The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 19, 1926, Image 2

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i “SH for the first

J.-E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr.
Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year
Sample Copies ..... FREE
Single Copies ....3 Cents
Three Months ...40 Cents
Six Months ..... 75 Cents
Entered "at the post office at Mount Joy
as second-class mail matter.
The date of the expiration of your sub-
scription follows your name On the label.
d receipts for su
bscription |
We do not sen r
money received. Whenever you remit; 35s
“you are given proper credit.
a en he first of each
credit all subscriptions at t
h. ££
he subscription lists of the Landisville
Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy
Star and News, were merged with that,
the Mount Joy Bulletin, which makes thi
paper's ordinary weekly. -
According to estimates, one-fifth
farm homes in United States
Twenty-five per cent
music; 24 per
her and mar
t of

have radios.
of farmers prefer
cent make use of weat
ket reports. Forty-one per cent of
far women prefer - r
programs; 31 per cent, musical pro
grams; 8 per cent, lectures; 3 peu
cent, church services; 1 per cent,
garden and poultry talks. Ninety-
five per cent of farmers consider
their radio a utility as well as an
amusement device, according to a
recent survey, as radio brings them
market reports 24 to 48 hours
earlier than obtainable by. other

On Saturday, May 29 is the day
set for the first annual reunion of

the Legion Posts of Lancaster
county. This reunion will be held
in Mount Joy. On that day the
dedication of our Legion Home
here will also be held. These two
attractions ill bring many strang-
ers to our /town.
Now whi not have Mount Joy
look her yery best on this occasion.
Let's “doll up.” Paint, white wash
clean uyf about your premises and
see whaft a big improvement it will
itor leave town that
impression that Mt.
Let fevery vis
day under the
f° is one of the nicest,
and most progressive looking
not only in the county but in

In the Cumberland county court
at Carlisle last week, Harrison Hip
ple, of Bainbridge, was found
gnilty of shooting and killing Jac-
pb Fry, also of that village, mis-
aking him for an animal.
The deliberate shooting of a
man in mistake for anything is
pure carelessness. No hunter
should shoot at anything until he
first sees what it is. There was a
time when there were many of
these kind of mishaps every hunt-
ing season, but since the new state
law men have been more careful.
This should be a lesson to all
hunters who are in the habit of
shooting at moving objects while
in the .woods. Don’t shoot and’
then see what you've done. Look
first and then, if you see proper,
We hope this will be ample
warning. -
Chimney sweeps long ago went
out of fashion, in this country at
least, which may be considered
unfortunate at the present moment
in view of the need for their ser-
vices to overcome the “effects of
the hard coal famine.
This is especially true the
Northern - Atlantic States where
during the past winter, thousands
tons of soft coal were employ-
time in heating
‘appliances not designed for its
use. Furnace fire-boxes proved too
small for proper combustion, as
did chimneys, and the outcome was
heavily cooted flues, plus numerous
Cleaning smokepipes
at least once a year
necessary, even in regions
ally consuming hard coal. Unless
they are looked after before the
fall, there will be a regrettable
number of chimney fires next win-

and flues
is decidedly
Mrs. Adam King spent Saturday
visiting Daniel Kauffman.
Miss Ada Malehorn spent Sun-
day at the Du Pont Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and
family spent Thursday - visiting Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Derr motor-
ed to Perryville, Md., on Sunday.
Jacob Kreider, of Oreville, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Phares Meckley vis
|ited relatives at Elizabethtown on
ana Mrs. Charles Stanley
visited friends at Columbia. on
ny William Pfautz, of Mount
Joy, visited Mrs. Milton Archer on
e Derr spent
Mrs. Georg
Mr. and Mrs. Georg ne
Sunday with his brother,
Derr, at Kreadyville.
Mrs. Samuel Swarr and children
and Mrs. Jonas Minnich spent
Wednesday at Reading. _
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlotzhauer
and daughter, of Lancaster, spent
Sunday with their mother.
Miss Ella Minnich is spending a
few days at Reading with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Charles Courtney. .
Mrs. Charles Coble, of High-
spire, spent the week .nd with her
sister, Mrs. P. H. Meckley. :
Miss Martha Coble, of Eliza-
bethtown, is spending several days
with relatives at Landisville, |
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Minnich
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bassler, of Reading, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. “Benjamin Bricker
visited on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dombaugh, at Centerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lony and
former’s mother, Mrs. J. Godschall,
of Marietta.
Mr. and Mss. Jacob Geib were
Sunday guests of their son, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Geib, of East
Petersburg. 5
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Martin
and children spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maik, of
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, Edith,
spent Sunday with
A. S. Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kilgore,
of Lancaster, spent Sunday with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Harris Kilgore.
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Baker and
daughter, of Lancaster, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Buel, on Sunday.
Prayer meeting of the Church
of God was held on Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Summy
and daughters and Evelyn Heiser-
man visited Mr. and Mrs.
Steely, of Manheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flowers and
Chester Steinman, of Lancaster,
spent Thursday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stanley and
daughter, Mary, of Lancaster spent
the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Blecher
and daughter, Eleanore; and Mrs.
Howard, of Manheim visited Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Hess, on Sunday.
Herr and
and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown, of
Collegeville, were entertained on
Thursday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bricker.
The Missionary Society of Zion's
Lutheran church met at the home
of Mrs. Louis Mease Jr., on Wed-
nesday night. Mrs, Albert Hiest-
and was the leader for the even-

ter. A rag- wrapped brick lowered
inside of the chimney and scraped
up and down will accomplish excel-
lent results.
The smokepipe running from the
furnace or stove to the chimney,
should be taken down and smartly
rapped with a stick to dislodge its
incrustations of soot. If it
become badly rusted it is danger-
ous and should be replaced.
Such carefulness will furnish its
own reward in the form of better
draft and much greater fire safe-
ty. Now is the time to act.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fisher, of
Lancaster, visited Mrs. Annie Hicks
on Sunday.
Mrs. George Huntzinger spent a
few days at Media with Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Engle.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kraybill and
children, of Lancaster, visited with
friends here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lutz,
Harrisburg, visited Mr. and
James Johnston, on Sunday.
William Fadst, of Oil City, spent
the week end - with his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Faust.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eshleman,
of Mt. Joy, spent Saturday with
the latter’s sister, Mrs. Sue Wolfe.
Christ Beshler, of Coatesville,
spent the week end with his par-
« ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beshler.
. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Faust at-
tended the funeral of the former's
sister, Mrs. Rebecca Brobst, at
Miss Anna Haines, of Philadel-
phia, is spending several days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Miss Anna May Hoover is spend-
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Hoover and family, of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester McClure,
of Philadelphia, spent the week
end with the former's mother, Mrs.
Ella McClure.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haines and
children spent the week end with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Haines. :
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Straley and
children spent Sunday at Gettys-
has |
B. [Ira Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fenstermach
er and son, Walter, Mr. and Mrs.
| Henry Starr and Misses Mabel
{and Anna Starr, of Rohrerstown,
iand Mr. and Mrs. John Hess and
| children, of Kreadyville, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Christ Lane on Sunday.
A special meeting of the Ladies’
Auxiliary was held Wednesday
| evening at the home of Mrs. J. A.
{ Herr. Further plans were made
[for the rummage sale which they
| will hold in the rummage room,
| Lancaster, for a week beginning
| next Tuesday.
| A songalogue, entitled “Your
| Mother and Mine,” was given by
{the Young People’s . class of the
Zion Lutheran Sunday School on
Sunday morning. It consisted of
| recitations, readings and songs.
| Misses Alverta Bushong, Kathryn
{ Cooper, Evelyn Geiss, Mary Hersh-
ey and Alma Long had important
| parts in it.
| Misses Mari S
_ Misses Marian Stauffer and
Kathryn - Cooper were delegates
from Zion Lutheran Sunday school
Misses Hilda Minnich, Bertha We-
aver and Myrtle Witmer Messrs.
Christian Nissley and Amos Herr
were delegates from the Church
of God Sunday school to Young
People’s Sunday school conference
at Lancaster, this week.
The Ladies’ Bible class of the
Church of God Sunday school, met
at the home of Mrs. Elias Kreider
on Tuesday night. Those present
were: Mrs. Aaron Hershey, Mrs.
Enos Rohrer, Mrs. John Stehman,
Mrs. John Musser, Mrs. Harry
Greiner, Mrs. Ralph Shultz, Mrs.
Charles Baker, Mrs. H. B. Dattis-
man, Mrs. E. L. McElhenny, Mrs.
Benjamin Hess, Mrs. P. H. Meck-
ley, Mrs. Frank Nolt and Mrs.

services at the Lutheran Seminary.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huntzinger
and children, of Bainbridge, spent
the week 2 with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P
Huntzinger., : George
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the
Fire Company met Monday even-
ing at the home of Mrs. Bard Bull
er. Sixteen members were present
After the business meeting, plans
were made and discussed for their
annual festival which will be held

burg, attending the Mother's Day

on Decoration Day.
T. ler,
Rheems, spent last Sunday at
home of Mrs, M. Pontz, Manheim.
hold their
dollar and sixty cents for
without any demand for corn.
S.|be erected in this place during the
It pays to advertise in the Bulletin
The Mennonite congregation held

services on Ascension Day at the
Erisman Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer
were Monday guests at the home
of Naomi Spittel, of Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Strickler at
tended the funeral of John Stauff-
at Hammer Creek, on Monday.
lar monthly meeting of
d Society met at the
ndig on Mon-
The regu
the Ladies’ Ai
home of Dr. J. S. Ke
day evening.
C. M. Herr
Thursday with his
and family
Amanda Herr, and brother, IL M.
Herr and family.
Mrs. John Cooper, of West
Fairview, near Harrisubrg, spent
some time with Mrs. Lizzie Cooper
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Peifer.
Mrs. Mabel Cooper Morris, after
spending some months with her
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Peifer, left on Tuesday from Bal-
timore, by boat for Jacksonville,
Florida, where she expects to make
her home for “one year.
The male members of the M. E.
church and Sunday School gave a
banquet on Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs..N. N.
Baer to all mothers and daughters
Those present were: Mrs. Fackler
Mrs. Spahr, Mrs. John Kendig, Mrs
Benjamin Kendig, Mrs. Walter
Peifer, Mrs. B. F. Kendig, Mrs.
Nissly, Mrs. Joseph Greider, Mrs.
Samuel Eby; Mrs. Levi Peifer, Es-
ther Kendig, Dorothy Minnich, Mrs.
E. G.« Myers, Mrs. Maggie Myers,
Mrs. Norman Bender, Mr. and Mrs.
22 5

Al 3 A
pot |
Its éeono
on (Credit
Buying cheap tires
may prove gxpen-
sive in the png run.
But when fyou buy
Goodrich/ Tires on
our easy payment
plan yop are sure of
satisfagtory low-cost
E. Garber
Mount Joy, Pa.

family visited Mr. and Mrs. B. BE. Howard Peifer, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
Mann, at Lancaster, on Sunday. ter Peifer, Mrs. John Peifer, Mrs
Mrs. Emma Frank, of Elizabeth- Knobs, Mrs. Newcomer, Mrs. Mar-
town, is spending the summer with {tha Eby Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Seipe
her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Shultz. and daughter, Hilda. Anna Hall,
Miss Ruth Hoffman spent the Mary Kendig, Sue Fackler, Mrs.
week end as the guest of Miss ( Minnich, Mary Fackler, Kathryn
Elizabeth Menges, of Menges Mills { Myers, Mary Wertz, Edna Wertz,
Mr. and Mrs. George Derr at- | Mildred Myers, Edith Myers, Mar-
tended the funeral of Jacob Kauff- [tha Greider, Ella Nissley, Betty
man, at Sporting Hill, on Tuesday. | Reitzel, Eleanor Fackler, Elsie
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greiner anc |Peifer, William Fackler, Rev. R
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shultz motor- | H. Jones, Samuel Eby, Norman
ed to Conowingo, Md., on Thurs- | Bender, William Fackler Jr., Wm.
dav. Reitzel, Clayton Bender, John Peif-
Misses Grace and Helen Hoffman | er, Samuel Bender, John Kendig
of Middletown, are spending sev- Benjamin Kendig, Joseph Greider
eral days with Mr. and Mrs, Harry | Howard Peifer, Walter Peifer, N.
Rudy. N. Baer, E. G. Myers, and Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Coble and | Spahr.
family, of Elisshetiiown, Zo
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. alp
Shultz. RHEEMS
Mrs. Aaron Godschall and son se
are spending this week with thel np. ong aps George Flowers, of
The farmers, who were able to
1925 wheat, are enjoy-
ing the persent May prices of one
Ira Shulty, of Lancaster Relief
P. R., worked his
schedule at KU tower on Monday
and Tuesday, relieving third trick
operator A. G., Brandt, of Eliza-
Church of the Brethren
their regular evening services last
Sunday evening at Rheems. Ser-
vices were held in the morning at
the Florin house with a large at-
Andrew Heisey, farmer on the
Green Tree farm, planted eight
acres of sweet corn, furnished by
the Kope Evaporating Company,
at Rheems, who supply all their
farmers with certifi seed.
The building boom has reached
Rheems. Contracts have been made
for three new modern homes to
1926 season. Roy Heisey’s
bungalow\ is nearing
Sweigart, ‘the plasterer,
bethtown, startéd his
tractor Dan‘\Hgisey has completed
the roof on“John Wagner's con-
crete block semi-bungalow house.
Joseph Risser, of Elizabethtown,
has the contract to erect a double
of Eliza-
work. Con-
house for John L. Garber on the
vacant lot purchased from Phares
at Rheems.
The Lutheran Sunday School
class held a meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kraybill on
Tuesday evening. After the busi-
ness meeting a social hour follow-
ed. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Croman, Mrs. Paul Frey
Mrs, Harry Blottenberger, Mrs.
Ross Keller, Miss Elizabeth Swei-
gart, Mrs. Guy Gochenauer, Dr.
Thompson, Mrs. Walter Wealand,
Mrs. Harriet Lineweaver, Miss Effie
Shank, Mrs. A. W. Hoffer, Miss
Fanny Hoffer, Miss Catherine
Shookers, John Shookers, Mrs. Jno.
Shookers, Miss Ruth Hartzell, Miss
Jane Herr, Mrs. J. A. Campbell
of Lancaster. Miss Marie Harter,
of Maytown.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and Jno.
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berntheizel.
Mrs. George Campbell and Mrs.
Ethel Garber attended a picnic at
Five Mile Level, York county.
Mrs. David Rettew, Grace
Reba and Cleveland. Miss
Mummaw, Mr. and Mrs. Paris
Stark, Mr. and Mrs. John Young
and Junior, attended a family re-
union at Shenk’s Ferry, Thursday.

On Wednesday evening
2 esda; g, th
Otterbein Guild met at the Rode
of Misses Anna Maria and Linnie
Bard. The followin att 2d :
Nellie Campbell, Elizabeth ended:
Laura M¢Cune, Reba and Grace
Rettew, Marie and Harriet Flovd
Ruth Kauffman, Catherine Hertz.
og, Edna Weller. An interesting
business session was held. Refresh.
ments were served.
Disc Asparagus Bed
The disc harrow should be run
over the asparagus bed before
cutting season starts to loosen the
soil and to help destroy the small
weeds that will be starting at this
time. Plantings, that have not yet
reached cutting age, may be fer-
tilized early in the season, but for
the older plantings it is preferable
to wait to dpply the commercial
fertilizer until the close of the
cutting season.
The Stiff Fight
Adversity is a fine thing. The mor®
you oppose a beard the tougher it
— —
Students in American schools,
from kindergarten to college, total
25,000,000. =

is both odfrless and colorless,
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Your Rgxall Store guarantees
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A scjentifically exact product.
A Pint Bottle $1.00

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making a
The outside
front wheel
needs to
turn in a
larger circle
tg avoid

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1926

Commencing Friday, May 21
and Confinuing for Three Weeks

The Executrix of the S. B. Bernhart
Estate will hold a Special Sale
During which sale Special items f merchandise marked with a GREEN
TAG, and at greatly reduced p#ices, will be placed on sale.
In addition to these Specidls, during the Sale a TEN PER CENT DIS-
COUNT will be allowed other Merchandise EXECPT GROCERIES.
Also, all purchasers will be entitled to participate in premium offers
now in force. Your opportunity to buy Quality Merchandise in $10.00
units for from $4.98 #0 $9.00 and to further share in premiums now on
display in the store,
Remember the dates, Friday, May
: 214, to Saturday, June 12th

8. B. BERNHART, Est.
/83 E. Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA.
0000000000000 OOOO
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We invite you'to try today’s most remarkable Electric Washer.
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