MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL. on THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. By Charles Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union “| IRENE, YOU'D RATHER SPEND” THE WINTER UP NORTH IN “THE INVIGORATING COLD {7 THAN BE LOAFING ROUND (727 IN THE MILD ENERVATING CLIMATE OF FLORIDA, WOULDNT YA% NO, \'D RATHER BE IN FLORIDA NOW MABLE BONES 1S THIN AND SKINNY, AND HER DRESSES FIT HER LOOSE = BUT LIKE ALLTHE OTHER GIRUES SHE 1S TRYING TO - REDUCE { BILL, WHY DONT A SPEND TH' WINTER IN CALIFORNIA OR BECAUSE | HAVENT GOT THE PRICE, “THATS THE ONE AND ONLY REASON BOSS, YOU LIKE WINTER, AN' EVERYTHING 2 =] DONT YOU% DONT YOU JUST LOVE SNAPPY COLD WEATHER, AND “THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW BOY, I'M SAVING UP AY MONEY SO | CAN MOVE TO FLORIDA OR CALIFORNIA Three Groans fo NE WELL, ITS LUCKY FOR “THE SUBSCRIBERS THAT RUNKNIN' A NEWSPAPER, OR WORKING IN A NEWSPAPER OFFICE, AINT AS PAYIN' AS BOOTLEGGING, OR. THIS PAPER. WOULDNT BE PRINTED AND RETIRE r Winter | WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1926 THE OLDEST HAT STORE LANCASTER 1 Wingert & . A. HAAS, Propr. Lancaster, Pa. THE FLORIN/ WEA FOLKS IT 1S TO LAUGH AT WINTER'S GAFF J FOR. IN HERE'S H THAT CANT within while cold is without invite the Heat Folks into your bin. They are the original goat-gejers of winter weather. Jack Frost can cut capefs upon the window pane, but he dare not cross thif threshold—all his efforts are in vain. The Heat#Folks make spring days and balmy evenings to orgér. Ring for them now and place your order. F you want comfo Call the HEAT FOLKS For Good, Clean Coal Daniel M. Wolgemuth FLORIN, PENNA. Phone 151R4 Mt. Joy Exchange Needs furniture and furnishing Furnitu ~~ The importance of in the modern hme cannot be over emphasized, if you wish toy that will dg The best here to, H. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Entertain your friends in a manner husband credit. ay to insure proper furniture is to come yourself and your ake your selections. ¥est Main Street, Pound for poupd, Baker’s Coal will give you more heat, whether burned in furnace, Move or grate, than any other coal you can buy. A trial will prove truth of our statement. J ~ CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. = ~~ seRVIEE) shore. Here is one. W. R. Morehouse By W. R. MOREHOUSE, Public Relations Commission, American Bankers Association. ARTICLE NO. III 1X swindles are almost as common as sand on the sea. A widow was left alone in the world with but $6,000. She was urged to take a free ride into tha bs country to look over a new town site. pleasure ride, she was told. No obligation on her part. She accepted the invitation with no . intention of parting with her precious $6,000, but she fell among high-pressure salesmen and in an : unguarded moment she affixed her signature to a : contract to purchase a vacant lot for the $6,000 cash she had in a savings bank. Thirty days after she drew out her account for what she supposed was a business lot she re- ceived a notice that her monthly instalment of $6,000 was due, being a $1,000 payment on each of six $6,000 lots. Strange as it may seem, not until she received this notice did she read the HOW LAND SWINDLERS AND LOAN SHARKS DEFRAUD THEIR PREY Real Estate Bord W. R. Morehouse Reveals Further Schemes by Which Poor Widows Are Bereft of Their Savings—Unbelievable Frauds Are Worked on the Uninformed. Just a SAFE INVESTME bel Why risk a loss ifl order to make a profit? “Paper ofits’ are so of- ten ‘Pocket In all the vears of busineg§ history no one of the thousands of Miller customers All have Miller bonds offer terest up to 7%. fluctuations. Every gdollar is worth 100 cents, plus oF interest. # Represented by (0. ls Less Read over this advertis then we know you, too, wi iastic ASCO Shopper— Quintin O. Reitzel SALUNGA, PENNA. Phone: Landisville 33M Extension Strongly constructec Fourteen cents. Regular 53c Hardwood 0 oh Regular 9c LUX Toilet Soap Your Buying Guide of Bigger Values For items you need almost every day at very appreciable savings. Drop in your nearest ASCO Store, notice particularly Quality of Merchandise and the Efficient Service rendered, In the Stores Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest! Vi ~ Money! ement carefully, it contains many II become a regular and enthus- 1. Sixe 24x33. A saving of Regular 9¢ Princess Toilet Paper contract she had signed. Instead of buying one $6,000 lot and paying for it, as she meant to do, she had signed a contract to buy six $6,000 business lots and the $6,000 she drew from the 3 cakes 20c 1000 sheat rolls for 3 1. BAKER, Mount Joy, Pa. ment of $1,000 each on the six lots. bankers render such a service. Sad is the lot of the savings de- | positor who, after losing his savings through wild-cat speculation, is driven | to desperation for funds and finds it | necessary to borrow money to meet an emergency such as sickness or un- paid rent. Let me give the facts | about two cases of the many with | which I have come in contact. | first case are a man, who must bor- row $350 to place his wife in a hos- pital to save her life, and a loan shark, | who demands every ounce of blood. this loan shark for the loan of $350. This is what it costs him—the amount ‘is almost unbelievable but I obtained the exact figures first hand and I can vouch for their correctness —this man was obliged to give his | note for $925 for a loan of $350! | day he got the note the shark sold it to an innocent holder and it became | an obligation binding upon the bor- | rower. Think of paying $925 for a { loan of $350! . | Here is another. This time there is | a woman in the case. The woman needed $165 to’ meet a payment on | her furniture or lose it. She turned to Had she gone to her banker she would have saved herself the loss of her inheritance, but doubtless the rea- | son she had not consulted her bank was because she was not aware that In desperation the borrower applies to | The | bank had been applied as a first pay-¢ A Widow Fell Among High Pressure Land Salesmen | The Loan Shark at Work as to how this shylock can get away | The principal characters in the | With such a deal. Here are the facts. He charged a large commission for this same shylock for assistance and this is how he handled the case. He led the woman to expect that he would lend her the money but kept deferring making the loan from day to day. Finally, on the day she must make her payment or lose her furniture, he From American Bankers Association Journal telephoned her to call. It was now too late for her to make any other ar- rangements for borrowing the funds. The shylock had planned it so that she would be at his mercy and would have to accept his terms. He charged her $650 for a loan of $165! How the Shark Does It Doubtless your curiosity is aroused You save Five Cents. Reg. 15¢ ASCO Your choice of either Crushed. m--with no-boil-over The regular price is Special now at Roy Moose’s Florin, Penna. One 30c bot ASCO Vanilla and Extract ASCO Strained E. A. Tomato 4-6 East Main Streg! Tastes and Bread Supreme making the loan and also included a | wide range in fees such as for draw- ing up papers and notarial On | top of this he required the borrowers | to buy stock in his company which was worthless. Then he required them to take out through him life insurance to about one hundred times (he amount of the loan for which he re- ceived a liberal commission. In fact, | he resorted to every imaginable | scheme in order to bleed them of the | last drop of blood -they had to give. And the unfortunate thing about it all is that the borrowers in these two cases found it necessary to meet such exorbitant terms because they had already lost their savings through ill- advised investments. (Article IV will give methods by which people can be protected from fraudulent operations.) fees. | An idea of the size the 150th the T#; Mahal Best | THE FROM THE AIR and scope of the Sesqui-Centennial Internatioral | sition, which will be held in Philadelphia from June 1 to December 1, to anniversary of ndence. is given in this photograph. In the foreground is the great Municipal Stadium, which seats 100.000 persons North of the stadium can be seen two of the vast exhibition buildings. The first is the Palace ot Agriculture and the second the Palace of Liberal Arts. Opposite the latter building is the big auditorium, which seats 20,000 persous on a single floor To the teft of the stadium can be seen the world famons Indian building 0 a Ra the Declaration of American Yes Sir, That's My Before furers of Victor Bread g loaf 7 A Pan Loaf of excellent quality. Green Grocery ASCO | Schmidt's | ASCO it, Fish, Oysters Sparkling | Puritan Sliced Clams Gi Al | Cereal | Pi l AT ALL TIMES : ; inger Aie | Beverage rineappie eb. 17-tf 7 | 5 vt 12¢ pts 285¢ vee je No deposit required J on bottles No « Barber, “Cap” $& SCHOFIELD) § in St., MOUNT JoY, PA. Plain Bla -4 1b pkg placing £141 ke Killarney Tea . . Also manufac- crete Blocks, Sills 8 ASGD or Del Monte California Peaches i and Lintgs. Delfcious California Peaches ............ ne San 25s ——— Del Monte California Sliced Peaches .. .. . tall can 15¢ ASCO Royal Anne Cherries ............ tall can 23c STAUFFER & BRO. ABCO California Apricots .............. big can 29¢ Bear Sugar-Corn ii .can 11c MOUNT JOY, PA. ender Cut Stringless Beans ............ 2 cans 19c¢ ASCO Large Green Lima Beans ............ can 17c i ew Pack Cooked Spinach .............. big can 17¢ Del Monte Asparagus Tip You Can Reduce Yo Money Goes Furthest! Sugar Corn 2 «= 25¢ One pkg ASCO Buy Now and save Six cefits. ASCO BUTTERINE 7 nnd 25C Just Like the Bread Youf Mother Made! A pure milk loaf deposit required | What Real CoffeefSatisfaction means until you drink a cup ofthe delicious ASCO Blend! offee » 42¢ ASCO TEAS Pekoe, India Ceylon, Old Country Style all Your Table Needs in Our 23c¢ Packed in Sanitary containers Golden Bantam, Shoe Peg or Both For lc Corn | Starch | Lt Rich Creamy Chegse 33c Keeps Fresh— Big Wrapped Loaf 10c of #xceptional merit. A very healthful ck or Mixed 14c : 1b 55¢ 17¢ : 1b 65¢ 1-4 1b pkg 19c : Ib tin 75¢ OOOO s .can 35¢ : D000 3 cans $1.00 ur Cos t of Living by buying Stores Where Your These Prices Effective in Our CAR ASING A SPECIALTY SOIL MOUNT JOY. Store DOr of Tires and Accessories | - Phone 119R3 : a — { ” rietta St, Adjoining Groff Bldg. Always Room for Uncle | Ever Thus There's always room for a good man | A New York judge let a wife take Our HOT OIL tr nents | except under the same umbrella with | the bench and sentence her husband" 7 will make you grow | his wife.—Life. - | Asked by her if Ie had anything to say, more lux te Rarities True friends seldom come In bunches.—Houston Post-Dispatch. ‘Il be delighted. ADY SHOPPE ©. Main St,. Mount Joy | he replied, “No, never.”—Detroit News | Ste | ’ . | Nursing One’s Agonies | Vice Is but a nurse of agonies.--Siz | Philip Sidney, LBS Gi i 5 I Sa