The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 12, 1927, Image 5

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3 Highway Patrol
¢ | Friday, Jan. 14—At the Market
| (= ot T P h |i House, Mount Joy, closing out sale
3 ST 0 unc ICENSEeS|of New and second-hand farm im-
plements, wagons, hardware, ete. by
(From Page One) G. Moyer. Sale starts 12 sharp.
‘ - big . ogy ® d hi " let 5 Frank, auct,
B B : P | . I ) warns him upon these violations, he Si ay. Jan. 15— i
Basket all owling -- oC et illiar S will punch ogi the rani Benj- Saturday. Jan. thely salts


: C stables near Mt. Joy, cows, shoats,
|g gan G. Eynon Registrar of Motor apples, oranges, etc by C.
| /ehicles, today. S. Frank & Bro.
«} - NEW LOCATION | oe rate thon Woes 10) Doin Jon Zio (iow
80 0 0 All A B ie patrolman then keeps a re iday, Jan. —Reg C
65 n u r Cys 12 eman or cord and the same is registered upon munity Sale at the Florin Hall. Com-
47 | 5 our file at Harrisburg. ity Sales Co Rlovin, Ya :
violads AN ARTS Saturday, Jan. —On the premi-
MOUNT JOY ACES Cleaner Elections Three violations may cause us to Mo Cs Eos Moin street Prem
55 WIN FROM EPHRATA summon the driver to Harrisburg for Toy ore To f Lousencli goods
di — a hearing on charges of being a or:
: : ; " and kitchen furniture. Anabelle
00 WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN THE MOUNT Our local Aces showed the Eph-|CITIZENS' LEAGUE WILL TAKE |itual violator,” he continued. “Th |e THIN :
rata team how to spill the maple ACTIVE PART IN CAMPAIGN system was in force all last year, al- Lytle
34 JOY HALL BUILDING, WHERE WE WILL pins on Jake Brown’s alleys last FOR MORE STRINGENT though no record was provided en Saturday Feb. 12—On the prem-
65 : in evening, defeating the Cloisterites | + ‘ELECTION LAWS the operators’ cards. We kept al. “= he villag of May 1
00 ENDEAVOR TO CONTINUE THE SAME by a score of 2466 to 2354. Rice record of all State Highway patrol ey ye Village y ayo rea
was the chief spiller ingles| The Citizens’ League of Pitts- |, 1 ests and warnings in Harrisburg|estate and personal property by C.
TE , as piller on singles arrests and warnings i : aS oe y
00 i GOOD SELVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF MT. with* 211. as well as on triples with burgh and Allegheny County has |, a number of licenses were sus- Li Halls nbaugh, assignee of Sload
81 : JOY AND VICINITY. 587. The score: announced it will take am active | qed and revoked as a result. snd Bro. Lc
Mount Joy part in the campaign to obtain more Punches on the “W” column are
00 | Ist 2nd 3rd Tis. Siringent Section jaws hon oe to indicate warnings by the patrol-| In the northwestern part of the
0 (Myers ...... 181 138 141 4601927 Legislature. , The Pitsburg men. Those in the “A” column will | United States there is an area of
16 [Bailey ...... 127 175 155 457|Post, commenting upon the an-| ~ = Co almost 200,000 square miles of solid
3 Conrad 144 178 3222 |nouncement, recalls that in 1923 |" Bhi : : lava, due to prehistoric voleanie
8 Re ain 183 193 211 jas former Senator William Flinn, a Only State Highway patrolmen eruptions
> | 28 ses ‘ bh z BR : 1 sy cards. S.
» i es 2 161 a Pinchot supporter, presented a code | will be allowed to punch the ecards, it
1 | : . Werner viene 152 159 168 479 of election reforms which made | was made clear by He RI Abe
pe i fe oT 7 Tino headway. The Post.adds: “If city poles: Pars SEI he 2 .
iD { Totals 37 896 853 246 “No pride of opinion or conflict | various constabulary 0 e i AVE 4h
| CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS batal au B08 a of poitical interests should permit | were permitted to punch the cards wie
0 | Pe ond 3rd Tle | development of a situation that |they coon be SA ay SAF ETY
i in “ J bw al We , desired ac- | Swiss cheese.” the 'lighway Depars
36 | rms 2 5 3 500 | would again prevent the desired ac- [| Swi lee
36 ! MOUNT JOY, PENNA. [Dosserm an. ug 150 Jos | tion. With the public stirred by the [ ment official declared. ail OUr
Sr mm 123 186 300 | excessive use of money in the Re- The listed violations i i, To Ta, i
ray on Sep = a1 | publican last spring and | less driving; 2, glaring headhghts; f
OUR GIRLS ras BLUE oIRDS Frendal aa ay 179 iL A a frauds in the election, . front or rear tags obscured; 4,
- ad if Strickler .... a0 2 «JU . pea re * : : i B.
. . . p Progr: r the sta- | parking on the highway; 5, illega oA , ‘
—_— Connor. .....» 167 146 160 473 the brograin for paring x fn . head- EER 0
. preliminary game here on =. _— i __|tutes in the in‘erest of the voters headlight device; 6, one or no I a by
35 . ! In He prel mmm me 1 2 : sam hte 7a mam arp | should get somewhere this time. If||iohts; 7, no operator's or registra- DRUG STORE
| Monday night our Big Girls’ team Totals . .. 761 737 856 2331 :
: id ily defeated the Bluc 3irds, of > lit does not, the fault will obviously | {jon cards; 8, rear tag not illumina i
asily defeatec > piue Sy | > : s ros”
ee mmm me | 1 ster. hv a weoreof D1 th 3 Mount Jov L |be due to lack of leadership. ted. 9, inadequate brakes; 10, Ra Quality Brushes
{ | wc Ty & ee ount Joy Loses “The Allecheny ec tians wh fler cutout: 11, car not registered;
2 The first half of game was very | The Mount Joy bowling team| ey A ih Je BAL ri gh ea
8 gid lien Tag ok ips I Jens te Yor's ml lost tothe York strengthening of the election than one for which issued.
W { & (l Miss A TT Maltas i oe latter's alleys by a 1laws should need no urging now to As in the license tag applications, SET
4 Miss Ls . 3 <7’ margin of 344 pins. will League |. warning is carried on the
1 : ba voir. the . ; {co-operate with the Citizens’ Leag a printed wa )
h however, our girls got going, the Kint, of the York team with 248}. ’ : ainst sending. in IN
: xr 7 i ? °° lin the matter.’ reverse of each against sending
Misses Way and Shank leading the]: . v1 as the big : : Fo te OR
)0 d ¢ OC | Misses Way and 1 : single and 617 triple was the ig Now widespread is the demand |bad checks in payment for the tags
7 § | attack, while Biss Schneider pap of the match while Myers od Bing gn 8 is demon- ie ners license. RUBBER
5 ied well. The visitors did not have|gailey, of Mount Joy, divided hon-| ated in an editorial in the Phila- «Whenever any check issued in
0 3s ji field goal. Tue, Sams : |ors for the Lancaster countians. The jelphia Inquirer, a Republican con- | payment of any fee, or for any |
| Mt. Joy cholastics score: | temporary of the Democratic Pitts { other purpose shall be returned un-
; e dirinl blad Pou] Total | York Maltas | burgh Post. The Inquirer says: collectable, the Secretary of High- GUARANTEED
1 Goals Goals ba: Ist 2nd 3rd TIs | <The air is filled with talk shall charge a fee of five dol-
Wey, PP g 10 Kint Santry 248 195 174 617 | corning the need of election reform |lars plus all protest fee, to the per- .
Shank. F ....... 4 3 i) agner ..... 13 2 200 Dio | But the difficulty is to put theories | son presenting such shack to hime Men who shave themselves
| M. Strickler, C ....0 0 ) [Cooper -.... 32 58 02% linto practice. The Committee of |cover the cost of its collection,” the know how much a good lather
At My Home at 206 East Donegal Street |L. Shank, 8-C .....0 0 0 |E. McDowell . 169 10% | Seventy-six, the non-partisan body | card reads. esl. Aryeh Jone make a comfort-
| Schneider, G. ...... 9 0 McDowell. 169 172 175 by Governor Pinchot to The misdemeanor itself, he able shave. 3
| oy ' = : 5 BAL : : : i: nanisiable by ‘our Rex: rug Store has a
MOUNT JOY PE { Kra HE ER 9 150 189 165 504i, he subject. has made a re- | war o continued, is punishable by Your Rexall Drug 2
’ NNA. | Kraybill, G. 0 0 |go into the subject, has made a warning ator £ Low. prices:
m= sae = — — —liport which contains valuable sug-|a fine of not more than one hundred fod, RENO ment > En
i Totals ........... 9 8 21} Totals .... 908 871 883 2662 q.5tions. Mr. Pinchot will not be in | dollars, or Tops. nay %o XI] There's no gift a man will ap-
: i | Mount Joy fice long after the organization of | ceed two years, or both. ro
0 Blue Bird Girls < : _ |office long after the organ cee years, C Logo fC preciate ‘more,
f Field Foul Total | is 2nd ard Li the Legislature, but Mr. Fisher and The applications for | a -
: Goals Goals {Myers ...... 125 183 15! ’{ the members of the law-making | mits are being sent out at practical rices trom
f 15 Years Experience Huber. F. sD 2 2 | Bailey ...... 145 169 153 467 body may find inspiration in many |ly the same time as they were last 50c¢ to $5 00
i wa Shine L170: 176 346 | .¢ thines discusse r the eom- | vear , Highway officials stated.
| @ & . ard; Bove. 0 0 o(Shine -..... I 29 lof the things discussed by the com- | year, the ighway 1 |
- Work ‘Called {For And Delivered Réheer CE... 0 3 3 {Weaver ..... 172 1721 hittee. The governor-elect is sin- | Old cards are good unti] March 1. E. W. GARBER
pe > Rinsing, SCs 0 0 0 | Kramer ..... 154 123 164 441 | corely desirous of honest elections, The tag registration has now |
PRICES REASONABLE Lone G AE er 0 0 ...... 121 125. 165 409 and it is essential that he shou!d in- | reached the million mark with | The Rexall Store
s G G 0 0 0 So — Tig — | sist upon some real constructive | thousands of applications coming In |
> tsa SR et i Totals .... 715 719 808 2302 |13ws along this line. There is no | each day from the habitual lag- | MOUNT JOY, FENNA.
: i Totals 0 5 5 — 3 - need to go into details at this time | gaids. Those who apply sive a
, | 8 oe | : | ame EAE iva va (Ether
7 | —_—— a —— | Odd Fellows Lost but the adoption of voting machines | date will receive tags o
| Our I O.0.F. bowlers lost to|would be a long step forward, while | and ‘“B’ series.
hl JOUR BIG PE TA LECOS | Ephrata on the Elizabethtown alleys (the prohibition of ‘assistance’ to THE RHODA
I ° on Monday evening by a score of [voters is a positive necessity.” olen A
S ; The Leco team of Marietta came | 2483 to 2340. The score: rr Activities t y
> . ® here Monday evening and found lit-| Ephrata 1 VETERANS CAN NOW : . BEAUTY SHOPPE
J tle (ifficulty in defeating our Big ist 2nd 3rd T s. BORROW ON POLICIES : t Hioh
3 Er 1 hy a score of 46 to 21. The Shimp ...... 202 184 386 seine vioun oy sll :
ei” breton, ENOL 29 OQO000O0O00C were not in the running at Eichelberger . be ine im ine Now Year in the: lawful 24 Fast Main Street
= ——— oo i by | a i i 1 a I 45 3 64 i gi oi Tia} 5
: ————— any ume and found it difficuit 5 | uitine period auring which those who (From page one.)
: | find sive basket Each player on the |Leisey ...... 4 172 150 141 served in the great conflict and | .cker: flute, Pauline Engle; violin MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
| . i Jeaver < (2 J . PE » than v $50 Ya the
| visiting team, with _ one Westar 134 178 190 502 were +7 ted to mor. hil 3 $5 Robert Stettler; cla inet, Ethel
3 i [broke into the scoring column Gl Sree a ze Haan ¢djusted Services Crecit, May | Moore; cornet, Marion: Stettler;
; A wh | score: Vie Joe Bias Totals 730 905 848 2483 If fey ; i iy otros rompers: oi Ole axe Invites Your Patronage
b -Mt. Joy Big | YS. era 4D 3 fits from 211 v =year | phone, Paul ershey; bass horn, J.
Field Foul Total | Me. Joy, 2rd Tis. 2060 policies or bonus certificates | p, and drums, Robert Heilig. gt |
Ae) iB Goals Goals 1st 2nd rd 150, 0Y depositing them as security for Girls Glee Club Organized
gd Laskewitz, F ...... 2 2 6|O’Neill ..... 156 168 1586 S07 loans. Prof. Landis also organized a glee DOUBLE MESH HAIR NETS
i) - Eli 2 1 51G, Brown .... 150 157 307 "It is estimated that there are ap- | club among the various girls of the 3 FOR 25 CENTS
Dy i Charles, ¥ ........ 3 1 7 Herr ....... 152 124 167 proximately 3,048,932 such cer- | vy Joy High School, which he con-
WED Ry C .......... 0 0 OiBarr ~....... 178 159 130 20 uficates in the hands of veterans or siders as one of the best organiza-
) Brown, G ......... 1 1 3|Derr ....... 183 145 ino dependants of deceased service | yiine of its type, under his entire
: = Weaver, GO 5 0 0 | Hershey ..... 155 173 154 482 | en, with a face value of $3,137,- | sical supervision of [about twenty Bell Phone No. 159
) 9% — ron oe ae | 555,062, and that loans up to $262,- | fe different high schbols.
< y Total 8 5 oY Motals ...... 824 795 721 231C 1540000 may be made during the There are now about fifty mem- ’
0 en cree van Sis Tol inole with 202. a9 A : s :
Marietta | Shimp bowled high single W 202. year 1927 n that aggregate. P- | hers singing in the glee club, and
. Furniture Needs Field Foul Total | Harr bowled high triple with bo. plications for certificates may be the results they are producing are
> Goals Goals | Derr bowled high single for t ¢ | made up until January 1, 1923. indeed most gratifying to their di
| tater, Po 3 7 [locals with 183. | While it is inevitable that many rector. They are likewise preparing Pool Room
: : meet —— arvi ili 3
The importance of correct furniture and furnishing \Spangler, F ....... 92 1 5 | service oe or of those |, number of vocal selections that,
. i i Jalters, EF 3 1 7 Lost at Middletown {who failed to return from overseas | wij) also be rendered at this annual
: the modec home Spar be Dye: or AE 4 1 9, On Friday evening the Mount Joy | who are holders of certificates will | | usical feast; which, will consist of —AND—
: ; if you wish to entertain your friends in a manner Raa Ca 5 0 10 | pool team went to Middletown and | exercise the loaning privilege, | program of varied music both vo-
that will do yourself and your husband credit. Nagle G Ee 0 0 0 was defeated by a score, 397 to aes, Frank r Hines Sear of the Yer cal and instrumental, together with Restau rant
: 3 i i Eds .3 0 6 | Schneider was the only member of |erans Bureau, hopes that benefici- | solos, duets and quartets.
The best way todnenre ig bs to coms 8 ne yon’ | rr the local team to win his game. The | aries will forego sush a step to Donated $100.00
> here to make your selections. TO Le 15 4 48 any appreciable extent on the A donation of $100.00 was re-
i Middletown ground that it Would fie more 29 ceived by the high schgbl library | Former Ben Groff stand on Mariet-
3 re ~ .... 100 vantageous to the holder to keep he treasurer of fhe ta Street.
ST GOOD Gatchell ....c. 00. . 000. | va 0 from the treas >
HIGH BOYS Os TO PARADISE Porre Cs ea wi sate 97 'his certificate unencumbered to the |, ian staff, for the of pur-
Ai H C BRUNNE R Dimcler or dew 100! date of its maturity. chasing a number of books to be ad- ON E
i 4 Mt. Joy High team journeyed to |Williams 100 BLA Lg eh 2 Jae ded to their very complete library. 5 I
aradise Friday evening and lost to : ih Jandary 1, 1928,
West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. id in the Class B. Totals ......- Be arate 397 (and as the law provides that loans
team Toc 41-52 Mt. Joy may be made any time after two Before placing your order
na Soon EY eo 2 de . bBb|years from date of issuance, this One Fir Tree Stump elsewhere, see us.
OV was dis y = Charles cs vive Ca oe : 4
OS : rnd Ts Saletan 100 | year -will find hundreds of the early
EE on fs crapped. Parad: o Sohne Enea 50 | applicants eligible for loans. Makes Home on Auto Crushed Stone. Ale
* aaa ea = iain i oor and missed many ¢ os vain aiers Montesano, Wash.—A tour in t rs O oncrete ocks, 51
T 28 urers
OTE ile 2g ; eve ti Newcomer one Ar ois ler@rep- .
GOODRICH TIRES PREST-0-LITE BATTERIES score while nearly every attembh| Ne SALUNGA a Douglas fir log is undergrep- § | ang Lintels.
i vas made good by the Paradis” 233 aration by E. W. Wade, who is
lads. The contest was hard fought Totals ....... “os pr = making an automobile body
13-PLATE RUBBER CASE from beginning to end with the Mt. r - Mrs. Charles Bart and sons Jus- a glant tree
1 Joy lads holding their own until the Defeated at Middigtous You tic and Joel of Lancaster, visited The apartment plan calls for J, N. ST
=( )= ihe arter. Walsh, with 36 points! (On Thursday evening Mount JOY her brother Mr. and Mrs. Allan a combination bedroom and liv-
: Prest Lite attery $ 1 3 . ual was the big ace for|was defeated by Middletown pool | Dattisman on Sunday. Tice Bs iL two folding beds, MOUNT JOY, PA.
Paradise, while Heilig and Captain |aytists by a score of 386-299. The| Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dattisman two clothes closets, a combined EE
Halbleib featured for Mt. Joy. The |score: son Allan, daughters Elizapeth and kitchen and dining-room and H. H. KRALL
) . score: Middletown Ellen were the guests of her par- china closet. The log home is
Special Attention Given To Paradise Gatehell .... cin canine. 100! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Grein- fo be electrically lighted ER Os,
, Field Foul Total |yilliams .....- vives 80 er at Manheim on Wednesday. throughout and have electric
\ Goals Goals «+: 100 ———-——— —— cooking wppitances. The stump
Welsh, I. 14 8 30 Perry... carr hae, 100 nl Por Sale In Florin measured: 9 feet 4 inches
vii 0 14 ne home with all conveniene- across and is now 16 feet long
is > Ci 0 0 0 Motals vos vn 386 es, such as light, heat and bath. NY 1,250 pounds. 4
Son i 9 3 he, al Mount ‘Jey Property is in excellent condition When complete the house goes I always have on hand anything in
| Miller, G. ....... 0 Ol i et 58|and nicely located. Possession = truck. and trailer the line of
| Overly. G. ...... 0 oi Chat apg 100 | April 1st. This is a corner pro- tush
HN W. | R Uke, G. ..... =v. 0 0 [Schnsidel Ce ra aa ey rat, 75|perty on Mt Joy twp. side. Price, SMOKED MEATS, HAM, DRIED
—_— = wee cv vie sie 66 $5,550.00. Call or phone Jno. BE. — BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC.
208 E Main St MOUNT JOY PA Totals 22 8 52 Conrad .....-- a ae, Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf Closing Out Sale Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Mutton
. . » - — etl eee. x
Mount Joy 299 ; Mr. G
+ I mame Mol tal Totals... 29 ee which stravad cwiic On Friday, January 14, Mr. G.
TRY A NEW 1927 SOL HOT BROODER Sd oul To 1 nt An army sills which strayed away Mover will sell a large lot of imple- nk M M
r No danger from fire—no os 5 is 2 o ® 99 | Palmyra Was Defeated an Py post Sanam Yas ents of description. Also an Kra 8 eat arket
zo yor. Al you Hoty, >. Pi 3 5 11 The Mount Joy Pool Artists Jus {008 Sree Eo as Monn accumulation of store stock. Sale| West Main St.. MOUNT JOY
ave to do 1s to put oil in con- Lask By: yo timer iwi 3 i aa fo . 5 , 5 > & = ot 19 o'clock and continue] —
tainer, prime and light the Halbleib, C. ..... 1 4 §|fented Palmyra ot Ellis. wool roots (gle till on. He had _subsisted on will start at 12 o'clock and
3 . 4 - . . . + sworvthine s sold. Se
burner, and turn flame control = Beamenderfer, G. 1 0 2 last evening by a score of “ vegetation in the hole, and such until verythin > Yo former market N 0 T i C E!
valves nob ov gas, stove Bry Meisenberger, G. 0 : The score: Pal water as fell his way. il be i the ot |I HAVE OPENED A FIRST CLASS
tO 1 esired. e 01 Newcomer, G. ... 0 almyra etl lees ouse yuilding. gis
Sonia mer 3 connected Jo ne == = = I vn sus nes a The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs only —_—,. itv. Sal BARBER SHOP
urner with copper tubing. : ! E | Rt LRA Fea es t C nity Sale
can be set ie fy Pe the Totals 13 15 41} Toney vie 47 $1.50 per year. ; Next S Frank & Bro. will |OPEN EVENINGS AND SATUR-
. ed Referee. Swank. Scorckeeper, Lan-| Rogers -— Messrs. C. ©. : : DAY AFT
floor, on a shelf, high or low— = | ATIN ir next community sale at AFTERNOON
it makes no difference. Burner En dis. Timekeeper, Royer. | Auchenbach ................ Newcomer: oo... ned 100 | hold their nex mm ys B
cannot_overflow—cannot go out—the Twin-Float absolutel ts it NT ee ca 100 | their place of Cp na” on
§ : dot ) pr J ely prevents it. i J { : i 5 av. Jan.. 15. at I P. M. ey
Operating a Sol-Hot is as simple as using a gas stove. It is 100% safe— | An Australian parrot in the), Totals cn i Sehneider +o viii vay se 100 Saturaay, Jan. ds on F. W. Conrad
i are mace in five sizes—150 to 1,000 chicks. For details, prices, etc., see |London Zoo has gnawed his way out “Mount Joy 0 —— | will sell co No avs, pu J No. 11 Lumber St, MT. JOY, PA.
| JACOB L. EBERSOLE, 60 West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. of eighteen cages in three years. Charles ovina invasive 10 iL. vin 400 | ples, oranges. . 7
| .
fo: Le : 4 /
i $s oly < is: , \ :
v 7 a 2 2 . 4
~~ oo PY x
wn. -