AY, MAY 12th, 1926 PAGE FOUR THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. ; WEDNESD You may as well try to conduct OO * OOOO 0 DOU LHI . . : Here’s a Nice Home Use Hotbeds Again . i ith t capital as to 00 OO00000 Four Records Fell Religious News Who wants = ‘nice brick property; Hotbeds may be used for the your business withou growing of melon and cucumber try and get along without advertis- corner with wide lot on side, on > 4 ’ PUBLIC . . Fy street, one of our most Plants in paper bands oF Puts Si ing. There's no use, it won't go. Here on Friday In Our Churc @S beautiful residential streets, for fer the BS orig spe- eset = CLOSING 1 only $4,500. Finis properey Wont SHY gets EN State C2) Show Resins 1 | last long at that price so don't de- re : le av: be us : i Vyas Such crops also may e wives should be judged OuT m Page One) NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE | lay if you are interested. “| planted directly in the hotbed, a| Purebred sires showc bE { (kro d and th CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY hill to each sash, and allowed tc |by their progeny Ji team came in second an e . . Yoo their ancestors. oa OF POULTRY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES ' re third. BORO AND THE ENTIRE Subscribe for The Bulletin, mature there. : f Events for Girls SURROUNDING COM- TUESDAY. M AY 25. ’26 ie ball throw—Bsther Gar MUNITY ar. juni 3 ; Pauline ng | The undersigned will sell at sale along the State ros leading from {oe Anna Weber, soph- v ~ © Bainbridge to Maytown, three fourth mile ‘from the former and four miles from omore, 4 feet 11 inches. Donegal Presbyterian Church @ { the latter, the following to wit: Base ball throw-[anline ape Evening Worship 7:30 P, Xi ’ ® ® i 145 feet 9 inches; Esther Garber,| Ray W. D. Marburger, o 1l- | 4000 HEAD OF S. C. W. LEGHORNS ee ne We] pier WW, DO. Map © » | Ranging from day old chicks to 12 weeks old Pullets, Yearling and two geal er. 115 feet and 5 inches. White Roti ands; Cf. Ruts, 7 Dy OW Chicks consisting of ured Rocks @| ip Trond © jump—Esther| pipet Presbyterian Church fa : Garber. 12 feet 4 inches; Pauline| worship 10:30 A. M. 5 BROODER ROOMS Engle, 12 feet 3% inches; Mary Rev. W. D. Marburger, of Mill- | No. 1—Building, 10x16 it.; No. 4 and 6 are two 10x12 Buildings, attached on Diffenderfer, sophomore, 10 feet |, will occupy the pulpit at { skids, with double floors; No. 7 and 8—Building, 12x30 ft. with double floors; 4 inches. ? the morning services. | feed and coal bins built in Standing broad—Mildred Linde- -—- B U T —-—— 6 NO. 19 BUCKEYE BROODER STOVES | muth, junior, 6 fect 10 inches; Trinity Lithoren.. 748 IN NO. 1 CONDITION Ethel Smith, junior, 6 feet 1 inch; Rev. Geo. A. Kercher Pastor | Lot of home-made Wooden Chick Feeders, also Log Galvanized Feeders, Gal- and Emma Ellis freshman, 6 feet. pon: oo 80 A M. vanized Far Star Fountains wit tars; lot High jump—Ethel Moore, first; Morning services 10:30 A. M. 1@ & & i long Wooden Water T BH Wire, 15 In by JS ent for Laura Heilman, second; and Naomi Evening service 7 PM. i hovers; 5 Awn 2 d weather, some ing Gordon, third. ; fe dia Aid, Thursday, 7:30. Oni Diectric Iron in Good or on 75 yard dash—Emma Ellis, first; |@ : : Naomi Gordon, second; Mildred Florin U. B. Church 3 DOG COOPS, 3 DOGS Linderhuth, third. Time 11 sec- Sunday School 9:30 4. M. One Steel Gray Pedigreed Female Police Dog, e as they grow; one Airdale onds. San 2 % ds Sermon, 10:30 BeHifie Dos, extra good waich dog; one Fos Collie Male Dog %- mile relay—Won by the Mo her Tn MS EGG CASES Freshman team composed of Vio- Junior 0% PM 23 Hammock Filler Egg Cases, the only kind for shipping hatching eggs. Also let Gerber, Helen Schroll, 4 Margar- Qe Was PM 25 regular egg cases with lids and I Lot Chick Boxes, K. D. Disinfects et Charles, and Emma Ellis. Re to : fo rs and a lot of valuable articles not mentioned. Junior High Class , anterly ra erence, y Ti R $ P as Follows ’ { LOT HOME-MADE BOLOGNA Events for boys. At 7100 2, 1Ires ange in rice : Also at the same time and place we will offer for sale High jump—John Shares, 50} Church of God grade, 4 feet 4 inches; acob | REAL ESTATE Brown and Irid Grove, both sev- Rev. L A. MacDannald, Pastor 1 A beautiful] home Slong the State Road leading from Bainbridge to Muyiows, enth graders tied for second place. Ss. S. 9:30 a MJ. S. Hamaker, adjoining the Poultry Farm, property consisting of 3 Acres and 15 Perches, 5 : Meri Hauer, 8th | Superintendent. . xX oO ® vhich is erected a 2 1-2-story Frame House with Summer Kitchen, x16 Broad jump—Mer n ’ A : Te ® tod. ey av Flectric Delco i Bs grade, 13 feet 5 inches; Irid Sermons 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 2 in cellar, cellar cemented. Good well of water and cistern at porch. Fine Fruit Grove, seventh grade, 12 feet, 4 P M. 5 ¢ @ and Vine. Also Chicken House 14x2 Jemant Boory Sue, 16x48 ft. could inches: Walter Burr, seventh grade ian service, Wednesday a 20 00 © easily be converted into a two-story chicken house with little expense. 11s es o 7 Me S is ir rhe > wv iways ready sale for fruit and vegetables by 11 feet 7 inches. Ty x . Soil Js In Tighe hie a i fis bor th sod ly 100 yard dash—Merlin Hauer,| Choir 7428, 31x4 S. S. ® to @® ® No Dinner Served. will be made known by first, George Shatto, second, and All are cordially invited to wor GIDEON WAGNER, Auct. Irid Grove, third. ship with us. ABNER H. RISSER, NORMAN H. SMITH. Events for girls et : SAMUEL G. SMITH, Clks Bas 1 1 throw—Ruth Taylor Methodist Episcopal Church ® Don’t forget the date, May 1926. Sale to commence at one o'clock. i ase Da or inch : Rev. John Stetler, Pastor Bring cur coops for the ickens. Clean your chicken houses for the Eighth grade, 97 feet 3 inches; ev. ’ ® ° ® ® © EY ES a ar come and buy a stove and chicks at ili ighth grade, 65 feet| 9:15 A. M. Church School © chicks. if you have no brooder , come and buy a stove and chick Edna Heilig, eighth g ’ ) your own price. 10 inches, and Eleanor Brown, br, vi Garber. Superiniandent. . ay 12-2t seventh grade, 63 feet 8 inches. I Morning worship ser- ° P High jump—A tie for first place mon. : A t er 1ZeS in roportion between Anna Winters and Helen 6:30 P. M. Epworth Leagge. A Snyder, both of .eighth grade, 3 7:30 P. M. Evening worship an feet 8 inches; and a tie for third |sermon. ®@ place between Esther Barnhart any) i Wednesday, 4.00 P. M., Junior © Fannie Fauby, both of seven eague. 1x : ih Esth Barnhart a Brrr ui WwW rr f 1 t ck in all siZ es for Broad jump—Esther arnhart, | week devotional. ; | 11 feet 4 inches; Helen Snyder, Friday, 7:30 P. M., Meeting of e ca y a u S 0 | Yin eighth grade, 10 feet 4 inches; Viv [the choir. . . | $n wt ian Rheinhart, seventh grade, 9 = TOR d d l d d b k | Nr an St. Mark's United Brotiiten immediate de ivery, and we stan ac | Naw Y. \ 75 yard dash—Helen Snyder, Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Ji sar) ago \ first; Esther Barnhart, second; and Sunday school at 9:00 A. M . t introductiono Hilda Engle, third.’ Time, 10 see. !|H."N. Nissl , Superintendent. f 11. If - i theint f "Phe Juniors scored a. total of 3 IDE mL by Dr. 8S. O every tire we Se ® erms are e | 67 points, the Freshmen 44, the|C, Enck at 10:15 P. M. . i Sophomores 11 and the Seniors 4 Christian Endeavor at 6:30. 1 Il k i points. Leader, Jno. Booth. sire on t e payment P al, we Wi ta e i >. Worship and sermon by Dr. 8S. i LOCAL YOUNG MAN C. Enck,’at 7:30 P. M, i arterly Jonference z i Buttermilk Baby Chick Food ON REPORTORIAL STAFF |p "Sy « 5001© care of you. | This congregation will celebrate i ‘ revolutionized and made chick raising safer, surer Hele. Second of fee de) se « rola’? dication o eir church and mos i and easier. : The original “baby food for baby chicks kindly invite you to join with ! —Pratte—is correctly balanced, mechanically pre- thew. digested, appetizing, sweet, pure. It makes May we welcome you to these i ovhicks Live and grow. ; services. ® | After starting them right, keep up their health Sa 9 and growth by feeding PRATTS BUTTER- T. U. Evangelical Church . i MILK GROWING MASH. Gives quickest, Rev. Ralph Bornman, Pastor ] gs. most uniform and profitable growth. Every Saye Sones, 7 13 : Pratt Product—Feed, Regulator Lice Killer, Bl Brey TO Disintectant or Remedy—is sold under this Preaching, Sunday, 10:30 A. M. uare-deal guarantee— Christian Endeavor, Sunday 6:45 * Se I Ean Back If You Are NotSatisfied” "How 50 ie the Bibs» Mount Joy, E. Main St, Lancaster, 11 N. Prince St. D. ROY MOOSE Preaching, Sunday, 7:30 P. M. 3 162 3138 Florin, Pa. There will be another Teacher Training class organized by Rev. | po he Sa oy Bornman and any one in the Mt. | a NT A ar Joy bozo aad may join no matter what, church you belon i WITMER EBERLE too. You are welcome. The tims | Witmer Eberle, a well known |Will be stated at the Sunday ser- young man of this place, has ac-|vices for the class. « 3 3 : . os cepted a position: with the Lancas- dies Aid Society will meet on i ter Intelligencer as reporter. Mr. ec nesday after prayer service. Eberle was connected with that pa- Troi P. Society will meet on ; per in this town six years, beginn- LY ursday evening at the home of wth ing as a newsboy, and working |™TS Paul Pieffer at 7:30, | himself up to general manager of | We are ready to supply the routes in Mount Joy and Flor-| LOCAL DEALER PUBLISHES ‘ | . in. He also was a correspondent THE TRAFFIC TOWER you with with the Steinman newspapers for | two years, and wrote special Mt. A very interesting little maga- Joy articles for the Sunday News |zine, called the “Traffic Tower,” is 1 for a period of six months. being published by Mr. H. E. Gar. He did Senge Wang: ber, local Goodrich tire dealer, and ! . . and quite a few o is articles ap-|the first issue is bein distrit ! Of special quality, of either peared in the Mount Joy Bulle- {now to car owners BM . | white or red ash. Price rea- tin. For a while during the win-|community. | bl ter months, he conducted a Sports The contents of the magazine erve ou tter | sonable. column in the Bulletin called “Joy |are devoted to subjects interesting | y iid . Town Sport Quibs.” : to fhotorists—touring advice, hints 5 | We solicit your business. Mr. Eberle is .a graduate "of |on the care of tires and care in : Mount Joy High School, and the |driving for the sake of greater | Call Bell Phone 81R2 Commercial Department of motoring safety, : | caster Business Colors He re- very humorous stories give . i sides at the home o is parents {the reader fifte i iy . . . i E I I 7 er ch er at 102 East Donegal reas Mt. ny ie: Movi i We have the tires and the tubes that are delivering thousands of extra miles— 1 Jovy. “How to Enjoy Jay Walkine” ic All { 3 . Joy Jay alking” is fill e Eee. y 3 . eo EAST END od ith hints” to the pedestrian Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires | “The Honeymoon” advising him how he can conduct : 3 | the The Men’s League of .the Trin- in crossing the street met Every fiber of every cord is saturated and insulated with rubber. | {tv YE . rr ri iv a |Jangle the rves viele . : { MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 Lutheron Shines Sol Ee danse ton nerve ig Used by the operators of the biggest taxicab, motorbus and truck fleets. These Poy el yan 2. Joy al, ed by any golf enthusiasts whey big buyers measure mileage and demand Most Miles Per Dollar. day evening, May 17, entitled, |they read: “Bertie Joins a New “The Honeymoon.” The admission Phan” Yori Firestone Steam - Welded Tubes | mv oO OOOOO000000000000000 | 1s 45 cents and a nickel extra for Mr. Garber .says he is planning . ean ; reserved seat. 2t|to release three more issues of the Steam-Welding vulcanizes the splice in live steam —a special Firestone process | RE © === $y. ate Tower” during the sum- —assuring an air-tight tube, so important to the life of your tire. | i { En Feed Grai ith Past ' . . ing Contras oon liners the mee You, too, can get the extra mileage, economy and comfort now enjoyed by the nat cows are turned out to pasture. Avoid Early Pasturing big transportation leaders and by hundreds of thousands of satisfied motorists, by on Ely pasture grass is very watery Do not turn the cows out to pas equipping your car with these wonderful Gum-Dipped Tires and Steam-Welded Tubes. 5 and grain supplements are necess-|ture too early. The first grass i : : yo ary. Equal parts of cern, oats, | watery ih Cantar fit g i WE TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE and will give liberal allowance for sta and wheat bran make a good mix- |value. Pastures are injured 3 unused mileage. Come and see us. neq ture for this type of feeding. the tramping of the cattle when ® rm eee on . > > the ground "js soft. Better “wai Oldfield Tires and Tubes th The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs only |until the grass is well started be- : kK 1] $1.50 per year. fore opening the pasture gate, Vv Let us show you why Oldfield Tires and Tubes have made such a good name for nt Cay rT TE themselves. Compare these tires and tubes with any others on the market. a Mad A F £ b ] 1 \ M k 8 ade in the great Firestone factories by expert Y 3, dt his car Don t aKe Next to Your Own Home the Best Place to Eat is Here tire builders, and carry the standard guarantee 3 ly Mistak HIGH PRESSURE RD OVER-SIZE . This Costly Mistake coos SIZE BALLOONS at ud 302314 Regular Cl... cove $10.25 | EB 14 a Size C1: .- aa Plan this year to keep your cows in the barn, on a 2 5 0. Sos Extra Bice ine, Hy vers ran, sa ey 16.78 T fl. ~Larro ration, until you know you can turn them out / aii BIL re rrr ira ABO ie ses 17.50 without “sacrificing profit. Too early pasturing is Sen {0 3x4 S.8,.0.0 0000 ied none 19.20 2954.95 al 15.58 costly—itewill cut milk production, pulj down the con- 0! a BALES. ian, 23.70 3135.25. . dition of your cows, and damage the pasture itself. dg Baan S. Sion 31.28 33640... Ian 21.93 By all means use your pasture when it’s ready, but . sess sass nents tresses - Sees eins 25.18 right now your best bet is Larro. Tuffield Olena Columbia, Penna. : ’ Proprietor Cor. 4th & Locust Sts. H S N WCOM R & SON IM | DANIEL WOLGEMUTH i. . S. NE E , Joy FLORIN, PENNA. apr. 14.tf EVERYTHING IN SEASON | SPECIALTY OF DINNERS EA R L R . MYERS, Bamfio rd Pa. in The Bulletin WHEN IN COLUMBIA GIVE US A CALL