The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 23, 1927, Image 5

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| 5




Greater Store Opening. Everyone of our thirty-five depart-
ments will be bubbling over with the greatest quantity of
bargains this store has ever offered in a single day.
A cordial welcome and real, worthwhile savings await the
many customers and friends of Mount Joy and vicinity, svho
29 to 37 East King Street

Saturday--GARVIN DAY in the
Tremendous Sale Celebrating
Our Grealer Store Opening
Seldom has any sale held so much interest for the thrifty
Saturday will be known as GARVIN DAY and
we intend to make it the record-breaking event of Our
will come to see the larger Garvin Store and take advantage
Score Specials.
ain ii


©00000000000000000000000000000 ©0000)

The New Process
Also Rex Water Hea both Instantan-
eous and Searage


og ii


Read the "Bulletin


g i ar 980080080200 teense
The man who thought a buggy was
good enough
IN THE old days, a solid, conservative citizen might sniff and tell
you he didn’t read advertising.
He didn’t think so much of the horseless carriage, either. The
telephone was newfangled, and an insult to the United States mails.
As for radio, aeroplanes, wireless photography—if they had been
born then, he probably would have thought them a bit immoral.
But he’s changed. He’s been educated. His point of view has
been made broader and more modern. He has been civilized—by
the automobile, the telephone, radio, advertising.
Every single one has opened up new paths for him, taught him
new things. Advertising, especially. Advertising tells him the new-
est things to wear, the best things to eat. Advertising tells his wife
how to make a home up to date and attractive. Advertising tells him
the prices to pay for things he buys, saves him from the old-fashioned
ways of doing business—helps him live well, keeps him modern.
Advertising can help you. The advertisements in this paper are
here to tell you many things that make life more comfortable, more
interesting, happier. Read them. faithfully. They'll keep you
abreast of the times. They’ll prevent you from becoming the type of
old fogy—who—sniff—doesn’t read advertising.
[Mount Joy Bulletin
Advertising is the key to modernity


many varieties planted.
Stonid Be Corrected—Good Elimination |
s Essential to Good Health.
F you would be well, see to your
tion permits toxic material to re-
main in the blood and upset the
whole system. Then, one is apt to
have a tired, languid feeling and, |
sometimes, a toxic backache or head
ache, and often some irregularity of
secretions, such as scanty or burn-
ing passages. More and more people
are acclaiming the value of Doan’s
Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in this
condition. For more than forty years
Doan’s have been winning favc - the
country over. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. B. Frank Good of
the birth of twin

Mr. and
daughters to be known as Virginia
Matie and Merle Elizabeth.
Miss Mary Elizaseth Harnish
from near New Danville spent the
weekend at the home of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Alida Greider at
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eminheiser,
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Eminheiser flit-
ted into the beautiful home pur-
chased from the Amos Garber es-
tate at Rheems,
Mrs. Alida Greider is converting
vart of her poultry farm at Rheems
jinto a
{ pleasant weather last week she had
flower garden. During the
thousand gladiolus bulbs of
John Zeager and family flitted
from Mt. Joy township into the Al-
len Ober double house at Rheems.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Myers flitted from
{the Dan Erb tenant house into the
Mrs. Alida Greider single house at
Rheems last week.
The egg production increased
during the pleasant weather, the
past few weeks. Harry Eminheiser

these bulletins shoul
Geo. F.
Requests for
be addressed to
Editor, Department of
Help Heal Tree Wounds
Wounds on apple and pear
when two inches across or less wil
if properly made, heal
ily without any treatment.
| larger
{wax or white lead and

il, dark it
oa whi 3 obleiomaic
Faulty kidney ac- |
imethods used to control the insect.
wounds cover with grafting
raw linseed
with lempblack if






Local Doings
Around Flor

| (From Page One)
Iter Jane of Lancaster called on C.
Wachstetters last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mussleman
and children of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday with his father, Mr. Harry
|S. Musselman.
Mr. and Samuel Young
{Mr. and Mrs. Rey Forney and son,
Junior, visited relatives in York
{County on Sunday.
i Mrs. Wm. Bennett
Altoona spent a few days in town
{last week as guests of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Geyer.
Mir. Harvey Fisher, of Milton
(rove, moved his family and house-
hold effects into the Mrs. Abram
| Eshleman house in this place.
and son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Malehorn
and son Willis and Mr. and Mrs.
Miller Wolgemuth and son spent
Sunday with friends in York Co.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter
entertained these guests on Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Sload and chil-
dren, Anna Charlotte, Charles and
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter
entertained these guests on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sload and
children, Anna Charlotte, Charles,
and Grace.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold and
son Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. Elam
Stauffer and Abram Hess and fam-
ily spent Sunday in town with the
family of Almos Earhart.
Mrs. Annie Hoffman and family
entertained at their home on Sun-
day, Mr. and Mrs. Orla
children, Miriam, Harold,
Anna, of Ontario, Canada.
Mrs. Heise are returning to their
home after spending the Winter at
Orlando, Florida.
The Sophomore Class of the Mt.
Joy High School held a St. Patrick’s
party at the home of William Light,
in this place. Decorations and fav-
ors were in keeping with the occa-
sion. Games and dancing were the
features of the evening. Refresh-
ments were served and all had a
very enjoyable time. Almost forty
Heise and
Louis and
Mr. and

heads the list for daily production {members were present,
from his white Leghorns, at 780 eine
eggs. Mrs. S. S. Shearer 360.
Clayton Newcomer 276. Charles BETTER oR CTICE
Ricedorf 340. Ricedoarf has 800
1 (hese tWO| Grading and selling cooperatively
OEE a br Clas: of “the has helped materially to improve
Reformed Sunday School at Eliza- oe Cb A Siegneny
bethtown held a birthday surprise; =.”
ceived by the United States Depart-

Take Care of Fresh Cow
and after refreshing. Feed

1, | Extension foresters of the Penn
isylvania State College
yr | the demand for
before. The supply
ies is close to
tion except for a few species.

wheat bran to which a little salt has
d| been added is excellent just before
report that
forest trees for the
spring planting is greater than ever
at state nurser-
the point of exhaus-

Mount Joy High School teams
split even in a pair of games on the
local court Friday night, The Var-
gity tossers went down to defeat at
the hands of Manor High in the
eature game by a score of 36 to
22, while the Reserves tumbled the
Maytown High outfit, 41 to 13.
The contest between the Varsity
teams was a nip and tuck affair for
a half but that Manor swung into
her real stride and piled up a safe
margin, Mount Joy, however, went
to pieces after the first half and
missed many easy chances at the
basket. Every time Mt. Joy missed,
Manor took the ball down the floor
for a score, Scores:
Manor High
Field Foul Total
Goals Goals
Funk, F 3 1 7
Erisman, F ..... 4 4 12
Wallick, F '...... 0 0 0
Gordinies, F . 1 0 2
Shoff, C........ 4 0 8
Reesner, G ...... 2 1 5
Nicodemus, G ... 0 2 2
Seigrist, G ...... 0 0 0
Totals: . .... cs 14 8 36
Mount Joy H. S.
Field Foul Totals
Goals Goals

Herman, F ...... 0 3 3
Heilig, I ....... 2 2 6
Halbleib,-€........ 0 1 1
Beamenderfer, G 3 0 6
Meisenbenger, G 0 0 0
Hawthorne, G ... 2 0 4
Laskewitz, F 1 0 2
Klugh, F =<... 0 0 0
Totals: a 8 6 22
Referee, Swank.
el Eee.
York Defeats Junior High
On Thursday evening the West
York Junior High Boys journeyed
here and defeated our Junior High
Boys by a 44-19 score, as follows:
Mount Joy
Field Foul Total
Goals Goals
Siler, Bhi eile 0 0
Divitt, FF 00... 0 0 0
Leith, 0 0
Grove, C. ........ 2 0 4
Webb/ QC. =o. di 0 0 0
Pennell, G . 2 0
Hostetter, G ..... 1 0 2
Charles, F ....... 2 1 5
Barte, Tl... 00% 2 0 4
Weaver, FF. ....... 0 0 0
Totals. i. ves 9 1 19
West York Boys
Field Foul Totals
Goals Goals
Sowers, F ....... 17 0 34
3arnes, PF .% 3 06
Arnold, C 0 0 0
Garland, G :...... 2 0 4
Smith, G5... 0 ee 0 0 0
Stump, Gi... 0 0 0
Wentz, 6G ........ 0 0 0
Totals... 22 0 44
Referee, Ellis; Timer, Sweigart;
Scorer, Laskewitz.
re QQ rrr
Our Reserves Won
Our High School Reserves won
easily from Maytown High in the
preliminary game here Friday night
41-13. Diffenderfer was the local
ace, scoring 22 points. The score:
Maytown High
Field Foul Total
Goals Goals
which discuss the Japanese beetle | : coin pen —
and give control measures. Bulle- | Cows about to freshen should be otal. ie. a 5 2 12
tin 406 entitled “Sprays ‘for the | given special care and 3 Referee, Ellis; Timer, Sweigart;
vas: i as : wi ot water Hk
‘Japanese Beetle” gives spraying mash made with hot water and|g. ior
ee tl
Birds Help Farmers
1 Birds, because of the enormous |ant than the exact mixture. Be
path of lempersiure. : Por at quantities of insects that they con- | sure that the grains are clean and
loast a day after give enly sume, are impoitant allies of the | wholesome. Feed both mash and
warm water to dink. farmer in his warfare against crop {grain in or hoppers.
pests. Where proper measures mmm i
| Strong Demand For Forest Trees |have been adopted to attract and Spread Tile First
-| protect birds and to increase thei
number by providing boxes
nesting facilities, an increase o
several fold in
has resulted, with
from depredations of
decreased losses

closely played game with the West
York High Girls by a score, 12-9 as
the bird population
injurious in- | pound, but lay them beiow the

The Hershey bowlers we
to bow to the I O, O. F.
of this place, on the Chocolate
alleys on Friday evening, our
winning by 871 pins. O’Neill
the big noise for the victors with
score of 208 for high single
530 for high triple. The score:
Mt. Joy
1st 2nd 2rd ko
O'Neil ...... 208 143 179
G. Brown ... 202 134 2
Shaeffer 178 167 172 .
Bayr “o.oo i. 177° °147 167 491
Garber ..... 174 154 131 459
Derr ....... "174
Total, .... 911 813 783 2507
Hershey ‘
ist 2nd 3rd Tis.
Ludwig ..... 150 183 134 467
Horner ..... 132 158 141 431
Morris 135 135
Lingle ...... 142 136 278
Eckenroth 140 129 146 415
Robertson ... 109 146 255
Smith 1556 155
Total ....- 699 1715 1722 2136

Our I O. O, F. Specials met
Ephrata on the Lancaster alleys and
defeated the Cloisterites by a mars
gin of 97 pins. Hagy was high
single and triple. The score:
1st 2nd 3rd Tis
... 182 162 235 bH79
Paul... 0.0.0 137 136 273
Dotterman 155 127 152 434
Hagy ... 0... 248 180 159 587
Boeck 139 139
Weaver ..... 6 568
O'Neil .....;
G. Brown
Barr |...
Derr 5.
Total .....
The Mt, Joy Aces p}
easy for the York Malta)
at York Monday night
team winning by a ma

pins. Score:
York Malt
1st 2
King 164 17
Cooper ..... 152 1
Kohler... 160 14
E. McDowell 3
W. McDowell .160
Blumm ..... 157
Totals .... 793
Mt. Joy
Pag: tom 155
M. Good 120
F. Good 118
Weaver ..... 132
Bailey 173 146
Totals .... 698 810
Mount Joy Deuces on Ti
The Mt. Joy Deuces handé
Middletown team a defeat here
Re Rit % 85 > Thursday night by a margin of
"1g FR EA .
er C. 2 0 4; PIBS: Score:
Beschler, G ...... 0 0 0 Middletown Ee)
McKain, G ....... 0 0 0 1st 2nd 3rd 34s
Smith. C 0 0 o | Meeter ..... 164 181 5
SRE ra Poa Jah 160 143 165 468
als 5 Lynch... ou; 156 187 343
Tolls sn > 8 ABN ad 150 131 176 457
Mi. Joy Reserves otal 186 133 143 462
ok hie ol | nr 172 164 326
y 2 4 2] pot .... 832 T44 825 2401
aries, I cL oes
Sprecher, C ...... 0 0 0 Mount Joy i Bed is
Newcomer, G .... 2 2 6 § n
Longenecker GG .... 8 0 0 Myers wie ie a. 135 185 162 482
B 2 0 4 | Wealand 149 173 155 477
i dy FL “0 0 o} Bates ...... 164 174 388
oR aT an Walters ..... 159 159
Totals ie 9 41 ( Mateer -..... 142 186 157 485
fictered. Swank Bailey ....- 167 161 165 493
etl eee een — — — —
West York Girls Won Total 767 879 798 2434
As a preliminary game the Junior fi
High Girls were defeated in a|SPRAY GRAPES TO GET
Spraying grapes is a paying p
ion Miss Rule yen 2 x ment of Agriculture from County follows csition, demonstrations in
the Class as ‘he toms of Jr ondlagent 8, Surber. Referring to Mount Joy Totals | Sos PN
Mus, Elmer R. raybi at wi % the grading and sale of sheep, Mr. Field Foul Totals Records on five years of sila
BY on ote a Surber contrasts the old method a Goals Goals . | in demonstration vineyards / \
ed. Games and fon Ag the new. “In the old way,” he says.|Brown, F ........ 3 0 6 an average yield of 8.33 4 \
sg ee 2 il “it was the same price to everybody |Brandt, F ........ 1 1 5 acre, an increase of two t
tivities of the grenme i li Y | but under the grading plan the best | Hoffer, S-C ...... 0 0 0 er 100 per cent more tha
23 members of the oy Tn ng | lambs bring the most money. Our | Garland, C ...... 0 0 0 age yield of the Erie o
Mr. H. L. Gise, ig on 39: Ah | farmers soon learned that if ajZink, G ......... 0 0 0 bolt. The sugar cont ’
Mrs. Millbe and Me. Sees. for neighbor had better lambs he re-|{Heilig, G ........ 0 0 0 from the deraonstrat
received numerous, beautiful gifts. .ojveq a higher cheek. This indue-|Barnhart, F. vue eva 0 0 16.32 per cenly
led them to take notice of what TL es . th!
2.95 per cent over e
FARMERS CAN GET I neighbors were doing. It was not Loire 4 3 9 the belt as a whole.
BEETLE INFORMATION | [long before i inferior | West York Girls a SE
" : | breeding stock obtained better Field Foul Total Better Grab This >
The extension of the t TAPERS | ack and also gave their sheep the Goals Goals If there Is any one Who Wants
beetle quarantine area last fall and! 00h worm treatment. Briefly, 3 Re 5 9 12 = Tess in thi
the nearing of the season when the | Plath, F-G. 5 2 good paying business in this sectior
aring.o © Soc |grading has done a great deal to-|;. 1." "bg co 0 0 0 tis A large limest bar.
beetles d their damage, has re- Lichty, F-S-C ..... here it is. arge limestone q
eetles co heir dams 12 {ward the better care of lambs.” 2 Ten 0 0 0) i b her. ho
sulted in a great increase In re-| Palmer, C ....... ry with house, barn, crusher, rScs,
8 ? | The local association has been Giri 0 re 2 i =
ts f blicat n control | Jacobs, S-C ...... 0 0 trucks, all tools, etc., now In opera
quests for publications o | shipping about 4,000 lambs each Krobet. G 0 0 0) tien: 1 be Gold Possession any
of this insect pest, according to the | . = Gp satisfactory returns G ....... °c be : sold, 5s
State Department of Agriculture. 2 rs Allison, G ~~ 4. 0 0 time. Don‘ fool around if you are
! The Department has available for jowne Ye Loucks, G ....... 0 0 0 | interested, Call phone or write Jno.
free distribution two bulletins | Appel, Gia. 0 0 0 | E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. Phone 41R2. tf
eee tl Ae.
Give Chicks Clean Feed
The all-mash system is the ‘my
sanitary method for feeding chi
It also is a labor-saver. The con- =
dition of the grain is more import-

the ditches after
the tile have been spread. Start at
the outlet and work uphill. Haye a
depth of not less than two feet. Do
s | not use tile as a culvert elon
r In tiling, dig

tom of the pound.