i wd WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1926 . THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. by bawling out his customers. David Laskewitz asked his fath-|get the most pleasure: Ten nights AID TO BEAUTY OUR SALE REGISTER or er the meaning of the word in a Bar Room or Ten Bar Rooms 3 © OWL- LAFFS From what I saw the other night tagonize.” Harry said: “I’ll illus- in One Night? Following is a list of public sales WATCH and C a woman in town should write a trate with a sentence. ‘Eat your A WISE OWL es EE tne ll HW W.L ° Oo With Laughter) I've been reading in a New York paper that they're now making booze out of acorns. I suppose that old saying will still prove true “Great soaks from little acorns grow.” Paul Diffenderfer, one of the Bulletin’s force, got home from Florin a little late the other night. He was quietly turning at the door knob so his mother wouldn’t get wise as to the time he turned in, but she heard him and said: “Paul, what are you doing?” He turned the knob to beat the band and remarked: “I was just tuneing in WGY on the radio, mother.” It's easy enough to be happy When the world moves along like a clock But the man that’s worth while Is the guy who can smile With a hole in the toe of his ». Sock. You know it’s mighty nice to be an evangelist. He’s the only guy who can increase his business Values To $1.00 ONE LOT SPRING GIRLS’ Up to $12.00 Values MEN’S WORK TROUSERS Values to $2.50 BOYS’ SUITS 2 PR. PANTS Values to $12.00 ‘Boys’ $2 Wash Suits 87¢ Purchased a LOT WOMEN'S SILK HOSE ALL COLORS ballad entitled: About the Wood, “Don’t Mother; Worry Father Will Bring Home a Load.” One of the kids in the « lower grades didn’t want to go to school because he said the teacher was queer. One day she said 4 and 1 make 5 and next day she said 3 and 2 make 5. One of our local gunners says that a bird in the hand often costs a day’s walk and a box of shells. Here's a funny one.. Over in York county a man and his wife were both on the same jury and it agreed. Tell me not in morunful numbers, Life is but an empty dream; I have eaten raw cucumbers And I find that Life’s a scream. * “Why all the bandages on your husband’s head?” asked a woman here. The neighbor replied: “Rot- ten bridge.” hat, did he break thru?” “No, the darn fool trumped my ace at a card party the other evening.” This wasn’t Bill Miller but I understand he knows something about it. Up at the school’s’ athletic meet last Friday one of the boys said to his girl:: “Just one, darling.” She said: “What did you just win?” You know I don’t believe horses get very hungry. I've often notic- ed that no matter how hungry they are they won’t eat a bit. Ed. Ream told me that one. Ed. ought to know. That may be all right and true but I think a horse eats best when he hasn’t a bit in his mouth. 39 COATS GIRLS’ $ Values Up To $4.00 DRESSES Values to WOMEN’S SILK DRESSES Values to $12.50 George like to know if August died would Sep- tember mourn? Yesterday I said to Roy Sheetz, “How’s business?” He said: “Oh, it’s the buries.” But here’s one just as funny. There’s a lady on Marietta street claims she is only thirty years old. Next day when I went down the alley I heard her say to her neighbors she remembered a cer- tain incident that happened here and that was 40 years ago. A fellow asked me if I could Values To $20.00 ONE LOT DRESSES ‘WOMEN’S SILK N’S SHOES WOMEN’S Jac] dinner, children, antagonize walk.” A city girl tried to tell a Mil- ton Grove shiek that she originated the shimmy. He said: “Aw, go on kid. They wore ’em long before you was born.” Halbleib would quote that part of the Bible which forbids a man from having two wives. I said: “Yes sir: ‘No man can serve two masters.” I wonder if a woman with a double chin talks twice as much as other women? An old man and his wife from town went to Philadelphia last week and by mistake got into a burlesque show. He said: “Gosh, I bet they make money on these shows. She said: “Heavens, no, they can’t even afford to give the poor girls enough clothes to wear.” You know hats hide the bald heads, balloon pants hide the bow legs but why don’t they invent something to hide the fat man’s paunch? at the postoffice on Sunday some fellows were argueing something that happened ten ago. Out of which can you Up night about years ONE LOT LADIES’ NEW SPRING COATS $ 95 0 Values $15.00 "4.91 CHILDREN’S DRESSES Values to $6. One Lot of Men's ¥ Young Wool Suits Well Made Garments ONE LOT MEN'S AND WOMEN'S COLORED SLICKERS RAYON SILK A FAIR COLORIST or This young woman ascends a giddy ladder every day to put finishing touches to the “Rainbow City”—the Sesqui-Centennial International Expo- sition, opening in Philadelphia June 1 and continuing until December 1, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of American Independ- Under this young woman's skillfu hands the front of the Administration Building of the Sesqui-Centennial In ternational Exposition Associatior quickly takes on a delightful aspect She directs gardeners where to place the small trees and shrubs about the great stucco building. She is doing her share to make the big celebration of the 150th anniversary of the sign ing of the Declaration of Independ ence a success Touch of Savagery ence. She is one of an army of young artists who are making the Sesqui a colorful success. ONE LOT MEN'S SHOES Work 51.00 00 Or Dress to $25.00 E LOT LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S STOCKINGS Values to 35c¢ $6.00 SALE WOMEN’S SHOES ONE LOT WOMEN'S LOW SHOES, PUMPS AND & 00 OXFORDS Values To $6.00 J The civiilzed peoples are those that pay the highest prices for beads.— for which posters were printed at this office or said sale is advertised in the Bulletin. Saturday, May 15th—At Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., the usual large list of anything and everything by the Community Sales Co. Vogle, auct. Saturday, May 15—On the prem ises on Marietta street, Mount Joy, large lot of household goods by Benjamin F. Stoner, executor of Michael M. Stoner, deceased. Frank auct, Also at same time and place some household goods by Mrs. Mary A. Stoner. Saturday, May 22—At the form- er Market House, Mount Joy, big Community sale of anything and everything by C. S. Frank & Bro. Frank & Vogle, aucts. Thursday, May 27—On the pre- mises in East Donegal township, live stock and farming implements by Clarence S. Newcomer, Assign- ee of F. G. Neidigh. See adver- tisement. Friday. evening, May 28—At the Florin Hall, Florin Pa., the regular big community sale of anything and everything by Com- munity Sales Company. Vogle, auct Friday, May 28—On the premis- es at No. 207 Mount Joy street, Mount Joy, entire lot of household goods by Mr. W. S. Espenshade. Frank, auct. Saturday, May 29—At the Mas- tersonville Hotel "stables, Master- sonville, big community sale by Chas. Heller & Son. Gibble, auct. Saturday, May 29—At 2:30 “a his farm at Mastersonville, 50 head cows and some shoats by E. H. Witmer. Gibble, auct. Saturday, June 5—At 7:30 P. M., at the Bulletin Office, E. Main street, Mount Joy, real estate by Benj. F. Stoner, executor of Mich- ael M. Stoner, dec. Frank, auct. See advertisement. The Bulletin is always prompt in REPAIRING/ e public and clock sidence. All Your pat- I wish to inform that I will do wa repairing at my work guaranteg ronage solicipéd. CHASY W. BAYLOR Gyflduate of Bowman's Teghinical School of Watch- making, Lancaster, Pa. o. 12 West Donegal Street MOUNT JOY, PA. for sale cheap. This i fertilizer, has a be bought rig . J. ENGLE MOUNT JOY, PA. may 19-2t Built for Speed The sailfish is built for speed. He has been known to run out 100 rods of line in less than three seconds, eel en. Way of Large Fortunes Many fortunes, like rivers, have a pure source, but grow muddy as they grow large.—J. Petit-Senn, ee tll Erm San Francisco Chronicle. Values To EACH PIECE WOMEN’S AND NEW SPRING 45 9 SALE MEN’S SHOES# MEN'S WORK _ SHOES MEN’S GAUZE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS WONDERFUL BARGAINS BOYS’ SUITS 2 PR. PANTS Values to $10.00 Men’ Overalls the delivery of all printing. TO CONTINUE OUR SALE ~ Owing to the Backward Season, We Will Continue Our Sale Ten Days Longs dnd Have Lot of SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE of the Manufac fier S The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs orly $1.50 per year. Values To 75¢ Values To $6.00 330 LOT Tweeds, MISSES’ HATS s $1.50 Values to aC SHIRTS CHILDREN’S 3-4 SOX FANCY TOPS SALE MEN’S SHOES MEN’S DRESS SHOES MEN’S DRESS TROUSERS Values to ONE LOT MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS MEN’S WORK $1.00 Values 27¢ $9.5 ONE LOT LiT H SUITS Jersey and Fianneis Values to $5.00 * iy 8 $1.00