non HH ir EDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, [1926 THE. MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA, THERE IS NO FOR H Build a product that the world needs, better than the world expects, and mounting sales will answer those who are constantly predicting a sat- urated market. SATURATION POINT NEST VALUE During the first six months of this year, for instance, Dodge Brothers sold 207,115 motor cars and trucks. This represents g gain of 49.3 per cent over the firsfisix months of 1925, and continues the enviable pos THE INDUST ending July 17th, and trucks were ers—an increase the same period ressive evidence s great sales gain h the quiet weeks For the three we 23,862 motor ca delivered to cust of 62.4 per cent oY last year, and i that Dodge Brot is continuing thro of mid-summer. There may be a @aturation point for mediocrity, but nest value will al- ways commandgfa great and ever expanding mark J This Is SOFT DRINK TIME Your Choice of About a Dozen Flavors at 5¢ PER BOTTLE ALWAYS ICE COLD D * O & eS eS x * 0 x eS eS 0 x x x SCHRAFFT’8 CANDIES ALL FRUITS SEASON H. A. DARRENKAMP’S 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA. SUNDAY ATLANTIC CITY SUNDAYS h and SEPTEMBER 12th via DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE oute to the Seashore AUGUST SPECIAL TRA All-Rail Eastern Excursion Standard Time Fare “Mount ‘JOU sitive . 7:05 A. M. $3.75 veins , 7:14 A. M. 3.75 Lancaster: aces mewn 7:35 A. M. 3.75 Atlantic City .............. Arrive 10:15 A. M. Returning, leave Atlantic City (S. Caflina Ave.) 6:20 P. M. Pennsylvania Railroad The Standard Railroad of the World an go all night — can they stop? Their ability to GOs unquestioned. Their ability to STOR, in many cases, hoping. . The wise driver thinks en of his brakes as he does of his motor. Perhaps that is why so many of OX driving in.and Ordering Johns-Manvill® inin: ut on their cars. LIE ow it is the best and we put i lost motion! Tryon's Garage, Mout is a matter of townspeople are Asbestos Brake The Produce and Live Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Market: Extremeiy dall thru out week, bidding sharply lower on beef steers compared with week ago; 256c to 50c lower, practically no outlet for heavies top $9.25 bulk of sales $8.25 to 9.00. Bulls weak to 25¢ lower. She stock and can- ners steady to weak. Stockers and teeders slow mostly stale offerings country demand very narrow weak 25¢ to b50c lower bulk if sales $5.50 to 6.25. Calves steady, top vealers $14.60. Hogs: Slow. to 75¢ lower than week ago. Top $15.00. Receipts: For todays market: Cattle 14 cars, 4 from Va.,: 3 St. Louis: 3 New Jersey: 1 Chicago: 1 St. Paul: 1 Kansas City: 1 Texas containing 342 head: 203 head trucked in from nearby farms. Total cattle 545 head: 61 calves: 133 hogs. Receipts for week end- ing July 31 1526: Cattle 120 cars. 45 from Va.,: 89 St. Paul: 15 St. Louis: 6 Chicago: 4 Kansas City: 5 New Jersey: 2 West Va.,: 1 Tenn.: 1 Texas: 1 Ind; 1 No. Car: 1 Mich: containing 3509 head: 707 head trucked in, total cattle 4216 head: 274 calves: 272 hogs. Compared with previous week. Cattle 106 cars containing 8391 head: 814 head trucked in, total cattle 4205 head: 396 calves: 142 hogs: 130 sheep. The lifting of the absolute beetle embargo resulted in a beetle move- bent of nearby fruits and vegeta- bles on the Philadelphia market. Out of town buyers were again act- ive as shipments of mixed cars to Central Pennsylvania is again per- mitted. Tomatoes showed a decided im- provement due to the wider outlet and also because much of the stock which had accumulated has been cleaned up. Fresh receipts were light and prices ranged from 50c to 65¢c per 5-8 basket with Second earlys selling at 60c to 85c and a few at $1.00, according to the Pennsylvania and Federal Bureau of Markets. apples moved better at higher prices, while wind- culls went slow at very Fancy Delaware Will- iams Early Red brought $1.00 to $1.40 per bushel. Receipts of New Jersey potatoes were moderate and the market was stronger with 5-8 baskets selling at 75c to 90c. A few sales of fancy stock were made at $1.00. Offerings of Eastern Shore stock were light with too few sales to establish a market. Fancy slightly falls and low prices. Large sized fancy Southern peaches held about steady while some of the smaller stock sold at slightly lower prices. Elbertas sold mostly at $2.00 per bushel with Hileys bringing $1.50 to $1.75. Corn was stronger with prices ad- vancing to 60c to 90c per 5-8 bas- ket. Range of Prices: STEERS Good to choice $8.50-9.25 Fair to good 8.00-8.50 Medium to fair 7.50-8.00 Common to medium 6.75-7.50 BULLS Good to choice 6.75-7.50 Fair to good 6.25-6.75 Medium to fair 5.75-6.25 Common to medium 5.00-5.75 HEIFERS Choice to prime 8.25-9.00 Good™~to choice 7.50-8.25 Medium to good 6.50-7.50 Common to medium COWS Good to choice 6.00-7.25 Medium to good 4.50-6.00 Common to medium 4.00-4.50 Canners and cutters 3.25-4.00 STOCKER FEEDERS Good to choice 7.25-8.00 Fair to good 6.25-7.25 Medium to fair 5.75-6.25 Common to medium 5.00-5.75 CALVES Good to choice 13.50-14.50 Medium 10.00-13.50 Common 5.00-10.00 GS Heavyweights $13.00-14.25 Mediumweights 114.25-15.00 Lightweights 14.50-15.00: Rough stock 10.25-13.00 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Old & new Milling Wheat $1.25 bu Dairy Feed 16 pe. 34.00-35.00 ton Dairy Feed 18 pe. 38.00-39.00 ton Dairy Feed 20 pec. 42.00-43.00 ton Dairy Feed 24 pe. 45.00-46.00 ton Dairy Feed 25 pe. 48.00-49.00 ton Horse Feed 85 pec. 44.00-45.00 ton mr AA Watch The Calves During the hot weather watch the dairy calves and keep them growing. They are quite susceptible to changes in feed and weather. Better not turn them on pasture under four months of age, and see that the yhave plenty of good feed fresh water, and shade. — Blackburn College of Carlinville, Illinois, has an endowment fund enabling it to offer to prepare voung men for the Presbyterian ministry at a charge of $100 a year for board, room and tuition. Corn 87 bu HAY (baled) I'imcthy $15.00-i6 00 ton Straw 9.00-10.00 ton Selling Price of Feeds (Cash at Warehouse) Bran $35.50-36.50 ton Shorts 37.00-38.00 ton Hominy 38.00-39.00 ton Middlings 42.00-43.00 ton Linseed 58.00-59.00 ton Gluten 45.00-46.00 ton Ground Oats 40.00-41.00 | Cottonseed 41 pe. $45.00-46.00 ton PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Der “Christian Science’ Duckter De oldt Beckie Moll muss shtarve un doh is gor nix onersht, sawgt der long-banich duckter. De oldt Beckie wore en gardie oldte mommy un hut elf kinner ‘uff gatzoga. Era gons laeva wore uff g’numma in goodes do. Dorrich de woch hut se nine kee olla morga un owet g'- mulka, es g'scharr g'wesha, de kinner awgadoo, ga-kuched, booder gshtosa un ga-wesha, un ols nuch im feldt g'shoft won de hend rawr wora. Soondawgs is se free uff, era arawet aweck un by nine uhr hut se de gons house-holding ready g’hot far in de karrich. Era mon hut g'- sawd are het en hoonert maid dinka kenna eb are aney greega het ken- na os so feel g’shoft het fars same geld. Se hut tsu der Allgamina kerrich ga-kared un hut net usht ar lae oll era kinner in de unnericht g’shicked un se laerna bada awver hut ols fart olla owet era ageny ga badefin g’sawd os se in era kindheit ga-laerned hut. In kortze words, se wore en rechtshoffne oldte mommy un het in eram laeva nemond nix in der wake ga-laiked. Era kinner sin uff ga-woxa un sich farhired anes noach em onera—dale sin weit fardt gatzoga un sse hut se ols eb-| mohls net g’saena far en gone yohr Endlich hut anes fun d= maid en vunger mon g’hired os g'maned hut ware garoofa far en porra. Net os are anicher farshtond ivverich hut Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER FASTING: The majority of physicians and perhaps 95 per cent of the laity of this country have a very vague and indefinite idea of what is called ‘the fasting cure.” That’s the reason I am going to tell you something about it. Practical everyday happenings are the most forceful and impressive and there- fore, I will tell you of three Home Health Club cases, and what fast- ing did for three women. The first was a maiden of forty. In health she weighed 160 pounds and did all of the housework for a family of six on a farm. I do not recall the details of her fist illness, but I do remember that within six months she was reduced to a lot of flabby skin and bones and weighed 98 pounds. She had good appetite and ate as much as ever but gained neither flesh nor strength. I ordered a change of diet and as the tongue was heavily coated told her to fast for 3 or 4 days until the tongue cleared. She paid attention only to the latter part of the suggestion and fasted 21 days before the tongue was clear. I had given careful instruction in regard to the method of breaking the fast and she obeyed religiously. During the three weeks fast she lost but little weight, felt well, was bright, active and cheerful. Of course, her fam- ily all thought she would sure die, but within 90 days after breaking the fast she weighed 128 pounds and was doing the housework as of old. I hear from her frequently and always the same story of how she keeps well by an occasional of a few days and a return to the specific diet which I had rec- ommended. The second case was that of a farmer's wife from Iowa. She was only 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 206 pounds. She had not g’hot, awver wile are en grose mowl hut g’hot un hut g’'maned, aw | ensich ebbes os are schwetza daid | ware aw-ganame by da leit wile are fun Gut g’shicked ware. Si bred- dicha hut awver net ous ga-panned we are g’mained hut un derno is are | ons bicher peddla. We sell eme g’-! faled hut is are ons linament druppa maucha un hut se room ga- peddled, un we sell ous ¢’shpeeled wore is are by-em-grommy-note nows g’shart ols en Christian | Science odder “faith cure” duckter, | maucha os era ubarem-hartzicha schmarta fzun da rheumatix war oll in era gadonka, un won se recht hartzhoftich baida daid don daida se noach lussa un se daid widder so yung wara osen fill. Are sawgt era os oll duckter gra shtuft ware divel hetaich, un se:daid sich farsindicha Arahut de oldt fraw olles farkulla- beered wile se so holver in ene glawbt un mained se ware ken grisht wile Gut era net helfa daid. Now sawg mere amohl wos mer mit so ma farflompta kcl bdo? Are laesed der Mrs. Eddie era booch un hut en ondwardt far yada min woo opposed is ts usinera cure. Der onner dawg is en bluck em Sam Seeshuls ivver’s bae ga-rulled un se hen g’maned es ware farbrucho. Se hen g’'shicked far der duckter, lawver eb are cooma is is dare “faith cure” karl dertzoo cooma un hut em Sam g'cawd are kent eme si farbrucha bae widder tzomma boda, un, behold you, we der duckter cooma is un hut g’sawd es bae ware net farbrucha hut dare karl bahawbt os si gabade hets gons g’maucht. A pawr dawg dernoach wore en kind om barrick gronk mit dipseria, un dare ketzer hut on eme gabade ) bis es dote wore un hut derno g'- sawd es ware Guttes willa. Des is de condition om barrick. g'west os yada nuch- Es wore ols bershoft oll ae wake gadenkt hut. In fact, es wora usht gswae sorta Effingalium—Luderish un Dema- grawdish. Now, hut yada mensch si agener grishtliche glawva, un kens gleicha glawva hen. A pawr vohr tzurick hut der Porra Mohller oa-briddiched os en kind os sex shtoond oldt ware wons net gadawf- led ware daid in de hell gae, un em !ledshta Soondawg hut are g'sawd lare ware net g’satisfied in sina mind os en hell ware. Es ssin ocht- {un-tswonsich g’maena now om bar- |rick, un oll tzomma gadoo kent ken ae gooder porra enara. De porra breddicha waega der grossa leeb unich da grishtlicha leit un hinna jon da kaarricha shtecka de bixa tsu i |riegel-wake nuch Yader ebber hut si agener em himmel un {vader ebber maned der onner camed net onna won are net uff sina kars |fawred. Ich hob der onner dawg mit em Sammy Sensawetzer g’- schwetzed. Are hut mere g’sawd 0s are un si fraw, de Melinda, hetta ae karrich gons by sich selver, un {sell ware de ansich karrich os em {far sure nuch em himmel nemma daid. “Un,” hut are g’sawd, “Ich lglawb in meim sin won de Melinda sich net bakared don con even net mit mere in der himmel!” De fact is, es ansicht hondwarrick | 08 heidichdawgs batzawlt is bolidix, ‘un de menshta fun da boliticizner lenara sich mit shtaela. In fact, se missa shtaela, far es is net boll os en office ga-nunk arlicher loo in lsjeh hut far de expenses fun der leckshon batzawla. Awver de tzeit far karricha bowa is wons feel kon dadawta hut. Mee doona olsfart le kondawta tzae dawler sessa won se on der barrick cooma far |votes greega. A pawr yohr tzurick 'wora ninetzae kondadawta is feldt. ‘Mer hen ous g’'maucht sell daid uns ae hunnert un ninetzich dawler un dare keyune doot now de oldt | Beckie drockdeera olla dawg mit sina norrheita un will lsse glawva olla mohl os se derfun’nemma daid | sev | da fenshtera nows far nuch-anonner | se | been up-stairs in her own house for over a year and could not walk far- ther than 2 or 3 city blocks. After |a few days of fast, about 5 if I re- member correctly, I changed her diet completely. Neighbors told her she would sure die if she ate only what I allowed, but at the end of three months she was only sleep- ing up-stairs, doing her own house- (work, (which before she was unable to do.) but walked 1% miles daily to a place where she secured a por- tion of her special diet and then | walked back home. During three {months she lost just 67 pounds in weight and was then and is since in a perfect health, although as a meas- jure of protection she fasts a few {days occasionally. | The third case is more recent. A lity flat dweller, age 50, weight 217% pounds. She climbed one flight of stairs to the Home Health Club offices and had to sit for 5 iminutes before she could talk, |meantime her breath coming in lit- tle gasps. How well I remember her next visit at the end of her first tfast of seven days. First, however, bear in mind that she had for sev- eral years been an invalid with three trips to the hospital and each time an operation. She had been so badly cut up that only reason that could be found for another op- eration was the fact that her hus- band still had several hundred doll- ars in the bank. The plans had al- ready been laid to make another trip to the hospital where they would amputate, oh yes, the bank balance. Her husband still has it however, and when she came in af- ter the 7 days fast she climbed the stairs with the utmost ease and told me that in spite of her husband’s and neighbors’ predictions that she would be bedfast, she had not felt so well and strong for several years. Her friends hardly know the woman now, she is well, strong and happy. Yes, there is when it is danger in fasting not done intelligently. There are no two cases exactly alike and unless one knows just how to break the fast, be it short or long, more harm than good may possibly be done, but if good pract- ical common sense is used and the breaking of the fast is properly ar- ranged nothing but the very best results will follow. I will gladly go the benefit of any specific case if you wish to know how to treat yourself through the fasting cure. | All readers of this publication are at liberty to write for infor- mation upon any subject pertaining ito health. Address all communi- into details for ‘cations to Dr. David H. Reeder, 3131 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri. - ns _._ iii shiist oon’sino A corked bottle thrown into the "Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Flor- ida was picked up on the beach at Ireland, 4,000 miles away, ten |months later. sin ons karrich uff Olla bugger hut tzaea dawler g’shriva un kenner huts batzawled. De karrich waerdt now farkawfed by em shsreef. Drum sawg ich won me rheit_en idawler hut don maucht mer “der divel donsa. Grishdendoom waerdt un mere fixa uff gredit. g’'messa by em hoonert cent. Won en mon blendy geld hut un gebts don saened de g’mae shunt de fluss- federa fun sina fliggel, un won are nix gebt den reecha se gli shwevvel | Ich un de Polly hen unser mind uff g’maucht os shtuppa letz do un aw-fonga recht do is de groond-ara- wet fun olla garechtichkeit. Ware recht doot denkt recht. Nemond con letz denka un reéht do. En key WH Board of Health, the DOOOO0000 NOT USE THE and Cream will be interested to know y Dr. Mitchell, of the Lancaster City of my Dairy tested as follows: SOOO00C OC) SS Of the 43 dealers supplying the highest T. B. test, the highest teria test, the highest perfect test an I handle thruout this section. of business here will convince you that modern and sanitary milk stations to be When You Buy Milk and Cfgam Buy MARTIN’ West Donegal St. Newcomers’ List 1924 Toutin Gray 1924 Coupe H.S.Newcomegr&Son in Lancaster City, I had ids test, the highest bac- as third in butter fat. milk from twenty-two the best dairy herds 1 a visit to my place ave one of the most These are facts, MOUNT JOY, PA. » » » » » * » » » ES 0 » » » » 5 0 0 » * » 3 3 * “ » » 3 £3 * » 0 * » 0 » * » » * » » » 0 » » £3 » » 3 x £3 £3 » » 3 * al » OF GOOD VALUES IN D USED CARS (1) 1921 Coupe Good Paint A 1920 Touring (2) 1920 Coupes -— ——— FORD MT. JOY, PA. SALES AND SERVI A Camel Dairy Co At this season of the year, in support one cow. there is in August grass as a rule. camels out of your cows—don’t force thenig a “desert” of dried-up pasture. Feed a reg! of Larro, and you’ll be storing up milk profi and winter, when prices are highest. —-. DANIEL WOLGEMUTH FLORIN, PENNA. mr ——— i une is en keyune—un derne, mavchts nix ous eb are en . ford chtayer in der karrich is odder hosiler in ma livery-shtoll. 4 USO OOOOOO00O0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C “ie e are ready to supply white or red as sonable. We solicit your b Call Bell Phone 81R2 E. H. Zerche EAST END MOUNT JOY, PA. DOORN