HOSE GINGHAM CHILDREN'S 69c SALE 5 and 10c MEN'S AND BOYS DRESS CAPS 8 BOYS OVERCOATS $15.00 Values $4.99 DRESSES 69c MEN'S GAUZE UNION SUITS CHILDREN’S HOSE 2 Par 23c MEN'S OVERALLS To First Fifty Customers, Per Pair 69c $1.50 Value 89¢c HOME MADE BROOMS PALM BEACH A LOT MEN'S Will Pay to Buy Now Values to $25.00 $9.95 SUITS BOYS WASH SUITS Sizes 3 to 8 79c I to a customer, $1 Value 29¢ A LOT BLANKETS MEN'S SCOUT SHOES All Sizes, Per Pair $1.69 LADIES’ LADIES’ SILK DRESSES Regular and Extra Sale Price $2.99 Fur-trim'd, Val. to $19.95 Special Sale Price $4.99 Value $5.00 $3.29 LADIES’ PRINCESS SLIPS COATS MEN'S WORK TROUSERS Per Pair $1.29 NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY $1.25 Value 79¢c ALL. SWEATERS Greatly Reduced OPEN HARRY LASKEWITZ GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE MOUNT JOY, PENNA. OPEN gVENINGS OOOO TATA TA ATT Tala Te i ede de de Tb Lh AT EEE OOOOH OOOO OOOO DOOOOOOOO0 |