PAGE FOUR { Bim LT DRUG STORE. OF MAGNESIA = Bmmended as an efficient $e for the relief of heart@llrn, constipation, indi- § ctc.; when caused by e acidity and fermen- the stomach, TUse- dentifrice and mcuth = wash. Harmless, highly es- a BH teeme and extensively used BH by yvoullg and old. = a 9c Pint Boltle 2 111 i I GARBER 0 01 1 . MOUNT JOY, PENNA. HLT ams BE . WHEN YOU PASS THAT WAY DON'T FAIL TO STOP FOR Atlantic, C-4 Motor Fuel American Strate 7 or Gulf Gas Klugh & Gantz CONTRACTORS HOUSE PAINTING A SPECIARTY Estimates Cheerfully Given Prices Reasonab FLORIN, PENNA 3m taken over the e late W. B. Bender. nd deliver same each Laundry Will call Monday. You C.K W BARBER SHOP W. Main St., atronage. solicited. WHY NOT BRIGHTEN UP THAT CAR OF YOURS? Have It REPAINTED — REVARNISHED Having had many years experi- ence in wagon work, I will guaran- tee you a good job. S. Z. YOUNG E. Main St. FLORIN, PA. jly 14-6m-pd Sir, That’s My Barber, “Cap” Williams Good Clean our shingle—we 10) | | | Mount Joy, Pa. 4 A coal day#in August pre- vents a cold fay in December. The Heat@Folks can defend your homaf against cold and storms. But do wait too long to ngage th@ir protection. Let th fill your coal-bin now. Thin they'll be ready to battldd with Winter from he earlist frost until the ast, Call th HEAT FOLKS for gawd, clean coal Daniel M1. Wolgemuth i 151R4 174R6 A “RA RE sometimes ar agination; of “Knights of th us of a new when told by a% she wanted for her “Certainly a landscape or a The RARE OPP§ we want to tell of our room, would dining % ma’angs at reduced prices. equips his car with reputat wisely gt mileage and who tire trouble. Young's Tire Yes 130 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PAS 11 North Prince Stregt LANCASTER, PA. very ed ~~ OPPORTUNITY es to stretch the im- regulas Grip” was telling urniture clerk who ady customer that som@thing nice IN OIL answered : you like Box of sardines?” RTUNITY that ou about is the chance to secure DWNLOP TIRES % The man who ares of known p is the man rds against Rotary Sewing Maghines All styles, Elec- trics, Oil, Needles, pairing and parts for all macffines at A. H. BAKER’S 133 E. King SE, LANCASTER, PENNA. Ind. Phone 116Y I now have turing plant on Mount Joy, in,op after Thursday, Jt ice at wholesale a This is a home would appreciate a’ patronage. retail. MOUNT JOY, P ustry and I “What are of your Chas. G. Baum@ardner SPECIAL! IDEAL ICE All Kinds Of SOFT DRI ALSO SOME CANDIE ALL KIND OF FRUITS and VEGETABLES In ALSO FRESH FISH READ! Quality OCERY gr EAM On lce CIGARS, CIGARETTES and §0BACCO a “Why George, THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Religious News | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE | It sure was hotter'n thunder last week. During one of those hot days I said to Abbie Shelly and Scotty Swords: “Think of how nice one of those big glasses of beer we used to get for a nickel would go now.” Scotty said: “That’s all we can do, think about it.” “Mushy” Good came to work the other morning with what looked ike finger nail marks over his nose. At first I thought he got into an ar- {.oument with his wife, but later he said he was petting the cat and pet- ted it just a little too hard. I told him if the boys would have drowned the dern cat last week it wouldn't have happened. He said Frank did try it but he had only six buckets of water and you know it takes nine. Spotty Mooney said it was so hot last week that the sun singed his hair . A certain chap in town told me it was too hot to go to bed so he slept in the back yard. Next morning he learned that a flock of about a mill- ion big black ants mistook his head for an ant hill. You ought to see him. Doc. Snyder says he must have antitis. A man plates having his son air service just because earthly good. living at Florin, contem- enlist in the he is no that real es- Spend a Andy Martin says tate is a grand od game. little and you get a lot. I heard a fellow ask one of our sports if he plays golf. The man replied: “No I learned to swear in the army.” same Herman Hauer mighty poor vinegar that anything to do with its Just the says its won’t have mother. On Sunday night one of our local young ladies gave her beau the air. He said: “I should worry. There's a lot more fish in the sea. She said: “Yes and if nobody's got a better line than you have they'll stay there.” I can hear that door slam yet. so hard that the the girl's father out of Well, it slammed jar threw bed. And didn’t that son-of-a-sea-cook call the exchange and inquire where the earthquake was. A young sailor from Florin, who was recently home on a visit, was asked if its true that a sailor has a girl in every port. He said: “Naw, we don’t stop at all of ‘em.” “Where are you- going, little flea?” “I’m going to the dogs,” was the reply. The other day ‘‘Haz” Hornafius was fishing at a spot along the creek where the water wasn’t over six in- ches deep. I said: I don’t believe there are any fish in there.” Haa said: “I know there ain’t any thats exactly the reason I'm fishing here. I don’t want to be bothered by them.” This morning a fellow asked me why I thought a certain fellow failed in business, I told him that his credit was too good. Happy Darrenkamp says a flush in the hand is worth two in the face new ice manufac-|any time. th Market street, tion and on and e 3, I will sell {day a man caught his daughter and Out near Milton Grove last Sun- her beau sitting real close courting on a platform scales. He said: are you two doing here,” The fellow was too bashful to speak so she said: “We're doing things on a large scale.” from Salunga came fo the Bulletin office with a copy of Century magazine and claims it is very valuable. The dumb bell thinks it is only published every hundred years. A fellow A woman on Manheim street says her husband is leading her a dog’s life. She says that all he gives her is petting and scraps. When a certain fellow came home the other night his wife said: I believe you're tight.” He said: “Well if I ain’t I'm Lout four bucks.” A WISE OWL mre a DQ Aree. Mutton stew, lamb chops and roast mutton have been crossed off the menue of the British Army as a medium of economy. Roast and offered as substitutes. There on Aug. 22nd and 29th on account of the pastor’s vacation. stream is chapters are the past week chapters were started at Middletown, Elizabethtown, New Independence Tuconan were man given his When the festivities were over, the prisoners filed back into jail. in Our Churches CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY U. B. Church Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Worship and sermon 10:30 A. M. Combined services 7 to 8 P. M. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning service 10:45 A. M. No evening service will be no evening services Brethren in Christ Newtown congregation Eli M. Engle, pastor Sunday Aug. 15. 7:00 P. M., Song service and praise. Sermon Bishop C. M. Hostetter 7:30. Every body invited and welcome. St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Sunday school at 9:00 A. M H. N. Nissly, Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon 10:15 A. M. The pulpit will be oc- cupied by the secretary of the Philadelphia District, of the Anti Soloon League who is recommended highly as a platform orator. There will be no service in the evening. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor S. S. 9:30 A. M. J. S. Hamaker, Superintendent. Preaching 10:30 A. M. and at 7:45 P.M. C.E. 630:P. M. Leader Mrs. Shires. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:45 P. M. Choir Rehearsal after mid-week service. All are invited to these services. Newtown U. B. Church At Newtown Rally Day Services Sunday, August 15, 1926 at 2:30 in the afternoon. Special music will be furnished by the Irunville Orchestra. Man- heim Male Chorus will sing. Rev, C. H. Holszinger, from Lanc- aster Otterbein U. B., Church, will speak. You are cordially invited to this service. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. Ralph Bornman, Pastor Prayer service Wednesday 7:30 Choir rehearsal Friday 7:30. Bible school, Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Preaching, Sunday, 10:30 A. M. Christian Endeavor 6:45 P. M. Preaching $unday 7:30 P. M. Topic: “How can we prevent Waste?” Leader: Miss Anna Weber. These services Rev. Eli Engle, of town will preach, in the absence of the pastor who is Bible teacher up at Herndon Camp meeting. Come and worship with us. eG Aree WILL FORM IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE HERE FRIDAY NIGHT to lack of numbers of deferred action upon forming a local chapter of the Iza- ak Walton League until a meeting to be held Friday, August 13 in Stumpf’s restaurant. Every man who is interested in hunting and fishing is asked to at- tend this meeting at which plans will be discussed for organizing an Izaak Walton League chapter. The local chapter will. also embrace Florin. Elizabethtown sportsmen planned on Friday night at a ‘meeting in the Hotel Kennewood to install a chap- ter and right now are conducting a membership campaign in their own town. to get the original twenty-five charter members. Kenneth 8, years city Owing sportsmen Thomas, for four editor of The Patriot at Harrisburg, will be here next Fri- day to explain the purposes and accomplishments of the Izaak Wal- ton League. Local sportsmen in informally discussing plans for a local chapter are considering the feasibility of re- stocking Little Chickies creek with pickerel after making sure that the not polluted. The Izaak Walton League is the only national sportsmen’s association in America and has a membership of more than 400,000. Plans are underway now to form chapters in every town in Pennsylvania. Already ninety-one functioning. During Bloomfield, Newport, Millersburg and Palmyra. It is estimated there are 150 hunters and fishermen in this terri- tory eligible for membership in the Izaak Walton League. _ i. For Sale in Florin A fine home with all convenienc- es, such as light, heat and bath. Property is in excellent condition and nicely located. Possession April 1st. This is a corner pro- perty on Mt Joy twp. side. Price, $5,550.00. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf ———— GE On the celebration of Argentina’s Day the prisons at opened and every liberty for the day. Eee A resident of Death Valley, Cali- fornia, as an experiment, put a sett- ing of white leghorn eggs in a box boiled beef and sausages are being |in his cellar last summer. He av- ers that six chicks were hatched. Fare includ tion, lunchec tion, on t! meals and ber on the Fall "River Line steamer in seeing at Boston? luncheon at New accommodations in Leave MOUNT JOY . Apply to Ticket Agents leaflets giving complete tour. ks PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1926 4-Day Tour ersonally Conducted round-trip transporta- | at Broad Street Sta he going trip, ch direction, sight- Sightseeing and < Hotel Eastern Standa tails of | West Main St.- | I always have @n hand anything ic op GREASING A S the line of . | SMOKED MEAT Slip. DRIED | All Kinds of Tires and | BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC. Phone 119R3 | Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Mutton Krall’s Meat Market lor’s Garage Marietta St., Adjoining Groff Bldg. STONE MOUNT JOY Rev.” 0. K. Burh, Pastor NE SPECIALIZE Don, i in all styles of | 37 WES ; d CHILDREN’S | Certainly—They are Water-Cured Before “placing your order Gorecht Crary pete, dso ut . Also manufac« and Lintels. J. N. STAUFFER MOUNT JOY, PA. The Water-Cured Process delivers its pessure evenly over the entire surface of the tube and insures a perfect cure. all the tough, live quality is of superior quality. It is the celebrated U.S. Sprayed Rubber free from acid, smoke and other impurities—the toughest, most uniform rubber known. United States Tubes age well. If punc- tured, the injury does not spread and vul- canized repairs are permanent. When you buy a United States Tube made of Sprayed Rubber by the Water- Cured Process;gou buv a tube that is made of the finest matetials underideal conditions in the largest and best equipped tube factory in the world. It will add miles to theif States Tires. For Sale by TRYON’S GARAGE, Mount Joy 3 ole 9, > 9 0, + 9, + 4, 9, > 9, 2% * * 9, > 9 4, 9, * 9 > * 9. (0000.00.00 9, * Oo aXe’ 4 > 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.0000 0.0 0 0 0 0.0.0 0.0.00 .90 SAXENA NA XE XG XG Xe Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xg Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa XX aX aX XgXaXgXgXgXgXg) x 9, * (a> 7 * 9. * CORR) ho? 9% 0% 9% % 9. S000. 00. 045043 oO. 0, >. p* 20% % % >, 9 * > Ou 0% 0% 00 00 0, 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% $0.00, (000 009 00 0.8 0 00 P0000 0 0009 049 069 060 0% 6%, * 3 % 0.0 0 0 0 Ob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Od Xa Xa aXe ($0500, 0.00.00, 0.90, 0 $0 00090905905 4 Just a Few of Our any Specials PT *e OO. 0. 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 RAR a XQ Xa Xe Xa Xa Xa Xo Xd 4 ocks 23¢ Children’s Unionalls . 5 ..88¢ % Men's, Ladies’ and Childrerfs Wool Bathing Suits... $2 38 Children’s Rayon Silk and Broadcloth Dresses, sizes Boys Wash Suits ............... 77c Boys’ Crash Pants .............. 48¢ Boys’ Sport Blouses and Shirts, in Broadcloth and and Striped Madras ........ 69c Boys' Canvas Shoes ............ 99c¢ | Men's Work Trousers... $1.29 7tol4 $1.95 Ladies’ Crepe Gowns........ 98¢c CORK) 858380 9 * Boys’ Wool Fancy Striped ii $2.59 Lot of Ladies’ Rayon Silk, Broadcloth 9. 00% 96%, 0 * Sweaters COR) ho? %* and Crepe 1 $2.88 Lot of Ladies’ Hats. ........ $1.00 9, og Lo ado ode Dresses + AWK) ®ve 0 * Ladies’ Princess Slips, all Shades. ......... 5: 63c Men's §1.00 Work Shirts .. §9¢ 7 * 9. + Goede * 9 0. 0, 858858 * 9 Men's Palm Beach Suits $5,95 Boys T wo-Pant Suits... $3.88 Men's Scout Shoes... $1.95 Men's Overalls Sey 98c¢c REDUCTI@NS ON OUR Wi © bo %% 9, 9. 0. 0. 0 RRA Xa Xe Xa) 0 CK) Ng Xa Xg Xa Xa) *e La A 0 * ~ H. LASKEWI MOUNT JOY, 00 028s 80. 00.6% 020.622 420.4% 4% 30.8 bs 8 iS, age dr feeds ofa ade gees Open Evenings 9, * ee 9 > 9, * Sed a