wd THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1927 FIN m all 1 By F. O. Alexander (© by Western Newspaper Union.) LANGE)? THIN fe lit | HEA RAHA DD Newcomer’s Uspd Car List £1920 Roadsters With Slipon Body Cheap 5-1924 Coupes New Paint With Slipon Body $1-1921 Touring Good Condition, Cheap 2—-1925 Coupes Good Paint Balloon Tires " #3 Ford Ton Trucks -1024 # With Bodies and Cabs Starters Sedans In Best of Condition d Condition SS WM 11924 Chevrolet 1 Panel Body Roadster ipon Body Good Condition 2 Used Fordson Tractors Overhauled and in the Ebest mechanical condition 924 Touring Good Paint 4s S. & Son Ford Sales ad Service Main St. JOUNT JOY, PA. Oh, You Think You're So Smart | AW Ha! Ol FOOLED Famoud Flop scenes #222223 LANCASTE {T'S A FUNNY s THING THAT ALL W ing ert THE WHILE TWAS GROWING THIS MOUSTACHE, T FEL DOWN IN THE MOUTH / Lancaster, Pa. 144 N#Queen Penna. Weekly Industrial Notes’ This country is endowed with a combination of natural advantages and resources such as possessed by no other nation in the world. Reading— Reading School Board authorizes loan of $1,000,000 to pay for new improvement, includ- ing Southwest Grade School to ac- commodate 1200 pupils. Waymart—Volunteer Fire Co. to build new fire hall. Pittsburgh— Duquesne Light Co. to erect power line along right bank of Allegheny River, between War- field and Chesbro Streets. Greenville— $650,000 appropria- tion asked for further work on Py- matuing dam near here, West Chester—High Street to be | widened and made a boulevard, | Mattawana— Street lights to be installed by Penn Central Light & | Power Company. Upper Darby—New {be erected on 69th st OO [PLANS MADE FOR CORN BORER CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN Plans for the most extensive pro- ject ever undertaken in the history of the northern states for curbing the destruction by an insect pest, are now in the making. Reports from both the State De- partment of Agriculture at Harris- burg and the United States Depart- {ment of Aguiculture at Washington indicate that the $10,000,000 cam- paign against the European corn borer in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana is go- ing forward as fast as the legisla- tion in these states will permit. The Federal Act provides that the $10,000,000 appropriation will not become available until the nec- essary legislation, now pending, passed in the legislatures of the five states, This legislature will give the State departments of Agricul- is and compulsory clean-up re- together with authority to such powers to the Federal under the Act. legislation by Governor antine quired, | del te building to 2 mployed : Dela.) Pennsylvania \ } =i and signed ware County Real Estate Board. Marl 10 Wi the Lewistown— St. John’s Lutheran |; Twili ed I oO rod COR. tion to erect now Sia legislation has een passe Scho 1 boildin lin all the states, steps will be taken D mg. 1s . x + Contract let immediately to put the Federal reg- C ac 3: . . . scaillas Park [ularity organization in the field and proyomer OATES Re the inspection of individual Pottstown— Trinity leformed |" > i 1 : “hurch to rebuilt. {farms in the control area. The in- | Church to be rebuilt. will ie farmers of the Melntosh—Carnegie Gas Co. Wii noiliy larmers o £5 S Ce gi as Co. 1s 3 i pall > cessary measures whic ey ling pipeline to connect up well measures ch they George farm (must take, according to the provis- re: d . : io Honal -egulations adopte Big Run—Local tannery again in [100& ations adopted by State and Federal : conference of | operation, after 5-year shutdown. ee) 8 Kittanning — Expenditure of | 2 $115,000 authorized for erecting | Te Destroy hn Corn Remnants new federal building. ce Togmmblons require et for for extensive im- to Ls OOOO ARDWARE G, HEATING INNING hen in need of anything in o will be pleased to serve you. Reine, we We have secured the services of a Plumber and are only the best of work. ® Give us are prompt and prepared to do Beall. will cheerfully furnish estimates. Brown Bros. MOUNT YpY, PA be West Main Street oo of unbreakable. round and fancy a 206 E. Donegal St. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIV! i, CALL, WRITE OR PHONE 168-R-: 15 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ON HIGH GRA WATCHES AND CLOCKS WORK GUARANTEED OOOO = : a Jr J III HNN Emlenton-80.acre. site on. south burning or satisfactory destruction side of Bmlenton presented to city °F all cornstalks, remnants of stalks for park. {and corn cops either in the field, the | North *Wales—Philip Muller to | feed lot, the ‘barnyard or around | establish children’s apparel manu- NNN factories and other process | facturing plant at Fourth and Wal. | agents, unless ensiled or shredded. nit Sticets. | The corn fields must either be plow- Bristol New: theater and led to such a depth that no stalks, building to be erected on pieces of cobs or other Som yems [Street between Mulberry |nants appear on the surface when Market, jit is plowed, _disced, harrowed, Mohnton to have free mail deliy- | Planted, or cultivated or, if not ery service, Houses being number- | Plowed, the fields must be cleared ed and street signs posted. |by pulverizing or burning all corn Brookville — Contracts aggregat- | “TOP and debris. ing $270,000 let for repairs to Jef-| It is expected that ferson County Courthouse. | farmers voluntarily cooperating in Soudertown—Reading Co. awards | the clean-up, will take these neces- contract for erection of new measures by May L Follow- ion. {ing May 1, all farms will be re-in- | Lewistown—Bon Ton Department | SPected. If reported as meeting all [Store being renovated. requirements as to control meas- | Unionville— Pierre S. du Pont Utes. the individual farmer will be | gives $160,000 for erection of addi- [tion to Consolidated and Vocational { School. | Carbondale Work on school nearing completion. | Yeagertown— Bridge under con- [struction across creek and railroad tracks in Mann’s Narrows. { West Newton—New garage op- ened at corner of Main and Fourth Streets. More than 25 boys and girls, members of club in southern part of Dauphin County, will raise baby beeves this year. Easton — New passenger freight and express terminal open-| ed for service by Lehigh Valley Railroad, office Pond and acre for field corn and ceed $1.00 an acre for sweet corn on which he is obliged to undertake No. 7 mal and usual in farm at this season. Where the regulations have not | been complied with either inten- [tionally or unintentionally the Fed- |eral regularity force under the authority of the State department lof agriculture will conduct the nec- |essary cleanup with its own special {machinery and crews. The farm and | €ost of such enforced clean-up will be charged to the individuals om whose farms the work is done and |will be collected on the Merchantville — $70,000 street | taxes by the State authorities un- improvement program will soon be der the authority which : under way. |legislation now pending will Tamaqua—Sit lected 1 ,w them, The funds amaqua—Site selected for new tae by th Sinko high school. i : Easton — Kuebler Brewery on |lePresents expenditure of Federal Canal Street to be reopened for [Money will be turned over to the manufacture of cereal beverages. |United States Treasury as provided Indiana — Rural Electrification |10T I the Federal Act and pending Day will be observed here March State legislation. 18. | 2,500,000 Acres To Be Cleaned Pottstown— Zion Reformed con-| Prior to May 1, according to the gregation will make improvements provisional Program the Federal to its building. Proposed changes forces will also give a large number will cost about .$20,000 of local field demonstrations in the - < ’ * . . . | Norristown— Bids asked for re selection and operation of machine- {constructing and straightening of IV Most effective in borer control Ridge Pike and widening bridge at | WOTK as part of an intensive educa- a g ge at |). A : | Black Horse tional and publicity campaign to be | ‘Laurelton — Power plant being put on in cooperation with the Fed- [built at Laurelton State Village for eral Department of Agriculture ex- : tension service, the extension divis- ions of the State agriculture college This operations give collected in this authorities which Women, New W;: | Feeble-minded Waymart— wart State April 2. and county extension agents. Erie Co. to supplementary campaign will con- line sist of holding educational field n Waterford. meetings, the organization of coun- D & rower street lighting rford— Vate lish ladies’ estab of voluntary .clean-up of the supplying information to the to improve raeil- | St o improve facil- age harer ities. borer, Coatesville — Model Home te be and other news agencies, and OQODRICH TIRES Prest®Q-1.ite Batteries y he distributi £ educational a- built here by Model Home Associa-|the distribution of educational ma tion terial through the extension forces. I It is estimated that a corn ae- reage of 2,500,000 acres on approx- imately 350,000 farms in these state rill be included in the clean- up. work in Pennsylvania will "lcover the generally infested area in the orthwester yortion o he alarm | tf north stern portion f hi : seven sigh recently . comprising ever eig ies of Carrick, Knox- and Westwood. New roll street roller, nd— Freeland 1 plate mill teel Co. again Gulf Co. to capacity gasoline tanks. By Products Steel indust organized. Pittsbur Police and fire systems ctended to of Bethlehem in operation. erect 26,000-gallon : The Corporation =e | new to to be ex : oY annexed boroughs ville count built for First Presbyterian Church. Mechaniesbhure $100,000 Water Co. |queathed by David Willis Seidle for meters throughout town. |building new hospital: Glassboro United Amusement| Mayette City— Allenport Co., Philadelphia, purchases resumes service. tion at High and Academy Streets | Westtown— Road leading as site for theater. Westtown boarding school Boyerstown — $75,000 new im- | improved. pounding dam to be constructed. | Crucible—Contract let for sink- Donora—New parsonage to be ing new shaft for Crucible Fuel Co. J “ purchased for | 1 e- install to ferry to may be ture the necessary powers of quar-| was | the |. individual] reimbursed, not to exceed $2.00 an| not to ex-| operations in addition to those nor- | same basis | the State | Lioht | ty and local committees in the inter- | LANCASTER AUTO CLUB OPPOSES A THREE CENT TAX In a speech, broadcast from sta- | tion WKJC, at Lancaster, Mr. S. E. Gable, President of the Lancaster Automobile Club, attacked the pro- posed increase of one cent per gal- lon on gasoline as unnecessary. He stated that behind this increase in gas tax is the purpose of having other interests escape and also, they say, the need for more money for road building purposes, and add the face that the increase would build = approximately one hundred miles in each county. This is only a promise and judging the future by the past, road building promises have only been fulfilled when pre- petuation in power compelled it to be done. As for broken promises you all remember how unofficially the promise was made in 1918 when the first $50,000,000 bond is- sue was to be voted on, that the in- terest and sinking fund would be paid from the general fund of the State Treasury for the ereason that {improved highways benefit all the pay for them. Good roads all—those ride in busses, those whose land values are enhanced, mer- chants whose delivery system ex- tends far and wide, all non-owners of motor cars, who ride with others, in fact—everybody. | A three cent tax on gasoline at a price of 24c¢ per gallon means that |you pay 12% per cent interest on the purchase of a business commod- ity. The only kind of a gasoline tax that might be countenanced would be a straight gasoline tax {with a nominal license fee only cov- lering the cost of production and ov- erhead in distribution. The addi- (tional cent of tax is an imposition lon the farmer who uses his tractor {for various occupations on the farm. Why further hit the farmer {who is already overtaxed? | Contracts made last fall, call for |upward of $10,000,000 to be paid |for the second $50,000,000 bond is- isue, therefore the road building will not stop. The present administra- | tion will spend $13,000,000 or $14,- {000,000 put under contract by its | predecessors. Why, instead of burdening the people with an additional cent of (gas tax, not collect the present 2 {cent tax at the source, from a doz- len firms, instead of from upwards [of 10,000 retailers, which means |the employment of a young army |of office holders, such as clerks, in- | spectors, ete., which eats up in sal- nearly 3% cent per gallon alone and then in addition not re- ceive any returns from some, as well as lose the revenue from gaso- line bootleggers, who buy in large quantities outside of the state where no tax exists and bring it in- to Pennsylvania and newspaper re- porters hint that one large Philadel- phia corporation alone, through purchasing gasoline in New Jersey. in bulk and hauling it across the state line, side steps the payment of nearly $100,000 in tax. - A full cent could be saved and no addition levy necessary if these evils were corrected. It is time for all motorists to pro- test against this legislation and send letters, telegrams and protests to the Governor, your members of legislature including the State Sen- | ators, stating that you are opposed | to any increase in the gas tax and do this at once. | The state has now $30,000,000 {balance in its treasury and our own dealer old Lancaster county, nearly [$300,000. Let’s use some of that |first, then, if necessary, levy extra | tax. | A gasoline tax may not mean |much to the rich corporation or in- |dividual, but it means much to the |small business man who has found the use of one or more trucks nec- essary and to the man without wealth, who has acquired a small automobile to give his family pleas- ure in life, So d®Weat the gas tax It is unnecessary. phone, telegraph or write the gover nor and members of the legislature that you are opposed to any further increase. ieee ul Wines benefit WLO |aries in Kansas amount to large sums. Occasionally a case is reported where a farmer collects enough money from rabbit-ear bounties to pay his taxes. Whether or not this is so, three sources of income from rabbits actually exist feed for livestock, and skins. ia winter 15 to 20 carloads of rabbits brought up at 10 and 15 cents ass for shipping to eastern s, according to the Biological ev Shipments last season amounted to about 100,000 rabbits Fur comj the dried skins and farmers who save the skins to Nl feed the 1sses to hogs and Rabbit-ear bounties sometimes are a care anies buy care ing icings for seem to it In mal boiled cake, if it does not cooked enough after has been {taken from the five, it can be re- {heated in the top of a double boiler, even after the sirup has been pour- ed over the egg white. a be people, hence all the people should | x Without delay | 01 6-Room Frame House Slate Roof, Electric Lights, Etc. --FOR ONLY-- $2,600¢0 Who wants to buy a nice home on East Donegal street, Mount Joy, for such a low price? Don’t delay if you want a dandy dwelling. Here’s the right kind Don’t think about 11 250 Bn 11 ER J BERBER 1 of a home for the working man. it too long—Dbut act. Ga = - SE Call, Phone or Write Jno. E. Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. EE SE TET THI =A 11 TE 1 d o \ erm — fijture Needs ect furniture and furnishing The importance of ct in the modern home be over emphasized, if you wish to entertain $f that will do The best way to insure proper $i ur friends in a manner yourself and®gour husband credit. niture is to come here to make your selections. H. C. BRUNNKR MOUNT J&, PENNA. Waeast Main Street, The FL Pound for pound, Baker’s Coal W yorned in furnace, stove or grate, than a trial will prove the truth of our statement. fi give you more heat, whether Rother coal you can buy. A VE F. H. BAKER, Pa. gssler’s Greem\Grocery Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season Oysters and & Clams PRI 4% ARE RIGHT Orders taker@here for RUHL’S QUALITY CUNGFLOWERS and PLANTS. hp E. A. KEMGLER No. 4 East Main St MOUNT JOY ~ Try Kessler for Service i fl MATCHING Bn being upon us again to do custom in any amount. Can a S. C. W. Leghorn Baby also a few R. IL. Reds and Wa Rocks. Place yol#h orders the rush is orig We have Tioga Poultry and Dairy Feed or hand; also Newtown Colo DBrooder Stoves. : » Also before oe Phares E. Wolgewuth Bell 140R6 Mt. Jey, Pa. Every reader should make use of the Classified advertisemen* section. [t is the way to dispose of what you have to spare and to secure what veu may need. tf HAIR Milady Shoppe ® The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs only $1.50 per year.