"MS THIS WHAT Nou CALL A PLEASANT EXPRESSION? 4 “NES” {4 “SHEN SHOOY QUICK. [YT HURT MY FACE FOR SALE= A MILK COW THAT {fn GIVES RSCORD J LOT oF MILK v AND A BARREL OF VINEGAR WUZ | ANY MADPDER, MAH EARS = ONSTER SHELLS WOULD KETCH ON FIRE ! CHICKEN DINNER. OF STOVE WOOoD re | HAS BEEN HORNSWIGGLED | | MIGHT HAVE BEEN SPICIOUS RIGHT OFF DAT DAT ORNERY MAN WOULDNT GIMME A Fo' JEST BUSTIN' UP A CORD L102 fo, Bo = THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th, 1926 3 MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Chatles Sughree i ee, 2 A > = = = = a WHEN | FINISHED, THE OLDEST HAT STORE IN Pp LC M1] PE 5 Z ~ oat MEAN AAN BROUGHT LANCASTER Com, | | 1] our A PAN OF GoRN Wingert & Haas Hat Store Largest Assortment of FALL HATS Caps and Gloves in the City. PLAIN HATS A SPECIALTY a Lr rr CAICKEN DINNER = DINNER FOR A CHICKEN = AINT DAT RIDICUMLUS? JNO. A. HAAS, Propr. ! 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa. & OYSTERS OYSTERS We have MAURICE RIVER COVE OY- STERS in stock at all times. CIGARS AND TOBACCO AT REDUCED PRICES CANDIES BACHMAN'’S 5-LB. ALMOND & PLAIN BARS BACHMAN’S BROKEN BARS MT. JOY ALMONDS AND PEANUT CLUSTERS SCHRAFFT'S CANDIES ALL FRUITS IN SEASON H. A. DARRENKAMP’S MOUNT JOY, PA. 3 Doors East of Post Office PERSONAL Would you be interested, personally, in any of the following plans? Kindly check plan you are interested in. [ 1 Family Protection. [ 1 Business Protection. [ 1 Protection to cover Mortgage or other In- debtedness. [ 1 Pension for Old Age. [ 1 Inheritance Tax Protection. [ 1 Proposition to Guarantee Education for My Children. Name . en Lane Address csi ier . Mail same to Service Dept., Box 46, Mt. Joy, Penna. E. B. MILLER J. D. MILLER SLATERS NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE THAT NEW ROOF PUT ON PAPER AND TIN ROOFS PAINTED SLATE ROOFS REPAIRED MILLER BROS, Phone 38R2 MOUNT JOY, PA. A Furniture ARE YOU BUYING SATISFACTION WITH YOUR FKURNI- TURE AND CARPETS? QUALITY ANY SERVICE MAKE FOR SATISFACTION. WE ASSURE YOU OF ALL THREE WE ARE DEPENDABLE WESTENBERGER, MALEY MYERS 125-131 E. King St., 6 O'Clock Closing Saturdays Lancaster, Pa. Sept. 15 Tt. Religious News in Our Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY St. Mary’s Catholic Church Services on the first, third and fifth Sunday at 8:15. Second and fourth Sunday at 9:30 o’clock. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A., Rector 9:15 A. M. Sunday School. 10:30 A. M. Morning service. 7:30 P. M. Evening service. Monday 7:30 P. M. Choir prac- tice. Friday 7:15 P. M. Junior Guild at home of Miss Esther Henry. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Evening service 7:00 P. M. Light 3rigade Wednesday 6:30 P. M. Annual Thank Offering Service of the Women’s Missionary Society tonight at 7:45 P. M. St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Sunday School at 9.00 A. M. H. N. Nissly, Superintendent. Worship and Sermon 10:15 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 P. M. | Leader, Miss Sue Brandt. At 7.80 P. M., the W. M. A, and Otterbein Guild will render a Spe- cial program. Mrs. Wm. M. Bell, wife of Bishop Bell, of Harrisburg, will give the address. You are cordially invited to the services. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. John Stetler, Pastor 9.15 A. M. Church School. Dr. E. W. Garber, Superintendent. 10:30 A. M. Morning worship and sermon. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship and sermon. Wednesday, 4:00 P. M. Junior League. Mrs. William Diffenderf- er superintendent Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Mid-week Devotional Friday, 7:30 P. M. Choir Rehear- sal. You are most cordially invited to all these services. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Special services each night this week at 7:45 P. M. On Saturday night and at all the services on Sabbath, Mr. I. G. Sny- der and the Male Quartette of Al- toona, Pa., will be present and have charge of the services. Sabbath will be Rally Day in the Sabbath School and we hope to see very scholar present. Bring some stranger with you who does not go to any other Sabbath School. A Rally Day Souvenir to each one present. The service of Sunday School and Church will be one service, begin- ing at 9.30 A. M. The public is invited to enjoy | these services with us. Florin U, B. Church J. C. Deitzler Pastor. Bible School at 9:30 A. M. Morning worship at 10:30 A. M. Theme: “What Cannot Be Junior Society 5:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Evening worship 7:15 P. M. Theme: “The Church as seen in Ephesians.” Some folks have an awful concep tion of the Church, the Bride of Christ, relative to her calling, train- | ing and ministry. You come and hear what Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, has to say in his letter to Ephes- ians concerning this. Prayer service Thursday 7:30 P. M. You are cordially invited to all the services. Come for a warm hand of welcome greets you. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. Ralph Bornman, Pastor Prayer Service Wednesday 7:30. Y. P. M. S. will meet at the home of Miss Nedra Kaylor, Thursday, at 7.30 P. M. Choir Rehearsal on Friday night at the home of Miss Florence Kay- lor at. 7.30 P.M. Bible School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 10:30 A. M Theme: “My Church and 1.” K.L.C E, 6:45 Topic: “How May We Promote In- terdenominational Fellowship.” Leader, Mrs. Harry Seaman. Preaching 7:30 P. M. Theme: “God’s Clock.” A Congregational meeting will be called Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 1st, in the interest of Sunday School work. Every member is urg- ed to be present. Marketing Hints to Housewives As you probably know, this is National Apple Week. Every year a week in the Fall is set aside for informing the public about the many uses for apples. It is to ac- quaint the public with the value of apples, not only as an economical fruit but also something about the beneficial effects in the diet . Doctors tell us that apples are high in vitamines. The apple is al- so a good means of reducing sur- plus weight. “An overweight person may eat all the apples he wants, provided he will eat nothing but apples and can easily reduce his surplus flesh at the rate of one or two pounds a day” said a prom- inent physician. If all the people in the United States could be in- duced to eat six apples a day, a Spoken.” | good many doctors would have to {bandon their profession or else | take up Horticulture as a sideline. { However, we do not expect that | everybody will eat six apples a |day but there is an old saying [that “an apple a day will keep the {doctor away” and there is more | truth than fiction in this statement. | Although we are not particular- ly interested in the exact number | of bushels produced, it is note- | worthy that this year there is a |large crop and according to the | Pennsylvania and Federal Bureau | of Markets, there is over a bushel jof apples for every man, woman and child in the United States. Are you eating your quota? One of the features | tional Apple Week is to of the Na- familiar- ize the housewife with the varieties {and what particular varieties are best for eating and cooking, Do vou select your apples just by their outward appearance? If so, you are apt to be woefully misled because some pretty red apples are not good eating, At the present time here on the Philadelphia market, there are a number of varieties to select from and I will tell you about some of the leading ones and how to distinguish them because more and more retailers and storekeepers are selling apples by the variety. The housewife doesn’t merely say, “I want some eating apples or cook ing” but instead “I want some De- licious apples” or “Give me a peck of Grimes Golden.” Here are some of the varieties of apples that you will find on the fruit stands, in the stores, or on the wholesale fruit and vegetable market. As an eating apple, the Delicious ranks at the top. Itis a large red apple and is easily recog- nized by the five points or knobs on the blossom end. Another high quality apple is the Stayman Wine- sap. This is a large red variety and differs from the Delicious by being round and smooth at the blossom end instead of having the five knobs. The Stayman usually has a dull red coler while the De- licious is bright red. The Stayman is an all around apple because it is excellent for cooking and eating It is one of the best apples for bak and ing purposes. The Ben Davis Gano are very similar varieties 1 both are good for cooking. They are bright red apples and somewhat | elongated in shape. perial is usually red but may have only a reddish tinge with a yellow- ish or greenish background, This ap | I ple is flat shaped and more or less {lop-sided. The York Imperial is for cooking purposes. The | famous Grimes Golden apple needs [little discussion as most people are familiar with this color and is The Grimes Golden 1 | best | Ve llow in {square shaped. Milk Standards Are Set Right Promulgated for Guidance of Officials in Enforcing Pure Food Act. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The secretary of agriculture has promulgated, for the guidance of offi- clals in the enforcement of the fed- eral food and drugs act, revised and amended definitions and standards for milk and its products adopted by the food standard committee, This com- mittee is composed of three represen- tatives each of the Association of American Dairy, Food and Drug Offi- clals, of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and of the United States Department of Agri- culture. The revised standards and defini- tions Include milk, pasteurized milk, homogenized milk, skimmed milk, but- termilk, goat's milk, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated skimmed milk, sweetened condensed skimmed milk, dried milk and dried skimmed milk. The text of the stand- ards and definitions recommended by the committee is as follows: Text of Standards. 1. Milk.—Milk is the whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, properly fed and kept, excluding that obtained within fifteen days before and five days after calving, or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk prac- tically colostrum free. 2, Pasteurized Milk. — Pasteurized milk is milk that has been subjected to a temperature not lower than 145 degrees Fahrenheit for not less than thirty minutes, after which is 18 promptly cooled to 50 degrees Fahren- heit, or lower, 3. Homogenized Milk.-—Homogenized milk is milk that has been mechan- ically treated in such a manner as to alter its physical properties with particular reference to the conditien and appearance of the fat globules. 4. Skimmed Mliik.—Skimmed milk is milk from which substantially all of the milk fat has been removed. 5. Buttermilk.—Buttermilk is the product that remains when fat is re- moved fromm milk or cream, sweet or sour, in the process of churning. It contains not less than eight and five- tenths per cent (8.5%) of milk solids not fat, 6. Goat’s Milk, Ewe's Milk, Etc.— Goat's milk, ewe’s milk, etc., are the fresh, clean lacteal secretions, free from colostrum, obtained by the com- plete milking of healthy animals other than cows, properly fed and Kept, and conform in name to the species of animal from which they are obtained. 7. Evaporated Milk.— Evaporated milk is the product resulting from the evaporating of a considerable portion of the water from milk, or from milk with adjustment, if necessary, of the ratio of fat to nonfat solids by The York Im- | variety. It is| somewhat | | | lis plentiful and the housewife will not be disappointed if she buys this variety for cooking or eating. | You will find all these apples on the market atthe present time and now is an opportune time to lay in a supply because prices are reason- able. Eee In Lake Africa, fifteen broad, which appears to be frozen even at the height of summer. Car bonate of soda crystals cover the lake’s surface spots that they will bear a man’s weight. A A A Magadi, Kenya Colony, miles Diogenes, famed for centuries as the seacher down to our generation under the shadow of a lie, modern researchers declare. He never lived in a tub at all. The allusion was made by a biographer, who remarked that a man so crabbed ‘ought to live in a tub like a dog.’ en A So large a crowd of the curious gathered when a butterfly put in an appearance at 42nd Street and Lex- ington Avenue, New York, that po- lice reserves had to be called to control the situatioi. Er A cable ship has discovered that the bed of the Atlantic Ocean near St. Helena has risen two miles in the past twenty-five years. and are so thick in | { cream. the addition or by the abstraction of It contains not less than sev- en and eight-tenths per cent (7.8%) of milk fat, nor less than twenty-five and five-tenths per cent (25.5%) of total solids; provided, however, that the sum of the percentages of milk fat and total milk solids be not less than thirty-three and seven-tenths (33.7%). Condensed Milk. 8. Sweetened Condensed Milk.— Sweetened condensed milk is the product resulting from the evap- considerable portion from the whole, fresh, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, properly fed and kept, oration of a of the water clean, i excluding that obtained within fifteen there is a stretch of water long by four miles | | i | | | | | after truth, has come’ | days before and ten days after calving, to which sugar (sucrose) has been added. It contains not less than twenty-eight per cent (289%) of total milk solids, and not less than eight per cent (8%) of milk fat. 9. Evaporated Skimmed Milk.— Evaporated skimmed milk is the product resulting from the evapora- tion of a considerable portion of the water from skimmed milk, and con- tains not less than twenty per cent (20%) of milk solids. 10. Sweetened Condensed Skimmed Milk.—Sweetened condensed skimmed milk is the product resulting from the evaporation of a considerable portion of the water from skimmed milk to which sugar (sucrose) has been added. It contains not less than twenty-four per cent (249%) of milk solids, 11. Dried Milk.—Dried milk is the product resulting from the removal of water from milk, and contains not less than twenty-six per cent (26%) of milk fat, and not more than five per cent (5%) of moisture, 12, Dried Skimmed Milk.—Dried skim milk is the product resulting from the removal of water from skimmed milk, and contains not more than five per cent (59%) of moisture. eee Fourteen per cent of the stud- ents in women’s colleges work their way“ through school, a survey in- dicates. ATTENTION !'! SPORTSMEN WHO WANT THE MOST LIFE LIKE TAXIDERMY A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT WE ARE EXPERTS IN THIS WORK Send Your Ringneck Pheasants, Deer Heads and Oth- er Game To Us For Prompt Service and Special Care. We Tan Skins and Make Rugs. Trappers and Hunters, Have the Fine Skins You Get, Made Into Wonderful Neckpieces. We Maintain a Studio at Mt. Joy, Pa., and a Large Work Room and Studio at Newport, Pa. For the Accommodation of the Sports- men. Work May Be Sent to Either Studio, Where It Will Receive Our Prompt Attention. Call and See Us, If Possible. We Will Be Glad To Show You Around and You Can See the High-Class Work We Are Giving Those Who Patronize Us. HARMON & SHARP Taxidermists, Tanners and Furriers Mount Joy, Pa. :-: :-: Newport, Pa. N. J. Harmon Will Have Rifles For Rent During Bear and Deer Season. Oct.27-4t-pd 1101) A I 1 b-Room Frame House Slate Roof, Electric Lights, Etc. --FOR ONLY--- $2.60090 Who wants to buy a nice home on East Donegal street, Mount Joy, for such a low price? Don’t delay if you want a dandy dwelling. Here’s the right kind of a home for the working man. Don’t think about it too long—but act. 1 il 10 Nr 1. Call, Phone or Write : Jno. E. Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. The Best Healing COAL Rg for pond, Cos) will give you more heat, whether 1 : ace, stove or grate, than any other coal you can buy. A rial will prove the truth of our big F. H. BAKER, Mountijoy, Pa. A Haircut Every 10 Days a formula for good looks LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S HAIR BOBBING Agent for Manhattan Laundry. Hershey’s Barber Shop MOUNT JOY, PENNA. a | 2 i 1 A | 1 ia pasado Ry uz ati ie AZ il fa ia ii i A A he AN a ni hl aR al a afb ih ic Ga a Ml a aL