| / 3 { | The Mount Joy Bulletin VOLUME XXVI NO. 7 Two Valuations On Nissly Firm MEMBERS OF COMPANY DE- CLARES BOOK VALUES WERE IGNORED IN RE- PORT FOR' CREDITORS A new valuation was placed on the assets of E. L. Nissly and Sons, of Florin, when members of the firm were preparing their statement for creditors. H. Roy Nissly declared Wednesday during a hearing in bankruptcy before Redmond Conyg- ham in Court Room No. 2. Nissly said the statement given to banks in November contained as- sets as listed on the company’s books, but denied there had been any attempt to create a false im- pression velative to the company’s financial condition. Book values. he said, were ignored in drawing up the final statement. witness further revealed that the firm's books had been con- sulted in making out the income tax, and that those returns might have been incorrect. The books showed the merchan- dise of the firm worth $240,000, a difference of $140,000 from the statement given the creditors. The (Turn to page 4.) BR MR. JOSEPH SHEAFFER MAKES NARROW ESCAPE While driving toward town last Tuesday evening Joe Shaeffer a resident of this borough, had a nar- row escape from what might have been instant death. Driving at a moderate rate of speed a few hundred feet west of the Florin arch the wind blew a large tree branch on the concrete. Unable to stop Joe turned his car to the right to avoid hitting the obstruction and discov- ered that a high tension wire had been tore from one of the poles and was hanging across his path. Upon hitting the wire, it tore it in two showering the car with sparks which < good contact. Lucky for spe as there was no damage done ex- cept where thénwire burnt the p™. off the car. The hood, radis® Sw . i } lights and fenders show marks . the wire. ow General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE The employes of the Grey Iron Casting Co. enjoyed a vacation last week. Mr. Harry Rahm became quite ill Sunday but is improved at this writing. The wheat harvest is on in ear- nest thruout this section at pre- sent. Mr. Harry Hagenberger, west of town, who was quite ill, is slightly improved. Mr. Chas. Ricksecker is erecting a garage on the rear of his lot to accommodate three cars. Christ Nissley, a farmer of near East Petersburg, was badly injured when tramped upon by horses. Francis Hoffer, of Manheim, ran his auto into a telegraph pole at Sporting Hill, slightly injuring the occupants. A man claiming to be a constable appeared at the home of Geo. Hog entogler, in Paradise twp., and took a trunk full of clothes. A. W. Eyman, of Manheim, upset his car rather than drive on the railroad track in front of a train. The auto upset but no one was hurt. A tornado hit 101 Ranch Circus at Erie, killed 1, injured 20 and nearly ruined the outfit at Erie. This show exhibited at Lancaster recently. The Methodist churched thruout the United States are planning to boycott the Sesqui-Centennial 'be- cause the exposition is open Sun- days. Because her lover jilted her, Miss Elmina Gertler, aged 22, of Lancaster, shot herself in the tem- ple at the Comfort Station at Lancaster She died instantly. ——-- KEESEY FAMILY HELD A REUNION ON SATURDAY A reunion of the Keesey family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Runkle, in Mount Joy township, and attended by the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keesey and family, R. L. Keesey and son, Robert, of Mar- tinsburg, West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Webster Keesey and daugh- ter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. John Hershner and children, Wilson and Clara, Mrs. Norman Gemfill, of Philadelphia; Misses Anna Keesey, Clara Keesey, Laura Hyson, Mrs. J. G. Wallace, Edgar Keesey, Mr. and Mrg. Homer Zellers, Mr. and Mrs. R.YRunkle and children, Sara Margareff, Ruth, Marshall and Rod- ney. “ 13 They were attended by Dr. WERE ENTERTAINED ON CEDAR HILL FARM Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehman Swarr, on Cedar Hill Farm, entertained on Sunday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H. Rohrer, and daughter, Miss Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Rohrer, son, Rufus, of Manheim; Mrs. Phares Nolt and daughter, Miss Fannie Nolt, and son, Martin Nolt, Miss Lizzie Nolt, Henry B. Rohrer, of Mountville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rohrer, and children, Levi, Edith, Vera and Clinton, of Lititz; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breneman and children, Mabel, Robert, of Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Swarr and children, Alvin, Miriam, of Millersville; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stauffer and children, Henry, Wayne, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Kauf- man Herr and daughter, Elva, of near Rheems. All enjoyed the day. Man Badly Hurt MR. MORRIS GAINOR THROWN OFF A MOTORCYCLE AND IS NOW IN THE HOSPIT- MAY HAVE i FRACTURED SKULL Unconscious and fitally hurt, Mr. Morris Gainor, aged 25, of Bridgeport, just east of the boro, is in the Gencral ilospital .at T.an- caster the vietim of an accident. Mr. Gainor with his brother Why- ett, were on their way home irom Manheim where they are employed. They were on a motorcycle, Morris riding in the side car. Traveling along at a fair rate of speed, an auto came around the corner at the intersection of the Back Run road just east of the concrete bridge ate Stauffertown. The two collided. Probable Fractured Skull Gainor suffers a probable fracture of the skull and cuts apd brui His condition critical. thrown 40 feet from persons who arrived of the crash later say. Whyett suffers cuts knee and left side. about. is 0 scene hand, to be in his He is able A. TL Snyder, the seriously injured man being taken to the hospital in the ambulance. lL rn RAPHO TWP. DIRECTORS MET LAST SATURDAY A meeting of the Rapho Township School Directors was held on Satur- day . evening at the Office of the Directors; in Sporting Hill Harvey Rettew was elected Treas urer and J. W. Moyer, the Secretary will assume the duties of Attendance Officer, The school tax was fixed at 5 mills, with $1.00 per capita tax. The Board purchased Civic Books which subject will be taught in the 7th and 8th grades when school op- ens in the fall rel errr THE HERTZLER REUNION AT GRETNA JULY 24 The third reunion of the Hertzler clan will he held at Mount Gretna Saturday July 24th. Registration will be from ten to one o’clock and dinner will be served at 12 o’clock. A program will be given in the auditorium on the Campmeeting As- sembly ground from 1:30 to 2:30. C. H. Hertzler of Lancaster, is president, and Ezra Zercher, this place, secretary. meet etl Creer Seeks Automobile. Willis G. Kendig, attorney for Martin G. Musser, by his father, Martin H. Musser, of West Hemp- field township, has entered a suit in Common Pleas Court against P. Frank Schock, of this place, to re- cover an automgbile., It is alleged that Martin Musser, a minor, 'pur- chased a car valued at $1258 giving one in trade worth $1,100. Accesso- ries to the new car brought its cose to $1,500 and it is alleged Schock refused to give title to Musser. mt lf A nn Sold Building Lot Realtor Jno. E. Schroll has s a 50-ft. building lot on the ast side of North Barbara street fof Mr. Harry W. Hoffman, of Christiana. It was purchased by Mr. Isaac Ress- ler of this place. The terms were private. rr A A Kiddies Arrive Thursday The Fresh Air Children will ar- rive here on Thusday at 2.43 by train. Persons taking the children will please be at the station to re- ceive them. Dr. E. W. Garber and John M. Booth will have charge of the kiddies. A Two Cars Collide The touring car of Mr. Charles Thomas and the ice truck of Heilig & "Hallgren collided on the Marietta street bridge Monday morning. No one was hurt but both machines were damaged. Eee 1d’ Fractured Leg Abram Musser, residing near Eliz- abethtown, fell from a cherry tree A on Tuesday and fractured his leg. In Auto Collision Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 14, 1926 Co. May Collect Tolls on Bridge ONE OBSTACLE WAS REMOVED WHEN COMMISSIONERS WERE GRANTED PER- MISSION BY HIGH- WAY DEPT. Commissioners of Lancaster and York counties have been granted permission by Acting Secretary of the State Highway ® Department William H. Connell, to collect tolls The permit authorizes the count- ies to collect tolls under the Act of Assembly of June 25, 1923, in a- mount sufficient to pay the interest sinking fund charges on bonds proposed to be issued by the two counties to the amount of $3,000, 000. This announcement was made re- ently in a letter received from Con- inell by Walter B. Hays, solicitor of ! York county. The granting of the collect tolls stacles in the plan of the counties of York and Lancaster to build the bridge under the Act of 1923. The status of the bridge project in Lancaster county is at a stand- still pending the decision of the lo- privilege to instituted by two against the building of ings protesting the bridge under on the grounds that this act is un- | constitutional. er A Festival, Aug. 21 Friendship Fire Company No. 1 will hold a festival on Jacob G. Brown's ‘Athletic field, west of town, Saturday, Aug. 21. All kinds of refreshments will be served and there will be amusements for every body. A band will furnish music | july-14-7t sy \/ Truck Driver Resigned Mr. Melvin Weaver, who has been driving a truck for drayman Chas. Derr for some time, resigned Saturday and has accepted a posi- tion at Mr. Howard Garber’s, at Lancaster. Local Doings Around Florin ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN.- | INGS FROM THAT THRIVING | AND BUSY VILLAGE THE PAST WEEK : Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hess visited Almos Earhart’s on Sunday | Dr. Dale Garber of Philadelphia, | is here on a visit to his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston an- nounce the birth of a baby on Tues- day. | Mrs. E. F. Heiner attended thei funeral of Mr. Risser at Lawn, yes-' Mr. Leo Kobkb and family of Eliz- abethtown, spent Sunday here with friends. = terday. | mr. H. Musselman and family ox! Harrisburg, spent Sunday here with i friends. } Mr. J. Horst, wife and family of Harrisburg, spent Sunday in Florin | with friends. | Miss Ruth Kraybill spent last week | at Bainbridge as the guest of Miss Dorothy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter | spent Sunday at Mt. Joy with the' family of Eli Smeltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eshleman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike and daughter Evelyn spent Sunday at Hershey. | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hottenstein, ' daughter Elizabeth of Elizabeth- town, spent Sunday here with the family of Mr. Almos Earhart. Mrs. John Simons of this place, was removed to the St. Joseph’s hospital at Lancaster last Wednes-, day and operated on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Garber and’ daughters and Mr. Paul Diffender- fer of Mount Joy spent several days at. Camp Ream in Perry Co. +» Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hottenstein | and Ms/and Mrs. Almos Earhart of this pice visited Miss Marie Hack- man at Neffsville Sunday afternoon. Mr. McElroy, Florin Hotel, has rented th¢ hotel and entire equipment to a man-from Lancaster who will take "charge August 1st. William, James and Grace i nett left Monday for their home in Altoona after spending a few days | here with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Geyer. | Miss Kathryn Peters of Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Abram Kreider of R. D. Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wolgemuth and daughter Elizabeth spent Sunday here with Mr. and | Mrs. Miller Wolgemuth. i The following persons visited in the home of John B. Brubaker on Sunday: Mildred Hackman, of | Myerstown; Mary Hoffer, of Leb- on, Evelyn Werner, of Broad- at Mary and Barbara Sauders, | of Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ginder, of Central Rapho; and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brandt, of Man- heim. i at i on the proposed bridge over the Susquehanna between Columbia | and Wrightsville. removes one of the ob-' cal court on the injunction proceed-' tax-payers | the Act of 1923, | they did to proprietor J the. 4 OUR SCHOOL BOARD MET MONDAY NIGHT I The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Joy Boro School Board was held Monday evening. | The Board did not meet at the regular time because the first Mon- day of the month was a holiday. | Every member was present at ithis meeting. The auditors ‘and after auditing the school counts, reported them correct. The newly elected tax collector James A. Metzler was present and presented his bond which the board met ac- accepted. Mr. Thomas J. Brown was re- elected treasurer cof the board. The Board decided on the pur- chase of three chemical laboratory tables for the science department. The new furniture for the new school building is expected to ar- rive here the latter part of this week. | The grounds of the new building have been graded and grass was 'sown. The walk was extended from the building to the street and pavement was laid in front of the building to the street. The borough is row filling up to meet the grading. ~ nga People Terror-Stricken FOUR CURIOUS YOUTHS EX- PLODE SIXTY STICKS OF DYNAMITE ON FARM NEAR THAT VILL- Salu AGE The origin of the terrifie” blast which shook houses and buildings in Salunga and vicinity was solved Manheim for ex- from voung men when state police arrested four iploding about sixty sticks of dyna- mite on the farm of Howard Peifer near Salunga. After their arrest, the Earl Hess, 23 years old, Breneman, 22 years old, and ’ Henry Way, 18 years old, all of Salunga, and Richard Shuman, 21 years old Lancaster R. D. 1, plead guilty be fore Justice of the Peace George Danner, of Manheim, to charg- es of malicious mischief. They were released’ when they made good the amount of damage Peifer’s paid fines and costs. Last Fridav about the usnal quietness which pervades the vill- age of Salunga was rudely shat- tered by a violent blast, by the trembling of houses. The Peifer household, which already in bed, were thrown the floor, every window in the house was broken, the fence knocked down, and a hole torn in the field large enough to bury an ordinary barn. People living within also were shocked bv the concus- sion and many window panes in the vicinity were broken. (Turn to page 8) Road We Must All Travel Sometime MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Ward Knight, son of Mrs. Deliah Knight, of Marietta, died at Gary, Indiana aged 59 years. farm and also was to George L. Hepp, a prominent bus iness man and church worker of Lititz, died of anemia, aged 62 years. Mrs. Lizzie Kaylor Mrs. Lizzie Kaylor, 51, of Eliza- bethtown R. D. 1, died of complica- tions in St. Joseph’s hospital at Lancaster at 6:28 a. m. yesterday. Mrs. Kaylor was admitted to the in- stitution July 7. Mrs. John T. Wilson Mrs. Sara Jane Wilson, of West Main street, wife of John T. Wil- son, died at St. Joseph’s hospital, aged 79 years. She is survived by her husband and the following children: Eliza- beth, of Lancaster; Samuel S., of Reading, and Taylor, of Toledo, O. Four grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held on Sunday at 2 e’clock at the late ome. Interment was made in the Mount Joy cemetery. Mrs. James Connelly. Mrs. Emma Connelly, wife of James Connelly, died at her home, in Elizabethtown, on Wednesday aged 26 years. Besides her husband she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cover, and the fol- lowing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Barbara Pennell, Mrs. Sara Zink Mrs. Irene Shatz, of Mount Joy, and Charles, Ralph and George Cover, of Elizabethtown. Funeral services (Turn to Page 8.) A me 7th Annual Reunion The seventh annual reunion of the Churches of God of the East- ern section of the East Penna. EI dership will be held Park tomorrow. at Hershey quartet, | Earl | followed | a half mile | Boro Council In Monthly Session ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WAS TRANSFERRED TO THE SINKING FUND—OTH- . ER COUNCILMANIC MATTERS Boro council met in special session Monday evening for the trans- action of the business of the regular July meeting. All the members and Burgess Engle were present. Mr.. Elmer S. Ebersole com- plained about his neighbor Mr. Pet- er Zerphy, turning water on his lot. Matter was referred to the Street committee. The State Highway Department, thru, a communication, stated that it charges people $1.00 per square foot for all street surface that is broken when pipes of any kind are dug up, and it requested that inas- much as it owns 18 ft. on the cen- ter of our Main street, this same rule should apply here. Council de- cided that as we have necessary. Public Picnic Grounds The Boosters Club of this place, Council's permission to build the foot log, install benches, | tables, ete, and make a public picnic | {ground on the island near the boro | pumping station for the benefit of | the citizens of town. The fequest was granted. License, Fees Collected Burgess Engle reported collec- i tions for license fees to the amoung { of $27.00 during the month of June land same was handed the treasurer. Stre:t Committee i Mr. S. H. Miller stated that South | Market street needed some stone; | That South Market now extends 1944.4 feet south of the north side of Ebersole—Deitz Eli Ebersole and Minnie E. Deitz, both of this place were married | Tuesday evening by the Rev. H. S. ren church, here. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride where the couple will reside after they return from their honeymoon. EE Appraisers Report On Nissly Assets |MESSRS. CARMANY AND ORTH | SAY THEY ARE $302,324.77 | NOT INCLUDING NISSLY SWISS CO. | The: total officially appraised as- of E. L. Nissly, E. Jay Nissly and H. Roy Nissly, individually and (as co-partmuers, trading as E. L. Nissly and Sons, is $302,324.77, ac- cording to the report of Appraisers sets (Jacob S. Carmany, of this place, | oY rand Jokn Orth, of Marietta, filed {vesterday with Referee in Bankrup- {tey, Redmond Conyngham. The assets appraised at this ure do not include the assets of the | Nissly Chocolate Company. { The estate and personal pro- perty of this company, however, thave been officially appraised at $48,812.31, and including this and any assets that may be discovered in subsequent examinations and in- | vestigations of the bankrupts, the jgrand total of assets will be above $302,324.77. In the official appraisement filed (Tarn to Page 5) semper =) essen. HAD SKULL FRACTURED DIED IN HOSPITAL fig- Swiss real William Brosey, of East High street, Elizabethtown, died yester- day at St. Joseph's Hospital from injuries sustained when he fell from the top rung of a ladder while plac- ing an awning over a window at the Hertzler Bros. department store, where he was employed as janitor and delivery man, on Monday after- noon at 4 o'clock. He is survived by his wife and six children. A Mn He Wants Compensation William Chyist, Manheim, R. 3, wants compensation for injuries sustained when he fell from a lad- der while employed by H. H. Zerph ey, a contracting painter. His case will be heard by Workmen's Compensation Referee C. W. Bas- ler, Thursday. etl A ene Harvest Home Services Annual harvest home services will be held by the Church of the Brethren at the Rheems house, on July 24th, at 1:30 P. M. A meal will be served. Singing from 6:30 to 7:30 followed by preaching ser- vices. Everybody invited to these services. rll QQ Festival At Florin The Degree Team of Otsego Tribe No. 59, Imp. 0. R. M. will hold a festival in the park at Florin, Sat- urday evening, July 17. Many good things to eat will be served. There will be amusements for all and a band will furnissh music. 3t ordinances | covering the matter, no action was! re- | Kiefer, pastor of the United Breth- MORE VIOLATORS PAY FINES. AND COSTS TO BURGESS Burgess H. H. Engle is deter- (mined to break up the many violat- ors of our traffic regulations. It seems as though they will con- tinue to violate repeatedly, and as a result the Burgess is making them pay for their fun. A number were arrested last week and paid their fine and costs, which was $13.50 each. ‘These off- enders paid fines: Earl Kenneth Ricker, Elizabethtown ; Melvin Charles, of Millersville Normal | Stackhouse, Coatesville; F. H, Fink, Harrisburg; Harvey Oberholtzer, IS. CC. Hetrick, Mt. Joy; Charles Hinkle, Mt. Joy. | The Burgess will positively not tolerate the violations and asks |that all obey our laws. He will ex- cuse you for the first unwillful | violation but be on your guard after | that. Our Big Annual | Union Picnic {WILL BE HELD AT ROCKY SPRINGS PARK, THURSDAY, ! JULY 29—WILL GO BY TROLLEY Thursday, July 29 is the day set aside for the big annual union pie- nic of the Sunday Schools, of Mt. Joy, Florin and the surrounding community. Many of our Stores and industries will close that day and join in an effort/te make it the most successful ever held. Messrs. William Tyndall, J. Brown Jr. of this place, and Clarsnce Musselman, of Florin will have charge of the amusements. Mr. Samuel F. Eshleman will again have charge of the baskets and tags. He requests that all bas- kets be at the Evangelical church and Schoo! House by 8 o'clock. The Thos. car will leave Rocky Springs at 6:45 P. M. and all baskets will be left at the School House here in the evening. The round trip fare from Mount Joy will be 45 cents and from Florin 55 cents. All children under six years will be taken free. Trolley cars will leave Mount Joy as follows: 6.46, 7.15, 8.15, 8.45, 9.15; 10.15, and 11.15 A. M. Returning the cars will leave Rocky Springs 5.55 P. M. an devery 30 minutes thereafter until 10.55, which is: the last car. tets will be sold at Dr. EZ W. Garber’s and Dr. W. D. Chandler's drug stores here, and in Florin at iD. Roy Moose’s_and H. J. Schadt’s ‘stores. Everbody is most co in ed to accompany the picy EQ KITCHEN SHOWER FOR MR. AND MRS. J. SHANK On Saturday evening a kitchen shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jocob Sl] large number of guests w ent and Mrs. ient of many u Those in ere: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Parke acob ank, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Zink, Ebe and Mrs. Marshal Shel- ly, The Florence Hershey, Susan Engle, Mary Hershey, Viola Reed, Anna Myers, Susan Heisey, Rhoda Snyder. Sarah Myers, Marie Messick, Rhoda 'Zercher, Mary Fry singer, Grace Wolgemuth, Mary Hess, Sarah Wolgemuth, Elizabeth Hershey, Alverta Hershey, Miriam Mummau, Irene Wolgemuth, Alice | Hoffinan, Ella Hostetter. Martha { Wolgemuth, Mary Herst, Katherine Herst, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess, | Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brubaker, Mrs. ' Andrew Zercher, Mrs. Jno. S. Myers, Miss Grace Dourte, Hess Brubaker, Paul, Elizabeth and Mary Hess, Ralph Musser, Paul Musser, Elias Musser, Paul Hershey, Paul Heisey, Harry Hess, Jacob Brubaker, Paul i Fitzkee, Glendon Snider, Ira Wol- 'gemuth, Warren Hess, Charles Rand ler, Harry Engle, Henry Frank Paris Wolgemuth, David Greena- (walt, Eli Wolgemuth, Harold Wol- gemuth, Abner Wolgemuth. After {refreshments all left wishing the happy couple good luck. OS Prof. Ober Spoke Professor H. K. Ober, of Eliza- bethtown €ollege, addressed the ocal Rotarians at their weekly uncheon yesterday. : President Bachman appointed An tony Warta and Jno. E. Schroll a committee to arrange for the Ro- itary picnic to be held at Long's Park, August 26. ——————— Electric Light Sale The next Community Sale at the Florin Hall will be held on Friday, July 23rd, at 6:30 o'clock P. M. They will sell live stock, im- plements, household goods, ete. Don’t forget the time and place. | ently Boosters Going Away ! At the regular meeting of the Mount Joy Boosters’. Club Monday it was decided to take the club on a little trip for its dinner and busi- ness meeting next Monday evening. A committee is selecting a place. t $1.50 a Year in Advance Don’t Fail to Accompany Our Union Sunday School Picnic to Rocky Springs, Thursday, July 29 Nissly Told To Return All Funds NUMEROUS DISCREPANCIES SHOWN AT HEARING BE- TWEEN BANK STATE- MENTS AND BOOKS The return of stocks and cash transferred to creditors by members of ‘the bankrupt Nissly concerns within four months of the filling of inveluntary petitions in bankruptcy is sought by Trustee John Hertzler for the benefit of all creditors of the bankrupt estate, in a move made at the Nissly hearing before Referee Redmond Conyngham in Court Room No. 1. Counsel for the trustee asked the referee to make an order on cer- tain creditors preferred by bank- rupts during the four months prior to February 23, 1926, to turn over to the trustee by stocks or cash re- ceived by them during that period from the bankrupts, on account of pre-existing debts. H. Roy Nissly testifying before the referee, declared emphatically that the statement of the Nissly as- sets and liabilities dated March 28, 1925, which was submitted to banks for the puropse of obtaining loans, was a correct statement of the financial standing of the firms. When called to the stand he was questioned concerning discrepancies in the statement revealed when com- (Turn to page 5) ——- Er 42 BABIES ATTEND LOCAL HEALTH CENTER The mothers of Mount Joy are realizing the value of the Baby Health Centre which is held every Tuesday afternoon from ofe-thirty until 4 o’clock. There was a splen- did attendance this week; there were 42 babies present, 26 mothers and 12 visitors as well as 15 new registra- tions. Mrs. Manning, Mrs. C. E. Knickle, and Mrs. Oliver Longe- necker were the hostesses this week, with Miss Hauck the nurse in at- tendance. It is desired that all children up to 7 years of age whe are to enter school in September be brought to the Health Center for free inspection. The next Health Center will be next Tuesday after- P. noon, July 20, and 4.00 Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY anytime between 1.3 M. Anna Hasslet and Ethel Smith pent Mon Rocky Springs. Mr. Sa nd son Joe spent Sur » York Co. Miss Ethel B. fer who has been quite ill » past few weeks is able to b« yu gai A. ( Con f yn, was the ues Mrs. Fred davs nd children of J L 1 Y ling everal 1e1 ents Ww 1d fam- ly sp ¢ 1 Saturday at Per C 1 r F. B er of Pasa- , is spending a few friends here. Mrz. Irvin Smith, and re the guests of friends for several days. Mrs. Clarence Brubaker of Harrisburg spending the month of July with Mrs, Annie L. Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp and son Gordon Patterson, N. J. spent the week end with Mrs. Annie L. 3rubaker. Mrs. John Wolfe and sons John, Ashur and Stanley, of Philadelphia spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loraw. Messrs. Wm. Morton, Thomas Stoler, Leo Smeltzer and Howard Kaylor made a trip to New York by automobile last week. Miss Margaret Stauffer, of Ober- lin, is spending a week at the home of her grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kiefer, East Main St. Miss Anna Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Walker, return- ed home last week from the General hospital, where she was a typhoid patient. Mrs. Lucy MacDonald and son of Merchantville, N. /J.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flaherty and son, of Sewell, New Jersey; and Mrs. Will- (Turn to Page 8) Eee ldletown and are of Frank Property Sold Mr. George W. Shatz, of Mrs. Mary Frank, sold at pri- vate sale and on private terms, the frame dwelling on = North Market street. It was purchased by Mrs. Amos Good, of near Naumanstown who will move there in the Spring. Gee Picked Many Cherries West end of town, has just finished harvesting one of the largest crops of sour cherries he has ever had. He picked and sold over 20 bushels ¥ hss p= executor - Mr. Paris G. Shelly, living in the.