The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 12, 1927, Image 2

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AN. .12, 1926

Subscription Price $1.50 Per Yea
Six Mont


s Tuesday nigh



let the public benefit.

The increase in wages and the
still greater decrease in prices of
commodities during the past six
merce Hoover in his recent annual
report as demonstrating “One of
the most astonishing transformia-
tions in economic history.” This he
attributes to elimination of waste
and other contributing factors.
Earnings of the potential
builder have increased; cost of build-
ing materials has decreased.
Since 1920 union wage rates have
increased 39 points; general whole-
sale prices have decreased 76 points.
Since 1923, union wage rates have
increased 17 points; general whole-
home |
Editor & Propr.
nee 1
on |

years are cited by Secretary of Com-|.
Raymond McC
i »d his cheek-bone.
Buck, of Manhein
Miss Elizabet

All 4
, Mis. Gu
inet, wel
legular praye
at the home «
ff. Rev. J.
conduct the meeting.
ng people of the vi
ned to the bed on ac
ount of (ness: John B.
Mrs. M. M. Breneman an
rah Mummaw.
The Men’s Bible Class
the following officers:

ge are
| electe

Kauffman; assistan


Agriculture, depends on properly lo-
cating the plants along the highway,
selecting suitable varieties, and ade-
quately protecting them from
thoughtless persons, roving stock,
and insects and diseases.
The best effects in roadside plant-
ng are usually produced by giving
the predominant place to the com-
mon plants of the neighborhood, us-
ing introduced plants in subordinate
positions. Next in desirability are
plants from regions having similar
growing conditions either in this
country or abroad. Oaks are more
generally useful for roadside plant-
ing than any other kind of tree.
There are species of this tree native
to nearly all parts of the country.
Subscribe for The
os ! Bulletin.

sale prices have decreased 4 points.
Since 1923. frame house materials |
at retail have decreased from 198 |
in 1923 and 206 in 1924, to 195 in
1926. : |
Since 1923, wholesale prices of |
building materials have decreased
* from 188 in 1923 and 182 in 1924 to
174 in 1926.
Now in making a survey of
Mount Joy we find that fewer wage
earners here own their own homes
than they did prior to 1920. But
believe me we have a much greater |
percentage who own r
This condition should not exist.
can have is a real sense of
humor. Rightly cultivated, it pays
big dividends. But like dynamite it |
should be handled with care. |
For example the man who said: |V
—*“Cheer up, old pal, the worse 8
yet to come,” to a friend whose
wife and children were ill y
pneumonia and who had just lost 1
his job,
4 other hand, time and time


oN \
and his family mentioned above, we
can’t help but
iles. | Weary with the load of
utomobiles. |
2 Nevertheless, there are
when a real sense of humor can be a
ost valuable assets |=
One of the mo la won
feel like blowing up.
of love and wit.”
ture of custard pie and mud throw-
with | version.
deserved the swift kick he ‘not help but brush the cob-webs of
worry from our brain and at the
have seen the tenseness heart so that the sunshine of good
rious situation rélieved and fellowship shines in,
brought to a happy ending by some
one who knew how to apply a spark
of real humor.
For instance, when someone ask-
ed Eddie Cantor, the popular comed-
ian of Jewish birth, what he thought
of the Klu Klux Klan, he said: “well,
if it ever gets on a paying basis, I
think the Jews will take it over,”
Neither is humor cure-all. When
we have real troubles like the man
worry and feel a bit
our burden.
many times
factor in
and dull care.
chasing away
It also acts as
lerful safety valve when we
Thackeray calls humor “A mixture
Our movie comed-
ans seem to think humor is a mix-
ng. Most of us prefer Thackeray's
Because, when our humor
s mixed with “love and wit,” it can-
time open the window of our
une fell on the ice
{ Guy Mummaw; secretary, Harry Al-
i LeRoy Mellinger



There vs be. different Jacol
i ? Leise Raymond
11 be Mrs E Forrey, Mrs. |
il Metzler, Mrs. George Fornoff
1d Mrs. Earl Albright.
re Made Record Awards.
NUT TO CRACK { The following scholars of the
of American housewives | Iron B. S. S. were awarded
it the apple growers of | for > the record during 1926:
giving away apples by | Pre every Sunday: Elva Kauff-
nder why the; { man, Anna Habecker, Mamie Par-
4 es. tiddle. OT i Laura Ka n, Caroly
can h riddle, you can 1 arolyn i VE
lve the most pressing problem of | Momma, Be vane | OR BUSINESS. IF YOU DON'T SEE LISTED JUST WHAT YOU WANT. CALL OR PHONE. AS I HA
agriculture, , Edi ¢ Loraine Kauff-
CONSTRUCTIVE POLICIES Wy Fornoff, Charles Fornoff, ls
QIN > phraim Fornoff, Chester Albright, . i ] 7 Sivas N 3—A fine building lot on
- ESSENTIAL : Glen Kaufman, Wilh: Reftew Li DWELLING HOUSES | brick house on West Donegal St., No 260—A 38-acre farm at No. 179—A farm of 107 acres of wa street. Price right.
No nation in the world uses so McCune, Leon Fornoff Danial a i tern 0: J VIG Joy. Price reasonable and pos- | railroad station 6 miles from York. | best limestone land in Fast Done- mas "7l- Lage of build-
profusely of the products of its ots sible) No. 226—A fine and modern 9- session’ given in 30 days. 12 room brick house, bank barn, |gal, good buildings, running water, | lots between Mt. Joy and Flor-
metal mines and oil wells as does | Frances Mummaw, Janet room frame house along concrete No. 822—A beautiful 11-room [tobacco shed, 2 lime kilnes, ete. |meadow, ample shedding for tobacco. ing lots be Ween od ARV. number
the United States, because no peo- | J. D. Kauffman, Earl Al highway in Florin. brick mansion dwelling in Florin,| An excellent proposition. Price No. 201—104 os in the haart of 1 1 I can give you ¥ ig]
ple enjoy luxuries which these in- | PTight. No. 230—A beautiful frame very modern in every way. All |$20,000. Bast or air fine of og BY losin Am
dustries provide. That is why we Absent one Sunday: Sadie Mum- house on Marietta St, Mt. Joy. | conveniences. Possession in 30 days. No. 277—25 Acres gravel and buildings, shedding for 12 acres of i 50 ft.” corner lot on
should all be interested in a con. Reba Rettew, Harriet Floyd, | corner property with all _ conveni NO. 327—A 7-room frame house land near Sunnyside School, tobaco. This is a real farm. Colaba Avenue. BME, Joy. Price
structive and encourageing Fovern. Linnie Bard, Lizzie Fox, Richard | ences, fine garage and price right |with all fonvenichces, ab Pequea 7 room frame house, barn, tobacco No. 233—A 65-acre farm in the $350 ig : >
ental policy toward these indus- | (Ther, Kenneth Rettew, Morris No. 240—2%story frame proper |Also garage 16x21. Fine location. Shediing, Gool waier, For a heart of East Donegal, good build- No. 298—A 50 ft. lot on Columbia
Dolicy foward these indus. | 5 : ; in = Florin, fram |Ideal for club. Only $3 500. uick sale will take...... $4,000.00 | Ne peal, a). 208 ;
fas Weller, Richard Mellinger, Maria | ty, on corner, in = Florin, fram |Ide: a ? ings and land. Price right. i Avenue, Mt. Joy. Price $350.
ries. { Fornoff, Chap’ off. William | stabl Here i very pood bu | No. 330—A 6-room frame house No. 278—30 acres of sand land : Nos, 306.77 building lots
on Charlotte Fornoff, William | stable. Here is a yp Y. INo. 206 East Donegal St., Mount | near ‘Green Tree church, good soil,| No. 274—A 120-acre farm of | Nos. 306-7—Two building >
Ete St i Mellinger, Roy Hubley, Alvin Al- No. 254—A 2% story = A Yantvle 1 : TS Ta ra- | best limestone soil, near Newtown, | each fronting 45 ft o.n the east
LOOKING BACKWARD AND right. Past = Vie, BEC fs Chestnut St., Mari- [J0V. slate roof. electric lights, etc.,|bank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- | bes , AN Yi of Lunioce SC. Me. Joy. $500
FORWARD Tiny, Paul Metsger, Marshall Al tt 2086 in, % oy AY oar. for only $2,600.00 ter, fruit, etc. All farin land. Price | 14-acre meadow, good buildings, I h *
Suppose 30 years ago we should bright, Gordon Mummaw, Donald 2, Lot is 0x120, wit} garage : $9,500.00. cluging brick house, can hang 12 gi 310—A 40-ft. lot on Walnut
a a 8% we oud Rettew, Bertha Mummaw, Guy | [OF 2 cars, Price $6,500. . TRUCK FARMS No. 3¢0--18 acres of best lime- |acres tobacco, best of water. No St it Ton. Af vot Sa cheap
suddenly ha ad placed befor Mummaw,Sr., Cleon Staley, Fred No. 257—A large brick house in No. 107—An 8% acre tract of|stone lahd in heart of East Done. | better tobacco yielder in the Ei i y. y
the behorgma of yun Kemmick, David Mummaw, Ab.|East Donegal, only 100 steps tc | and in East Doncgal, near Reich's gal, extra fine buildings in A1|county. Price...$135.00 Per Acre. |l0t get busy.
dreds and thousands of automobiles, | "CC Sundays: Anna Fornoff, | frolley stop. Property in fairly church, frame house, tobacco shed,| hape, best small farf I offered in No. 294—An 85-acre farm of JUST LAND
an increasing number of them fine Elizabeth Fornoff, Phil Metzoer, good shape for $3,500. barn, ete. $4,000.00. years. Located on macadam high gravel, land, barn and tobacco shed No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm,
ones, that greet our eyes today? James Garber, Iona Grace No. 258—A good frame property | No. 183—2 acres il Faun way. Price only $8,500.00. like new, brick house, only 2% miles timber and pasture land in West
What would have been our IMPTES- | Melba H bloy. Robert. M on West Main St., Mount Joy. Will | rough, large double house, fine for No. 316—A 29-acre farm of sand!north of Mt. Joy on hard road. | Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma-
sion then as to the financial condi. noe | oh 2. Robert Mol. exchange for a property on out-| poultry. $650. land near Chickies Church, very | Price $8,000.00. sonic Homes ground on two sides.
tion of the country? et Charles Gingrich, Miriam | skirts of town as owner prefers| No. 184—13 acres of sand and|good soil and an excellent cropper. No. 323—A 68-acre farm in Mt. | Price very low.
i Teagy, Howard Habecker, Christ more privacy. limestone in Rapho, frame _ house, | A 200d 1-man tarm. Joy twp., half a mile from Mt. Jov. No. 169—A 15-acre tract be-
RED TAPE Kauffman, Nellie Campbell, No. 263—A large frame corner [200d bank barn, fruit, running wa-| No. 324—A fine 11 acre farm of | pi. very reasonable. "| tween Mt. Joy and Florin. A real
oT Td... orb, geo dm i make, ter: Only $2,000, gravel soil, near Sunnyside school, ’ investment to some speculator.
A gun collector recently sought Property in Mount Joy, will make No. 196—A 2-acre trict in East|good buildings, abundance of fruit BUSINESS STANDS Ag 312 4-acre A of ground
» buy some obsolete a Beier, MAYTOWN 2 deal anes Fines, tos Donegal near Maytown, 8-room|Will trade on a larger fam, ,| No. 63—The entire concrete block | with long frontage on North Bar-
oF museum purposes. = Some of | ie house, stable, chicken house, pig sty,| No. 327—A 35-acre farm of san manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline | bara street, Mt. Joy. Ideal for build-
dated back to the Civil War; all of |Our Local Fire Company Elected Nos. 265—66.—A new frame house newly painted. sil nmear Chickies Church. good i Florin. hii 0 with all stock, |ing and priced right.
it ig old and as little usable as witch Officers for the Year double house on South Barbara St., No. 255—A farm of 12% acres uildings, water, fruit, ete. Price machinery, buildings, contracts, ete. No. 319—A plot of about an acre
charms. It was for sale. But it Mount Jor. gaen side 6 Noms and | of sand land, frame house, bank only $5,000, Price very low. for more of ground in Mt. Joy
took days of time of officias t The monthly meetine | 28th, light, heat, ete. Possession | barn, chicken house, hog sty, run-! No. 273—A 14-Acre farm just ac ; Here’s a good investment for some
em oy vee of Pose RS toy Trig Co of (he Map any time, Will sell one or both. ning water; an ideal truck and outside the boro limits of Mt, = td ed ponee) Size one,
ands of dollars a year, to negotiate nesday evening at 8 P., M. The an. No. 284—A 9-room frame house poultry farm. Price only $1,800 An ideal truck, poultry and fruit good country town. Excellent pat- FACTORY SITES
the sale of three dollars’ worth of | nual elgetion of officers was held! 2" West Main St, Mt. Joy, steam for sale, : farm. Price reasonable, | ronage. About a $15,000 stock.| No. 10—A tract fronting 107
stuff. A private company would | which resulted as follows: Presi heat, electric lights, gas, ete. New _ No. 229—10 acres limestone land LARGE FARMS | Rent is $30 with a long lease. [it. on the P. R. R. siding i “hy
have handled such an order between | dent, C. C. Retoer: re Be Rapage. Price $3,500.00, : a ig IN 5 0. 94—A 149-acre farm, iron-| NO. good garage, dwell-| Joy has many. ALD and cen-
mails. This incident has a lesson | Thomas H Yohis tin: pres iy No. 296—A well built frame h Sa a 2 ie p TY | store soil, en Secravel pike, i stati nd a car-agency One of the best
for those who wish to learn. Charles Barnhart; Nika prof house on Columbia Avenue, Mount *No. 270-. A fine truck f f barn, 8-room house, shedding for 20 at Marietta. Only $3,000.00. Don’t|in the town.
s s ; i A Sy Senay / Ste oy all conveniences, large garage. Wil dy Ar J fuel, form a Aeros a, px acre. | delay. in 7 also have a number of proper-
A rs tT CG A I Draey; frens 2 No. 307—A fine and beautiful 8-|,C" acre le | No. 95— “acre larm near NGO, 326-—A General Store, post | tes that owners do not care to
WE SURE NEED IT A. Harter; trustee, Chars Hol- {room dwelling on Main street, Flor- house, pars, Joe dy Poultry | owen Station, all farm land, AO dwelling, ete. Only re he have advertised. If you don’t find
Either some one is going to|lenbaugh; fire chief, Samuel Hol-|in, east ond. Extra large stable. |" Bos Te ior only 2 ‘miles from | Water, bank barn, brick house, | 5 country town. Here's a good go-| What you want in this list, call and
“show up” the crowd who contem. wager; assistant fire chief, Elmer | This is a real good buy for some Mt. Joy gravel 20. frama house ete., $6,000. Immediate possession. | ine proposition. |see me. 1 have it.
plate building that new bridge over Strickler; delegate, Elmer Strickler, one. barn, ete. A dandy truck farm. ia Jira 128 aoe No. 328—A fine business stand | No. large tract covering
the Susquehanna river at Columbia | 2 ernate, Samuel Ney; hose direc. No. 308—A frame house on Don’t miss this. Price. ..$2,200.00 | i ane. Lo, 1H Sl on East Main St., Mt. Joy; excel- i entire block along Penna. R. R.
or they mean business themselves. tor, George Drace; assistant hose | Marietta street, Mount Joy. Cheap | No. 302A 6-acre tract of gravel vid mi 8% Sore. Located, on lent location; good reason for sell- rad In Mount iy A wonder-
While they are dilly-dallying over|di’ector, Hiram Myer. to a quick buyer. iii .|land 1% miles from Mt. Joy. good Don't oy th 3 hear OWR: [ine A present rental is $65.0 cation at a right price.
ites OS 9 Crow nemica rector Ye Tay EA — me 1 a < 2.
legalities, along comes a crowd who Ct ical director George W arn- Vi SWS ns frame house, poultry house, ete. does Bee, he Py owner | per month, HUNTING CAMPS
contemplate building a bridge above Ral Tigi chemical directors, | pry. Joy. Make a good business Pring 22.000.00. ek 1 £ slichil No. 138—An 8l-acre farm of all| No. 352=2 loge quay dan Ed Wt tii ban ot
Columbia at a point where the Sus- Mpa Ireman, Harry Frank, Jos place. NO ST STUDY Florin 9 A | soll. in East Donegal, 11-| now in operation including |e i hon with 273% story 6-room
quehanna is not near as wide as To Foam hook and ladder di-| No. 314—A very good brick dwel} Ss Sr ies his: LE ideal zoom stone house, barn, tobacco hone Bag, aE bam, crusher, West oo a pin Sar
“a ; ‘ector, Herman Shue, assist: ' ling nee for. : shed, 5 acres so. Sy | S, 8, A i yo :
farther down. : : : i RE aan 4 hue, as istant, c ing on New aves St., Mt. Joy, No. 328—A dandy poultry and i re meadow, 3-4 of money | ote. Better grab tis quick as its| public road, near New
We woull really delight in seeing noes drivers, Elmer Strickler, | electric lights, bath, etc.,, corner pp ; Ean : tow: ;
h le build this bridge (Lane Joe Tressler, Hiram Mayer Samue] | Property. truck farm near Mt. Joy. Price No. 148—A 114 acre farm near 8 money maker. own. Price only $500.00. Po-
the people buil¢ is bridge (Lancas- |" Hens am Mayer, S; No. 3 tal Any very reasonable. q id session any time.
pn Te Ney. anry ~~ Frank , Trip No. 318—A fine brick dwelling on : . sunnyside, 10 acres meadow, sand
ter and Yerk counties jointly) but Loucks,” Se Hl i North West Main St., Mt. Joy. all convent. No. 333—A 2-acre tract in Mt. land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobac- | BUILDING LOTS No. 262—A tract of 125 acres
if they don’t soon get started, we Frank, Closes drm wager, Harry ences, big stable, fine lawn. A Joy township, 10-room frame house | cq shed, ete., good reason for sell-| No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x of farm and timber land, house,
5 hope some one else makes a move in ren + Charles Straley, John Warn- | eq] home, Act quick. frame stable, ete., for only $2,000. ing. Price right | 200 feet. They front on Church St.| barn, ete. Half is farm land. Sev-
that direction. er, and Herman Shue. No. 320—A fine house and garage MEDIUM SIZED FARMS No. 161—A 235-acre farm in In- No. 57—A b5-acre tract in the|eral bear pens on farm, Game
Of course its a shame to disturb] te in Florin, new 3 years ago. Mod-| No. 210-—31 near Mar-| diana Co., 75 acres farm land, .bal- boro of Mount Joy, fine large lot |such as bear, deer, pheasants, grey
the Pennsy’s little mint at Columbia | Roadside Trees ern in every way and priced very|ietta and Lancaster pike, good crop-| ance timber, good buildings, young and would be a money-maker for | and black squirrel, porcupines, ete.
but it. has had its share at the ox. Success in roadside tree planting reasonable. per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco orchard, fine water and close to mar- trucking or speculating on build- An ideal hunting camp. Price
pense of the traveling public. Now | S2¥s the United States Department of | NO: 321—A fine new 6-room and truck farm. Only $4,000. kets, schools and churches. ing lots. $2,500.00.

Miss Sarah Thompson of Atglen,
spent the week-end at Rheems as
guest of Miss Laura Espenshade.
Mrs. Aaron Kaylor of Lititz spent
a few days last week as guest of
her niece, Mrs. John C. Smith at
Sipling Brothers have a Willys
Knight touring car that registers
one hundred thousand miles and still
in good condition for many more
thousand miles,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Myers and
daughter Nancy of Elizabethtown,
spent last Sunday afternoon as
guests of her father D. K. Espen-
shade at Rheems,
Ervin Killian, a P. R. R. fireman
the past 14 years has been promoted
to engineer with headquarters at
Philadelphia, At present time he is
nursing a broken finger,
Paul and Jacob R. Garber ad-
ministrators of their father’s estate, |
In June 1875, an accident to one
of the experimental ‘harmonic tele-|
graph’ instruments caused a vibra- |
The Baby Beef {tion to be reproduced on a similar
Under favorable conditions there instrument in the next room gave
are several advantages in producing! Alexander Graham Bell the idea for
(young beef for market rather than the. telephone.
mature beef. Young cattle make | —
large ins than older le he '
ad ii A as Kessler’s Green Grocery
Fresh Fruit and
25 to 40 per cent
"more gain than mature cattle on the
Vegetables in
same feed. Furthermore, by raising
A miscellaneous shower was held yond Hyves the i=
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris- | ced can be turned over in a short
Also Fish, Oysters and
tian W. Strickler near Rheems, in time. Young beeves offer greater
honor of Mr. and Mrs, C. Roy Strick {choice in the date of marketing be-
baptismal sermon to a large congre-
gation. 10 new members were placed
upon their church role.
Church of the Brethren baptized
10 persons last Sunday afternoon
while the thermometer registered
26. Eider 8. S. Shearer officiated
in a creek that passes through the
farm tenanted by John Shank
North of Rheems known as the
Henry Eshelman farm. The banks |ing able to make
of the stream were filled with spec-
tators and members,
Charles Felty, Clayton Rutt, Alvin
Strickler and Amos Strickler.


Rotary Sewing Machines
All styles,
; including Elec-
tries, Oil, Needles, Repairing
and parts for all machines at
133 E. King St.,
Ind. Phone 116Y
Yes Sir, That's My
ler, who were married during the they hold their bloom longer.
Christmas holidays They re re. This is a decided advantage if the
cipients of many beautiful and vise. Is unsiesdy or weak,
ful gifts, One of them being an ie with ta) aay poor
: : ily in | duality are not suitable for the pro-
heirloom of the Strickler 1 | duction of desirable beef. To pro-
the form of a secretary. The fol-
Tr : duce young beef, grain must be fed
lowing persons were present to enjoy |. : 143 :
in considerable quantities from time
the festivities of the event: Mr. and ;
Mrs. C. N. Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. of weaning or even before to the

: s 9 211:
Amos E. Garber, dec’d. are distri |John C. Smith, Mr .and Mrs. C. ans ot eng Woon the Teed Barber, Cap” Williams
buting sale bills to hold" a public [Roy Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Morris | consis ae mn ho Ys No.4 East Main Street
sale Jan. 20, 1927, for the late Gainer. The Misses Martha New-|tempt s Du X ade lo oa out MOUNT JOY For a Good Clean
residence and household goods. comer, Martha Habecker, Mary Calves to qualify for this Try Kessler for Service
Tuesday, January 11, the Penna. Viola Reed, Elva Strick- Purpose must have quality and finish.

v 3 Tor: stor ‘Mag ao} One of the beef breeds (Shorthorn, 9 PN :
R. R. Co. abolished all cut watch-|ler, Clara Bolster, Mary K. Strick-|%” po . | K G
man jobs between Rheems and|ler, Dorothy Strickler, Phoebe Hereford, oe pi aylor Ss arage at a right price 20 to
Conewago displacing 9 men who will | Rupp, A. Strickler, Alice Herman, |(allowway) should be used in the 5
General Auto
production of young beef.
Anna Garber, Esther Rohrer, Mar-
tha Strickler, Nora Strickler, Mary
S. Strickler, Edna Strickler, Mable
Strickler, Dorothy Nissly, Kathryn
Nissly, Margaret Strickler, Emma
Strickler, Elizabeth Strickler, Ruth
Gainor, Messrs. Paul Hoffer, Abram
displace track laborers according to
the seniority rule, A number of the
watchmen have 26 to 28 years of
Church of the Brethren held their
regular morning services at Rheems
last Sunday with the Revs. Kaylor-

E. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA.
Agents for the Eureka Lau dry
The tall cocoanut palm “tree helps
supply mankind with buttons, soap,
candles, candy, butter, sugar, paper,
rope, baskets, brushes; mucilage, and
many other articles. To the savage




Shearer-Brubaker-Nathan and 'Hir. | Rohrer, Willis Reapsome, Elias | it supplies all earthly needs, building All Kinds of Tires and Accessories ig Eo Brame be
am Eshleman and , Dorsey Buttc |Musser, Walter Thome, Warren |materials, fuel, sleeping mats, food, Phone 119R3 good reason for selling. J. E.
baugh upon the bench officiating a | Strickler, Daniel Will, Ray Rutt, |drink and medicine. 0
Marietta St, Adjoining Groff Bldg. |Schroll Mi Joy.
