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The following letter was mailed to the Business and Professional men of the town, by the Benevolent Society: The Benevolent Society will start its second annual drive for funds to replenish its treasury, to meet the demands for the year 1927. Our appeal in October 1925 was met with such cooperation that we arc ooking fosward to equally good response this year. Owing to the result of our appeal last year, our treasury has a small amount on interest, to take care of an emergency or an epidemic, and by adding to it little by little we will be able to accomplish bigger things, Let us explain just what we have been doing: been quite a few cases every year where sick- ness has made things difficult in a family, where we have helped with a couple baskets of groceries, milk, bread, etc. These boosts have been appreciated but not abused. We have also helped with clothing, shoes, ete. One of the best things the society ever did, was to retain the Commun- ity Nurse for the year 1926. Her work has been wonderful and ap- preciated wherever she went. On Christmas the baskets will be sent to cheer quite a number of homes. Every case is investigated before help is given. Only a very small percentage are found not worthy. All drives in Mt, Joy go over the top. Will we go over the top for our own town? Winter is soon here and we need your help, Will you mail a check to Mrs. Emma Manning, Treasurer. One of the undersigned officers will call between November 27 and De- cember 1 on those who have not responded. We will thank you for your care ful and thoughtful consideration. Ed.—Only those familiar with the local Society, know of the won- derful work accomplished here dur- ing the past year. We sincerely hope our people will be quite liber- al, thereby assisting the Benevolent Society . in (accomplishing bigger things. Young Folks Are Joined in Wedlock NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Heisey—Engle Miss Susan Engle, daughter of Mrs. Katie F. Engle, of Elizabeth- town and Paul G. Heisey, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heisey of Wash- ington Boro were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hite, Elizabethtown, Coover—Rhinehart Miss Evelyn Coover, Hanover and Russel Rhinehart, of this place, were married recently at the parson- age of the United Brethern church, Harrisburg, by the Rev. C. A. Snav- ely. After spending some time at the home of the bride's parents the cou- ple have returned to 311 East Main street, where they will reside. Henderson—Kramer Mr. Frank S. Henderson and Mrs. Mary A. Kramer was united in mar- riage Saturday evening, at 6:30 o'clock at the home of the bride- groom, Maytown, by the Rev. Chas. H. Faust, pastor of the Maytown Reformed church. The bride was formerly a resident of Florin. They will reside in Maytown. BX... Meets Next Tuesday The Mount Joy W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. J. S. Eby, on Tues- day evening, November 30 7:30. A program on Social Morality will be given by Mrs. Bornman. A Thanks- giving prayer service will be held at the opening of this meeting. Re- ports will be given of executive meeting held in Lancaster last Sat- urday by the president. EE a Rotarians at Lancaster A large delegation from our local Rotary Club went to Lancaster on Thursday night where they heard Everett Hill, former president of Rotary International. John Philip Sousa, famous band master, was a guest. Sixteen Rotary clubs were represented at the meeting. QC. ’ Burned Their Own Home Mrs. Mary Groff, of near Neffs- ville, is in the county jail and her 14-year-old son Mean Koons, was also arrested charged (with arson. They will be given a hearing, the charge being that they burned their _own home about ten days ago. RE. ro a hl Was Granted Letters Nehemiah Haines, Rapho township was made administrator of Emma Haines, late of Mt. Joy. KIPPLE PLEADS GUILTY; COURT PASSES SENTENCE The court made final disposition of a number of cases of local inter- est last week-as follows: Paid Fine and Costs A sentence of $10 fine and costs was imposed upon Charles Kipple, Mount Joy, after he entered a plea of guilty on gambling charges. Billmyer Man Guilty George Kervinskee of Billmyer, plead guilty to serious charges and was sentened to pay $10 fine, $25 expenses and costs of prosecution. Vioiated Liquor Laws George Paules of Marietta, plead guilty to charges of violating the liquor law and operating and main- taining gambling devices. He was sentenced ‘to pay a fine of $100 and costs on the liquor charge and to pay a fine of $10 and éosts on the gambling charge, Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT fHE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. Abe Haines was a Saturday visitor at Lancaster. Master Ray Haug is spending some time at Ironville. Misses Nedra Diffenderfer and Edna Rehm spent Saturday at Eliz- abethtown. Messrs. H. C. Brunner and Clay- ton Metzler made a business trip to York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaeffer and Mrs. Emma Shaeffer spent Sun- day at Highspire. Mrs. Frank Haug returned home after week at Ironville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amand and son spent- Sunday with the former’s parents at Landisville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geibe and daughter, Mildred, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geibe’s parents at Rheems Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schwab and children, of York, attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Martin Spickler, Sat- and son, Ray, spending a urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and children, of Elizabethtown, spent Friday with Miss Sue Cun- ningham. Mrs. Abram Mumma is spending the winter months with her son, Mr. Albert Mumma, on S. Barbara street. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Derr enter- tained thirty friends to a dinner on Sunday, at their home on West Main street. Master William Lewis is visiting at Harrisburg with his grandmother Mrs. John Zeller spent Tuesday at Philadelphia. Miss Sneith, of Millersville, visit- ed Rev. and Mrs. Ira MacDonald, on Sunday and sang at the church ser- viec during the day. Mrs. Charles Lewis and children, Betty and Mildred, are spending the Thanksgiving holidays at Har- risburg with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and son, Anna Weber, Lillian Backenstoe and Robert Heilig, spent Saturday in Philadelphia, where they attend- ed the Sesqui. Mr. and Mrs. John Conner and son, George Conner and family, of Manheim, spent Sunday in .Cumber- land county with the former's uncle, who is seriously ill. Messrs. “Bully” Strickler and Ab- bie Shelly, who are employed by the Western Union Telegraph Co., at Newville, are home for their Thanksgiving vacation. BEST WAY TO PREVENT CUTTING IN PRACTICE To prevent other drivers from con- tinually cutting in, drive close enough to the car ahead so that there is no room for the man behind to cut in after he passes. In order to get by he will have to pass at least two cars at once. That will discourage him in this annoying practice. Drive quietly along while he argues the matter out with the next driver he meets. Prevent Poultry Colds To prevent colds in the poultry flock keep the hen house dry, allow at least eight inches of perch room per bird, and provide plenty of green food. A dose of epsom salts, at the rate of one pound of salts to each 400 pounds of poultry fed in a wet mash may do a great deal to get the affected flock back into condition. A Will Hold Card Party A card party will be held at the American Legion Home Friday ev- ening, November 26 at eight o’clock Progressive 500 and pinochle. Val- uable prizes will be given and will be displayed in the Bulletin window. Refreshments will be served. Tick- ets, 50 cents. ’ —— ee Must Wash Their Feet V So many tramps applied at the Coatesville jail for a night's lodging that they could scarcely be accom- modated. The Burgess issued orders that each one must wash his feet before retiring. Shortly after the order went into effect they didn’t have a “customer” in ten days. Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, November 24, 1926 | General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE The Lincoln Highway restaurant, of Lancaster, is bankrupt. Snow plows were used the middle west last week. Fire destroyed the dwelling of Mrs, Frank Groff, near Neffsville, The loss is $2,000. Mr. I. N. Friday of Elizabethtown, slaughtered a chester white porker that dressed 594 lbs. he managers of the sesqui at Philadelphia now face ga deficit of over five million dollars. Norman G. Shank and Minerva M., Good, both of Conoy township, were granted: a marriage license. When he refused to give a thief the day’s receipts, John H, Freihafer, 8 Resting butcher was shot and kill- e Queen Marie, of Roumania, will be presented with a pair of spun gold stockings by a hosiery firm, when she visits Indianapolis. Captain Jesse Watson and his Degree Team of Court Mount Joy No. 228, Foresters of America, will go to Columbia on Monday evening, November 29, where they will take part in the initiation there. BR BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR CATHRINE ZELLER thruout A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Zeller, on Friday afternoon, in hon- or of their daughter, Catherine, who celebrated her sixth birthday anni- versary, A number of her little friends gathered at her home to help her celebrate the occasion, which was spent in playing games, after which they partook of a dainty luncheon. Those present were: Florence Schneider, Emma Davis, Betty Young, Mabel Miller, Jeanette Pot- ter, Mary Belle Potter, Mary Louise Longenecker, Elsie May Longeneck- er, Doris Hendrix, James Robert Zeller, Catherine Zeller, Elsie Hof- fer, Violet R. Gillums, Irene Smelt- zer. She received many beautiful gifts. BR UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE IN EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Umion Thanksgiving service here will be held at St.- Luke's Episcopal church on Thursday at 10 A.M : Following is the program: Pro- cessional Hymn; Invocation, Rev. I. A. MacDannald; Proclamation, Rev. Stetler; Hymn. Scripture Lesson, Rev. Segelken; Prayer, Rev. Geo. A, Kercher; Hymn; Sermon, Rev. H. S. Kiefer; Offertory Anthem; Re- cessional Hymn. Rev. C. E. Knickle will preside and invites all to be present. eat CBee LANCASTER FURNITURE CO. NOTIFIED TO STOP CHEATING The Federal Trade Commission at Washington, D. C., published an order Tuesday, directing the Key- stone Furniture Company, of Lan- caster, to discontinue the practice of selling as mahogany or walnut articles of furniture composed whol- ly of woods other than mahogany or walnut. ere DQ Aer Frank’s Community Sale C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold a big community sale at their sale stables near town, on Saturday, De- cember 4th, at. 1 o'clock sharp. They will sell turkeys, ducks, geese, cows, bulls, steers, shoats, chickens. so» fruit, potatoes, dress goods, linoleum, auto tires, ete. - Saleman Resigns Vv Mr. Harvey Lutz, who was em- as a salesman for the Shenk Oil Company, resigned his position Saturday. Mr. Lutz accepted a position with Mr. Ira Newcomer at us cil and gas station at Elizabeth- town. Sl tm Was Fined $200 Charles H. Heller, of Masterson- ville, who pleaded guilty to possess- ing liquor, was fined $200 and the costs. It was stated Heller had some liquor in his possession at his restaurant but he never offered it for sale. nent ree. Dog Licenses Here Dog licenses and tags for 1927 have been received at the county treasurer’s office, it was announced Monday, but will not be put on sale until December 6. The office will be engaged in the interim in check- ing up licenses with tags. ——— ere A Rummage Sale The Mount Joy W. C. T. U. will hold a rummage sale at Mr. Chas. Ricksecker’s, Saturday evening, De- cember 4. Wonderful bargains for everybody. rn State Shoot at Allentown The annual state live bird cham- pionship shoot will be held at Allen town again this year. It will take place on Washington's birthday. Asks That November Day of The full text follows: OF AMERICA. forth plentifully; business have flourished, and labor of the gratitude we owe to happiness; we should not f of His divine favor, which many blessings. sight. day of November, next, as giving and prayer and I re In witness whereof, United States. the United States, the one CALVIN ( By the president: | Joseph C. Grew, | | Acting Secretary of President Coolidge Issues Proclamation of Thanksgiving In a Thanksgiving proclamation issued on Sat- urday, October 30th, President Coolidge asked the nation to make November 25th a day of praise to God for a year in which the United States had been “blessed among the nations of the earth.” BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES A PROCLAMATION As a nation and as individuals we have passed another twelve months in the favor of the Almighty. He has smiled upon our fields and they have brought While sections of our country have been visited by disaster we have been spared of any great national calamity or pestilential visitation. among the nations of the earth. Our moral and spiritual life has kept measure with our material prosperity. We are not unmindful which has pointed out to us the ways of peace and Neither should we be forgetful of those among us who, through stress of circumstances are less fortunately placed, but by deeds of charity make our acknowledgment more acceptable in His Wherefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do hereby set apart Thursday, the 25th the people shall cease from their daily work, and in their homes or in their accustomed places of worship, devoutly give thanks to the Almighty for the many great blessings they have received, and seek His guid- ance through good deeds and brotherly love they may deserve a continuance of His favor. hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the Done in the City of Washington, this 30th day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, and of the independence of 25th Be Set Apart As Praise LV has prospered; industries has been well employed. We are blessed God for His watchful care, ail in our acknowledgment has bestowed upon us so ‘LAST WEEK OF STOUGH CAMPAIGN Dr. Stough spoke on Sunday af ternoon about “The Man of Myst- ery and the Man of Destiny.” God Promised to Abraham a land to which he should go and possess it and take it for his descendants. This promise has never been fulfilled but in part. The promised land is about 1600 miles long and 600 miles wide, No race has been so perse- cuted and scattered. The Jew is now under ever flag and speaks ev- ery language. ‘On Thursday night will be the “Real Thanksgiving Servihe.” Any one present who has anything they want to thank God for, will be giv- en the opportunity. No Thursday afternoon service, " This week will be the great wind up of a big two months campaign of preaching Christ. The balance of the week every day, services at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Sunday afternoon sermon en “The Battle of the Universe” the most stupenducus event of the \gcs Evening services at 7:30 P. M. Local Doings Around Flonn ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN.- INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE THE PAST WEEK Mrs. Eli Nissly spent Tuesday at Lancaster. Mrs. Frances Nissly spent Thurs- day at Harrisburg. a day of general thanks- | commend that on that day I have hereunto set my {at his home here. the house with sickness. ness trip to Pittsburgh, Evelyn spent last Thursday at Lan- | caster. {sons William and daughter Florence, \spent Sunday at Reading Mr. Henry Kulp spent Saturday at Philadelphia. Mr. A. Peris had a radio installed Mr. Henry Eichler is confined to Mr. J. N. Hershey made a busi- Monday. Mrs. Monroe Ebersole and daugh- ter. Mrs. Albert Fike and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Eli P. Arndt and hundred and fifty-first. |¥ Mr. A. G. Walters, contractor is breaking ground for another bung- OOLIDGE alow along the trolley line. | The public sale of the bakipg es | tablishment of Mr. John Rothe will be held on the premises here Fri- | day. Q 3 Messrs. J. T. Snyder, Jacob State. Landvater, Wm. Dommel, Sr., and {| George Vogle spent Sunday at the | — 2 1926 INGATHERING A BIG SUCCESS The Mount Joy Branch of the Needlework Guild of America held a very successful Ingathering for the year 1926. In spite of the inclement weather the public demonstrated its interest by coming to the Legion Home, last Thursday, where the garments were on display. All who came were made welcome and served with tea and wafers by the Directors. The number of garments collected this year was 944. They were dis- tributed as follows: Home Distribu- ition, 275; Lancaster General Hos- | pital, 60; St. Joseph’s Hospital, 52; Shelter Home Lancaster, 10; Ross- mere Sanitarium, Lancaster, 63; Miss Weisflog, 26; Children’s Home, Pittsburg, 67; Children’s Home nity House, Ky., 107; Ivakota Farm Clifton, Va., 80; Total ments. This leaves a reserve of 95 gar- ments to be used in the town and vicinity in case of need. etl Better Grab This If there is any one who wants a good paying business in this section, here it is. ry with house, barn, crusher, horses, tion to be sold. time. Don't fool around if you are interested, E. Schroll, "Mt. Joy. eet Gy Ieee. $8.00 Below Par At a sale of stocks and bonds at Lancaster a few days ago, 5 shares Rohrerstown, Landisville and Mount Joy Street Railway Company 6 per cent stock. Par $50 at $42 per share. mn. ent Qe Firemen Meet Friday The Lancaster County Firemen’s Association will hold its November meeting in Neffsville High School on Friday evening, November 26, when the Neffsville Community Fire company will act as hosts. a EE A Card Party The L. O. O. M., No. 596, “of Elizabethtown, will hold a card party in the Moose Hall on Tues- day evening, December 7th at eight o'clock. Everybody welcome. Nov 24-1t Vil Chicken Pox in Town Y Seven cases of Chicken Pox were reported last week and quarantined These are the first quarantine cases since August 1st. Philadelphia, 109; Wooton Commul| 849 gar-| A large limestone quar-| trucks, all tools, etc., now in opera- | Possession any | mi | The state charter for the Mt Joy! Paper Box Company, has been re- | relorder’s | Call phone or write Jno. ! Phone 41R2. tf | IN. R. NISSLEY AND FAMILY | ENTERTAIN MANY GUESTS { Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Nissley and family entertained Sunday in honor of the former's birthday anniversary and also the remaining ones of the I three generations of Nissleys born land raised on the farm fhere they | res de. "ne oldest one of the clan is "Mrs. Anna Stehman, Lititz, aged 74 | vears and the youngest Samuel B. | MN sity, agel 11 years The following guests were pres- necker of this Forry Newtown; Mrs. Anna Steh- man, of Lititz; Mr. Witmer Rohrer, H. and Ellen Nissley of Lancaster, Mrs. guests at their home Mrs. | son Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hassinger and | children Victor , daughter Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Lucille Baer, Mr. | Reuben Becker of Elizabethtown. Samuel B. Nissley, Mr. and iN. N. Baer and Leon and Verna and Mrs. P. R, Nissley and children ersburg; Miss Ethel Risser of Eliz- abethtown; Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Niss- ley and children G. Brandt, Alice |Marie, and Samuel B. Nissley, The {day was very pleasantly spent with! music and relating incidents of childhood days. a MT. JOY PAPER BOX ceived at the county office. The company will manufac- ture buy and sell paper boxes and paper articles. The incorporators ‘are Asher F. Snyder, Loren P. Som- ers, Albert D. Seiler and Simon P. Nissley, all of this place. The company is capitalized at $20,000 and the treasurer is Asher F. der. Sny- Rr . Change in Location V Eshleman Bros., clothiers, who are at present located in the Hiestand building on East Main street, have leased the Mount Joy Hall store room until recently occupied by P. E. Getz. They will occupy it Jan- rary 1st. ret Electric Light Sale The next Community Sale at the Florin Hall - will be held on Friday, Nov. 26th, at 6:30 o’clock P. M. They will sell live stock, im- plements, household goods, ete. Don’t forget the time and place. - tl AA Broke Right Arm b Walter Derr, son of Mr .and Mrs. Daniel Derr, broke his right arm, while cranking a Ford car. * | South Mountains. | | | | { ent: Mrs. Fannie Shelly and daugh-| [Lancaster here next Sunday. {ter Ada, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Longe- is the team that defeated the locals place; Mr. Daniel 6 to 0 earlier in the season. Barbara and Phares Nissley jr. and |royally entertained at the home of | Miss Mary Koser of Landisville, Mr. | their daughter Mrs. Bertha Kray- fand Mrs. S. R. Nissley of East Pet- bill on Sunday, the occasion being jary. Mr, and Mrs. Agustus Shutter | facturing Company since it is un- !D. Easton and W. S. Georgia. FIRM GETS CHARTER | Monday. occupying one of the hous- Mr. and Mrs. Park Rhodewalt and daughter Bertha, of Downing- town, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Walker. Mr. Fred Keener left Monday for New London, Conn., after spending twelve days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keener. Mr. Norman Smith, of Lobata, who erected two houses along the state road east of the Cross Roads church, moved here from Lobata es with his son Samuel. An effort is now being made by Manager Carson to play a game with the strong West End A. C. team of This On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Hassinger entertained these here: Their Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stoll were their twentieth wedding annivers- and son Park were also guests of Mrs. Kraybill. Things are beginning to brighten | up at the plant of the Peris Manu- der the management of Messrs. J. Both these men are hustlers and we pre- dict a wonderful growth in their business in the very near future. ean ie mcm Fire Near Manheim Slight damage was caused at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Zahm, one-half mile south of Manheim, on Friday night when fire broke out in the summer kitchen adjoining her home The Manheim fire company respond ed to a call and succeeded in extin- guishing the blaze with chemicals. re A inst Wreck at Marietta The Columbia wreck crew was called to Marietta to clear away a wreck on the tracks of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad company, caused by the bursting of an air hose, and two steel ears and a wooden box car were derailed and demolished. Road We Must A | Travel Sc MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLEY HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Mrs. Abram K. Shultz Columbia, aged 36 years, & died at Isaac Pickel, a Civil War veteran and one of the oldest residents of Columbia, died aged 86 years, Eugene McNarry Eugene McNarry, 60, of Falmouth Pa. died in St. Joseph's hospital Monday at 11:05 o’clock of compli- cations and infirmities of old age, He was admitted to the institution on October 4. James Bohn James Bohn, year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Bohn, Silver Springs, died at the Lancaster General Hospital MY day night at 8:30 of complications. He had been a patient since last! Wednesday. Mrs. Minnie R. Shaffner Mrs. Minnie R. Shaffner, 54 years old, 628 North Lime street, Lancas- ter, died Thursday night at 8 o'clock of complication of diseases, after an (Turn to Page 8) A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR FRED LEIBERHER A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fired Lieber- her, in honor of their son, Kenneth, who elebrated his eleventh anniver- sary. He received many useful gifts Games were played and refresh- ments served. The following were present: Har- ry Walters, Jr., D. Gwynn Strayer, Charles and Bruce Pennell, Irvin Smith, Edward Weaver, Jesse Bair, | Billie Strayer, Edwin Myers, Fred- ter Ruth, spent Tuesday at Lancas- | 7. 2 2 Fy joy ou ai Laneas | die and Kenneth Lieberher, Myrtle Myers, Mrs. James Piersol, Mrs. D. W. Strayer and son, George and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher and son, Robert. ett Eee me Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore held a party in honor of their son Frank’s ninth birthday. The fol- lowing were present: Mrs, Christ { Hornafius, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Peifer and sons | Carl and Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Em- anuel Myers, Mrs. Lewis Resh, Mrs. Howard Eisenberger, Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Nissly and son Frank, Mrs. Henry Weaver, Mrs. John Haines and children, Carl, Guy, Vera and Gloria, Lester Mumma, Harry and Howard Fogie, Lester and May Geltmacher, Elizabeth Gamber Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore and son - Frank. Refreshments were served. and all had a good time. - tna sine MiB res $150,000 WILL BE SPENT AT MT. GRETNA NEXT WEEK Allotment of $250,000 by the War Department for improvements at the Mt. Gretna and Tabyhanna military reservations over a four-year period was announced last Thursday by Ad- jutant Frank D. Beary. Of the total $150,000 will be ex- pended at Mt. Gretna for the con- struction of mess halls, so that every unit in the Pennsylvania National Guard will have its own hall, for horse shelters, a warehouse and improve- ment in the drainage system. set Baby Health Center le The Baby Clinic met as usual at the Legion Home, Tuesday after- noon. There were 53 babies pres- ent, 41 .mothers and 5 visitors. Dr. James Zeigler called during the af- ternoon Mrs, E. Garber and Mrs. 0. G. Longenecker were hostesses. Miss Hauck is the nurse and Mrs. ~ C. E. Knickle, secretary. The Clinic is held every Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 4. ctl li Pastor Entertained Rev. D. E. Breneman, pastor of the Rowenna Church of God, was invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kautz, and given a sur- prise. There were present a large number of the members of the con- gregation and their friends and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Refreshments were served, following an evening of merry-making and an address by Rev. Breneman. rn QB COMMISSIONERS AT FAULT SAYS PRESIDENT LONG Blame for extremely limited road improvements in Lancaster county in 1926 was laid at the door of the Coun- ty Commissioners by G. F. Long, pres- ident of the county road supervisors} rrr et AQ Aes. Get Your Ticket Now If you have not secured a ticket to the Legion card party for Frida evening at the Legion Home, y may get! one at the door that ey ing. Eee Local Constable Fined James Bachman, constable ¢ East ward, in this boro, was $10 and the costs for opera slot machine at his store i Hempfield township. at the annual meeting of <*