"| PAGE TWO "MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr. SALUNGA Lisa —— | here Tuesday. Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Six Months ..... 75 Cents . Three Months ...40 Cents Single Copies ....3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE home with illness, afternoon in Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Scott will _ | Petersburg, next week. move ti Mr. Mitchell of Baltimore visited Joe Cooper, Jr. is confined to his Miss Anna Fackler spent Sunday THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. LANDISVILLE | The Ladies Aid Society met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Gieiner. | Mrs. George Kramer, of Lancas-| ter, spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. Frank Horst. y Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hess and daughter, of Strasburg, visited rela- A ET | Mrs. Lillie Stauffer Landis of {tives here on Sunday. ab the post at Mount Joy | Wits spent the day with friends Mr. and Mrs, Chester Amand and The date of the expiration of you here. and son John Schlagelmilch, of ie Eb Bg M. G. Peifer of Lancaster visited |Chestnut Hill, visited Mrs. Henry money received. Wt » see this sister, Mrs. E. P. Kendig, Tues- | Amand on Monday. that you are given pr eh VEL avs Mr. and Mrs, Paul Weaver and rodit all Subseriptions. on Lomond Miss Gladys uth of Lancaster |daughter, Betty, were the guests of All correspondents must ha spent the week-end with Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Claude Doner, of munications reach this office Monday. Telephone news | E ackler, : "ia between that time and 1 Mrs. Oscar Weadman spent Fri Wednesday. Cha >lday with her daughter, Elsie ir must po p : than Mon incaster. hl ; inserted Mrs, Samuel Eby visited her sis Aven SE an ter, Mrs. Milton Schaeffer at Brun Vigil, tl 1erville, Wednesday afternoon, Star 2d News, Rev. Stettler of Mt. Joy assistec the Mount Joy paper’s cir ord.nary wee EDITORIAL st church Sunday evening. ] Elizabeth Roser and Lancaster spent Thursday even Miss th the communion services in the mother West Willow on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkhart {and daughter, Jean, of Lancaster, pent the week-end at the home of - {| Mr. and Mrs. John Showalter. The Ladies Bible Class of the Church of God are also holding i |prayer services this week at the homes of several of the members. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brandt and grandson, Eugene, and Andrew -{Martin, of Mt. Joy, spent Sunday | Ww Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer [afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Mrs. Lizzie Way and daughters, | Weaver. EVOLUTION [Lena and Eva visited Mrs. Way's A number of district Prayer It used to be you could rob a mail brother, John Weadman, of Lancas-|meetings were held this week in train and get a world of publicity and a jail sentence out of it. Now it happens so frequently that the reporters turn their noses up at it, |; and it's become such a regular oc- ter. and funeral of Mrs. Mrs. Harry Bucher at Lititz Nos Musser Musser’s currence it’s almost considered le- | . and Mrs. Montoe Sheaffer of [Sunday School on Saturday evening gal. in spent Sunday afternoon with {was well attended. The progran eir daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar |Was very good, PAINFULLY TRUE { Newcomer, Miss Edith Fridy, of Mountville, The proposed anti-revolver law| Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Miller enter-(a returned Missionary from Afiica will do little in stopping the sale of [tained her father, W. Ferrich and gave a short address in Sunday firearms. The desperate characters | brother, Christ Ferrich of Lancas- School of the Church of God on will still carry all the guns they |ter, Sunday. Sunday. : care to, while respectable folks will Mr. and Mrs. John Engle and Mr. Mrs, Clara Newcomer and Miss continue to go unarmed, thus still and Mrs, Howard Longenecker of furthering widening the chasm of Mt. Joy spent Sunday with Mr. and “preparedness.” {Mrs. N. N. Baer. inn } Chri will move to Landis- 30ll 1 YOUR ! Ville Ing w Mr. into THE MORAL IS TO KEEP DOLLAR AT HOME the Start a dollar bill out early in 0 Se : the morning on its mission of ser- Ww Fackler and f amily spent | vice and if kept going it will pay | uesday with E. P. Kendig. [hey ten, a hundred more dollars unda; fternoon with his worth of obligations and nine times fman in Marietta. out of ten it will find its way back ufier of Chiques as . 1 velistic services into your Same isn ngelistic services, true of larger ation. | Put | ®V¢ them to work in com ty service. 3ut what about ail order dollar? Once it is started on its Bos journey it never sees the old home [tained ts over the i 1 ki ly as held at the 1} s of vi Mrs. |! 1S held at the home of | town again. It wsually travels | Wees-end: and - Lo Rc Meatless from 1,000 to “2 000 miles y away | ROY Spahr, and Mrs [Mi Ie rs. P. H.. Meckloy,. Onf 01 LO = 000 mies AAV ad af Aone evening meetings were and that is too far for it to ever >ran of Mone) oR ten of H. W. Minnich get back. [So far as the local os : Mrs. AB. Hershev sn My munity is concerned it is ut of | J. Howard Peifer, Samuel Eby, |Mrs. A. B. Hershey and the parson ire dati 2.2 | William Fackler, Mrs. Roy Spahr |38¢. On Friday evening meetings circulation. {and Miss Alice Strickler, delegates|Were held at the homes of Mr. and {of the Methodist church will attend Harry Summy, Mn. John Heis- i i 1 Fy 19 ra J, ry JAILING THE MACHINE [the Methodist conference, in Phils erman Mrs. Clara Newcomer and A justice of the peace in Berke- |g, ‘phi. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller. Meet- ley, California, has hit upon the | Mrs. Annie Hershey and daugh- idea of jailing the machine for 2U- ter, Alma entertained the following tomobile traffic violations. This | gy ests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Henry would seem like quite a clever way Hess and daughter, Ada and Mr. of handling people who violate the!,nq Mrs. Walter Herr and children automobile laws. Mary, Kathiyn and Henry of Mill- The average driver is not much. qville. troubled by a small fine, and public] Miss Mary Kendig entertained sentiment has not probably arrived | the following guests Friday: Mrs. at the point where it would have) Alpert Weaver, of Kready; Mrs. the majority of these violaters sent to jail. But if the machine was Jocked up somewhere so that the owner and his family had to walk, ga, Kendig and Miss Ellen Nissley, such treatment would have a very ,¢ gilunga. powerful deterrent effect. Such a RHEEMS plan might have quite beneficial re- Mrs. John C. Smith is confined to sults on the speeders of Laneasters county. i i ATTRACTIONS FOR BUSINESS her bed at her home at Rheems with A systematic effort to establish 5 gerious illness. new industries in a town is pretty| Mrs. Elmer R. Kraybill from the sure to bring in a number of such |Rheems General store spent one establishments, But success in |day at Lancaster, shopping and vis- getting them does not depend whol- iting, ly upon the energy with which such | Elmer Groff and Paul Hernly en- campaigns are conducted. |joyed gathering one hundred dozen It is also necessary to prove per week, each from their your town is a good one for them small flock of pullets. to settle in. If a business man is| Martin Cope is putting down the solicited to establish some new en- foundation at the Rheems Evapor- terprise in a town, he feels pleased |ating factory for a one hundred and by the interest shown by the effort. fifty horse power engine. But he does not consider that alone | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mason are Paul Baker, Miss Ethel Steinkompt. Miller Eshleman, Landisville; Mrs. John Kendig, Mms. N. N. Baer, Mrs. He wants to know what kind of al enjoying a great success in their town he will be locating in. He adventure as cake and pie bakers. asks whether that place is wide selling their product at Columbia awake, receptive to new ideas, and and Marietta by peddling. disposed to take up and push pro-| Phares K. Landis, school director gressive movements. A town has | of West Donegal twp., who has ser- to make good along those lines be-|ved continually as a director for the fore people are much inclined to past 17 years transacted business at start enterprises there. | the Rheems P. O. last Monday. —— Miss Mary Mason, a pupil at the ENTITLED TO THE FACTS {Rheems school was awarded the A general impression has been honor as the speller to represent too often encouraged that when the | West Donegal twp. at the next .. price of gasoline is raised on about | spelling contest to be held at Lan- the same date in different sections | caster, of the country, it is a result of an| Numerous farmers regret that agreement between the various |they eliminated potato and tobacco companies. The man who drives up [raising during 1926 as both pro- to a filling station knows that the |ducts demand a good price, They prices fluctuate at times, but he [predict a large increase in acreage doesn’t know why. He can hardly [for 1927. be blamed for suspecting an ingen- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Emin- ious plot for his undoing. heiser, Mr.-and Mrs. Benj. G. Em- He does not know that periodic |inheiser, who flitted from their family attend- ; The musicale given by the Men's Harry Bless-| property va-|* the home of Mr. and Mrs, iner on Sunday. | Vir. and Mrs, Rov Fissel enter |t few of their friends at & | party on Saturday evening¥ | reshments were served to land Mrs. Robert Messe nd do preparation for the Evangelistic services which will begin on Sunday evenng, Bible Class of the Church of God Mae Shreiner, Miss Ida Keiper and NG FIRE CAN BBVE INTO THES 14ND THAT wii ON ROCKS Cr PS = A | kh x | You may have the Rest fire- place in the world. : Your kitchen range be in perfect order, Your furnace may b best on the market, But none of them will satisfactorily unless you the right kind of coal. That's why we are in t ness—to furnish you with best coal for every purpos 151R4 FLORIN. PA. Mrs. C. Sull were all entertained at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H, S. Hershey on Saturday Mr. and Mis. David Kendi mn, of New Danville; R. B. ler and Misses Anna and Striekl r, of Mt: Joy, were ter, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W er, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duings. Wednesday evening the week- ings in charge of officers of Church of God, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knight en- tertained the following guests at their home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Galen Wade and children, Nel- son and Margaret, of Ironville; Mr. and Mrs. George Knight and son, George, and daughter, Elizabeth, of Rocky Springs; Mr. and Mrs, John Lefever and son, Benjamin, of Lampeter; Mr, and Mrs. John Bren- eman and son, of New Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brubaker, of Eizabethtown; Mr. and Murs. Henry Kreiner and daughter, Thelma, of Mastersonville; Harry Knight and Emma Knight of Ironville. It was as follows: Hymn; prayer by Rev. H. S. Hershey; selection by Men’s Chorus; piano duet by Misses Esther Millen and Betty Baker; se- lection, “Steal Away,” by male quartet; instrumental duet, “Bar- carolle,” by Misses Evelyn Heiser- man and Dorothy Mease; vocal duet, “Never Alone,” by Mrs. Anna Greider and Miss Madeline Stanley: reading by Miss Ellen Bennett, of Lancaster; selection by mixed chorus; cornet solo by Charles Bak- Phone 115 Call the HEAT FOLK for good, clean coal} Danie! M, Wolgemuth 174R6 HICK ~ SHEET LUMINUM Og SPECIAL OFFER, WEAREVER fi ¥ 2 (EEE Gi SEY TRADE MARK S 2 oOo Reg.U S Pat Off, 4 Griddle-cakg Cover 39f exya This coupon goo buntil March 26th or re “WEAR-EVER” COUPON Bring this coupon to our store on or before March 26th and we will accept it with £1.29 in full payment forone*‘Wear-Ev Griddlewhich sells regularly for $2.00. Brown Bros. Wy beautify wood, linoleum, tile It matters not how the whether with varnish, paint. It takes only a fa there is no stooping—no md pails. It doesn’t even soil _ JOHNSON W Electric floor Po This marvelous new Floor Polisher for any day you H. S. Newcomer & Sol MOUNT JOY ily and quick. our floors— composition. e finished — ac, wax or minutes— Ry rags and pur hands! Ever” A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927 Dunham Culti-Packer “For Horses or Tractors have not added the final She Culti-Packer. It is ter will be considered any of the most im- fre times in the year as necessary a part of farm portant tools now are. It can be used n and on more kinds of crops than almos ; other tool. In seed-bed preparation, disking and culti-p: + should follow the plow as soon as possible in order to m yent the escape of moisture. The Culti-Packer compacts the ho®§. of the seed bed, pressing it into contact with the subsoil, and f&eilitating the rise of moisture. It leaves the surface mulched to the escape of moisture. Culti-pack after planting to firm fe soil over the seed and insure more rapid and more comple ¢ germination. Use it to break crusts. Use it on your young c88n and other crops. Use it on your winter wheat and seed bec 8 both before and after planting. Built in sizes to suit your pow J. B. Hostetter & Son (Successors to G. Moyer) MOUNT JOY, equipment West Donegal St. PA. QO0! @ reEP & un down condition is esp lially bad at this scas- i on the year. ki : 1 iN a + 4 i faa” i i PEPRONA | % ir | 3 will give you fhe vim, vicor f§ i and vitality vouth, be- cause it enrich dg the blood, builds strength & gives ihe system real toner up health generally. Peptona is % A large bottle % E W. GARBER}, The Rexall swore MD UNT JOY, PA. > er; selection by Baker quarte women’s chorus; saxophone solo bs John Herr; reading, “The Rivals,” by Miss Bennett; vocal solo, by Miss Myrtle Greider; piano duet by Misses Edith Lump and Alma Her- shey; benediction. SILVER SPRING (Too Late for Last Week) Mrs. Michael Musser spent Thurs- day at Lancaster on business. Mrs. Edward Millhouse spent Monday with John Gibble and fam- ily. Mrs. John Stively and daughter, Somane spent Saturday at Lancas- ter, Mr. John F. Laser spent Satur- day with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Diffenderfer and family. Mrs. Freed Ford and children spent Monday with Mrs. Horace Kauffman and family. Mrs. John Ginder and daughter, Anna Catherine, spent Wednesday price fluctuations worry the oil in- dustry a lot more than they do gas and oil buyers. The automobile owner does not realize the uncer- tainties of oil production, that are probably unparalleled in any other business. Nothing but the drill, at great cost, can answer the eternal conun- home in Mount Joy twp., now occu-| py their beautiful home in Rheems which they converted. into a double | house. Paul Hernly and farmers adjacent to Rheems are making extensive repairs to their private roads, that connect with the] highways, using cinders furnished Martin Risser, drum, where to find oil. When the [by the P. R. R. Co., who deliver the drill finds the oil, the drillers’ re- [cinders on cars at Rheems. ward may be rich; when it fails, David K. Espenshade, P. R. R. This element naturally attracted there is a total loss. of chance has track foreman on the Rheems sec- tion and his force of men assisted men of enterprise and initiative, {to lay new steel raiis west of Lan- ready to be good losers or willing |caster on the Dillersville section winners, where 90 men were engaged put- When a flood of new crude oil [ting down modern rails 35 feet in comes in, the oversupply lowers the |length. price, with resulting drop in gaso- Harvey Hoffman, the Rheems line. When the crude supply be-| Thresher started his sterilizing out- comes scarce, the price goes up, |fit March 18, with a schedule to and gasoline follows. It is the |sterilize tobacco beds at forty differ- same as the price of butter and|ent farms. He is equipped to hand- and the oil refiners are as un- to prevent fluctuation in price the sellers of farm products. le two pans size by 8 ft. at the same time. While the weather per- mits they work two shifts. Irvin] Hoffman works the night shift. 7 large mirrors Ty Joy, spent Sunday with John S. bows of L-shaped| The tale deposits in Hastings Co., | Gibble and family, y use in many have supplied” the manufac- TT danger of [turers of talcum powder in Canada| Kangaroosalem is Australia’s on {and fhe United States for a num-! nickname for the new capital, Can- ears. berra. [ter spent Sturday with her parents {with her aunt, Mrs, Alice Henne, with Lue Spitler and family. Mrs. Phares Stehman and daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Joe Mumma. Mr. Norman Ebersole of Centor- ville spent Monday with his brother Christian Ebersole and family. Miss Alice Arlena Maser is spending a féw weeks at Penryn Mr. and Mrs. John Gibble and children spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Metzler. Mr. Homer Gingrich has moved his household goods and family on a farm near Mount Joy on Thursday. this benedict’s YOU'LL SH SOME to beat e of humor; he Mr. and Mrs, Christian Ebersole | had married an tress and the mat- and children, Miriam and Ernest, | rimonial Bark “i not sailed spent Sunday at Safe Harbor with |smoothly. He as) ie Ay her father, Amos Shank. clerk if it was a BRIAOE i Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Miss|CENSE that he ‘gle him last Betty Musser, Mr. James Musser month and vos tod | a3 y . ras: were received in church fellowship DOG’S LIFE ever by B. M. Breneman of Hopeland on Sunday morning, a Mr. and Mrs. Phares Metzler, of |d Salunga, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gib- le, of Mastersonville, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Gibble and children, of Mt. t If you want to be certai faction as well, insist on tires are leaders—a leader ed solely on merit. Young's Tire Store will not on} tire that istinet saving but 130 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. 11 North Prince Street LANCASTER, PA. Have your shoes rep rebuilt by me. I use material and my pp. repair shops enables m 3 ive you best workmansh “do not cobble; I rebuild shoes like new with that god old comfort in them. Try me% shoe bills. % J. S. CLAYMAN 634W. Main St. MT. JOY ogee I can save you money on your A EE A | Before placin orde elsewhere; Crushed Stone. A turers of Concrete and Lintels. dN. STAUFFER & B MOUNT JOY, PA. your ee us. ks, Sill manufac- r Confectio RANDT BROS. Street Mount Joy, Pa = Harness Auto Accessories, OIlS We h ; just made up a complete line of Hal- ters, Plow ears, Check Lines, Plow Lines, Team Bridles, and¥also a lot of Chrome Halters. We have everything tha, goes with the horse. Come and see us before yk buy; will be glad to show you what we have. F BQ HARNESS § North Market Street oO LS 0 * 0 * 0 0 *. 0 0 * 0 0 0 2% 0 0 0 * oO 0 0 CS 0 £ 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 %. 0 0 0 0 0 ¥ 0 * Ls 0 0 £Y hs * * 0 0 £ 0 \How About Your Coal? leased the coal yards, until recently con- _E. H. Zercher, in the east end at Mt. Joy., now prepared to supply your coal needs. 1 sizes of coal on the yards, will handle the best, and 1 be pleased to have a share of your patronage. Give je a call when you need coal. I WIDR ALSO HANDLE Fertilizer, Certified, Seed. Potatoes, Sal, Lime, P¥ ts, Etc. Phone at Yards Harry YOUR SHOES? RACIALS, MANICURING and SCALP . RCELLING, SHAMPOOING Haircut ~Ngvery 10 Days ormula for good looks Ni LADIES’ AMQ CHILDREN'S HAIR BOBBING Agent for Manhattan Laundr) 4 Hershey’s Barber MOUNT JOY, PENNA.