PAGE FOUR Work or Dress LADIES’ 98c SILK HOSE MEN'S TROUSERS Values up to $3.50 All Colors 3c $1.88 BABY DRESSES Values up to 98c B& C EVENINGS STORE OPEN Values LADIES’ $3 Values up to $10.00 WOMEN’S $1.50 Values MEN’S SUITS $9.95 SILK and CLOTH FLANNEL 8 Gowns 8/c to $15.00 DRESSES 88 MISSES’ : 8 FLANNEL 5 GOWNS ¢ >. $1.00 Values AE a EG, Fa Young Folks Are Joined in Wedlock (From Page One) Moyer Diffenderfer, both of Eliza- bethtown, were united in marriage by the Rev. Frank Croman. Suitzbach—Feeser A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Mary’s Catholic church, Mari- etta, when Miss Gertrude Feeser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Feeser, of Maytown, was united in marriage to Charles Sultzbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sultzbach, of Marietta. Wadsworth—Wampler A wedding was solemnized at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. K. Ober, at Elizabethtown, Christmas ing when Mrs. Emma Wampler, and Rev. William John Wadsworth, Jr., of Pottstown, were married by Rev. Ober.” The bride was attended by Mrs. Annie Minnich, Ironville, as matron of honor. Mrs. Wadsworth was a member of the Elizabethtown. College faculty several years ago and at present is art supervisor at the Pottstown school. Rettew—Mummaw Thursday evening in the parson- age of the Otterbein United Breth- ren church, Cleveland R. Rettew and Miss Erna Mummaw, both of Ironville, were married by Rev. C. H. Holzinger. The ring ceremony of the church was used. The young couple were accompanied by Melvin R. Wissler, of Lancaster, and Miss Thelma Lewis, of Columbia. The ® bride was attired in pink satin-back crepe and carried a bouquet of The bridesmaid and Mrs. white bridal roses. was dressed in green georgette carried pink roses. Mr. and Rettew will reside in Ironville. Geistweit—Myers On Christmas morning at 10 A. M., Miss Mildred Geistweit became the bride of Mr. Paul Myers, of Eizabethtown. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Ralph Bornman in the Evan- gelical parsonage, and was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor and Mrs. Ralph Borneman. The bride is one of the prominent : les. of the ; Chueh, 3 5 active gaged in “th of the 2 Sistant Pianist be an morn- i Treasurer of the K. IL. C. E.; as Assistant Editor of the local church paper, and is a member of the church choir. The bridegroom has been engaged in work in his home town, where he has been at home with his parents. Both young people come from good Christian homes, which has re- sulted in developing noble character. | ER eee Plan for the 1927 Garden A few of the 1927 garden catalogs have been distributed by seedmen. The rest will follow early in January. They are more beauti- ful and interesting than ever. They make very interesting reading after the heliday season when looking forward to Jot down the of seed you you are | spring planting. | varieties and amount | require. Send your | order early. So delicate is a now being made to measure heat | in the more distant stars that fly | wings are used in parts of its con- struction. In making the instru-| ment the craftsman cut down a brass tube to such thinness that it | crumples under its weight like a, piece of paper. RE new instrument | A good sandwich spread is made | by mixing grated orange rind with | an equal amount of butter and 2) small amount of orange juice. These sandwiches are nice for after! noon tea, or for serving with a beverage at an evening party. ere me i Tokio petitioners are being tried | for lese majesty for having plotted to present publicly a petition to the Prince Regent. A public petition to the throne is against the laws, re- gulations and dignity of the Imper- ial household. re A Men | Owing to the unnatural heat of | the autumn months, chestnut, apple, |and Praise service. and pear trees and lilacs have been | blooming in France for the second! time this year. mnt antl lpi tin. rate, it would | At modern wage more than $6,000,000, % have cost 000 to construct the great pyramid | |Fred Bucher. of Eevpt. Mid-week service Wednesday, at - {7:45 P. M. The reformer should be patient | You are invited to these services. with wus. After all, the world’s wickedness keeps him in a job. A Aten Tive hogs are being tattooed in attempt diseased pork an seed | services. Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor |Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor Values to § LADIES’ DRESSES Newest Fall Styles $9.88 Values up to $15.00 LADIES’ HOSE PO THEYMOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WOOL CAPS MEN'S OVERCOATS $9.95 $18.00 One Lot A SWEATERS For Mio Sl MENS For Boys is Hos: BOYS’ BLOUSES WOOL HOSE and Girls ork or Dress Values foe to $1.00 Values LADIES’ WINTER COATS, Fur Trimmed Beautiful Styles $9.88 BOYS’ Girls’ Gingham fi LADIES’ WASH SUITS DRESSES £81 PRINCESS SLIPS es GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Evening service 7:00 P. M. Light Brigade meeting Wednes- day evening, Jan. 5,, 6:30. St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Sunday School at 9.00 A. M. H. N. Nissly, Superintendent. Worship and Sermon 10:16 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Worship and sermon at 7:30. You are cordially invited to the Presbyterian Church Church School 9:30 A. M. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent Evening worship and sermon 7:30 Subject: “Acknowledging Jesus as Saviour.” Wednesday at 7:30 P. M., Prayer Church of God S.S., 9:30A. M. Sermon 10:30 A. M. C. E, 630 PM Leader, Mr. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church [ Theme: cords Destroyed.” Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A 9:15 A. M." Scho 280 AM on. Ng evening of the year at 8:00. Theme: Paul after his Conversion?” evangelistic services to continue for an indefinite period of time. gin every evening week at 7:15 P. M. A. M. held Friday, December o’clock for the purpose of electing officers for the which a watch night service will be held. Theme: “Fellowship in Prayer.” ered that rats would travel 190 mi- Christian Endeavor 6:45 P. M. |les to obtain food. Topic: “Being true to our rr a — ning of a revival. | | Start the New Year right by giv- | | (ng Ged first place in your life. Our | IN Ol R i | RCI i ES i church is here to help vou to live] : ? close to God all the year. | ! Come and worship with us. | RELIGIOUS MATTERS REPORTED BY THE PASTORS OF THE i i VARIOUS CONGREGATIONS IN AND AROUND i Methodist Episcopal Church : MOUNT JOY £4 Rev. John Stetler, Pastor J | 9.15 A. M. Church School. oo am % Dr. E. W. Garber. Superintendent. | 30 A. M. N s Reformed Mennonite 7:30 P. M. Evening service with! 10150 A: Wh Morning worship®aiid Rev. Christ S. Nolt, pastor special sermon to young people. r i . 3 ‘eo There will be services in the Re-| Monday 7:30 P. M. Choir practice. The Sacrament of the Lord's’ formed Mcnnonite church on West The Christmas music will be re- 6:30 P. M. Epworth League Main street, next Sunday morning !peated on Sunday. Loaders Mrs. Hirves Braboker at ten o’clock. The anthem, “And There Were 7:30 P. M Eventing So and Shepherds,” will be sung during Sst on Re 2 Donegal Presbyterian Church the offering. “A New Year's Wish”. | Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor Friends and strangers are wel-, Wednesday, 4:00 P. M. Junior Church School at 9:30, Mr. D. C. | come. League. Mrs. William Diffenderf- | Witmer, Superintendent. Any member in arrears of church |, superintendent | Morning worship and sermon at pledges, please remit in order that Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Mid-week {10:00 A. M. Subject; “My Father.” {the books for the year may be clos- Devotional “Eom ed up-to-date. Friday, 7:30 P. M. Choir Rehear- Trinity Lutheran Church sal. You are most cordially invited to all these services. eee eee. Florin U. B. Church in Christ Rev. J. C. Deitzler, pastor Watch night service on the last “Inside’’ Information Bible School 9:30 A. M. Do you measure accurately when Morning worship at 10:30 A. M. | you make a cake? Fill your meas- “Sins Cancelled an: Re- uring cup and level it off? Level |off each teaspoon and tablespoon? Sift dry ingredients as directed? {Cream sugar and fat thoroughly? Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. { Fold egg whites in last? Success in Evening worship 7:15 P. M. cake making depends partly on “Has the Gospel Affected some of these fine points; others | will be found in farmers’ Bulletin 1450-F, Home Baking. of Burl- took out the Junior Society 5:15 P. M. Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M This marks the beginning of the To be- throughout the One Charles Newbold, ington, New Jersey, first American patent on g plow in 1797. Newbold’s plow could be drawn by two oxen whereas other plows required strength of eight or ten. You are cordially invited. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. Ralph Bornman, Pastor Prayer Service Wednesday 7:30. Sabbath ' School Sunday at 9:30 eee A new British Bank has as its ar- mor a special steel which, if attack- ed by an oxyacetylene torch, will send out a shower of sparks of such magnitude that the burglar will be driven away. —_— Choir practice Friday, 9:30 P. M. A congregational meeting will be 31st, at 10 coming year after By an experiment in England whereby indestructible tags were Preaching 10:30 A. M attached to their legs, it was discov- 08¢ DEBI YEAR END SALE MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 110 Values To $2.00 ONE RUBBERSY, Briefly Told | | It is estimated that there are 7,- | | 000,000 dogs in the United States. | There are approximately | million farms in the United States. | The speedy motorboat MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS Values up to $5 6 1-4 is taking [ the place of the picturesque gondola ‘WEDNESDAY, DJ§C. 29th, —, EMRE WO is $2.88 || ONE LOT CHILDREN’S STOCKINGS Values LADIES’ CREPE BLOOMERS Are Your x 6 ” “Toxic? It etl, Then, to Learn the Importance of Good Elimination. [TW NCTIONAL inactivity of the kidneys permits a retention of Vo. waste isons in the blood. Symp- | Red glass in former times was toms © Js ose: condition are a init FE old to dull, lang¥#id feeling, drowsy head- jade dy. a g gold to € ra aches and, onetime, toxic back- 214,583 ministers, been twice scarlet fever. Barbers at a recent convention estimated that blondes have 150,000 hairs on their head and redheads only 30,000, on the average. Greenland is sinking into the sea at the rate of six feet ix inches each century, according to the ve- port made by a Danish expedition. Friendly Penguins have been known to make advances to humans by following them about and at as great as {tempting to present them with peb- bles Development of the Everglades of Florida is depriving the Semino- les of their means of livelihood, For centuries they have lived on what they could get by hunting and fishing. A 5,100- pound cently shot from the de tleship at San Pedro, Califo a catapult in whicH a charge powder equivalent. to that used when an eight-pound shell was ex- ploded. Declaring that he thought a min- ister should not be paid more than the average income of the people of his congregation, the pastor of a New York State Presbyterian chur- ch refused with thanks a salary in- crease of $500, * A Hindu millionaire of the Jain sect: who believes in non-killing, is Sith Christ. Potatoes. immaculately serubbd ing ang carefully wrapped in tissue pen, now om the ate 4 Ld3hao periraany on a large scale in lcarniviorous dogs. ed an entirely veg- it is aimed to pstinets of killin More than one-half the people in that from 3 “Roster-Milbura Co, Chem, Chem., Buffalo, N. Ys. g as they should is the United States have names of often shown by" anty or burning English or igin. passage of secretion Many readers In the United States there are have learned the e of Doan’s 47,461,588 church members and Pills, stimulant le to the kid- neys, in this condition. Pie is not bad for the digestion, where endorse Doan’s. Br vr according to the editors of the neighbor! x Journal of the American Medical Association. Mortality from measles in Ene- D OA N’ S Ph land in the past fifteen years hasj, Stimulant Diavetic to the x %e % Have received - electric waxing polisher for treating: oleums, and am preg work of this kind nromg isfactorily. JOS. J. COBL 226 N. Market St., oors and lin- ed to do Elizabethto Oct. 27-3mo NOTICE! OPENED A FIRST CLASS Phone 140-R2 — For Sale in Florin 'A fine home with all conveni enc- e, such ag light, heat and bath. operty is in excellent condition _ nicely located. Possession gui ist, his is a corner pro- i IY Mt Joy twp. side. Price, 50.00 l or phone Jno. E. w Mt. Joy tf bs So atin sh